HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times., 1909-06-17, Page 4* boy tlt ii nAietr ril c,boys * . ie tbe 4 I 0 to fors 0 and, should. cm 'to gin the e rolait4tI40,0 0 '10 4:023*Attrigft ,14 - es tt ol teard. • wa in t1u Town flails .nondaY una,441,61 4with.ali nenthers,410s.ent, '']he toll -Owing is the order of buil; duly %thalami and approved. gI1vWUt ff 249-3'njiyate e;tistr.tills $40tr to CQ:'fllt ome papers. minutes later his, eccretary, offite-tuljointtAlte-ministees.„. the small private office*, detected Sinai of smoke, and on investigating - Liine rnoiintng a- e,-Zotrdi be -b-ct 1ening.At 1Iie-in�netd terretl. Per Principal, attendance the minister merged from the private twenty •three. 'candidates to write, favorably: -desk At 4 very preflitall rate of speed. A squad of Pont- ion police good; work progressing - four for naa,triculatte.., two for extinguisbed the blaze. he oame . Patriculation ailal Attf ' 1.-.-1&8't V -e!, had crept very attar to the do0 and seven for .Normal-- Ant --oull, the small privcite office when er IT, B. Carling and S. Marin tha rugsieY effected his escape. Con -the principal's report. , be adopted. siderawo pritiato , sorrespentlence, r F. W. Gladman and -- --1.1 i which *as upon the desk•or inthe " rti at 11. Huston, T. li. Carling and the drawers, was. burned. The mingster Principal be a coteudetee to secure says the papers burned were very int* ithe tablescupboard, water tank and nnrtLnt. , .. ..44, . . Artittif blinds, required for the scierite de. .artMentb Per IL 110.404 "8. artio that the secretary write tlw ocation 1)epartna,ent, in ° reference he-opee'lal-gzants-Igizen-for....= al nualtaelftietts of the ; rertftrahrttnti-sit.-417-43-ting,-thst tho report of the Goderia delega- tion be accepted and the expensee tn.. ,eidereta 0.14.__Per S. Martin anti ood, that the further use of the tThJapio1ntnent' *spbut ir stepped to the Ite0,d of tlie001•MvsliF nnd 1,Coltilkt 110, but a twelve oared cutter monied en. ' tirelY by ofilce_rs Of „the' tuTte stra "owl IM,izpa Were - the nlern and ftl eaatain's silken toach whip at the bow. and when Captain erldley, beloved alike by offieera afid boatit was All thatjust aa tbotrh *her iften sailors that wore to'row m over to the Za,firo. When he Kzt aowiTt- upon the handsoine boat cloth •that was spread for him he -bowed his • head, and „his bande"..hift aest. 41,440110$2Klee. , • ",110 At recent sessions of. the ontari "fifilttal enta,.were..ina4e, in connectzonwth tile Liquor License Act, amendments. tha4 it js to be hoped many a wife and famill will have..reasfe greattil-for.• "If iduring a period of isehool oomploi by the Y. M. C. A. I year after the time that a moon .foethall teetq he granted sobject to "Tr frtifft'P'ortirellialta:'Wr----Tar r41ng-and-8. Martin th • rotund .of prepaid exam. fees .be sus. ined. Per 11. Iluston and S. 'Mar- tina Miss iloward's resignation be :CPted., Per F. Wood and S. Mar. that Miss Gregory's 'resignation e acceptt4 with promise of consider- is served with a notice prohibiting -blur liquorithatversonzisjound-und r te.of. liquor, or foundwith - tor.' ts.pecketel,zetit4Viterriatt his possession; if he is found in the bar room or drinkingreom of a hotet or in any place where liquor is dis- pensed he Ls liable to be fined froirr- t$10 to f¢:20 and costs or imprisonment for one raonth. The liquor dealer who allows a person thuS 'Prohibited aeon- of application et any future. "'z."'----7,7,iriOttftrtlrf\Vr lti Wonders ,aisetfealed In Weltef • Houk Etna- h- as furnished More, nib• 'tette' for • travelers" ttale.4- then nny tL other tuotruteln on filo earth. Aston- , • elueefeljetitpe.eJeebifaigtlogteldee Ake.. climbing t a h highest peule--mid some did so, to tl,tv amazement of the St1t7. fans_ even Tti the dead .of *v1 Iuii left 011 record in the exuberant latk;- gungti of their day- the emotions that thrilled their :soel. "The I'Maie W60 fOg tkitiktliratilij‘l*• treads _31ount 'Etna." wrote one of tune should a vacancy occur. Per IL. to lorte'r 1llaroitud itta hotel or preraLees t,_fined. •eati be, trated '.oston And T. Ile Ca rimg thrtt the 1 is equally guilty and will be sitoiloriy, thelo 3e. "Is a on above the world. oard7„„view-t14eeehoei.„eeili,eejeee - * :-y,FftKilizz'!%*61..tr.*If 44tato! the service of such Every river mil the island no oiil 35Dos,ts -3.5CrNTS foo*_:,/eirii-hti, Z;OtO:t,:,:-iAliti,x- 14 r" 1it' We :merit on - the call of the chair, and trucitlreg' iiiillo'V'tOr"'auf4h , , 114iiiiiiir1 that the secretor), irrIte I-P9Rector notified will be liable to a...fine of e nti "of t the Edwards. of London, in reference to, not less than 825 and .costa or im4 " ° nu"' air trae cilintltes a , earth elm be detected -the frigid close 740 advising architect.. Per lit.. -Wood prisolement,'. Furthermore, the per. around ene. the temperate with Its belt and S. Martin that the•report of In. Son who Is on the unfortunate Indian tier Toth. be Sited., ' Per 17-.- Vt.' liat, should he get under the influence "t tr°1,411---nst. nott"nenth-- and the INF. t ' • _dotora .and T. 11,;"-VTiiiig that ao. , of Mteal athebase of the mountitio; with Minor or found With liquor in his erbTements 'be inserted in the PossesSien and *ill refuse to tell the iht v'eeyertin- and luxuriaut „groves - :lobe, and 14tail. and Empire for one name of the person who gave 11162 the The 4; t ocean strount • th the is - eek for the , three assistants .,reqUit- (liquor or Procured it for him, he may Into 3;2 s n! IL. parl Panarl Aliendi. S.om. �d for the Szntember term. Per rp, then be imprisoned for a period not boll and Voica‘no. witb. their smoking fl Varliffrifiiii--S:111artitt that exceeding-three--mouths_in nita, afopear.4-untler your4 • statutory sick • allowance of one ion - teem : oefeleeeel.hee....miese„Gi 141e11.Y as tillula nig" ree.Pee pag „in proportion to the time - The Farquhar baSeball team played Ughtt.--_Ter 1,1. Iluston -and F. W.. the Mt. Pleasant _team last, Satart Gladman that -the following payments day evening and wero defeated by the be apProved. Thos. Crews, special score og 8.-41). During the -game Tom ifork.,•$2,00TAtlas Insurance Co. $28. Vallentyne had one of his fingers •Per 8. Martin. adjournment. - broken. , J. Grigg', Sees,. - • Por any case of nervousness, sleep. 1011811e39, weak atonaach, Indigestion. 4s.repepsiatry-Gttrterte4l't' Whalen lison attefiTirttir WiRanTfro • IteMlaseCorae-iihorte to Mi, Goals ' .Thenesi ,Travellore Chequie.reientWesuedb way -la Which to carry money whealeattrelling. . : $10 $20e $500,, 00 .00 .. OS .exact.amount Payableti*,. .- , , , (1151 acrinallYi-Geat BrOatut:11011.1034, .Italy, Norway, , Iluasin#ShI and Switzerlind.la stated Ca the face of each cheque, while in otherr tin ateurreitt - rat. L - • - -• - . . - tre. ' • - • ., rag,Fiiiatgjtr,,,4:.r'.e.rs7avrb.i7A::tvz- eat clem_........,, .7.,.„—. , lict " 1314 . . ---E--.aho ---MW-Ilarriiiin, Manager Thromelt_stipo' at Vreiliton. ' 4 The N'trinehe:sea baseball club • will play Salem at Kirkton..,Friday night. 'i:A numb ofourb'- 1jdevot ttitette,lokittifthirFKit . see the game betwecn Eetei and Farquhar. Charies,Oodholt left Tuesday for a few days visit. with Mr. and !blies. Duncan McDougall. -at Vomber,-- - Mrs. Wm. Clark who has been on the sick list, is, we are pleased to say recovering and able to be out of bed, Mr. Milton Clark, wheeled to Lou- den Saturday return'ing on Monday. Mr. Wm. Italie, visited in Stratford over -Sunday. Woodhato .land Winthelsca baseball t , a of_ Tioasday ng • t la reek resulting Is reported to have'tees that rival the giants of California. lakes "that itterer thaw, bottomless eavoeue and salable STIOW Ilia kept tunny au ancient bishop ) well supplied with tithes. APS /font. ottrAd. herematien .,,artniversa-ry--*ercices-at,_Z* - alternate! , usida)r-,- TO:Un-1- IreVS erfoirtA)rangekihn--Was • e eiii-EfirriiaarTerst;th-rehisfirli-Olftrfferfiry"--Th-ei-.ft•-lrotilfirjorliersatroll Iire4-6Y-VountrWbetweeti t4io natives was overheard preached' two very imPressive ser. John Scarlett. There woe a goodattendanc representativand con , _A_ • - "We axe gOin*.to have lots of dirt to. 10004. _ . . • -. ,e, v, . ,- 4. number of the meinbers of the siderable routine- business_ • was us-. 1111179"1041 oneglancing at the siw. Granton Lodge attended- the -funeral wised of., 'The various phases of the, 'qqaw. It be civil." replied -tits or ,Atr. John -Wallace on. Thursday. coming 12th ,of July at Clinton 'were" companion. The 8, S. Anniversary in connection dealt with, and everything -points to "now did you, get on with the caP-' tjtb this church will be held next 'a most_ successful „gathering, and total's" ATI Very "CivlI," 41one-of there are tench, favored tv6rels which nntretrto-donty'-witheete-wides• Yar,101V1.--01 word- "senate' atuong-Yiiiikea' and -4i - , •tol, o Heat „. "T-DTIL(7-1/iiittit--Merober..45 , C. D. S.,- of Ontigio and Honor raiduate of of, • Uttlyeildtjr. aitc;,..Over Dickson & 'Carling's in Dr. dental parlors wi Fa gultarOnt. DIRIWTORS. • ' • Vitts. ROT, Bormitom P. 0 Wu. Otto= Wirreinturza. P. O. r.r. Run, DUBLIN P. 01 „TtOlIERT NORItles -Shafta..- -Afing=f3e- MTN swam Exeter...A ,a5V/I'araiW- 0/81Vtli HAMS,. Munro, n(-33fWr(:M)7A14' for Bibbert, Fullerton and logve. aofinuA. Joliva w•he R. A.at..RINSATAN, X..* D. S., ..s.PD„ So Honor graduate of Toronto University.. . • - •,&.44.,,ma-ftentavSiritgisting Office • over Madman Sz Sten -bury Main -street Exams. % 1" W. BROWNING, 1 -11-0----P.--8-4--Gradttite Victoria Un ysistty.-ofile_O:ithO41 roditenonce. :Thanintoo Laboratory ,,xxewse • -AUOCJ*tO Coroner of Huron. • B. Brieit,„ M. D.,M M. P. and 43., Honor Graduate Toronto lin, Iversity. Two years relident phyaician .Te1e4andra Hospital, ete. Offlce Secv.Treas. Farquhar. ;01.10 GLADMAN & STANBURT. Sattaitoral DICKSON & CARLING, each at 10 a. in. and 7 p. M.. Music an 'eteellent progress report, South •(Irontoa M. V. choir. The after. Perth met the same day, and A tele- tneetitr, will h2 addresSed by pboe conversatida ss ith the leaders e there wits re -assuring of their pre- . e • whe is' the (*agar for the tendon eon• - ferenc.,, . will render a selection in , the aftetnaon. Thomas bin aril, has purehase41 flevy buggy an at swift driver. ' 1 Christian Aasociation ot.41ure going to conduct a 19. days_ sum. re`arap for the bays of the County On the 'Joke shore. at Iron Springs, .seren miles south. of Goderieh, begin.' • iring July 13th. Iarovision is. being made for the accommodation of .501 bay'S,". atilt the contnilitee dersIres to get a arnall contingent from each • town and village In the County to isgo,_ Teitti,!i-tooltvboattittlit---everithing-will- bik supplied by the committee and the; bOYS VIII just have to bring- theiti 00thes. and- whateVir- persona/ lengittga they will need, land each boy wilf pay the committee so Much fox! the. 10 clays!, to 'defray the expenseA.1 'Any bOy from 12 to 18 *who seenreithe 'Written Content of parents or guard - hat go i Tho‘liace le en ene..for tattiping. There is a good,. iiiprieg of water, goad bathing ahd: beating, ark4 exCellent grounds fori amea etni athletics. The rainp wfl be ttAier ti tnanagement of- It. C. lag. 01(1 County Seeretdry who ili be Osisted by A. Pullets. ,I'ro. TOY, iti, Direet attiblfanzo: of '11,81ClaXC will lx-f•on Return tWke t Sirigte Pare 1,„ , ;Mt baod goitair,40fle )30fii,s and July 1 Return Heat Jd.end, 190D., ALASKA 4. -letrzico$ -PACIFI• CIF; g4'12sgOs.STITTILO: Ver.* iow • rate S via attract_iVit routes. Dailv until Sept. Minix ADM' Return limit Oct. ,Alst, 190D•. • Full information from - 4, 1 itNIG11T Depob Agent, or -write J. 0 WDQ4LD, F.14* • Depot. Toitint0, -ont. , . "fintittitra=lesireettet a'thlso0c---or......a.lit-mott_02-1077„.....mate. Tar _ . ' istitkitt. 21.1311101te Manitoba, SeeketelieWstrte-or-Albert „ s•ii,luofiSsne..The applicant mtast kir `the 12 011— -tits\Agenqy-tit• (On'. TO LOAN. Sub-agenoy for tbe district. Entry' • Prow.), may 'be hitd 14 -:the -age0.03,e-orge we hansiatir, ultimo •olveyase tams. Certain- conditions, by father. =their ' easestaragifiertUrnoteeereeeemmteethweese son, daughter, hrother;.. or eistera tater** wr uai, !intending homesteader. D.0 ties x. -Six mont ',resitten Stabt.'111411** sntt cultivation of 'The land iri eab of three lycars. •A homesteader live within nine tidies OrAiirbotaiii-.. Stead on a darto of at least SO aerate solely owned and occupied by -hitt Or, hie 'father, mother. on, 1:lauekter,* brother or sister.' • : Incertain districts 'a hotaesteaddt In Rood standing may pre..suipt to, quarter Emotion, alOngeide • hiSSOmeee -stead. --Price...SI; per AO*. Titities-et ,Must reside tit mouths bleach of (inoluding. • !--trouttisra the timerequired to ear CA119 ... and by. Xlrhen he went out he didn't know nothing, but he got -civilized.' "pid you go down the Keteheer --"EmEsr-EL-Lurr • Conveyancer •• Accounts Colied morror to icaa -at TWesst Woe Nertlievestieeseleteseattee - Office, /Haan $treet, Exeter senee at • Litton 611 e ..•. u e . a ,... Waren. Of etinrse. is solid, and .there : wanted lots Of rapids, so we went . • will at /east be a strong- representa. , down the *136htner.; Theiers about as tiou,..from North. ifuroin atatl West : civil rapidit >0 I want to see.".--Youtles Bruce, so that a *good gathering,rojniicit-i-oit-, . - . \ With, Inc weather, is aasured. ' There ) a' I ca.•1..' i live .eventa_in• several classiest kanil..A..*Ood.,,-4irograutAteoPraity _er t e-proceaston, prommeri 0U 5 1e and focal speakers will address the, brotherri and 'their friends. The best po--..;sible railway arrangements, are being made, and it is -rxpected tI special train Wilt leave Goderich, at 9, or 0,30 a. m.. to stop and take on Vaggc.norg st tup 4t roneessimr. In 1890 o cot e00 jilsscngers were. 'ticketed from GoderiCh to • ,Clinton.' 'nuft.ttfie:01.1,4- tlii3 might be repeated. At Ibo meeting at Vinton on 5atur4ay, AL_ Told gave a...brief account 0 Iltitish Amerien 'meeting nt Peter-, borough. and tim43 nildres1i)S 'it ere given by Ilro. illartleY, of the Olin. Ion CO i-ktb,t-#, tthd the V. Ittti."' Dunbar, both .nt whom` are trained aetive, jnn1brs ot thp.o.Moeiation.- salve 008 i as. enInnOw (Plinephales proftielas) and the goldfilth. The male blackhead depeelts the fecundated eggs singly upon the Underside of leares Of water plants and watches them unceseinglyi latelied.- 'the -Mt of the goidesh are- depolteT eirtgly Upon 'the weeds atid • Miler --manner by the , egg s of thelyellar poen are bsid together in taro* strips or girttlus character.. rwsPeeles,- sot....the -bizck bus Widish; catfishes, etc., are In. Masses In Shallow nest* or 011 the hottroi, and ztllI other " 04,444$ deposit their spawn In shwa adheeive tititaiseetvpon aterpanta, and subrnerged ob. 'woman w 0 is Si an. $erl egetable Compound, is to blame 'for r own wretched \ condition. • ' . . There are literally hundrecls of thousands of women in Canada and the United States who have been benefited by thig famo,us -old remedy, which was produced:iron' roots and herb,s_Q_ ars 0 by a woman to, relieve Woinan's suffe Read what these wornen say : We are constatitly-:, Setting 6h the best cloths Money can buy gite.:-.444Without Lydia, 110 stri▪ eltt table /Compound X IrOttld riot be aiiVie. For filret nionths 1 bad poinful Irregular periods Ara ittfitteternatiott Of the.;uterus* 1 suffered like*mstrtyt_ and, thoia Itt often of 41,04h. 1 coosulted two doe* tors who could dOnoth 4g for lite. rewet4loso7,11 beat tioeto_o Said submit to an0. tin/10 tumor.. went:D*61c home lunch d tOusiriaadvised iiie to tstit#S Compound,as 11 X did SO *MI Mon Ominerreed to feel better, ai tame torch, *ItIr the iltst bottle. Now X feei tared. Your remedy degt*vtitiorpratst. VollOyffeit4 itellertiverqueb4iei ra.--trits$ufferst for five year from f nfld at lost wirtc Almost 'helblo,gs. atul-the use Iliad. One .efitir her. ny tite a.*d tart tele bolent ar _mite 40" --whtitayer inight suggest, we Include the thing 10 dolt suit. bet nth, the hettIainingsitbe adding's, the- beat Threlui etc,* odk,s 'well as the best of our Wilt in Cut- ting, Fitting and ain't we reap MU' EltiVatd? .ofThoultscs‘vitteto*Ilturetifx-WealiVtlialitiyiatu pled°11:. Suit. Coat, Tkousers or „Fancy Vest let this ad, lead you to our 'shop where we can prove to you that we live up to, uro word. . A homesteader who exygiusieW his homestead right and cannot ob. tain a pre-emption toil take a pure chased .hornestead in certain dittriete- Price $3. per. aorte. Duties...41NA reskie sit months. in each of thrall years, tultlYtite_Iifty Otis itifil-ersci- )i house yi".r.rwth „Itri,500003.014 ( ,?:7--:::-.1-Diputkatisft • L 00-40asattiortsed oobikatioa ot tairat will sot* paid tor Ta uppo tabe 'Compound had"th till help any Other woman LC 1,t*tirio t f' Pit 4 "410,