HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times., 1909-06-24, Page 6.04 littlo
yet 'sprIlYA
tatilinxiii bitsmess.cxIeriIkMut
ich -ferifiCri-ciiZOOritted
lie. Station, awl io vOltinteer
rimelkts reported by otiter potato',
r 'were. The.'Station, ',tette
USE* '
MrirrntirT. 10en
at te1
bng Ida
May au 1,
010 atom
his rresenie, fo,r
eeiuto ,tho glass,
agein, and she had
at .wototik�;' ,41,4414,1.,
He GO fi r ber. rooxu
wi -bout forcibly raising
flow, Which she had b
bcginningZraeYing to shut ou air .frin tho. 1k
• s is. -
. 1
tong argumcnt au pro
avy out her imitruetion.s,
- dt -110 # , vort-o
irder 07 own
. keep ' r
She .fcar y or:11''
h-@ nught,:Orous t1ue I *o
, ..*"..s4f. ,.
o 4 profane .
44djoining rooin.
Cupie(1,1 drew down
*lighted the gas
ineo during, th 141
tildt, gent'
wee & harp cOn r
her -Own
t intb an her tei e
as 240 oe- "lou irnpudent
'lades 'an4 ancI never Presura
nty ,of 'eggs.- r
thought'&13 if poultry would
I .
. nature 144404, but if rightly co ,.,
Ajled. and properly earc.1 for thi8 is
not q It is true that in roatutS
life fowl3 canpik up.and oboote
, tuth fiiod" frour thofie1ds'
meadows as suits their fancy,
Ou the other hand, requires e
ntuch exere'se; Oat It 'results in
c*tirig to live rather than to pro.
k hou1d 8endv
copy of
1a limited, number o
ouhl be'availabio for -Catta..
x 0 . 5ueh abold. istp while
t1IG house wa lightc'd and peoplo mo
"I a ine about. Re would probably wait
- until everything- was - quiet, and
Ova; - try o rob:her ,Vi - is
.,,,....,....,......„ ....„,„„„
1 Stnn race, got
him and like
rd the,
The man
rheue lights flasiied thrmghjIe
• a
g; th.en, assui.ningeahuness
tjbtrate1y tepla-e-cd-thrTreadmi
ket at the bettom of her trunk, af-
ter which he proceeded -with be
packing intguntil „rite had '
c.h. had take
er trunk at some
. had sen thecae,
Iefy Inn—she
1a.. of safctb
ou pro y thnk it was sccur�-
lodged in sime sa, ety deposit
-81;0 was-vety -Weary when she fin-
alIy retired, bjl ho could not
CB wcrouisuc1i
rint of etherrino.
14 mood' there ate few -010.
a. el
three /Inge
oth cheek,
(To be
ept:ust niatr e ee:' t:ialttil healthandof
itad: o:
ostever, it is possible
i4041clutls of food es
and furthermore "deter.
that itro .1" There i
no opportunity lor, sillole egg to
belost' in the VASS for some
nafe 4-ttek.-
e e u ra. e t an ex-
cited oath.
"Did you hear 'that, Bent?" he
cried; Othat 04'a name is Veiling -
By my sou X
believe fate has put me °lithe right
track at last. VII bet he has ;got
that ruby, or at least knows where
it UV*
toward her, bureau, to outp!;y the
drawers of their content*, &tie-
ing' again 9arelettleY, ito he .did so,
at the window, to An e i -
tense relief, that, the fa:ce had dis.
She longed to spring forward
and draw down her cartel% but
she did not wish the man to know
r- ton n away witfi
yu," returimml his comrade, with
a skeptical Shrug of Wahouldery
be a monomaniac yourself,
you don't look out. Auteg,
CeTthough,. that the
ame should Ise--Welittrg on ut
where could- she have boon hid -
e7 we around the rock, upon,
a tour' of _inspeetion., and -thus
found Eather'e tozy nook, after
• Which they resumed their eats,snd
or -,S
For everal days after that E -s -
:titer scarcely dared venture be-,
,yond the cottage grounds', lest she
ehould xneet the Man who was
teaeldog for the "twin ruby," and
lie should *interview her upon the
subject. But he SIM nothing " of
'him, and ;ideally the fear were
Ira NIA*, lork by tho end -4
eraltly- exereised-with tboughtr
going to • school, :ruin led with
man W012 -.Nit *Th.4 to the re.0
iiicerkt uponlircr-n-plarfs-to th
• 'The' cremeg previous to their
eparture from lake George, Es -
vas' kept busy _until' after ten
' Volock,..astosting-Mrs.::: Mistime
with her p&cking - 'e.
• _,'N..)thert slie was flnally released
' • she went inutediatoly to her own
• rijotar.i./.001„#htr-o_Vi-tronktiad
et trilie -peaked. She emptied it
of its Contents, and then sat down
*upon the 'floor to arrange eve
. "thing 1» an Order -1Y and cot:spite
While -thus engaged, she von
'10 .
-leaden ease*
r -
on t bite, and
'which h come like.* rookin.
• fain tspOn heart. ' t
"Oh, what' a buisleu arett".t.
she murmured, with a sigh, as ihe
• . ttittted over -anct ievedr,.. in her
had, obiervirot where it had been
freshly itotoptodr---
tit(' -ever-iknow.-to w Oro,„
eould but 'have kept
iouto _longer that day
ve learned the mime of
- that id, And that. would hive
y h v00411041 the
hzd be-
r.ence to tho two Men
.1 "Birt / *at so
'd my aft0
onhy lit was to
0 ib10,!"
her work untilor trunk was fufly
T1 it she mnoved her boots, af-
ter which she began to unbutton
her 4 'rekiiii;:p*Wir '..atay -to ---reti'x.ing,
hen she appeared to Observe, for
the Orst time, that her ;curtain_ was
still up. ,
. Very deliberately the walked to
the window and drew it down, and
three minutes -Tater -had- extiogu.
ished her light.
AheliarLacuntentiaii. of: *
bed at -present, fir the irett-inik
rtt AWE wasagainupon her knees
before her trunk, when, diving to
its depths, she once *ere drew
forththe precious casket. •
"What shall I do with it r she
whispered, tremblingly. "It will
never do to let it remain. ,here, for
that man' certainly means to bar
nap, but nit of the night she lay
-listening intently ler steps and
suspicious Movement's 44'0 tho
dawn faintly in the east e
gain anything like a sense. of s
ourityl then tired -nature . assert -
c! itself, and, fallingInto a sound
.siturtber, she. Au not awaken un.
laimed to 'lomat regul
y is so nuteh gain to th
here is a 40
where beggars
at and,meele to do farm n4 otber
work weticrlike it
o 0
oubledrbeing o eesry
hing tathytbozb
se in the 'egg yield let
sa is action of koowi
els poultry is, is al-
nitmt suro to be enough *aro to
mike it pay.
pigeons 'Ave their libel*
ther _consi,(lereble
it,eee weed tkeetls. and .th& CrQp
only pattly, Mkt
Get rid of the -ties in the stablo
d eradicate th
plaeos.*..The resultsof exoriiuents
by government isurgeonyeicians
and other reediest . exports afford
ample backing to . the statement
introttitinunter tdangers; th
here the leoist precautions are
taxon., 'I
The' advantagee of rovidi ng
-water for
vout the ctheac known ..
pay lose up.
-0ntur hours
6 ,17T by 4,-, rier„
great-grandfat1Lez of the Lorda
thn who has just 4ed. .,
IrO CUrLOUS ti1l .
forogo away 1 rom tho apiary,. t key
oftentimes, water wineh is
mipure arid. of. eo low a temperature
as to be injurious to then' delicate
organisms, an. ey coope.,c ith
andcan not return-- to the late.
Place pure water in dose proximit
o the colony k'e'ep,teult)ent-
ture of the Water right.
re uontly- borate are wuter-ed
re.** that, foimer or
later,• would again cncounter
the-seekerof tho' "twm ruby," she
Waimea: to a bigh olief
Over the fact that she svasgonig
hack to the eity/ieliere it -would be
'more diffieult to hnd her. .
Tim fvdlowing week! after , the
Oushmaos were settled in their_ele-
gent borne for the winter, 4uto
venture:1 to again broach the. Huh-
jeetrtixerfxehtyee .
.1i -happened -tims;
Mrs. Cushman came into the sew-
ing room one morning with an arm -
tut of towels, the fringe of Which
was to be overcast, and after she
had concluded her instructionsre-
garding them, ther quietly ob-
served': ' •
. "Mrs. Cushman, the schoolbe.
eatingonionlls girlshonld,
liiiniediately: sit down and peruse
some work of *fiction that is caleu-
Iated.f.4 .:take her IKesith .43141. ...
' •,...4:/..;.4..,
• Sheep pastured on. hillsi'des „are
pt to be near.sibted m orke eye.
of.. thcNew York Stat t
Station vo) for Ififfi ana 19D3
aro summarized in a single ropi!-
ar n..,o_lo.),-)--artr-art-i,
now being distributml. Thesex two
yeara were dry *0430103, $0-11vit
blight was ahnestyholly absent one
uvrre WiI1y
hard work .while gorged with bulky
food,. Is it not it wonder' that.
orseswhieh are thu.s...oeglected do
down Much -sooner an
they dot Of:tourers, the,man who
thus neglects his horses pleads the
hurry of the season, and there is no
objection, ,excopt upon humane
groundte7trrtreating hit liotsc10- a's
lie."Marlike;-Init-doer.' it paY1 is
-it profitable to wear out ti worth
lJoes it -pay to •
-order to save in some other direq-
tient We do not believe that there
is any profit in that sort of manage-
ment. '
foamier, Ifved in tbe little villag.
of Burton. 0120 day aonleone tart.
t.4 a brOveVY in 'tit
211*10:012212.011 rnonry out of it tliat
the carrier thought
try to do the $4.1410-.
thing. Aeeord-
iugly, he beearee-a brewer,but for
his -li
OUfl 4 ICW
er to &end hi beer to Russia at
hdia y -water 2 than. wagon to
ale was wrecled in the :414 S.a4,
/Audi of the ale was solved, and Was.
fterwards 'sold 111 Liverpool. The
r more, and from .this
ing grew UP ft big trade in the
tended throughout the entire eoun-
-te and "tatinmtely ail over 010
like tile femous Burton brew
fTecfs other interests, it mght be
mentio0d. that the land icqulred
y...Wounils Arab 'Who
for Bass and Co. would excet
000 totes, while 5,4000 acres more
would be' required to grow the "
hops. Asat matter of feet, semeo
tous of raw material are osed.,
Boss and Co. -every year, and v.
cti tho features of the storap.
*111 ,hold 20,000 pockets of hops.
To facilitate operetirms in thegi-
gantic preiniset at Burton the tom-
pa,ny has a 'network of seventeen
miles of full -gauge railway liner.
The works traffic employe MO rail.
way trucks and eleven locomotive:It „
in addition there is a Xpeeial :m-
oo T
"I do not want to .give it to Mrs.
Cushman, and tell her the secret
°tit," she went on at length. -I ., 'Tout
dO...o0t.:„..trust...ker_.....afireinigikt_telte__ !."Xes,'?.- - - -
A liotivzoi,..maripiti, beitrA ne..bitait-- ItiUly---You--ea ' ' snacdin,ss with anything so valuable in lestron, sharply.
my possOssion. Noe—. Oh, I know ',Why not if you please r
what l_wilI dor .4 i by
"7" ''WriffieriOrg-lir4ter 0.fr" 0.---37111!-----1-1-tiP at
her l_simp,:with tome Matelot frotn I 'Ali help you an r can, night
'her' bureau,. and taking it into her lLnd morning --1 will ,get up an hour
civietTaett it fill(ta.tlie'lker-.41, the earlier every. 4.s.—..„
furthest corner. . ria .
tiretc-t feti0411iiric to"._
fieeehool duringtheeominfryear,"
„Esther continued, with ea little
;stress on the pronoun.
reitikttirmr— st.tseiltei_tivarunk, thri4 terposedtzseset49 eis.hnorn„, with tight.
r -o
Ooing,baik to, the ost shut'
the door, when she 'relighted her
Amp, having taken alt these pre.'
cautions so that the light should
ito-4000 ilt herroo
(*Cite tle tospicien of the
and ort --the- wate
u she began her nprrations.
t with her shears she out and
ied off one end of .the leaden
although the was obliged; to
rk somoutime befor. ageomplish.
.-Wirsurgh—tWorame-Ja soo
1oidArient4Ifiesiear in the high
If 'that "it. to, ,,yea have*
education enough for A girl, in our
position." .
- 44- may- not -41WAYS:he
preen L position," Esther return.
ir-strany-echew.--4- spirit, -
bright; starlet burning 'oup
va- tacit cheek: ,
'Really!, *hat ;exalted' position,
ato you contemplate, occupying'.in
tthe future,, may inquiret
mended her ComPatoone with
ing sarcasm.
- "I do not know, of thourao,
the girl* cahnly; it wasp.elutr-
tie. of her that as other
iCbee*no ,exdted sae'grew
(ItUet aridelf-pose0*' chanthermakl."i
epatture of he lioness„, and th
oh her of the whelpi. Posting
themselves. on a high cliff, or in a
tree overhangiog the lair., as soon
• they Hee trinlion axiJioiica go
own to the plain, they erects. to
the 'Air, wrap the cub's in the folds
f their'hernouses in Order to sum.
f Where re
re waiting with horses. One (la
%ixty-Arabs surroundedthe
• y: air and by. .shoutt tthd
is 0 roUhC IC honest'
M..la wever;
emained in her. 1a and
t out their
'labels -4o i t li
tiers throughout the world.
InAddition.-tolirewiaglerser-pree--- --
, 4 Ae 8yEtst;ve-rey7Tr:e.11: EullikedrIbUyn' .the--
flrm is 'Inside on thepremises from
r to the toppers while -st
,.. e srattr.--%hif-1; rerirki&a.
-woodetrairovelft of whieh there -
re thousands iiistotk. One .04110
i ._..
ort, ieterestiog de ntjig the
a ..?Ilt.?
AM tO,Orilt eL
- iiiiiiderfit building h.
tind" hooz.jrots aro fed in *id rP*
oti \.
* firii*bed asks.___A_
. r ,
t thewhelps. e. their 00. aik i kept)
success, .they were retiring to theirare mad
telifi when, tad.denly the; sheikh, traide.
• whoolL.
iiwt3:1doils:iticlitboirytt.,i1:4, orkami, ittidoit,,,jortettliitrtedlet „rThei.A.
Ic.,1143top.h.thwliteig. 4.14.0",0u,d..anod:14itoott 4i4lattimitywita4tiatiii.,11stritrielhii;, and, as
er4)9tv avd
-pran &t tho. youug nepbtw,,7ft_ iti*tA ' iriodnitst 44-....t
.placing his gyn. , o Iiis,Aort.141er Dorton' toWituis his' ,c;
, ' wit*u.iptihi, e!"nfj'tbean tyttirb:!rts'mb/tdt:r:ie'tdz':4g:ed:::,'.:hrl;!j'.11f:eltltyo'e:h4b:t:it7eittl*'tMtiti 11:Cir;'-:311.* altit'bigit.'1111:74:00teillilfclittitlIftill°bC.'• ' t *4.
bi St 11-1t1:141i0-til=te' It1,1:"Viiirthwtittirh:oeentrlit'':!iluitilc),11-p'IThui:1:11': e '
u ' The lionets 1161201 *, 01
6 U
e ment
. '
tT$ MEI, ' WithOtit * cry, drf
1115 1..nitol, aud . tired - at her 'bre .
-S' l ,
...,dro t arm and 'bon
rn lit '
halt 4lown . TOPA IttlawAy It8
throat was .2 1114 '11P1' Whim- •
IIC ll
, ,,, ttth� lioujiler. .etitten , '0Ii, you ' :g
V c...,
,j 414