HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times., 1909-06-10, Page 1,41:40',401,14-.Awo44000`044:460fIthitito •• • ,•:;;; • • ougaga4,4,1W411.14f4tkintal.-?45.:,,IMM,i4V1,,M6.1ffiff%' :44:1 „ • , June bringethe warm weather 4rid you know what t rneans," • e want to • keep kool. • haver.i:od to keep you..cornfoxtabic Cud.. Just-tho'Hthriiir ..„,,, ' this weather* .• •• .4:,,%.••H • •-StrIped•• • Totztenti,. or Cotton ho6elncol 0.• • , We have a beautiful Lot! Dainty_ Mita_ taste Shirts,Night * Otipo. Cored Coverl -- and Deawers. Ne bet- eeliere-to,hdrYourvielte. • - Nice long Lice, , 0 -. or 'Cid Sieve's for the warm weather all cd, :Shadee to choose, from bee.; • *f_78, hor - - The . real, .swagger 'wow: aeltilith&:,lortiteltON'41 Straws. The Sailor is , *000 Bruart.and_the dip * &cults are good. New Shirts and Collars . the newest attern,* ...• , ,•re - vat. ee; "11 Detr;ng 69 ) G. ,a3,0,1,nre , 06; it. Bisett , Eon631 . ete.ee '00 r 61. Vorolocic___Ia i;:Sentor. r $ coun. ._ • „ most Iib Deaver:0e: ta. iffsedeerel 09:, 11404 071;:tee'"140.TheOrSae grants given %II:ellen: AS Per letter a' 4.bniitted lbe' coon"' 4 *.'WlirrtritH7lat jAr'tf441")';' Toin cOhltaendS the Legisilatnto '10 regard' 't0:-"tke,'Iloodietrglisht*, Bunter 76; 0. wool, 70. rito • t title deeds of the now.ar:10,ptutlp7pei..,;,.„r,aeY, Junior B. • ,.o. le 70;8. M-. ilaward 6„, jumber;neneer , e ' ovIdi iO[)O1 »I ere "tituveo and Care reide-to echo° „ rnodations .44:14Lairg:;g:11;.e.41:1, 1106 0%rrivir.7" 80031 Sr. Priellonorse Reginald BieSett 80 "titby Wood 79. Pats, Clarence Dee!. wood .73: Leon Treble 68e, Madeleine Carling SAO Drickwood 67; r, -Dearing-a--%rene-7141-tInttlittt*-"TFasi4d -Man 60; VOtitete-lethricheeeeetre Honors, Greta. Bissett-Ike-PaSS; jtm Walker 70;. Nellie jones t 'tassel* Balkwill 66; rod. McPherson 06,-; el Reverley 66; .43ert Gillies .64. Zon t 3 , ;ram "are ilietributed so at. to benefit the . 4 'Wat$ a bliittOr: Of inter.eet. In West The following accounts were read Ifuron Mr. Toni reports -the average l am.1 Passed Wm. Ortraacombe, labor salary paid to the 38 meneemployede•at. cemetery, $6,04.; Atoes Ta Ior Co. .14014,:xobuo .60041 as $500. ti,Acto 1',01.4, liamber. account. 15.22; 'Sell - . the 93..wome a, the ItIrentgorvaikal......„. IlAntz=t,- - . , ' ..4 -Mitt ,Vbe airolig0:01ThrY,P4...-*,1,441'AtkV';,-rog!,:lat;ftitii,;;'' .,0, ,..l'LayiIir , 1 , . :,,, i p,,. 1 A 44. ,Olark, seeds for cemetery, 43eJ�nt.I ers in 1008 Was .$433. aneincrea e rom ' - ,069. in' 19054 . 'Fred 'White"! labor at cemetery, 3.75; At . the leigula.r. May ;quarterly o C. W. Vto.58,„ .: aL ,ct•,,, 44.1441*,. .. i" itti-xixeetinwhe -ituarte ,Y-.,_ eaetteVc'e : -:t.' , J8,0 OILIZiole iTi'-',' -:-• ',',,,,,,.,,,„•,,t -,4,4;..4.4i,, , lq::;7boar477;i'0(5,:r;:00.017* .-c.'; t,, . • 4 4 ' Ph' reit; Toriii-aii"'ilie 'Tara ' - '' big, 45'....t7filttn*liall lightinge 3.60; rr1i4 • W, ig " faMuriolina..onnesono7r8s; Luirnodeeen virittrvikeery '41! "o4orldittaioanoisn, ,trrehesc4calittoe 's -e-tait.re-rxe .1 Po:elk .4.75.Lltdenovii)..eve 5° .4. 4. ti Sidney. 'Sanders. labor, 4 4,50.; Them .e epaster-oe___es•-•Street-e0hurehe.-Wa n. %man rxxottely• V4sse' . 4 w ereas , a CI -mn, ralliirt.71124-11 ,e'VUILkwr411-tho Sweet 61:74 liRFP'*-fili-ritilf ---irt ar er ree4fficte. " .017.uti: clieati':17)."4"4.5t00:clar.34115e..nr;riseVebertlise.otic:;Oe,e8ch 8 j Glade's Delve 63; Ernest Ilarvees 80 taLece.t.i jansge:tif pt:xeltie th:nadeceinto,ver*we.hicalisouir' ,,60100::::: 1,7; lisnaerini ...43;6735.,; .%.niivmas,4tigdotni,,,oh teltssureicit,..reoliczo".,r7.4.1r, .i.iluerx.tit,,inKonnloght. estoreliev. Richard "'obi's. shall twe- et. .1)404._,Beatrige odgewitzl „Toe .board, 'desire tat Owe on record our .70; Geo. sanders. 4.25 .; 3...,5., Sutton rollick 61; ;Anne lex see ()live:mete Aneere appreciation of his taithful,' - - ._...e. ., item' 3 -..,up *rim_rpast044-_,.. Astorle,_ma,ed :;:::::.*rtsr,h-4:t:, P; W132:iiirelebt- „dance ' eMurry, Teacher. - Iiia _ , . •IaML'6441M*Tttal*!r3”. eelneterY. 29145.003,; 1.'n;ttti7jurkn:no: ee. ;.e Altnig:h(itT4'"y" 'Old7fIr76.it-thtrie:risiblciiiitt's'. :in: .''ilt. 1:1). .. , . it m‘4301. m, ' , . • areeeer . . .. 4)".11116414841 .re"inqlents' We also B"---Liss4:;;*;. ;,,*-‘ti.-4 salary3,00;-6:.-0; : 311:*/.7,5W-; V. "0.7 *rtitetik.oiyoiA.,o,oit-e4udFiii,ituttof,u4,,sgeit.r.4-iuxdi'#'J;ijhtvis-z.a,;s5.i:.t.vivyj-, reions I irittiel eprmons be has so fear - Mg :1715.. 10,S5,Y 'delivered • _ during his - three 3:94.114-ms.-"el:ttinll'r..ortiterle410.ancii- . held in. ,..the...Town Ileill-on: Monday,: June .7tlev 1909, per call of the 'Reeve:, 'Absent ciidiielllor johns and the Clerk.. Petitions for side • walk , ;were read' - if. °noire, Edith Davis 90; Marjorie 'Ruston .87; "Alma Mack 86; earl 4aokson Marjorie Seldou 81;. 79; Venni* Dewey 44; jos. lLJIZIStiflgS ‚74;72; ttria. Delve 71.1 Earl CO •hteeeteee year pestorate. Further, that we kson. 90- deeply regret the-terininatIon of* his Jefinie 'Russell 67t, 00 *enamor% 64e ,P mt.-Orate et. the end of the third Senior "." ("toners 'Lila Zuefie Year, now oloSing, but tisittre him f .lereVarter-044-0, :',iedene-For at •de. eh ..i : 7 . 1 ' ' ' ' 11 1 t 4' . :61 3 -i911 b" A A 1 , ,. , �t hat " tom James re "lit ' ,1 s c Minutes to the north corner of Mr. Wm. Tap. oiution be engrossed o a Ma hoard- - , lor-iot -and on the east ride of Car - Mr. Abilehem Dearing, on ,of Store- ling .St. from Sanders to Miley. .Pc.. henis oldest and most respected rest- .tition granted providing the council ,, teheisntbso,rapeasinsedzxteetehrisonlamstsndreaWay.,radnnant ...hassnetahmeanrwcearrroi:d.motion of Luker . . . •. • V f . •‚ 13r.11.47a7ok altaraiii-8701; 'rlr.74eite ea ' iftWaTfiterasitter . . , 'e-e•-,weee---.------ e.- eelt,tve Vincent, S; -gelt „ 17 iffittiVlittinnt'n4ria- 80; Rare 3Voidenbanicaer 70: Dorotby _Kunz X.- Atto..t:- Johns- 7; Dora lloulden 73; Gezald Fitton 69; Gordon Wells 04, No. on roil 34, average at. toulande 31. Bannah M. Kinsman. Teacher, • - Pickard 81; Mary Dav 81; Edit% Jane England. and. when 20. years of age row one thousand „dollars for current • .84: Milton leydd 78; Grace Carling came to Canedase A year later he was expenditure. Carried.- - • 40 67 ,e_CeAle Deeeereng_43.e_e- RaamIL-Atere meeel_ied e_rio2tgieeeePeerah Dunstan!, etif P r iteleeeekeL. were Th. - s• ail 5-1, vera. Marshall WI 'WV TownsiammeMTairr'efi • count oew. Jacobi far 1.0 cents labor Harold sole 82; Wilfred Beadle 73; 04 a farm in Stephen. Five year -slater at the cemetery be Teed. Carried.' Priscilla Pollingwood 62., No. on he purchased* farm on 'the 5th vorL Per. Ilea:nen-Carling Thee the roll 55, Average attendance P. and remainedothere until w eehoit Reeve and-Couneillor Luker ,bee Weellownede-Teather. • iitneriegorWhetV-he•derl hu ee regar. . tewart • ROOM VIM farming and retire to Exeter to Spend Carried. Jr. D. (A) .Xthoda 'Cornish 89: *Drew his remaining days. In May 1800 his Adj. by W. J. Beaman inctgationiitieltirina io„ is, ao'and zsc„. , . uresco.' All colors'in and 59c pakages. Poultry Netting • Screen Wire Netting . Shovels and Spades Rakes antd Hoes ,. - en- Sou114-4 14--- e fc't "wall '0,10not remain Ion a this price. W. alks' ete a ,,,, • e-4-iaei.teee- • -,•.‘e;$?-•:41;:e'se;,,e eeT ;414' . . , '111-6-Trima' convince you that,i;nere none dot Bruce's Lawn' Grass ,-Flower's 'Artgetatile . be reduced '1.*Ices, ,Now istitatirne-to,aave fame money or. fear . • eerught 80; Alice Taylor 79; 'Mildred wife (lied and in 1002 he was married . W. .1, lleitman settee dere rurniehings tie we ars making astir with our prices, , . ,‘ ** "lardy 76; Violet Welsh 75. Class eill te Mary Jane elrock. lie ee turnip. ----....---,. . , , - - Irene En.sterbrook 70; Willie' Davis ed by his widow and ten ehildren„ Baseball Jai*. tord Mailot 80; Willie Brown 79; ot Ittensall ,Abram, Eietere %Vatter. • 04. Class (C) Alvin -Cornish 80: %Mite live lions .,,4214. five daugfhtere. john, 1 Cifteence Morley 77; Vera. Sweat 75 Stephen, tlenry. Moosaveatoy. Mrs. Belle • . • ! the hones eleauhlibind We ve. some ains to Rife you or this month. * Our .Room Rugs are all 7-t-0' - weed out at a big reductiere Lace Curtains all to be sold te tencluct, vatue n:-- , • • AikAraZ.N444441.it:=26?1,, • ,4::;444,14;i2ni,4 :4ZW,,!#.Y.'Mtig74N749;',Nit&kai $.44.01e 4142Sho*els' -- Baskets, aliterns Etc. • "Aeon P Maier 74; Milton Redford 70; roote, St. Bonifaee, ri; -Mtsa'Ae O. The baseball *game ni".• the, see - tplatteriFfOrthEr------eelebrate&"-— *,•• r`elitarnessetti-"$ertfzellt bureve=1:11eVrea=tr.'Leelfruhl etietieht 79; Wilbert- -764 rretate'GriAtsttY-e- . . "ktliseilirc.Cornith775:- `e"--•• Ithettee Thithitiood-and• one 49tortettlueit theelveteconditiOn ot the .44.•••••••••••••••- , ceattendance-40 lat:aSyior 34%-40-.1trock. eXreiton. -11x. .grritn7enn:s.vii_t:de, a OA refranic---4eatrirtritV-Eitit , . A was _ Sif-sturdy434t.W.Ats&-ix v°17 -if -g el-chan nfic • ; 4 position and had legions of frien f-onned toxeateecrurweasa run itt wtohn.bae t zaundre . 1,After overetwo A 'few. weeks 'ago he was taken 111 Years, Mrs.. John- ,Sniellcombse. passe and or four weeks -was --confined. t je-010.1;diotthlkelled,bara-uerk-noiTaere-xlitistra we.re whe----ankeeeed ed minty At eherehoine on Huron Ste his bed. ..In polities he was atitUral •f f;41 Do you want things to be j t so? Then we'd like you for a customer, "We've. promised you satisfaction---ptomised you tb,atstyle, fit and Once will p sew/eau-we'll keep oUr prolate.% Our best ads, are satisfied cu tomers. Come here tor your neat Sult or Overcoat. - v ye Do not Alvan _till Serious Trouble Develops nave the strain removed by -properly adjusted -g tiles. With my method ,of testing Looking Into , Creari-tell-exactifthe,rtatumo -the r�xIbii asqes that will :relieve it. , - .e...„ - ..., • Ird. to Ur. antl Xts. Xted. ltattot, .tlie ordinnry" wo.11be noted in molt, . ahd Ereter only played :hat of their — „ a daughter. ‘, . yetis of the Earth within three deeps inst inning. 'Following were tbevlay. ijitoss„rn Exeter, Thursday.. . xtrtio . of tho Ilth. Front Thursday the 10th, qte. Exeter, Mann*. ,1: 1413er 0: 3rd. to Mr. and "Ntrs. r„, W. crots; to Stiettrday the 13th, mane' kis ling 0: Taltner 1: lloyle 1; ifaiwk. a daughter. -. ' thtinder st'orine will e be , nature*. thaw 1; lioskine ite Pawden 4; Infip, .11E1tDMA.N...1n Elithville 'South, oh These 'elatte also tonstitnte another tett 3.. Fereuhar;Gowan tte Dutietill lene 1st, 1900 to Mr. nnd Yite, X*. VOSsiblOe\ selsrolc P.P.rietie the .. gr(ett4 '1 : Patna 1: A. nolleAttae 1 l getlitol 114 tterdicati. a .daughter. • - ,villigittniOre forcibly on and near the 'ffrt 'Irs. ittalentine" 1: 1:!asernore • 0: • DIED tictor.;, Earth eurrents- and ,*01., "Witaltorh I..' •-.:-'11katrati-Jt.:Atotodz:7-st..-i40bla, ,i,,,,.z,,,--,,,4u-.,..,,;,,w,'-;:i-7..4`4.- ............ 1,.. a. a ..... .... i , .anC- can_ .giVe, Necessary j oleo 3rd, to %Mr. and Mrs. W •Eto the 13th We enter the Jundr sal last-atturdari-attea-4a-leorac,. 11/1-4a--rellgIC""V" 11.- the thi-r47:1111he locligecuredIttiwQrount; deceased had bent. twilit:sea to her Methodist. The funeral will be held. eee „ ,,,,,_ .... inwninirs and icioEratder-PdanT4gYet hed for `the past ;tiro.' months -and -•toielay:--interntente"belnlrjnelthe-sE al'eriti-e,"lete'rev474 death was not unexpected. Moe ter eemeterje, . . , . *us, six runs being seettred. Owing* Smailacombe was born in Croton. A Reactionary Storm Peeiod has to darknest the %visitors refused :to Somersetshire, Esig., her maiden :its centre on the 16th, 17th and 18th. ,e4ner any 'anger arid the gemeeseee name being nutlet . Davis. Thirty with New Mama .11.red. glen's.. eeliPet allefh--Tho.--rativ-du ' . eight --evarvagre'the, Wi. ' *her .(iita-ht14- the 17tit.- But for the aeoe *solstice nome it the grounds in bad Cheidi- band, alto John attiallcombe, canii and New Moon at eoler eclipse node., tic)* making the footing inetenre and to Exeter direct from England, Mr. `storM producing csitises are at a mini- keeteec eee ban. , wet Fallowing was Smalleombe working for the. ' late mum at this period. But many scat. the ie -up of the tennis. itiehard Davis as hitcksmith.tietil his , tering. highly eeleetricale ethatitler• . --.---'..Ituriche ------ - --7-7------Exiter- ' - T .. licattea----few--- -yeart -latere---.Zittlitee' , `SterriiirWili viiii most parti ini and Little , ,, ea reeling e Years ago she Was - merried to her' toviehing the 17th. The cearnination eneeeeeeekeeee .1 le.,,,e.tee , second band. who eurvivese,-Bhe ,_ v7--, ----I- S. rwli-7-'7---`3-rittriiir .. s ;0 su e• y one •ro eran come __ within,etheee_toLfour; da 14-.„. . _.:. _________ - . - , ' a, '•_ - ,, a_.'• 014fiflit noon on t e 1th. During this •seie.; * - --Enzeifeee-ilugheierei..Den m c e rain e oon Ivor a tom n Cordon ' 0 l'otkin r and Mrs. Geo. Neve, of .Ashford, Eng., Moon at extreme declination south. ereeeee , 1 eliesett e The funeral evae held from het tete over the celestial, equator and- up to flrock . . 113 Manna i * I reSiAlenCe Monday oftornoon- the re- New Mann nt extreme deelination Edighoffer 2 Doyle 1 mains 'being taken to the Trivitt Me., north. Ae intimated above, these . ., mortal church for eerviee Arid :Vier- eistele Orturbations. we predict, , . 14 Ifi words interred in the Exeter cone- will be heaviest first in the southern tery.. ....... heullephere. .Next., Along_ me ' e . ,..e.e......e. , . timpire, Geo. liess. Zarich. . i toriai bolt. and laetly in talcartie ea.. , , rt RN '-and-earthquake tegioes in IA the . whe Farquhar and ,Exeter- ball . • : , - , eheenteeheree Teeteeer see. le touror luOt; int Um tont ,diamo iviiii.-mid.-. teitiniff litid'-ivoletrulei repoils 40 not ,Ttltsdkt!' night for the first tithe this w a a yr In: selecting .your vVedding presents iheri: is • , n thin _nicer or more ar)prec1ate4 than somethin in•tbe Furniture line forilpreseiiiii.,-We and large Assortments to from whieh to citoOge, • • / • What co'uicl you give that Would-be of more serviCe than a , 111/404 t Fa 11 EMU I w May tam to mr. aeui come m from extreme* of the .Eartle. eetkeon. the Immo resulting in laver Regular Storm Period is central of 'Exeter by, ticore of 12 to 7. Mrs. 11. atieretina *daughter. *A epHNeEet-en celeteeme Theeeeeee on the 10th.. lasting from the eth to Tlftedt bttte game for a few innings was gilt . 'ts- the- lastbedir ' S fetter. of Londoni• 4:1441111040t. 'glee verted at thie" timo. Magnetic of fOrcioltorsoithrittg to dark. xeter, hurtidane ltndctTfrTI-71VerlitteStatit Vtirlit" Ings w.erc p ay - owes Sharpefled ite-reOnniTetieti* ' atilt 0,, . ...,g#otut,4t-.4t4i;z:T,',Vot*o,Attkrfrt.' - ,.koviiiiiiiiti,..hiletrol,,eiatt6, ' ,.. i'.7r-hilie.aatii 1(''-'' T r., ',;.::, .6.''er oioirktit; 'tooloi, weather Will '.seuteeve, woe on . tvite,&*,:tritit... ee ard, boloired , wile ar Jo,. follow, for *eyetiti _day* %after 'the at 3't*tt,t0etook at Which" tfirs.; Ati . -,..-___ •,, , -1 . . .6.1tehoOtt. . . ' (40114.4* 'O. thi#"01410+01. ' ,, . . , ley' and Ur** Wollard„ win eddrete ' , , • lelteettiNteeelneExt"terae.neet, , 1L andl0mo' kiNt/Ae. Mr.eiTiNd •.' * , le tilimalihtl:htit 40.frolog, intrattne Itlu'Abratitta --1/ixting a SIWA,PreittlYNtlit•-trt Eltetezr' anal 036e -tiny: of the South t!.0 , Everythingiu our store 'is brand new, nothing old t stock, so That yoii get the latett test I tier the wice,tate_g nns an , .!?fr " , • . e- eeve. •7treh*,*:19- , 1 on roirottoix will . tittfot- to- et ,-titeit.,‘ motitk41 * emlitio.Zu e: I Iluttine*g o t '1:""•jai *1 the itIt1414 41°f."17 e*Onti.t$14 '4* Ammuti bon in st ...„ . sk t' 4110114 ItOtOrt end 0 ' - - ' , 4. mirwl lilies, , 77,14:,1.,Ittit,841iritn.t,.....is,tiiityretinitii,44_011,0\yriai44:4t,1‘:tIlsitilkitit,4444',14itiitatt aoltv%tIttrii,i,liettit,wrillr beo,,ituxijiirit; 4,44,11,141, tve, triorrt,nontertnirtift 0°,14:110 ',tegr iort$711ile, /Ott ist*tlitlisoi:ititilme,_101_*liker Alla., # t ,4 it .... ,,,ii., tinitigist *-10titabor of,,speitglt4 been,. ' 41tt' '61' , feedlot Out's, .* .‘%11 otte* , tio let ifitot **cow AO:frit Mr. riitili .. 1 W4,.1:04 SN14#04,13 `'-n, 60 'Alttastra ' 4 . :t. Vre,wei”oreatatoor It si Mt* 40' Ok tc4lOsOttedv . 1 ' ' ' • tliskt tioy *et*, groatty eti)04,* 1. v't.s. • ' ' 1.4' • E. * * *0* * • * -** *Iv** **ilk 1114 * * **1* And Sundries, ‘. JOO . • " a .4.44104,r' 0.'1*