Exeter Times., 1909-06-03, Page 54 "4'441 eame , nu 31r. • . 9 eiri'S' this week pureleaSe'; ed a teinteman Tian° from* Ur. o' Martii, of Mr arid blra: .Fraticie Cl'arke anti rir4 -Over,.94Wiratia-lrouttis-.-Upto. 'excellent q ality, at barg4in prices.' A will pay -4-4 414 4 te nd lat�sta. es- at tti�A y Iowest ccs, Mens Odd Pants $1.25 to $2,75, regular $ .75 to 3.51) Pants. you. seen our Lk yet.e e mestextensive stock or the ds we have ever handled. Our Tapeatry Squares are beauti. 4,1•4;e"s:Jevr la ur altIOS are right. We have all es -and- .detigno, sizes x.91, 3Ax4, 3ix41, etc, mrenlittve toek "Ohildrens Straw kiatt."- 'style° and low prices. SueLoefetiemorde_regarditnee-thb3---dee ' pertinentlo clear .tti on a. • al' ' . • I 11 411111111111111rt lit;ir=otls,--Wa4avey..mx.01'°"vb stodklema-one season to--the-other in this line. Take advantage of this, op. porttinity to secure a bargain. offering' special values . in CUrtatrt MUSIII1S, etc. We intend to clear some lines regardless 3eeour*tock 43,hhIseeollare lirests..__TIosiery_and _etc., _all goode. We have the correct sty. in this 4epartment. _ Mb* tek i 4 - ' Vota .• •,t,f'VtfixvitlidVifisI.r.le,n,d6. 1.13 .1t1 : Itntige 4)1.'3 , I The citizen's. of Our lage are quite .rout o1 que band. ,. e boys hay &)e41 -em eceiner eVenings and their tuns i. as bee ' predated. There is a petition Ii . 'building Of it bat.d Aetenel and` to buy muele. Every citizen ehoulti help and , m:rtil:e.#1.:14.40•''X'05#2714.04°4'el 1, eneour ge the boys. - " Kellermanii has purchased • the boo and ()hoe Stook of Jr. jonas ee,The blie,ees Youngeeot teg,Eneetnane has moved- int . • . r- iutto re a. e.1: Wambold i: visiti,rt_e: Nvith '1 The many friends of Miss LiilieX- in,. otfe ...711 . Wm.per,197iy,,- . 'visiting parents over the 4th. dts __, :dist Otto 13raun, was in Londare on, t • de. f ill . llaiii‘tlut_ira_rilay onnr.buzi.tnexsvas.9 vis• i tivAar..1.-11n111174-111.-o'fl-Stratford.--vraieetiliee"'et''' ale4;:"s-Vvf.:1-4-114.-1111:7;x1A-gtlikitto&t43::',I.oit:teara8:Let:IttiHS'elr' out • leen . ..et-lef-e-me. eeteleeblis. 'I' 'rick. 1- tre wart of Revision as 'held at week,. There were very few appeals. This speaks 'wen for our ' aseessor. Mr. Joseph Guinan. 1. acei mre.Robt. Sweet and_ -111-47'irituah1e'do Oat Sernia for vb. etr. • • email. ...;vreltzer returnedehome af ter w w viseeiti.gfriends in Toronto for a ,few Ur -Oscar -Koehler and- Miss oehle,te.ofeZurieh, were . In town\I • -There-war be- ea--sonteettetricee • t1ie 1Vethotlist ehureh next Sunda Miss Tillie and tEnune Wein. of Lon- , Messrs. Siebertand Draun spent 4-Oliteei'eStendiaireev4tiee4nelse4n C.reed •----: - *- ' ' 1---"elreve` MiTe:33-sentriee•of-7eNtedicinw-ilexte• - . ..ticker, were pried:Med in 'tire Evangelleair-ehorc e."'.'-'211!""'""'" in Detroit for --a• few *idays. - 7 -on Sunday afternoon to a large-atie ev. Mr. Melts is attending 'Mr. Ilierry Foi ler. one of our barikellilience. A collection was taken up. erence in London this week. .,ers visitedNis parents in Setiforth ' up in the interests of the Medicine 'Mies Kestie. of Sharon is the guest over the 24th.' f bet. s.isfr Nr§. 'T4,0§- T...0'..vethiv ' Mr,...,an ., ' ' ' 'I, not mission and amounted to some - ren wert' veoetin - gelleariin Schou .1310-e" . id-ollro.,__.14441111..e,e_tar-e.re. vi, ...§-40_.*:-- ---daxf---- v rid eeseli-giriffittg- their- annual-chrl - nubuuas ies"..'day-04-aune-ooth-„xonut!itt,„ f e. ei .i.2 miss Poliy and Miss Dunlop, were 1) 1.1m.:41 -ream li: ';Zr-eorink-aaltllise. -ctit-' -IniP"rithilg fawn. foi i'•fi ,..-. visiting their parents• at Goderich.. 1 , Tbe ministerial meeting and Sun- Tbe automobile is in good shape , day ,seheol convention of the Iluron The farmers are. tweet ifeedhig-thit-i, district -wilt-bical tiblirtieehla !Fnueatehe-SIXEva-Ingetel' again. ' rcb this last week because "they don't ; and lith. Mr. •J. Kellermann and know how soon it will rain. ! Mrs. L. K. Eldt, Miss M. Oestreicher m.:41Trwist.a _cCe,ogeLt-wies_i_11_,_Ts. visitiog friends . and 'Miss Ida •Goetz . have been aP- in Exeter. Ir and Mrs. D: ; ' ' pointed ea.:dole ates to Cpresent the 10440sPort'Atilt •eteratteirl="4.1*" For any in me of nervousneas.-stentic i'''Viit-Th-lit-ttW4"-aeo4 -rei •A•''''"4"e. 'eu-orT'A'ilt---t-494Webeppepsia,,Mtlak'41ry 01'44.11'-47'arter411*02141.itiliglielLiter ......., lion out at r.xeter seen Friday. u:eit.r. and Mrs. Ormeeand daughter, of , Pills: nelief is suro. Centralia, were in town one day last.: medicine in market. The only nerve line of Suits.' .1%iens, YoUtbs' Art il"oys' 13 olT Odd,and_ ends in Alas!' tann1Itts artd (toil ilart" \. Dwell forget our spqcial sale of Tapestry Carpets,. arc. dm:pail of 15 per cent. 1' J3Jue_and-ar -Carry the best line of 'Mangle and Turnip seed, T • then Wool wanted. ..,,driirOONYVAPIlmtPlekkAff-Wc1141 ei-'departmentlifinreaviitlisea- . sonable goods, you wiltlind our vtdues eight and quality the best. . , Farm Produce take -if -in exchange for goo A Call 'Solicited, IktOrat,X, consignment of buggies from five of the leading firms of Ontario les-aneklesite--pereereAtiten wefl to look over our Clock before purehasing. , No trout) e to show goods. ehicies f,ully guaranteed. A, call solicited. _ ld rem canii .etneautoefron-na axi -around laere.-The -auto is -one-afth nicest machines that has ever passed through Crediton. • • Rev. Damin, of Medicine Hat de- livered an interesting inissitinary ser- mon on -Sun& inorning. 'The .Usse Wofe and Hill visited rielidslit Exeter on Friday. Mr. R. liausen, one of our bankers visited with hisparents at Airpegbam, MiZettelt-eia•leYeVe,,"--d•Pe; =4"LVAi bliss Willis. of Exeter, visited in own over $undy. 1n6 fttn ay " at her home in Dashwood. 'Messrs, William Braun and Edgar SeibertoL---Dashevowle spent Sunda in town ensiling friends. O vian aver as arrived home after ,visiting in Detroit. blies Chrisele Braun is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Seibert at Dashwood. Too late for last week. _ Miss Winnifred Essery. of Central.' ene-ofe-Lona-lareettest-ntlfise.lel/VEtIXVOr. don, were i» pitests-of Mr. and. Mrs. A number from here rittended the Wenzel. ' concert at Exeter on the 24th of May. bliss Inman and Mies liartleib. were Mrs. Or. McCue 0 and Gerald, were visitina Jriende itetteall, .S.,:sitinx-fziezds...511.--London. • troll. Mr. 'Darold Duplen. of Centralia. ) Mr. August Kuhn. or Stratford, was in the village Saturday evening. was v:siting friends and relatives for Mr. Edgar Edighoffer, of Zurich. MO*. owtanio. a few days. Was in town on Saturday. Mies Vivian Deaver-ia-sPeoeling a 'trawl; of Dashwood. few days ve:th' her sister Mrs. Dyeris it in town on Friday. In Mtroit. • .Ielr. and ,.bles. T. Trevethleke were4 brie and MW rs. es. Kerr, of Win- in L-ordon *telling his mother *ho is • • bdqe'i wa v -stein *.eseeleeeille.eb toxt-vg,eik-thar-sh proviag. " ter one evening last week.- • ferer, that there is yet one sipmle way • Mr. Zwicker and Katy. of London. to certain relief. Get Dr. Shoop's was visiting his min 'Charles for a ' book on Rheumatism and 41 free trial few days. test. This book will make it entire - lv clear .how Rheumatic pains are -4nuulcirly-It11tat-137-1)1.- Shooles ' Rbeu- rnatio Remedy -liquid or tablets. Send no money. The .fest is free. !Surprise some. disheartened sufferer e.....L.getting_forehirreilie hook f v. Dr. Shoop. 'Urine. Wis. W. . 2 .., • --''L—a, nevvirre"--"WiiiiTh"-;iiiiii7- ia-ar'-i:'f'ti:-:L;: ergieeetee---We-earf-Teptilryout : ---"Hvelt-Tint:er,-,::Drilf,:alivilla=thing. : If ou .have atirratithine - - tote,do i se.e- ri,Siiiit...... kei•---- goodAtti4,Wit4r-YOUF------ '- s.Repairing, . ,... _ " --'... ' Grain K T -Separators and ugines , ,, Our Prices are Right Air. Um:sell, the bankerwas visit- ing relativein Wing -hero. f Mr. i'ind M. Wein. .hs. I don. on Saturday on files& who feel' ieeei1tnn4 .ficr_ouraited„ w receive both mental and bodily vigor We havelistst receive _a lot of wire, -.--'f-orj -m--l41:SPriir6WritET:6i?tra1:eeeen:trlgea1Peeressfenciug:llseo1:BrT:1iandiglencing72 ri cte as reasonable as you can gi.4. elsewhere. • A-mmitfer-a-Large oateFf-aii sizes. Be- sure to get our prices on Fencing before you buy. -11=2,11=ifitratr -1.1.11,drIMW-Prffit 100 per cent pure Buy your Har-dware-From -us rc nee tairr—d—te7-1 in Exchange' flardw"are D. TIEMAN, Dashwoo 'Whalen et. Seeding after many starts and stops bas at last been finished and the fine **bather is causing -rapid growth. O Mr. Newton Willson visited. his par- rtvirrl 1.2ili ale eine neter•*-47iiirpli, w • ere -has se cu%red aeleotstietiosn uttLiritti. eia_th.trm_.eek (11.1i%reltri--1-351-e-Carorleesfor Lion's liead We wish to announce to our many friends and to all those needing build* ing material that -we are in abetter position than ever to supply yam. wants iirt Lumber, Shingle*, Cedar Posts, Laths, Fence SIat5. 'Cisterns, Water Troughs, etc. you intend. building a h'euse or barn we will be pleased. to tfunte price* and assist you in any way we can. e IlashwotaL,Plati 0.140,W • ornaIIpTing ompLiiiiitii, liVbicit was incoiporitted 1008;\ and hassince purchued the five Evaporatori3 situated at Lticatt and -Rodney» tseuire tuaLAtratrelatisstonning Order -with- the-elteeption ,of -two o extra_kiltocalsa_a eforehomee to ienahlett 1 •• • • "ivies and thusdo a much larger bushiest and increase the,profitii, - ri order to io this and priy off the remainder of he purchase money they, 4cI4ert to sell e limited tituribr of shares, and now if yaii wish' to time IithI*hflt* loose no time in securing your share*, 1 Attr pareliase will\ begjveuaguaranteobyr,M. Corman that if he Is .sstlded with his purchase at the end of five years .he 'will buy back his • • , /civets to be at their of&e in Exeter, Xtine lAith uean ;Tune 150, Parkliiii-Jtine 170. Mr. gel:Jere-, of f•tincardine,O war; bete last week. visiting his sonO . Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Shirray, of .De- O trait Were -here last week visiting re- latives. Mr. Shirray has ' juet • re-. totered from a serious iliness. -itev.-S.mitHcft1ase as a conv nitssioner to the General Assembly' of the Presbyteriari 'Church being •e arra on; spupt ing supplied by Prof. l'atterson. of London. t.S3 erda-trqu e Gunning's ineGranton -over --Sueiday.---.. Mr and Mrs. Mines, of Woodham. We're the grreAt4; /If Mr. Jo on Sunday- - O Mr. and %re. reaoy.ston, of Exeter v:cited at Mr.-. Gunning'Sunda.y. Mr. and Zirs. iWin. Morley visited s at Wesky on Sunday. !melte of cattle from the Caensell eetteeeee vise week,. -• WeeckftW.sufferer te*tioli le 'Meseta. -by . theessedt to stiller from Otes, bet it.has coast One *eel *.ittotefil rio is .lirs. Bittabeitir Terivoci,,,of ICWOO 'Avenue, ,Toronto. She *side row kog .)7ttit fslzffercd lett* blecaing- . ' BOA tuns tSpiertiairomentesmoott of oofteoiedies_,'*nd doctor's pc. ,kiiptioua but get no 'Oise. Zara, *ea differetir to iverythlog else 1 hid Wed!' and it 'Clued itte.. 1 itM grattfil tOe the tate. Mid as I lave' serer bait 'Olitennot sloe, know ilia tetc.. hi protitielvenV, .• trOilti# 1 • ue-eleaning-thne is heimeseittr alf itEc -Worm& Let Jim, belie you.bT supplying you with Scrub Brushes. White wash Brushes, Soap, Duteli Cleanser, GMet's Lye, lifousehold. Ammonia, Ben Arai for cleaning wind; ows and in fact anything needed for scouring and cleaning. • friend Then you will want some of our wall papers which we are saline at Airs. John Parkinson' is on the sick greatly reduced •rices. :1st rit •her home in Illanehard; ge_onr_....pat_tenulAte_opm_plakee,„40e,„ - The engineers are itt-W'oik'-rnarrping out the route for the new railroad throe 'h 1 anshard and Usborne. rr 001m0.- o nswipre-aigi liere next Sunday in 'the \itbsenee of our pastor who is ,atteMling tha confetti* af * • 4.11011111111.110111411111111110.M.10 miniimu sm. Oft w I te PAINTS.-tou need paint for renewing little things around the hOuse. We handle the Celebrated SherwinArillimas eirepttiiirintrireirn carts .14IT-la 11)-C-. to -05cie item- nish stain at .25e. a can is just the thing for making old 1=1E. titre look like. new. Cali and, let us, talkthis aint Farm produce wanted for which ve p rarebit tei. •P • • 5* tes sure with one o . . • . Mr. W. 4,1i. ReYnolds intends taking put 11,1\025 VLrit box. Ask your Doctor or )rugetSt about this formula r stops manly pains. headache. Plias itOP. .netv plate te.ass front was "fl't building. last weeks te,t, to the west shortly for therkeei•°' Write Shoop.- -orowy. P!!),,,•17: val-ne?- int thc,, virage last week visiting Pain Tablets. 'The tOrmula is on the , In se:ekrese, if a yoriain nerve goes wrong. then the organ that this nerve : Controls. Will also etirely fail. . It . to' a ['Stomach terve, or it may have , 4..trergth and 'oupport to the lean or Kidneys. It ult. s Dr. Shoop that first pointed to (his vital trutiv Dr,. $hoop'; Destorative was not made,: o do:..e tile Stomach or to itenipor.i r`ly, $tikaulate, the illeart Or ' MA- Is7----te.lott-old4v4shfonc-d-' method- is' 5.1, I, Arloog., , tr.-Shone& ...litetorative I s 4firtettS** to thest, failing 'inside Ili' rerrinrkable .auteess of, ties preteription demonstrates the oltdom of treatinT the actual eausel of ,thee..teefittlingeOreetoes. -And it is IA..; dy'?ay to' piev . I,e five or 7, ., e,_ gX WinchelseaMrs. A. Johnston. of Iiirkto . js vielting her brother Mr. .D. IrtiHer this week. Mr. rishers of the Fisher Prod. ited Co Toronto, wae---4he guest ot W. Ge ;Avid lat W,telre liflAlding bells will open ring '0 Surohine Vines _ Mie ',And "Atte. atobt. (11quetite.ot Denson, were the {guests Of Mrs G. 6°A,ItTeltry°11:tillientdtl-e'dding WA1 oolern. nIrc:4 here „on Wednesdays' jutp !nd# when M1/41 Gertle MiIer waknnitd by thlw bards or mntriniony by ltetv. O. _4' fair to Mr. Idward Ltilt Antestmes Ouse yoti ort, itIs an unfoling siglitlu4 you cdsgthorobgh bousftionintbeen 114 1140111A ' nag ***Oat 'Wads of oiametttse but meet ca iterdtsseytitiog t until/ tiod2ittallvItiwhich s,