HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times., 1909-05-27, Page 24 i ' .. ,.... ,, ' 1 * • bate • 1, ,•t tt. . i Si rtet in many year* z with the qrtirriinfte a e que of Canada's pert in neval defence, halt been 'scrimps one of the most itneventful. In all a hundred and alztys'one hill* have been 'pasted,of wh-eatitsok0i4OttSt.letsliss.ts011000W ernnient measures. The chief items are contained in the speech from ,r- „ 00:.cIt AI, Tit . . Ilonovible gentlemen of the Senate: . .Gentlemen of the House- of. Com- They Killed Eight Men isil Uialde .. . mons .1. ' „ . County, Texas. , In relieving yo En further at- , , ...stendapeeon this session I thank you A ' despatch , from Galveeten, for. -the absKLultv„,,2t ,,,. di, , 4T,,,co, Texas, says; An unpreeenented us, thisshailstorm. on -Monday in Uraltlel . hicti you' have gtve (X eetalty vast ' aleasteiS t - . *lyt .,charge of the duties entrusted to lives -James Carpenter; •sev•enty your cern, and it inuet be a souree of y40,0040100_ to 4.041,40ycs . that years of age, and seven Mexican perform hired hands -while many were in... you have been able toi ....014.2,,stiliffra_ssiw.fEssoixtrearatisseir listex1,-andsfrolus.1400-t0-400--brsaus brief apace of time ', of live -stook killed. The hail- . .' . were 'like eastosin tiaras. -1.--wirpleasedstosasetice-tbets-yo .. ..MI sattentiorchasistimr-etigaged ” .. .. . s A I i -___, Measures of great--importanee: s s°112e-- sv-€3 from tenpounds They nasured from .ten to seven- . AMENDMENT. TO RAILWAY teen inches in, circumference, - and *els ••• - . tellsfar-thirt • minateainiiwoitortne.. 6 -spots -fits -Ramer* ,,----Instlie-Srat,rsinleso -Issatelsartessa_ about. is to be 'noted the amendment of not cenfirined. Searching parties thesrailway act, under. which by the are out scouring the rangee. • joint action of the-natio:sal Onyont, _ _., . • • •ments Provincial and municipal TWO CARSsEAVII--ItstILS-7. authorities, together with the - 1. . • railway 'companies level rails Trainmen Injured in Wreck That • way .crossings- are, to be gradu- Could Have Been-- Worse. alit reace, t� flxe ineved, and a conetant mou- nd propertytherebyA despasWlftrdtrNortlt-Bayssavss s ss s ,,sr.. , . 1. ro,• •- 140•21k • LOAN TO. GRANT) TXtuNK with a big passenger list, met with an accident at lied Sucker, near ,•ss.s.,„sss.s...ss.T.ackf,uibes.atsstgi,kils.slg4t*-sg • air Of'W-----triffiltitytettin-mwto,-44wy.,i• !,t?s,a, ticlock„.....on -We nes ay . the- rand Trunk Pa lc Railway morning. From some unknown Company will no dotila ensure the cause the baggage car and express • scorapletaansdurin' gsth ‘. ming:Bees gar japing...1_0e rails and _pion • ed son of the prairie section of the downthe steep 'embankment, the Natitosal Transcontinental Railway, and will secure to the fast develop- ing western Provinces for t.his year's etdp a new and Coin live outlet • toward -s the seas , s'The...act to vilace, the. Department , of Labor, Which has been in extsV, ence for some years, under . the direct responsibility of a Minister • ' of traWrirekeldr,-wely entrusted bouts. - with its management, is in accord- • ance withthe oft -expressed wishes of • labor organizations, and is a further- step in a field of legislation wherein Canada hie alread • taken not unimportant part., • II. I hayo mae for the pu nQrablc .utlessao .11 Exvics ruoi 0414. ov , tie ' tes0 .ttlibatts-ese. -s-f-eons. snores. . • • I sincerely belie and prey. that Alraighty God will continue to pour His bletsings upon our country, ioot-oot-ciiition of our atita the signal frossrs which we ;have re - ,P14, "stssese,s.s # - engine and other .cars fortunately staying on the rails. The express car was demolished and tlessenger Dernere, of Montreal, was severe- ly injurp!), hot, will reeover„An- ,Thleves Loot a Trunk in North Bay gineeet Ben Ward of White River Pollee 4414 -1.11111. -iced, hirt-twat-seriously.-- Plissengcirs were severely shalon up. Traffic was delayed •eight „ • s, 0.• •ti area' in .youngA # l 0 ad il for beating Trade retUrns for April show an .nerease of $4 028,207 over the same month last year. ' The resignation of Chief of Folic • ” • . cen aeeepted by the, St. Catharnes comnasszone 4190.4,--ar 4 n owl all 4th 0:1 lairah Ellett Carr `0f -4u grauctraya A man locked up in 'the Police cells at Moncton, N. B., for violat- ing the Scott At, found a hundred- eloilar peer' in a -dish of clams. REAT BRITAIN. Englansi that Germany hu e a great, depot et a,rnis. and amnsunision iu Louden, s President Eliot, who has been -fort:L. ears -at. the head Of -it rvaisi Diversity, reLTr li a, Workmen digging in a peach orchard in Nusge.isa county, es..s. found pit containing_ about fifty • g. OM A: LDL CEX1tES. lot 1P1Ittgfo 4,14. ,• rduc • • •.) • 44). r . fl '4 5150,1i; to . ;on lii,,isity.k,ii.wTo(Anhetor.n, o,29, Bay ports; No. 2, 1.- d No. 3 at $1,25:1 • l3arley-No. 3 extra, 62 to -47"3"4365-eirtitai57- o. g white 52 to 52 on tMek, T,rcnto, and 49% to 50e outside; " No. -Western Can - atlas 52% to 53c, ara'No. 3 at 51%v, Bay ports. Peas --No. 2 05 to 96c outside. Ilye-No. 2, 74 to '73c outside. ,Zuckwheat-No. 2, 03 to 85c out- sides-•„ - Corns -NO. 2 Axnerican, yellow, 823 to 83e on track, Toronto. and No. 2, Ste on track, Toronto; Ca- „nadisto Yellows-7,fistros..72c_sonsstmelt •Toronto. Bran -Manitoba, .$23.50 in sacks, • ,.,Torontealreig No t t PO111,-.11.6 !IWO •COUNTRY PRODUCE; (0111C..1411110) OE kW K.' ytefli Grain A 1 o iiledon- :nt Atbeou, and lu that i00 -7.0t, e season is very late, and the eireps will not do well. In very fe* Owes do the agents report the seed- ing-detayed. In these instances it t/. • per ploundArd. MileIom.kaco!tier_As;ileutire'ie.achde:, (Yalves tiortral;Tho-$10 _each, or 3 to 5cper:pourad. ;Sheep sold at to 6 c per. pound; lambs at $4 to $0 each. Goods 'Wilts of fat. hogs sold at 8 to 8%e per pound. KNEW 1118.111,181NESS. This' Agent Wags- , -raitorto' a A wanderer Nearing a suit of clothes„that might have been in the staslii,ttsiu -1,82 e_centlesLthe door 'step of a Toronto dwelling a few mornings ago and asked'to Ate • Ot•tellt., rst surtiponain America to operate for appendicitis, died of appendici- tis at New York on -Monday. - C. Bs Schmidt, echniniesioner of Immigration of the Rock Islend. Frif3e0 lines, says more people are emigrating from Canada to the United States than are goingin the -o -tirtlirections- ,.. GENERAL. Flo $ ' * gett'Llists-ssugarsphisi tious The General Federation of Labor t Paris has declared a general " .. I I of AN IMPUDEN; ItURGLAItr. # 11 sla svill heiliate the trittalw. 1„_41Lbusinessin connection with tht most importaue erThe public service. • The resolution adopted by the , House of Commons for the orgrri- zatiori of a Canadiarrnaval service, in cosoperationtl-sixeselose • relation t� the Imperial navy, is 4, proper acknowledgement of the duties now appertainitig to Canade s a ation, ancris unu 1 in se m Thefinancial condi out the world seem to be more- ` ful-thirterestotivmonthes when t opened this Eession„ end whilst in Cadada we have undoubt. t • I I . •‘, , ur s A despatch from North ay says North Bay police station was burg - Jo -rind_ ,e_n_ Wedneedav Ufternoon, the (Ace door being forced, and a trunk opened, the loot including a number of "phodey" gold rings confiscated from a faker, teveial jack knives, and Chief Rayner's re,: volver. Wm. 'Flowers, release(' fraITucsdaYafter serving. „- the u. term or a mp. o ert=se • torn al . • A umii-riam UFFALO FOR ALBERTA; A Herd of bre() Hundred:- Is Now on the Way. ---&--41~Wfroni-Ronartratootaraar -The____expedititio„ sent =cm A romkrning _4300_ imgalo, _boa hael--Pable-•for---for , -• stt-Wednesdass_m_ch, , i . ing time for stealing whiskey from n.... it : . . - ark, ), amwrigh I Alcbrta, atrivs- a's° re c. 4. $ I 0... liowrard Dou'gras, Comm smiler eds. „ --car, :.,vas,, arrested as he-- Canadian National Parks, Sixty mg implicated in the brirglary. Mexican ,cowboys have. been busy 4...................... during the past fortnight persuad- ing the buffalo toward the corral in the- valley -tst-Tend-D*Oteille- Itiver. An attempt will be made to force them into the corral, which, it t--01-tiltake--00 bOaqce of e task some -whit eits,- These earts-Prime, $2 and hand -pie •ed, 42.15 to $2.20 per bushel. • Honey -Combs, $2 to $2.75 per dozen, -and -strained, 10 -to 11c per pound. • Maple Syrup-$5c.t� $1 a gallon. Ilay-s-No. 1 timothy, $13 o 81*, ton on track here, and lower 4- --i- StraW441740 to $8 on track. Potatoes -Car lots, 90 to 950 p6... lawittimeaPto , Poultry-schickens, Spring,„ dress - 1, 35c per pond; fowl, 12 to 14e; turkeys, 18 to 22c per'pound. " ' " '• tw".. • • • „ .1.4 • • s* ittr Freedlanders- TREATMENT OF - Loudon Asylum. A despatch frOin London says: Three--ltundredssmediletts-ft alLovor....!.rteittorn peer • -tie IT in response toinvitations which are being dent oiit by Dr. Robin&rn, rititend- cut of London Hop al for the sane. Eon. Mr. Banni iz expee , THE DAIRY MARKETS. Butter --Pound prints. 20 to 21c ; tubs aud-lafge rolls, 16 to 18e; in- ferior, 14° to 15c; creamery rolls, 22 to 24c3 and solids,. 19 to 20e. • Eggs' -Case lots., IS to $18c per dozed. -4,- • Cheese -Large -cheese, old, 14 to 1434c per pound, and twins, 14% to 1-41c new cheese, dull at 12y, to 1,21.0. HOG PRODUCTS. Biteow-Lonte clear, 13 to i3� per pound in ease lots; mess por 22 to $2.0 -;short cut, $24 to $26. am 1.1--b-t vo--mothum, -15-to I; 'to •con,-16,ta_. Lard -Tie 14c.- s I T.. I .d the tesk is trau4tit with some, 11111Veros • "I have seen tribes," said the a Ott,itor at of prudence to exereise care end economy in all branches of the service. id•Irr. IWO; 9 know • loto! people who insist on shaving them- selves,." • 4-- it -to-- ,tnict - - • viatl-on and cure �i ble‘ TO HUN INTO PO' WI' AUTIIiiR. Grand ..trritiok Patine Conferring lion. A-despztchfrom Montreal stye: 1 c ; i31/ ....wwwww•wWww.• • +. • A • • ^ . • , ' • . • 11 IA X what a trt TU.t‘ the. cos Se $41:11$' b«A i• • s ng ilt far advance - ports froin Atherta . ahow that as much as ninety per emit1 of the oats and barley }as been 'town, , .. HELD UP IN DAYLI(HT. • 1.1) • "ay 1 trouble you for a glass of water, ma'am r hsaid, removing his-hat-onsher-appearateass-- ” r ” isen4d„ • "bu shave— SO I ;II• I 9r Ishegsyour Tertian, mahrirelf-she interposed. "'You were about to say.that the housemaid could have .supplied me with as simple a thing as a -glass of waters -but this-sie a case in which a domestic • could hardly be trusted. I am indebted thelady-of the house next...door," he continued feelingly, "for a col - tion 5 urice, pudding particularly. 'grateful to the pa ate of a hungry man, and .a 4 • barley , 9. NTARIO. tarIo he* is hits ' 4tirib ; t.tderable extent, tc the intrijue io -abje°Li!' o' Agricultural Colleges, and titalh ANDSCHEURI BARLEY. • • of barX flk in the Experimen al sswartment at re, ing,.1101XWII the Es. -,press tie -at -Truro, N. S. hae - growu in €el o years. u spring of IOW, one A despatch from Halifax ' the says: pound of ,the maridschouri Fifteen hundred dollars WAS stolen which was obtained from Daiwa, at the muzzle of a revolver from tile wa,s_sown_on. asamats_p 115,t4se esux„. c'plaguyee °afttiTterueraon,"lonianWPetl'itreessdsttCY9.:f:1 Pweithrilusiensttatyl vptetsPerarvtluareinetilg. teRaeit ro- ternoen, by three melt-Nch astigs'Aseeilastsimparatively stir tt "'Iittteringluol; 4o, lie gave a large yield of barley man clapped a gun to the head ofbciing the only clerk in the building„ while fhlwaaitsiaeftgrIrainirlirf.eealudeillLutinuealzit ed to 4arrialveotherrs.7...shenent jah the sirdafejusg 4;ive„ good _results, ,the_aver4ige,tor who had been *tending guard out-, twenty years behe 698 bushels of side building, they disappear.; rain per ,!„ere, in the experimental re, local policc and several Halifax tde--i.-P-Sinall quantitiec of the mamba. tectives. it was one of the most euri barley have been distributed irt daring affairs of the kind that Yas each of the past, fifteen 'Years- to ro saw reiseiserweenessie Liu WA .1% # ear IE the Triter tion Withltii5-girperunentiir Uniob. ayeedt, nriughetnierestahwe thhe:rmt, eonf tehnetetor wtint; I Fttriotinutztdhelheermeleaspreo,unnedw 1°.a.tostil 5(617i8,'. office or leave it. J. Burgess,, the 0004.orea of the Minadgebettri barley clerk in the office, was the only per -1 grown in Ontario airway. Tho son there at the time. Burgess de, t troduction or this variety has had a clares that while the robber was! wonderful- influenee on the barley rifling the office he was forced to -prodtictiort of this Province, n. 7.4 • 13116 ht. • • s . - A ' second man standing over lum with the gun at his head, all •the time VO,VitgisfrkssAssaskssaslksolX, 'ices apart iiF KFromen YOUNG FOOTDepartment at •the. 'When PAD SENTENCED. •. the plants were -ripe patsy .seere.cares i_rts_speitakel js_yill examined, and thirty-three the nuast promising ZaWwere se -se Holdsup Near Beantsville.- ed, harvested and threshed separ- • A despatch from 'St. Catharines ately., In 1904; 'thirty-three s,epar. say -s: -jeise Strickler, the young ate lots of barley were grown from man who held up ex-Warden:Calder the plants selectedin the year pill- ar the point else, revolver, on the, vious . From that tithe forward road near Beamsville, last week; iy the best strains were grown tis and afterwrirda7Comjelra-iWlix drive him to Beamsville Station, 19O, eight in 1906; seven 41,1907, after firing several shots at his pur- 1., and three in MOB. 10 one instancep siter_s, was •brouglif before, Judge over forty 'bushels of 'barley were Carman on Wednesday, and plead- grown' in .10,05-aw thesproduct, of one ed guilty. He was senlenced to four seed planted in the spring of -1093. months in the Central Prison, anst-Of all' the selected striiin's, the one if not deported before the expire- which is known as '10, A. C Num - tion of his sentence, .he is to be ber 21" has made the hest retorde given 48 hours to leave the coun- In Itach of the tat tvo years it has -try or lie. ,seill he /*arrested` and...t4a4cte,iiskili_looteheintilyariety given better Ires_u_lts than shtuig• zn bothiength.and,stienei straw imenta..at.,theL_C- oll and . also- in' Alie-Coiap6tilitife:tettts,- Acrojent In Spalh. Mad a Narrow • throughout,--Ositario. The grain in. quite egeily iguished- from Oat rays:. Mortilinrseabl'ineg.er.,11*- Star:- C. Number,J. barley sent **long with : of thesMandscheuri --FetinisonespoistaLlotssoLthesasite—s. 41141,43--111,4 illan.°W th 'two-oor ,varietiessE stoxperinnatitel - /- jury on wuesdity.-3iiSt, ile7oao cast. Off for art *scent, the wind, threeyearst several- thousand dashed his balloon against, the 'rail- bushels .of tins ,batiey were grown iesirts4908.s--tatier , -at4.) uron Sitiger t out ballast jus la the -.firm bushei:torlf.th'eig.W. • • I niplytkaroaftune andffi: is balloon shot' 21 barley 390which trs,s third crop produced -from- . one 4 8, Tolvntio-k .ST lam OIL of se -ed soivith9L_iii,haath_14pLing4 ently a masterpieces ots eookeq, whose rich fragraece still lingers in the air of your kitchen, if .1 may take • Befiaie I trespass Op your kindness for •a• glass of water, however:, you will pardon me if 1 make a strut*. tion net be met at the house of year generous neighbor next door.. Do, you use boiled water t" — 9V�01-6-,- said -the Italy, wonder- ingly. • "That is good," he, rejoined, with eMphisis. '1O-ne question sn ore ; is it filter- ed rs "NO, air; it is nes." • "That is unfortunate t." -he ex- claimed, slinking his bead. "You will pardon me if I Withdraw my request for a glass: 1,am a little .he continued._ with ,a e-operatiiii; ▪ the armful organitiris. at- -reader your city rinkingswater at this_season of the ear -i- 34 well .as at sill others, dan- gerous to the:human system, yet eves, them fleeting *bout in the ktuliss' 1•33e ; BUSINESS AT MONTREAL. _ 4111111111 MOntr ea May 25. -The market or-oats4s-atrong-rwith-priets-4-to 2c a bushel • higher; peat, No, 2, $1.05 to $1.06; oats, Canadian Western No, 2, telYS; extra No. 1 , -54 se; 1st°. Tteedi- 04y,ci 3- . ran cetera), o.kei barrel, Igo. 2, '70 to 72c; - Manitoba, feed barley, 0.6_1_270- toe. 61tfe; buckwheat, $ ring wheat patents, firsts, $ • S trois • iM (0 k re . Winte eats, -0645 to--$C2,..5-s•-si raig r lets, $6 to $6.10s straight rollers, 1)11 . . . 1. . 2.50 to $2. Manitoba bran, $22. t anitobs. shorts, 24 toOntario bran 24; Ontaiio sborta, /12050 400 *26.- 50; pure grain MoUille, $33 to $25; xed-. -twain*, $23to $zt. 0 ,2* Theo Are the Words of Field' Marshalf ,e A sp5.• Oa from London .says: •gOntr army is a sham. We have no army," exclaimed Field Mat' - hall Load Roberts; earnestly, dur- ing a debate in the Houze of • Lords upon •the Duke of Ite4ford's . motion for an inquiry intsethe con• ("Won Of the reserve, on Wants- eatit, o fa or cornptdory milks ain. !tared Oast, ,lio41 nt .*as_areazed tIE -*sir IT/wt.:rine* lie apathy of the at ding military defence. T nation, he said, 'did not be. itti, in tla6 danger ot invasion, and wo»tkr, for their leaders teld wit% tehr et it. I know p 44ttV a1 that utesare L1 k it.t.t, the iot tel! ti • -0 n army frfottd the, con .0 sitting here, takiu it 17 1fl4 ,mtcirts,ht,„„ vet •itt, daily",. and unlessou telling the people they are living an safety and get an army* fit to •cial with any enemy we shall one day come to such litter grief that pti will bittetly. regret your ittaption. "It is a rklrfect marvel to mo' how Britain can see what nt a th1itJt of our e h*vet..' r have a real outs, until you 'taken the nation into Yisnit;On Monte and telt.thex their disitger. Yen *may think you *to, sato; but itre, not. "Ite frank and iS i4410 -411r t•U • • , • ; , • the spring of 1903, 9,972 select. - hinted b and attttq elLfilsIslitstsee„ tli , • I - human consumption and should be - - "And this leads ine to remark," he went on, placing his begrimed and into his coat pocket and dra in Cid a's a rasib agent o - e gan be sttacbed to the nozzle of our tea.kettle, and is gataranteed . • At thisofuncture the tads of the 1Ahestloor-inshisfacesss- 2 2 N11.111101111.11111111111110111111111e 111111011111111 I 111, V The largest room in Inc world uner onfuddflhi1�e pillars, is at St. Petersburg. It i 020 ft. !Ong and -100ft. in breadth„ By daylight it is , used for military display's, and Sit battalion can •com- letely manoeuvre in it. Twenty thowiand wax tapers are required officcs of the Grand Trunk Paeific Railway that Mr. E. 3. -Chao -1404i had gone to.Port Arthur to eonf - with the tit rcg&rdin -t • •of entry there. In the mesutime, order that Port Arthn the terminus of the Superior branch, ,arratigeirtette may. be rnzd' with the Canadian Northern to ut their tracks from West Port. COST OP TAU on g,e ltttle contZer*ti nd that ii ity 1We17 OrtiO • ,.. pr tiety epenswe gunres *10; which, is, barge. Shell . for th lotto ed in the . ordiiaa • oniti(ms w overnment• re $liovie!t! t ,tuk.e t tiwif , to t1, 12c. Butter-, 1itto 19ge. per turozs a stogie areb :tidbits remarkable kill in the arehitectu Ire • a L n tag from London s The Scottish oil companies are cussing amalgamation to fight the Standard Oil Company, which has lowered prices; It is proposed to establish a resiftsl agency, whence' the output of all the Sootch coin. anie. will be distributed- ''eke' prom' ers term ill enahlethe meeting of Ameri- can eompetition. V • see a In tames 9-12 a • ST alieeZ1 # VP A • T I 41, gh as •••••••• 01 0 1,4* run frin g 4, (AO • , us! 1. 0 rtis • hi • 4 4, P.* 1 11 041, a k ir 1111"1' ir t- ter &t the bn to t: • " Win 1 eril as the barley will he better known. It is.Atrite probable that in a very short time this barley will be grown Mork extensively '` thiak any other variety in Ontario. rmout P11 ,mor.0.,gerv. # : Y 40.00, • TILIZATION. * es_tbc woi-i tt scletloti for. of rlcv and otbez. he Coll • 4tnty-ftc'.115.4 ktdirig arfl'tie of barley - spring wheat ,winter wle 1e4d peas, within the pa vars. About forty thous,* besides 'one. 'eventeen,' pieta g in the 'Eiperiinental n 1000. Sortie interesting hnp,rtant results ire .expected frt during tht fr " • , 0, if in ties this