HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times., 1909-06-24, Page 2••••''.1 . , Aeilitl. Patiwenge Ige Regina 1...41 i , i,-. 7,44,, .'TL rnnia.gkig l41,:-.. tg'r'',C- olsma ti)ru'ini41441I"'t4" ' I oc , iays. * t (4,rkvau '-- - .1 lei' never befOre have 1" laevi • able .Wota the Matter , With those itratted fuelibisa , , • t SO. ,give 1,1$0 «. EN MA,Ke *ONE 10.3*4444,..40.4 4144 4 cparations.are, ortsniokitk , rt aU3I a;..'4,1": ,. 44 4 ,'"..4., 0.1% 01, . 'e • c 4 ..tir . .; 4••.! t A , •1: 4 . c • * '.:,. , r 4 ,-.. • m me, ...- ,,,::...,,ti of the ,,..,. nut 'el :s4 - Uli ., , „„, odo ' %.(7,:. d13: ,..', t.:. , ;,,..,. v, ! :7 • :Vita ,. ji: :, nce Lna1n ..., - • ' .'": Caiti -4..r ',, : t, ....„,..,,„, „.„ ,.-.--,..-.,, , .... . .. 4 - , I, ; # ° 1 ' •,r 4 # ' '• ... : 1, . ‘‘''''ll‘ ' ' IPTO ', .:: , 6 7, •,,,,,z, -,s . ,, , , , . .' tir4.0t4' eP :' in. '16, ' , jjor j but rnagipUatt bun ...,. ... a `441:tee,ii411:16 '. ' „inuibt.,* , a , , ,r. wal,: .ixg,tv. ,7" eanoe, ',lel litiolt, ‘49iiiii.ton , . We/ first 1,earned of ..tliti part .t lao , ..- elglitt.,t47, n.o.. s• ei), in 'the Ale* coirtp .: . Or thil in-. ..over 1.b., ' - ,ttilreiclro' b ' Ill' health . in, h,e,r1. . ' '''..1!1 ,..‘a, 47,,,‘. r ''' our ir • ` • ' 'benefaer‘er ‘tfor' the. Onai 4. iuman, eye la s. e•ce '.111'... . ,. nt A 14iie1 -7 , I ON 4 or , ' mosqui 47-p.rirtfxr-iii the trt-P ,, u . r i . . I .. . , . .1 •• ,. . sc it magatni 414"1441 ted'41''''' '.U..431:41$,,„4 „po.,,,Ap, Ny1;1114"am'„,, uik:T4.,;111t,..e.ti.4;.,n‘,..1 - . - ' litY,,l',Of4-)nesseldort is condition% can steam' twentrlieven v/44 ;74 uelghlrli°°ii. ' tulii sukure4nerilth-Achtsrpialleille you • , ',,,'- . • ittetet:;., , ,,,,v,',9001.34,,,,,.. pi mall"4"i* 644 1°11(1'w 4I'ver''''' UV' A s. pan?? neighbor 1 e blood, 1144 it . *anal t nt- its• a a indigestion”. Dr. Williatra'" s -Pink umv eons an), , .:-•--,. ' -•• _ '• . . • - es ote tile reatt4biing, tkosc Of c.c. ". • ?P'41°17.$31'ir,VY*41-evelr had., ,St,lidents who cataPwie:' VarfltIOS: ever uttered againet this , teen ars ago that the firs!, licened palpitation, sour atelliaCli; '' • e nienac$,A ' tr*m. IS to utan ile"aeheto 44$' 'the intereld,V:Itt ''Vasril"ttrniiiitl,411:x'11,11,its1:.ift'Ia „ . :Ohl „wi 'itant ea • opulation., 4,4 . ri,,- itliieti , ii. , ' *Able ,Charles......, i a t. alliitIO-iifitf'104'1t11-111::ii ;13tgl'i$ti.X'114P.4' ''Sil:iliti'llilt:14:;* 4/:4":417$4kn ig'441Hrli41447illtir:4141raiiti9:t.li°yelon.1*-i'l'Iti.iT,;.il‘pliill'e.-3::t6141..,g' ati1441::141114rirouv Ittlt. Uff -.„-.,...2 , .0 r, f t.-.', Pik 9, ' e • , , ' • ' '''''' „t , 141446i_ ,''' ''''': ,,... . 0 , 4 .;nri .. .4. , .• ' • ' ' murderer ,‘ ot.-- tae4 Wali `.1e144Y 46- Rills cure because they strike i 0 * -,----- • -1 ..-.'f ' • • ' i i te4, routl from my monstrated,only_at the .t .‘. '., of the . Straight at tilO41!OOt Of 411. at,9, MI:el!' airshroST7weilt°.41:07,e4)7:1,444117.' 41r ri ''* . ''' ' . --'4--'-'9'2447''''' ''ttin of the , pa-rel:t1se'.111-- i -4'74. --Was iret-alr *14 . 4.--itil. 8121341er-444/49 tretillig":21 lakes , • 110*Ci'ti:tit'Anief*arl $0141) died .61 red blood . . , ,,„„..,,,, ii,,,,,.._,o4titt,..txt.t, .ruitiottati.,..414:140. 4:413.411. era v y, x. , . .,,,, t , 4 .1. , , ,,. 04724:et, al irl ei n ot to ,t,p11ot-,,, set tr.,* y e, ,,,,a r • , workvlxiti13% 1015 .. ,,........, hod hoteta*faii-'4' : -'• 14;,'211.''-1514-01' --;•• ... ''. fi • .P.13P444.4-77W4--tt".-":411Y 41f t)3.° trcitlbles. ' 14''-' lijil,I , is lust take plaCe" at regui4' -.,-,. . .q.; . .. - , in other ewes p.wast,_.' typhoio tavAr that decurtatea what the 'steal e O set it Herr („0... ismatuii ,stst, . . vil a siecess byTther,itatidlttaraltaxl‘' little nerve acre oss; the loins, 14'4* 473 ' d , i tiVe -., ..44 —04, _ ' II 7 way Oyetemp.,I,uf_ornia.,tion. and be:u... , ,.... an 411° ..,7e°64114putmaleifills,lt-mY' ftlthiee4;010.40::,enn:,: ItiT),,,itt°0;eeitts, .4a.Vs per $e" 411° • great d r4V..040V:4* : • aerial yage. ¶P1At, Imp thtrst ",E had ,entive • •e- • , . ler ifitiV .,„ . - that ie. 484 textn, ,.seak, in favor et ""ng t rt itt" ievj logs 01. "VilvAitt 'er srliad of this dias • Proposed in &recent Pultlication of .poc pins,. for tho,,,,4eseree.ellitbe capable of ,c•onveying, 4,130, piaes4...whert I -started to- use Dodd E-14' 914' ir me o- .041 •• Wab. v.twair)t3h-$.31atrattuottt .1, 'S1*-1,itilo! trfnelgtrrfirlolut4-. tiblilletl'il,trshetYboh:.11The.74,58aavio" *-14 aP1444-143/1"' the. United States DeRsAMent of praise that • ean, be given them It; intonde , e- opinioii- - terDUD , .44 y. w •'eh watt -,oftert-aeonnpanie% pt 01,$- caso , 1,1 'the _gerrreiLett this ..14_0,Eteemik,‘ jielitlache and baek., -0rifirarsoo_agttaitt (o, tro`tt&..- steel Me s refl. -wet e ,ard ends nuteht. in''ever,it -war that •t itra tiatifs--;#6104--bn-ine,ret .int;ereSting y t I - 0 V ; • • • ' • ' disease in. one of two waYIT, wither.' aelie. As a result my- h •uintoteet, tea.* „treatmgnt, dirr,not eonfliet v-411 our-.Owne ot er towas. _ thenTfryi: ght4Nc-•:UPQA dottplea •mi4eino., but the'early,Sprir4,a_ne hull of ittairre. *lifer; tileA afe Pill for 'guff -Ott. , dircetlY 1•,iy Soiling its fect'Avith the was very bad and had biaelc ring's Two aimstar-s tat * • , iota orflalUng-:into`-lock or -.Ober ,,e'laxos • tiv.0._.ixtecra - th..betweeri synapt-ouis of Kidney Disease, and --The secluded life of women whien U. -Ti .D.-aUrs,- Kidney reins , t.nre eeeo, permits of little, beathful einrcise, truviue., red,'essshiofi,-4,0074. ateritee. Iter.ettettoei etits.revestremett tit discharge from fever patients, and under the eyes,. -I took great deal of, pag.'seilsers be,,e • tatitter--eentaani. mr- .41 i" About. a ear 1(.. wale' y ,:airt-i'keraidtitY-Discaste•-nmatto 10.--twwwitintk"Ls,t41.1'"‘!"1/7: ••• germs in its intestinal caner 'and Barns! Pink•Pilla a, trial.- Before It se4orf tojitr„,,oe , a e • oom. hait.s..Last is. ili. or how itis core- jassiti!de that • so. Mitny• o -itie*Ilreetiserletto,1 • with li:Phold;-- -tad- CO:ging- the • ago tWaS74.-dibled fr-07#VM iNilr be eStailisiled1) ern -upon faa had taken a eouple haus found • B000, mayeat,44. • . • experienee„--Parmelee's Vegetable Pills -will correct irregularities of the ',digestive organs and restore , •AFRAID TO BRAG. Ilea' 1th and vigor. The most delict,tte :614% '1411* • * ' voststt4i;tr;Itts"---i:, dt otirom wok, Yr 4 $0,00 Attb„,00-W64.14.4r7tith, Uri , 103itt,WiVtitiots to,g4 001(0 otttik livai,;.VitalrfaA100, `Tortirttri.” Yttl4 801tiSti ANERICAS $1,04Tagat, But it 'is -not 'aope typhoid a;--jok-tis,--the time I.414,,d its du,CZL , culosis. may readily be carried , by f :din like a new woman, with a itatiorksa, othor, flC m attly "Brown must be terribly in- voirtair own -use thent7witil Bidet live Spread. The 'semis of tuber- a halt_doxen boxes .I found irtyself one or two other towx them enless the patient has heeded good aPPetitte, good4diges"tien, and will be established tO " ,deht." . • .because their action, while. effec. the warnings sounded on aR- sides, a clear complexion. 1 win strongly! town5 With, stations: idoetor a s your vain "What: makes.you think sot" tivei is 'and, Axid-talten-eare4o; destroy all ex,- recommend- pr. winiams! pinktnii5,1,,otto_utweeix x anow wiiat ot, a raise in salary -the . • , omeo.,.4 rhavo tOlgo, dintalutl,..,41eA-toor la caner_ and *lever sad a word ‘4:fenkins c.leclares that, where h lani17--'(••• • , sore y feet and deposited on a cut or them. Germari War Oilice 7,41.1 other persen, Any disease, indeed, the troubles' which have their vonnectieg-171itetiselde it11,bsoter, Itt,ittli 0 'tAlror narnaatkti:rg, atin.tegt. caretv,f:1 smtuednii it; ,zeto. hat's. not abraded surface of the skin of an- Dr. Williams' Pink Pills cure all sete,vention in support • which is capable of in or of sin in had blood. 'T,hat tr e. ot ' being spread by the taking. 01 .cure anaemia, intligpstion, rheania- .vantages f 1 I 0 4 horite...00-*-Mot_to: Motio 041sDolorol eitoto, • liplawroomeotbfuttp000/1 : '' • 660e'os'r.iabsittri.. sow tytt"olirtr iztlut4 1*(4 tor; WhITE Itter$04,01,. hatrivict "corn.' 2144i, telarrXi etel tallIfitAltAug. Dept. V% orotte.001. ' •,-••-#..14., • • „ parch In is why theY' e tie in view of the ti5;rts iforte scientists state etellaitely ths.t.‘the t !lowed. to roam >aver your 11014103 AtilD lirSTIID1( tovr tztmon hour*, ie the, principr , rit beta tont!. nicanS of, distributing typhoid fee- 'house those evr ()dant- 0010 g- TowigetkiiiitAight4od odomnitaietti. ,spread these noxious trisects. Sows methods of destroyin,g_ them and guarding against. the dange.r, . from them will be considered in tins place next' week. -Youth's Cora- . . panion. •• -.----BaALTtrratTs, For unbroken ruhkilig with, common table Salt i* 46/1,0 of • the.lest remedies known. Add just enoxigh water to make the salt darap. • People'do not drink enough water • Jeie_the blood so that the Ilya.' Inetitti of girlhood said „womanhood. lierr, ceisumnu ' tt. Sold by all medicine dealers or rent etatins that fare4 1.0,T by mail at 50 cents a box, or six sengers would be so boxes for 12.50, by. writing The sive at ikrst, owirtg. t Dr. Williams' Afedicine 00., Brock- cot of the iiiikettp a vine, vitt- -- — ------, .. • T.Ite. costs- A 6 . , . . , - "'• " - -- iy----iftviin---ry - propo FOREIGN POL10EatEN. ge. nor.al development - ‘ - . . ---_----- - - - 41,on,_Lo_that i el, Loudon Bobbles Carry No Clubs-- o al, voYaggs woukt 1 . ,„ g Tito e, paetirac for the wealthy, but an under brisk frloti3On kud tho pati.„ pririelpik tasilutattuters *to tryinz to - ordinary ideatal, of corarannicati(iip, eat oUtains aliuost- instant relief. 1 takeilatt.,inttgo ottitihe triftat 4111.04tri*I'lle Heeds for French Pollee, London patrolmen carry no deb& at any rate for the middle classes. The retnitg ,.. of . the use at )gentlij Ally 'Lai; 1,3„ ---jezhtsul Attached to the middle of the belt , ,I0110-411:14131EIT Tots * 'tl:e4::::p4:11;a4t-g7a:se:a-realfor tho spread anY • „ tb,050. deadly' diseases, typhoid L fever, diphtheria and smallpox. WARREN GIOVJ'44(11*0001 moriboni Toronto steratz*chottiot. iticorztoPtrliter4 t:EiLthittiottrgeb_ril:lithee,41. rr.ald:Totl'Acr:111141°. • ,1 crac 1-114rtitid-rfdr . ."4.441*"' :COBALT -644446- 0•••tansisa rotoorigoi sores. ly Pads kill the, flies nd the itet the disease germs, toe. . ,n a fly dead hy .001,33.. Tommy -looked tor a long time 'at , Ads fethees moustache, in a cc*- . templative way, thox broke. out- • Paire Rubs with; 'When 1: grow aP, 'Alan , -seat a. have -feathers likelathefrtn. he bodY the . 4iii_jt4axk_taatartL,2 eitraffs Thomas' Ebteetrio•, • 44 -3100.111,,411mmER _prised many who -Oro =acquaint. r wrote little -- co wi s qua itiet,77.1unt-on excuse iid distilhed servicp. 111,ons th. -,`'''StAiiiiteiriit-olTardeitifore-foritteTittrovr 9-henPly,aatitti,°24;;;,se and--writterAgnifying-raure_lintt- erir 14.1i=tarz=0;vitt, ileheate 6.1.4 pares. ;444if wevrIked it -4 1: 4 tt• day afternoOtte he..fe 1: I e • •„ as Fr tent. it, - e ma- . . .if- -. ------------,ler•eiiticidy. , ...- , .....„1,41 ' ' • • sequence is that this long continued ' - --- eatifilOtifiralfttlythirhiart.---Th w ' 'i.--.•"..,..---,----,'...,..;___,;_tise_of_water, - - normal q o weat little •-Wtarrirliiit5resiiiirs.:-Tleai limtr-time--beettti-54--4404. - - • ..-.„.. . ,,..- - - - 4.iitreet4r ..AtItti,..g_vy., . have to work wIreo Impaired or. man- , 6 zmrso :41 . - r- . r %IR _ feetion. ,.. • . ,..,,,, „ .. ,tiean-,,,,,,anji tetuy has th4-1:e-ifeet 0 , nint•signalt-te-a-re iza 1013, 40 peri::: .. - '. „ , , , axi Inside bath. ' WOL:dt*ero..*heirik)Ordibe-s1;trtitri7iTie.-- - . cm. IsAn-1. _-,7,-,.,. .. ...,- - -7. ,.....,..,,...,, Zs i.nak heals :molt slant'. When a ., Eezerna is .freeitientiy eausea hy. ' bl Paris_ the orffinag.Patrohnori . eettee ot Airi eirk, Uces, nit& or ortro U.: . _mit -ttasv.00t.4Fut, et riftddiferts b'ot the an who itis a victim orindigesr: to hot water, the heat of the oven, suminer white duck trousers. They 01,itzesterit bywitithcooe istd:sitp6optitylps-zbout.pticrukur. wattr swteteced win rut*: tatuott tt - , - * 11, the Iran:M*0ton - of husinese• gtiVeVetiTtr:1 t, jelrgrti, &caner- becomes an• added Misery. Tre cart. housework:, Exposing the hands we"' hlueand. Coats and In 13 ..__14,1411,15_,,a-houtp.olis_onktiat„.4.4, ..lassazinei. rather as an emblem. of Yr "1,-z logleurei.-,,,.2r.ba,, ve f%cirnelftli ' or other 'Changes of temperature , . carry effort swords, saYs the Travel and Uevt skirtwili be quielly formed. Whort r erry. Drivise--:..-stid. ow. ' , _____ . .: . not concentrate Ids mind upon his au non. , -ths.. racovitoes taTArlY-WAP,, -0, * itro ..tr....tat".„treti. aces, Itit_ 1.1._si_licvlargrto '01.2 e3-,50- woe't There tire only 710,000,_,nativ. es in, take said loss and .vexation'.attend , reniedy for eczema,' tetter andLo.vith.,,,eisr hint; To sue. h a ret:rn Preairiemet.).etelis ,„„,,. atment, tiftorditig -to ' I. - • skin .diuoases is Made bY use the fiat si e as a elute 'a. • - - --"t''' Iti downpour of rain the Paris ' ..eZelut-Bieuelcvlieetrzli.xl)ra'lntee'klibtiteartfeteyhthing u44' : . - ---• - - . - „ ---watei -.-anef-,..foee...4e'weioxn2fnla_,o; POlieetnaa hanga-his-caii otf--a- h ` --16;:elyra4ililelel trApplest oturune# OtItt. Arial of 1.1other Juraves& direttions, will ' convince hini Of • e „ I aleohol,- After Shaking the bottle,' if' 11.1-ertnwit -14 gs-iltitfilltt-dillw-s• ''- ()11414*'''"'ir--.1"4" ed fr°r4 tie. e 'cli----111---L' "iteritdruitor----will tonyine' -t eir great 'eXcell'enee. They are over Ids head the hood of a eliort , eslib statidfibrric+T Nat Jei:11044,0,5ttito.4," Inn -that itlia.1 110,e(lual- its,* Werra •Penf4ently reeoninie ,.,.. . '•,,, _ , r,ougli and itching surface ;and al- ,, This 11,00dad_ tap0, is vantt4,_ ,44, ClIANCEL1,011AISAD PllEACTIBIt. it does not please you. • • them.. . nwO caPe of heart cloth. -, , - . '1 .. ' znedicinoi • Bui- .* bottle and ;welt thei ward6-ili tb:ictlirditthisti-tor ...,.., _ pour a sintai tetiaritity.. upon . - e .. • airwit to itry, repeating the tie+ ,clonel.'10- na, soid in- its' longer -form,- , - - --- -- , - - - ....i.e.- , ,, ,, , , - - • • ,. . - -..,,,........,..,. , - •, . , , ..•,,,_ ,„., , ,, , e:7,-„,...---..,,,,,, „..,,,,, _ __, „.,,, . -latent --to*eltal time* zaCit-dal---nn Ita.rviviiir-to...tatHcnetii..48_11.sed..41,, itrtiArd tinieor.ge I's apteal Peerlek '..t.I.,_thift.Lek,t'os . Tsitiffigt5„outztrerefhtfe_nnt, , .. t 'looks' oiS. tprogn In* nilktr146' . iv iss11:::11:1407;woli14:130,Y, em.-,,,,... , a healthy tondi,,, 7tviehcr!eit7gttre„Ittheilaes•---. , ,,,...; ..1,..::_-a_1-16-sii'lirri".,..,- -IL. (1--- -4,1/44. e- mitt.' _ _ .,N,.. f., ,.04,„_,......9,4 46_1. . • .. d , a•lk: -1 tieve.r ksaw, , ,firtylone quite o -with cowled monke. . ‘,. . cenrie+ '' '' ' '' ' r--t"-Irtuatt-oHniviti . iniellor Ifirt-ees1-07-en-fir- , -, I . * it. 4 4 `.V.Ilit , • Wirt-fiii-rek ...„, .eytm.,.tv r -• ' . ' oi %in% t so 4, ., .._ 2..:71ir.:74-4-iff,T -....fitil.' ,'' ....L.A. hgU Ii.tis:, WA We *At Vtlit*W0410 /411400111141Staittlink , f the Exehequer, who can a ova , , ............... . At ?fl OP tONTAGIOtTS. Recently the! L Option plan for eon- 41)nalpit equally •as well as het _does gets . tir,ed (luxe ; enoug. 1. , , Try Mutat* Oya-i/ainsay. y I 0 Te7 11110 1:1 E r 25Q-VV.sttrtt Oil an ,Peak s Bair gr()wtd,r WANTED 7e.tift;E:liotri.:;*,11;14;1;liiii:0104$:::::::irtiot. goo inecip.,4211 Vista% *t. Torimbh tett 1090 ISrOvib Cob,414, , vet moot; • *cod: • . • 1shas come Int -0 tile Treasury Bench. lint Mr. Lloyd 'itatiet Get It , Ity Eating Fish, Meat vogue encaesfully on the- Ilaris Ne other fly 1.C George manages to do both. When ith Arr-114on't Fly rad or Vegetables. • hanleya. rd.s.. 'The polieernto detailed' 0. ot. d'd ktriancial' probleuis w ***** • 8*. , - 4 •Ir • ItOti eartriet get -esti-leer by eating' '-tPr sttch- 41tIty *tar 44:411•th'-• "e$.4 -or in-----.rolibinglea_tooks„,„ J1Q tO lb • b- • b - • etttb*t the • been propos . __ .,, else., -_,net.„,.-fyinkigg-watei,-- lielitoi*, . ----ocitny-liquaziehate-C-er„---iiceeratiite - ----,---,-.-,-,-, .,r, - to the experts on cancer of the " iztedieal faculty of.--Catuiz)bia, Ifni. vcrsity. 1 - These. ernitient specialkstsi ally ttat, tious. One of them expresse ' - it receetly to a veporter ii.' "Irou . could breathe cancer, wallow in, " tancer, luiiidle esEtieet , lath tut, ' 1sand4 and not be in the least, din. - 0. , 4 ger of contractit.g the disease, ' * simply because cancer is a not a - .,. - . communicate tote .s to men When wed's% * -Zo$- was,ealled.to t or attention, these ;*rtiUiL c1r-repeat 4.1 germs with a ierlstro rut. log inflection,. 'and tlien went fato att,i)ahotate etplanattoit , of * canter is not 4" aetitt chittel it.*.tateivnittia.D14t.tot • .41)t ttit, isTot York Aquarin0; • • • ------------ Aired that it' pen- ;vete, ma -, -11.1_h,y_eating 'itaf ADO:1th . tintitt, of at* •MtiOttpt **Wit ' • ' tot-,--thoffatteakto -4%0' 100- '11 bee ‘eitia$ht policemen wear_he1ir.t.4.1 oit4gito froni the pulp • . itic of InanY a 01,3 ercfriatorium, for the dead `tit 4111.1 Several excellent stories Connect /. • tit* r.:gt, earl *tor Soil& Mottos' trout; ,ctiptts Volitt to rost000iortil4 by; Zitpikt..*: Colititur, ttn liktotris's10,,Ot' tvota note.•I'd gatliki" lotion**, ft. tonblon, ,r"ottt.-wftt ukt.1401****., Mettlt.nyonft*C-Ilatilot.-,40 multi 9.06erilniett44?.142rattnntlittw, "vtIllitotut les rattle/ *peso** yeee, , With, the little Welsh Chancel-, nsta and son 00rns cannot with. Pre°411'ng 11'91 'Au6 4°1"quenc°sttind. trolIoway's Corti Ctiiret, it IS 'have alreittly been eirculs,ted„ but effectual every time. (let * bottle one thatlias hitherto eactt tct. pith- at once and be haripy:. , wife has that disease, kleptomania"' . "I* she tyying to mire it I" oWell the taking ' 110110103ing Mal 1;65 Whitt,*a lira*W.ONF-4, . : MUT"- -TaitOntiX .' 0, goCo.. o, for(fre.), 0 10 AN *iatiiiir relates liewt ,pre, '. . . , ,,,, , .. : .• ..dity,, he. took f,or Ins silbject the , • r• to 'ilxvioet . teri•--1110ill'er sli°414'..,. ' .- 'Creel& s wi om and knowle g AS •i .,,t AP. Iti.„,;.14'.:`:: " ' '''.11 LIAit-ill-linini•net 1.114i4t dal' able to reeetgniae and 'vim'', ' this :minor ins that attack bet ' to whatis: bet for man, arid he Oc- "411"tu $014". 7'4°5 *11.;e4ru " 1 l4ti . dren '774-:4:1:43:1*°*.tlrebitt°t-':-10.-o- bol:rlit; b t a h. if are.* "rotteed of ee. ' Itruek,your head Iiiitit theceupl" , :ttiortitti .taused'ke irritating arid' ' little', one. PromPt itotion-1-+ 9!..r e 16, .. E t 1.- . E .. , tyris,,, *it...1.!, , . • ',' that sa *Itatir till. tbwilining of , olio .0faieut..orious iiinesi l' Loth.* against their iot,:to,nelievli itt. ,030,400ttici,em4401/ Mr. work . l'!Well, then,. all ,:(' hoe to Xt. , the intestines. raitik and 43,Anter. h*ps Saire at little life A. ' perhsps '' ' together •gond r 141%d • 0 that .1-.":'4°111a be "I'r Or° ' ': b)441**Putgititli"410.**441iiPtte: aitrto e; safe remedy -'in the ' for-' ' ' . * t h 14' - , .. '••, . PritfetilOf the, Mid suffers: undo :. ° , . ... ..' .,.. • ... . aria Wound up; hit address ' ' '° er. - . , '.,drain;, .. .it cat's.tho safest and , ., • ,. .. . . , ...„ • ,,,, vaX0114 .... ,...... - • i ' all .'stortnielk and towel 4 ' sowerc' W I) , e . E. . a --. - Tablets. ‘L hey promittly *6 - roubles destroy worms, , .4!".drol*-iltiti the $uritshirie« heeikUsw. bre*k:.,no , it 41„ toe -..„ Ile ItYtOWS- they' *DI_ ire* , * '• frig easy 4"rid keep ,7411bilierr, 1: --ii: 4 AL „Ljarti for thee,fueloxiiis.r, 4004t1 - os. tositioan silay'a•Ovit saAtthar* tjoY4 George not ,ast tory. Mr eliild bas AtiPet an w *tall Arinourices a r4ew 1 izel Co t moot pitizaorlAN -roil" Lousy. , altar' iei'Vreek, Itvery - of iOns ttundrint PoUJ r1z�t ;of says4 I hots %loch • and, tOnsitiering It IS one, , allerayi fonnd stri aatiefee. 1.*Otl 1004 upon logo trilemt ,:aioli**1**y* „ hitt ittol Vas his Itaad,' h . attar ' . n h '.- ' --**Clit '''-' tr-' ts-- • '' ''': t--.*'-' ' ,, ' 8 P1 ' I' ' ' ; - P. at * son dflghtt4 t6'iiii,lic11 - p1id. *it $O# _ \ . • -,I es, a ' is ;! Saes 7"*''''''4:111141":).-144**61.,tit-ta' • . 4t tutiiitoi totostitit boo; • ,.itirink„ let tratt.t, r thatImueli Isrator ' Irr .;. • , 0144 k uMassW� - t. Iv**. ,,..igropeAwk .4)) 4