HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times., 1909-05-27, Page 54113x
u:its, ,excelleht, quality at bargain prices. It will pay you
o see thew, • Also a fine se1ecte4 stock of Ken's Clothing
nup.todate style and latest -shades at the \ very 14weit
ens i-Otht Pants11%7 cglA
3.50 Pants.
va the inost ezteiaivo toe o
f the
beat goods we bave ever handte& Our
Stock of Tapestry Squares are beauti-
Ail, qnality excellent, prices the loiv-
,They are selling fast Which
prove s our values are right. We have
• them in all shades and designs, sizes
1 .1
..4101...OPt44- 8iI46, etc'
Lace Curtains‘
We have just -received a 14� y
Stock of IeLt Bats. Ala° Meleih Boys
litizene The_ 0
Werare offering speelal values in
Curtains Curtain• M,uslins, etc. We
.4,ageruukcjeat,stgattAmxt ardiesa
Ot cost,
Just a few words regarding this de-
paxttnent. To clear up on a most
auccessful season we intend to elear
out the balance regardless of what is
paid for the goods. We carry no old
stock from one season tot the other in
this line, Take advantage of this op-
portun;ty to secure a bargatn;
See our stock of Tien. Shirt" Collarih.
ancy-Itests-,---flostery 'and- otcii-- all.
Our Grocery Department as well as
all -other department is filled with sea-
eanialire-toods, you wililind our values
, .
' • lilehola. mud 'ebi rirenv 'of „Kat
-1/4Fgrio' ito
sy! kEITAilerlorttflaftre*-11%.
S TI)Seee'We, tiVe ,fi ''• 4Qfl
.Lkkttt-lititi:- 'Y1,lUtct.tt4 ark
,4..$ 'Ar''- ii-fta,,,,i,
, ,., .
oes 'TV
tivo rtts,t Oalfae4 A ,bebzill VV. A4
01410. betiveen:74nrieh' iud 14,redita414
Our boy s went laca tba.gafilla
timid, (Why to tieverni of t e team
to he away and thnee ad to te ree,
placed with meMbers • from .ttti"
Brownie, telun, who however. played
the parte like professionals. The'
firs game re.sulted in favor of the
boni• tt,fS114„;)47P-,'iaM9,0
The seeoxid garrie eict 'uricb 11
to U. Umpires W. W. tKerr, of
Some featur s of the game.
F. Kerr's long drives to the tt anis
Farm "Produce taken in excbange for. goods.
. A Gall Solicited.
C1-1A.S. ZWICKER, • Crediton.
Just- Arrived
E. Wurm proved" himself no ama-
teur behind the stick.
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Trevethick
spent the holiday in London.
Rev. A. Y. llaist, of Berlin, con-
-ducted quarterly eervicee in the
Evangelical church Sunday last..
• Rev. J. C. Damm, of -Medicine net;
will oectipy The pulpit of the Evangel-
ical church in the morning tind in the
evening -the meeting will be in charge
of the Y. P. A. it being their annual
41 K. Eilber spent Sunday and
Mon -otet-of- the -sr Wage.
Mr. A. B., Kuhn, of Stratford, spent
Stsnday. and Monday .renewing ac -
„pinta rites. •
111,: Chriitts-rkthilaer and -Mak
,spent the. haisis
-with the -former-`,s parentsi.
Miss Emma 'dad Lillie- Wein and Mr.
Harry Webb spent a couple of days
at -their home here.
--Mr. C. Bluett spent a couple -of
days in Forest..
Mr. Howson and IL Fowler, of the
bank staff, spent Monday at their re-
ispeetive hoes in Winghttin and Sea -
Mr, -Ira Brown spent Abe holiday
with friends in Berlin.
gam-Buk Cured a Face Sore which
Defied all other Remedies
for riva Years -
. .2L large consignment of buggies from five of the leading firms of Ontario
In all the latest styles and designs. Any person intending buying will do
well to look over our\stock Wore purchasing. No trouble to show goods.
—Vehicles fully guaranteed. A. call solicited. '
We have just added a new isathe to our shop and are now in
a position to do repairing of all kinds. We can repair youwrBtader
lit factanytbIng. If you have -any -roachlne
AliSs 5,1eirrayt, at ThedfOrd.. forraere
y tiiacher- in, the, /TAY Oho:tots. ybited
at Mr. 9;-Qtiltreisheris sive? ,.§unflaY.
Al-tw lit. • IChl
.44r111119ACklie 7;4
gr,;:sa;ndlaree,,Pftf f" .ilvertorte
tile!e'd$4, 'WM et. ,litt14,
burg, Ont..,'says:-0I had been much
much troubled for over two years
with•a lore on my lefteheek. I tried
-all kinds of salves and lotions, but
'nothing I .procured-seerned to have
the least bit of effect towards healing
the sore: Hearing of Zam-I3uk, I
Containing no opiltn, chloroform. or
decided to give it a trial, and see V
it would bring about a cure, ,.:nsyss.s.sty always slenatuid-Dtsigliaolfs
V other remedies are offered, ! telI
thern No 1' Be your own judge! Sold
by V.'. S. llowey.
Early *pet -lotion ro---.WtrTitistti-
ASK "tea NOmeettaitasi• Passeiltxr
. 0410141410._ Pillif.4414,14140.140110
APO. IA. *.atalig‘" PILAVikkg-halo.
nuarT *P4a, •TV
liSSt,t9t4 bald tk)),
4;0. ,
- anti: 00 aI
.o iLta ItSiged at 1r.•
*144,1 I:40, Lamily
o rigrtr. spendhvg-e---the4toli
at Mr, N. Siebert'. "
Synionds visited friends.in
elmnden 'esVer the- 2e4th.
Jacle*Prseter, and family of Zurielei
„were visltdrs in town on Sunday, '
Trueutner, of Toronto, pent the holt=
a the Goshen
KIrktOn •
only of Dr
announced the victory. J five or ten days ony, IliV-rt,
Mr. E. Drown, Of Torontb',” pent surprise you. A few cents will cover
th..• 21th with friends in the vicinity.; the cost. And here iferwhy help comes
Miss Nettie Moore is visiting , so quickly. Dr. Shoop doesn't drug
friends in Brantford. ,' 1 the Stomach, nor stimulate the lleart
Miss E. Maize is visiting friends or Kidneys. pr. Stoop's Restorative
here. goes directly to the weak and failing
'Mr. A. Tufts of Teeed, and E. Tufts nerves. - Each-orgarr has -its -own -cm -
of London, spent a. kV days with' trolling nerve. When these nerves
Mrs. W, J. Tufts this nXeek. ' Frail, the depending organs must *of
We regret to announce the death necesDly falteu. This plain,. Yet • We have just receive a lot of wire for you to do yOur
of Mrs. Thos. 51eGannon. "ifth line vital truth, clearly tells why ' Pr.
Illanshard, on da
Tuesy, May lath, Shoop's Restorative is so universally Spring fencing with., We handle the celebrate(' Page and
aikt wm-iiiirvcratt-vraPrtarridari raezesaa-t-Its-tueteavtokainnwit peeriessAnoing;Araioil---Ratb-,- IN----4taticit
ehe .Unglish church cemetery,, follow- gists everywhere to' give it universal
. 1 II (1 S ss r(oForiable as you can get elsewhere. .
. - 'f. . 4- --&-L4---.L.-Azia , I g.
ed of -the -departed- One- - __, A number of Large Gates, all sizes.
line. 1.
buy 1 rom the best drcs goods a a ,
an save- yon 49t4 io to pelx 9nle andfa
lgoic throngh our Dress Goods before you buy
arm_ Producc Take in Exchangc
car of1'otate this wee
•ell by --tt large number of -friends. We preference. A Ltest will_ sure y
eincerely sympathize with the beretiv-' feold by. W. S. nowey.
wee entatt„, oe Petroiti.
n -F -on -before -you ---buy.- --
The entertainment given by the
-- - Be -sure -to -get -our prices -o '
spent the 24tit ut—dt er the parental '
lire c1lebrtIon of. Victoria -day us mem-hers sir114-e- • , -baseball
Wockdhatn. Wits a good stiecess, con- ii -1)811-11 S.
sidering the fine weather and late club last Thursday evening was more
seeding, and the receipts were large. successful than the boys anticipated.
has been mA big stock of Marn- Senour ready Milked Paints
:-Iars. MIT, of -Flint, ai.-
, every One thOrOtighly enjoyed the pro-
The.hall VMS croWded to the limit and
spenditsg xi few days with her moth- gram. The 1, receipts aniounted to
Many friends from this vicinity at- Too late for last week. . B
er, Mrs. Thos. Elliott in the -villages about $10.
tended the funeral'of Mr. -F. Kirkby -The _farmer's are getting alutlauS
in St. Marys, on Friday last. abeut their Beading As very little has
Mr, John Wil:iams Is busy plowing b...on sowed yet. -
and fixing t he gardens of t he villag- Mr. Arthur Ralph had the top of
100 per cent pure
uy your Irdware From us
Prcduce taken in Exchange
Mr ,-, StiliVOLSgssiFssstwk.IM ft,4100-inglAssUaltliksof4441$540) ,P.
*. r. 0 as -had -his al ing a surf out of Ale
ssine to be repa'red, for !the season. .1% rs. re -pleased to Say
is improving. .
Quite a 'nuMber intend taking in
the kports at Exeter Ole 21th.
The lender leaves of- 'a harmle
lung -healing mountainous shrub, give
to -Dr. hoop sVoiighl eme—te—WMar- ▪ _ _
As tickling or dry cough can be _
-velotis curative properties. Tight
quickly leosened with r_
-• Shoop's
We wish to -announce to ourmany friends and to all those needing .
Ly yield t� the hea:ing, soothing action
qn-c--- I Cougls Remedy. Na aniuult no chlores. Ing material that we are in abetter position than ever to supply you,Nwants iii
tickling or distressing coughs, k
of this splendid - preseriptiod-Dr. form. nothing, unsafe or hareh. Sold
by "W. 8, flowey. Lumber, Shingles,Cedar Posts, Laths, Fence Slats
Shoop's 'Cough ltemedy. And it is so f
safe and good fas ehildrene as well.
an assist you in any way we can.
Lafayette, 'Indiana, Mr. J. M. Mc-
If you intend building a house or barn we will be pleased to quote price*
other harmful drugs. mothers should Itepresending Crouch & Son. of d
'many other things had failed. 1
put -Chased a supply, and coramenced
i with tthe treatment. After several
applications, to my great joy; Zam-
1 I3uk has effected what for tsso years
,I tried in vain to bring\ about -a.
- complete cure."
.1 Case after case could be quoted in
; Whieh, as in the above instance, Zam-
s) Bak has worked cures when every-
thing else tried had failed. There is
Te_-reesen for_ tie& Zamenu is. t-
, Zurich)
Miss Ida Weber. of the Herald staff
was lald tip last week °Wing to ill -
The Pollee Trustees have granted
Evoy, of London. Tast, week tASVCIM i i - Cornelia and -get out prices,
, - '
oat a warrant before, Judge • Elliot ,
for the ,extradition of Charres P. Mc, The Dashwood Planing Mill C •
mahen. a Biddulph Township far-
mer. to be taken hack to. Lafayette to Dashwood, Ont.
Answer two charges of Fraud. The
alleged casei of fraud are said to have
taken place last March, when Mc-
Mahen visited 'Crouch & Co' S stables
in Lafayette and purchased two fine
- '
stallions, one a Pertheron and an-
o., United.
goo.i.up..4. u it It - ft 7 . li 4fteeesvitriferf ,eee--Reme-
.. Away back In the days of the Ito- _ le .sir.c
ows and in fact anything needed for scouring and cleaning.
---ifeteetell .ftet -Thuredale-e-v4ainge--by-al sentrtioni theY _g_Ove hirn the 'horses 0:11/41,nLye sehold Ammonia, Bon Ami for cleaning wind.
al, to,,, , . . , score of. la to 10. .._ _ _uar.orz_thr__ntfor a sma 11 417= idjodsui te tahnedtran:tregsc.
used for healing
arena and la_ battle. . cawing mways stated that McMahen made an assign -
ling of cuts and injuries cy.a....vim z,41.2..a. .
a period during ' which ex- bean tTle - - for other debts. There is atin -$4,110a
ment. and the horses were claimed
Lreulare-an..-tha-horeeSe......elMa ba- in
i bee i paid.
need -art occasional stirrirs.,* up taker.'" theralrom_heierr.
constipated, bilious and general's: run down., At the se.me
timekthe bncative roust not -he s_o relent as to shock the system
an canif-sli-ikWan---esiclases. -
Then eame
, by a period in w lab tall tI4 salves
c rro.,t 1 and embrocations had as their base
. . animal_ fats. _, ands_ _Miss -Zara.aluk„ .
1„nuarks...a new epoch._ f_t_ILatisolately
devo!d of all animal fats, all mineral
colourieg matters, and is e01211,03ed
entirely of rich triedicinal herbal ea -
tracts. Zamenuk is a combination
by the moss isodsin scientific me-
thod ,,. arid the result is a balm which
cures when ot11ie4, Jari,. ,
Shin diseases, such as eczems. rings,'
--,,-WOI-Oo,-,Fnit---TtiW"nr-f---Ott&--Vratrte---itOb..::-- --
ar • . 41
• is the ideal treatment fix otir felks' livers -never fails to act, yet
never churl:D. ' A toelo as well as a laxative. Best for cene
iveri utOtaachard. towels. Take -en 14-1t-tiblet_to-'
night -you'll feel better in the morning. •
_ •
-01-"wirrl-rgiVi'qs-whiVh-rivEr-dire-Rilitig at
en you w wan some 0
greatly reduceeprices.
Ask tu este' atrr patterns, 'We 11 -an pietist: you.°
house. We handle the Celebrated Sherwin-Willimas Paints, rer
cognized as the best paint made, in from 15cta,r-
ture took like new. Call ' and Jet us tall: this paint proposition
over with you.
Farm produee wanted for which we will pay the highest price.,
.. .
pile s it fine i-eaeing the mnin_anil____
inflamitiatiov... natl., hastening .1011 -re- ;
,1 111eyrs. elfligr en's Soree and erisp-,
11/4.0.e. bleod-poisoninis, seratcliei. old °
‘eos eds, varleoe, • elcersi &c. All
• 1
, D1.. e,is n,)(1 Stores sell at 501s. a .
bo. 0.. i 0 t -free ter jiriee from Zatn-
fButs Co.. .Toronto. Itefites, harmful .
tee 1 chess imitations, issmetimes re-;
presented we 'tut nu utioth" -
---4,-- .._ ...................._
, _
i• Sh I i) Itsti 4 1
1 Mr -4. E. Brenner arid- son
epee:. a few days in -London last
Ivet.4:. i
Mr. 11. Wing arid, daughters Pearl
and Era, spent a few days at Ilam- ,
r. m. Ilolt and daughter. of
,Sarnia. nre renewing acquaintances
there. •
Messrs. M. V. Esvoitzer and It.'
Schroeder. were in Parkhill last Sat-
urday on husinea.
Mr. Ezra Fahner, of London, is
Visiting at bp home bore.
Nfise I... Lochner; spent Sunday with
Mr. and parkl. D. Lippert, of
MI's. Thos. •Ings, of tendon, is visi.
„titil her „parents, Mr. and Mrs: M.
Nutab•-iri3 from here spent '1i:4th., -of
May at Exeter rind Parkhill.
ML-. McPhee and grandson Thos., f.
fain pre$ert tion Is piTiftel upon
each gar. bag ok 1)r., Shoop'a Pink Pain,
Table,. %&yoUr fleeter or brag- .
gists if this formtila is not cornpkte.
Pairs -Means connestion._ blood pres,
'Head pairs," womanly paiat,
.any*&e.t -
trik Petit; Tablet*, W, 5. Mowev.
1 ig a Tonic you want! Physicinglowers
great Strain upon your vitality and un es s you put the blood In good
overtake ypu. PSYCHINE-is the
regtost of Tonics and should be eterffrii-artifireiii
I the year. PSYCHINEassists the gastriexatesAnsiteplitinin
eir digestion of the food, cleanses the mucous membrane of the
Stothatb, and ha an invigorating and beneficial effect on the muscles
lind.nerves. For Catarrh of theStomach, Ulceration or 'Weak Stom-
cb, Dyspepsia, the use of PSYCHitlli, is strongly advisable.
SYCHINE Emily on the ,St6macjircstores UM* heirthit_CPridifid
iiiits7thrOnthiffeitont titoptainthrintstorgourc,-e
ed and strength to the entire 4,41 ett#
CTI kin4. Is the *Weil ri.
For Every Meal
BraturSyrup" is delicious.
Used with plahl'Piiddritgs or made
up- with pastry, &Id scraps of cake,
ere., it makes a delightful after Aittner -
At-supperi[1s4usEtheild0eLt* eat
with bread and buttr, toast orbisettita.
' -is syrup at its hest and in its most
delicious and wholesome
fop •
It\isprepated in a perfect
wanner Iran. absolutely .
ppre ingredients. It rs far
4liead of all other kinds in
0 s
YOU: thluk it's WOrth
otpk., ptt tgetown .
. ler bait fet &a
20, Sttb s8 20 lb. at tlght
wlth ilititiff 1W. *Art eptoe
the victims of (mrly Indiscretions and
ones we can rcistoru tO manhood 0.14 ;.teyt
the spark of enerrt mud vitality._ Mitt 0,6
up In despair hocAurx yKu Larti-tres.f_eiL_If.ith
other doctors. wed Cede° belts end tsled
_various iltsigsterettee_tnali_____
Otte ?few Method Trelitmaki
. hfiedreds WM the brink or despair, has re.
stored happines4 to hundreds or homes ,sidtt
Iii s made successful men a those who Were
"down and out:" Wo preFeribe SpecifLo rem -
odes for each Inillvidual csr,e meowing to tho
symptotim mut Otinipliestifor***114,.„Wiro,ho
our wendertul sueeeett es our treatment
not fon, for we 'Jewell* remedies ads1ted to
etch Indlitidtml 0.66, nifty tar*
espied. W. lows 400 istbASHS.ilitivitiVIrit
Canada for over 20 Wart.
nEAntil Are you it tiCtItut Mite you
„ u *pet aro yett Intending to marry
iias.your bleed beets diseased? Have you sox
weakaAs.? Oar New tAt'et/ictil .Tretabown*Ifill
ou. Whsitt !As clOne fOr other/tea will