HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times., 1909-06-03, Page 8TOnitin
ou itiCleis writ esti
rt of tatter for " the iI*rbor of
on TIturs4ay*J-
Lt thi bottr of eight oltleCk,
Tv. The aft Of eml trew wifl
ndly astetoble rid have the orgo
IV 10440
ease and Van
• oa 1,1,14totlltor. Den'
° rattiCtil
. We *how a lovely lot of White Lawn Waists made from See. '
importtd Lawns,: trimmed with French and German Vale, beer.
tion and line Censter Tooke. Waiste in this lot wortb $L25'to
fJ .
v" k
Just in; a lotof Lattice Fancy Coloi
sisemis' y4 tailored, in lintift-Ltb
- and laundre stitittan
$172, and $ 00;
d Percale Waists, ye
flnebrght -AK
°York fitifet
• Ladies Black Satin Duchess Underskirt, made very full,
trimmed faith tucks, ruffles andpleating. The best wearing skirt
, we know of. Its a BeautSS,
make •Nearly 000 hundred
dr zen t� sell. Regular value
25e. While they last you take
2 pairs for a quarter.
iteresdest Xiose ins% ack o
riArtrtiiitatjiri .
•ed cotton fabric. au save
ten. centa_an evert' Pair- Begs
Illar_Yalue--25ess-Otir bargain ,
price only:15e.
G oin 7v! A job lot of Ladies and Childrenee Dongola and
IISSIIL.1111111g • some of the best Makers in Canada. Their only
aoirig! they are not the latest shapes. , Shoes in
this lot worth. 1.23 2.75., Our clear-
ing bargain price, your choice of the lot fOr - -98-C7
---Nre-firsprien-- Mesh underweitecoolest in the lima
ngtbss, Great value,50 and 75c. •
, in cream and white.
*elbow and knee lengths or full le •
Miss Charlotte Sweet is.visitiug
fritnd in London. c
Mrs. 1. itendle will leave next Week
for Seattle to visit friends. '1
*-,Aluys.4,;!' "1
Whtt 'Vanted itt Uarvey's Mill
also assorted feed of bailey and oats:
Mr. Austin tiewitt will manage the
barber. App., ath 13nd.'1,1u#11 t
4 l';;-Vaigto,
The London Methodist Conferente
confluences to -day in the .Askin street
-ChiStrelif toodon. •
Messrs. -Saxon Vitt:on and Ough-
t Spaekota a are s.pendings nits -week
fishing -es Owen Sound.
- ,Iti_MY..„Sstur• frultsitrects.earlY1 Bost.
eatist---411-xturesslittliebote saratsParis
Greee.• Bowey's Drug -Sten- ..
s-Goderich, to attend the June session
air. Geo, .Chapman, of Atwood, will
will he at the 'Central hotel on June
Lith with jeadAif calves _for_ _sale.
° -tttrsssS-ssll°t0tsrtstt-IA• le cm rg-
o o erta, where she will
reside with 'het son for some time.
• Mrs. Vroomom
1St 'MU .ftstsass, sssrsss _ i'"; a - r, ,... ssattraiii/AK
, _,Iirtik.,:ltp_ttstrstsontet ' -imessialwrstsigrs-sthasiti.ts.Y_MI-%.-
• - wear. The, King Hat is known the wodd.
'ovir as the Leittlet. ' Wear a Icing hat and
you will wear a -winner.
• - 1 '
eett, vting Q. Anders00,,
tti O ,
Taylor la's' radals.*
Mita- lVfari..F.,„,_. ,Oulbert. -litt-fOr
oine neer Xatean on Friday -bat-after
'Speeding week wig! Bffle P. Tay -7
4 A h •
,A 1
DougIis Man., //04n8 0 0.1V 01-'g to 0' Ateiloti
Jas. Westeott of that
The Epworth 1,4eague times
street beist.„a sesta) evnini Tuesday'
4autice Ryan. Who. -was convicted
on the charge of -murdering his- bre-
.at Notth.,Ifass., Will pay the. pen-
• ,Sttf,ShiSs;stritise.-Storitiets-sissitiet,..,ot
tempt to save the life of the con
deinned man having failed.
The- annual outing ..of the . Ifietet
held next 7---Thorsdays
kind of conveyance. namely covered
mon, being:afraid:to try the airship
of theitua. itts ,TilsittuttrATrili Iiehe-Td
in Senior's nail on Friday June 4th
equested. Mrs; Cobblediek,- Prest..
exAt1-41trrs: -114411.310. Secy.
UAL)? PRICE SALE at the Exeter
Bargain Store. in order to clear out
e aLanve of the 'stook 'this -w-eek,
REFUSED. Ail must co. '010 for
sale very cheap 2 pairs Countier
Scales, 1 Iron Safe, 1 Posh Register
rittifir-CtittEfs.- ',She store
W, 3 �eam i w in , Clinton 'last
h -V•44- s
ters pertaining to, the 33rd regiment.
Mrs. D. Johns -and` datighters Misses
and Amy -attended the King-
Mrsslit. D. Clarke and son Gale re-.
tamed/last week from London. ifts.
/staled them.
MiSs Victoria Miners, who has had
•charge of the 71,muley taboo!, has ten-
._ dered her resignation. to take effect
Miss Amy allohns visited 'friends in
tssafasys +rat -Sandals -and swag.
Knox church at both morning and
evening services, ••7
Mr. Geo. Manson, 1 and son Willie)
were in Port Hopp last week visiting
Mr. Mansottis" brother, who ,died
Tuesdoy m.ortiing- last. -
411',7 a d cr..71r; pt Ottawas Ive.testhe
‘, Ladies' and Men's Rainkoats Regulii, intgro
o $14.00. Sellinzsprice froms$3,1)0_10 ttnssor°
DV We haul° stock some nice hats, worth (mai 42.00 to
riticirthe'best opportunity you will have to get a Raincoat for Yourself
nit for_TOIM-Boyessrastfatsfor_x9tmcorhiittr.:.4tud,,get.
Cien-Priiiilia7Tirifie Monies
Road Presbyterian Church .is this
Mr. It. N. Rowe left Tuesday even-
ing for Toronto to attend the Grand
te tram -the Exeter lodge.
Rev.- MacDonald, second aseistent
or St. Andrews church, AToronto will
cenesAles of_the eaven-churek.
next Sunday and the for.owing Suns
44y -
h Mrs. Ir. . W. Giadman and two
or -Peter.
boro. where they/ were called owing
to the illness �f sin uncle of Mrs,
Gladterin. •• •
Chief county twistable Gundry, o
of liensall, were in town last .Thurs-•
bas-anotherehargesittlittprfighler° e
Vona tter retiring from the business,
tlfe, plant and .goods being taken over
by the S'anal Printing Cern an
ant anatter has been
identitien, With the ,Signal for many
years, first as foreman and latterly
lis proprietor. Mr. Vanatter has no
but beforesettling down will take
• trip :to the west.
The first match game on the local
bowling alleys was a ect_Thursda
n t ;score
were ,not large, the payer s showed
lieb -Th-tthMtysto-live tip to the tat
of the game, only tW0, TO41.1 being
Called. Three games were played the
total tasitoi tr. to count. Following Is
J. Bowden 426' L• Palmer 4381
W. J. Heitman 370 S. Sanders 343 ,
S. ilawdens_atis_su
Knight 40
o .
rcturn wlkrn, epaired.„ IfItotti
,rd and 1 wzfl cU EO. IIEIDE.
mans Stis ...Estetet
r for S.
sa awry . 0 gals, Y
geon, ' at the Commeroisil
tn.aiiliattselIst°7_prrtopee.13ya'sfitmto. dteati4trdiall.:
June -7,14.,4
A, new • • floor at :small 0'st, A
balrsg 'oat., co:;:or-_,,s1'131.uzisirpbt:41:It's,s0F,110.40;
niSh Will toake year
hi ranSParent-ASO with 'stain - -
bitted, producing beautiful t
ions of _natural woods. W. J. Ilea -
_man sells It-
Gentleriiesi. - Please take
that a meeting of:the Shareholders
will be held on Fridass June 12th, at
2.30 p.m. tsthe,....Ttor.a..lialL,_Sesors.
11:it) tri
rgittri anti= Freit(:h,Val' beatititu
Man or Womart.-My South Afrian
Veteran Daunts Land Certificate is -
seed by the Department off the tater-
jar* -0.trwito.../120:41,ores--
Dominick' Land open for entry
in Alberta, Saskatchewan or Mani-
toba. Any .pertion over the age of 18
ear's '..,..xaa,,n-tor-tvoman-,---04itts-astqui
his land With. thias, Oita
V420/ k.0
or wire, L. E. Telford; 131 Shuter St.
Toronto. Phon
FARM FOR SALE -tot 10.---tOnt---14
township of Ilibbert, containing 100
* oPer-t-Y--th •
good,brick dwelling, large bank barn,
frame horse stable and implement
house and pig , and hen house,. Good
young orchard: never fat
er aeries c eare he bal-
ance in hardwood bush. This is vc
beautiful home -,-situated we,11 for
school. church and 'Market. It Is in
first lass state of cultivation. go
not 6old privately on Or before- 4
• sit Junes sivilthe stild-by publ c
auction on the Oth day ur July at
4 o'clock, on the premises. For
terms and particulars apply to Law-
rence Fulten, proprietor. on the prem-
ises, or to Thos. Cameron, A.ectioneer
and.. Satt!r(141
es'at 32C,
trade, Path
Westero Ontatiet.
our tostruct,Oroorptfriort
our gradosttwarst asiatM to
artlx .succeed as non
Others. Enter now, Get our
of such high grade that there is no
ose in looking for better. It isn't
prove t at to you.. n. The fi etssac sess L
to -day so that you Sgive it Nei (tile
When -your folks commence to say
nice things about your baking ou'It
ave attperior
to other brands. Good baker as you
• ave beett,;- Y64911 belyetter Vitt bet-
ter flour hik our -
ghdaeIligums and ou
rous eatiafied customers hi the
ti -best Piano 'makers _produce
our prices are right. -
Do not be too quick to believe per,
sow; who tell you different from M.
above for the purpose of selling you
cheap *wain some oases trashy • good
at big prices...1E anLse
and pe_eonvin
tor the PaSt
year, has' leased the Grand Bend :Park-
Time in'nd condiicjiligjht. reiort
n an up.te-aate winner and paid
many needed improvements. Special
attention. will- and bathind
fcrr-t o ere a new out-
fit ot bathing emits. Boarders and
picnickers will find -Bob an agrpeahle',
har to 'IVith, and there is 510 At.
doubt but that be will, make a Eine-
cvsA ut his new underts,kltig,
Two intercatinit
astrouonficaI Vvort4 ,will oceur during
the coming month. 'TheSe. ' events
will be eclip$es of the moon and sun,
the former this Thuraday evening And
he latter on Juni' 17. wnon w1114
re tot -41W- eclipse, ,.and its totality
auit tailored by us may not in be
bat it is there just the same.
Is bidden in the interlining, the
11 KE -
•'don't espect it to wear likss an or..
,ifinarY one. It will tat,. It wilt -wear
so lour ;; yoti'll get tired et It even"
thongh it retains Its style and shlti*E.
rifLTIlt Wong,. k
thioug4out and with
catertil. conscientious
work we guarantee sat=
isfactiOn to all custom-
'Lot li
igh and
'ikons"'lb're is,
;St, tra.
and' sa
stating that Mr. James Westeatt, of
Douglas, Nian,._ is in -a very low con.
dition. AVesteott wits a former
resident 0: Exeter and spent latt
winter here visiting relatives.
:Mi. Geo. Manson regeiV
Tneidayingijtaof the dea b it his
• Tim deeezuied Was 0_
years of Ala for the Past two or
t r e weeks was very low. A' couple
oyars ego he lost ,bia.eyeeight.
Every housekeeper who has tilted
Varniell. Stain is delighted
the results obtained. Nothing
kh I23TtO
:pply and ito duraht'e. W. J. Ilea.
- full lint o this ppm.,
. ,
1'e4 and Golng ttre attending
he eonferenee being held in Istrodoit
71.4 Next Sunday 1tv. nell
vat 'oecul/Y the pulpit .of.
Si t ehurcb,and °Rev. Mattlenaldi ,
Toronto. preaehin the Pox. '
teritut :thatch -in ti
Only ,,a; few white rntn ntim4y Cap-
tain Robert P. • Peary and .his crew,
Wit0 are now on an Arctic expedition
and perhaps a few others, wiII have I
an opportunity of Ttib-s-Mfor-tt* ta
tutity the ecliv‘e, of the xun.,
ea y
Kodak is ins
out as indispeitsa. le, -
ur 0 e- urt etiteheg
ono at home or away.
• Kodak fanciers will
It's dangerous to allow * cough or
cold to remain.
-Tra foiiitth to Tef
thin.. and „ ,
• les'easy to Put youmelf rittlat Wit)*
the world; 1j hrtpe to do your work
• Illtfekli TASTELESS
All the gelatine, Cod talret- Oil; t* •
Evcrtfit*ig Koclesic
Sus:trot*** ,
fi.ets% Cats/log*1e IV*
aiisnip oi 1snornf,
Iat 10 o'clot-lc alV10
a. m.
Township Clerk. I
Vhale/n/ May 13th. loos . • '
,*trat ot.Wil4Vbei-
added to AtssIst the Co
build' up your system.
00 the whole les -tht-liest thin
tin take If you're, not lust. riSb
ALL multicauTA
Meani thee thist Is the longeat
ing record of 'tnusie in the -wori
ov I means_that if
eit,and-sweiti4tIoned talking mac
• colts jua in' sam
ugnd EdLin
ono re the on1ynicblne
r ibe *election,
the Ambciol ieccrd. 00t1,1s jt
fOr 700, 0
la on eta,' payitoents. fe
Cards and Spam. Cosnc ties an
Jackson & Son
aot olut 11.
seSszss: zstsss_sls..s.systiss
oats- figures indie
At,i thpilltte*Aft
otuto; blOk 'rapi
qniP rer
Clitittoit** - 11,2
'E' qkOtt
a`irs inte
„Ar raged
or t1i ttk is
i- bie : rortion-iti**
•r 'flizie „malltei* '
ti 010**u
tallo 1400