Exeter Times., 1909-06-24, Page 4tlieer-e"
al ri44e
o71,0 „
re* r 01.0
-Netted ot.Cnfl
r t..e •,
ed On A
1 gj
t o a
. . s ot the rtt p ,
-thing nud thatit,1 It
ptilee' ('
f wlio lell. on 11114uklcall
.ettJon' ItOriek i'144111
ts, 0', Onsit.
&aJorth on Aiciday. , A ,,
bn re* Wipe , telbeilt ' O
arrlege to 'Ore jOho'Veldiriellt ozia1i. 1.f
mareiage Was of a *01'7
iLet Pe only- bfltr5ctiPg
rtie bting pre&eiit. Me.e. Godtellt
.ni nnr mot ]ijghly resPected
e wbo s,it DrasperOUS.- farnee .„
. **Jaye 1 e highest teap.ect in I*
ghborhood. The Times Joins their
n7 ,friends in • extending congrate
tenet •
lksetbyterton AnniverAary sere
te taken by',the Itev. lAcCoy,
who prerObed vetraft.
;eft und irl5tou played
.t Friday. Blirkton woo,
her, has lettioed tthe de.
col° on Monday leas a good
IceE arge numbers being present.
.rlftn.drn-of. thee ...xillageare
epordye'rtils 1113 -hero -1-a"tt
[onday With ob,accidents - of any
• , • t
.Xanieersary Services of the
:irkton Methodist ,teltarcbe will be
'next Sundae', 'when .the pulpit
be"oceupled by the Bev: Di.1 rete
of St. Marys.
Pit.0 PAmot
ills. Relief -Is sure. The only nerve-
11304tolne in- market. •
outh =urea Parmers"
e annual 'meeting of the South
urine Fartueris Institute was held at
eneall, on. Tuesday. June aath.
fherc wasle fair attendance... The
air was Occupied by Mr . We. D.
.who soke of the •good work
jhn.t heed been done,' urine •
• the reeveral Instituteemeetings
hftving. been rnore lavgely attended'
'than in many termer years. • The
.... fienoto • , .
.iliesei hat so on,'
- • . ..r, ii t t !,e3. eat:titre • wee runiellig • In
e. eeeeil,,,e4leietglet........13•i'Jfereellne,eY.O.P...
.t,r.i.i ilteeenatittger, and itiaelee -he;
e. . Hive yet) • vett% pile for woreeila
' h
Serial, Barnet° and the"Secret of tht
glue' P..eat..,
'It ie Alu ; 4 -401i elfivtti 1114
I:agnate, :was• f tiaa iitst ma 0..
tu thotil t ito4.,tvertt of the titmice:Of
„ .
4).;.or.ers work , to yetto.e
ttfilet1.14 on tau: s.urialz.*1 mud,
dlati4Oncin 1.1tore iiithatxd.ar.ca.
.!,11.4",:eattie ttturt. tie) ;nett COU:co
w eSeeelene , o lewilt'
cuing by the wort in the fitrogg
YOU, undOrstalail thatctiOrleetlY AA to
out to kill and be Mlle( -Viet e o
leer IA Which 'alripe aro , , mr-°47.sioneil
x° I>nn --A,
trO4',...7-IntitVttiRcyarii 7 Olitt'
ttOC tib' --:00.0501 ta 61-71 a--Nr41
goode when yoU are euly carrying, o
that; ether war eelled eolopetitioe,,,.
,laaarve, Fetvever; that the w'oete. 1
there all tli
W,ell, purely S Ci?1!:!il CU offer you
Morlais - barrnles'lora tu o,
Drops nnd Ebotbing 1$)!illPS.0 ItisIS Plerteaante.It
o A e " otiter Ifareotie .
, ,
PtFcvcrlsbness. it cureSDiarlUaut-ItYbAtt
It relicvcs, Toethhig Trouble, cures Constipation
tu e .. It assimilates the good,, regulates tito
omach anL Bowc1, giving 10)40w and loaithrtid alePpe '
10 iiiital: .3110tlecees Vrienxi, s i
tirk:ti, layer of yetiowitLi. a1teeeeeee
tile blue reek leuterlying
war.4,4_6":1,4_,„13,w; , ,P •
ext,o...3 to the end ot their riebee.
onto; 'however, ditt•':Itqt tee. -
the genie bed been depoeited, •••,.
.4,eaele„..Ila believed _ 4,44 1,1}tt
tgV_ YM:144.11g.-"fic" Weir -"etTfi
orators, 44,exhuel vole:ones, tatelle,„
arATAlaS -bad been forced tiee teen
below and that whence these ihat
000,1 MOM and greater were to fol!.' ee
• bougkt very claim he coWel •
and time vindicated _his judginept.,
Ile did uot make leisguess public
propertY.1,-- The ordinary man when
-he found his layer of yolkw geoneel
run low made haste to se out to the.
neinitiated. One mom who had rea.01.
.71`44ge-'9ktmt* 4,,klyi,taPil '13,
the yellow earth which had been
raid:04: and sorted. Then- he feteed
eaeeneeveia' wa,.4.-1u3kiIxg.iLr. ,,a
eltan. rich . in yellow deposit'e.h.e.t
oovice paid $2,000* for the site and
thought thathe, had virgin- yellow -
upon which to work. Ati a fact, be
had to go down .into the blue befote
ha handled a 'diamond. , •
But the biter was bitten. The claim
h was sold fe
to pay out of the 'bloc robkand then
could nothavebeen, reboteght for
$200,000e Baia:tato would have Rived-
utterle' without na o ) tto.
foxiacO1Zni14 t o
govour thetoeolve.. yet -that no corn.
tuanitY *0-40401rshoul4 fl that -
it had intereate oppoaed to any .ottee.
"theireeeeemeogo. cenalltion 'bane- fa
any rate elattlar; ITtiraTIT7:4
3t ono communitye'ettld fall tf,"
and live withoot disturbanee of hie
I 0 NV en 1 ‘,..nee tit a foreigie
try .and.meuld. Into Jae _Plage,
naturally; ito thatall civilized natioee'
would.: „form,'ateeeegreat earamtenit er•
. mount -of ---produotion: and_diStrilea.
ouch production where it could -lee
best produced and avoiding' *Waste•by
all means. Please . to think of the
amount. of vaiste w,luelt they *meld
tavohle; hone -numb -ee'relt-et-clittrigeeeeteaild.
add to the wealth R)f the world !--Wile
ham alorris,,British Manuftueturer and
• ee---LinOet:r's Vatet.
-his butler, volet and faithful ..slave
SS1.101)M, 11.1 Jirtite7 '
-e«,---itnult111.1/11,..., vita 'was partiou-
tar y A1
, portal. No' opo could by, any ;i-
gaitdirect tecceee, to Sir &Twin,
.The answer would invern-ibIk be, "454
.liedwirt its .not at '01110." ;The prince
consort himself once reeeived MIS
answer When he "called, amplified on
that oectieion, .by the 'assurance titat
"Ile had -gone to a -we in , ' 4..
tire fiction on William's paet, as the
y be obtain ev o
Th 'old and highly respected resi-
dent of Tuckprsmitb, in -the person.;
Of Jane' ItatusaY, relict or the late
William MeNay, passed away on Suo.
ce on hy, 'J une IGtji, to
esidenee of Jier sten, Mr. John
yeelot„,13, eatteession .2,-Vuteket.
The V00301113 were Interred
-Witte Alta-, taled/g1.014":. e erne
unto*, lilt MI Ifse kg Mug
of •
gAltE. •
Trunk It
prince found otyt, for on walking bold.
lv in and arouzul the garden he notie.
e ir Will oo nog. au o XI( 19,
ThIS was the- falliful
tendant who, one day, „when
had died at the • ?leo and his eorpee
came up tA,a toter wheeled eab to be
painted from, etartled his loader with
the question, "Please,. Sir Iletlwin.
did you harder 'a lion?"
table deficit atter all cleinee'for ethe
-Vex are but it is hoped the
proceed/1 e.roin the recent excursion
,Will wipe this out. It was decided to
hold a .rogular Institute meeting,s at
keter and Brueefield as usual.,Sup.
Mentary tneetinge will be laeld at
dregs. was delivered by Prof. Hare
rt, or the kOntatle AgricAltural
11;--14-The---PectoPoretive_ Vales
gtotr2.-- illitiat4eti2-011iit-
n14111.011911.1.4.r..Q.clilactical Men
•• weii-iiiiirtrY
eseor, . and Main tteefut inforz
ritraiii\021 elicited; -7-E67'tollowing
ere ect _the c
Stanley -Alex. ',Mustard, Wm.
r We, Ioltu MeNaughton, • • nolet.
*den and W. L. Forest. Ilay-e
rave John Eider, 'Wea. Caldwell,
h Geiger*
• StePlien-NV. le. Sanders, 15:
ogarth, Wel. Yearly,' Stephen Webb.
Phillips. Ed.- !Christie,
n. .W. Pass.
-Ye entire, Mitchell, Paul a get, .
Gaealiner, S. Johns, Tuekersmith-
liorton. T. Shillinglaw, P. M.o.
' R. iB. Papple.
jas. Vatersom Seaforth-M. exe•..
Lean:' „At tt meeting of the lie*
-• -attid-o-dIrei-cieri-hIFIrniee-
ot,the Annual meeting Mr, Alex. Musa
OF d d not hear imything of the trans-
attion until the tenderfoot had bought
and the man who thought himself
clever had .departed.
Moiv They ln livissiellp to Mak::::ns
Mucle in -the -lite of town.irnprOve-
ment work 'can be accomplished by
Witt sore° the -thing! a, woman cap
-„„ •
• titevelini "es .and.e0
Veading-enatter n -tlie -reach
• to .eave the forests from de-
ji"uch °740t144batuilay alai%
See that the health of „hot
citizens ie cared for by
duty is the eate and instruction 'attic
Se•cure lighted streets Itt night
-thereby prevent crimes. '
-Meet upon paved teidewallts.'
. Lttl , t..1 , , .
'‘A. illipt secretary treasurer. A elp to prevent the injustice of
te. I thanks WW1 U'llaOrCd Mr. W. child. labor. 4 .
. Yodel% the retiring Prettident,. 'Po away 'with .immoral theatres,
for his antiring and efficient sera.' moving picture shows and postal -
in thnt earaeity for the Post i cards. , i
itibreo 3.0 art4. • ., , Beautify her street with Window
_ _ . _ ,
. •
,., fovea telephone land telegraph
la tAelale.s. i a cer n nerve geeel companies from backing oft sod mug,
wrong, tbeet the organ that L11e noryersItint iha hunches of
oontroi4..nili also su'rely tail. It -may retsAtettrodriosseoroftrEbyei_oi
. he a litonatelt nerve, or it may bevel in that au wires be underground..
Ivor' 'etrength and sup/perk to the se Public int,trest in the public
tort or 1Cidneys. It eves Dr. Shoope welfare,
at first pointed to ehle- vital trutlhi
Keep her garbage box clean and
110014 ite4tOrAtiVO was tot made! covered slur. hamst upon her fellow
theeigtonetteh' nor to tomPl'r-ititittenit elohigethe-sarae.
rtiratilete the divert or ' Kid.% 8.
ne can do hewn° sheehas done
'That oldefa'shioried method' ish
tong. Dir. Shoo -'s Itestorativel etletleOritt",t_Of thel,6;thing13,, . Attl. Wtherl,,,
directly to *heap rnilitg ineldel /51"'` 4°e'S Urin 111"CiV" it//11 tit**
rr,:s; The, remarkable etieee se of /rill b° olest'-, boilPY'llorbOloolome Atm°
1, vrescription ' elemonstratee ,. -tile* in' which to live-
in, of treafing, the attleal.tatts-ei '
tailing wail% Awl it 14 Iii-:
deed i'y to ,prove. A nimple five lee '',e
' tellt ie tit. Tr.
1 ei
Ay*, UtO.
-In his early ay s it Wes'esugges e
to Mt: Meredith, Ilieheovelist, that he
eoRldeeetaleeteatieellitie.r.amidOneVe -Intl.* ..Seliett), by origi
Wallee---eTiteettoveliste-agreeit-to-tek anal441141771a1). 411-1V6"ftlY - 'an* * a ter- 'T '' inX-ratir-attre:-4110tttrtf:-; •
tote * , et-ifortinef."
: . 0.0_,..oe_rownsjulaopo -.Leerningp •thought. It. waa to ma_e_ofb_forut a_op.00.o7J.,..0,11115....4.An_ititTritan4;awslleestinLxaxlie4 Men'
es te . . e -Reetaleen..e.tese
Mr. A erediih, .who was living. in e ot 9 lit ro- I eeeect . 0.
on, .10/4: 1,4143, _ to liro i epee a IlaroleT-Glento Twit Glenn. ?rhebase.'
hroukht up to spend much time on eLi'' 11°tainlitl:1:1151:131111-betwfraingtielnuke211:1411 14e1"' ult`ed"t44;214444. ct
u 'ilia.- ting :• nomely, .
minify' brbrevete -Ile bid -never been.
deartnepts, nor to except them; :yet
11 tuttet confess that there t Am it ured A
merit witli-extras of shFer sentibe , _e_ e
for all the world like the Lord*Chan-
ellor Clarendon kissing John' wo.
mot of Wadhara, when the boy Ps
together under a pine, looking ou.
toei,ene to alit lonely Sunlit winda
crumpled Maine ?Sea which "Brother"
was tore that he owned from horizon
to horizon. Ile oWned,„ it, he knew
TOG Usborne and Ribbon
armors- lillyttialliro lour -
01160 6ompang
Head Office, Farquhar, Ont
e urn. tickets 44.
Oeteeeerk all, stations in. Cana
Good goinge,/une OM and July Xtiet• • •
• jeel eod 19e.
Wu, nor, • EtiallaePa A_0
'War. Eno= WINCItst•SEA
l'eeltirletle • .---D001•114;
BOBJUtT „alOARI8e State.
III be issued by the, Gra
ilway System account
..OLIVER IlAttraik' Munro. at
Hibbert. Fullerton -and Teoitspl.
4E4 Hono
eraity. Two yei
al Aloxandra
id -"deuce; Dr. An
W attire°
'route* .1.1attv 11001, Sept. •00t.,4 0.• iiL
Icetterte.lirnit Oct. 315t, ZIJ..
•iFulliritO 0.; _
' J., .I. leltpar; nepPt Agents.
eVince or _mate J. Ix.. Iitcootato'itrjra
ident bYSiollso Depot.Toronto* anti.
. '
old • .
in eatene.athe Jzo in Dtroit..and. Port °Jammu& ,3a.60114-7, /Mihail*
mons Mich., Niagara Faits and But. --150,0vatteats.-Fartfuna -tan*
fait), 1st
N. GeoaretieP.
going June GLADMAN- STANfialtY. Selieltore "*" 1""sticereeoei
aneTtely , = limit July ., .1
seture ittkota from ,Grand .00306 tivt.,7 -00,1411111e gortaLo. ttniel DICkPN C4:::::1.1+;,:s
Trunk ticket agents.
. fir
was ."/lepthete!!
A Cif AlOtING PEN • ...PORT r 'Pre Mary ;51tecQueen, Met ',Gorton :,,tsadiee' Binistemactuoilms1104.**0011114.411410111
tio DpG
May Ilortoo, Blossom eikodertionli
Pyre.; 'Walking race Myra Morgan!
rtrate Vie Miner fAiss .11tfacBoUgal; sasor°°'11"1000.411.4":''' th""'"°1
°tato-rate 'To lean,. John Ilorton _
Miss Miners; Iriscut tame EI -41 -
nit driving
eteii Isomer toTeoaa ablowortmtis ot
etireefreev-eeeeeeietileChatit-r; .
bia. -rime -aparttientse eotteeetta--Pete
noon," relates Mr. Meredith; "Tto3eote
ti had not yet • risen, though It sval
.au• expiiiite day. On the breakfetet
„„elteekletented five tidelt
slabe -of-bacon, 'wliieh
eggs had .slowly bled to death! Presently Itoesetti appeared in dressing
•'own, with sliPpers down at heel, and
• evottred--the-eelainty--eropetateeli
ogre." ' This decided Mr. Meredith.
e did' not oven tremble to look at
his ivories, but sent iti 11 quarter's
rent that afternoon and remained 111
ndatlei sJ
but be was minded 'to Share t
deiring the ittald behavior -o
" •
Byron's Proposal.
.. . rolei- ' i serionsly torned
irr- - . -- . ..
^ t
fided 'to a friend his intention of pro.. a 'o years te ,.. bleb, r a
posing to Miss Milbanke, the daughter Bernard. is graduation Offen PluilPY-1
able tnid unit& with Byron: 16 write teated tot *1-:.t rock; .1).1a 'own rock, ' itti
- a proposal for MM. One 'day as the his ek‘lnleite erect beoutie Owl I 109,14`1 De'VeattlP.,
etym.. vets sitting- eog-ethere'llyrele. fee. ed through, that at hie exquisite erect tiont 'fen
---- -
caved -its lefrusid from, the .iadt, oyon nature. 'The dietiota oT the moment-
Ade . sad he, ,othist after ail miss truly not lieve been ,ciatetic, but it was
•.:MISu.eualia. _fil. to •beetheenewitoo. I will most reepeettttl„ and poignantly sins
otrite-----10 fteri-or: --Areta:iliti-,-ify", lie- didetop'• ree-"Aehealft" toad 'le .:'to bele
tag tee) .stionds who was stili opposed ctureeadt.00: vlirtiljlotiertive.xtiireocrotinUatii; -
to his ' ett I , la reading ft
- ° ee c °V" 1 ,a .eatzsfreotiott. to lets Mater I .
tee} 'rizinaled: "It te441Y I tarited OA me those dear atioo.tion
ttr ipttale,- It is itt"' pity it .shortld . bt.coalt ey,e1,,,, with something like bye
Byrun .1' A i ,010.11 gill"' Sttia .mottspt &Altair in Om, .A.tiS Ihiltatt
t, a 0 t 11° head he would not turtle beeetues. inn
h li(ri*, ''.. ,,proprietary band woe bleassot to hip,
- d*Orthe amber . silk' frireges of tole
unparalleiled left tare But leo grin, -
nett a grin which eripPI ., uite. -Ala
to ehurch 1, .01mitr. ld tetirer."'etty tt e IMO&
1g far as that hand:wIteraelt I .1'
kirk niinsteZ' 044 /*la At. 4 it.6 the July Sir
dius rat', ilduttiSicaelnl°14 41*Id' ,W61 Ytt4iff.04 'ttil4
tiar, children:
at* illletteietteierideeseloweasa
-Iterrieteta Notiatito.-36/11144Make
ER114EST.latitet ,
COISVOiltiCkr Cellootell
lirw/Vt44triree &lc
Office. Nialak 4trect,, Exeter
ol Ilie gootlioll -1101111
HOMESTEAD 1410:41741tTIONti4
Any peraort Who is the'aotte beta
of a gang's, or any male over
Year* arid may homestead a t:Mentok
°tont of avails -We Dominion land
))0*.r.rmay at the'Airo
certain eottditionetelier 'Who're.an
tending hoinesteideree •
area .tnienthe realeletielat tt
and ,Mtltivathan....of the .and hi .aob
of time° 'years'. A hotneeteteler Mak
live within nine miles .of ,bi3 hong
*teed on It Itattri Of at -least -80stereo.
solely. owned and teacuPied by hireetat
lale-efethieree. teghterritee
brother Ot sister.
In Pertain elletelOtti a ht*4
in; good sanding, us4
quarter' section *
a Le
*VS t reside itit muntlae Ineaoh of
year from date of heeneetead
(ineluditlee the tiMa required to el
Wow/toad patent) ''.atel cultly.
'fifty aorta .ettrs..
IV bane
B I; 11'
of Sir ila,101 Valbanice. The friend : the era, ,tett to enelek, of jackal y ;a
kim 'llettlt, Vegetable Compoujid
*onto, sof° tither , lady more eAnd trousers. I looked at
h to ) and, • erA
id* th b le
re ,o i
vd *lotto,
rt VA
.41.1 WAS *Offerer
ablate ee, raOntitly
periods. lrregular painful and
bad .disehar
're'tched .head-
and tad felt
eat evergineethe
Irth of my twine.
ed doctors but
0-rellef. I b6-
tO lake Lidia
WO Coro
and'• after
ow Iamwell again.
Deeretialee Sask..
We -are TealOtig satisfied',0
tcopers, , Natotal; 'stet;
When 'resew our advartishment In
the newspeperill, stoth3g-the price for
A 'Stilt, Cost. Trowel,*
the ad. might suggest, we include the
beet of everything in that suit.
et- best_Cloib, the beet Lining., the
best Padding**, the best/Thread e
all well at the Vest of our ability in Ont.
ting, .:Fitting and Making, shouldn't
we reap our toward?
ed. la wired to rear, ?Ott as one
or CU en you need
Snit4 Coat rie Or
1. ▪ aix menthe
tultivete ti
house. worth 000
004• w107. se ialt mew*, st
• risato*r-.
thc *vet Otto 01? ferna
that tattite$
1$ 4