HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times., 1909-06-24, Page 5• .
Received another ,lot
of fancy wide%
Tama both sides,
eat designs, also
plidner one from lOc
Per Yard* 4
an exceptional o '
One In _•tt,k10. . Had
to repeat Ouitto :der*, on
both And. tix :Week- re.
tolved.. another :OAP»,
rtleih ent
itt her home I .
Wolfe was in ton
IA1E44r. prent&
Ijs L'"75u,C111::°' ti;"144 ,
one &iy last week.
Mr, And Mrs. gdworits arrived, back
atter vi1.3iting friends . iGoderiPh.
'Itafris spent • Sunday in
Lfgiop.lb ,
40..100 arKt-iniss Inman Spent
Mflton-Atkinson: urrifed-hitifie
vithting'.11157"Ilaren, 31-4
rawberrY Festiva, I %lin be held
on Friday 'evening in ',the Methodist-
• .cloareb•-grouuds.„Eot-lurtiver_.4;mr
titulars see bills.
- Mr. Harry Fowler, bas returned -01-
er spending Ids holidays at Seaterth.
J. Erecter, of Zurich, was
hrlilhtereirvi.:itcnnie piAchurches week
wbo was' there reported
fine time.
. ••
Jinni -Seibert,- of Illa.shwend
sins' • e nest or 'grS; i3raunkism•
"sous* fgast,,ratopattyr
b4';cbLted ;5 jt is. btter.tb
owder. or heat- rapair e
; -etc.. Sufferers fron
iks I find 1 • iodisPensable.
mid. sta., • ,
w de,
ood, black,
ly recom.7
iL "with lead.
*co lime
SUIT fit* line we have a conaplate ran
's o 1.13 ice lot of two piece enturner Suite.
u 1,3trii:414; birteTTLe"..a-felta
ran y Veai. Soce,Underwear, handkerchiefs,.
-speIdatrimge-ef-RainVeats, <reverts'
aCk -1CObats;--Lattersilk-itte
• et:N.
in eto.date.st
1-541 Pants.
ring over 300 Boys and Youths n
atAi:)arg4in prieesl.It wiU
so &Sue s.deetirstook of Men's
le and latest shades at the very
• Linoleums
yell seen our, stock yetwe
e Moot extensive stock of the
acids we have ever handled. Our
of T.ipestry Squaxea are beatzti-
Lulilty excellent prices the low--;
• have juitliebby
Stook of Felt Bate. AlSolteree.- Boys
Childrens Straw Hat*. Who Iateet
-styles and low pekes, , • .
• '
y wedding took pkaceat
the e, at Mr. 'Iceland% on Thur -
day, June I?th, when bus dughte
" a. was united •ta rt. Arthur
Kjn: the G. T.fl. a ge
salJ. The •coremony was performed
by Rev. Frank Powell, of chesley,
assisted hxyee, *Mr; Smith, of Hew.,
twenty-five fr,4.+04i- The, house 'was
beantifully decorated for the- occasion
with palms, ferns and eut •.flowers,
and the bride and 'groom took their
vonty-Itt w4S'
a1t4r 'the ceremony, and, at 4.60
Mr. and Mrs. Xing left for a two
weeks' trip down, the St. Lawrence
nftcr ' • ie
" rt4P
'Mnday in tucan.
a Ise Edna Brock, of Exet-er apent
few days ith ber -sister .Mrs. D.
-.Mr. • and Mrs. Voultis, of Exeter,
Pent Sunday at the borne or mrs,
tcau,rray. -
r days in town visiting friends.
and Ur, ficott„, left for
whet; og4
they will make their tut..
Although Our opponei.tts
-ere not Its etrong ue we expecte
we had a very interesti4g Rama and
our team., Played well. -The ,final
score- set• -s .12,42.----Tbe _boy ---haiw--.beert
putting up a strong article of ball,
but stilt losetheir heads at critical
moments. This being the first year
Lor eorae ot them, the bunch is, of
coarse, lacking • in confidencei.
Rendered by Jena experience, but is
• bowing- -a marked improvement over
the earlier- gam. The only failure
of the entire game was the greats
gate and who were not game eports
enough to pay the kid's' entrance fee
of lec.".May a gentle reminder in this
instance need no repetition.
Miss Jones, of *London, Spent a few
days in town, the guest of Miss hi-
p:taw -
Our baseball team played at nen.
all last evening, result of game next
0» Monday elc,
evening the very sad
Wevairrek- 43-=,
necessail season we intend to ,
oUt the balance regardleincof what i
d.for,ther oods.„ TIV'e c o
• tt t t
Soo olir *took of Ties,
, Shirts, Collara
Iltaller- and ,
We have the conyect sty -
affluent, -
line. Take -advantage otthis op
rtunityto secure a 'bergato.
Groceries ; ,
Our Grocery Department as Well as
Lother department is filled with sea.
Boilable good, you *iniseia our volts
right anil quality the best.
r -Pr6dueo raken: in exchange -for goods;
A. Call Solicited.
1,1 :4
rtbutt tylefro
toock ver etlr et k bet�re
outlive of theleadin
thesis*, N� trett
dt umema atter two
weeks'.s, leaving to mourn his
many Warm friends -and ,to'biat is dtz'
eh geed share of the honor of putting
the-nebool on -the- firm -baste it now
tande. -
The .% O. picnic: 111 eOnneetion with
be Evange.ieal Sunday School was
great success.- The day was au
that voulei be "desited and teeny avail.
id tiliansMnrs-uf--- the onnortrmitS 01
pending. a day at the Ddnd. %n the
ornIn3 • a k,eenly "contested .giiine of
b se ball was played by the yoting
en --iiiptabried bylfrexer-firewri-and
arnet Sweitzerresulting in a vie -
tory tor the latter. score 1.8. In
‘, at terncem sports were engaged in
b and bananasiand candies were
of the dal 'n'as o guessing contest o
tbe tubtr-o pot.:?bles Th
NCI utftni 2.25 Ivas.:
Quite a number of our portSmen
were in VSenforth Last week attend-
ing tbe racbS. • ,
Master John •Marshall, eldest son
af Mr. Frances Marshall, who is at.
me for the, 'summer holidasse
Mr. D. 'Urquhart £uxtber
IraProvements--tO his mill property,
by adding a barrel and beading fac-
The Farquhar store will be..closed
410:441,tIkt_ from 19 O'clock a. M.
till. 4 p,
X0s-,Artnie-Lang,•-ef St. •Marya, wa
the guest of -the Alisses Stewart lant
week.. , •
Mrs. I. Oat-4liter hes•••figain 'taken,
•Ipx r residettetLinettle.AIlla
Tiiis is the time of the year whn
the statute --labor • is performed and
the roads spoiled for the summerQ
.The 'Themes read from VarOuher to
, Somemil the young emen attended t • e
• races at .Seafor at,
The lisborne and Bibbert Mutual
Fire ;:i-Surat7kCIL4::::wontFtiiies-to grow,
*r .km_dur.in
-(..,:e.eneeee--7•41.e •
A ,niimber attended. the -funeral of
trrkitagtne. W. Otvans on Saturday a
There was no eervice at th.e Thares
road 'Presbyteriao , church last bun-
niorning._it was anniversary
a.t,11:Fair irktonvk
11,iLionach tare„
avelLsirmon at Bethany next'Sunday
. morning 'which' will close a- pastor-
ate of tour" years and we believe be
40, no
loft Pur PitiOre, st9e1c.61'trirnmed and'
bolts and will o1er from now until tile end of
44-sueltprio*Itb illinteimgiutun
• move. NowAs-your last ellanee to get, a hat
, .
Tag maksinv000 PLANING '11111141.* CO 11.4iitsIted
, _ • itave on Ifand andjeur -
P1 no and. Retolock 4Ixoreber: Sbinglea, Lath, PostS, 'flesh,. Doors, FrLani,Leo.,..,.
We sell tiO_celo*Ate4 ritititid—, None Better
Ali kinds of Factory wotk done to order for 'which our prides. u i reasottablo.
Just to hand",,a import order 0 WINDOW Keli$4
er .
. .
At(' c"Pnlemernulli-a--:1::;.frWu °111,Chbeqta.ig.
xe.p.Morar.:;:er7crec:steoru700' :eaces.nvtgl)rx. bad
turned from a trip to Manitoba and' au -I
d 1 is not surprisinie that they
little prectice this season
uhar haseba.I club havk
The Ladies' Aid of Cardiel Presby-
terian church intend bolding their
annual strawberry festival on the
church grounds on rriany, evening
,June e5th.
• Mr*Alteh,eri_Bengough, "who is now
residing witliirnLeofeer Alio of De-
troit, is here. visiting his son, Mei: it;
Mr. Wm. 'Travers left, here, last
w..ek for a, trip . tb the west,' kWh' '0
80sLt1t00/1 as his •headeuarters.
Mr. anti 51rs. JaM
mes cKaig, of
Chiseriturst, were here last week-vis-
Iting his sister, ItIrs. Calvin Newell,
wbo continues quite poorly.
Mr. W. J. Perkins. of the 'Com-
mercial hotel, is now tbe posses,sor
of double eated Keeromehile., rtia
has Aire diSrtnction of introd,ueittg the
Wage". -
Fred4'qteleft_on- a proipeo
have suffered soutt.. defeatS.
•-lrytkir--Waiit •weytire-Torark Amy
frop the home, store,.
Call in and See us.
The Dashwood Planing Mill Co. Liinitid.
Dash*ood, Ont.
A very quiet wedding Was solen-
nized. at the manse at Motherwell, on
Wednesday, June 16074, ..,by the Rev.
t.4le 'Stewart. when Vina% daughter, 01,
the late Thos. Vornish was united in
le s' Merxwort ,
oaten. The bride "WaS attended
by her, coikin IVrtss Mildred -Gettler,
while Mr. itiarry Cornish, brother of
the bride, acted as best man. We
wish the young rouple many years of
happiness and prosperity. -
Mrs. D. Brown, has returned home
atter spending a week with friends
In Vinton: -
The little son of -Mr. and Mrs. Wes.
•,,Jeevtrelm_s_calded a
ort- time ago' is improving 7n10-613,:-
r n 00 y A -
4111,0110d o• r' our boole and was won
.,by Mrs. Wm. Morlotk. Atte the
contest •tlie liaperintendent, Mr.
lluttzmalltt. Made tht. prosentstion.
• Whalen •
The inniversary Serviees held htr
tua-daf. Wer.i deertded SuCtese
Lnr crowds etreetett-the-spesiteti a
.11e- aubjeet wa$, . .‘11A.,:nr0t ,eortforinett to.
is, World"' ,and 'everyone was ,pleased
with it.,In the atterneon the Sneaker
ddresteed" Morev000k,ily• tho yie
,voige on "Oodlitikelk An Vicanlinetre'
- ittr4i*:'bratift.
ful O. "On tu Victori1* the
evaing thi., Church Was tilted totoil,.
and the subject oWatch
ye fore, ;nevait ye 1ik Men,;*
• Tot to b'S. A very impressive.
vent t-rertntat nta.-itot no
.,tio4ht. • .otta.A utunl .10.prottioit an
5. utifal coin in thz..• evening."
at: Sunitly Rev, Eair Will deli*
blc nrewell 'iptuott iti the after -40o
tl 1 Mrs • 0cr GiIb'rt,;
af T
-4 cre
' I x ,
neeeisartgooda-to beep-you-0ot; -
lere an 1 , preptired to sufiply you -with
Dainty iluslins at 8 to 15c. a iatd. ,
:_XadiaLinen.Lic0,..naat.,161-or_tyard, ,
Fine Caton Rose ezfra value 2 pairs for 25e.
See our range of menta Print Shirte. Collars -and Neckwear.
Nice Oxfordshoes for childten and 'Ladies at -$145 to $1.7$ -•Men's Work Day Shove At reduced prices
Fresh Groceries Every
yveAvant your ptodace and willpahighest market.1i price tor it. Oorteoulk
treatrnent and fair dealing.
..- , -
Mho Bennie, of New-liambarg.
tusk, es ttigracliadies).: Auz...7.6h_taturtlxiliary of Roy's
rnogn At-111F-er ,drre-tiortylre
Union_Sabbath School ru'as erve' on
cric4Waillnd be Line triztd6:111tY 11.111,-
held from here 011 that date. ..Z•lr* Piiialtrthea 'rt'ifne
•tl‘eire.aanul,til%rfehre.et aaoski drivuee from Mr. /ohm Pildham.
rihwvisiflng Mr.
Mrs. liin Newell and .other tele. • tr
CaOMen with pale co !otiose faces
tivteo. who reel weak end discouraged, will
rectivelotli Mentel and "bodily' vigor
1 by using Certer's Iron 1?ills ,, wlilch
are medo for the blood. nerves • and
-titee in Detroit for a few days-.
Downing_and two daughters,
—Zurich .
Mertit. Mich.. are visiting at the
me 1.
hoof Str. -and. Mrs. 3.„IhM1010
Mr. kins. °CAt. Marys. nndj
. I
an e er, , attended
hr funeral o cirtnee'S -mother
Goderiele for Sa• bit
"da: ig eto . hgrercfnttri 05kt
oburls fti Mfir
ielleelf. in iront of •eotne of the lots
and the grader making new grevel
%tacks on Main street eating.
Mr. ltobt. Gower, of Ailsa Crnt the hon of Mr. and Mrs.. aig,
Mr.' Mose,. et Ooderich,ii. .visitin
ismes Claieer alto- W. Ethic-.
er Are tryflig their entrance
-zatione at
to break one otogs it
Mrs. iistker, ot London, ripent San. r. Ga144°4;
*lay with xeottlyes. bete* f bi$
The 'Herald is -ndv,.. -ngfor tL
hoort being the Most suitable time*
Mrs. I. ichardson4 r, is
visiting her mother Mrs. John Prang.
Engineer' Ilyde, .of the St. Marys
and Ontario Weetern Wee ',here last
week looking over the ground,
s:by for an elttension b thce road
from ;Exeter through this ,distriet.
JObilee- Silver Uand' tiita it
the-laWn teem': at .11111.5gr en last'
Fedn evening.
private' bawling:
led in the rear of iJr. cnmIbII',..
• Mr. Varney bag lied considerable experience and will gm, prove thee
emises.-41eawill•have-ebargeeMe-Row-Ploatathettr _
Special attention will btipaidigacaraper.l.and--
Boarders, "'Board by meal or week.
Cottages '4'140.
Saturday. While getting a
'V,' n ' z itoppd in 20 Mt .let.,/tit at Merrt,leit'ottreb01400**Art.. bar-
t , .iY of Dr. fihooes Pink of the .70.00r woo Wti$ and the *alt.
Tibk's. The forrealla la on, the roiled of •the wheel barrow, striking
elmt b -'`ix. Ask our Doctor or him' on . the • nfiltb. 1 -
, livf2st about 'this fortbula t. ato Mis' little. Mien *has 'One .to St.
11!litt.'11. , "t'%ifl, headaelie„*. pates sMY;." Pttul.. whero 'kw will •,. tellisart. ,toio,
fr t' trial to 'peeve value. . From 'there shill go to,
xeIcrN.r!,f 0 r ( • Dr. .. 15)040. 0 atteintg,
I.V.,41.,,,xwice• ;1"4- here she, will ',Ik.,t engag+24 '
' dart*.
, i
AT I itliOIT T **ATM) 1111011 OU la •
ng ttlientnritie
r rot cue Comte we
tfot • P*. lihoo.
ttrd * tree trial
fl make it entire.,