HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times., 1909-06-17, Page 2ILO 1:01tr,' EOD RECWLECiO , r „u .0: of wor ,for *13; 4 • a ses,tarn ot r r asket or -she weut, down to th \am&unt of i I whichined -Wm • . 'Sbillas- r ee Ostler her furniture. *I herup • cozy noo r thc rie. advised her to eleilosit it in: shelier of*. great rock which w as senie reliable savings bank, and- at. k sbadcil by.esutagnificent maple, • - • low '-tli.0, sussuslete . for ?rnler this same tree, but other on side of the -*kir a tinte- pusel *loch she t • resolvedtt follow muesellately up.i was a 'low jutiC but Eather or herrturn t thc city. His let- Schose the morecudeflpot1 where !ter was ver kind and friendly, she would he less liable to inter - telling. her that he shOuld _always ruption and where she could look. feel a deep'interet in her, Sold aski. off upon the water. ' , ,ing _4eis to write, .hins. eccasionally, Taking outer worles-sU s.ess ,eed keep' hsie pestos rogeesseesseer with *limbic fingere . o ver en welfare. ' ' . . '''' hours • whea, illissilelgiOr. 1- .. , • The same rnail brought her also the little garment, laid 1 - - a-innallpstekagei hearing & foreign and took up her hook, in which s ho pos mar . e-S001V-deeply---absorliod...- s_ss,„ Upon opening if 2,lus found-st itsEstNeria-rest-hattheen-br tort note frau. Donald <h Asiring” the previous night, and bee wheirbersheartsiesped and -her -law fore-shes-realize& that, she WAS 0,(111 trimsoned with sudden joy. " drowsy,. she had fallensfast, asleep* •1 , ' .7st was ',written from 'Paris, and, her hook slippisig. Ire** her hands , . after . telling her a little about -the Upon the grouid beside, her, . _ ss-_ss-sey--aeeehee-esip-rhseehesedshyssssle-sl .....-Thee.,44-ss-afte-kneses.stiseaii ,...,„ ii. lers_ s,,listr A.4p4Ace of the 'Inclosed' 'aroused by the. sound of've _..iceie in. .---t-riisoW-at;ir-s *nd?A'"—aiiee- ---s-TassiSittitestsctravorsatimut*Ort• , The "inclosed trifle was a lovely side of the rock. s ' • _ , ring set with a cluster of three fore I She at up, rubbing her eyes and getsnieenets,- with _.a. --..tiny _diamond yaivnim While she, wondered if she glistening in theheart of each,..• !Wild manage .to slip away without "Oh, how perfectly lovely of being observed, as she had no de: hini 1r Esther exclaimed,: with sire to become an eavesdropper to gleamittg eyes, as she. slipped the conversation not intended for her pretty- eirelet upon hor .fingor and ear. • - YsnittOklik***44,11kttbtI'chd But'udden14,41t., ,not"tteed itt�keep me from 6rget. 0Iiaijtfth i startled''''Y Wok ting .hinn--I can never'. forge:A 'him; ed into her great 1yes, her faro it alight be better if I, could?" she grew rigidand white as she 'caught . wicluded, with , quivering lips. i the followitet sentenees : • Then, Isrealeecg down utterly, abet, '!‘"Yes,' sir, yen- may -smile and - ers4seessiitts -her hapSis ',sneers but it's it filet, and I'd give ---and-iebbistras--i.fshmaisheartesessuid --ifilietisandsdollaristlintsverYsdaY i burst. . ' • t . 11 tiontel get hohtl of that twin ruby; She knew that she 'loved Donald it is worth a fortene." . ancasterwith the ones greet peas • "Pooh 1. t don't believe'; it is any - of her life; but, feeling this Ogee_ more than a legend." ove to he hopeless, the future teem- "Wells ISCOOt the story it you lik ed to hold rie promise for 'her -sit .7. -call it a legend or romance, if you eater venture. 0 days u nights otet, and that whivh- hnrubicd.. if , e„ will not man° roundn fresh state. They Jiro e y teamed, to remove the oil, which as ally in taus to he meal, and seemed like looking out 'upon as' please; hut it all happened just- as dreary desert, with no verdure or bloom to break. or brighten the me - notorious -wastes - • At length, controlling her grief • she arose and went to the glass, where she studied her face long and • critically. • "I am an awful honiely girl," she ,sandethi • -insmss-shouldesrs. to big fr my 1ace, and his great mass of hair, which Mrs. ea ontst and no one C\o:ld tell Win whither 4 11 0 110 lied gone. Still, he pet owing thikt would yet restore the twin.rubss to els form. Mester? until. the purpose became * M,A014 With him, and he lived old and eattilhifneeolleset.0 k.Weehr ohebtreqwuett 'stried to make his. eon. Swear that hu would 4000 hir4 iilo also to k WI to pails o s on to future generation My' gvndfat1ier slathers,. *sawing etlirifV---farriiere, aid they had no' time to devote to any such non,sense, and so slid nail:teth- er 'their heads with thli7affivir. But I have made up my mind that I will renew the seareh-it will be tomes, ,hul#11.44 't9r flee4;00 in aliitystack, I Suppose; but Vfn-not ver and.. s A> sork. and if 1 u • a come acrosit that leaden cese and its coetents, during eome of my. rove, irigte my fortune would he made, - "Then if you slieulek find it, you, have no idea .of searching out and returisin' • it to its rightful owner's' "Not f I know i:nYselt rd. not stone from its setting, and so each one separately to the highest bid- der. Why 1 I should Woe an in- dependent fortune 1” skeptical laugh followed this as - en, it is thi Lt may r, or turut into silage n oats et out o everiznee- u ugh is well VAKIWA, n A, a -ing tended -kV er pent* of eying the greater t of the g atine, for the menu. ctute glue. That renders trte eIIo.-and capable of fur.. - y-fisse meal with a high per cent. of photphate; but it acts more lowly than meal from tin - steamed bones. the milk and only Yellewinglitidk vesting - rnon8tratOdtbi • ItORSt B$T1ON Some valuable infornn oome to hand rezrdug ig ,otkotses,.. Yorksni Auci,...a.440„herses„.uod purposes, have teen keFt for . 41 as not e b co aihnents of any 'lied have been very 'few. On an average, not more than Iwo horses per week were unable t 'work, and this iss an unosua sine!! nUMher M so lams a suid. The horses in questten were fed weekl rationf i6 pow$s f oats, $1 1 "You'd be better 743-ff "kith* to go to work for day wages, ace cording -to my WA)/ Of thinking." be ---- if I will," was the 1 angry response ; "the world - owes mo a 1ivin, and I'm goiug to he it withouttied y hand. If I fattening, and An • ordinery day's .ration :het about aa follows 18 pounds of bay, 8 pounds of osts,st pounds of metre and 7'. pounds of bran. Eight Pounds of peat MOSS 70 -AS used for litter, . These rations were, relied at hornet as it was fourd that, if bleu- eloi by the manufacturera, the/ could not be relied upon; make, *sun sluitrititY is lief that if ;seine method more tea- a preference. .-For the stone reasons, The ik' e land. • for The year rather a-black- yink-Seinels -erimeri_orr.ess-of inanlonlerrs4epoorrIceoft-tiahnecirliissuotiin _roeConlernie- asa blue -hook, eteted that in the number of commitments of ordinary prisoners during the .Year Wars69,-288,- 72,.b out 1, .-011. the. previous year, 'There aterago nuuumittheberr ofreouordhiednary2,p762ris,onaersfi. figure which is beyond any of the rtcord- ed averages for the la,st 66 years. • %The, commissionere cannot . offer' .".sey lanation of this, increase. Jutlgin from past experience, the ave h' have been lower retie and industry were reported to ,be. depressexl during' the year. It is the eonaraissioners' experielic'e. that when, trade is good and the , Though is impossible to avoii demand for labor is great, crime, the dense of being- struck by tends to increase. lightning altogether, these few re- ---Commitmenta. W....prison in fie*. commendations spay, with advent - land are much 'more numerous then age, - mita: Avoid in, England. The, comparison, for fiteplaces. Lightning often enters the year 1,007 WAS:-Scotlami, 22.84 by the chimney, on account of the per is000; England, 6.03 per 1,000. internal coating of soot-sme of the cei.esiorterasstatas,theirsho. ..bediessine.,sehichsjjentp•rt v ces )4» 0001,1P4et.• tiOn of the Hermit Kingdom, Two 31 ago there were no fewer than ladies in wasti •, now the •„ rliWiffftretk graph. This wholksale reduction natur- ally created .consternation, and th *etiNtitornitmtrranientation. among thosetiarbein,agrvices wore dispense cd Witil-,'Tfteir -lot however,' does not seem -to -4A enviable. It appears that h been the custom to take-'girilos,,.., iuu• nd the court fronts -the ago Of thenceforth throughout the whole 4:i0F,Ttheirs natural lives theywez ever' precinet.s of the -palace, so that they alferWed- to leave the Iived insabsolute signoraneesoL _the Q04440 world. ElePerOr tOlir SA,VO aeltkrence-of-- 'tlitih.14:46'efLtimittrdillit:vellitir' had =salted frora thei,r long confine- ment, for they could hardly be per- suaded to enter the train, and they fivally:-slist-43e-vtish Manifest, trepi- dation. set -saes *therto----t their brea4e9t1St w.aueyornthere ili\li.rtitrugatowuttiyaand 1 co, and you c,an imagkase wI tiouh.is pc.ch---"*"ket to have "Iftiassqn. It sin* That'skhikof olithing hen be first CAMe ;We ught him a lot. of band chiefs of the usual size, 'What's this V says thejssant this first time be ver tried to use them V. "You see it WAS SO SMAll ixt pro- portion that. it dropped down into . the bottom of his pocket and he had to reach in deep and fish arounu for it -and itswasn't= eitherandsekeeurst wasaaw right do and so we IIAD-SOME for him about three times the usual size and those he -said would do 'e s mad little bigger Alai thee /laving constant access t,o the. ear Tral7ptilrE04..trertess a • Queer thing of the Sovereign on the one hand, te all the intriguing influenees that, watkhing at the headquarters',.house prevailed. in the unwholesome at-) was a nice old lady but . mosphere of the. court, their power t testy, and. what with the Work for exceeded even that of Ministers of the giant and all it used to keep andher pretty buay•11E! day wbcn tt b" found he had no handkettt and he was no picker or ki he didn't. go .growling to the old lady Mary -that was the laundress -hut . he did go to the old man stinsi liar to him pleasantly that he seemed toshe out of handkerchiefess , 'All right,' says the adman 'I'll see Mary about it,' and he di anaidaf3r-,.-4W-u t say azlijr to tlie old rdan, but she fayii' I'll give bira some hand right now.' . ,We'd just got in a bunch of supplies of one sort and another for euse-usit-and-in-thiS hunch Were was a lot of fine'new sheets, and what Mai/ did WAS to go to the storeroom and get half a dozen of thepisessavizzlitisheetient: .,,raiwy5.tihteedg,e.ttes.uthsees." a Etelltdder to uLtir. ra4iSeisseititri eorreesiss- and being,, on tlie other, aecese.ihte 'The laundress vses for the desirable 'for; could only get Ttrack of t e dedr ft horses_ one lash' bow& commissioned to carry that precious scendants of tbat famulywttozn 1;t'Y purchased food foind to be 85 stone to his inasteessiadylove." reategrIndfether . traced to 4U. per cput, Esther Led .new lost all desire to , „ CREEN FEED. , The worde•.toselich Sh. had just 'the ,narratorts companitin. listened field Wei. spell ou , or . h fps f 'WeIlingtea-rve been •hunting • It will, pay any dairymen or stock- eho believed that she was about to Wellingtons in every city and town stesejelealestorthe lest ten zears." wet ins 'her' possession's_ -.3- "Who. was. the gid Who own the 'estaersiaand -114)er-- -happened, he - min in good hard cash to provide notisif he haa'not *tread doue so, -against a posir—XVCaltortage. o rise ture ifl UidauLnet.atsaw. •4fult. a trill: :1 111114:11 ld gur-"He snetsthe-girl inshissown_conzt.. ef alfalfa. • , TheesareeagessletyttlispLIOlkeMik ssandsthassze a - ful owner the property in her ke OTP. 41,71ther-' 0,001440mopAviveyin ter thaneither un - tenable and .effective than simple avoid metals, gildings, and mirrors, fine or imprisonment, were adopted- on accounb of their quicksilver, in dealing with the numerous eases The best place is the middle of the el• drunkenness,_ and of other of- room, unless there should be a lamp fences where inebriety was the or chandelieriangWtrom cause, the difference between the mg. The less contact with walls or number of imprisonments hi the floor the 'better; and the safest two countries would he much de- place -were it possible to arrange it creased. They are glad to know -would be in a hamniock, susp.ende t.seters-tises, be_isig-stralsesesb 4tiy-tilketi-eortlereine,.4tiessoi Government in tuk, direction ,1 of '1.411,rgo room_ 431 tesoE tittersatIS.• seessose m a in 0, e wor ingLe s quite_so sallows_thessh --- my tomplesion-u-realty -getting vine cies,r since I have had to stay in the heuto so. notch; and, truly, the • bad now that my tceth . are getting in - o shape. 1 wonder,!" she continue • ed, reflectively, "if I should grew and rouol,- like Madge, if 1.„copi41 ininso to stalk erce dress in style, whether I elioild e'er be Anything but 'a fright' Oh; Altar. why _do some people have, 'everything -Wealth, beauty- and every 'wish gratified while others a T file to her. bus' far . journey; but ail same knotty problem has, for ages, perplexed older and wiser heads than hers. But tate was not given to dwd- ling morbidly upon her trials, and, len - bad Cheerfully resins - fiefdutie A day or two later, lielrever, she oeuredii book upon physical • .and rising an heir- earlier pion:111**,01e put into vigor. ratline the instructions which °mid reeorded therein, and wbicla rsu1ted, before 'tont ,in Pro. - suing *mark Change in her per - oast appearance. fo‘ more erect, Ite; and, white the clear, braeing • ionntain air, the nourishing diet, soon manifested their berielleial, re. my relative's stery, and his name require "Humph 1, I should. Bey the pulse ing the year tinder report WAS 27.8 intostlie hands. of the girls And.. " vitluable stones in tlie hands of -his "That" was the sharp snaPping fing or deterioration ° e'''41";..7, penal servitude during' the year. •eyes --There were ass sent-ences ef ter vokt an idiot to rus sue - Iraitt'" lh° heard 4311°'°f th° v°icelL th had il,rosideri as startled bee not havelotte Ate, _ he -"--" Oat of ,the 65,000 who have beee of s, lifeless stick upon which Es- layer,from-day to day. if silage' ' thosprisomr_during some part of * 4.-- -euntomPt".1311114:- pend-measkire--by2k.earing-t. he.-nrin. u-preferenenstossaltalfai_o_kf. ..g. -41,14P, tatt,...."‘a- ris41.006-lave-bsou-p.anish- • . , ile4i°4' gtvo utterance to her own name, f the* greeter conveistentek reed - "Oh, of course, he di, an't better tell- site crept forth front her filace of ftig, although Alm -latter as ed for offences against diseipline. t Ihsiengte- kith, at. the time, what he was send. Titei_r!s_trturnineraiitnates geiTueop. eoncealment in the hope o!' steal.' keep up the milk 'Sow. and bets inis,JA,,...,thejatil_z_P3nier el ave Ity_sseseerengsthe for_the_wejtfieta of the cattle. ,:rieViley nerAnAum“ItLesenvie the thstaage-16 commons' wirs sock between herself and thes-VIC11 It is perbliPs well - not to trk 44 of a„ criminal:lunatic ing thing, wrapped in brown paper who were conversing.upon the other feed silage the year round, on AC- -simply telling him., to- deliver it iitiosof it. or inebriate, t44 4s 9d. ' no . *stint of the sal it eottains. Where 'During the .year 3S3 male. and _ - site....continned.)1 anoint* alf...%**ttik nOX °Lit femaleisvere aidde41404--,;th6,,ris one elsel and bring nasek-,41,11 he shouki sow now trawl one t°''""`' in the "habitua,1 ° regis- answer. My aneient relative was acres of peas, and oats, in several • ter pace is on su s &nee% w - are_ • a oatis---su-Teh----es itch, soi-sesseralsisatressete --NICELY-FeLfsED4stEW-SJIEETS. "' giant went for a handkerchief that's • what he found -in the handkerehief corner of him top bureau drawer, and when he had got one of them -and-eleiken -it out -he amile,d. „.114) kedsitesirkshis--eutside breast- pecket, leaving a yard of it, more or les ,s sticking out.; and then be gtes in to see the old men and kaitoutsasidahostisitisesthe new . handkerchief. Never Vat* In because tieiftiii(ist care is taken by IJi- s Chefs .to select only the choicest rnateri "'There," says he to the °lit man, 'there* a handkerchief that's some- thing like; . 1 don't exactly like the shape of it,' he says; 'you, see it's made longer than .it is wil an Ad -it -up ,,efor two robbers, his first t1ought was to s.ave, if possible, hit 'master's property. So, as heykin, he tossed it 'kinder * huge oak tree, thinking he could easily eonie back and find it, if he escaped his pursuers; while, *I he were overtaken with it in his - - possession he wouldboare- tobe ,410-thenAnitde4trai o rivert into which- he leaped, outwitted the rogues, who, diseussing hie afiring plunge for :a few'momentat, went their way, and left him to pls fate. Twenty minutes after he emerged font' his enforced bath; crawled up the.bank and rctticed his step* to the spot where. be 'had dropped hit package. Just asi/hti reached theoak he heard a horseman galloping *wet toward the eity, 11. souglit for..his pentt for over an hour. It eould not he fund. ThO n °ruin he re. •jusily rui Mal% th on of the night been al WiteettS Lrtrgts e to be Sotd etatiie of Higher Taxation. Sir Robert reel has decided to sell all but theernansion and 3,000 acres of the. lustorte Drayton Man- or estete Ts.titwortle England, 3010 0 1114P-atritsin alt,Ifei.ausO• of the burden of land taitttion a, Mess/eat sets-, hea.vie, _bardeaa,,w the budget. Sir Itobert gives tliti O OWin ttcent of, his in 3 , and the burdens -upon it Gross income -A? ... Property, land - anti income tax 1.4. 1F4t VI 14Ib •••• 4.4,0 1341 :teal tates ‘1110116$ r fr.* arts,*• r :T.IRkoep of huikings, etc Soniture to mother •, E[eeablulated \ that real re, thrfl.was only IVer cflt., * teed 'hree b tura of hall and hzf r tio bush- els opts to one „, will turn elf a tot;)f feed, ud, if nut ill re- quired for feeding grevi, 'diet sue. plus may be ostired*as hey, or illow- c4 toPe )1 n itt.svsitVat-mere ,r , Advocate. •_ _ tES. • Do not allow yoursef to be drawn into any grain, tereali, eopper or ilining stook' ot anytil*ttti. Very few indv41 resaltee any thin from thit aourott ,dutiide the prowtere. Ito* to 10413-114ore stock,. to &eke .more manure r*, orderto fertilite more 11,744 east Zia* Illore. grain 'and hay on fewer-sieres word, how to makt mor mouey without this expendit*rt ,f ore labit or :the *a* Who ifitIS Spent lialra tife. • Time la Prison. Tall, with whiteiath, hair- and slightly bent figure, a man who ape pparod LOndOn.(Englanti) 451.003,-Wa3, prpol tohavehad * mefkable criminal` reeerds Givin the-ii*SILDt-Thng4-3-1104eit- ali ,seri ing Idirisel! as a. eIcrk, he less/led platy to stealing a, coat and .* -r of gloves -in the 780 End. uperinteMient Walker, of the Manchester produceo theprisorkeet criminal historh tindj proved the following tonvie, ti4rot at tile places mentioned:, 1571,4. -Ten days' and one month' impriseinmentat 4:4341bur It. 1611 -Fire inonthi," at ndec. IS74-14line months * at Klrkcud- iglits " every time; You. a thus assured of uniform goodness, and this the reason that the use of LIR, 's gives *ch genraIsatisfaction to -ev hmsevzife._, . • lot of hsndkerchiets 1ile that, cnLy nuLao squares V 'Why, you pin? says the old matt. OtOlitte. Why. net r and ordered a lot ef-,Asti right away made ignite, id that's; the sort of -handkerchief that ivas enough1)1 MT -s -greitet oIlI circus man said, rging-himback.in sorrowing but riiring rec�llection,"there never_ another like him. / .wis Sta wa:rpj eroWd the 101teek and :mate*. "1,"