HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times., 1909-05-27, Page 1• '"IOAROX adquar. s an Wants . . teiVAW Everythiho in the lk.few White of -Crepn tress Fab- rics wilt be found here for her new gown l Ali the new shastes in Plain & Fancy suitims fox the traveling dress. 'N,:44r4 Val4 i*Fr IV .3 Cream and White Silks = New Silk Gtoves se , a it 41,1 .. g :: e) • Satins a New 104 Oloyee A) .4WV. c. 40. Si Duchess 11 ,, New hite _Vgar til • 4, Albatrops eee New White Waists er• efueeteteeleNeeee .z•Fecilellittet . vt..' .-kIeVrepeltotand COliftlfkehet, :IP' 1 ‘i- 4._ _prep° de Ohene re New Silk Petticoate „ " Lustres a',I New Fancy Parasols fed Z . , New Waists, Nets, Frilliri e, Fancy Combs, Embroideries , 4 ... ....‘ „:tmiti.tt s -e1- b- tti-i ,li:iil 1 err id '`e. 0.,: Or • 6 e, V , , . Ailoirtrept nverri44VerY.!l'agoi;Ortl , I1way We-gX• . ROACAIAO: .' kOni'. 'The' .' ato, iltitk-Thqtrictiiiiitig. 'to •take'ethe• fAuxe tio.:00.,,n "'' alit_ wrii.ti4iwol*at 'Oa' da ti Nfitnee take' lAhlis_lieit44ely,,,:i, ',.goly,:esar,,Ahem wiakeea:..gOtale.,..4ired 'Ala, Ten 410 a %Wile' ' tne'ittn# 'ins 044) :The- Canadian:: aaa'Aurl,unci-va,Y-, crowd 61 the gTotuuls IA tborotitooli, pow al.out building up • the dam and of Hamilton, were read and ordered to witness the sports. ttintteiltseensfi,trer,....ettgXereeeeteate.-40,-etetea.e.--. ,. - ee0olloveittgei err-tbeeitstesoteplaW- Mr; urther steps have been taken by pill. Potions for celnetitedde svalks.were ners, .100 yards Open, M. Southeott, , council. Are they aeleep, or are the read as •fellows. Messrs. S. M. San- R. Coughlin, It Hanlon,: Farmers' drains drains draining t e town's exchequer? ders, Wm. Arnold and Job. Gill, for 100 yard, R. Coughlin, R. South - 'Naw f 11 4-'4fiTitikii liagarAR, .walkeeelengeeeiTante-aeeratNAStee,..frealt go t .9 1 Cann: Old Vs4:1-,,.? i'4Tr iitith4`. stAhAtirtA-Alui:lit•thi•''th`O.toittieShle,: • Jag_ else, could net *the dam be bullt Fran Jas. Deer, Erma Itowcliffe, J. yards open M. theathcott, R. 'Cough- • up and the pumping engine removed Wealern, W. PareOns_ and_others for 0, lin, sit lienion ; Dicyole race, H. Wile thole. A long dry spell would ma- watt:, along ' the oorth side of San- lert, Tiel, 0.'ICestle ; Ilackwe.rd race; •, terially. affect oux_tiver and ILA r erstrect_iism„Va4. itain..3.>Carling. R. -Coughlin ; Relay ra,ce, L. alerre *itE -tow water wbtlre From Messrs. A. E. •Fitke, 1W1. '9. Capt„ III. (Dayman, Capt.: ,Farineris dad the'etown-Weire-Agoln,--the- pro, ewe. Ana Dr. Sweet for A Walt: along M. Southcott, It. Coughlin; Business' . .pert'f' adjogning the dam might . be, north side of John- street from Main al!daernonsi railcee,ywooxtEd; T;relligh_hle. Drar.taR;,14aostocenda, • purchased vand a nice little gesort to Andrew. , . • made for boating, fishing and even Messrs. Thos. Dawkins, J. A. Stew- G. Butt, W. Elliott, It. Taylor; ler- :swimming. Wake up, I say• to our art, Dr.. Mallot. Frank Wood, inter- niers' high jump, R. Coughlin; Mara.. council, wake up! viewed the council urging that the Dion race 2 1«2 miles; Orville Cann. Now another thing: Monday be- •cement walk as petition for on the C. Prouty, C. Heywood: .Best Ladies' s ing Victoria Day, I felt highly morti- east side Of Andrew 'street be eon- Edrs;sveir7; outfit, inhIgisscoSatteewsat.rt„ge4Mtilsgs fled on eebag the little Tillage of strut:led this season. ,t Dashwood sending a band in hero mri nawkiles find J. A. Stewart man, D. Hanlon, 13.e Moir; Ladies'. and not a band , in Exeter eteept urged the Council to • againappoint a hitebink contest, Miss Stewart, Miss what is being gotten up by some night watchman. , Simpson ; 'Best gentleman's driving -young- rellows--belonging---to e-re.4,14eantseneLuleereemeeetrehat...-thaenutliteeeleune.seelohnston...e.----, - Orange order. I think this should CouncilZ'Oilgifite""'paveraents that The Dashwood band furnished the 4 4 be • iven e ra erne .t " n . t have he 4 • oft • justastiVed-fo*tbe--wathera sweltlot of Ian; #* cy and black parasols. They aae very fine and come in 11 Dresden effects, Striped and embroideled in all colors. •Poi,u1ar T GiOdS11.4- 4:' ............. Tv.,,,,,, IS ilxist th.-tim'e 6' f tlie year .you,need. your new astrareiS. -Vire-hTir iiirriV Van,--,rn'eenYn"ei-feriW6Vi • • --P-lata44-.Stoped-tfmlnenst-,GmentrmsteLlfamprr .• rays -Mtn 'Inns Are very serviceable goods akteeepereale.nice-drea es, good assortment of and FOND. All at 12/e. Striped Linens of the smartest things Ter a fancy suit Brown, -Blue, - Green and Gee* are all very popular. 18e per yd. • ' Of Checks or Stripes very mice-for-Buits-or--Preoses-alL the new shades to pick *from. Atints-f Paint and Kalsornine Brushes Wall Finishes Iluralic!" Alabastine ' a 4k Poultry_ *SlIcarree77° 6:Wri':41e-N1-4Ce;t1t:in. Shovels and Spades Rakes and Hoes Owen %VSound' PottlititlY Cement for wails, Ficiars al?). $F,, • perbbl It.cannot remain long at tlitil'priceiott.w. teor - ,A144$—II*ItfAVARE-1141V-ST.OVES is to be 404 inethe 'wall of Mom -Per Jobs -Luker, --That in addition been organized i.At a short time and I listened to them nracticing the to Ose the Connell • undertake to favored the audience with 'some ex- o e t. , mu4...L.helieme-Avitka..4: ... • , I: rerek-pervenieent-a-loate-41a-roa-est . ete-music.------. . leadera fife and 'drum band could from "Carling talet etd-:Elitabetli on A grand concert was givet:--;;;171:h-e be mustered and formed , of good Gidley from Carling to main and evening, the following artists taking metal. L..... _ .. along 'satiate -11 -to - Andreeve-alsa- .on 1eart,e-1)onald-C:71WOreglir of -To I" IiiTia--noid-then-drarpina It --William- etsest t lineta.eyou re town matters, so look Sanders toeZtanteee_Carriedee, -----eeeeee LGladys-etlissetteaml--WmSellrowne - re _mete .lewill ...not espareelteever -Come- •Couseilloreile„aman.--voting say. ' During -the nfternoon-anebaterating cillers or public. jr ifeania.n-Luker-That. the Reeve base ball game was played between , — Yours truly, 1 (CTI-Milllor Johns with the-elerklee.7.1--enins chosen Trom among the local CENSOR, . a committee to prepare tbe forms players, the scare being _3 to 2. . two. months the following meetings to be held during the next 1?er lleaman-Johne-That the clerk the G. T. It. offic-• L'ocal- _Option contests are 'th' e muni - ......e. -40.........,-.... . necessary regardirtg the construe- muni - county oeo.„! tioted. The speik la: this ctoici:reosifiotnildeding tile, .plocingt a a New_oi al •,leotora of th,, plqnion In the, list of Women's Institute the same duly advertised. Carried. ' ,oxeitievi pavements and have --, Tint Versons entitled ---to -vett" lfl . These meetings are Mrs. L. Me Ashley,ich the Contests takes place. . their switch for the uSe of -the manufacturs; le 1 t .eoti,II,On b ' eandeNrseeWe4V - Ofier&Wre-7,#5-0, lereeeetei*I":tii4.47, . `Beaman and Cerling as a committee •fiete-le„w ''''tf'tei-i'es s --:LT -.-'-'41WC241-447-717' ' ' illititesre '''''appone d couneillors June. 10, Kirkton, Aberdeen alall, and may be summarized a fol o 8: ., non.,40.,..4,04,i;esittexwithe„,,,IVIunici al e ectors 1.1s,t be, , plit “ 11, Ciln,ton courecd eham,bare seeSeetaerrearrraP1Me 4#,Plie One trial will convince you that there is none betteir than. , &lice's Lawn Gras, Rowers., Vegetaid and .Field Roots. . . • ,,, , 'rfililtleSvITATIfirtrillto - „, -for -Abe municipality, land's. afternoon. 0 nson refusing to take over the n'ssessmen , ,. as owners, tenants. lease - holders, -- street watering contsacte , The--followinf&-ac ' '' farmers' Leans or income tax peyers. • -Z-1.44.-11.-1,Lurn-halk 'I' 15, Exeter, Senior's hall. e .. •forna"riencomxe ofernsotniless - tehan 74.80e0. " 16, Loudesboro". Peffer's hali. zece4;1..ordered pa.14.- The Queen City Oil Other electors must be assessed for • - 17, Wingham, C. 0. F. bell. RepairGstitseitilhe: MS*8argk8t tulilVd'in;11Neeriet .. " 19, MIAMI. Young's hall. 24, . 1 * .... .. _lark, butter for Airs. Ilarkner. ":1.''''.5-1“11-' v ages hire for Inspector, 1.00 ; Jones ITILIF_La,1?1!2e_l__ ewe. 75 rents; Jas Weekes Weekes --12, -arse bro.-tier-LE- value-Cottoriling_to_the_101,. 4, 4..... ... 209) $100 —'1,---12.--St.--1141ens -public- Sall _228.6'. j13taleainrenpv7atotel•vn,r---armrsLesters'iinhga• 13,11.),„keeentur•talffEiebsi."4°,11::::°. __11 of "hi"- ."1.1-lalaltriZall"arlit-thil°"ver'la've.1 0::0-11;a:--1911:400---- cutt's home afternoon .1. , lation.......4 --In -cities 300 , _ _ _ ____.......J. Seni.or, Clerk. 'Victoria Hall, evening. .... , " 29. Walton, A. 0. U. W. hall. The -Township or Illatriehard voted A voter assessed, as occupant of ae may- ba.ve-- aevote notwith- " 30.- Fethele-townehip--hall. on the itairway butois by-law- a bee- praperty standing that the owner is also a July 2,. Molesworthe • Orange, Hall. " 3, Gerrie, town hall. ond time last illriday. ca.rrying it by voter for the same property. , a majority of 76. 'I'he first time , A farmer's son cannot be placed on ----e----0..........thby-law was voted on it was de his father unless list along with th feated by eighteen votes. Following tb6 farm • is assessed for double the e- e e - Always good for a nifty wash suite -colon: -of White, Mt"-, ObamPailoe, Blue or Tan. They are right atel5c. to 25e. per yd. , • A 111 201117-ergeternr, -of eParktIlle-viiitees ---Divej * 4eatefes , : e. .-=:Tyiv. . 1,-..........= ar„..,,,„54..,...,,,,,......„,,,.:„......--- 11,..qr, ,,,..144 •--vegtAturtittiAiiii.---:-' LI - Whe t Wanteade„at_egarres" sJIlv.-.11-,,,- T.: 4-2.9, - ------60,- - A Tw3:4-4-_ r'euer!,:-.71ee.i.mekeifitjt:POsii: t e Mrs. Ilolloway. of 'Clinton. 1sv1- .,,,e,„ .MO.4 nor _,,,s. 7 -mope rt -y -is -assessed high enough -to , ting bee daughter, Mrs. R. N. Itowm-• .................--..... give a vote to- 'Crieb Of' then:. ' merchant -Tailor ' , liAs L. Disisett. of London. espent Unmarried worne.n or widows are en - the 24thewith relative's. SPRING MEDICINE titled to be placed On the voter's list, Mrs. Fred Litievkshaw and - to - if they have the Same qualification warm. children are visiting relatives in ,,rorw. [ -Everyone is bette,r for taking • a that would give votes to Men. ontre _ _ _„.._ _ spring topic. The fialreivingoerees,uirj,eouniten rtiay_votorltik,til, SPreFidid and "Wx1Yensi" t°tile- a oivned by their ivives. or held by thei 4 4 4 4 bottresin Hamiltoo the foriner ifier that . ;wives as tenants. .1 of will make your spring work a pleas- ' Tenatits to be entitled to vote must this week. , . sure, saisiafras bark 1-2 oz.,.Durdock have resided in the reiunicipality for Iva...Its grtindpax.....n.Thrirtureithr........tealte& 14, or,:‘,;.„.....„.tionntille ,....... -.4*,...34144-4,44.441.,444,41.11.1111,,,,UNrirtavell eq-Ittrnic- Mr. Fred Bowden, of London. vi.. Itoot 1 oz., Mandrake Root 1-2 oz. e ftnericit or Inez ivhisso ' Wives Ate josetb Davi/Ada. ,, Fitavereeetentirrn *Root, I owners, in the municipalitY, may vote Recruits 110W wanted for pe. cor.,__patdelion .Root I oz.. Cascara Dark wieether they live Inetheecitet-or-not. laserstege., whteb gii-ds ibto catini-iit—,„:*%-.r.-8"..,.., 11101/r, II% -"ItIN3t, . 1---Cr,f-L.-19,tielj, Any lease -holder whose lease alitts London Julie gth. Apply:o Sergt. .`"ae Awt9 la • ''. '1-- Pawl' v't ""`""inK for not leo Abate tlye„yen,ro le -entitled _Staler ,ES, ..E. lleetor, *Exeter P. 0.. wate,r,for 12ehours. Strain and. add to a vote -di if -he We're an owner. wa.terut=14...._pat_trame I 1-2 pinteopo_nft'tfilie.rlish-; eatiotht.r4x4601314,40.ase_1641444hever, e ee Person. who is merely a roomar The Ar. M. C. 'A. football boys seem o ding our beseball boY en- imes a dtA,T, 2acr,..4ore.7mcais,--45 b -,,,,,,e0 i itlittittrattxt----if t usi ,__ -11ttendanee-ig7tar- e*Itildeinii siva -fast% - it -Out for ettraetlee--catettes-aeb001'-can Ve, Uonteht- at 'garektirrOr18riaM46416. bljtisWite os, ill'intontliir--6-t,erileaitir Via V9andS• On toriday orcoiait a match. Exeter for25'rents. It is worth ytod the part he ,loccupies represents is expected to be played with • the town boys. while to get and try it.• enough of the assessment to qualify him. as an ocCupant, he may be put The first Shot in the coming local " , option catapaietn will be fired Thurs- ... ' fiensall upon the list if be pays his rent to the owner. •day evening, May 27th, wheipa grand , . If two persona are an the nseesse temperance rally' will be held in the Aes there as no celebration here ment roll tia being joint tenantst or Jamms street church, to be address- on the 24th. a rt tither of our vil- joint occupants of property. rated,at ed by neve IlarveyeD. klegt._ lagera_weente to_ Exeter_toesperideth e eee tess than enough to give two vbtes, - Tbomat tend liiiie Re tee -Toll, of - -_11ene,, ----;_elagtsm 0., A. menonnen is recovering t then neither acthe..ent eeise, entitled tcl 44,41%nir. M. j. So:jai-tett, manager °of ram a goitre serious affection in one wr-fin--sue ating. 1, the Times methanieal department pf her ears; evhich necessitated an op - Parkhill sprinter to race l 100 yards Sus. ira Macarthur is in - Tstonto In Nth°eTiCitettetrO. cltRthSebri:titittl: a tio has received a challenges _from. a :era a+ '''' for the amateur eham ionshi of visiting her son Arnold. who is 111 Peter Henderson. late of e ifs . I • 1'4 • 'it Is the result of the pollings, amount necessary, to entitle one per - For Against 44• 16 son to be a voter. Similarly three ‘,11 " ?tfintc,tu,oeztnry_re„Letime_fcts_tshei_ettrcneinziiirnnkion oram4ener re pmm-3,•.ro-ravortwer, — 'We ate offering splendid value in:— , Baskets, Lanterns Etc. Do von want things to be just so? 'Then we'd like you for a customer. We've proinised you satisfaction -promised yo*1 thatstyle, et and price will please you -we'll keep our promise; Our best ads. are satisfied custorriers. Come here for your next, Suitor Overcoat. soon e or e weddding -See Our line if Silverware, Quality Guaranteed - Is rich Our Cut Glass and spark - lin and' fo the finest qu_ality. fr rallitta 61111rd We are having -a special, sale of this lln makingroorn for new—goods., EV—erythl—ng in '*hinaat big reduction in price. ... .4 ...... _ • CPTICIAN cialty and MarriageLicenses Issued ee ern .atario. care run aster than a scared deer rind shotild they net he -will make the rarkteill runner hustle to betit him. A Regular Storm Period . otivers tbeath to 31st, being central on the 29tle This period is at the culatine nt;on of the mereury ilisturbenee And is apt to hiring several days of theca- teniom ,storiny eveather. From Sate urdhy the 29th. to June Int, a seriea otelaily thunder etorms, with possibly 8onn scver wind storm % PhOtild iltst giVa143021-14t* stle,�f Ederferi, -Who epairing OunsmitlOg 'Mowers Sharpened Saws Gumed and Filed *ves ad seissios te- New Wr1ngei..Ao4'ers rale Olsppers Sharpened Umbrellas otigtotolux; whch rniht have remitted more se ous. Mrs. hcstle, thinking she w going itito a b2drootei Mistook' tb cellar door for the bedroom AO:tr.:en 'ton Opening it 'Pliingeir headlong date the stairwaye lIer ehatilder an wrief were badly sprained, notesSitti itig the 'ealiina •the, calling Of aph giVe her relief fretil 111- Q Townehrp- of nay, in tho Cot: t Of Ilurone tarMer. ,deleveserle , Our I teachers 'ottprided the 'Notice is hereby given tuiriUditt A convention held in Exeter last week, It. S. O., 1817, chapter 12,, ,that all Mrig -Arthur ,,Jackson. of the G. T.tretlidiseere• and others having • elaiin station force. has heel: transfer* against - the estate of the maid to hand tliat, was perehaled befere of June Ire09. to rend by Post prepril thclatIvaue, alp) eittS Tirane hors ve ,teelreee'e to Messrs. Diekeon te, ti ed ta'ClandebaYe and last ,weelc too,- PtteiittoortlIewridtire,vean.ittwIlilitke. died io,nilidsuor: .i...,...,.,...,..33,4 is. ,fatitilx there-- ' . eibeat .the 3rd 4lay ;lot .14ay., -481X MANITORA PLOIIiteeTweeare just are requit'ed ori er before the 19th day d 'Care. nigh qtalit,y• I_Ntailltaba tog a the :Villeige At gxeter,', r ,Yitto,0 re 'k, for a few' de es 44 , for the. _Is',:xe.onttn.,....ty,,L.:, _ Oattuivii ?AM., it ' ' it -and •de'eriptions I ntur of the nt1 4ki by them. .And fjn ctce that aItertuh last . . Abe eeM Ie tit dittfibute 400 t entioiie thiStle±. elittortg the parti ritit/ed .ti 'having' roga14 oulY ,te the vohleh they shill 1hd11 /St?! Midtht-- A tilt Ex;etdr liahliSetarl'aettldest thereof ta r&ny prsonS bole ieltotto rovrct t eltoltotributlitri. .0kL for JP:servitor. tb t111 cloysot