HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times., 1909-06-03, Page 7t**
cd ai4roztx
e .
.11,1 -the j eenie itorthi 10 .
inglY iset end t netelys there, are.1
-; 'warfare
he eanse.Rt4uris were Med
) d artmeot as to tlfs, condi-
X ziglish r4parl "4
d 'a -$2,503,060 "dry dock
co 4 ,.., _ .:..4'..., _o
Iiitilitio: 0
. , stisia .plailt t i ate' ',two
1 ' alsa 'steel OlillS in. Canada
turning-- wets leaterestinfother steel
at Oat elate more favorable WCa. if -our fr it twes ar to, Ix ive. e
tiler conditions had given a fresh eral 'correepondente declare ttat
impulse to growth in both fiel 1 and i tn
oo' otity_Ar
of our orchards, e still
Solvate, Up t? th t time xil_p_sel baslitleb,lons:ograleciptgedw.ert‘:;11b1144 icafin
. e •
rtiest va
Ming_ letii.1i.f ard in mot lo or two 'iaka.id repui'-
ealitiee pasturewere only begin -tile effeet that barring
'fling to permit_ of live etock being and heavy ratite at thc thne of
' -turzieds,eesu thole. bloom, a good 'yield- of fruit may
be looked- for. _reaches, eepeciallys
FALL WHEW- re looked to for a targ.? 3-jelil..
1toporL concernlug the probpects the:hut:Is: were batv jtttio Itliin '
• of Fall wheat - vary greatly, eie* the ethite're -s---•'eseee--- esssee
in the same localities. some deterih. LtirE"STOCK piTTJATION.
I j :.• . I a **
vehileeottieres.....etateseth h -4. -
.... Ideseareenot -O1 ye a -xi
growth, but are thin and much
epotted." Owing to the dry period
prevailing when most of the seeding
ewer -done- -smith -of the -new 'all
...- -htinteclira-startestratilethesrat
'est- late September came, and the
'Gni*" Itlitiftreentered---Al es
with very littlauere -Winter-cored
tionshowever, were not unfavort
able to the crop, except where ice
rmedeized en early Spring growth
-would have brought the- Aelde along
nicely ; but the cOld and Very- -wet
weather of April retarded growth,
' and on poorly drained or low land
t -drowned put the crop..Much
6 'Welly soils than on clays,
'I there are.tnany patchy spas, cattle., Sheep have cora° t g
ZWX" g . up of the crop will not be the Winter nitely and lambing ba
' 'esiort 4 to owin to been upon -a- generous -scale; 4)
Ass being seeded with the wheat, ear le e dog is. 10 i' it A.
I 3
j'At barleef or other Spring grains sheep inchistry in Ontario. . The
win be Arilled into the bare spots. .present cost of feed for hogs leaves
e. The latest re orts are the most fav- very little profit for Cie farmer
ora o, 5 owing traThrerop es , stetetetriesporeletttesehe
rapidly recetperating with the groW- that ori this account there will not
' weather There is less injury be a surplus of begs Offering later
than* osual reported from ineects. in the Ec'a'son-
N ' .,. __. ' T ...............
- ----ts Ttig-IIAr CM:We; -
- Old, meadows poor, new meadows _
promising, is a fair summary of Binders at Work at Wichita Falls,
the returns received regarding,
clever. While inane- correspondents Texas*
predict. a good field (A bay. others A despatch from Wichita Fells',
are looking for ,a comparatively Texas; • says: Binders were started
;light cut. on Wednesday in many wheat fields
teSPRING---Seit" '
mide two attempts to escape from
LW' a Woo, is said to have
se_eseHarnitele see
--W73":""tititte,ron, w is to,
have married once in Toronto, was
sentenced at WilaniDeg to three
years in penitentiary for bigamy.
hoellesteader nanlcd" Tete:Ault
-unher- iterrt-eXiie efs
der ear Rattlefo
septence coininuted to life unprison
ment. • ,
The Government cruiser Btglielel
1 taking toundings in tAie
ees, *Ii.dtliirerfere' wit
• Two men and a wonian werm
een inuch i reity of fodder
fore live stock got upon the late
-grass. As, it is, manylarrners base
toe.feed_ moat. emtenaieallYees _and.
sompsharnie.Areerathereteerinteneting,:: Irirlx,“ - _VliiPinent&---
plies. The ecaecity of straw andj geoids across the continent via Alexis
• Gets- ,,,toltdestgainstseskro ..._ -esie--- 1,,,it,,garid.,-the--,-,41111,- **It'
sand.4esesegeneeel eondition o
Jive stoek may be briefly described route, by nadian railways..
as thin but thrifty. No• disease of
a " serious or epidemie nature. has
appeared, the trdld "form -of distem-
per- reportede'iteseee.erat P8,48--43
the rirovince boil' g ' of a- local na-
ture. ,tforses are mid to be in good fier on Thursday.
the death of Charles DIforri-
lieetrte. although* pot looking so --teens .Werth-41110411--4t-Ws00' (WA -the
VW lit 4SOCtittiiiii'Wtitillr V
owiu to c1oe eedin.
eni s 0 a chittl---wh'oses
father least •a "Gentile and her
mother -a Mormon. •
The elleMis'tigne.Q.O.Yeturne4 :frets
• 4light Rev. Dr. Anson formerly
istiop -of Qu'Appelle, di4atekicir.
flocks aud -herds to tno olvea.
They are, now, howevqr, reported
On the other hand, the attempt
made, 'some eighty -years ago, to
transplant the Roskolnikis of the
Silrej be fou1
.tbeni in Eastern, U
sulted in one of the most ghastly
tragedies recorded in the annais
of history. The huge caravan lo
its way in ,lue, terrible Desert oi
again, 'the- probability being thab
hepser and thirst, combined_ with
the -.attacks -or rfo-iiiiiet tebbers, were
Ring ,.76-Art.s.
ere y
Eqoall dreadful waa the -fate
that befell the 10,000 Jutlanders
traespleeted to- tne east coast of
Greenland by Queen .4largaret of
enseeette Arst-they...-flourish
ceeelingiy, Villagee were found-
• ifiVFORtIVrikhVits-isfer671-01
a Then, ene year, the iv:speck broke
loose from the • remote northern
seaseand came to a standstill alon
the coast oti-posife•-:,the settlements
munieation with the okn, eat was
thus cutoff. The tettlera were nu: -
Obtain -4 *esr-eleld-sin
Oats -No, 2 Ontario White le, to
57e on track, Toronto, and 500 out-
side; No, 2 Weetern Canada oats
Vie and No. 3 lifle Bay parte.
"96e -out 'dee- -
Buckwheat -No. 2 83 to 65c outt
• - ' •
Corn -No. "2 American yellow
on tracks Toronte; No. 3 $234c
o track, ,onto; Variadian.
track, Toronto,.
Bran -Manitoba itoba $23.60 in sac
Toronto freightseeshoda,--$24
Apples -44 to $5 for choice quali-
ties,, and' $3 to 13.50' for seco de.
•-11.ealiis-TritiV414 And ban k
:ed, $2.15 to $2.20 per bushel.
-14Pit---#X$11-R-11* VleA.-4611°n-
-Ifay-140. timothy $13 to 4;i1f56
a ton on track -bre, and lower
grades at 011 to $11•50 a ton.
Strew $7.50 to $8 on track,
J10 to
$1•15 per bag on track.
Poultry -Chickens, yearlings,
Areeeed, 17 to 18e per lb; fowessel 12
, •.
xi e
a, owe that the mills to e
* 1 aitaWf
times and best Pittsburg refills.
The mills w,i1 lee by far the larg-
est in- Canada.
After six years' studr.these con-
• „ . • .
e r et see ..te.,:,,tt.Itt;01). dee,:x„.7,,,„
A , A ,
eft. or
barons have loo ,
west territokir )1k•S , eV
thoogh the Algol:fovea/1004 bas h
rail null there and ore mine*
• * 1141
•. Ie
In ye noi
eat la now securt better h
as local coneenur wr
able to eomppte
8.V tet votemon atocit at 3% to. TUE A.4
02c, per Pound. Milch cows, $25
to $60 each. Calves, 02 to. $8 each/
r 314) to' -60 per pound. Sheep, 5 to
Oa per pound; lankblp! S4 to $0 each.
Cood Teti- hoists;- 3ersis;-tidt.
sut II lot o * -
I te$81-98-4-pe
Ahrstita-tC5helettlInir 4cattle were WA
at $5,40 to $5.60,e and choke at
0.25 to $5.40; geed butchers' cows
were A tr.14....bigber at $4.50 to $$ ;
bulia Stockerseand
feeders -Steady demand and prices
quality milkers'ancliieree,sprin
laralneeseasier and 50e 1
Calves. --Easier• Hogs -Very
a 7.75 tob. and $8-10
• •
Not Less Than 24010001000 iienras
.. _
Se IL 'R Al
P sone t _ 4.
A despateli from, Lon
lande-,sti a: TI e eren i
API Neetafte trilesetien
-an mitr4y---et-radie-ix
Geologists figured some. tinit ago
the age of theft earth at least 230,-
000,000 years, and the estimate held
until matheenatieta-p-Welets ASO
puted Wit the" itieVelisitss; o
existed than 115,000,000 yeersefhA
• OWer. be going to re.establiah the olo--
firm gm aCan 1.011. I. 11,./la
-an •enpnent seientietesa
and re Hoes Ljs-Strutt, svhe
n'ounces, as p"-rWtitritre-WetW
expeelment w_1t.a chunk of theris-
anzte containing helium), "that the
- - -
A despatch from Montreal says': are now going on will t"
n of-D,altonsellielesi -11*..
i 1*
his tied up the Georgia Railro'ild
The firemen's etrke in Georgia , 101 'Years."
A despatch from Brantford' says:
other: ' , , ...NoeheZiessier died...bete Atethe
ed an order for an aeroplane Ir m residence of her daughter, Mrs.
• the Shall of Persia. • A. Kauffman, on Thorsday, in'her,
Seven men have &hes* met 1Q1st year. She Was born at Lan-
0:4040.44yaeinces the commencement of t eest7, Pa., and her _father, John
Mrs. Julia, Ward Howe eelebrat., Settlers in North Waterloo. The,
ed' her 90th birthday at her home' deceased leaves 103 descendants, in -
in Boston on Thursday. eluding eight children, 41 grand.
The Bank of Montreal has pur. children, 53 griategrandchildren
eltated an ‘leven.story building on sand- three
Wall street, New York, for its New 'Iron.
York branch.
A, young Engliihman who says )1010ND TO END HER LIFE..
-€4 111- -0 owat
son at Portland, Me.
inars le can IMO, 11,ie
410 excellent teed- b1, hut- IleavY Usually ,wheat is first cut, 200 miles,
rains immediately foflowed, and farther south but weathercondi-
) zit..4-5Zitz4u0--,--su0,--wittkT,I; tw rmffwian...--etbizt
kig-further skiwing alrocrtit otts: sreceivedefrometh
impossibility for sleeks, exempt in Aeld•indicate that the yield will at.-
ripondents, theseed was "raddled" Will yield twenty bashels.
in. "While those on high, light. er .
• well drained land 'have made fair spA!tiisji 14S11,ER--MIM- DROWN,• .
.headway with their Spring seeding,•"
the bulk of farreere were not more Sixty Vriesels Have Foundered in
than- half-waY through ,with that vitam.lt, Tempest.
ork-in-tho eco
most unusual reeord for .0iitarte. A neepatch front Bilbao, t3pain;
llewever, farmers *ere ready " sete.rsststs4
sager to get on the -Jae -a vete ele raging on the Bilbao coast. eLOver
mearanee-ofeelrreweath iheetiehingileliav
s foundered, and it is eetimated that
wer taking a, rather gloomy eats's, norle,ss an -Mired -fishy
* t -ethees 4701,6411,iii kitVe he" (Iro*ne().,...
--Better-round prints,- 18- to 200;
tubs eind large -rolls, 18 -to-.17ei in-
ferior, 14 to 15c; 'Creamer rolls,
22 to 23e, and soli s. 18 to 2 •
A deepateh from Ottawa says:
etse. tee • - keeattest. egtskswern
Teiinativerwmerkillerlein a -rail inmate of lilliFlx°°" ShePhards
fiii will be pre-ii-seeut:ed for -Sete.
-a, collieloe in India. 1"'"' - tempted *Aikido.... She,madelierthird-
us refuse to reeoguies) ¥e ' . attem cn-rnurg" "mug' Dr
as Sultan. climbing the ence t e institu-
tions which borders on the Ottawa
Twe German airships inandeuvred Itivert,arld throwing herself into
-with; the- infantryl-in-theptese-
, the river. Forte:latter), two men
of the
erorland-owner . aiming in & rowboat and sue.
A sh who led.
he, slaughter of the Armenians at ceede
of the Government relief fund in
t tat dietrier:
_ d.4tL front Leaden saes;
Th tise.itouso of Commons on Wed
day render definitely
• 1uI low1tviolv of toe British
nment in tard to tile (-mei.
ar, to whothor the United
liould be considered in de.,
ninng the 11r.itih twopower
1 staudard. Mr.''Asquith said
t deal of nonsense had.bben
--, -.
• A despatch from -Now York eaye.
Patrick Searsone aged four, is the
luckiest little Irishman , in New
York, in spite of the fact that he
t the youngest of thirteen children.
He fell five -storiet on Weduesdel,
and etespeel With A 4444 Rath in
the hia,d, He was playing on- the
,fireessecape4ofehis. mothmother'sflat,slise
flights up, at No. 1,05 $tSecond Av-
eqe, When brrfett off, .11e hit the
Therefore the -United States
railing of t.t,ho fire escape two sto.44ries
u d not be eviler -tied as one' of -the 44-ica -1'34 . tst-r4metatsreer-
sisto-,-powerswhichwould have to cit*theA line, a dolllower On
be taken into actotmt. And, al- next st p*at' itoot bar°
thoughWoad- among the naval l'h4" 116 tumbled tat() set°1128444;
powers Of the worm, she emu not,1 skirt hung out on the line and /he
gated by the *Wind. , The skirt
be treated the same for aggetestie
purposes let *France, Germany or too big t" Patsy," he diP
Anttric through, 'but his fait was bro
Mr. Arthur Lets objected; taying and'" results toNiied.
he would deal with the probability
Two Eille4, and Turfy -Injured in
. plate, a f" -works diq1ay Wa3segee
r -
Thet omb - burt pre-
maLurel*yon the ground. The heads
of two speetators were blown' off
And forty personswere injered.
Some of the latter hail to, undergo
Eggs-Pese lots, 18 to 184e per
143e per lb, and twins, 14% to
144c. New quoted at 13c for large,
and it 13Xc for twins.
Ilacen, long clear, 13 to 13%c per
Ib in case lots; mess pork. in. to
$22.59; short cut, $24 to$25.
Hams-Ligl t m d. tie
lee; do., heavy, 13 to 14e; rolls, 12\
to 12%c; ifficiulders, 11 to 111.Nc;
backs, 17% to 18e; ,br_erikfit_st bacon,
four Ileum Is Struck.,
X:despatch from Calgary; Alta.,
el' gas every 24 hours started on
Attedneiday night at the well in
East Calgary. Ibis is the first flow
of gas 'of commercial value, though
tracts he been discovered as the
drills have gone down.
on-tt aye- eas
LetLeOateesse Canadian elirpeettirete
19 to 59c; extra; No. 1 feed, 58ti
adian.- 1or Pti
58e; No. 2 feed, 57, to 57%c. Bar-
ley -No. 2 724 'to 74e; Manitoba
treates-41'harOtt Yitoet
tobs, Spring wheat patents, fieett,
$0 to .$0•50;• Manitoba , Sprin4
hat pat 5.80to $04e
Manitoba strong bakers, $5..60 to,
$5.80; tinter wheat patents, $g.
to $8.0.; At:tight r.tidiers;. $0,30 to
g;5 ; straightstOlterer
xtrain bas. $12 .63
'to 2 de-lifailtobst thorts,
t42.141} -to-- 5'.
.00 10 _
On'tario Mi4dlingti, 45 to *25.50;
p4ro jgrain moult!' nn 10 $35;
Mixed inouilli ,e • $23 to $30. Cheese
westerns IS% to 12% e. Better
iteoztoenrxe., Egg.t7.. is to 10X,e, per.
lion: P. U. Roy, ex -Speaker Sar--qte 6 -fin et -toe -ion of this -time.
-Quebec-Legis* hrture. aud
Ai was
feund guilty on Thursday of will-
fully making false returns to the
Government. Thia Verdiet is the.
t Ofoire-efeth *
al trials in the history. og this Prov.
ince. Insuring the three. -weeks the'
-trial has been in progress some re-
markable evidence was submitted in
eeference trtfreelloy's-rtetions• -
WAS shoiliethat. be fiiid-reattedethe .
returns to the Government involV-
ing some $500,000. This consisted
of worthless notes, past due bills
."k Pacifist.,
A despatch from Montreal SaYat
It is officially announced that Mr.
Es J. Chamberlain, General Mans -
ager and, Vice-Prestden,t -of the
Grand \----Trunk-ratifice-will-Mak0
Winnipeg his headquarters after
J11110 iSt, NOW that the line is ae-
tually in operation in the west the
presence of the :General Manager
payabletwhich Mr. Roy, hie brother
andetit.eir ,friendie-tattediseetintede
pocketing the cash. In their re-
• erts to the Government all •this
VaPer wer.aa
present0ThY a1101e.fillhe bank it-
self,. which was mettle to coeer MOiei
le felt to be even more necessares
hast4urintethe_perio4 of construe -
tion, especially- if the Grand Trualt -
Pacific is to maintain from the` first
biTit or no-ftittErfir.
Id -on Winnipeg Vivehrenge_Af$
Per Bushel,
A despatch.,from..Winnipeglsay
A carload of wheat. was crid on the
Winnipeg ceche:rime on'Thureday
morning, width has been int store
la ZOO , as AL -re -
suit of litigation arising out of the
11 sofelading-4t-,Actted,4140-1*.ria-
er about 51 cents per busheel, ale
of fact thefainter is out thoutanda
Ilerta---itOtee v-stying- in ,ztrgth
have been occurring inttfrritibU15-j
district -since Sunday. Two °Our-
-red *--o-tr-Tii-esselaye -No- MatereVelams
age 11a1 been dote. . The American
Red Cross has sent -01,008 as A eon-.
tt.to thesfunilme)f the.Po.rto-
gue'or of Reidhesever"ee'tieeao
tirtn '
aro, -rine
wheat, st o. r horn,
rloads, store, $1.,3t44; Winter,
nominal. corn -No. 4 Yell_q*, lae`;
o. iorn; 78,.% to 71e; NO. 4 Corn,
77'0. Oats-No.ett) Nozt-1,1
es 3 white, -6Me;
Ichlto* Barhsereere .
milting, age ,to 8*.
on track, fele• ,Lestriel freights --
Wheat, 3,.‘0. to :New York.
Chicago, lune I. -Cash .,,w14
Xo. 0. red, *I.5t; N*4:0.`1 red, $149,
X 'W bard, $1 to *$1.31;
,h* 1
C'fierles tIstonie 'a\Struek • ‘Vbile
Star!diag .Barn .0oore
A Aeleepatek frotrislIretennIng *ay
Durinse.aethunderttorm on Thurs-
day alteriscree about 4 o'clock t
barn of Wallaee•Williams, ,nea,rthist
_village,.Wris--,5ttuck by: lgtitining.
Charles klistone„....r. inttautly
killed while standing in ,tho stable
door. The 4 sod ootituotod.11.
tailoring business here, arid. had
-een-a'fesidentssof Wumng- for
'--A-d-eipateli:feseitr •
says: Salem Asiii Syrian
-who murdered WS brother1.
Joseph, ifsiwketbuty in DeceMber
last, Was tried et $torio
,Ateites here' on %undo, 4' Ile
trier er with it reeemmenclothe
eleluetteee• -Sustice T
to be. hanged at
23rd of July neat oirdoni
who is nly had t
e greed
h vision iuuo
UIAPt, but
range. ofJrit
not be limite
the.other hand
xi1tft1 tb tnited
thi!`....seote geo
iteas when she
flie Wi1d tor
.-otze mutt liar
ideal poSitions ,
slingwith.* remote
rtsa1 base was silts,.
e course *nits,
y• parts
Winnipeg sa
sprat e trimin
" or •
obbef* and the kiffin o!
ill at
iole tbrough.the iison wal
fee b'
e 9
. •
$tcing 0
Metier, 'otos
I -over -
fl hes 'end
ite1 s*
ri.cloty whie
po n
1 in the o
h intry
9 fl