Exeter Times., 1909-06-10, Page 7.wfu1uez& of an offende ,dterrifyizt.y uiag engenders* cautiu 1ie, courage; not -ail He I Teruo when 1J le o t veaabi4ere ni here e Two pires pro i)t*, Vig I it but r:tcke- atute er or crown. uew 9041 •to do, tberefore, a the ,000,. is $9 olit and t which ven this iic is pretty experi or ibere e a 100t9 at_kq eupIuI 01: tiger, 0110 tabIopoon one cupful 'cupful of c f a 'ful of brow 1 af meited-butte lie UUtes 900te - 040, heaping tei •fuI of 'mon, on4v,half tea- r monful of c1 , citron if closireaear tir the dryinsrftlients tdge - n add milk to which has h et- ), nen or -MOO- 0;0, 1thhiptenb4147. oven until thoroughl , se C011091eUee la ler *ho U, s o e0 . cupful af black rr. . jaui, an 'S f cupful' of , three* )nfulof soda_IA.one - & *OR 41 .raw,ansC 1 service, the admiutr he burial io`oonds is in the toils 0 ho averts. l,tlackmail is 1 e etives--of eeased per othe have resulted di •u o ., for nstan , were, traaspor bet of eight . or ni ouand,- front, their -homes uthern Rus.ia, to .the.•Can i orthwest, ,tinie .4 23-31. ow. many 09 Of htitti, doet, t • ,writer note in connection with the exodus.trom 'Egypt And--eouqUest. of 'Canaan? Seven in :not beeause seyen is ."thcperfect. nnmlrnr,"slOt, cause there. es- SIO I the pr • -c- ol:Inoue durii Atli, 'is burie 'd't e „. 'e sugar, a, .. is add Abo7-tgoie • iii PAPAtt). ltx.P4..spices it ' .c * , en -. -. Put to1 t' 'caramela it of sweet inlik. ]3o11 ib ui drips from spa*add butte , e ot1thkornut, flow to ing the lett atimleV4tohigh a,s you c will relieve _chelkinjg mueh aPitia3ract.banb veryhY treeolng -thump thc entlyat *nd when they are at I, .04 get cbt and the customa thm * ay of relieving sharply oa the en frox The-inuacipal contr quarried the soil for bui1dii ap_i_op'ses and ou 11 floral reath On the other hand, .the at em,0 •introauctioni, some eighty years' ago, - to # —%by 2S our 1es5on lent the ltoskolnikis of the 40P:l the Don try to a new home that! lieciuse, perhaps, of its ha • for them in Eastern r Jerusalem, *bleb will 40t, again .of the., IA04 etas come so irommently into the history ragedies reeorded in the annals as in Lesson VIII. .Tho theme of .The bug eart,:ki ..lost!! this chapter also ft:terrible Desert iitWe•TI Ylisrthe'missionary sfe vi it 0 • Gobi, and s never -heard of. Paul, our stit •y o w ic is Soon to in„ the probability' being that be renewed. ' Faith is the great 40064-r, *414 thirst, combined with eernerstono of missions, as of all the s of nomad robbers, were Aheolegy and Christian responsb1e to,!‘ the deeibs the L The Book of Hebrews.—Who n arty- , • 1,04,,,te the.spisdest The author is was the tate Unk.1101,414' The title, aseribing the * 000 Jutiartaer • thet eastCO_ even- s flex' Ilow does the writer clo =pies •of faithr- So .many upon, his laixid, from the to two gl nd. 13.1' The sthe Y:itame deilbcoavekereid ina cellar at, toe home of his son, wh� a he An . The Clarence, photo, tbat he Ite*pors of -gOiro';,; on with -even. the condensed urn- inaryy he has been statutes- the faith.* deon, wbo wit 011 " -61 e t e -stria et o e garg-0 Out*. Barak, whose ex- ploit was inittilir (Suds. 4, 6); of Samson, who *topped the mouths of lions (ludg.13.4), as did David (t 'Sant; 17 34,36) and especially Daniel (Da0.0); of Jephtbah 1412), who turned to flight' the Ammonites; w o-liat-cre•i.OiiT ulY tfart-Atrm d to the Cellar came noticed : t Mr, and in Lth ed tis the *en when earth disturbed 40, • announced that the searelt or the rest of the moYieY'' would be given up, but it :develops that -the search was coninned quietly and Per410434tit, and restated 'in 'un-' covering the,' -roisaing .$30,000, 14,4%t where it 'vow locatedbe* not been lie. and.an effort will b. it e.erftet dip Your: broom, 111 hot suds once a week, ,hen shake it out arid 'hang it Up to dry. .Thi ill inakia broom 'last almost twice crrifiriro Rugs should be beaten' on the Wrong side„'t • n the right side. Spots may ' removed by 11 htly moistened bran is equally ood as salt in brightening rugs and carpets. • • Vinegar will reniove lime *Pets, ot from an open cluninetor the careless hautilieg of starepipto can be removed by coveting thickIy outb,Y4Alsiug, child as hi relief eomjs much * Babyand its Thu he baby persists in sucking his at tie thumb, hey* is a, Vey to 'in- duce \hiro to stop• Make a pair of beon- siderably larger than the' et hand, - when the smaul child be- gins to Sucli his thumb? put the lit- nds ertbe-bagwith-&-shie,ld, -and pin to the 'sleeve of the dress. - Baby von% like it, of coarse, but it wilt cure him of the habit more quickly than any other method. litany babies wear the little bags until 'they fall asleep ,at night) *zid then they are taken off. - P1'. •14 ir even whole skeletons are itolen by ghouls for the requirements f witchcraft. „ ,commissiontorep&rt makes gneVOU15_Alherge against certain 1 to be leash' •riests..._who_areim, th the Camorrists, -and who levied iitortiOnater Many holies of poor people *ere oomed to be carried on filthy carts and tossed into it coapno0 pit *i out blessing or religious' ceremony cif alo „lam'. • • mons the *touted clergy is the notorious Camorrist .,Don Ciro e .,ge5 vere:- ; cburt"hes-11. • t ' was . p V1�n# eltitrr11141 t1104v i ei: o 0 trout tne , remote northern i.'..11i. . 0 AOC 11 I (Xlik, tbings receiving 1 13 *elokiii, as tluv e a . . , , . . _hoped -.for,' e • evidence of --.1.,..- _ coastthe ...gs site t 'settlements nevseeed ia 11 hopc b. . -..._ -.- ,,,,. _-, fitti *Its broad. All -tom- UUSCTIIe5 I1OPO &ndrfldO1S ---teunication-with the, open' tionfiden 'Faith is not the vision bus cut eft. , The settlers were tur- ar:Mystri.*, but tht proof of -them - able to obtatn supplies, ancl intho in ,heart and life which asures•us ' end theyporudied down' to the very Of theta,without any sight of them. tr. &vett Cluides.Post*-- On, the rtoiraith.-44,7,-4-16,7 ilow., does *ter proeeetl in his Mastro, faithl. With, a series of pictures, showing different asp.ects Iron . , I „order of . - each illustration the out some tharacte 9,ne he vent to hs iortgage -that he discovered bia re-utflon--W*-- era hem° last fall,- e elfortti to keep ...it secret et.otit aliontAt soon ioney was found4, • Myers kept bis money :at- liome, bec&uso in banks ,but ,he has .61414 bia plans, the 'banks, now take Care of bs snii; 144-010usSeida. , was thought to 'posscolvotily An Otdititat amount _ . the truth in trials aneb as st�nings (Jeremiah, according to tradition?, or being sewn asunder ,,(the tradi. tional late of Tiosish). Many of the trials here, enumerated occurred in Artlit,dolotigt bring -the One* _9 the Mace/bees. MAIN CAT THAT CACOUNT ant plied withSP"e or 1184" 'ovis after soakig p all tiiat secms thickly clean bruah and a -spot*. use owd lee* earth, or b itt flour. rinkle r: sw the ilototherir or ,ei&I as often :ouewives are cautiozied to t tri , f iimdt he, glory of lo hi Wig o of .r pOCket. often, criioked travelling take` anxiety to wear endeavor to,,,,wia, le get so close.to . , 4.11 1.140 aeotbetru k IL-.,VOUflU *as prosecuted in 2101. U being re-, • nsible for the islet of t.offlas ii the municipal burl ons 1V..,Abr*harn'a Great Testi 140. What is the i Orthe writer'e next . illustration t tests of -faith. '- Th A. few dray* ago, t old eat r 'kittens le. the box -by the stove nd Went . out to catth aOltte mice for them' When she came 'back she • kettinto the box, nodding ber ad along the ,box es'if counting. uddeill she ,turned from the box , and went t, her rest( then wet back to the bnx the 1 testi lowing. Wben the cat reached •th. box she agazA went through the form of counting. jier kittens and . residen s'-rT#tU Detect -lies have bern *Or int -an the as since lalW An averangetree produce .about 20,000 oranges/mind aflemon- retritOotritniOni4' is, Isase and his de counted esp A °mist* rnade to hini. Ax bit loving * i,ffcri solution akObol, sixty parts° 'part of the alcohol, careful about using this: cbild:ron'aboutt Por ingrain wring * cloth °tit' of ITot Tay it 4offr 'Ott. .titui iron with att uon as e-withair se well. ton and thecsrp ateamed on the under tion to U up the floor littoest pu irPetig. xa Pee lloa o ‘.• two. Th ihe thou bo ive good It kelt moretban' manieuri clean for heaven o . eetion.. if O'er' Notice were only' more even ir eaereity would be A Pod 4.1eil Tho bist way to wait ,,wou n eo*11 brins les"to out tl ker b standing up klue.lt„ mess) k that the 1 itiOt truth it. I There is 110 1srm. in dahing to et e 15 danger 7.7