HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times., 1909-05-27, Page 7ref -0041.0 I no terra negottatiOn at$' Iwith the, 1:4 t4 , , o , he, n.ight vzew of thCm, lir 0 tht : I asYO ,' utare „ arteoni4vtu'it., , I rtito privraetc. " t importaeco Of Om oeeana, to IthUIaa ' it-- nations, tieNave1oprnent of ,,.... a ler a titu , omitns tQW$LIf1S ing ers. e it d IT . iv:tell-out el i ss...._- iLlsst it _part. e e TR k 1 t t t., nt , t , r.,,,,o1_,..,e-ye.vcyon ' ams , iiirrolilt-er4WirerittlilerVT s: . ,r. , .,... ,., oyers 4 TCKP 0 LIVER. t a cletir idea of life's details, T 11, . T F DI. c tage of ore and wheat iritwelie. iiilliTai's ilexretZioiTirtlie MI • W SKI* relation to, tho ret .10404' Of. life 4earlupon the. prieeti al thinge ofi e'''''''n'4 °4. Y°nr 11?4vigable i rel)t*i' '11° (lneati°4 °f 'ag'1"(nuent 'with „ ....,:ts!nd;tort boats, is oot. the whole chamber at Whitehall. , 'COASTIPATI. If. but if we wish to see their proper' y br* ging Or 10iti ViSi0i44 tO 2.4.4'iyil.,41 , \ LOOX UP. 1 i to, A we je . 4.10rnto bet, mirk,. in .frontCim: the Patliam . -Buil or heistility to the Ntother Countr a 0 . ' . rir, . At lo, ' . , .aty,n 4-X.lAttitaV.W. • 174,4,1111d 1vznity within us . f 4.0 Mtritfall.li''- ltit a gu, not -, be Merely . but for. -y hes 0 t' olliPseit was taken from ' i Illother Country's; canoe. If the eternity.,„, In two. way, we ma 0,0 one of the “irriniortais.0! 1 Spaniards. We cannet put such 4111MOther COnntry _oignid not .w,in the 14 ,. The, great Hebrewro4os sublime, a rtiement of modern British; syinpathy of her kith and kin in her neva history on the Lakes; becituse, quarrel that weatit be. 0, very strong .0.0illooPV,O.Tubaour n:,lbssoll.,413.4. -Y.,4gt 1?-43,--fea .,e,ltee,,Sieieitststtatee.rlesbaer,os... been. „ tee,' presumptien thatsltersviarrel ,-‘-wara - e. to gOrlide Witti-Diertidininfilit41 tiOt iiettli poWder:air Sti•$V4 aro 9au. A an els, t we , can find sente means of , re- aware that sometsitiet war has "be t . .,_ v stst. , a , - .. 10A« 8 '`us, on estshine00; the--LitkeeSswlin 'afterislied4itortlirys-=-13.utte.-riek - is .. . - . -h niteU becomes our vision!' v. SICK HFCFt. lifting up our eyes on high, we see the vast arch that spans the. hoes VOTIS. it is thou We see with trotr- "what rnajetic Immities daily ego-the/1s 44' or with iukin etuelY, "The Inytery of nt -mon* 'asti recent, visitor 1rittan do. Tenn 'son the sea waves breaku o eten Peasant lf,,as 4 Halal -ofsisfrnitsires. I ;., 4, $ k;ronpease, snssi ny cases entranc' -WA esetem lily carved and ornamented stare rise.- • • nt, and alwayshighly prized. ,- Iniah-ealle nreirsto -1-ook---at the ne day, the visitor was express- stars because man's ietion broad- -adzrnration --iiiir ISeTIATii efif:70-1 Tiligthree'sris-7----thts *Ida- - , .o-cIo,» wffen fltrttraine punft/6 vew enabIfia -US to liallaitalitrtiro sure her husband sleepily' ZProlker--re4a- P -u Ar;tr,Part; . bing his eyes and wanting to at W44 the matter. She V explained to him that the tor wituteel to tiee the inside of red then explained to the her sgssod-niatts1 flthing since dawn, and war tired he' riitors shetrd-Altni i 1 ands. ting ttir-elYe on' Wisere an otitS-Pklate gunboat miith oil le matter 4 01441-11011 0 Ho .111' i ma ' ing froth. • • high we 'shall' better understand :he --an.: irritants- itorse reotlerrisfeeling his nots.htiensroused• Warsznado with aiy fituAt in oe.145011- bOth 43411 40d God an4I-Parn to aP-1."Ar.etbnoo nfigbt, aPeettilY Provoke: are not made any more in the back i• Tomato Creole. -Cut in ellset, IL prociate_moro0Ally,...Jiie-kg.t.P, :' 'imnavalente,rgWhatevereneeWhateverOe Larlors. of rrreepensible autocrats. .not too thick, six -large- - - ei, form"e-1. . _ ,baYerdie- Siiiiiitiao6 . Withtful:.,reee4t1 - --- - t, 14e* • In n ,. ;until th'eam »riug 1i!sts Nit etsbutter uid 6tre11 with- 1jisLT 1;11 Jot ,cteamor 21C i TOL • -iirliiir-exer Serve as a vegetable. Flernish Carrot. --Boil ix. or eight4-414, 111:1-Aak,te:0,:r%),,,ti:noeset:stjah,eabud4)euaiter:outk: r.sticll-terieler with a< Stftig o parsley ehoppesi fine. Turn off water and add a pint of milk and one-third cup, of butter, ,§004$011 with salt and pepper and terve hot. For Whip Take the Vitte of threes -eggs beaten to 4 stfff froth. Add pint of rick thick 4r4iivu "44bar andit"°432a. tea - • P•••• , • • I did. but net ed 6 WAS ssthat wa-Mti $ r • ulI dres • ot, and a e th refrom e same conaatonP While h usbandslept, madame' -hive had -eta children,' she said, c'and when they -were little I used to put'three in the top story he panels and leave them With an -Cala ` mind." ' , GAS-ENGsSE WAR$RIP. es•British Adniiralty have st et, the producer gas erigine /Wel purposes, vvitich has re - Or power pro uce • lied-insplacese ngine rmerly.l.u.sed- c stesni .engine weightd 159 bore- the gas plant ;col hed touts tswas..toutedN sleets xperimcnt t-ftillt-00---penzen he fiterwas saved, the vessel was ibr ionss,ors...noise -n e:75 W . • exposed,. here were .a number of other de- tisetivantages whieh commended , 4.• e nava ex- esiel is. being built doubts the Eillf6- -_robiemsseonnecte ith ooling t piston and piston rtts-oarefOtssettgLY dlcl e hcfOre large OTTEIPTAT/0 AL vossox, siege , sekiso -- Ittir.;---ROBERTS-, f sit*Ntti tralni,o4--°1,1-541e1T-v-g!' southeoterri---Europeshefore--usssausePstegies-fe rairiffiWiroP- . . . ,,__ .„ _2„.........-- , Lit, posrsene_es. eis_.---.. ,b, s lifeshereafter, . '. .,' - etra"-Y-,-*-44mutt-teaca-In449-1-tug--4-432-a xperiene*whieb- fty4oati.„-Atzo 1,PC4-aWot,,grO ,Itc.,PAP.R.ei_0;77 ' ta- . shoot. *• would have restated in war first and isPoon or hopped onion . . . TRAIN' IXG STAT/OXS. • -discussion afterward --we are quite spoonfuls of butter in ;mall pieces , . / , willing to take out chances of agree.... Placed on eaeh slice. Season with There must also be; of- course, 1 inent- -with-the- _Mother Country tialt and • paprika; bakein oven training stations on the - eatern1 without a formai contract bong en twenty teinistes, then hft tite to - 'sr tes,s,Halifax ., and tared ititolteforehand. Anel„ as we mato slices on warm rounds of Esquimalt are , avitilib167- NWanigiiiilaepect iiiir t le common 1 mg, • *----:----;'---- ------ -- cet a lia ideal . uterine conditions. I officers tvould be selected because( Rhubarb Cobbler. -Line a .dish se ., 104414uzili* . .,,Rofiat 0. ti—g-iiiimi67---*-- ' w wince, . 'commerce, govermsetit; I spent the summer on the Lakes chiefs. When the WM. 04146 it and pet in ougat. ."liseticies.--It- its -die -drawing of would he-lents-somestesthe- Atlantic, vouldsle sten that the loyalt o . Stir it elidhtiyi and put it . , come first, 'faith or works. It is erfectly plain that he considers: oth to be =mato' (-see also v. 24). So doe o Paul. There -is no. tradiction-hetwtenA. two onl difference of erePhasis. ._,„))..0„,„WAAT Yeti ,DELIEVI: Lesson 171.. liellOving-tand - a 1:144 --61-Aildeit-Texts Introductiop;-In the famous definition of faith,. "Faith "is the substance (XV. lausuranete) of butitcji;:ri*:=00, 'proving') of things not seen" (Heb. it ; 1), two. seemingly opposite elements of life are- set forth; eubstance and hope; or evit aide =Add---invisibilityror itetil 'aft and ideality. So much in the world and the universe is mysterious and incomprehensible that belief, -trusting faith, is eseed•for at every turn; and yet that belief must lead to-positive-deetle;- -to things that can be teen and handled, -or life is fruitless and vain. itielsseolumbiashaevpoteutially se of their.,,,eapasiv_te essusuassd,,,w With rich thick trust take Ns.? , 4 the betas e v ee,- viinter „the youngsters Who ha , .. " a i p ,ett --froNif ow 1 4 $1111Thill h"-T—Itectanieltt E: • ther15441eita-ate-th•VW1-- - —.• - t... Sanwa. the son cl._.4.7,ehedeg, tomeiirallirnArt7-14? ,was the brpther of John„ was vet* -,M c oselesivirattleircrisia,_ Ins liSlb-etirrs-Vh --: We ' e to suffer Martyrdom (Acts 12: 2). 2,S Tainesthe epre of Alphoteits, one ..._ an m kand the Pries 21$ cents.. \ ITMID btir Ts L. Puidy,: e been troubliel *Itli haid, dry oouZh tor along time, especial. y ist nlgbt,, but after having tueel Wood's Norway Tie* srep, for tow weeks, I finlimy cough to loft mo. To s. Amy person, sufforieg ao 1 dia, 1 can cly that this monody is woll worth *trial. bwttboUtWin til dissolved. Take r e- pintl of kerosene, then vas indite tenger. Mil quarter of bis -to half -pailful --of- warm wafer. -- - - -'-weserwork-stiterrnights-wi lent. , How to Use Tueks.--Cut off the long strips of :Lucke, which are um- fouud in thes-bacies of shirts - waists. These make neat trim- ett-the-eeiiars- - euirs of house dresseg, _slime- irthe little "turn over" se briirsit-utiarwar-e* -t-Allures- eJfaAfioto boeorlio Ill.eXr.tne,b:t,Canadianr'otftCe---Wirteri- 7`tit.f.it"difiati:,,L6tAttitjtithjidh- om s'out into new navtg-itt tiP.--cfm-,--ottlir,r(.4alici- if, -all-the-one. *rust -and akessisrich brown - -- an e ithr-mt-fe-ith, t I - • ' • he erust the world of human activity would Australia and Japan. When etnastinto a loyalty to the Empire which come to 'a standstill. diari wareldps are brought to Cana- i is greater than us all. 2s--Thessnecess d” n coasts they must be equal with , wessifirsesssim $ berve are constant y tiger, even this practical age ok relying 00, naming of battletthipeaftee solusesies The foregoing wags written, at the oar words, which are hie mere expres- a'a We have "" tt4e at sion df faith and belief, stud fitil,se naming of Blinn" United States to--put's-thoseeswordesinto-spractifess wvertionnt!,9.,,,,hde.Tt,i Stiabdrastte_t ofl- lames's day,' to learn that such s of We need," as much as the men of dency .patriotism_ has been _born faith, or, rather, such an expres- in us, as well as tne other Eng- .,. lish speaking peoples. into email piecee and stir into the rhubarb. °Place whip cream on top and serve. -Breserszed-sPineapples. u y wiish-thT, fiiitHr euggestion of friends, after tomollower leaves, and trim ;rev most,,pra& ice it remarks of mine At a public gather- of the- crown. Cover it. 'After grained wood. As the varnish dries ing in 'Victories before the dis. pine is cooled, I it and Veigh it. %sures equal -weightf-augarsitspitt, • ,between Great Britain and Ger.! to a deep kettle.just large -enough many and led -to the remarkable: to contain the pine, with a ii.11 Of outburst of patriotism 'throughout. water to each pound. Boil and skim the Empire. The Dominion Gov -t until it -becomes a clear eYrup. In ernment, at the tinie of writing, is i this boil..the..Pine twenty minutes, being Armed to bffer Dreadnoughtielthen Cool and put with the ofrtip to the Mother Country, a method' into grails jar *MI (eat air tight. of showii d our devotion to Tamer- Spamsh „Meat BAHL-a/fix one sion ,and pretense of faith, is a dead thing The question of control -of rela- tion to the Imperial Navy -is not difficult -of- solution. - It may appear difficult to °Yee (accustomed to the nieasure ofredtitpe,. and to men of ,grmi twe --aPo hi -other' of Uatthew,, who ' alit° called the son Of Alphs.eus. Ile i 4104040, A.- 1000 and laced 'between rip ef insertion whole -yokes.„and-eu'ffs 'May be Made-. s jr,mt . c ten can be Made like v granted Y 414 Pathatillg it with creautscolored paint to gives it a, body ,alike, and n dry go over it with a. idark can.be, mule to look like* " it`ci=ntafruetorsp4iVinernr" *4- :::14.-n-nro ates them. The chief naval necee- quickly it leaves it darker in some lesesieLf4g.itisreesens4 treatea in the, eame way. How to -Wash Quiltser-DkwIve a bar of white ,soap in & eupful of water. Run into your bath tub suf.. fracient warm water to cover one quilt; make a, good suds, put in tho quilt, and let soak a• few minutes. 1)o not rub, but tuve the washboard, eelWelorflortirres- min 'it (71'irilliam the (onqueror, when' weresslot _ eti lifAig 4 With -the sitys-fo t, T?. -"nr-ls watssoitIrtlit-1)Vier-61-lste , . • . ., ..• 1-`,'Offieerst-Part-ms lens/sone theme,' d had fallen in. love .with the -Princess ,.. way,. glory in the unqestiOned pre- vision of ono„ two or three:battle.' 45 Weir: Add one , .. ilde---ofss-I'lansiers- -.Shessstes,sf emmeige of the British seaman'. ships wOuld do • much to othuulate fine, one chili pepper, lsome -para. iml*athattetlYzarath- -a-cr- - ws4biatt,--3v.hoolier--w A, &vats oirit of whielt I have I ,:stro7tierolitoeerslieedsline, the noble lovers ,who were anxious loaned to us, would realize the diff- wri ten. u it-thailTWit'spress tr-Pit to win her band. The wily ,Nor- ercflee between getting our instruc. stipulated that any vessels BO pre- water on tho stove, and boil five mr--studied•-4-ier-einintieter---ca '''• • .• 111, anti takin in. 'Wed bY- Crine.,14, would .be lent to minutes. Then drop in the meatmeatw en et • 4 , ,„ .44 from the 441116 source. e '-- . e- riltr-enti- -1--oursown-serows— — -- isalls--es:....4-hoitst. siiiiysfiVse-tm'stistees.--- - Ian of campaign hc rode into the A very little tact, and capacity to are ready to man them. 'The knoiis Red Tomato Tairt...Thit jstm. " to'n °sea*. when she, at the head' excite entheziesm would imbue ledgc. that shipa were provided in only to be tried to be appreeiat of a pnrty, -was genielreit :Church. every" * ,z1 * lw I 1 1. 1• 6 i ...,• • 4 1 --:-...--"-- --------= iii-4'10WarriMia:711ilt 1101114.""tirt Of • t t 0 ndid-tteeditions, of-thesthan-anythiog....els $ $ , it ,b4ixed• her tars soundly, -04,11; Navy; and make them: Teel . their creations.or 4 , Caseadigoorita: navy. 101 -4 rtertliip--inssits-liespeate'stime .i or�usly in theurl to h. he everything would. depend on the . infuria en rt 1 polis le- .ss r le-reirge cootdo' t * cn Ilia' r I firKla of t -P -.VAllia 'he -loathe, at . nfu o tip -r *--,..,.. crush 7 -i -----**KV--,- - to:lter--fat "that,, iteiiitEillitie ,-•,L,T* upon telteetion, "isle had -Costes' to .;But, set in - pi-a-tii yi:Ttrprepare-tot .torthmrtrolsricli-recatours, t the conclusion that the only min 1 .-twhole slowly italindreeskin.initodk,ecipin 1 who could treat lilathikle of Plan. war, must not your Plana, front the the couplet who Should,. have been . beginning; be bated on the assunip- married at St. .3afines!,. Stanton - dos in that noinnei *hatild be her tron that . al, $4;11Y moment, the, dui. herr, the, church which, at was -re- . Imabanils---irtotYs'wer6- married,. Andleeiplsrise-0 410-tare---#10.1tget4P.4141t. Ontlya04119,Xtretb„*" ,1,1Pt .r -e10:?- .. turned' out ,to be one of: erative 2 otnehodys must ee ea for ritartragia whenirwas Cbit., -WORTH-Irs.NOWING-2: - PPiett, marriage* in the his. orders' and somebody must o ey. (tectatalifty years ago. TO 'legalize id' holes iillinoteum tory oE royalty; 7hitirould (lairds ad then 1 flow the thousand or 60 weddings which ilor, out a, Pkoe of linekurt you 't`,0 *WW1 the danger that haite taken pleee in the, „church dur, cover the hole; jay over hoh _fretmss'ibtrslirtteelfsintl' itii-`eicistonotiapeci4. Act.. - of cut on lini . ;hoed of thesCantdian navyt istment will have sharp u site aix dots not independence mean People from all the surrounding - tack around ft ssible neutrality, and, therefore, districts congregated at St. Peter To open paekagei of breakfast sible hostility. 1 • �ad ., ' t witnees theld . reeent cerertioni aitd keep boxes in adust-proo d there is. no need for alarm. i itrs".11-ree*?bfetlir'entb4a;Yin, leipoon. thm mitt' the siiparerii - *nom. isroptxrc, 1 ioae 'op its,, against, the tears of tliO e ince tIO o be centuries. The presente .of - wards. The flsp $ i ' 'aliadiatt cOntingent in Sottth ittat 0 lirrprising . .us. ins --colouitil aid. . when tord ..to Lens- 0. reench en. bed qusrrel When the seats of otd por EASILY VINDICAttil. II • tit ed rdbo-ard and I I otou.rii. tti‘, p otror 01 Breath will A hat ee are worn i faithe, we •haves tbe experience. e r o' t 4 , happen, twoott anvI .eliallenged ,eskeh other -1°,45'4 tbe ...ng 'fted for theeu - out, US11,434 Little is known--- of his; lit 3.- James the,brother-otour- the author of the ,Epistle.. --11T0-44ith_andjWorka-the Problem tatt_SA44. Ilow does the pas. sage ZUCulinit -Ot er Inarine products taken that tike credit to thexnseltetsfors from the tes, is 110,410,wo. heating the law and observing the Thc man whocan't button his outward form of religion, while oaL hasrasslethes. ..enough to vs at the same 6146 they bow down, - before, -the riehan4.404741,-the poor. trims• res,s en tits ev ot- _more then two terru been, re.eleeted. his troubleeotiiit corie, .4ting,, the woe of ooastipsti,on I ghly chewed, owolleitedifl' haste, weeded ead. ()rods* t that all such religion •Is empty, a. Mete profession Oflaith without he deedi that prove. it. - Ifs, '7#41,1cwithout -- W�r Vi.° 1541. HOW 'dtioit Tames illo trate •the empitiness of this formal religion? BY Imagining Christian Et who aredestitute of eommon neceasitica, &kr- clothIng,_They sre fellow Chris- tians, with theclaims of.•brother. 'hood and eietoltood in Christ, that should trolVe all church themhers to help them. And hero COMea one of these empty "professors" and graci- ously soya; *part in peate, be 3re warmed `,11.1160i btit t*.' .aWjho iatoes awl ore the akirm, Cut tubs w the frut and remove the ds. Put impsto- Ite - ber in _a pan and add the juice hoiling every pounds kl om_texadving from the_linek___ tied -quilts. The bath tub preferred " because' ofshape "stet con. , - Ue don& ol nisethitie elf - aro tine usi. boa .114 , In rut- &DU Ink 4it4i*k oolutien cf oxalic avid (one, tablespoonful to ,one &ma of water). - Mat tar or wagon grew thtn way) -Alternately *Aug, and turpentina, 6 'ipsiting nd mites buy *1 or our libib take y id cut it np tor *pr. 'over the *lxil� fr�nt of your skP