HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times., 1909-06-10, Page 5selllng many Inas such Ote, Prinitle clOth, ept., Many h&ve been com nd now .orti*e3nAro,down...0„ remnant*. Tboe wbo seany :cUng promptly., I1ve t nlce tine of v1310100 that include : w e •cholce •"ceter, Zuich, Wo of WiIchl5L't pattentS over. Ilausen who was un inrived bome. 'Fowr went -away on bL3 hoU 00.0 O of Iot t4 C60* 6 It4aMS.0 rtX6/404 IV* ji'rto tholic440- fep f3 no, 11, biottsituiit .to El o in ha r ret. Indow and- CuOiOns LIno!egm0 Receiveil let of haws' net 30 In.. wide Ordered both, aides, newest ues100, also Uhler once from 1Q4 - to 20c. yard. pleces of iitaCk 4) 'yard hT,IgIt, •tee -011 Or wear. tz fl?1C0 lower, .nythmg.you in and see nitable for the kesilkt, 6 • Price in. -at .00000a ha beenl *n., exceptionally._good r one In this line ILad to repeat our Ordere of both and thia_vreek, copes& another 13031P. toOrin' rerzehi -s e, mann « Mr and Ws. E. worn vitoto. friend s in Zurich; tr. Garnet 13aker, Of .14ortdan, visiting trlends„ ;in town for of few arrlted borne ot- hr nter1ing hieister'e funeral. Six pupils from our school .U, fra and -Fraser Draw* yhiit the entrance exams.- this, yea ed. -fricuds in' Dashwood -Friday even, v. •and Mrs. Maass and *Moe S4sattotenwiLded. thl_o ).(Intheran slned , ik:,':1,ef *WV 'yts 4 040M g on tirogeY for, a. few weeks., thur on Tuesday after An ettende .1Wr. and Mrs. B.Clarke and (laugh, visit with her -parents here. • tet..visited friends in, Exeter. The Illitigerial" meeting-, and Stmt. -dity-8chool•-•-t onvention_a _.th0_ nrOn eff0:7Mrittr-4orelo Berry. Alba is viskting arou - beivg• • . here eiv-AXitar4o-for--41 4w weeks.- -dot: '°- -444 -8 Deekert.' of was the Father feolseue, the genial iaiter ot-St-Peta's Clurch....Drydalo to '17he Misses Ilediten and Ford, ofa sudden and Severe sick Spell a • 'v the eats of Mr.and Mond-. flis'nutny,friends,.hope that • /4' asseS8ed tee ined. G., Lipjihardt to viscos Zahn; • Brenner and A. fl. filisehler one dog .each, -Dogs assessed _-ase1Ipt ::lot N. Cbane made. 000 • • otne-Strifek-of tte, to change eertaw Iot at t. Fewph,,:to N. M. V.ntinApeaI not sus:tnin0t1;78::Itaifniirt6.-a-ss-css- v4r1 0.--Zetriclii. to V, Witmer -Appeal al- .Iowed,Gi Ie1rmLLa.-.tO n' lot in ' fistkt zgeugt. T. u be asiesTire470-triotAni4s1M.,MinStea-- • * of .11earcer--4hange' Made; ' nstees. 'the, • • --B1711:8-;,Antlairline-vre-hav.tf--ae-c-OnVieta---r shOwlrega nice10bof two piece Sommer ,Suite at right-pticee. • - Eats, In Felts and Straw, Shirts, Ties. Oollara. rigiBILV_PAtiA3oato..-741.0Y and Black NV king COOL Latter Silk faced. all kinds ot Produce,* BROW Seed0, ft11et, Potatoes an arketprico,,:-- - - D*QO lbse.-of Wook r.tret, We re offering -over 300 Boy1;:ancl Youths tp.-to.date- °silent quality, at bargain prices...-.. It will pay- you Also:a fine selected stock 4_ Nees Clothing up-to-date style and latest ' shades ithe very. lowestL'CCS, . Mens oda Pants $1.25 to $2.75, regular $1 75 to UO Pants.; • 00-10-11 o'104- wt the most extensive stock ot-the litarfamer-hattdiftur -±re•Peatritiares'Aire-_bestotatt. _quality eXceuent, price* the tow- - They arefew.-seginrg fast- which n a Ight-.177 em In *II shades and --deolgrisTsIzeti $s* B*81,# '4141* %XL %slit etc. n rintS) Ingham n Ltu a, et our sjeIM1e �t' Tapes-barji duction �f 15 per cent. ThJue and Green' patterns regular en,., le and.Turuip. e 0 " ted. .over.5unday4,-, r 44 -Mrs. AI) $XXO siktc. fot a few day.'. .nuMber from the Evangelical S. S.- are attending the Sunday- Bohol cenventi n Z th The -Ladles' Aid of the getho chutch have opened up an tee Cream arlor in the - tore lately vaeoted•by W. W. Iterr. - • - Melvin Whiting. ef Parkhill was the guest .04 ..T. 11. Boltzmann's, Sat - 1 re T e angelical Sunday 'School vIfl celcbrate tlteir annual ehildrenedey Annual picnic on ,the Idth of aunt. The Xpthodist' :Sunday' School will C. oeder, 4 L. isteiver, ssesse to assess M. Tinney.on' o -4-Change-matle. For any case or nervousness, aness„,,, weeli ,.sterriach., indl itAT. Infulloino in market. propoed,eiectxic railway from Joseph to Stratford.- IS that the origi- nal survey slang the -Zurich . Boad to ilensall...and. Exeter will be used. the road-Itever to be built this - r. g s Would certainly be the *tensible route from & financial and revenue pro- dueintandpoint. ' - ltajttirStlettaLmnhaTe* -"a-Triend , he ..eetti'i.annual. buSiness Meeting of the 'P. A. of tho .Evan atoll church Niras held Tuesday vetting .and. real:ill:0d in' the old offi, Pets ro.clooted. - • 0.41k.X110-001,1t146.,.. OUTDONI SPORT i& ZiNt-zult. . . - Every athlete, every ball.plaYeri every .swimmer, every canoeist, every man. or woman who loves outdoor life .and ° exercise,. Should keep a box of Zanvituic handy. , • • h Aar •re- TonA c as soon ruises burnstAtprains,...blittera., to rst, t *septic .proper- " s---j.wender_the.....w.muul-free4rom-41 drtnger japiaToNohin..gi-X0Xte Its .091AI:wing propertia,-*Iieve--and ease the pain. Then its rich herbal offering special- *Moe* in Ourtain •-741.411n0, etc. e oleo soMe, linei re less' tacit of Tim Shirts, Colisirs have the cerrect sty-, _evening. Score 5-0. alas Vara're-iiiiitif;-of-Clu who has-been, spending a couple of a with her. aunt Mr. A. gert, returned to her home Sunday. '.1494-te_tarsLxaist2,1Arthivreo-10---g_nuarivhc-was-iniated.IIod.. pert, is. we are ploased to say, able to le around a in. Mrs. e mon was the guest of mrp ISODouga*.i„ Alibbert. last week. ' were the guests of Ur," and Mrs. W Iledgert at Farquhar on. Sunday. - The 'anniversary syrviees of Itoy's sPurensabyt:,eriattart_nevi3,. - in' held -on • who feel weak and discouraged, will _ . receive both mental and bodily vigor ti30A117 by using Carter's Iron. Pills, which Owing to the absence of the pastor are merle. for the blood, nerves and • there were no rierVice3 ill the. P.I4CS. complexion. byterian church, last Sunday. • Ur.- W. 3. Dram:atm was a dee. Tell same deserving itlieumatie suf. PreStYytery .at namilton, last week. to• %certain relief. ferer. that there is Yet one aipmle way gate to the general assemblY of- the . Get Dr. Shoopia jagazols,m and a. free trial Wo* *'onnce„,to OUP trettii. friends and to 611 those needing hula+, aerial that we are in a better position than ever to supply yowl*. wants in Lumber, Shingles, eir,lar Posts, Laths, Fence Slats, Cisterns you intend' 1iLi1i1iathWtWfl1 d assist yon In any itray we can. Me in and get our prices. Mr. tiliings, who has been flutreiger llank . or - 'f the past seven Years, -bas-Dro mated. to the management of the el-, sons Hank at Forest. 1401r. H. Arnold; who has been 'a long resident* of the ben in r t t branch. ouanlegg, 'who hs ben accounta here' for iseverat years, has been time:dated manager the:A:trench 4o --Zur.ich. " • 111.;- Ira* Is home from Toronto latitIng rapidiy recover.: ed from his serious illness. Mrs. Orther4,, mother of llev W. • Poherty died in Landon op Wednese day.of last 1511.t..1Ad been In de.' to gout_ r. I . tiiynoldsrleft -1/0`. Wed " f r the wait to benefit his health. Uoaaei cleaning time Is here with all.it* worries. liet us helti Yen b' seal -Am/ •ypu -wfth Scrub. Brashis, Whitt -wash Brushes, Soap, Clettnser„..,Gallet!s_Lye,AtcanteboldAnumpia, ger* Ami for cleaning_ w_ha _oyes and in -fact anything needed tor eepuring and cleaning. Then You will want eotne- of our wall 'papers which we are selling a 'greatly, reduced prices:- k---to--see-ttur -patterns, We Gan please you,. • PAISlra....Yoti need Paint for renewing little things' around the ousel-.Ave-handio-ths.i0slobratt4 cognized' no the best, paint. made, in cans from 156;. to 9Eo. Var- nish stain at .215c. a tAll just the thing for Making 014 brut. tore look like new. Cali and let us talk this -paint propooltion -Women with - pale-co-lorless with 1„.0.06__ . . - le-tioner.Tt.trditet-uir parte:bent. To wear ona t doormoat •nar r .00t the War . fe • c a c p ateS. sore ee -a Come to the other: in within Znin.1-tok'S. WI Aterb .Liew*oruipi:' reggird'' ...11--t-a'"-*Wrattrctirt. -/JCPC-- -Nronctexuy,t. 4)rocevit of_ Agar. 11/"Ceat" Se41"1:1 Weintein 9 -IL, skin diseases, &itch as eczema, heat ardleew.,Of "Auk : e r Parra produce wanted for. which we will pay the highest" prloe‘ . ,...- .- Op. •;«,-,-47: 4, g . clear . o hallo._ i'esins are ' tar-IY-Aalr .. 7.0-Ezzuovi- tr- Itelneop,-liquid or tablet*, --n#-Tkoneift..---Vhe--test----45--;fr littese.....-itome. Abliseitttened-Sitirerel ( it\-firalietting for lihrthr-book-fro Dr. Shoop, Itacine, "Wis. ' Mr. 8. , Two- - _ - - The llowititz-,41 ct- ;tep for the Month. of Meet. owth;ot -elitig,4:_;.,._e,..,:isiir rrepturr•----7:L3 _ 'Etu:70:014:07",_b,111,r....wi'llnilo.:1,::::Ir.:::.41.ttalrtb-i, Pres;:if0yry7,:ar. rs G.ti• ,...w=axez .7-Triebner, . p son*, V. SOltaeursiii 4,11% Triebner. Box._ ablt.'41-rlan-Aer`5÷-r-Thra:7-rfitiMT4-Lerif illainilton, 0. ,1Io.nilItori. Ohaptonr Parsems„.11.: . Ft. I $ advantage o op- otiekiinfroe. at,Athavsemow... t this .e‘itta:24103:00tontspellers :dette. ..0,:es."' Avli* it druggists. 8.12r. xentor. Z. Statilake. tri, 't to *elm"' * pere,Sty..„.11. oamittors. Pen " ‘0"htt‘-tt''t .A Ot Trietmer., Wm. tit Ir, haeri, teacher. 4ur.OrocerseDepartment aswelt al *11 other department is filled with sea.- -Sonable7-0bdir0--Orrawiltlintiorrevalr right and quality the boot. S. S., No 11 tatrliEN The following is the reportot he -exams- • ' .• No. 11 Steritiett, dur Dia *." The. TIAMOS TrittivEritta). - Good Iforses-ftrueefield ' has long been fampd as centre for the hest , "fra-rie-iyOrdikal 14 • tls-turdsr-anif-the- $Ounger -generation seem determined , to rotain Abe good 'record made in this gs' respect Et,9' their fathers. Iletently VOUS Iwo very tine 'npeekineas of tile. thoro, hzed hartie have Wen rorehas'ed`by mentientetkof 111k. flince itossenberry recently told his horse, bc buggy. and .harnes's to Mr. N. M. Con- .. t r tiO and las he ince-- made an important pure ase. in Ile -las bought the . four *year old . „ r.-Dirtneit-Intobs,d-considerab xperientaand wilLorseatlylm _prove misteciAlerliiithaverchargav Itowiloatei:.B*411,41011**0--Sts410441W- ilia Grounds. - Special 'attention wilt be paid to Campers and iloarder37-- t Dos byna1or3veek- d r e e r .from Mr; Witir 11,11r o ke , 1 , trete Witiert,. „o tid; Ma telt .4-6 paid a-lauerprice« Zeiler. Sr. li.. Ira- Tetreatu ()live! prominent horsemen were, after her, wi,:krti ji,. Ir. ueury Littera, Nvu-. , but- lirtice ,trot Slethe insilt track - On phiLus Pt. 1. flerou La f ond, Itertse, 'Wild. Wilert. on '41,V61.4go 11. I' • • p ail the lAteSt well to lopko zollY Mr; Tbornos Wylie' (Box 3.tf4i, Galt.y "It arsallie luckiest day of my life when 1 reek PSYCH I NE;for I truly - Idn'tbe_alive no*. nottloctetl told was thii of y tettoito100,Ond_Witit Stetted to bo 1 iltnpleallment. Soon devooped into*seri- Otis and dangerous condition* I got 010* that it ***scarcely possible for meta walk ,4raum„that I Itcd like* skeleton. \I soy to t.totiri in my oboe 14 only 20 years of *leg "rbe MOdleine tbe doctor gaiteti 1116 mut* *ofse, and 1 got Then strilck miticIntioy me. The lot intnew.titrintreol than no time i begitnI0 put on tyAnd telt twos on thehighrtak to *O. * tit* returned, and. II bunter, yin threemonth t. them all and won, out. his more is of the celebrated. Mon Der's stook and when properly trained will be sure to ,.:give a good attount herSelf An. the eyes. f 410 140410 frineleii,,TATe---purelased: tratkic:-- Mr. John,- -'MeIntteltki-attOther 8. 3, *1;ii10010411. 104boroto--.-fortho Yon4,1etallion 'brother lot the following the repo t 14.1 so from. gr. Kinstnan a very. lino Cottitioltio# Vetsgs,.., max, 41,0%1 mare put...Chased .by Mr. IlaiSenberry. rta 00010 1.43' iertie Dout*Hotit there fine aniknaTh irbre bred by Entrance. IaX. 400.0,- Isabella- Mr. Kix-mat:tnand they certainly do 'liirnbull 4, Zthet tkior 313, 'Beta et 281. Er., IV* Max 'MO Arrow IV, W.alc..007-1dit Irv' loupe- 2L4; ;tattle tleVolloot r. Max.;i2504 437664 McCurdy May llotigert ttind Jr.MA*. ,2000, 5; Vern Francis „Inc Vsetr, llebr Mitit 74112T-Iester-41eCtirdY--- on Copeland 1521 litor Pletcher "COrge liarah Pt. k pfs Itoward.13bier 1111 Oelle NcVurdy It. .I. Met. 1004" mitgig, * ott may drink more than is , credit 14 his old! I -w a, bt.“Xer, of' tborobrolh. wo Atop* the. .new• o ers will have the best of good lortua WA Inc atitiolOrtd Grind .will be * teat *Tirane , sort, tbs year gat* improve. 0-4t1 have been .made' and. att a to a tilt* otort will be, more /liftme- n tra-thri'."Yorerrvikireatly- ttagors- have taken \ttp their and many more Aro making nrrtngt'flnts frit -occupy. thoir tot. tre"rz-whe Pa /71 moot abetnritallttag making 11°;04 11440,1ri, ' • P 0,1011tYc t �sdilty, Oxtord $t tek n.d $t, r 1 If rt•PL4 *19 .-th„