Exeter Times., 1909-06-24, Page 3tie nIn!$rea,14,10
G. I. Track
Bzrrcd 30onz City 1411n1ts.
fipiLtch from Fort William
-local-,---en- its
from Lake Superior Junction
to tMs eity, on - Wednesday, came,'
Man,lying beside the track
ast'of the Junction. Dr.
was on the train iip-
apprent!ya,ease of ion
-placed in a. box -car an
the 'city. News having
n emeriti- for -tin- isela.
about four miles out of
ity intit; as the. 'city -refused
ow tne mail to enter the- lim-
I pastenigers on the train
reftilly inspeeted by the, me.
ilth-OlWrsikele re .43t4n, al --
o eritiff-the city, and stye
..bo Ircpt 011-ineenting-
1 aome time, as it i sur-
e man may have contract -
.ed tho
aSe.in a camp -arid eorn-
municatod it to others.
tor ortab
• frim Prince Albert,
lie.,..Syriod of the
teltewan on We41-
on, Venerb1e,
14. -he 4ti8hed
tci et'the. inapreision that In: -
ns were dying out. In reality
L4iana were inereasi -ng,-excep
iimong prairio bands, that had to
Out the Openahr, in , good
leathertenti - and fresh bnif.aIo
Inett-tobitkini-ti outs on-c't he
rserve ,where. - -insufficient -rations
redoled out ti thera. In due
tiino _would disappear,
*ft the Saxous, 1.) a n o and Nor-
nin in tligland, One-third of tho
Iiw1ztm,in the west belonged to the
Aitgliqn Otturell, due to the church
g emit anisaion.at.ras in
- •
Protest Against Open Shop Order
of rin Plate Works.
A detipateh from Pittsburg,
ailled .nibers of tho
,Amalgamated Association of • Iron,
Steel :and Tip the who are
loyett b the ,American.• 'Shoe
zind T" 'P' 't_93
, * 4 t w4
v. 1 y r
orn A.
Two London seed*men ate bcing
.rot 6rorlitkl'doe,p,u_Inu;:nr, nethele:inP. iiItsrre:e4:417eido;
re ._ wa
o rut canw
r Inds, under th, new
i. cult*
the priion* are "nor eI
• gitiv tflzewn
with enormou8 t
nione produced 2,18cae8'
of typhoid fever, and. 9O3 inffin
obviously suffering from,' that, mal-
adywere- aetually plaved on tbeir
defciie in eourt.
• 'co
'4'7411'0'at.ttrs; , 4 4t4i,4,21
Bay ports,
4aid 1;074,gr 0.;i:
A oto 0, Priznc, 1nitehr at
irm at $A;20 to $6.0 for,t
best piked -steers. and heifers; o
dinary lods 6117a at4.75 IC*
Stoeker a ers do
night of Junc b, at wich tiine th.
opcn shop. order of tIl�oven
110. t
urg district -4-traforaft of the xnills
of tile American Sheet and. Tin,
-Platir-Sompany-..are- nontw
,tembirte4.:pla,nti..ln,,,which...a.....s Dike -
order will be effective ...total 1.52
inilis in tho tin trade, and 8.1 rnills
n t eibeet steel.:trade,
Gold.seekers Continne to Arrive
Richness of Gold Field. -
A--despatelv-iront---Prince Alber
Sask., says: Parties for tho , gold
cainp Up. north continue to arrive
froni different parts of the west.
Owng tQ.tIze1 .ica4b(g to Lc .
any have gone' out during tho
past...couple offre-elii;::-.-Itr4rty bust.,
Peso. mon are, making arrangements
to mato .the trip as a0QA ,,afs, 'the
water go -
tiftatiti-Woliiireit part
ithieh left here three weeks as?' to
eross.cut the Jead_and look into
the lowert-levels. . The buter,op.i
tastily rich th
ver strata is anything in propo
tion, then the biggest strike in r
centyears has beon
Government II -as Raised $500,1100
of $3,500,000 Loan.
'A despatch from Toronto7littys:
Rapid &ogres is being made by
the Ontario Governmentin dispos
. _
*feta from 'Butte, Montana,
sa A unique .routid-up took *place
on Wednesday on the Flathea-d In-
dian, Reservation, in. western Mon-
2.tatitt, whoa the Pablo herd of. buf..
falo were:, :coralled and driven, to
: allY. constructed 'Care., A nignber
f t, finest spcOinens will go. +to
atiadrQ--Nations-t--Par •
8 also---Abiniza•-iiiii be ship.
to caern parks.,
• -
despateh. from -Edmonton) Al
Ka) says: Luntbermen are alarm
tort .44 tilts rapid rise of ,the.Saskat.
ellewalt 'liver. Millions of dollars
wurU of logs haviy ,bilt it lost in
-kers.; Fire -booms,
the tbr, it is feared, may,
`11104 feot �f logs t
otierittartors. at which werc
that -there been' many .sddi
tional subscriptions, but these have
not yet been :paid. * A -large -per-
centage of the'purchasers of the
.dehentures have been individuals
who see in them a secure, invest
. 4 , Y
ing a'llgisliteterY interest.
in the amia1 rev
-(!et s at Winnipeg,
thirty, thousand
the s cle.
The:ItMlway :C
-tddred . therailway
(:-"oamlar t en
try and at dcstinp.tion also if in-
sistcd on: by the consignee. A fee
not exeecding two dollars may be
chuffed -for -this seeond weighin
unless there is a serious "(linter.'
rimy in weight..
Mr. .enston hu opo
he establislinienti of an Irnperial
system of labor exchanges.
The White; Star.rionunion Line
Megantie :tailed n her Inaiden trip
The longshoremen" on thegreat
President Taft sent, a message t
pongrOss on •Tuesday, recommend-
ing a two.kor cent. tax on the in.
14410 of art- amondrtient to the cow-
stitution providing for the imposi-
tion of :an ineotne-tax.
President Penns • of Brazil is
dead. "
.•••4,sra,tv,w= •
A large take af ion -100 appeared
lu Gulf of Meae
auras r in
.which grounded' 0 1 Avt:ores,,Wi.
be a total less, • ,
An aiwciation has been. organ-
ized in Berlin to promote better
'trade relations' with Canada.
Filtration, Beds tr. Peterebsirg
'Believed - faceted,.
Is of Russlatt Batt1eship Let
ontbo eta.
despatch from St, Petersbur
itayit_The keels,of,lortrhattleships
I' the greater Dreadnettglit typo
iere laid on Wednesday nwriaing
in St. Petersburgin the pwresence
in tINTItussiati caital is increatin
A' despateli from
uThe nutuheroteholora
,gt, Petersburg
•-1ir .4 -,-------110w ciett, s an
seventoon suspects were admitted
to themunicipal hospitals during
the twenty-four 'hcflirs ended at
11006 on Thursday. It is now .be-
lieved that tho filtration heds_lutve
Igloo/net infeeted, . as the diStrieto
theses sources Itrefurnisikkg aUrger
114 -IMErrealtaigg.11 -tite:t4VO•
ft districts that get t tr water by
direct pumpin
regent*, Yes 4Y1 t
Lc4igue. They wiltbe of l.000 ton'
e.00.h. length 606 feet, ar1d.beani
feet. Theywill havea speed
twenty kilOtS) and the maul bat
teries will eousist of ten twelve -inch
• zaleIy a who have been beat-
fomt 04)174-inAsirOyiiii'vr
i Is, indced,
woman ,..arrq. 011 UZii0fl_
' robbery Nes reeont1jio. brutafly
beaten that blood flowed in hot
month became. unconscious
nz, he, had internal iteraorrha g -
roe days afterward:she was.found
'Iski-•wholly inneteent of the rob:.
heryt- r '
Suicide among the prioners has
eceme Significantly. frcquent.
Russian law does not •recognize
capital Punisintiont except when de.
e ved by coUrtmartial. Stolypin
... -,-:***Wite4.4:.
1 -1 eiier it ' inited i9,. pur-
pose. r 825 prisoners were
pretetieall ' all, of
hem in prison on politica attetto
andthe maritybeingof tjio
,4103 EDITORS improsoNsa.
Deputy Cakedyze in, a debate
the duma on March 7, proved
de u tes have been imprioned,
eig1iUen.of whoni have been gent
to *Siberia for life- and that 400
tresses or to penal. servitude. -
- A terrible story; of the torturing
lKoscow barrister immix' .hlan.
tif in the central prison at :Orel,
has„just.come7to light, and the ease
will be placed before the alma.
The unfortnnateniau who is a
prisoner,._x „,171.11r
ger- orThe przon authorithi-Ly
complaining . of the treatment of
fore the governor, who spke t,_,
;foil uelva .;---an
three:jailers immediately appeard 0Oe. a 0. 2/ 1.clY to 74
a ordeve4 him to gtrip lox 4, Tfr Mazz]1ob& feed larle _eV , to
refusrd to it: to-thir•indiguity, -Ilitelt-wheat,..49,34 -to- 700.
and tlwy threw themselves upon Manitoba Spring 'whoa. pates -Its,
him; tore oft 1u clothe and threw firsts, $0.30 to $6.50; do., seconds,
him on th floor.' One:sat .on 10.80 to $0; Afitnitoba: strong bak-
`rttr, -c s shorts,
hand-picked) $2-.0
oston` Store Saki to nave
tied It Furthest.
•!)ftt itharing;. which- in , -Ain
Wally au experiment. bas
9• 8-44ter9--r 1/_..a,L1410,4
,-tio-1.-;-.4-45:s-:1-;year, with an
crease in °business from $800,000 t
above $20,000,000.
The South Afetropoliten Company
last, , year ,divided tiso,000 anions
its- employees, the equivalent ot
74% .,per cent. dividend on their
wage,n eighteen years it has
Six English gas companies
tbo profit *haring plan during the
t*O1 9 -to .4/0--a- tort4
r $7.50 to $8 on• traelir.
Potatoes -Oar lots, 85 to Obe or
ba on track.
ultry - Chickens, yearlings,
dreAgod; 10 to 17o per lb. ; fowl, 12
to 1416* turkeys10 to 18e per lb.
2 ,tt
tind print; 18 to 190;
tub and large rolls, la to telAtt;
inferior/ 14 to 15e; Creamery r011s
1 to 2c, and sods
heetre-Lage Ateeso, 4--$14;14 to
0,10 per lb., andn14to
11c. New., .122/0 for large, and
aeon, long clear, 13 131
24; short cut, $2.4, to $25.00. .
Hams -Light to medium, 15% to
leo; do., heavy, 14 to 1434e; rolls)
12% to13e.; shoulders, 11% to lee)
backs, 17% to 18c; breakfast bacon,
IA% to
• Lard -Tierces, 14e; tubs, 1.4y4:0 ;
gm says that a Boston
gone--furthost -of -ail in
"the direction of making its ni-
p1oyee shareholthWet- This es.
• 700
to 900 eit, the espiteil..a held
I inployees and is- returned
to the' corporation ' at • its value
should the employees leave tho ter -
to some Ono working the 'store.
Sibetlair Districts ifverrnn by Cot-
' cans and Chinese.
pateh from Melbourne says.
Colonca lroxtott, Austra1ia.s de
ate to the Defence Cinife
cd xyWelinotior Kelfra
discusto aItcrnatiee to tho
• v4v -A
prosisi�n of
the linperial rtavy-is •sozne AuBt-ra.
ktan.port, and the assumption by
the• Angtraijan. navy of 411 .res
o o *
miralty of the dettire of tho Com-
xnonwoalth to accept 'British geld.
,n,gemeilt of proposed subsidiary
navy, and to ittidertairilltif the
whole of Au,straliass warlike mit,.
chinery will be 59 organized as ta-
he instantly avail-al/le for any
entorgeney., He wilt- not.
however, b ablo 'remise tit*
au in mili-
tar forces for otherthan to e do
fa-Vent:ton Inertaleallia Diestine
• ' of ,Sound,
pateh from London
,-ention of the Swedish
. 7.
creaiiiflg tho distinotiieu o ou
in long diatance teIphony has been
ttieetinfr attention for ouz.o- time.
tween Paris ' and
,nrth of, sen to bave
been, heard with remOxali-le clear
rie1s. The distant* is, 1,800 miles
in a bee lino, but as the klonversta-
Berlin, the length of thovire itaW
was .considertibly more. It is
claimed that thts is (the dlistanee
record. .
• -sorra u tom."- -
All Cadet CorPs to Receive Copy of
Baden.Poisell's BooL
A. despatch ftem" Ottawa says :
'Mary orders tole that an
ea y -amusing anise
• ame,-with_
-booted feet, while the other
tw flogged him witli.eosiack n
effort leather *lit
vdth ks of heavy lead.
he prisoners on Adjacent. cells
txurla hear the Victim's Isthruirioo
the itortuiest cries. "You'll no
elam si(iii
he.shrieks gm*, feeble) 11,04 At 104
only a low' moan. Then -the terri.
tied listeners caught the words :
"Stoll; weve finished him." There
,vrata silence; and then carol+ the
4 -Th
doiiraVlity of .spourinq experts to
ist,iit the. elabitratimkof Mich
**sum; About '4,0,000 Xoreans.
who air-tad:1r are •the frontier.
are contemplating becoming' brtlio.
dox, order to facilitate. the ac-
rtussian. c
'atall,ties InduortlaI PurAtilts.-
Fifteen Tratte Wsputtt.
spittell from Ottawa
'ring the month of Arty 03 -Islay-
n ian astir"
• month t40*
t eilstt
no, inan in tntoorneite.-
'miter rrived to see if the tor
e done their work_ itr
0 hesaw 4 the -prism*
yiug apparetit4 dead he began to
wear itt the- leiters. for kitlin
tit orders:" St einolfatthr
orturcd man still breathed he- or-
redWhen he m sviennistittIodatehie0oltry pritteoalv. e
sent "losek to his cell,
here e. Was beriterk ever,
jailor6 often heard.
tt SR4 0
0. pi?* ;10 •
to • do., in
3.20; extra, hi hags,
o * do., shorts $24 to (04; pure
rain mouillie,'`$34, to $354. mixed
its 'at 12% to 1V,4c, and ,easterns
to 12,1e. Butter finest creirn-
,-A des ateh from Miliestg? says
A -ittrecal"6041ratien. that
Watched by the medical world wa
‘014r-.44theAct _y4.41eut.„4.) it.
ral Baden,PoweIl "Seiiiitirik o
--Assint* izthtimircgetti-imarr7,
ouncente tomes, in,--•thitia-
Ir. Paid Brennan, G. T.. • Tara.'
master at Ottawa, 'filled.
Mr. Paul Brennen, yardmaster 4-.0
the T; R. stt the Central depot
ere, was killed on Thursday'fore.
noonin shunting-iwkl
ly beneath the Laurier . avenue-
.dge. Mr. 13r4010100 WAS riding on,
he footboard of the engin,e, when
•-e- 141 .olf)- 014 pitmang over
he iLp..eitrtioneoi.„
part of tli_ebro!..„., D!!__th,
Chi g.), lune 22. -.Cash wheat
No. 2. red, *LAO to $1.60; .No.
red,to el.tt0; No. 12`.... hard,
1... .28; No. 0 hard, $1.10 to
No. . 'ortrt 41.29 to
ow 4., to Ifutk:
/f) if.'e white, Ito
low, f4 74%o o.' 74 to
74 to 74 4,' It") 73'4%1.*
A- EV; X
0,004 '
hard. to No.
orthein 4/ 0,2
0 9 m, il
rl Townsend to rep'se-
n of sbattered
ibiaSu eons
at this vrax-the-
hicago a
st time this operation ever was
tempted in Atnerica, sind that it.
spu912trt - ;ill Viaik ronit
Bulling 'of Greet Westdlery
Comptoty Is ArItittid.
A despatch from Winnipe says
The huikling of the Great West
Saddleri-Conapanii Nfarket, Street p
--"fruseVIO-t-It----Witroltoust.' an
o91e, wai hyOro on'T,44te.
sterixeidnoarntinsg76.,0,00te ivaa'
while the stoek
it valuable one.The ttat 1055
will be *bout $400,004. •
:firmt Ok eXpOn1/4
eirshitis for retilitarylur ,_..
he 'ma 114F oliii
'10:, „,th
it'," of "Tor I
, 1 ?
i,,., 1 s
o 0 i ,
. a_
Dor it t