Exeter Times., 1909-06-17, Page 6vier Atuti you fedi
itien is hopeless An
tbr atoned .
ss ear. Theyare
01 40401es are Covered. ,inaadfrom
• ostumo. ishment titer" it
a, in
isone 0
ein sec ton
"4'; ''...ks•-41ir*Odi',.Y,,,,•
lei hands, with 'widely
flowing ends. •
(Ibtillies and pongees appear with.
y forms pf 'border a4 . well as
Cotton reateria,
old and 'Wier c at i
in bad form for tailor
or animater the fuhion is
to, cor -number ottlre-st
n re in the eater of corn,' ripe
in, the
of the new'„Otes arciongilew.
118 ft mixture of-grtglitili*-sviiiiil,.
ono" ontpri
riter in the \Vol
' o u
tirne ,
fit •
-sap '11NO I/1011th
t tarted
t o
el lac% tyild0„orttee008,0 o
and /°-
-health. One, ,
• Pea cause of dicast iratilaren is
worms. Remove Omni ,,With MOW
'strength and i». WilIiama' Pink
ills, tor t4ale, People cure nervous
sordtera because vfy feed tho
,ltCbe oI Mz. *PH"' the-. authorit
I a urniabes
. . . several in together. e A is
P:117teutraebeDvent‘ WttlIollam*Prat,rsintlikbrojirras obtained from outside and lessens t
by a 1 twos the
knoWl age fathomed
pursuealowed to .
t t o
then were ta
, the mornings* bad A hittr.,tte
eases of tterve exhaustion. Niro. al'e gi'Vea regaiaVIY.
Rail was' left a widowand was AEC RDS Alit KEPT.Itidne
forced,'to work' in 4 roill.ta main- In tho olhccs a rceord of eath
tain, herself -and her two
hildren. She bravely faced the
Attie -of liferthoilti.h 1,3be hail, never 'fret is pro
ad to conform to such con,d, itions 4het1ier.
ett..._ Tan
OS cor
pt to obey the -ollictoli!,
covered with pongee and trireme
with silver are stylish.
• tilrueVii•-eaSeit, filled with thridainti..
est of perfumes, are among tee
tereelties in the way of etteliets.
stlolito of the new petticoats of
ra9s linen have dgea_ofuifles
d 'bias bands of a colored lawn.
'11 _ telt, collar, finished at the
1 Al
. WA 4 .wel fter
ons auing
Lumbago to
Pills." •
..-th�7thuin,494111, -
'ar tig-sro
. should provilothemselves. with 4
supply - '�f Dr. Theinasi Eeleetrie
oftset.t , .
'iue, ad when
rosue, c vita,
taken internally will prevent
r‘ act° . u ' eoldt-alid-Sertfthroat,- and-
lubricant will keep the ,maselesin
1 God condition. •
, \ --.......
)115 141111 A young man should always *46.
s c
Most at once. Neglected
Molise develops into Itheuin
;Member that if he is too attentive
to het won't hieee _enough
„nuine to t marriod on.,
• .
Sh think t' very range that
man was made first." Tie,-
tural order: Money Imo to
be mae orera-WOraawean zpend
il broken**' * it
ilen2t ignore the few hoise
Il0iemaiviY000u0 (You iinns, nil! .coetrs atrlays ap,144*Ous
early your house‘will be overrun by
4era in midsummer.
114.1 noticed signs in herself 0f a Th,e main building a Sugamo is
ety_extlieollattw:.tae consulted a.: deAtted in the torte of
Cure. removes 1,11,kiedf
NOT GUILTY. -without pain. ,Faiture wit
ight. :Stara.' ---krtnif ematit .
- L. ..L.- 'woe ve y
long , ceedingty. dressy.
It is predicted that oull hp t
fabrics are, to have the call fer
91p44b, excellence this
'finishing t.ctucti be the ec.ige otAP coat
extreme. edge of, a dress skirt.
Except -DO the brilliant. einPiro
green, which which is :a, atteeifil,•favorite',
Ott hats -ere lialf.totteS; Ault in
century are going to have 10g
---1 a
Oarless gowns for dress occa-
- *isbrui are pretty' if accompanied by
a, broad bend of 'beads, jewels; or
Velvet., .
The. -individual linen pockets or
ago_ W.orn with the summer 'gown
Arefrequent' fastened_ ztb cords
-few diftr.12"-lint-relieVelit atelt-ittiunt-thwtimr-4e-r-4-vairtlew.,
olno and it watt tinallY daily oo- along the whole of the rays, which Prisoner -"1
currence for her to faint at 'her eomprise 300 cells. And what 0401, dont get m
work. Th-tre frattingmelle-oick i--v-it...twenty lea -h*le-and dark."
• d bi
developed into pronounce hysteria ott windowed.
unknown. ., ...;
o leu. hre a me . , ,. •
Iiigerid eral, 74 --'7,-----1=iii-ii'V-11Z;64iiii
; your , 4. se, th,,,,,i3O Atrs,„ cow•ard_r4cali very, i
• ..i. i apartment' are very- --11ruaren..- .,
baud in.until later ur,e., col;k1, actually
hear .our 0046,,
, -hors having. celery for dinner 1,*
.. 14
and 'chronic irritability, and ,lifrs. .The convict* sic housedingroutis. Woiss•-;.arese Sympathy 14011t'
Rail, says that. death would have In a' cell of eight mats -ll robins • , fayour ,i16
eral. docters. but got no help, anti twelve convicts .are aceornzoodate liesvY Pursleal, Ou,r4lear I know what 'Porno. vrelstilr;rtslt:ryttit:forne04'.**3:1104tIon.
been.' a relief. She consulted see- are measured 14-Matio-
Auto wan AO ate= tot 1r04.4 'WI. rink E ottrt y*84 btu Jodi* 0040;01041'
e s Wa rhea " floor s covere with mus ire_ been 010c00 04r4041 bell to 430014 .344 kalet CoutPoutid Pet"
- ov our utir* etwood 1% olciatia; Contain' n • 19u4
sh felt that he s I' b r d" "t1 • h'
tion sho w, Visir ` tit
.011' MO „' y
illiame' Pink ,-,Gratkping' aro-ma-dr-4r- tilt ,to. to -tor-rti-rese., setto,As _
even the possibility Whelp she, de- i* epotlestily clean. x 0 the reetedP whtch as .belputo00 Wilks044110o P•nr
ilthful o
Ws. (ie r
'Wen them
*gine. A trial
brother 'Tommy (an$wezulg for
- 41.
itbdtuvegutgotttoAtosoV_,!Eibe 'jut 7vat.y,f6:94,17:14:41.0.01;04::
ructoeisto. of ttatatititentirehd „thirOrt
'te .
Itr-Was,the final day of school .
And the friends' of Willie. Wise
Wereoutin force expecting to
See Willie swipe ,the
:When stood,sip toiretits
- .11e said, with outstreterieditandel,
"Under . the reading blaeksmith
Stitch in time eaves* and
v fly 'kill ''!1"3'70alres'
thousand at later On. .:W"
wou y-rOom
for ',an mo
AttP POOR. At,igg ,o0O Italuitther,,
Vskeu: luteruithit tOr' ortoupe..• t01100 uutt
, thud**. IkppliettezWuelly'cOrSeprelos
itatif ' ;melte* ;:tuusdoe, oto. *ow,
tate*. ;' -14, but one 4'000inkilteroire,
toy hawas te trivet( SOMY,, ethos •
01Cled, to do so. , After taking three tephe otist warder stopped before this sts box will owe otl-lt bus omen°
'boxes site ,,tietistally found sonic a
eit be' nappy awl wilt. ART OF Pzit.SUASJOist.
0 (ow con •
oorrat t 'extreme -end •of th for o bores If 10 1 a
t: aud-414artilekcktsto.- Vt4Z*,
t a, y and ,Iceys iticceeded throwing it 'Open., Ont.
increasing' daily until after a few writesa visitor. "With some- mis.
mouths*she felt the cure was cOM; ilkilpga I entered. The room would "Japanese inns*turniili fresh tooth-
plete. She says :---qr)r, aee gladdert0 _the lieart .&& bruslieti every morning free to each
Pills dhave_done_khat _doetois ur photographer._.\ „Ntit • apost
lied to do and *hat X myself "single rajof- light penetrated its
freed -me from .*the terrible trouble of small' tubes that ran through Cordial is comPounded
-suirfarti dthatvaw•
., . mblt--4itte*e
been renewe." WhenMrs Ilandid not adulit 11 ht. '• -and al 14011rortory disorderttiat
began takto Drwiniap;? pink FoRusofpuNTsram.
change- of food Or water may of up'
Pills, she 'weighed only one hundred ' "'There are three farms of olio- in the stomach and intestines, These.
pounds While- under . her „reneived baton (punishrcient)• for insubordimy , complaints ai:e more common- in
. health her weight has increased to •
. .tion'\ said uite warder. "The first summer than in winter, but they
one hundred„ and thirty iotinds.
Dr. Williams' Pink Pine ego be* ill e"finelnent in ILO PraPtY roolx,' not confined to the warm months,
in medicines, the offender beirtg compelled, to tut as.undiie laxnes0 of the hoitels Inv
had trom any dealer
oni„--4nor tt-4 1 a-
. on a mat withoit moving or colt- seize MEM at any time. Such 4 Wariii_tj
slack, ourselves.. ,If found you
anything to do, it would be taking
work 'from inY Own
Applicant-' The little I should
o ;wouldn't harm nobody guv nog."
itat_flifl OUT
•-•I1-y6u 6.0fritti!_i_cant?e»
animals look -flip the..„ Algonquin
National Park of Ontario for'your
summer outing. .A fish and ogame,
, preserve of 2,000,000 acres inter-.
;versed with 1,200 lakes and riven
14 awaiting you, itering all ther
tractions that Nature can baste*.
Magnificent canoe'trips. ,Altitiido
No roa
enable hun to
weather. --
is,51Pin oftl
-being ca
italt*.tW0MAN fiberal wigif• and
for dising;!oont • work, Iv 00 .10•00 Obi
paatb.Apply Wollttri4." ht tJathiriu.
tENTS,VaitiTEDI Yeu-oets .tgait'e more
Inon0Y 'gelling our Pertutotei Toilet' 130..
gaufaitiOilleao„ tee. epiote. Stu., than
to *gr. otbir-legitimate *Ay.: giotieut
°ap. rtunttr tor eriertette *ea and Velitetif
WM 011404114,16
014ilair WO 000'
co , 120 CAMOVOS,tot 'WOW
1011411,01/ work Of Of,
a laYal$0\
aro -tgliorrover•-svhite-er-I
li.WE evening -fritbics
of tulle or Waitron are often.
tied about the ram half way
tweeu :the Shoulder and theel-
Are' Clean Without
hisrldVgidas 1061
turned,: train . to aluttnietw,
neli _impressed with ,the
eirmenV,--brurt -fi
Itardered Woman's Apparition otne re a let and tree,'
'UV Yisit"PilOn• ' 'her added -"sligni&cahtty.
The ' convicts in the Itaryboro rt 4 .gle
Alt!:to haVOitever lf,:nirn at man
• 'I the b mboo I carving shed.
enVieb•prison have been 'wer° 1116a with lafge intel ctuat
thrown iiito-a-panie---the--gbos • forelf;i-ads, bright, Intelligent eyes,
f,.4...nrablertd.Agantuti: clear cut moiithS.7-Tfily-i one man
leged to have visited her Murderer, Tern n ett lue-er M-Vittriliathear
who is serving, sr, life sentence in in England'. Be was short in sta.
ture, the eyes were, small. and obli.
.msn" 41,:sootohniaTi' aira-at'• 0,04-Ibcderattrfrti-..„,f,anjt..Tpz,
'few ineoths ..a.go Dublin ter, flabby. crime Was Ma- The Pill Tha-4 tads Them" Al].
'tied you on that ,peint,
tfouseke4ertr_ tau Attu)", Atect
vited to commence the use (4. wii-
tietes Ply Pads early, .becanse 4
few Kit& killed n would
• 'Ang;,..
o 15 tlrent) who was sentenced to death cedIngt the ears large "4. the Jowl
publicatien tellipg you all about it
sent free -on -appliciition-tO D,
Ileflonald, Unica Torontoi
Ont. .
Pills are the, mbs.t. portable and
:mtirderotaikenanat therloeks. ,‘"1-14ught4t* com att-ota
Lord Lieutenant to. pellet aervi-
'tilde for life, and kinee then he has to a fat
*galas e r e 11 wa ens. war
„ _ _
t it which a * el* - 5 ra*Y-01 "sd-.
•Isewhore.. 44/ was arozed *btu statt,led torrioie abrieks itcm irprise, and 30 the ilartoW hove
w them tiressilg wounds Grant's cell, and when they rushed & fight to the death had been, waged,
gstort hospital,' saki the phyiti., :in -to $00 wnat b 411100 theY luiltY 'wife the 6111Y vfith""
,..!‘TheY used'he antiseptieg 0 fi?ti.na the mom n perspire- n.111 .11.cit-.100k '11P as 4X.PaSSed
Othello. With
kind nati' even go lorti.and in a-044E4,ot abiettterror. hutub
peartd_in,, _zoning bamboo an, angel 'with oet.,
ments. ' questione tglie
ny to fash-
trouble_ol,etellizing instru. Ile deelared tliat the gliott of the PaTin vell°68 crexatiritY --we*
itleted' before.- 14 kANULIE4.-"
fi-‘'c'h'kigic-. "Ana 114 -Said 'it .• -74-vge. . hit-4444nreu testi, 1:IffereffeirVitrigli't ---
inteetiotta germs the , Ilytkrtidn$, and imp °red herd not ttrn toe, weaving dePartinent tfise
r tited by; *Teeth:11f. atteeks-to tielefinished_gte..::
0:44titati-if theY it& -It*," We -*tent thiGlitorkts.: '
t necesiaryl that there were. se nim
healing was almost never in. to leave 'Convicts 'were 'making uniforms for
4 work it; Awl of our phitraidpilia rot twice since then and the rit‘ Itx Am the shelves around
able preparetions. hey
'mat:attest their ower to b
pills they ntust fully,mee 11 re-
quirements.' Accurately comPoimd.
ed Atte eompesed of ingredients
Proven to bit'leffectivein regulating
the dipstive. organ,--therof -is no
surer, medicine to be had anywhere.,
' These of Other Countries« ,
• Witt Soiliwarl\lamenituktteoi
. iT IT
and distinctive nation,
Alit" ant Prof. William. If
Sloatte s ,,not liko "The tart
* - ) us i g Ile
.simple, although •1 stron
realizes_the. difficulty /Mt
I 1,f 1
t Alan:
written t •
Russia is a pretty old rustien; but
it used the militia of "Ood flaye•the
Xing" 44 its national leiinit till
,I$30,11thentwolt wrote the present
national- song, "God Protect the
Tsar,". es tettin to .the worth
uiocl to mtnet frato plles,, int
It hag Wed. Dos kith grateful
'140„..ittgabotit Tay$st„at
yet-,11Vog four Iorgyc.rs leuggied
*cutely fiont, blooding pUcs. Verje
thst twee lepeut laitteenee amo$nt c1
Atoka= -ilisaltrol wOutou
*Ow* of Cateliego. 14104 00,
venous l4ai c4
ver. OA* Om/ fuer
di Wed ZOIL,
'rhat t#1011447 bet
uom -1`
overwlielnied with hteed pois. manship wat perfect. And .how
they vorked The shuttles Were .
tng and "other eitte4 of tbat kind.
: 'thrown throitglt the *ups by hand,
y will not always have this
ora Om germs, however. In.
rse with the tnited ttates
time, load them
is greet pre.
it -I a pityAlutt
be the ease, 5tut ILS the,
The7 atorniai'
t?o bowel, or cUt--
ng teeth., is responsible for •ItoSt
tho ills and sufftring 9tat a
and it will Obliddithit he Waftelis`
ere , old ' 440r
f n . .
" 1 t rto 'them ,,,, duttrz.._
true 6 ttver.
ves '!* ..(fiv.,e
t ' into his
n ,
ing z es7;-1 at sold $priggi
If.alf:vilt-dootzevetaridouocttotitar e v iven
• during, i
ltfe. i
w-11-Ylif,ilinte- ' - t
Ding:, o 1 PO \ hit
1.1teitlititaptte,000011 tha00 covered Enrop, at
and anclt
}Terdn 1 4., improit,
' had visited -Engl
with thc Britiib
ional, anthem.
rd h Migge*ted thaf, Austria
hymn. HoWel ve such was
rd ngly comet ed to
/70/. The Thiglisk IlYfori
, the new !song wo,iirst•
*ye; the lPtigt1' .appeared'ii
present form in 14O, and nuvlt,
way by it merit* u * i '
great national
t 18O it