HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times., 1909-06-10, Page 3net.tcd anewest the flames •
eepat eut Dasiplun Man"
eet, A destructive foreat: fire is
n()e for hundred miles 'between
kOde>!liyeertaed Dowsinan, and
which Ireloif 00 9
1L4in *i traele arnile wide, and
tatifl buruing. Tree- property
owned ohielly by Jeitae Bartlett and
Wm. Kiersteael. Bartlett's Milli
at IVaweig eierie to danger,
.00 in its fnance8 41°4'liogthe flsca
yearliiiir' ee
The fishing geshonner Soursi
Belle was $0 battered by, ice floes
that she Went down off St. John
barber. lier erew were rescued.
aiTTht. . trtegy
in _
Tlio iaiiiISrt,ono girl - criticised Thc rats 6rtliii
0 manof her choice so acleereely $100,00Q,000 worth of
at he
Lelt it wouW bewi Pittshur teel
- niilla
She .prornised tthinkriou o
giving him ' •
After the lapse of only a month
she intrlie daceltlisr oriatc.....Thir,eed a scoonel .one7
eu.tolilled.-to-PIe3uLflc6 'refeirekreeithegloortrcetniel-compari;'
.,ut Petards. eon was -made ,between liiM and hie
edeceeser.--neuele- to--tbo---advant-
y i it that_parente_always ageeofetheekeeereeeeee_ •
t have a right to it in ,with exemplary winingneiietha.
ICnt UOfl the love ailairs of maiden' dropped the new -Omer,
:isserneer—te sub -Mit Ter
;#11)CiliFF:411447-- otherfgreinspaRe-ii"triteelnaeii—:
interIerneeejelteth°#,e,•2..4!n., ,rahis,1.-tno-sizak..1)1114t-ice"-shPYin.
ing days,. and Possit4 ruti-37.* tile door. And the giris paitint#-
111 apte f' it; tet for ottale a
ointed preident
ipisuilelers an
A Bothwell rate
that WV child can
ho lloatent fret
, u
4Yer complai
Lt fever ,throu
Lok stern.
a is
raok, Termite,. and fi
to 5i ot4 O. Western,Caite
da catB o, d 150. 3 et -550,-Bay
ai uaie,
feeir cagier excita110
.411441115-1C04.`.011:n4 1
thee Wa' WM, ne hover
;LLrit) ..0en . ti er, wth Pr rine
Exporters likewise, and many ant.
mala that 'under ordinary eotteli-
-Lions would not be looked upon as
.this cies*, were bought for ship-
s ).jii ...e. toekcrs-.and.Jeedcri .want-
utid. ed. 1./..isire: and springers in firm
for goad -milkers- and near
ngers, Sheep and lambs un -
Calves .uncluinged, Hogs,
year •';-
in twonty y
Three municipal officials, convic-
ted of 'stealing . money' from the
•city of :Boston, have been sent to
etriesenOeer -one-thesNievreTierlie
Central wrecked his train at Me -
child on the track.
&. speaker at theseltoyatelnititute
-London teitle-thereetieeciette;
ifieejustificatiter_,efoie,e_eannibalitem. • ir Loch Fatle.wit 1
The London • Morning Post eriti-
mzes e action ol t e minion
Trades and Labor Congress in At-
tempting to restrict emigration to
reason, they. const • er
choioe of a son or daughter -
be of far greater import-
han choice of
band or a wife, writes a
ter n Won. Answers.
gins,' lover had .ever been discard-
ed. •
• fer the fourth time the'linfortu-
nate--girl essayed to please her par
cuts. Yet -another suitor was , pre-
sented, and .fourezi wanting.,
in the case of a, <rangetitaibrainV
13'confesses' that she had never real-
abandone,d hor first lover at
Jees. e object of a girl's
ought home for the first Withuthe hsAistance of four amateur
o lundergo an examine- actor chums of his, she had laid at
has Virtually no
plot'to convince her parents of their
for the parents • - . 0 f , 0 f 1 f
„ so/satisfactory that only the efforts
uf throe-uf-thenrwrre-iteed
tt ar the worst item each detaiL months later the wily pair were
f ho is care.fuI of his person, he is married.
.speak intelligently , •
Up'. eflcra1 topics, he is maceit-
rwa and if, -on-
other hand, he is shy, .asd has lit-
tle to axle he is evidently an idiot.
Esing Cigarettes.
Take---the-ease--of-.-ar ryoung. giri .A__ea:se_of_amkcas hea;rt. in a
Within the, writer's experience, who , child not quite four years old has
one day brought home a sweetheart been discovered in Oxfordsbirel, in
Eitte few years older than herself. the course of the medical inopec-
,Ht WAS received with grim disap- tion of school children, and is now
_.,12,y-her_ve„24,14493:,d Ow oh- the .subject of investigation by the
ion.. urged-- agaiuit- 1uirn were- TPINEDVI imus •rt
V. 'Tim daughter was forbidden It is stated that the childe
Aim again. ther trained him to smoke, and
-*1.obdeee,- and, six, iiki-Plailinent at-140-11,1-8hs!ws7--Thif
rnonths later the daughter married boy is said to awoke ten emeriti -few
er or 07 en over.- er perm 8
1iig wero, outra,ged;*
Pour ye n;tater tile father, has:-
ing failed in business, accepted A
artnershie with his
_ _ _
:Unfortunately ffer their welfare,
_souse 4inghters are tito -o-b-aTent,
aid the happiness_ of many a girt
.bas been seekrificed to the wanton
"teliee of her parents'.
4.funge1eirtts,, wlio-eame from a
1OOr but agibitious family, Idin
vo wuial, pretty girl, whose eir-
eiitiiiieetreir-eseret41iee 0
...own, •
attentions Were • favored by
reeented bv ber o.
, • .• nu er
she irvenuanntr rk,e-y bad no c
j tinnA to urge against this creases b
evitheregtheresseeititiet, kit
smoker's heart was not hereditary,
aneleethereforedt followed. that the,
• , Irease
The myeteriou's -dieeppearance
3e on tracl4 Toronta I No. "3, S2c
traek, Toronto; Otinediset ,yele
Tim Lanarkshire :Model Lodging sacks, JO
rfouso, ComPonet. Hamilton, has de -
sI 1•72•3.4°
the 1.7th*century been found
an old ga en at Xirletons 13tonte
Dr.: Ballingalte,Wat onekats
been appointed senior resideiit. Phy-
sician to the o
Edinburgh......Gnd f48
• CANA.D.A..
vanc4 • priee isem s one
eent A poUnd.
Building permit values at Toron-
to or the first five months of tho.
year aggregated, $6,827,830.
pounds 0 er •aY.
In a:common kideng...bousti at on track. Delawares, $1.10 to. $1.-
4set11 in one 1:06m tea persona, ire lb per bag on track.
rcspectivo or sox, vereiound ty„. _poultry ,Chiekens,_:_yearlitigil
ing on shakedowns on the floor. dressed, 17 to 18c Per fl";
Astomation has . ed with Pio
new to 14e; turkeys, 18 to 220 1er-1b-.1
The 'Scottish Coal Mineow
00,1.1172sa_ti:03,14.6.4- to $5' terleheiee clues
Beans Prime,'$2, and and -pick.
Maple Syrup -96e to $1. a gallon,
jt. fl15O
St4r"-aw4;'-e-11$7'.tit; 0; $8 on
reduction wagesof1234 per cent. Butter -Pound, prints, 184 to
There are many in Arbroath who itte ; tubs and large rolls., 10 to
have not. lived long to ereioes their sieyos; inferior, 14 to- Cream -
014 ago Pension. About' 80 have er lls 1 to 20 and eolids, 18
mi ht, ase lots, ,1,!334 to 100 per
Sir James Kin: l3art.
The .Polson's Iron Works Com-
pany will 'erect -eve new and la,rge
ellipbuildi'nres plant -at Toronto;
The houre oivi.I servants, at �t'
• hmreaeed to from
Otto 15p with An liour and a half for
• lunch„.
Mr. 1714-.Lucalr..- or
Centre Grey, has been sworn in as
a member of ethe-Ontario-Cithinet
without portfolio.
Regina; police are on the trail of
"Duteh Rotary," a noted outI,.
whose record entitles him to be abet
to 1SSite allOther lean in Ca,
nada of $3,500,000 in 4 per cont. 304t.
now we 1 be known as "The Grand
Old Man" of Glasgow. Although
in his 80th year the ex -Lord Pro-
vost is still hale *nil vigorous.
A Memorial Atone ust been
erected the -island of Teorrinc
'Loch Lomond, in memory of the
drowned in the loch in May, last
-Leith police' passed -their aimed
inspectionyeeenty. There paraded
the chief constable, deputy chief
constable, 0 inspectors, 13 _serge -
antis 0 detective officers and 117
littlete'village eat Minie
silent, in 'Ayrshire, has, the ells-
tinetion of -having ,t_hp._ videat t.
Mrs: Vinland, who recently e
of a child very fow cigarettes would
inilreirkreauto etheetrouhle,
takes the form of irregularity of
beat. It Is -•v y 0
the classes who smoke twist or pig-
tl etobstecoe-bute-with those -who
smoke better kind i the result of
over -smoking. is more Often 8hown
the -brand -of -cigarettes often results
ir an attack of smoker's heart, u
the smoker thinks the new one
man personally, but he was
ind poverty ie the worst of
o they prevailed upon the,
ve him u •
spirit of roklessness, the
nd n .a.,fisw months the
t nettle_ 1* Atietralrie .had
died and left him * $6141 fortune.
Th. Obedient daughter never mar.
Sharelioldere of the ElKin Loan
• Com an which failed tax yeare
now2feet fee a o ,
91Vsfig* Pl'on,9uutrIl
Entwhistle, the present ternuriu:s of
,Grand. Trunke-racific. -construction.
A. whites!! at the Montreal ;civic
inquiry. swore that Md.
merit to the policeforce, but he
The Grand Trunk Nellie
teen are said to have applied f et a
iloard of Conciliation, alleging t
condition-irrii a very
Recent advances in bed ludo
. •
of age, 0-idet73Y4 inete8 In height,
;other- AO -141.0 averaged- 31 -years
and years service. Govan's 120
ieA averaged -'32 year:41'1)page, ee
hi hick in height a
Farmers whose lands run along
'Cam:remits and- Xilteeth Hilis art'
having an anxious time with their
Socks.- Foxe* haveeeppearedinettne
usual nunabers and 50 lambs have
been carried i;fl or destroyed.
in the Public Park, .Aitehterarder,
recently, when A bazdsomo
ing fountain, which bArf been erect.
Italian Xing Will Arrite In London
A eleepatch fro 'es sox: The
Gauloie aorta thst th� Xing of
Italy will Visit Engiand in August
and Germany in September.
The Cz r will visit Rihg Edward
Unusual Situation' in Vulttd State$
eee-lestelt-Whent-----Senreeee-- -
A steePatehr from isTew York says:
For the first time in history wheat
has been shipped back front New
York to the west for consumption.
Recent angurries have beta iv -
ed from as far away as ¶1exas for
1414SW York, red wheat. Already two
WTOiditeltre tor *ante from '
o Buffalo, four more are loath g
and some shipments bait been toad*
by rail. This unusual action is
niade possible tqt the 'great scarcity
Jo ash wheat all through the west.'
2,ved old here on .Thur*diP$
at $totii titt 1150 was asked a
own u ci
Th Scottish National Society for
the Prevention of Cruelty to Chil-
dren report that during the month.
of March /09 cues were. investi-
gated, involving .the welfare of 2.4
146-Aildreneee Siettee.nine perisoris
Were •teriviete4 Tor ill-tteating and
Cliceseewlarge cheese" o •, .14
14%0 per lb., and . twins, 14,4 to .
1,41,4e„ - New quoted at 1e for .
._...2._ Motormen, hnd Conductor
'large, and 13e for twins. ,
HOG PITO ..-7"---' .
Cars a Severp
reenliflr_ Accident...to Son of et Lon- tab:zit:1T:
_despatch from London, .0ne.. Canada._
says:" Win in a bin ofeavi- .
e$10/erethee-year- -and ten
m�nth?•,,oleleeswesifeeMineeirndelifre;7 e-
letc*W1 'High -Stieet,'.,1,evae
t e
ley Weaverly, employe of Mr. A ,des
KnowleS, returned after dinner and Sask.,
went to. the bin. of sawdust, which trial. her.
ise-inied-eTti-i -fuer for the --engine, 40 esp
.on the hand Thursday
, .
of the .elteld 40010pg out, The boy luebreaki
was tit, four or. five 11
• ee,
$ hurled the -eawattet wate only was onl
about la inches deep; ,rushed in
Bacott-7Long, clear, la% to le%c
atiTcasci-lote; lass pork, -$22-
to $22.50; short cut, $25.,
Hams -Light -4o medium 15Xtc.;.
do, heavy, 1.1 to 14%c; ro11, 12 to
12%c; shoulders, 11 to 11%c; backs,
174 to 180 ; ' breakfast bacon, 16%
to 179.
-Tierces_ _114Y
tuba 14e;
Montrod, Wine "'W•-•.reits-101-,•03
.to $1.00. Oats -Canadian West-
Western, 5$04No. 2 feidergle•e;Sa.
2 barley '24 to 74e.; Manitoba feel-
lOrkt0Y,AA0-0.101.10,ekiAhea_ 09Yee
to 100. Flour --Mara 4310,, .1611
wheat patents rs s, ;•;
••do.esecontlit, -$3:60,tfi.sol-Blextitoba
stron hakerisi„.$5,60 to $5.80,; Win-
ter w ea parents, $6.15; straight
rollers, $6.50 to $0.00; do., in bap,
3.15 to $3G -extralui bage,-$2.05
to $2,80, Feed -Manitoba bran,
to $23e do., aborts, $24 to $25;
ixed Mott:1111e, $28 to $30. Cheese.
westerns, 12 to 12e, and eastern
:to 120 Butter -=2 to 0°"c
• •
_leeeto 20eiptir •ozen.
,ere re.
Minneapolis, lune 8. -Wheat --
July, $149% to $1.30; Sept. $1.I0X
to $1,10%; Dee. $1.04'4; essh, No.
1 har $1;33,X to $1.04%; No. 1
Northern, lit.tgY tolt.$3,Y 110. 2
Northern, ..
neglecting 180, children. ott tit, 1. $130o $131,
• A despatch from Philadelphia In many
Bays: The attempt of the rhialtdel- Sire AUX
phis Rapid Transit to operate its across th
cars on Wednesday with strike- powerlee
breakere imported from other cities strike sy
resultedin the first serial's rioting charged
_vybich hag occurred since the /strike to fOrin
of the. street ear men egan on littrirecar,
May -LI.
trict, where many mills are located, ably fata
women and _children pulled the nearly a
ra,otolrettim,wen.Z.Itithcondo:ur.isevtors e_frorenx: ly batter*
LE Beeause Row They Sir
Made in t Hold.:
A despatch from Itope fays: The A desp
Italian steamer Moneenieto, bound An explo
for New York with & cargo of pu- Wesini
inieeeeiltonee, hase,htierieheld. nP- At -*et Ina
Pelinero- by ghosts. On the arrival Sue niftier
of the steamer at ,Palmero froM itjurede
'patrieelslesee the -Crew refused, to
continues On
were utilising a row in the hold,
which they believed presaged ship -
First patents., $tL4O to $6.00; sec.
4040:000ror0.00.00.4000000000•0000i0r0 ond patents, pi.ao to 114,614 iirtt
leers, $5.06 5,23; second cleats,
• A WISE' 1111 $3,05 to $3,86. Bran—In
423 60 itto '$24
tifett ,Xilinn sum * June 8.Wheat-Epring
No I Northtfrn ear-
ads0 3s1* Winter nomin.
1 le a . r nger; No t yellow,
ay, and inade o u. ,.. 1 llow, 79 o3 ,
if rS94 to ,94c; No. 4 corn,int .
n*tked onb appro. No. '3 w1ite,"OatseeSt d
tang, ri t
num ere o
themselves away on board, hoping
to escape to America, but they
found nothing. As soon as the pa.
lice left the steamer the ghost* be -
carne livelier than ever. The crew
lett her, and refuse to re.trobark,
e.ita;itot Oh
puling Ills Volt.
e4esr*thf rr14nd"5ft
The tnve:gityo040idrilton.
the degree of IX' C. L on tart
(irey dueing his approaching visit