HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times., 1909-06-17, Page 3• 21ttit a ntnepumaata- 'du 00tOalik mg to rorni god oneS. tiUUhLfl li I -44i re'in irty "waiking undIe olEtabits. To each tett of -1 easioe we have an autoniatic ready made resPonite. ' • 5. 'tortOr liariff. we itestorra- ing, • zkeitr:Or ion3 4hI ttleeolgittes_es 1st tele, ega life as itt the delly life of busi- ness, must be inadeliabituals iab- it'bo- the rite ln▪ prayer. 14 the receiving of the holy corns. .muntoo; in tunes of tion,-; acts a kindness, in vice. -Gay .80 abet' it' fit followers of Him who -lived in portance and we aro forming habits of so 1 d w we attend to the Uhl strive, the - uire buch habits - a w trengthen and 0 NATURES. This physicel orgivaism of °tire which the clay which, by con- tinual r ration, is graduall shaped al lineirsesliiett r slte, IliaBINTLEN BA set**. -ins s eit-S,rosautteS In summer of 1887 :Reiman. ideas zrequentiv ..- • Bentley, accompanied by vat° waya the , These are ndAthild, made a steamer journey and contrel the life. s n the Upper Congo, in Africa. tr .13M-hashitsissisney •elecked-an Flarry in his book en- good -habits-- -fotitted 1 by making Grenfell _Sietl the detites habitual in -Mir ongo,' teeoente -the result " the, Ii es. 01030,2* James enumerates - arise st-thessiel Art e eyT.e -- Darty went through the Bolobo dis- T11. riet, which at that time beeome stimeetveles hostile ' to Duropeane. The temporary station • of the ongo. State" had been burned to ' -ground, the chief, Ifaka, was lien the steamer Peue, • . -habitual presser tied whose life was is Spent sine deunt good. Cotitsunpla- ton of the power. of habit should not make anyone despair. Even in the et•cases thee tills -n sex* inpretsi made upon -the-di-sees -paid in windy -Ilse it or °us f3taitAmattho-htea.300.14. - piltekra-Wier etveststinttlwellstiettiels ss gonlptibmpn,RAm,lhe are:-TorMea--41-64--wItt 'av,terjxit-the.Divine-,Stwat-is-nrank potent in human, affairs.. The worsts -rodigal can sititerra. Behind all our efforts there is the power of d. With a . cower e • a - of a life time ten bniken and • ortifsnewsliets begun.. REV. DEWITT Li PELTON. • life :teaching of Lesson V., Paul in Cyprus; 'would be considered -lay some to, be the duty of missionary activity; by other,s, the folly of op- posing Christian work; by others, the blindness of tile }lout, like Ely - mates physical blindness, which vEtiviiacesA*04ta4trV440,1 m oppositieri to the intl* , gosPoL VII. . A Problems Resiews-This would -he a good-forerforthirtseview ttoeatete; idnrattluulpt _aeliaitstseos.f,otLeobtlettabe connected with the various lessons,. passing make highs. be S. S LESSON NTERNATIONAL LESSON, JUNE 20. esssestttsr roughly ordere ZO .eheering " off, how - occurred to Bentley. tales `orthess ani r esson X11.-Review1 Sunday! Vet& '41-Teet-st„ wife and -nurse were giv- Golden Text. -What -great -power ilgereayt t* tiS1,_ ea ' The pictu , e.an\un one, yet it a1wost certainly repreents preciselywould happen in t 0 event of an invasionjor even a7ra ll-A4M prebaa""t4"a ble, nor the former ImPossibeei The Channel, eoneidesed as a 140 * ...was a hundred tames mere ormulable a hundred years ago than it is to -days when fleets . of Swift steamers are available to cross it in an 'hour, or even less. ' Conscription has always followed invasion, 'lust as it has usually also accompanzed civil war, when these tide. eikingis -afforded sby out--in---16I--between---the---Northern is hen* Statair44' -Ante The nation posseseed at the time onl a ver small stendin - and the soldier's pro esszon- w looked -down upon by the Mats of people, ..muctseaesitense(1.-44.--"beeirt England, and, indeed, ;till is in sotiktttitss--ttltatkt_eteetndele. oesttewiete At first the volunteers, plus. the regulars were relied upon to do the fighting, ' -but conscription was soon teen to be $ necessity. . And con- scription was. Men who had never fired a rifle in their lives CorubinationC one- half a.cuttful of butter, one ai:d ojie- baU settpfulstArenters.tswat gg5, pp ealt"JPootfr+u St"f soda,eisIsiolv'ed in Add a• pinch of salt, one-half a. elm - metes ssfiake-4. flavor. to taste • loaf at r with boiled frosting flavored with vantlia. s • Bread in Three Houres-Yeastre Boil 'eight large potatoes and meek in water in Which they were belled ' • v, • fear tablespoonfuls kilt flour. • To ad.1'014: tet41400-41114.4., each aaIt- 431141-grimiliteat sow; one quart of boiling • • and four quart of ssitiertvrtryeast-cak sisteolv lialAr-a CUP of like warm • • guA keep standing in a warm place eighteen • urs. 'Then put in a. cool .place e one, quart of the yeast for o good sized loaves.: Set on stove 1421filtie*Harthrbauduntil about Osi degrees Fahrenheit. Add a sugar and butter, Mix into. a 'soft sponge with warnsed flour. Leto it rise thirty Minutes. Add flour to kneed, lot .rise again, .mold into loaves, let tie°, and bake in a mod- erate- oven. • • . Chicken With Mee -Cut one tiler- ,. . „ • • . ‘$Ttigsals$1,-allm•Vita, * were torn toritio,61706therporbwomttes and s, fierce resentment, and even san- .guismet rioting in New York and Bewlexersdarnite-whielssmeny-leses were. lost. But the thing had to be; and it went -on, pat AS it, would do did a similar situation arise. ing .hAtti to the' Bentley baby. gave th . apostles witness of -the As, i by accident, the little white resurrect on - of the Lord Jesus - erhape'eone -for -seacir-tfifietiressind . - • . ' --40*-Witeld- uveinevieweest- th -Astset-e. .- ------- - — - - ----ss .piefeessblee the. problems that arose . ley and excited .people: Sudden- A variety- of forms o' f rem* . , in the cleat. discussions and were not - , . • 13 a halal fell ea th° assinubleds given here i or d le " s. , It II • throng, gradually givink. wYt0.a Way 'select the method best suited', the list to the. class - etoWbri - ehieit of 'delighted surprise. . . to tb...re age and astitibilityto.fbothsteitor clautetse-1.!ariso ino. .• r in re- s..4 g. for volunteers'to ateiume the , o Urgent - invitations to two or moso plans; or .i.T.--t.4.-ire--osnyts corne on shores the. Bentley., baby, of several. im to snake ether _a tes * .11, /dainty white drete; "tra's bettkg•*sons of these eriegeetiens. stwgesteci est : , 7, . • paraded through the town, nursed ' I -I. A Progress Reiview-.To carry_ :and dandled by warrior after war: 1, out -this review,. request the scholars Lesson 4..--.b' amid a_.0.,_hristian;we...v,e_r rior fill his snowy frock was red f , $ . ,,,,.. i.a week.JAndvAriva to go over all the. ssociate-hitteselfswith nOn-Chriti- ((erten wan, conlivi3- ',-Y I Lessons of the qiiarter and note for 1.111 A '690 steined thins I with greasy black marks from these i , s eacts of them what step in advance Lesson IL. Why are not all God's who had stained their bodies Vvrith was taken by the chitech. For ex_ saints delivered from their prisons i , foal arid • soot. ', " .......„ • esssbes„.0.44,1114„,bes,britbr_ 1,4sgssi- Li7erscsson,II.Atisiest reas_s_e11 c nverted _117eig:_lWisess-e..--.7 ser-theslititiklenititkiZt4seehure efintereitsiind's - ' - .. ., .•,.. sitt-white-woma - as mai '1' _sof leadip he elass on the nest Sunday, in thedLcug- siott of these problems Here is a iiksYcieitetrof de these. in the kettle, add one pet id strained tomato, one heaPiing ouptal7of celery 'cut into half inch pieces, one small onion, a few sprigs of parsley tied together, salt, pep: per and one pint of hot water. Put is in the eteVesaltel--when it be gins to boil add one-half pulitel of weir washed rice. Let the whole . Opened •bystuf tiiterprishig Womai at Budapest. _ yeir, vottle. got mte. serail. I took 'Atte) nee Pitts and now de • lext,and, deb* sleopwo • • IV* gidies bore for $ cVoirre vu.$ .44"17 , • avy left from Thieken Withsone tableP n Or flour rubs bittl tOPe tahletisoonflil of butter, 'add a. teaspoonful of salt, a dash of cayenne, and the minced lattite Let it comtrt0-11 belt attd-ktryty. It the- along that there ate, huge areas ( tirnber siniteble.• for po ,aktityral EltiS Werek‘.. • • fifYtia a!ong the "Mitishte an as kr As tr-Skitr-411/10 nudson flay. tiskazin, HINTS. When * baby is lying on your lap' do not allow anystne teltalk to it- tetteleasistrete the baelesses thies • frequently - the -cause eyes - b &omit' eireeteeds___The mite. • tries to see the speaker, and turns its eyes all ways_ in the efs, fore. Ctno 5 0 g yen a rows - tar hours, -and careful attention ehoulitsbespaidstsisthesdirectiensise to time when it is ordered to be 44aft7r*.inTsrs',6*Tik-4ne.itanqxaccet istatatity of meelicine ordered should be given. Care of Table -linen. -To -keep tablecloths. in good' condition pour. boiUng water.uporr stain* from fruit er coffee are soon as the table. cleared ; do not wait until the "week- - ash -day. Some housekeepers soon as it is n eradication. Rough - Motes. any --women find their elbows get unpleasantly roue, especially those. Who lean time sover a table.' Dry-table:salt ilkkod_ptit..thoverv morn- ing (Juring. the bath is a cure; the friction will stinsulate the skin and make it mooth and firm. At night tt e co cream should- -he acs sin a fireless, molter and allow it I remain there for it least four •ttra. Chicken •re &red- in • -his way may serv • direct y from the cooker only the parsley should be rentovs but the +dish is far -more-attractive and seeMs to_ taste tter-if-pieces-of-chicken are taken up with a skimmer arranged in se, low baking dish, the* rice poured ever and then placed under the broiling fiame or in the oven for jirts e ore estand.servesitteLais it. coniesi oven. Itoiker started a school at nue &sped, Hungary, _serliere pupils of alt. ages are .srseett_.at-fitll Cpurse of instruelism in the .art ofeatin Practical demon4rations are giv- en in ordinary a _manners, but the chief stint of the establishment is to teach the ignorant how to deal • fullys-withesseuelee Anew- seettaslisod e eessi on • o notiiiiitilect in his ex Pestrseels in those. regieins, UP-ssehttich±es- teith.-in-thespowersofiseasse tl-ek--111--.4-4ti°ch 7 - . -trmt"7"lhir vi'-'Mfe-iiiWbsessl ise Eiiiii-V-S-Why--- 'Wei Ilie---troline er. The event of Lesson 111. gave t9 -3 i - . . *-- ' And born like ordinseer huntitirks edla, ben- looked tiPoil as a tort Of isti- ths_eb oh it test4 .;21 t confirmed by miracles in Paul's day, - 6-.47itiol:4es--et-in"re -Wiezniu- nis-eits -"ca-alo same ..way to_ ayT strelstecattiteesithtesta_not ,:br - - -.-:„.....-, -....-,.-.,-.._,_____ -xtd.w.;.iiiff---„Trw..confirtria-0,74-n__I-her pereecor, The scholars will make * s, a eetnisupernatural being A LeS*022 VI. -What was the secret lists of thee* "forward stelae" ems of the effectiveness of Nuys preach,. practic' ally created the mission sta. without a mate. The Bentley babY .theee lists will be compared in the " , class taking one less n at a time, -`11 time of Belot)°, which has endured ' - = . its ° . • • ". -.--- Tit, Would Paul - and ver eine°. DatAilli.-FOR RAT SKINS. , The use .of rat skins in varimis n us -has-ereattd'!-a-tiematidsin tiden alone to- the amOunt of -snearty-4 -000.--_,14ear„._-they_ara ong-seother thin, • okisindings photograpa -fesitoes, curs , and for thumbs in glovee. Itiesetinstimptioryslargeltiss lth lorni:u1 as. been earned by the iiiiete-Ployed se, Deseneek lett .ye!trs when the -kat arnage one by rats in England alone is esti- tesitedsto amount to Many .million, _ resennunsramistaterste tads oceutumia large nums and thus reviewsn. b . . . Barna as have been justified in- --;o• r vi;;;; each scholar .inst."; irli.1;-2.f.h-6-W),Iiiiiiirga of telltriVa. 0:11triort: Irtake.401_41.utfine_rnsp_showitter.th gospel? - various conntries, and places that esson--VPIT-The decisio• n Of the council .was a compromise. When. werethe see . .ties of the quarter's • ••• • sbe-„sioesid are es_istjos remise" wises and Whit Stith , 'When a lesson in- °a_lma f Lesson TX. 13 faith possible itesset the- figure at each -locality. - - flien ,e0ea, works -2s - e e scholar rna e a lfst orthiS s,---S.ssrse6,344taslisjsVits-eVChrist? 11118.tilt * pIA.COS; -b7 Atititei aii-d`iiiiittber, an -"isms' sss 4y-cca- tu-r- ,, Lesson .I. Have we as rent o por um les or al as .4 I IA am mentetifsthesprineipal _lesson to be - andshad-1sststs-st there. For example: "Jerusalem. • • 'ete'm'anet13IW:—*. - • • urth council, teaching the first chform of view wouldbe owls the alue of frank and brotherly lent for • the primary departnient. v discussion of differences." III. A Chanieteritatione Review. -This resew will take up the thsiereirtiesentered mb ele •aarterte•leseons..Esteh eeholai •' iteked4its-writestiri"efs-S acteritations of all these pe-reons. b istsuutemnpired iii Theses e re 1 ss- one charecter.sitt-sit-ti tliTI!5d; 4:ho'uld his quite. brief, often „ hatdly moos than a eenienees Fen be indicated by a few.words written Let 'all the lessons be grouped about Peter and Paul, the two leading haracterss -Mike -it a review of ittees,-4ifesssitestee shacks suLlsitt :oat to be a disciple. The best way, erha • es it to draw on Abe lilasike a (or on large Sheets of ifisiie" 0, seriee of frames, each to hold *a Iduret of Lone scene in Peter's e or Petit's.. This "picture", will .examoes is ui,,,rk,._ * man ii as the childeen recall the etenos, o,such as sitPeter Walking on t waves," "Peter by the fire. in the 'courtyard,*! !'llatti.fatiitigc rtiniae," 'I:mem Writ -11g. his, emit:lei' "A' procession of heroes. ' , good impulse 'eels determine- tiont-he 'made. one greet failure, but he aler made. a great recovery." V. A Central -Text Reviews-seAsk the mettolars to go over the lessons et honte and select foiteath of,them the verse that they think best em., bodies th " irit and theught of the plied. , A Use for Tea -Leaves. -Save old reasfewselay guislisti.tisks-Fran.-Hoikers "when at a- dinner party he finds that he * 'eendefOrkel Ot-',A-711J• ACIiih-thatronly--4•4(tturits-sts-spoo or vice versa'? It ss to save men end ?stoma from these little trage- dies that I havts opened my reboot." Examinations are to be held et the end of each term, when the " 14epts will go issseesIeste.,Asto at- tack an array of 'unknown delicas les set beforet thanes Those who emits:go the ordeal successfully will obtain a certificete from pr.4,u Itot- -which -will e ni &CO any banquet without fliaching. NOT CAUGHT. numerous lakes r ame and fur -bearing anintels are everywhere. Rivers - and also abound south of Split - Lake, giving good eouttatiniesstion with the railway lines for the' car-. rying on of the lumbering and other industries which- may be establish- edsin the fetere. Water r site; rstessettelattesson_le ers -tied --streentse many Aug ppor.tunities- fer-developteenteat - minimum cost. The al- though a very large river, is not particularly useful or triuteport exs eviler a short dist:wee at its mouth. It is probable, however, hat -it would ternieksmany power- isites of large capacity should it • t•enis and these at a ndoireuni, of cost. - • NELSON RIVER: The Nelson River ie described _as one of the greatest rivers of the world, as regards the ectlial volume of water discharged into the bay. Its Istesigth, t tite. mendeus. Its tribeitaries oover the whole of Ateeistoba. the greater eiors , tion e eif • Alberta, Saskatetewsin, North Dakota and Ontario west of the great lake% .wiute they-sdse en- ter Montana and Minnesota. Its teereige has -beets roughly estimats ed at five times that of the Otta,Wa, River -at? the Clutudiere falls at • Many-sousseliegs- sewer. taken over the greater part of its - length and depth's of water were oseLet. ttIse4se.get • wi h a cutrent not exceediug two or ing water over them, leave till nears lit cold, strain and use the water for washing paint. It gets off stains very easily and 'quickly.' Clean white paint byisstabbing with a damp flannel whieh has been dipped in whiting; soda should never be used washing paint, as it injures th ITUae wayto rtait of em*pty- itesmntei-size- e shapsiLthesanosestisefirl,slattssoth will do as Well. Wash them dee clean cloth under spot, wet c tton or Anna piece. ,of cloth with peroxe ide hydroeen and rub spot until it disappears. Most useful in children's fruit •stained ginghams or whit, clothi4ss-Havessalio used it on silks sucTitifi-dri.-- Ilorstst Shrink -Goodies-All wash- able goods shoukl be shrunk, especi- ally winghams,, before ueing. This le valuable 'to remember -1w upt any kind of wash -goods ma. tenets for children's clothes. Pour .boiling hot- -water- through -the goods, hang up and dry, and then Iron. If ,this is done previous to He loolotd atit* long time th /*reruns?: elosingsthe book, he tat it away. 'A few doe later he got the book *On and turned to the picture. Bringing hies,ehtibby_ fist_ diren, on the -Cow, •, tone o - triumph: Ittaho-a 0**,004 ht " �bdfi -*vial *Diseased titile. r. L+ ft. Devitt. *sate Ont., batter a, rthaps!„ 'Itittimillpos, Om," lois ndsints-heensseweiLon. the tkirt try on:Bland a issirdetick perpendi- cularly on • the, 'floor -ekes tne farm At the upper end, which will restch the hipe, mark the sett, Moving. the yttrdstick *bout -the oiiiirkeecfng-.•itspercenainitrr4n4 merking the upper end until th. tk :encircleg-,the formt or skirt at the liip. The skirt earl then he laid on the table, and if It is to be two incites from- the floor- make, it thirty-four inches from the line *hold the hips; f three belle!, from the Its thirty-three inchei in lengths -Thi e will be fetindlo be Mott siesta hint •for the, eewing ifiettriog proptilY Itonsips skirt,r it there is a dilreeence.in one's hips it will be above the mark on the skirt. blue is very pretty, give them three coets on -the -outsidee_allowing tinie for each coat of enamel -to dry be- fore putting on the next. Cut- out' from bilis or paper e the letters you re uire to make the sworde showing ,t e contents o die ‘-fiiiii7aueh-its 'peas, rice, etc. Stick each letter on 'separately and as neatly as pos.- Bible! and, give one wet of ersyetal =Ili to the -tin..i Itstiihett washed when soiled. three -miles an hour.. . 4 LAKE WINNIPEG. Lake Winnipeg furnishea an ex- tension of this water route to witb- in miles of the eity. of . Reg. t. From infer/warm *burn- able it is said that a canal. might Tnig steamers to enter esWinni h-ts available opment along, the Nelson River ,etiorrtioues,• and plates the Hudson, NIT Railway in. a very fitvorable pee albeit" to use. electricity for the istis eration 411 its trains. ONE OF MANY. My ife says I'm a genius -- Invent thillg&while-yym.witit And my tpecialty is excuses When tattle* to stay out late. he erses thzt are pninted in.the arterlite and 1 tin -leaves. Ito ewes for Leston fi teensy\ may ter v..16; .other different choices " Is e fixing ona final choke, will constti&te thoughtful relview., VL A hristian-Life ltesiceat..-1 tbo las3sorhe ttong ing on the coltictittet of 1 snake a imn iew if u test the 0rod,-althmi always with thc hest 'of 1 Oi Ono unfortunat. ottosin Several hour's' angling brougbt hi bite three pooiSfalii*asretnrn with 0,:,;MAgOltiCent: e*tch .of trout. .110a AnnatiO be great fdher rnain, to look' ityour catch; larked- the- peasant.- --41 110 14 say yo.lt.wiire,tabottt it4,s, lucky air roc ti his Mei s g csi rin Albert Fisher, near estvine„ N.Y., had aeveeal small icittens. As the tom was overstocked with eats her young worts tsheis from her and drowned. After that the esit seem- sitteartunhappys and -being* house favoeite reCeived considerable exitipetilirs • One da Y shortly after kittens were taken from her *youn$ squir- rel which hs.d fallen from it' net in the hollow of a tree was found and taken to the "eat with the idea. at it would be is dainty pet -inlet to tempt her appetite. instead_ ot pounds*. upon it cat ftehion she took the young equirrel *stile box where She had so recent ly. mothered her own" young and there bestowed upon the squirrel *11 the affection she ° mut previotioy givee to her 'kittens.' , o t Amen tVw) licetes-t tfd'eels ssitti the settlierel'e nat om distance aliay o wether, and ti s very dtpros iia 11311Lruochts1tubi This Symptoms *r. tilitb.s the chest, steep putts toreathis' tg,sisita iieeretioteo( tiCk at test, white, batlike of jrresii j.Uowiabbr of tlatt most ell the tete le 1t4mt6 etticke m , 0 e