HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times., 1909-06-03, Page 3...
Vtit oior wilt so rms lose
also rssitisnosit*I4A**4
_Nisoutirsoutittu h‘t, bssret*Iitt4
-"'stisterso.t.. , , .
Carter * use* Ltur, Pius asis valk: . •_
!obi/ our,to toe One or two ems 20****.
'Xbey arestrieur. Toostabie and 4o not Or137.
retetetter theresatti seittoettete *A yr
earn. • - -.
hz tlie resat' gardens of Pot-dazu
tlicre an old 41.1114ial which bear
the., inscription:"1count only the
pleasant hours." One might envy
-thiprerogative that reco d -
odreary hours, but 41_
There are. some persons that have.
the faculty of overlooking and for-
getting the disagreeable features of
lite .sed noticing only the plateatit
sides. Such a sunny mind is.
tait4,1Y .a.larcAt blegisiintA0 that a
'reason why every - CbrzsUau
should not have it. There-arehoure
of perfeerreppinessivoteryir
.fc, Alegre -wbieh----reitaburse-
yeaes.of -sufferieceed .-wee,% the m
mory of whichmany years after
lightens the worn foci; with happy
end -it -is -true indeed what• is N
Ont of 240 deeths 14 the town o
• _lost -year,- every -AUL.
dee to tuberculosis.
tral Neweat1es in
ho United ingdom, but only one
castle, County Down.
Thet doAthoecurred recently at
fahQny;ltlitneeseetettf '
nattiire-iirShannen Vale,
t year•
Floods eeentli,' prevailed at For.
Yeuniter: an Banargh.er,
Shannon overflowed As
the recent- heavy rain-.
ullamor was a veritable lake.
ecently in Mary street, Dublin
is live eel t "feet long, which had
been leased froth the- water pipe,
o ping about the •
0 great is the- amount ,of dis.
• . •
e3 'of truggle ani rv&-
lit life a,' owing
says: "What. ver a in
that shall he also ,restp" A selfish
hfe," though it be clean, is without
mated -life is still worse --
emorse and self-accusation make it
a hell on earth.
The, only life worth living the
t us an
e7tAtettle. Dtteeted to the, service
of others, full of that all -conquering
kvt.hat-titeetit.,,,,-ne,,,eteet_te it
p1acs and bears that -sweet ;and
blesscd fruit —whiclz is promised to,
I. ---Such jjfejneith ti etome
v r a. esuse of regret, but finds
graee before oz4 and man. May we
all try to Mailer this wonderful -at
and life will become more content,
m rodu.tive
of oTioth )r -t
the gloryof
life's strength is labor and sorrow.
Vbertrare-tna'n 4T-4.-t-tt Prea.3,11
JUNE 0*;
IV:. -The/ Tongue atm*
Beast. -Vs. 7,8. What is Janice.*
next comp rison of the tonguet To
, .
4 e - #1I- , ,ark
eludedmorning Ite
reacnot the bae1 of the train'. Tho
train was traveling at a, rate o
twenty miles an hour at .the
but, without hesitating, he jumped
xis disappearanee Was not
covered for some time, and although
his movements were impeded by his
thawed anktes, he was able to
reach a place f safoty. , • ,,
selfuofisfiits nniercoesa4r
s tyoy,wth, as toridri:1(m_ho,iim
akinthe tec1 rivtswit
of ro
Even then his pli lit was Iittle
e • -
ger of dyint hero _huniw or being_
killed byitt_en _ext.teortlin-
ary chatice-Ve met a: friend,-v-ihi
ve---him a rifle. and ammunition
me mone
n roll out. t1,40011,pap
f44`',henta. liave ke
TWO W4.,
I'ut in dish and over with Winn
s&1t water and Jet bol foi.- ten
inrnutes.' After draiaing put in
pider heaping o
. I of butter, and 1 ity" for ^Jew°
minutes.. Scree at onee.
SOu,, e_Orearn Cabbige.-r-Shied half
kettle:-TieWireildwatei to cover
add *If -iii-ieltiort-toil-until ten
der; drain' off' water,. add .lutif a
cute of sour cream and four table- '
spoons of vinegett .A.Aet it boil up
once before serving. It will take
delicate -pink _jznd is extremely
• d *elated Eggs. Fried stuff -
eggs make --a.lelicious- lunehee
minutes and +hen drop thetie into
without- 1.-ttealting_the_w_lutes. Cut
thggs in two through. the middle
take out the yolks, and mix tbein
with minced 'ham` and chicken„ or
any savory meat on band* Beeson
to taste adil with- i1Vffd
To eew all buttuns garomeiis
_quetiar enoughauw an
*row to
where close set buttons are I re-
quired for particular reasons. This
width usually looks well. and the
appearance ,ef- --th-e- ironed article
is greedy, iiiterniterl -----
TO usepnVilx‘e bro\wn br-*Tiiire*
paper to eliettiet iren;•-ron, ironing
day if the eyes have the least ten-
deney to weakness. , The ink used
Nprinting newsp4pers and maga.
es when rubbed with the hot
Irons rises i a Ott of poisonousl
vapor, irritating the eyes greatly
many niitancee;.
latter-OLraoisten- the scorched
spo j_elly_ mix ure o
$61tIr, Starch, ;Ira iliater-'.---Prate--4:
egesun. Remoisten_as. efteit -es
necessary Until the stain is re-
moved-, " *
, Shite, wtit'eai 44 I tet.eeght Weida wile.
See 1t itOt% know 'thee benefit, i eerier&
ceive 0p,0„..th,,,r 0 ,x4tur 0/....‘itItererei
0 , yrtm4 v 449,
:‘ was sobadly' troublestivt tiTthi.
-aid I had Cousetoptiou mei teat 1 ,.1e1 '
--not, vreitlikk-ther-(I1.-- ',- aflAirtr.o.---- ,
tor* attending *0 and they were veryn uch,
alarmed about, bus. I was in hod. three
siontheind when I got up -I otiulduot walk,
so had. to go on my,!iands and kneels for
threti weel...", and mylimbs Boomed of no
'4" to in ' I gal,* 4.1tAteetegoteeatrit,•
getting .teettee IA -1 , - ,re ssaltsgr
B B 13 AJmensxfitiiii'llt--';'ooYaSorti '
'Pine Syrup was good for ,weak lungs.
, toi6uegil'ituji'Zve°,:dlt til7w t sit3 lit'xt"41,_hiro,t11°..
atorss.anst-it rsuidis'aacomplete cure. Mi
little hot was also troubled with -weak
%upend it cured itillis I --kettp it. in the
. house all the time and would notbo with.
out it forenytifing.s. . •-,:zt-,..--
•. Price 26-oents at *11 deaters. Bowsre
iiiilUtiona-rbr .VE- - ' 8 °Ivey
`"-Syropz.TAilclimit: and-irisist7orr,:getting -.--
- theofi rust Pu u -in a el w ivra .• ' •
and three pine trees lie trade malli.
. -
..., -,.........- ,,,
. Cut up old tiewsp.apere into sheets, , : ..-;. ,
about eight hi, tenieclege untiLy,eu
resWick deeided that best_
o aelre't listiiiirWis-r6 re1flIie
tate, and he set out on a 1,500
nulos'•wailt across Africe. For five
• infig inentliaThe trampledtlirough
the heart of the puntmertt, living
on animals and birds he killed with
his gUp. At Legyir.Viiir
starvation, he underwent many
privations, and his escapes from
death were countless,'-but-ittlength
he reached Boma • Rere he ex.,
Lewes X. 'narrower of the Ton. tongue' is ae • eiteeption,' No Man changed what was left bis prison
'nankin e our divisionso
animals according to James's
rough zoology, namely, quaidru-pTede;
reptiles, and fishes But the
Of Ar
pie* Golden Text; Prole, 21-i. eau anie-itt Only,' God, whet matte 1 dress -for a -Pair -0f' grey trouersi-
portanee of t te t • eine, o ,our es -
son Philosopher have striven to
discover what faculty most dearly
separates man from the brute; as,
that man is the-oulte...
laughs, or the only animal that
cooks, or the only animal that
43411411"46441P' V 40 • oo e in passage y a
restless evil full of is
deadly poison, an • so to be c 813Se
with the animals most hated and,
feared, the, serpents. 1 -
V. Ineonitistencies of Speech.-
. -Why dem- Jaines drop
comparisons when he -comes to his
rt int.!? Beeaese there are no
comparissns in- nature to man's
inconsistency in speech -only co&
trasts.-- Fountains_do
of the same orifice now fresh water
and now salt water. "Fig -trees do
not .bear figs at one time and at
Lord Mayor has convened a public
meeting to discuss the„laek, a era.
Dr. Editerd Heyns, for 41 years
Medics.' Officer of Ballyvaughatt
• nsary dietriet and' the Work-
tis,e -has resi itie
Vall4 age.•
n urce an ep
lice Were evicted 0001 their -farms
o the Blaketiey-estat;* iL Fiert
s au uprig . OS
cVer, agree that the power of
peech,-, with all that hae_seeywn out
of it, is the clearest and -most lin-
portant distinction Of mankind,
ma the surest indication of the
superiority that_God.has-conferted.
upon.. e umair race.
we are o s u y is one o le n
the Bihte, and -is the-erowitor
ritings- upon-
3h-rairtes 1-1" irg--F-hi,11.,..-eteed4
liketetker„,„_The eonsteriey of nature
well known in James's day
u* ourW13Ut tlie ..
From Antwerp he travelled to
London, where he thought it Watt
impossible that, ,he could besrecog-
nivxd. He was wisiking ip Leraen.
street, -Whi-t'eehapel,'Awl4s
istop ed by Detective Inspector
,000. It began in the bonded
res, in Dunbar Street, of
- eist bistriett -Board'
bae putchasc4erinterTrom
-• Smyffilif some 66 Seieit
of in anefarm adjoining the till.
e Brosno It will be divide('
The Locitl Government Board
• *Ontlt-tibe-i4PSUC-Ofit4
of 114123 to Donegal Guardian for
the pur • of enlarging the infirm -
danger- con tinUallY zeeActs 15 24
1 Co'. 1:12; 14: 24; Gal. "2: 12).
of the rabb• i was 4ealously.guardrk
• t -e- -ybertry of --iiropheroing
(teitehing)-111- Christianity Was liable
to become license.• And "the more
the iden prevailed, that faith, With -
wrineo0 *meg
bread crumbs n
*pia. fifiley\ rti'id a soupcon o
'4uieti----ada.-to their Ilatrer
Thenputthe eges together 'again,
• moues the _sides tight, they
sliouldtitle Etrea:- so luu as to
prevent this, and roll the eggs
first, in the .white of egg and then
fIjcovered Fry in a. basket in- • e4i)
to \And terve with tomato sauce
And celery- Orparbsey as a garnish
men Pepper Stuffed With Corn.
—Out around, stem. end of pepper
out,three-fourth5- around, --1
"I belie° ve you are John Ores -
wick," the ufspecter stated, "and
th&tLYI eeceped from. eustek
man Creasfrhtsthe ll.xetePd
anIWr. ince
of Wales' -leathern tattooed -on- his-
a Put peppers in cold
boil. Drain, cover with reshly
boiling water, and Cookblowy un-
til tender. Drain again, salt tight-
ly and allow' to cool. Aliow two
ableeeeent of butter to htstokee hot
in frying pan, -add three ;cups corn,
three tablespoons hoiling,s.water in
which is dissolved one teaspoor-Theef
extract,. Cook five minutes; add
half eup cream, one teaspoon salt,
aliteastimon pepper; -Ce---.161c slowly
until quite tleck. Cool and fill
peppers. Fasten clown lids of e
perw-and- lace inbuttered baking
the to ye out ArtFasy vlighes-heNre
kitchen . these ea s
washing,to wipe the greasy rim
;Of the inishpanx and to catch many
Scrips Welt woildToft,en sii1 table
°rSsolinfike* vases are in' ade
oua material t it is mticet
wit out tlio znoisture spreadingo
the stand Or table upon which they
are placed. If a little -varnish brush
can be:31sta the inside matebe yarn.
ished well, but in some instances
leSrary-,---marke the si.e hundredth
anniversary of the setting -up of the
first steeple clock. It is claiiried
-that-the honor. belongs to -Milan,
and it was in teat city, in the year
ee, that the venerable s
of the campanile of Saint 'Existsee
fnore-- iron o
and the horologe is said to have In-
spired other poets with amines for
The _claire of Milan of having the
first AtetAteAlo its_mDot
thickly coated. The extra varnish
Can then ,be poured out and the
belarnrd• ,ewnwiped erc9befi7,te it has time to
When an artieli-becomesseerche
in ironing lay in over a plate or
That a utton tied to the end of
a string ai-Tat let down nito a liMtte
into which's, -cork has slipped can
usually_ be made to bring the re-
fractory" tor* within reach. Also
that 'when sealing up bottlesof
fruit juices, etc.,
it 18 a good plan
e--fi t lay two pleces of . clean,
oo a your .
-"Yexe-wre--right "
imtteL_ "1 am t
t -
• kitures. e -was re-
manded in order .thatthe-authoei-
noon- of 1 extract.
--lor • In I
iv -e • rxithenr. 40,7e„
d aLei up -the ends retrii*ln
utside-and-will-be-ra 0-
ity on horology, states thake clock
was put up in e former tower et
Westminster -with 80100 groat bells
s• 1288, out Of a.fine itnposen--a-
corrupt !lief 4ustace, and. the motto, •
"Diseite justitiain remota " -The
belle were Sold; or rather, it is said,
giiiibld away by Henry -Mr -In
4.492 a -clock is mentioned in Canter-
bury. cathedral- as costing .R30.
with the date 1348: Lord (trim- •
Tet10:11nrco:peeol:a dael:isso:ct:khsba Ito° 116 mkTh:Duacelh:glike ett osn7t •
but-irr sprm .
were no niver—ited-for three :all •
turiet . after that
vim a r4( „a vat • it
all 'that is needful, -tile more men
Wou14-2-eagerl -
teach.'' This thought joins our
present -lemma with the last.„
een established Beleuet. One
le situated .in the Falls Road, an.
other in Old Park Road, and the
third in Donegal Road. •
The .b4tlY i.of an old Age pensiOn.
awed fltt ark - Consty weei, -found
tient eireureetttneee, two gunehot
wounds beteg diecovered. An ar-
root has been r,„
e -ongue ft5 r.
Vi 2b -5a. o i us vs e per
bridle, w tele though small, turus
anti govern s the Whole body of the
great itoimalretta-; similarly, to a
ship'helm or rudder, which,
though not so 'email in eeroparison
With- the .'grertt ship, and &r weak.
risort villt-the fierce wi
Enjoy Aeriat_Mnsie. White. Otis* In
Osiete Roo .
A traveller in 'Beet:ern 'elide tells
us, the following story. of the Chi-
ett_tliele o
• "You ire in the -employ ef that
• -
:03.411 NV110- ran the .buttet fand „egg
shop, • •
"es, responOcitl the *nee
wo Petindt' 0
master's tablelie said he'd .send
0-tOWSraffer irrbrrl Vhe roads re
'en bad:" „ '
•'artieular about hie tradk.
One of the nunt curious eiTtels-
.`ons.--ot-eirtetionalelife -14
the application of whistles to a
flock of pigeons. These' whietles
very ig 'weighing hardly * few
I I •
yet turns the Ship, in the face of
the- windt, whithersoever the gover.
"steersman") listeth
(r. v. "fwillettit"). Even se (like the
bridle rend the rudder) the tongue
is a ItttreTiiiiiibTr,„ and bOilite
great thiege, "vaunts reat wordt*
Neeictltoting idiot* great stets- el
Hint for Bi.eittl a mg.- ter
ittting light bread in the even to
a --e,-vo7teekes-it-TietretveirtxtruAlie
"ans-heforErthe-hread be
town th loaves wi rise I 'os same
an est al e.
tight' aeh
wheat flour. add on. hilt -eu
taken ma, This makes 4eUgh
SEM -IMIlf 1
ilk JO
Saints are never
in in mirrors.
a the .grithauti fienr doe
the white llourt does. More gra-
ham may Aertitateirea..._
Spice. Cake from Bread Dough.-
-ittft-br 44 -twee -le
I -it
et; email teaspoon dissolved
itt water, 006 pound sititus
floured; Oreitiu butter; and -auger;
add beaten .yolks oggsl. add
epieetit mix with . bread *dough;
add-rautineI add well beaten; white*
eotla;.Lbeke: very
ido* ovenone
odoenut Belt
• 'PIE ,
flour*, t*o .ttiblespoons .of
otie.ltalt cocoanu :two, „cups
miik ist, this, uncooked
to andl. bake t then heat.;
the bites of tgtO, With two table.-
afigar, and brawn in ,oven.
nt, Pie. The Yolks of three
r, cup inilk,
and one tab▪ leapoon
e Boit to-
se yee. tell him said his money utter- Ittur.--e
wiro so t When-the-liteas Ily
the blow. through., the
whistles and sot theta. vibrating,
thus producing an open-air contort,.
for the inetrumerits in one and the
SAM, flotk: are *11 tuned differeet'.
I 9. On jtereoeLetet in Pekin'
where .thYtiso. instruments are menu
faeturewith great cleverness 'aftel
a. *
ingenuity, possi to
thit Music while sitting
ones root*. . •
.11040AlivoLitlistine;t; A.
.aelitttleteethose tontietiug of
too tubes tilimbed ide
tYplt 'pliteed on tlie prrnciplc �f
' -,...431.40--Lai,....„-,:. ..,.,.: . . .
iThe , .Toegttie.ae : *. 1 e.
:s 'tb, it. - Whet.ittlie next e0M..
atiSoti 'tiieit by 3ame,? "The.jrctcci
t ti.±:11:10.14tIrth„,444,..$7,
orld r 11,..1:,filatY‘.9i,•...o '
"And what diirhe Saki'
"Said so was ,your blamed old
butter." -
And ' et,- figuring tiny, *4
ote wan toi.twhat.-.,.. every._ WOMails,
00Vta Isn't ranch as compared .wsth
what near to.
wvto be faith! to _truth
is, to follow it.
or experi-
set d berth in your shop if )OU have
,nevitt. do aka!' wrth
z Ceritemer would- la gh--
••tked----Iiim--to----tery-a-b I -of nur
celebrated Magee Heir.rer.”-
_Appliesuit-"Aye, but I'd be thee
the acgernitritr,r4"li. rTireVe-itte)Tegtir-4—
of-that; -eau, atieet-smk
,sniversliitite:utba4r, found
. The laggage. .ear . does. not go_
through on the heavenly train.
good.,deal of generosity
ludo* se.14 ef'privitte meannees..
The--lorget --hearted-
'large qualities
Vihatever is given b
metiiir thei
e -ganea
The:only way to fill
ter's **eon is to empty th
-17st'rletirece-lwiet"sai Itirbiee-ZeOPY
Koran, now treasured in the M0-
hantmedau city of Itrum-Iteze,
Persia. The coverts. 94in. by 41n.,
are of solid gold, %in, thick, while
greeious stones set in eyMbolie de.
signellgure in the centre And At each
?Pim cornett). Tht b�ki3 rittn
upon ) rolitnfut, ii,nditinspartof,
vEery man' e view of this world'im
better for his being blinctio. some
of. it.'
It often happens thet-the 'punish -
merit we thielt, is remitted it (Mit'
"It takes mote thawunday
dre'axns of be* en to moat*
t. the tongue v*n
ole b.dy nay, the whol
ievolvzng courst front'
I e " to ;the ' e.". . .Vbe
of n*ture is liter&l , . the
e *tee
,egga for
ot watInts
and $1111, -
this -tti
tie fl
qu*rtte e,
' 4. foist