Exeter Times., 1909-06-03, Page 2Z' Ike them, 1
0, 0,0 °;vir.e.
0 street."
Ifoon wjt durnbo
in owti ti
Opposttzon to her whes, for
ther usually rcceive4 her comrn
Id in silence, und was alwayi ac
ty iibtutyour ,
t. rue fr1
ey a.
iie teat tuks make you
14.7 r , ruheZ iiotlyt
• oyee
EO t
• it zccthed, tho,- as if cruel
w4rdB, "a oc
be ovrn in her £ae
"..1W14' :don't you
t .of .kwa ,silence.
ow 1sLIur ergot hcrself, and
rnd an oagere ti
for extracting
teeth t" sther quitIy
"Fifty apiece withGut gas;
e'dollar with." •
Esther opened her ,purse sin4
inspected its contents for a
moment or t °
• ThtilAi Iookii
01.4 cliAtver
tsYou .mav.
„dflyinto the,,
• ont the teetb
ought to bo ro
'and L 0 ' not
u eas--I can n1y
xxix$t „.1.404e,Tht....,fgatZ(.04,04,1!iroliii,.,leit aln,*:e ,
tii. . 'opefl. yOUr pat '4'
4 ,,eertainl .1.0i1.1
- to t.
my . in y ,
her, gravely,,.-.
.."and .1 will ac
r kind offer -upon ono lc
Lfld t at. is
hat if y(nLr cxicmon
'perfect atipeeso,yott,-,'wi
eto p.y you, Iiundred
th, 4140t. '-. dignity., P
"They may .as well come out n
afford -that
1 me hew
,"*Virh , the crack dpnti3ts do. it
right_ g'," aid Madge. ome
ofthem ght-lumrt -tar
to..mako for the,etbers to go
- into place, and then. you'd have to
we.ar a metal arrangement in .your
will soon, be over,"
say, Esther don't you do on
aueli thing;'".Vrattir-Whis, ma r
,:interposedin-a---frightened .4
"1-1 dont want to ..see you :have.
any teeth pulled'!" • _
ell, then, ;Frank,. go into the
tAtittip1.49.°14 d * •
w o
couplo of minuto
can't. stand #
he y, who colild- not bear pai
iniself, and ebaralt"just as mucl
rom Ix it in others:
not," &titter &sot
anyone ,
uuch woilt donetik,,shet,
you ka00,1*,ahe added, as aho
0,iver. *kr 4114.4kler, that it tests
. • '
Esther siglie,ti- heavily as she di -
appeared, for 'Madge rhad made her.
feel her forlorn aituation 'as an or
ban and' O dependent a hundred --
ough he dW no t efu1
141 would nothaveor il*
o open aft acKuntr" ho de-clare.
'The loos I -have *4 iseov
.n t .£1,700,and
-Upon .Rct
in t e A oounkr$ where there are nc
0. tips and where wall. SorVieeo arc
!c Wil- ren'clored to e stranger- withoul
and, says the London 'Pct
dancing ea* u r -
no,: ho n ,31,cath-crultherE
0 „rubhor bo�tswornL by uew
rOnl Tiny Top's. glitoto
• ilt0t1,8 9-4 lea,The.re are fo
and Wi
of IL the e
.iendt-lan ‘vre w
St,lhat point now; Nve. wilt tako
li--firorstOp1oloArd- 'snotesa,
b.ctereshe left his(4404 he:liad
art men r
1,0_0 ft -
be orejur elto
tn,ou.„4.tti' bewas very
moot afraid, give up the
• att e.t
-tiVm, not. afraid)", said ,Uothort
spiritedly„ wave
fusing ,herche.eks ; been ea1104
not to be willing
ato effort to improve mY tppear-
the effect of her words upon_ her
companion, Otv_Ahrulitir 4exttod*_. the
But She -found her strengtji of
Veld is .Waiting."
den't believo za‘mma
like it," peraiated Ii'rank„ as
Esther laughed:
"My;teeth aremy,own," .she said,
-4-1ittle -We ndent---toss--of
her raven h "so, if you do not
want to tee me hurt, you had bet-
ter • go." -
-And the boy bolted for the other
room, where, -plunging his fingera
into his .torw, he threw himself up.
inga (;# nez e ee •
times when. she was almost ill from
the pain and .ssorciieSS;:when sho
could eat no solid was
we upon. 4
But she dared not cQinpIzun, Or
make any sign to betray her suP
fering, lest' Alia. Mailman -awn
fGrbid her to 'persevere in . her un-
dertaking.,and so she 'patiently bore
her pain, making heroic efforts to
be sweet and gentle with Daisee
freaks .and whims and to her
wor .lfl ix
r a
Anfrett t° akapey416
d;oTmW 141 ntune,,0 Mrs. h n and her
tar g
g tux-
instrumen r, to Lake George, *t
he,inoketins-o srain-1
a 140440 bVthe 1ss 44 the
0nienta cotistituertts of.
iiicb means 104140, flak- iine
sati8factory restoration, fnd, the
rolger propped -but soil;isa matter
ts4 sriPlication than
any Zan guilty of the offence. of
inVonation o an old worn-out
o0ii: to ha lien wouldprobably
I 01 ft. which
loweriiras ,than Iiocn ab
ind question isMrn
ab best.
.feeding. of
stock oltcrs the most ready avent
for ,a nnancial realization of ti
product8. of the -Soil without at LI
-same turie• selling off the fertilit
The man who bit a bo h 'animals _
der to cover ti
- and.
ith. This bay 1:
*ri a visit to
this country, te116 au'amusing.story.
'vbtorsti-ftionot whom abe had
sUiFforis; VW on leaving gave the
maid ,a •
did not know what it *Ont. Sce-
Mme . golinhers's,, Son eMning'
downstairs, she ran to hint,ind
said, "They .gave me money. 'Did
they give you any?" Rearing that
roneh mystified, "I cannot under;.
stand -why. they 'should give it to
Arifc 414414to you, when they.know
ou, much better ,than me," was her
PetPlegt4 -comment...01:0e inci4tynt.
.duction of pork returns to theaoil
the f_ooa,.CleniCnts,, which the giain.
AVE lAlceir-Wayr/rold it,, but there
Are still:further possibilities in:the
feeding ,and' lirushing of cattle: or
, sl`riOW, elfin; feeding
whih ,gtvg the value:to crop rota-
tion, •clover, alfalfa. 444 40tat are
made very 'profitable useof, and' it
of - which.
ake,,as the mrrOduv,efratto.orrof;:peropstaetrvon
'int'. reasiti itisr
th elds.
arose; awl went .to th
glass to examine the offending
teeth. . ,
ogl_z_e_ve.n4" ikhe_ said 'they- are
well-Oluipe4,ond aswhiteas
• milk here-areAumply-too-many of-
, them 'for my mouth. Lrit have at.
good ;dentist before(
4.4„:0110 our ,ttt nig: let -2.5,y
up -
en the troy, -and the worst, was
Ether wacas whitolis chalk,. but,
rible--had-been- tbe rdeal 40
"You area. brave giri," ssid the
dentist, 'as li. brought her a glass
.1'ortttito, fsvored her itlier than
hat, in this plan; tot.* week lat&r,
rj. CUelitaaA ordered her to take
toter j?zarik to thc family dentis
se, we as,
on CftIT manage to run int
doT should like to hovel "0
'oot, nut
alde* Blu
n boots; boots,:of
terisla and gge-tr,
a vet there isnot
inywhoreJ -Th
wen on the ShC1VOB a
board boats, ,
.rea y to he _token away by „
A, -OA art -two
l?oots y ere ,either
This- hu-ir-assetablage.of-,04w--
eon0ista— argely
steeks„.„Ate thoush a eurpristiugty:
the 'mirth, take tight; while
it fellow a "left," will. at any
--works.-the-w 4ng.
- di. iiio_they'are..separated for-
ever. Both ultimately' reach 'the
Vette of the one -legged, B,T;Et NOT IN COMPANY.
and wide. Many are 1:1iihaed by
or On behalf of
li`tom--here is -suPPlied
1361ipol for cripple girls, the
ers zendingJo'r three or foji
boots at One6,--tibile for
Iady in -
Canada some 'friends livin
1,0 r
- 0
gond hem to her.,
"Among ouetuatomers,'said ,tbe
manager, -"old iouie who bave
come tiere,regUlarly. for t..
with us they save money.\e can
single boot for 0,,,X41*11 at
as, low as 2,4144-*$'' you
go to an ordinary shop, and you'll
• v..eio.pay_actn.u04 Or very_ pearl
• as lunch, 'tor one boot as for avant,
Some cu$tomeric hae stuck to. us
from the, time when, they wanted
children's sizes to now that they
include several ono -legged,
ithe_imyisrn- re cycirskg„ -sh-oesi
Well at single ootts.-"
t --eirk;11
-bog the pr. 'uc
uf-tlius, Vika, if170 tatt1er7t.
nto 111.011M i‘11.0ttict, Or, Otit,
k%' and ,v-a_TuttoblorsieLaTtits$21-1;
ijctusi feed is ,ua11, and the
is aye on the_.
ggeE:MflaEWflLtifliatcIy• ,
by thosc with the of nether 1imb. It /IV dflauiryb., ii6te!
to 'be mated or because the other -
ha beenlost or accidentally des- •
in taking horne a pair of new
boots,has lost onek,of hm. At
a removal* or, having been put, to
dr o near the kitchen fire hia.-
*con par ty inemera e very'
mother knows, again, how *dpt
children are at kiekin off a shoe
wvi brk 'to bwdmie, gr
to that. youthYa IeIig14.
Ether made hoW to broicl
sub'eet :1$0' near her heart.
" „3.11u ,ever•atraishkirt ut
ttetiff he irgiu
ken h-er for a.common
But ntortt her ,16441ko toinney4
well-chosen 1anguage, togdher
th her moithfu1 of irregular
h, eta4td his elotter
u, n i
the .. moaey froxnher., '
tempted to return • it to , but
4501nettiing warned him that the
giri WS*, proud, and woulrceent
theat. --•
• 0,
*sting into thc ractpton 'room,
er wen 0,
0 on t.
"Are they outE'he cried,
init't in
which erMo
'and you' can depend.u
Lib beiiig ,
pure. Try thott'
4:!1)id you6406141
r 40
th eat
Grow' corn on the 114u:der4allow.
other .words use corn an a
_asit- nisy ba with compar*t
, ittle expense,
heroicr oOrn
field wi ea• thorougbly rid
weedsand east as though cunt
ecl all litulibler With *Crop,* end the
owner will have s thirty, forty or
c laikte
from a nL*mbet of leadifn
ave :tested 114 and all -whom
claim wada filo' It by the
1oot and hocet late
those. wbieh have been lost zi dep.
troyed and to`lthake of oervite oneh
an are in hand.
.Thosands ,of pairs are, however,
made up of boot $ which are, strict -
1y odd. One mooy be a ‘" and
the other a ‘g7t"t gut' unlined a
('0 e Inc
btltio biotic. And great
r Otte toot or lemi. dinimilar
too. At the -ennui —here
oidelight on 16
barncsdos have f,o hr crected to
tin huntera in or.
his work ]'a11w
?bleat that corn
in din* to AO* wlu
agoocitop. Ini
true, but t
coinplislted by -so
Pao, ‘-ioftisi slirfitig