Exeter Times., 1909-05-27, Page 3o rig If lo ',*!‘); A re1.4 .11 othe Otiof ucigu o ed pJ.ccto cothurn the cience• heote,, 4:.? ther day an eluerlyllotuA e t, 1, who possesS1 distinetion of beinglsrobably t rest -inan,liater that *Wet'. • • far, indeed, did 'he t'arry her 0114 V is.su., UA a great deal of in- iti"ouusvntl,e9Sildtrilet,_atbreet*efveigknow. The $wifl 411134 e mpire pun* riety: -Japanese imams, embro-dery is used o r,14,00, 4,7 gowns have touches (.4 haad embroidery on there this eeason. --„Zar...thessurnmer,sparasols sloth:IA& could...lie more novel than the Eng: • lish chintz. Cabochons of straw with jewel Centres will be wee on some of the .smart hats. •-Ski-Stings- aro 4near1y-all Ur" • Mai adds to the long lined effects seasons ' patterns makes the daintiest of erskirts. Unusual are some of the French, cheviots, which show the Roll/Orli stripe effect. • E±ceptfor an Wet-sm-ortal---man floune, all trimming is put on in unis•'Pils1 for ta, ave hepid PlOre.w0M.u tothe joy • tied health and...roh st' htrcngtki Wr:icficinc .world, These Pills actually make rich, red °blood, which reache$ cT.Vq„ part of tikp tq44,,,terf4P.09 every organ, and makes weak girls and women bright and well. Mrs. A. Eagles,, Dundee,Ont7s sessrs-"I titirWrititirtliiirretter-Of itintatt:* tude to let you know tea great be-. nefit Dr. Williams' Pink rills 4ave been to me. Pram- the, time I was a girl I sufferedlfrom weakness and fainting spells -was always doctor- ing, but it 44 Mit help inc. As grew older I esenesel,to grow Worse,. to water. Sornetirnes 1 would faint as often as twice a day. I suffered from indigestion. I eould not walk, upstairs without stopping -to rest on the way, isW ray heart would i tete =ese. v41441,17 aato...pi'oduec a smothering sensation. I grew SO te (Jretonne belts with figures .etarnpcd in +due are to be had and e- quite charniing. mimed while the .uppor pa a - - " evelure' is the name given to ,. shade of brown, which, being in- terpreted, means half brown. 'he newest colors for gloves are champagno and the lightest shades ol beasvn, even to a bright yellow. Otie' of the novelties of the minute inade for afternoon toilets— -4 , Trish crochet motives made of -10;14440.5toR4,4:14-40Well4 Jare artiong tne new trirn- oj*re4 net or tulle -sleeves have inIng of gold net. This giv just charinieg shimmer through • h lace scarfs, scarcely seen since tbc tdays of their popularity twenty years ago, hare again made an appearance. • on. 1 wu4. iti hisharea ful condition when Dr. Williams' Pink Pills were broughttomy at- tention and I began taking them. ottenellf---T as-4tn--mnprorenien-t4rr-lue-.Tap Vherirbegan to.grow strong-ef, color began to return to .MY face the fainting spells disappeared and sadtially,-I--vsas-brought-tosa-sions dition of more perfect health than I had ever enjoyed before. This is what Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have done for isle and that they have sheeirs----ofs-slasttur-ls by the fact that it is several years since they restored my health, and IsisiivissverescitriiisAteesigsstt ever since." Wiliante-Pink-Pilts cure for all troublet'due to iniiture •-watery -bleed,-stick-as---anttentia, rheumatism, neuralgia headathee a •r; 8, dattall, Vitus' dance, paralysis, etc. Sold ty medicine -dealers or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for 82.00 from he Dr. Williams' Medicine e g ntlency for istisreS, Or 'Stitt* Itstliessrearin .edge, it is a sign of it:rest:Judea and weaknesp. in a man, modesty in a 11 ,1 Mt' t rnct1o(f has put bis views to practical test, and on one occasion, having elosely ob- serye4 a strangerss enteringht* iiouse;noticed that tis "Wiies—Were worn on tho outside edge the tip of the 'solebeing roughened, while the test was still as good as new.He was.gonvineed, that the Mail before him Was a scrolindel, and on the very same day the individual was arrestedlor heft. IT HAD TrWL1311TATIONS. "Madam,'Ciiid the young man who had called at the door, "I have the pleasure of introduting to kou sat matitrierasezelmatang machine -a, imple little thi s wzueh. Viretit• W war o ouse eati- ng, leaving you merely the general supervision." "Dees it do all, OW denianded 7 "Wb,v, no, madam, but---" "Wil it take down, wash, stretch te dry, iron, and hang up thepar- er dujti,ins r- ;' of course, thisemachine-" ". "Will it 'paint the kitchen, anti• mike my daughter help with the s • • "Oh, madam, this machine—" "Will tit wash the winter bed- etsitssesesZia:Mivolv, - urs with moth halls sew on but- -threeF-111*4"4104s-sittisi pity the household V' • 'No, madams _You „have misun- derstood the limitations of my ma - P -"Limitations!, It will be a long time before any' m.sn will get up a machine to do all a woman has to do in her house." • th »r0pty t fht the clTerent times,deeided ti band sad,"Xi:night be let her e in peae .• • Kidney Pith e Mr. Thonlpsinenr terrible trouble etexteet with a pain in the back. LIP, grow_ tilos. doctor treated her for sasnidlee -14ii mint weeks. Then her feet and legs be- gan to swell, and it was realized that Dropsy was the trouble. kor seven monthhe suffered. The docitorsea.id. there was 40 hofe; lio mlatdi last resort D Kidney .was slow but graduafly her trengtli- amc back. To -day Airs. Thomp- son- is a. well woman). She says, and the countryside- knows, she ciwee her life to Dodd's Kidney Pil If the disease is of the Kidneys, • le wheit The pideil7br?finiftu.P.(1141;d1:to‘ her4' that 1: es unique from iplcom'flOfl, altliougftiie'omParas fail to get a- bottle , of Mother n not tively few carrytheir man -hating Graves' Worm Exterminator; itis mania to to siwile,1h4,044extrmerz4vIejatorigly,h,s.who an effectual *medieine. v eattlfy grow , .p. r from cheeks and, , Meaning, a. , .Here,, ' nili (Ali ' wolanu in Caa WM PAW* 8140 Silver Plated 11016104 Shears irsite recently Atilisrtiseas her abho-• Wise se *lot of/ valuable rence for the okilleiter'sfic by pub- time exp age g -Some of the things Hely refusing ,to accept a legacy they know of other people, which had •been left her by a male - ts the .imitatore o relative. Her , servants, toe, were •..niktoltio an a gond nnme.and, decoving all females, inelAding her "coach. 00an," who as, up tilt the middle 1Ono what f the m4:ar Don't b� attlat'gra of last year, quite -well-known gent!ine, "The D. t L. a , A*. Bloomsbury,-,agatti;. etelfiVe jerOW In order to do so we'require your help. 1,3r • wbArtiotrArAiya,,,,pr,y....you. Write us for. full CO.. Toroute. Oak. 4 not long ago, a woman shopkeeper, took the smaller apple," said an who declined to supply men custom- "experieneed 'mother, "Pis] you let ers, or, \rather, 'would-be° men cus- her have her choice, as I told you I" tamers )oti any *ITU whatever. “Yes, mother," her , son replied, lEteregiablisvnitnrtralril-Orle-briglitly; ftrtOid her, if-stes-dtde f the kind usually known as ti,,,„.410Dee_thee,:ereellee,_the_emilfin,X, tgenerarihop,Yriiiid-We eccentric y , get saat all. She chose the sinal. ro • ietor Wised to sit-in-a--littler-leri-mother-l" -par-ler-in-the rear. HAD LEARNED SIGML If a man, no knowing her role, Eyes Are Relieved By Mush)* sales Trritp fed by_stholj_Duat IPA u• y at D'1 ST selts=b-erzliizziepe : • • •minter tailed to "het any reply. Bo 11;-intlrall"trn• •I terliShowtliurtinvitirring"he-sr -64;rearrince might be, orhowshabby her dress, e wassgramonsnesastind 44 . bac• helor. Iltes either ivaxried a widower." Milling -"How can you tell 1" -andlady---"He-always- , s back when he opens his pocket -book to pay his board.*** sty personified. sss They Cleanse While They Cure. - ,Thestransitionifis ysinteesseold The vellOtathle eemPoll,Ads ,ef • sum L r strain upon the system that ticipro- --intert4174;liXtiAtlele,eale. $413-fititiitfirinf1er kii-atikitis:--A- common form of disorder is elystes • te,ssiklach -many ale prenee-r the pring and simmer, The very best medicine to use in subduing inful ailment is Dr. II Kellogg's Dysentery Cordial. It is a standard remedy, sold very - where. ' Tlitir MYSTIC WORD SEVEN. - Ras Been Used in Modern and An - dent Religion and Literature. The word "seven" has been con- • jured with. In inystieism, • literature and character it has been used by those of ancient and mod- • n times. • It iiictures that whieh • Isimplete and full rounded. Rus- 'ii_l_filLTStme.u_1414rAhaill rlfrhnTh far,dritechirecture. He argued tF:eothing -could-be=adcled-t CEEDED. He was neat in appearance. • He had -dignity of bearing. He was never late in keeping his appointments. Be had no conceited and arro- gant manner. Ile believed in his proposition. Ile never disgusted his prospect .64'. truth, posies, beauty, life, -Memory and obedienve, Eugene i4,. on the other -band, in -the fray of life saw the sum of wickedness -his."Seveir too, thought thought nothing could be added • to -pride, indolently,- -envy, lusary, • . gluttony, avarice =a atigers John wrote of the -Seven Follies .`a Science." Thi S made the core- leztetin,--Thee-ee4,;(,re "-the .qvut ;attire. of, the iluplication et the cebe," "the trisection of an tingle," "perpetual motion," **the traierrautation ut the metals,' "the • • fiXation of inereury".and "the el:" ixer. ri-f- life:" The wonders of the world are many, but those of the eTte-firli ey---were e. id, thy. Celossus of he great Py s, • -0 0 tear- • IlasSUS, the hanging gardens of BilliY)ou and the Pharos of Mex - entitle. The Christian world finds the fruits of the spirit, as named by • -rood the Apostle, love, joy, peace, lett* 'suffering, temperance, pati- ezue,irakel---gkiletlerieste tteipe-theeent- Ineiiment of the vtirtues. In 'an- other sway -Its stating- the( exbeeta- tient of Paul a modern niinister opared a series of Serila0,19 upon Seven Cardinal .Virtiles,"1 phzng "P-reeious Wirelerre' 1.40, "PrincelY "Kin-gly Tempe- "Inspitire4 Hope." 1t1 t the modern Inini;Aer' pla3:lapon tlee titles ef • - tne--pteettrot 1 own good: -7--Hessnever-offendeilst by undue familiarity. Ate never_attaeked his competi- tor's goods. -He never ridiculed his prospect's ideas and"niethods. . He made a. careful preliminary study a his prospect's ease. He• relied on solid - argumeet based on facts, and notion bluff. He never got lost in a forest of ick- esserk Ile had not been out with "the boys"1 the night befcre, showing the efteets. He never talked too much. ,He gave his prospect aChanee to Jin his his needs and position. e-Coidd"a-fiAver'"cpreetietitr-e-e Ofeetipirkint i1 nine - lid convincingly. Zniu-IItsk Cured a Faze Sore which • Defied all other Remedies -tor-Two- Years. Rev. thasles E. Stafford. of Dridgebtirg. Ont.. says : %tad been much troubled for over two years witlia sore on my left cheek. I tried all kinds of Salves and lotions, but nothing I procured seemed to have the least bit of 'effect towards heabtrgtheer-4eariit• a'atir-r tittAVoliabringabulatature..astoman things had failed. 1 purchased a suppl • an conum several applications. to my great joy. t s rue z rola 40 eat . 'away -the little mice- will sport an' pI4, but one or more g,its taken in when the or cat shows up ag'in.' A -Woman's Sympathy Are _ion discouraged? ret Zs= doctor's bill a heavy financial.% load?' se roar rata a. heavy physical btirdera I km* 'vehitt these mean to delicate esernen--1 have been. Macau too; but learned how to tura ra *Self. Want to relieve -our titirc- dens. ity_not end the watt an *top :tit! dodoes btit? am do this tor 7w1 an I it- assist- z 113,..r.s-zr. hoz Vireurratttrit* er-r411147-reiti:kTe steme stamp). ear entia . Wri to -de far ruv tree treat. (1;" 11.c4, -P 7,1m-BnIcli2n syYrtrit fro. _two. yes tried in vain to bring about—a complete carer:" Case after case could be -quoted in-iv:hick, as in die above instance. Z-ain-13uk, has worked cures when everything else tried had failed There is a reason for this. Zara -link 4441. 44* • is the ideal remedy because of its unique Thew s R. gums 'Mew t Unless,/ email. ingredients for all skin injuries and diseases. grim trona, goIS fro= badloworsaaelear cheek., Away back in th,e days of tbe Roman att. itiletes lmolk ban* curs -1 klub. wer,:t or glass -sem .5cCra .baimixere ',Led _or the wee It allays infautumaticu and *hears the ale e beaiin composed, mainly dandelion and E.MIl4r4% °le 0.1--.-stana*-an.c1 rnd7r •Itillit'aithwit- restore tho deruiged organ •-15-tliey "ate he best remedy • for indigeetioti available to -day. A 'trial of them ill establish the truth of this asser- ton and do more to convince t e ailing than anything • that can be written of these Pills. Country Doctor -"Well, Silas, , I (much coneerned)--"Don't see how that can- he, sir, seeing as how we've never burned gas, but alwa•ys used larnps.".. • The averagekvan_no sooner. does a 'kind act that he begins to feel big over it. _ _ -*--Lottn -RECORD- OF- SUCCESS - ing all sorts et cuts. burns and bruises. as well an all bowel complaints. is held by 'Painkiller --over 60 years. Avoid substitutes. there is but War "Painkiller -- Perry Davis', 25e. and 600. Sentinel (on guard) ---"Halt! Who NationalTrovincial Elate Mame Insurance Col* rirliiaed1Il1e1Vi41%1'4=tidalZl4.(441X g:e steie/. Vol44e at sitsluisionttAt Potolti Province of Qatari°, addrsue . 1 0 'WART, Vbief Adept* • • , W41411 Use ALEXANDER WARDEN, %Ate trsasuier Presbyterian • Church he Causola) for Red, Veak, Weary, Watery Eyes, Granulation, rink Eye and Eye Strain? t Smart; Sootheln. Is Compounded by ransrleneed Pbtl•- clans; Contains no TnItirious or Prohi 1 - ed Drugs. Trytiltirlue for Your Eye Trebles: You, Will Like Wfurine. TrY It in Baby's nyes.-Jor -Sealy Eyelid. Drug& tats.Sell Murine rse. The Itfurine (We rural/ Co.. 011101g0. YOU Talc- leresting ye no • "O'n tient , sallady to her meat pur- veyor. "Was it, Madam'? You i Should have sent t ,hack." "Yes, I meant to, but my husband was - Cobalt stocks bought and golden oostrehalea. Asair mitstios mousg.,.ustifs WO, ._„gersbere Toronto ElnekRuchauge. OTO-•,..ttavrroits.. what he was going to do he cut it up into strips and used it for hing,.es on the henhouse door." e a day and establish ~- - Permanent business v 9 1 r ei . mum? ati Tao= gsevanaloyous,odeiguhrit 04,' nl: . every home. aro repeat orders come fast.' Exclusive ter- , ritory en.givDept. 5�• 5114 TORONTO,' ONT. of careful study of the irojierties cf certain' rtiets auct-heriec ttiett action ,of •such as sedatives and laxatives on the digestive apparas "tits. The suecess the compounders met withsattests-the-value their work. These pills have been recognized for many years as the best cleaners of the system that can be got. . Their excellence was recognized from the first and they •espopulerl ' in all sizes, complete or in knock down form. , K000_1( nown`Framos and Serni- Flnlshed Hulls. Dingle at1-4 • Yacht Tenders. ROBERTSON BRCS.. Get el Say Street,• liangibut cartage U4 dill Le during which .xtetIrrieral ba4leirlinsweztIrctrere tt:grrierilecte6rit ta1e -11'711-"it g iRiTiWor 1-6 11P - followed by a roied in which preciate a neighbor uho thinks he is and embrocahons bad as their base anitual fats and oils. Zare-fluk marks a new epoch. It -is -absolutely' devoid of all memo tan. al _mineral colouring mattere and is composed wPJ innuturate,-51xyrArd; two thronzh trabrw Chicago to Seattle. Wash.. via St. Pauli. daily. Low rates to en North and Month Paeitlo Coast relate- X-torty-page-folder descriptive, et-Ahle- Maxim-Yukon Exposition tree for the asking. For ieforrsastion in regard to rates and train tier. 'lee write °teal' on J. A. VbitICK icnzifig stArast. Teroeto, oat. " ripe eburah-seats might be appre- ciated more if they were_less un - T% ortable. -fluksis.a.combisationoWativressrie heat -Ili; "hertar juices by the utast modern leim.tifrernethods, attirthe-ystult_i_a_,a, hniret 14 did not try to close his pros- whiessures when otbers fail. . pe efore lie, loul worked him up to a oint 'Of conviction. salt rheum. and prairie Itch, are speedily Skin diseases, such as eczema, ringworm. He never lost his nerve beeditse "el"me by il.: rcr PiEc5 it 1° fine I -es -ling the pain and inflattitnation. and hastening a tliC prospect pregented such an un- cure. It also b 1 ce yielding front, and did not forget ulcers children' es es and 4% t3. s, sor an eruptions, that battles are won by hard rallies bleed:poen' sing, scratches, old wou , at the- fiaish. -- , - -- saiss.sse Ws -era, &c. Alt DeUggets and Ht' knew his business when he Stores tell at SOc. a box, or post-free for made the approtiele; talked clean -1 Price frorri 2=-1311t.ett., Termite. Refuse cut busines3 after he • got in, mad& barn" ..1,1tl ,t'aP imilAlioas. sometimes it his ibticiness td fight all the way reriresentc"" lust "g‘sch1-7 ' through, and do busineeS before he . left. better. Are your Orbs Weer to remove than those that others lime bad? ai- nviibee&t▪ iTiifl-1-1/1- 111ailoway's Corn uro I Try a b4- . tie. --- Keeps, the „Muscles Pliant. Men- given to inuseular sports and exercises and those who 'suffer mus- eulrpkins from bicycle riding will find . Thomas' Eclectrie Oil 0„000-etestle-AL _ • ItcteaLtueLlnettineeiirileiti: isTar Comic. -Standard, classic _ an Sacred Sorto• Marches. ' Waltzes. teeti--Lane4r1-1--eir ' otteatiette Coiiite epee& end Educational instruntentat Music: ----Teettotilcottheiateosesstareetoricanstuate eo,..eurreecee :we , theltWdaterst, very low rate on the dollar. Wear. prepared to iteriftoe the entire stock -for gale at priest utter before offered. This is not nid thelf-worn stock. BUT ALL Inv, niotern and -h,andsotnely illustrated title pages. and works that sell. la ttuo regular. way • front to nattier copy. Ourprieeraesteald,while Med( tests. Slagle Ceples Sc., for ?Se. • f ter 50c4 3s fer"Vt.00 apetial mitts TArger tivantitles. Stamps accspied as cash. Wave no ratalogoliir this nussle. When ordering state class ot mugs matted. With our many yeari, experi- ence andlusinsm_res neibilities you en SaftlY entrust the seleezioa of your ardente Minister's Wife-7"Wake up! There are burglai rs n the house, John." • Ministeree"Well, what of it Let them find out their mistake 0-6---thetnselves.'' "That,' sir," said the feleller, trittinphatifty, pointing to a marble timepiece, "is a, magnificent speci- men of the elockmakeee art. That • clock' will go for eight weeks with. Mrs. Croxton was 0I))05d, 011 principIe, to giving money er food to Most of the "soothing" syrups professional beggars, but there -T/0 and powders a.dizertised to cure the: something so forlorn in the aspect of ills of babies and nung childrenthe dilapidated vagabond at her contain poisonous oplates, and an kitchen door that she hesitated to overdose may kin the child. Baby'&.tuTti him Away. ,Outt Tablets' are told' under 'the Haven't"you any occupation I guatintee of a government analyst he asked. they contain no opiate or • 'N hing that °aid cal Til_41,Y2411,* o h absolute safety td ivre null 6 al.ments orlgtnating' in disordered r kuo stoinash or bowels. 'Mrs. V. Young, Ischich will helP Paver says itaVirtge thtid Baby); TM Tablets for non - ordnance '00.tiptiiOn and trouble' w being itscd!wlvert my baby-. was teething, and ''',Iolttiore,. rn iihav.6 found ionsrar kilo* fO dea cy- 1 bo out winding.',- - ir asked the • en ereerA "*111 it - with winding V' When Father Time hangs up scythe hell be no *newer without softening them or impair- ing their strength. For bruises, sprains and contusions it is with. out a peer. There is orre--a-affee in 64,000 Q. of.onc perrort's finger4i identical with that ef another. - ilisehseasses te Alt lima aro frieetts nix> tiller. Ilaadatis et letter* testify 0 the fact. Or aceidests and sadden sniergeuelee, swelt as estravid btsisee„ they dad it invaluable. avoid sabstitetes, _Owe ts hut u!sishillet .-eikeyravreeetiseeedmie THE IVOIILD%-i'VEALTII; To „possess all the gold in the orld would, appear, ' to most people, Si tetible burden but; pro.. viding it wassufficiently insured, it would be little or no trouble. A ronglt estimate places the value of tubie yard of gold et Ai0,00o,000; so that all thegold in ,the workl, lted into gob, con. bi h. All for (ire ettalogno No. 7b pim 404.11 c 1,1taaard P1-1.0N1A. "1101u ou "And jou bave neet tried tato our own !Mogi" " saw the tramp, straigb ening Self up with something dignity, ton *1110 AtleMt, FUI earning t riiht to Ta." "Dodging as*toi lia and Califomuia. could taby tucked away in you Alt thnt woubd be requir be an frig), s*fe nine fret cuare and nine feet hih..TO give n idea. of how s*all is the little ube of yelbow nietal, it may b uitathi that 'the gntd with *hi ties at sligestiv riments tattled °sty rissfictor liars of the Guelph Agricultural -College, ,silitt the Iluntars*Sabletrs, , talon all the necessary precautietis to itiStIte accuracy, be deter. mtned this digeetibillty of varieble eerealeand furnished the (0110/1r. log oitsalts ; . • Percentage of the onsttuint 4tgested * *0*** kit* .44 ;47-44 92. ..*** • 1.141 2 acordng to tis detomtnsthus ORA' triG,E MEAT is to er altiable ais a Rod then breed, litent totes of ORANGE MEAT a large reWat te peleciti4 in eves? ackags Of cntiolacugm, ges get a cash p-i7enf Seven 111364014 thaikflo teir t.).)Ilars. . .31 ktt svhitk