HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times., 1909-06-17, Page 5*4114kg
• Mena
)irectoire CIOthq etc.*MY • have• been OM .letei
replaced: and now most of thentare'dOwn to remnants. Th
purchase any of theseogeods.would, 40 well by :acting ron
ive gooaa ,froto
uet • flatet endertoole to ell,
Friday afternoon' aro"
acbiuo tnd ran it &n o
and Curtains
- -of fancy net 30 in. ide
bordered "'both aides,
• newest designs, also -
plainer ones from 10c
to We.' per yard.
Big range of Lace
Curtains to $4.00
We have just, receiv.
two pieces of Black,
tits, yard. -
very soft, good black,'
u*ranCd not to cut,
, recom.
ed'-Vritlx Ieacl
d. ower
an anyYOueVtt
Vt. • Conte in and see
to -Suitable for the
10411,h1 -40k eilk coats
-t� repe ers o
botlian re-
ceived another ship-
ment. 'Expect More
beautiful Tapestry rugs
in different sizeii in, a.
--In-thieelineewethe. range
Sbowing-aenice Int Of two pletteetinearrier Salto at
right prices. „__
liatsche IteltaandlitraWe. Shirte, Ties, Collars.
PancY Veate, Boas, Underw-iiir,--Handketcbleits,
etc. ' '
11.ian. Of Ram UbitC
and 'tali:tall kinds of Seeds; Millet, Potatoes :and all 4tinds sof Produce
.N,Tpu.-10,S. BROWN
000 lbs. of WOO.
are offering over 300 Boys and 'rani -4m u
lie-,-excellent-qualityratatargainsprices.,.._„_It will
_ Also_x_fine selected stock of Men's ,
in up -.to -date style and latest: shades atthe iter'
prices. Mons Odd ratitt 1.25 to $2:75, leipilttr
50 Pants. PantS.
• nave you seentour stock yet, we
Issu,the_mostiggrAirrata • of the
k tot espestie Squares -are--bemiti
ar *Vetthern t.
Veirmitvalues wrrerighte-Weehave
atit'shadeo ond:Ale svoizes
Viret are offering special values in
AClurtsdns„ Curtain etc. • We
ndln.clior- sortie' iliaisuregardlets
Sae our stock of Ties, Shirts, (loners
ruczYs4 Solderer and ,ete, alI
We lave the correct ritp-
bilite&rtment.' . • -
We have juat reeeived a Nobby
Stock of Felt Hats. Also Men's, Boys
Childrens Straw Bate. The latest
styles and lovt price&
-1.Ve underetand two' aano wed,
dings will tath
ke place before .e•
aim ef the paper. More particulars
tEpirl„ 04 04, garttoni, 41i4 AU« iltlfrt%
Of •'(red1ton, event: Sunday at Mee
Jonas Out:pals.
•iftwto-,.....,..., 7itt:71,4root4:4.0:te elif„ree'ven who spent t '
Mew Mrs. ,le, ,„ e ,141Rescre etpinw:niedweetike4r, et, W. - -
Nellio*n- 4.
- '10Itildreite7day wilrblievele
Dasheirood Evan,. +church, on Sunday,
i+ . *lune COth, special Programme . both
itfternoon tceid. evening. ,
. ,
.. ' Rev, Ilammet, of Newbury, Dote
achedin the Even, cheep* ort Sun,
„ .
e'vt.erwfibl,;e'rre' lesti'val..evill-l'.te ,beL
on‘lune aotb, under the auspicee Of'
the Dasliwoed Y. P. A. , A good time,
is expected. Dashwood bend in et-,
endgame. See bills for particular.s.
e '
t r
I1CX t week,
Ansi ChriMile 13
-,, • after vieitin
el.. V' Brown.. .
Siebert, of "AlSbWeedi t Sunday
in town visiting friends.
Rev, &lemon. of Gotierieb. evoke In
the Evangelical church Sunday.
If s tire- ten
e e the
oard Itealthe
Mr, August Ruhn, of Stratford, vise
ited-his parent 0 bere over Sunday.
Ifierreeeelefte for- Berlin $aturdat
it t -
A bamber from here attended the
Sunday_ School convention at Zhrich
Alm Nicol of Loudon is the guest
-.ofher mother ZIrs. Matz.
er 23_7411
lethodiet utch Sontlate morning.
On Irriday eveniug + the. "Cubs"
playeett ,dvery interesting game of
baseball wieh the north -ender" 12
innings being played in 40 minutes.
This is gollig some. it takes. Vilf1111
gen to !stop ll
the bas and as for Has -
lee keepe
good pitcher. The. score Vra4 6.-1 in
favor of the **cubs." N
rtev., eiCkS occupied the pulpit aZ
a rig.
Mr. 40. E. rrittett has been appoint.
red by the county council a member of
the resinty board of exaininers In
place of Mr. Weldenhammer, of gxe-
ter _
Mr. Ceo. Aldeworth, of Eau Claire,
'Wis.. awl Mr. Lld
ewis Aworth. of
-Byfierd, vTSTted ,relatives here Tait
Denim it recerit e:ettrieal s Wren
the house. of -Mr. Peter Munn was
dtuuage eeie2e-eeigeet-ninete--ereeieeeeeeit-
'MIA done. • , .
Inthpr ntlendzd tho frintiriLat
e late Duricen Mcli'eet-y at Exeter.
Tell some deserving Rheumatic suf-
'irer. that there is yet one sipatle way
to certain relief. Get Dr. Shoop's
boelt on Rheumatism and a free trial
tet. This book will make it- entire-
ly c:tetr how .Itheumetie peins are
quickly kieled by Dr. Shoop*s Rhea:.
lc, eitemedyeellould---or —tab/
rcr-nronvzMtsL 1k *r
u prise rornc. disIrc.artenesl
Batt rte. itir;,,i„„
.4,tuit a fiev 'WO at legit:Oleg mu de!
1.eflt---11 'it - litbs-
sticiessifil eeason iptenU wear i
out the balance regardless of what Is liensall ,
Ipidd for the goods. Wis- carry no old '
stock from bne season to the other in Mr. Pef tir Dtt..!0 q. h3 leerned
this line. Take advantage of this op. raFroad;i.r.4. hero 1:43111'. twenty yeare
ago. ond is now engaged as freight
pottunay to secure a bargain,.
conduc!or in 11-rititth Tio".ntnbilrt, vats
• here ingt V:47tial rriendS.
denly a few even:ngs ago. aPP41*
Our Grocery Department as- well as die' tis end other internal elements
all other dePertment is filled with sea- leeiee the catic,... lie had been teeing
sonable4acidsijsku-wiliAnd-ourX*1-11411, -gasne-hotaveerLA
nearreeel fend oin:r'e tn-in Itn,.1 miter Ow
eight' and +(Ideathe best.
Farm Prodne6 taken in -exchange for good.
F. -Solicited.
ette A large nutriber
.saU. rind-Vieinity on WOO
attended the firnerel ofet - -
Thoreaseitobertson, of ' Tel. r ree
who eras well and favorably • known
in our village. lIer death CIVE4C. RS'
quite a ebock to her relatives- and
1 iltei as elle ivali, ertI tOltsl
'fie/. -diy.' J.' u.
retiring )0 twill:NO
a ii—
was loved and respected by a very
large circle of. relatives and friends.
'Thee reetaltis -were imiterred -in-
neneall•-lealon eeeeneter,,e Iteeev•hereee-eeher 4-1rar° .'" INte`PitIL
DI tete West with her brother Ralph, -4
rho Anniveesary-Siaviees-of—th
h._ - been -a
ten Mahe**
_... tor t
i-16 Iiiivaiiir4-tts---ragaleost -ti,' xatro
Avo.t.ALyear, ,,
With Emma Drysdale, who bee, 'beeit le ,. h..
returned home during the. past week Kirkton Presbyterian Church will be
for a rest. i , lie:d Sunday, 's June gOth. eServiceet
.t_ietcitvrh*.er_elvoithe Lirvomet Sab_11413-se.tblUn ,c"C9hlurcidt7-7443boacd4iTt‘'biatrir Y___.°_Crth' iLite4-tYir*iirlDr43:07,1.enri ;CY* e ,'-'2' t9iTrAnc'',k"*:.
• Iletarde be:expected. .teteetege
Wee for the past „three years, has darir--e-fetfiiig, '-xr- trraerneeting-eeeill, be
le,m,ent.sliarlipp.oicieurttted;eto WucEwt
rvi,l1_e4evirr held on the ehurch !awn. Tea served
'Lorton and J. W. Ortwein were in trrn'quill'Oetrant°d71.13te9'ralYt'erilrlavgrhicat awg'itutthl
Goderich last ,.week as jurymen. rendercd in the _church. The follow -
Loll% INfo'ralati°U°mrterw011"2 mittatte.tri4r41. siLleigntit; :unisetf! 4.0.5icecoiny:ited to be pre-
Abrey, Mc -
bet eddaetgobitieeenestiMur.s, '' Pierson', has re- ie-arY•• Ptow4rts avalOY; '''''''r,ealci' Music
Agl.r..48.4stps,Lathhemp, moft, ;tt.r1),:41911tagxfon, dee.ee fe‘viiilal rbteeti.feu"14.1sphd"ith4eYsertviliece l'solft".111‘11e41
hielfflittirtStIfee$4*.e00.00**Mti Wallet- Hord the well known ' elo-
has been tailing, her Very rapidly .dur- everati lite= -Ye - semi' lane. ' X nuse
beg the past _year or so. She hes been Plod- 25c., children .not of school 150,
encouraged -by a specialist of Lon- Dr. Jese, ' lett this week for the
don to have oh operation' Performed*. !lame °I Ms' mother, wh° is quite ill*
which he claims would greatly berm-, Ins Vraitice is being -looked after, by
_ . _ . • _...... .
trehee eight - - • . , Dre-Varr.-
I - '1 t eete
"--et.44-enrIvisitt'LW'inPh-444-461""4141-4-e.r parents in le -Vat' efloo -mg was ler Jr
. . a IL
Air. V. D. •
ong the liAt of tbc
,K,v4014,9,y24tAge4,zf,t,!W untrimmed \
th.e seaspn at such prices that wilt make them
move, Now issyour:last„ -11
We wish' to atm once! to our many friends and to all those needing head,*
g material that we are in a better poeition than ever to supply your wants 111
and attest yen in any way we can. •
. House cleaning time is here with, a 11 its worries. Let us belp You
L. supplying you with Scrub -Brushes, White -wash Brushes, Soap, Duke
Cleanser,-Gillet'e-Lye. ilouselicildcAnierioniai '-Den .Arai.- for ,-oleaning --Vel
. owe and in fact any gthin needed _for scouring and: cleanin .... - e
eteresefteeeeeeeteeete. eeeteemeeete. ....e.e_e_e•-• -warier enesereavee .,
proved in health. -
ficcompanled by . hex. sister, Miss nb:)'' atiktre4sed 'b•Y .• Mrs* AshieY and.'":gre
atly reduced
for some months, returned this •%reek. °ft the 143"-- 9 ""' .k. ° re.
hiey •-yemegbexeet She is much fnie 0, lona Was.. 'afterwards enjoyed by
• thtvnatreueumbrers.o.n goo- 4 outberity . that Then you will want some of our wall papers _which We are.....selling, '
limes. _ •
. PAINTS,e-You need paint for renevving little things around tlIe,.-
Ask. to . see our patterns. we can please you.
e _ , .
•'• house. We handle the Celebiatid "SherwineWillituas Painter. re*
Virourn w it k pale :to -100,08o Laces the lelansberd Bydiaw is protested, cogeleed• eed the best paint made, in cans froth 1,50. to 95el Var.
-sotto---feet-vresic-ntd-41scutr .r.rgedrwillt-lq-403401-401414,10.--i1O---ole iliti4tukr- .. - 'ffetht-IPtulrforPettr---
receive bath ,ment al. and bodily, vigor i
Y-- -using ' Cartees.lroaeriels. W.W.II!' wha,feePuolliilent. Iv q '
tion as their reputations are some
are eserr to o_tex_eyvwx you. - ,, - : _ - ____. , e . ., -
. ture look like new. Call and let as- talk - this Paint:prosition •
eanplexione • .. rropeeate with whieli 'to designate Farm produce wanted for which' we Will pay the highest -price •
!die tha lre -can in io e ) at lb ,
ere made for the blood. nerves_ and ' ---- . f - ' . --,
. .1 these individuals. either in Webster's, .
AILSA CRAIG or our. own vocabulary, but we vene
Two. onionierovilav services being tt,iee 19 think that most people .can
cor.dneeed by Messrs. oroeseey and fill this mFARQUIIABission for themselves.
' t,
Hunter. evangelists, will be brought It. Davies has. returned home after ._
a two weeks .sojourn in, the city of '
to., a c'etee ,•the beeinning of next
week. Owing to ' Zirtui
. , !_b. E. Bunter Stratford, "a istadder but ,wiser man".
Ite • rt.. „ebe The local batik has diode great pro -
. . telea hiseeseme- 4: • , . -zrng :"'"v- 11 _ .e1 -,_....e*, te,r-eluetaewe let ea le
, .e.,_eejueeeali.,Te---reee ,-„ire....tevelkeittelheleeteeWeekeet•Pe12401: .
..e.....„ -
•r. joirietiroae: y and ise„,e_____, lit.-----ee-e-1142Ce.. .
17..ebis work • this '„, treEtk. Good liltktan D°1414e —11r..M11:4:-Ditmey;orExtterliu leated-theITtt ribr
rrelea-rtleta att'lia'nee 4114 the rcg".. . fiam rm-of-yearartaking-possesston-onAte.first-nf-tbmil.----
, :ts Ortheitilt'-iroTi iftt.,* Zjii-iffiaarn. - -
rested. Th, meetings rare being held church witlfsplendid music last Sun. - •
day with great eueeess, . Mr. Dinney has had considerable experience and will greatlY IninrOVe tlit
in the town hall. Loads liave -cm" , Ira Marshalri straw stack caught premises,' lae.vvill have charge Of the Row :Boats, Bath House, Stablee arta •
over from Exeter teed neighboring "t w k tad great dieficulty Picnic Grounds&
Vett-a: and on Sunday evening last fire :as " a
was experienced .ler, the neighbors to , - .
Eeveral converts at the Eieter meet- _ Special attention' Will be paid #.0, Campers and '
'lege gave areeents - of -their convere ee‘ervent it reaching the barn, , „..,
carders. Ilaard-by--rneai---or
alrzetiLloos. gZ,:tt!esrlo_erttce-:,:-2,..„.... . ,ut.,.. la-;e1441/osefp_rih".1,3eavers .attendel the
tr will take a two menthe' vacation -M-14.1" '''&*' 'Irfrrs--tr'st-1
• ;heck Barrett is workbig ,or Mr. , o ages oSri
:11 Mtiekoa. _ :
V irk having' expired.
Thos. Darrell, , his time - with Mr. • . , A
, SODOM ir - 'eW14-40.1t) ''
to the Itirkton eirditit.
game weat to Fred, Manes berhiv oe Seed6.44111/tInatl vVit:ilnilietyPitvittlEtherld"eid:tnitt:
6hop• vi'llt,:--' It o! '•-•••":". Prl GAM% Bead on Mondayand although the
of *.40e,torrz uns operated oft "tzar tete enthusleisitt ot theepienickersr Deem
. . , - 4:, AL et rii.Oli ta.,3relate
- Minion *vat; tet9e4 rind with theweather t
' Was a rine coot, it 41,d not
A liM• e eotudgriment ot buggies from live of the leading firms of Oratorio I
a ill:the lateet: etylee and designs.- Any person itatentlin buying will do
11 to look over cur ork before purchasing-. bto troub to- show goods.
• .• 'Vehicles faif guaranteed. A call solicited.
ve hick
we Ilad for OM3 time. After lunch
- been rvcd evere nee _ezeitteettt
seetion wee taken up is prize money 11,lies Laura and •Wilfrid Vv ere
f,•iti.7 the, youngsters. • All the sports 'visiting friends in Buffalo.
eere vager4 conteated. BOW close Mr. J. J. Werner was a delegatie
' .10e.1 requiting, After the raes, a/to the0. G. rneetiug at Lehtetm
,e.let,"1 weds was arranged 'vitt' fleet week. +,.• .
elre :Ann:eke and Silas Starilake,1
-rad . tit
worth ,:ooleog ea. setae does not • Sti etteriess. if a' certain nerve ego
• re .0 tete a %Olt* tearn, but lie 1 cuol:tarti
thewirintaltiesportsgirtneisth_ arrit-tii.hiLetemr4
:1;ad`to be cetisfied with the short -midi
itthr:hL,c'eorrTeatire-vaatitiviotionITia; Eakvto- rh40/Irtairtei.bortliS414tPen:Itti"a:t anaripoiLrinttYt: to 1"the
John, and when the final dit3t clearedi neart or XidneYs, Tt litts 1)4 'shoots
teweee ihe dore rooked like to that first pointed to this vita truth,.
N...115 a hungry lot that sat down D•r; abooleie negoratiO lois not Wide
0 ,-,0-pirr1 aitd.‘as th,l, things were de., i to dole . the gitorna ch nor 10 ttili
•nt% tveryone _0db:red.-the, hmeieeterieelyeetimulate„.the iteart,„,or
• 2 -'turn bowl wa$ of A pleigetie I nt. That old4a$bloneit method
,:mture, tis there was. not one In the. al: wrong. Dr, ShOoPie ' ttestorttl• f
t 3rty who did tot vote_tlitriatting the- gos"Atirestly to tilev., faith* inside
.in the history of -.Sodom. It re.1 nerve. •The rettiarkiable-,ourress of
irl:red, tour basset to oat 'tho orty, tb:s prescription s, demenstrateo . 'Atm
wlvbm„tif treatirg the ,rirtual mise
failing organ. And it ;$
ur with Th. hoopM deed 0-4,13r to prove. alttiple fivet or
• ten 1!1C10 08; wi1.Istirely
,11041 c 1. 48Old by W.
, •Shipka
%spring sawing tills week,
The school*, trustees . of Scheel O'ee '-'141'!".f 4°Iltt''°11taarktr-00rIv---tvIrikrin'''
, .
. .
* 4
school Aento on Fi.ida„,., lane isth ' holding their llt111\11,131. 411,'W'll 00aid On- i
0:einort.;:wre - e ..eeee . June 2Jrd Coxte one, tOttle all a
ms• yspen
Stinday With his mother, who. is very
. rtobt. ilesterd is All etnilei. 1t'S
Mr.8 Sweitzer hate eempreted 'his
Mr.,ti. Itichardso#, ot London, 4 it few Jays at the lioilie 0!,
Mr ,lobn Baynhap, '
Th e 'Messrs. 41 riroPhelf and. Mat4
'thew Sweltrer client last Tut
nt itioara Valle .and Iltiffidat
incalKe wiflt
* rote your ledive tud
tli*tWOOStati, to ever
.it bit.*
.1 7