Exeter Times., 1909-06-03, Page 54 "4'441
31r. • . 9 eiri'S' this week pureleaSe';
ed a teinteman Tian° from* Ur. o'
Martii, of
Mr arid blra: .Fraticie Cl'arke anti
rir4 -Over,.94Wiratia-lrouttis-.-Upto.
'excellent q ality, at barg4in prices.' A will pay
-4-4 414 4
te nd lat�sta. es- at tti�A y Iowest
ccs, Mens Odd Pants $1.25 to $2,75, regular $ .75 to
3.51) Pants.
you. seen our Lk yet.e
e mestextensive stock or the
ds we have ever handled. Our
Tapeatry Squares are beauti.
ur altIOS are right. We have
all es -and- .detigno, sizes
x.91, 3Ax4, 3ix41, etc,
"Ohildrens Straw kiatt."-
'style° and low prices.
pertinentlo clear .tti on a.
• al' '
. • I
11 411111111111111rt lit;ir=otls,--Wa4avey..mx.01'°"vb
stodklema-one season to--the-other in
this line. Take advantage of this, op.
porttinity to secure a bargain.
offering' special values . in
CUrtatrt MUSIII1S, etc. We
intend to clear some lines regardless
3eeour*tock 43,hhIseeollare
lirests..__TIosiery_and _etc., _all
goode. We have the correct sty.
in this 4epartment. _
Mb* tek i 4
- ' Vota .•
•,t,f'VtfixvitlidVifisI.r.le,n,d6. 1.13 .1t1 : Itntige 4)1.'3
I The citizen's. of Our lage are quite
.rout o1 que band. ,. e boys hay
&)e41 -em eceiner
eVenings and their tuns i. as bee
' predated. There is a petition Ii
. 'building Of it bat.d Aetenel and` to buy
muele. Every citizen ehoulti help and
, m:rtil:e.#1.:14.40•''X'05#2714.04°4'el
eneour ge the boys. - "
Kellermanii has purchased
• the boo and ()hoe Stook of Jr. jonas
ee,The blie,ees Youngeeot teg,Eneetnane has moved- int
. • . r-
iutto re a. e.1: Wambold i: visiti,rt_e: Nvith
'1 The many friends of Miss LiilieX-
in,. otfe ...711 . Wm.per,197iy,,-
'visiting parents over the 4th. dts
__, :dist Otto 13raun, was in Londare on, t • de. f ill
llaiii‘tlut_ira_rilay onnr.buzi.tnexsvas.9 vis• i
tivAar..1.-11n111174-111.-o'fl-Stratford.--vraieetiliee"'et''' ale4;:"s-Vvf.:1-4-114.-1111:7;x1A-gtlikitto&t43::',I.oit:teara8:Let:IttiHS'elr' out
• leen .
..et-lef-e-me. eeteleeblis. 'I' 'rick. 1- tre
wart of Revision as 'held at
week,. There were very few appeals.
This speaks 'wen for our ' aseessor.
Mr. Joseph Guinan. 1.
mre.Robt. Sweet and_
Oat Sernia for vb.
etr. • • email.
...;vreltzer returnedehome af
ter w w
viseeiti.gfriends in Toronto for a
Ur -Oscar -Koehler and- Miss
oehle,te.ofeZurieh, were . In town\I
-There-war be- ea--sonteettetricee •
t1ie 1Vethotlist ehureh next Sunda
Miss Tillie and tEnune Wein. of Lon- , Messrs. Siebertand Draun spent
4-Oliteei'eStendiaireev4tiee4nelse4n C.reed
•----: - *- ' ' 1---"elreve` MiTe:33-sentriee•of-7eNtedicinw-ilexte• -
. ..ticker, were pried:Med in 'tire Evangelleair-ehorc e."'.'-'211!""'""'"
in Detroit for --a• few *idays. - 7 -on Sunday afternoon to a large-atie
ev. Mr. Melts is attending 'Mr. Ilierry Foi ler. one of our barikellilience. A collection was taken up.
erence in London this week.
.,ers visitedNis parents in Setiforth ' up in the interests of the Medicine
'Mies Kestie. of Sharon is the guest over the 24th.'
f bet. s.isfr Nr§. 'T4,0§- T...0'..vethiv ' Mr,...,an ., ' ' ' 'I, not mission and amounted to some -
wert' veoetin - gelleariin Schou
.1310-e" . id-ollro.,__.14441111..e,e_tar-e.re. vi, ...§-40_.*:-- ---daxf----
v rid eeseli-giriffittg- their- annual-chrl -
nubuuas ies"..'day-04-aune-ooth-„xonut!itt,„
e. ei .i.2
miss Poliy and Miss Dunlop, were 1) 1.1m.:41 -ream li: ';Zr-eorink-aaltllise. -ctit-' -IniP"rithilg
fawn. foi i'•fi ,..-.
visiting their parents• at Goderich.. 1 , Tbe ministerial meeting and Sun-
Tbe automobile is in good shape , day ,seheol convention of the Iluron
The farmers are. tweet ifeedhig-thit-i, district
-wilt-bical tiblirtieehla !Fnueatehe-SIXEva-Ingetel'
again. '
this last week because "they don't ; and lith. Mr. •J. Kellermann and
know how soon it will rain. ! Mrs. L. K. Eldt, Miss M. Oestreicher
m.:41Trwist.a _cCe,ogeLt-wies_i_11_,_Ts. visitiog friends . and 'Miss Ida •Goetz . have been aP-
in Exeter.
Ir and Mrs. D: ;
' ' pointed ea.:dole ates to Cpresent the
10440sPort'Atilt •eteratteirl="4.1*"
For any in me of nervousneas.-stentic
i'''Viit-Th-lit-ttW4"-aeo4 -rei •A•''''"4"e. 'eu-orT'A'ilt---t-494Webeppepsia,,Mtlak'41ry 01'44.11'-47'arter411*02141.itiliglielLiter
lion out at r.xeter seen Friday.
u:eit.r. and Mrs. Ormeeand daughter, of , Pills: nelief is suro.
Centralia, were in town one day last.: medicine in market. The only nerve
line of Suits.' .1%iens, YoUtbs' Art il"oys'
13 olT
Odd,and_ ends in Alas!'
tann1Itts artd (toil
Dwell forget our spqcial sale of Tapestry Carpets,. arc.
dm:pail of 15 per cent. 1'
-Carry the best line of 'Mangle and Turnip seed, T
• then Wool wanted.
sonable goods, you wiltlind our vtdues
eight and quality the best. . ,
Farm Produce take -if -in exchange for goo
A Call 'Solicited,
consignment of buggies from five of the leading firms of Ontario
wefl to look over our Clock before purehasing. , No trout) e to show goods.
ehicies f,ully guaranteed. A, call solicited.
_ ld
rem canii .etneautoefron-na axi
-around laere.-The -auto is -one-afth
nicest machines that has ever passed
through Crediton. •
• Rev. Damin, of Medicine Hat de-
livered an interesting inissitinary ser-
mon on -Sun& inorning.
'The .Usse Wofe and Hill visited
rielidslit Exeter on Friday.
Mr. R. liausen, one of our bankers
visited with hisparents at Airpegbam,
MiZettelt-eia•leYeVe,,"--d•Pe; =4"LVAi
bliss Willis. of Exeter, visited in
own over $undy.
1n6 fttn ay
at her home in Dashwood.
'Messrs, William Braun and Edgar
SeibertoL---Dashevowle spent Sunda
in town ensiling friends.
O vian aver as arrived
home after ,visiting in Detroit.
blies Chrisele Braun is visiting Mr.
and Mrs. Seibert at Dashwood.
Too late for last week. _ Miss Winnifred Essery. of Central.'
don, were i» pitests-of Mr. and. Mrs. A number from here rittended the
Wenzel. ' concert at Exeter on the 24th of May.
bliss Inman and Mies liartleib. were Mrs. Or. McCue 0 and Gerald, were
visitina Jriende itetteall, .S.,:sitinx-fziezds...511.--London. •
troll. Mr. 'Darold Duplen. of Centralia. )
Mr. August Kuhn. or Stratford, was in the village Saturday evening.
was v:siting friends and relatives for Mr. Edgar Edighoffer, of Zurich.
MO*. owtanio. a few days.
Was in town on Saturday.
Mies Vivian Deaver-ia-sPeoeling a 'trawl; of Dashwood.
few days ve:th' her sister Mrs. Dyeris it in town on Friday.
In Mtroit. • .Ielr. and ,.bles. T. Trevethleke were4
brie and MW
rs. es. Kerr, of Win- in L-ordon *telling his mother *ho is
• • bdqe'i wa v -stein *.eseeleeeille.eb
proviag. "
ter one evening last week.- • ferer, that there is yet one sipmle way
Mr. Zwicker and Katy. of London. to certain relief. Get Dr. Shoop's
was visiting his min 'Charles for a ' book on Rheumatism and 41 free trial
few days. test. This book will make it entire -
lv clear .how Rheumatic pains are
-4nuulcirly-It11tat-137-1)1.- Shooles
' Rbeu-
rnatio Remedy -liquid or tablets.
Send no money. The .fest is free.
!Surprise some. disheartened sufferer
e.....L.getting_forehirreilie hook f v.
Dr. Shoop. 'Urine. Wis. W.
. 2 .., •
--''L—a, nevvirre"--"WiiiiTh"-;iiiiii7- ia-ar'-i:'f'ti:-:L;:
: ---"Hvelt-Tint:er,-,::Drilf,:alivilla=thing. : If ou .have atirratithine
- - tote,do i se.e- ri,Siiiit...... kei•----
goodAtti4,Wit4r-YOUF------ '-
s.Repairing, . ,... _
" --'... ' Grain K
T -Separators and ugines ,
Our Prices are Right
Air. Um:sell, the bankerwas visit-
ing relativein Wing -hero.
f Mr. i'ind M. Wein.
I don. on Saturday on files&
who feel' ieeei1tnn4 .ficr_ouraited„ w
receive both mental and bodily vigor
We havelistst receive _a lot of wire,
ri cte as reasonable as you can gi.4. elsewhere. •
A-mmitfer-a-Large oateFf-aii sizes.
Be- sure to get our prices on Fencing before you buy.
100 per cent pure
Buy your Har-dware-From -us
rc nee tairr—d—te7-1 in Exchange'
flardw"are D. TIEMAN, Dashwoo
Seeding after many starts and stops
bas at last been finished and the fine
**bather is causing -rapid growth.
O Mr. Newton Willson visited. his par-
rtvirrl 1.2ili ale
eine neter•*-47iiirpli, w • ere -has se
cu%red aeleotstietiosn uttLiritti. eia_th.trm_.eek
(11.1i%reltri--1-351-e-Carorleesfor Lion's liead
We wish to announce to our many friends and to all those needing build*
ing material that -we are in abetter position than ever to supply yam. wants iirt
Lumber, Shingle*, Cedar Posts, Laths, Fence SIat5.
'Cisterns, Water Troughs, etc.
you intend. building a h'euse or barn we will be pleased. to tfunte price*
and assist you in any way we can.
e IlashwotaL,Plati
• ornaIIpTing ompLiiiiitii,
liVbicit was incoiporitted 1008;\ and hassince
purchued the five Evaporatori3 situated at
Lticatt and -Rodney»
tseuire tuaLAtratrelatisstonning Order -with- the-elteeption ,of -two
o extra_kiltocalsa_a eforehomee to ienahlett 1 •• • •
"ivies and thusdo a much larger bushiest and increase the,profitii,
ri order to io this and priy off the remainder of he purchase money they,
4cI4ert to sell e limited tituribr of shares, and now if yaii wish' to time
IithI*hflt* loose no time in securing your share*,
Attr pareliase will\ begjveuaguaranteobyr,M. Corman that if he Is
.sstlded with his purchase at the end of five years .he 'will buy back his
• • ,
/civets to be at their of&e in Exeter, Xtine lAith
uean ;Tune 150, Parkliiii-Jtine 170.
Mr. gel:Jere-, of f•tincardine,O war;
bete last week. visiting his sonO .
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Shirray, of .De-
O trait Were -here last week visiting re-
latives. Mr. Shirray has ' juet • re-.
totered from a serious iliness.
-itev.-S.mitHcft1ase as a conv
nitssioner to the General Assembly'
of the Presbyteriari 'Church being
•e arra on; spupt
ing supplied by Prof. l'atterson. of
t.S3 erda-trqu
e Gunning's ineGranton -over --Sueiday.---..
Mr and Mrs. Mines, of Woodham.
We're the grreAt4; /If Mr. Jo
on Sunday- -
O Mr. and %re. reaoy.ston, of Exeter
v:cited at Mr.-. Gunning'Sunda.y.
Mr. and Zirs. iWin. Morley visited
s at Wesky on Sunday.
!melte of cattle from the Caensell
eetteeeee vise week,. -•
te*tioli le 'Meseta. -by . theessedt
to stiller from Otes, bet
it.has coast One *eel *.ittotefil
rio is .lirs. Bittabeitir Terivoci,,,of
ICWOO 'Avenue, ,Toronto. She
*side row kog .)7ttit fslzffercd
lett* blecaing-
' BOA tuns tSpiertiairomentesmoott of
oofteoiedies_,'*nd doctor's pc.
,kiiptioua but get no 'Oise. Zara,
*ea differetir to iverythlog else 1 hid
Wed!' and it 'Clued itte.. 1 itM grattfil
tOe the tate. Mid as I lave' serer bait
'Olitennot sloe, know ilia tetc.. hi
.• trOilti#
• ue-eleaning-thne is heimeseittr alf itEc -Worm& Let Jim, belie you.bT
supplying you with Scrub Brushes. White wash Brushes, Soap, Duteli
Cleanser, GMet's Lye, lifousehold. Ammonia, Ben Arai for cleaning wind;
ows and in fact anything needed for scouring and cleaning.
Then you will want some of our wall papers which we are saline at
Airs. John Parkinson' is on the sick greatly reduced •rices.
:1st rit •her home in Illanehard; ge_onr_....pat_tenulAte_opm_plakee,„40e,„
- The engineers are itt-W'oik'-rnarrping
out the route for the new railroad
throe 'h 1 anshard and Usborne.
rr 001m0.- o nswipre-aigi liere
next Sunday in 'the \itbsenee of our
pastor who is ,atteMling tha confetti*
af * • 4.11011111111.110111411111111110.M.10 miniimu sm. Oft w I te
PAINTS.-tou need paint for renewing little things around the
hOuse. We handle the Celebrated SherwinArillimas
eirepttiiirintrireirn carts .14IT-la 11)-C-. to -05cie item-
nish stain at .25e. a can is just the thing for making old 1=1E.
titre look like. new. Cali and, let us, talkthis aint
Farm produce wanted for which ve p
rarebit tei.
•P • • 5* tes sure with one o . .
• .
Mr. W. 4,1i. ReYnolds intends taking
put 11,1\025 VLrit box. Ask your Doctor or
)rugetSt about this formula r stops
manly pains. headache. Plias itOP.
.netv plate te.ass front was
"fl't building. last weeks
te,t, to the west shortly for therkeei•°' Write Shoop.-
-orowy. P!!),,,•17: val-ne?-
int thc,, virage last week visiting Pain Tablets.
'The tOrmula is on the
In se:ekrese, if a yoriain nerve goes
wrong. then the organ that this nerve :
Controls. Will also etirely fail. . It .
to' a ['Stomach terve, or it may have ,
4..trergth and 'oupport to the
lean or Kidneys. It ult. s Dr. Shoop
that first pointed to (his vital trutiv
Dr,. $hoop'; Destorative was not made,:
o do:..e tile Stomach or to itenipor.i
r`ly, $tikaulate, the illeart Or ' MA-
Is7----te.lott-old4v4shfonc-d-' method- is'
5.1, I, Arloog., , tr.-Shone& ...litetorative
I s 4firtettS** to thest, failing 'inside
Ili' rerrinrkable .auteess of,
ties preteription demonstrates the
oltdom of treatinT the actual eausel
of ,thee..teefittlingeOreetoes. -And it is IA..;
dy'?ay to' piev . I,e five or 7,
., e,_
WinchelseaMrs. A. Johnston. of Iiirkto . js
vielting her brother Mr. .D. IrtiHer
this week.
Mr. rishers of the Fisher Prod. ited
Co Toronto, wae---4he guest ot
W. Ge ;Avid lat W,telre
liflAlding bells will open ring '0
Surohine Vines _
Mie ',And "Atte. atobt. (11quetite.ot
Denson, were the {guests Of Mrs G.
6°A,ItTeltry°11:tillientdtl-e'dding WA1 oolern.
nIrc:4 here „on Wednesdays' jutp !nd#
when M1/41 Gertle MiIer waknnitd
by thlw bards or mntriniony by
ltetv. O. _4' fair to Mr. Idward Ltilt
Antestmes Ouse yoti
ort, itIs an unfoling siglitlu4 you
cdsgthorobgh bousftionintbeen
114 1140111A
' nag ***Oat 'Wads of oiametttse
but meet ca iterdtsseytitiog t
until/ tiod2ittallvItiwhich