HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times., 1909-05-20, Page 7nnt. • kill , „ni able..„ e latVoz- not being ItnalVa by LThC Alt tobe,Arnerieans tr.r0 the,, ,localitY, The ten. ' ie 76 feet.d.;e0P; diaMeter. It was :44* st. e1a,es In s Th.cxplo gt4)436 OPP-984t4 have, been caused - defetive- cap!, The 20 -bodies ed aU over h qUarri.- an hour beforo anyone*d Vreach,thek_seeno, fearing dnger unit of Mont 'said by the Govern. eattentitt, ristch from Ottawa, says: Census and statistics Offteceis. y a, statement of id e lalthe'm cgetatioxt is later than his year, seeding_ -weattiereon in • Will , :,.1 1.27, 1ay ports;. 4 of•,..... 1%11., shipping port ef . Summer at A MA of $76.,000- h scenic 'railway is t;ot be built t v...lcoiritta,Orrimailinon4to Great Britain rit.- .. xi -,• •- .-..Elliott- lierietP-'nfm- .,,,, -9,,,!., ., . y,-- isnyin- Ontario . 2, 4834 o ... . We fr ak ....- .,, - • _ tons r ni" 4:,--440c- now ono. inteii le u the Essex Quartor inpe 1750 has heou- repl. , by-aA ninety-one-year-old woman named Pratt was bu iteposedSultaR,E,rned ,to death ritario eat- to tlt,.241 for. is a , ° Barley --Ne. 3 extra 60 to Ole out - havo 11041 4 , 'A - pared to supply the eitY of' Blyta,8--oritoxe, ii4)4MS, . . -witli_tiv4,._and a. halLmillio --. gallons of Water daily. Keys Taken By Forte From the The Railway Commission has . , , , ,, °Semi that statione and. IntFSell* 11"t/2"44. 41 ger"tt" be re$1.11arli.0100/..ne4. out! while•sittin* g.bdore.the lire at Werso 4opeeial despatch from Salonika and kept la sanitau:00n4u.,b0:4*. . Doane, Chichester. • nays that Talaat Bey, Viee,.Presi• famio rowlock, 4. inetneal Ian» , ,4k watennaa, aged ;75, who was dent -ef-the__0.4.4er of Deputies, dent at QueeiPst went suddenly in- _excused at. yttirnionot of oteasug . ifinrrimestmtrtherirt-o-'.,arra k * ' uralti: , 4 4. • 6 i Abdul Itainid for the transference, of mpt 'l is mot*, r, as is or unes 0 olternineut*.ent- 0 tho asylum, _...preesn obtainitt attire - rt rme riteliartiesh tti!7"DoV,:. ,roughout • the Northwest of the former Sultan for the malt- Senator -LougheoV.that Canada er„esiais, stouaers -ifth a, go], ovinees. Winter wheat at the draWal of funds from foreign banks, would be represented -;at the Jin- italLutpyittliahr)11 Peas,. 054O,'.,06e en!.tinde. 2,,14-.to75eLontsule.. ilitekv0eat--No. 92 to ,64e out-, side. . . Corn No. • American yellow .21,140 on track, Toronto, and No. 2 at. $0)Ae, on track, Toronto; ‘fana. diaii -yellow, 76c on track,' Toronto. Bran -Manitoba $23.50. in sacks; -eightij_-allorts,-4t440 Toronto freignts. imt-ltbrirdliamid-reSo taul J-11 11014 born) wero Ontario and cm useci-irdeliver Afpr•-t e eyirto-tw , • • etrar-Critite n iii Bon. L. P. xidi5VOTar i'A-461-41g6.1gig; a woman' dett. 14., , standardcrop it ran .at iron rooms in the Nilo= Kiosk, den' and , ....,... anas.to..1-4.-lr,;, wor tio,..telosted....alt..e.,titertor., .....,Thir iii,...,..6.ithuswstgittrvilrodivetteu-,,,,or-a,,,,in been seen to leave in the, New 83 -per vent+ .rptider for • -eibits_leiltry.;__-_,ATter valeta 130170 tho_ bidamew4.4...e.tic .01,3,116.7D411 . . 'Cross itation,-Ennatii._._:____. _ _ „ ,ai -"ample-,,-os-m-deniited .dePartitrec.--"--tta-------4-espatch sayer,- amounted 10-----483.40467_44iv, -.,-.Dr.--.-..:Eitm l'inen--'s. - Itsident-if ooadition of farm animals. offteeri of the' uard, furious, at the was a liability. on the books. of; t-h613-ritith Illieldi411 ArAjtssrliaialwili°011 stt`a"14/„. _. aro 02 as Fig; .other horned cattle the demand, rushed into Itis room ' leaving7thaellan-etttiwnoreasa s:,iwititho p°•tilb; g".113' Alderman John Banks, who died died recen:tly at-Sbelfteld. per Cent. of standard,' ex-Stirtan rt,re us= to eomply vvi 8 ,88 , and ordered hi to surrentier the lie 4,,Tobt, $437 769. ; : eys wi __paiyi_e . ____, ,„ i . * ' • ._ at Folkstone reeently, was a nrm- ber of the-TO-W-n7-Conatil for "-fifty- GII,EA'f BRITAIN. • . . i - *----m-7-71rEVI---,--iiiiiimitEw.- - ____. , ...47g4ears„.4„n4j,__,p XEMy0,1* SIX tunes. Queen Alexandra; 40 'a message of Among the narticles.stolearby bur- , ri;,,,,,,,,,u6,4x,,,,Eauncli • natiltuvli symmthy to the _l'tyareen ,N;tirges' glars.frora tlie ouset ot the Rev. lo, i ', i 1 . own - .57 -Tr ' brialat.satall es. -7,7',4740.44addAvVi''' • ' Ya :..t 4, ga.VRASATiliktegfiriV"t4 ., ti. -_.n. iv ',. v, Jib the West: ntimated that she was not in syre.'liilltani, waii-a-bliiirirtlitraTial' apa.tch from, Winnipeg 64Y6 t ---1- e'sPt*_!4_11,1Er_oiri_Vaneeuver, , B.0., path. Niv!,itgbh the sztuffihreangtoettes4ora. 1,761 Lie _polic,y.:. ,...1., 14,14 ear zl9 5 ., .. . . t ., ,,,.. • e .1, a '11 dressed , woman as dis- appeal .0 -inquire in a 1 „ •- 0 w le 2, 6, . wen ewfouudIand, fvr--; safety. Tunisian1while slow ard-beund/itthrougfit Tioavy-e atruek an unusually h4V,37 V's 1Ote-4; her forepeak. T1te brolven pia gamed quite ttlieforY leak,'anid ain Fair!uU t1 if,- hi. duy bead akt oitee, for t. 401).u' * '13 'it" VOITNTITTItCYD- Apples $4 to $5 for choice qu Iramt4d —Prime, 3$t9f4"ecto 44142 ar-and' ite pound. . s -up-05e to SI a gallon.. Ilay,•No. 1 timothy $13 to $13.50 a ton' ek track' here, and lower grades, --$11 te $11.4% &ton. Straw -$7.50 to $2 on traZk. • Poto,tee00 tee bag on traelc. I.Delawares, $1.10 to $1J& I • ltr Chiekerts dressed, 16 SW), and sheer. 65,60, per • ofiSo�tsb Agrioultnral Com; issien last year, one of thedere- Hedge, lutv- covert) • on • e • nes ay un er a ion = 0; • ; , . *, clump of brush in Burnaby. Noth- 1 meat combine in Britain, though it spent ea the national me asienetts Ur; lug near affords any clue'except the is not at present powerful entnigli .the United Kingdom,. ing returned a pure 5,O0 reinairralt-fire;. Wh the-- , .; • . . - ; ig Apra* in_southern Alberta, payin paper had been burned and poi- trade. .. . . parish on Sunday, -in contravention .,.. ,,• 0000--i16 'is 'deli . 6 I ith the land, declaring it to be ' UNITED STATES.. Fuller 4 was, at the (.1•,an Pollee . " the .!riehost-lie has over sew,. This Court,,fined sixpenee. • - ely-A-6-14-1-61foweid bi-a-l&ge __A..,..Ohleago_girl_darked herseitto death. ' - • -• - Th•-X-Londoirentratrecnineit-will ' i of Scottish oapital fin- invest- The United states senate en! make a profit of s $7,430 this year d 'era as been missed in Ng,* West- minster or vicinity for months. The cause of death is nob t isrta ed, but as the clothes aro, badly in land. torn in pieces, there is a probability that she met with a violent dea liniment) By wiertmEss. during ft struggle. The corpse has apparently been exposed to the Or 'Thousand Lamps Burned Four '61-eirtel, 11W about four months. Hours ai Omaha LOT TEACTIERS* SA VRIES. A despatch from Omaha, says:: Aimattsai w-wason-LSehool__Board...of._Winnipeg Made ea Xhc-ctirre,6t came , „ _ • yerrnrnota: 14telestAtt4.;.. __A desp_atch_ from WiariTessa, - eitar'utikiltifrotifigr47,2.th0:-Aiilltnk.-- -iitzaftaUth titeXPI - • the show is being held. Th.ere were 'Tuesday nigiit and gave the 240 • -4,-000 ineandeseent avid kr ladies employed in the 30 _city four hours the lamps wero lighted schools a flat increaze of $50 pkir by the wireless current. The ays. annum, in addition to, such in- tern by Which the experiment was Pereases to which they were entitled. matte was a discovery by Dr, Frod- was explained that the city PaY * *rick Milloner; iiiferess expert at -18 thn-sniantiset- -AanYwherez- ' the ;Union. Pacific Railroad. board also issued authority to raise $2,00,000 on 35 -year bonds. 10141"14:141)-11OLLEIL-ItIfiliEW.L-IPW-fOlti---efillittltEN-r tittle Giel Silted on Farm in Sas. Thursday voted for a duty of 25 Y. cents a ton OD iron ore. 4 swings, and cocoanut shies in the . Copt,. Peter 0. Rains, who shot parks for bank holititlys. and killed William E. Annis oni Weighing 180% gram** a. Greek Long- Island last August has been coin (stater) of B. C. 48$ to 240, _found guilty...of mansbstighter, which is considered by many the finest exairTpte in existence, was it'4, to /11,/,1-e;- shoulders,- 1.0%, to tl-in--tondo•n-fo 75 - b el_____ny,ie; breakfast _Alason,a ass workel haeon,.__Ps% te_100- • - ._ ig .-1/tg.:44!-: fit_ their-h-onse IV 1-.)airs-,-mixd. . 20 to 250)* pein utt r -Pound • tints 20 to 22c tubs a large to , 16 to 1e; m er- kw,. 14 to 15e; creamery rolls, 23 to 25c, and solids„, 19 to 20c. , ggs-Case tots H_ Cheeite-Large obei-se: old, 14 to 4 e per--11471-rarnivar, 4 14 c ; new cheese, dull at 12g to • HOG PRODUCTS. Bacon long- clear, 13 to 13* per Ib in case lots; mess pork $21 to $21.50; shortcut, $23 to $24, Hams -Lig} -to medium, 14 to 15e; do., heavy, 1.3 to 13%c; rolls, * .* .1Ir•--wr. --i ;,. ...- - --i-ein-rtii-fifITirifilia-iff-tiW04 - fon The Turkish- treops at -Erzereum Kt. ,- 0,1" Thc hefic_adjiiii_deLi-t_br:„...„. - =ma it,imtfrapa— aritobe :�i ... mutiny. ..-, 1, ;,....- -:. ; _ .___. ... _- - The German Emperor and the Xing ThamesavensstAistu, ration: island over 50 $1;03 to $1.06. Oats -Canadian 211 Montreal, lifiy 18. -Peas ---No. 2, of. Italy met im Wednesday at the port of Brindisi. iRowings, Club., was sold by *notion Is° 1 144e4,53,141,4,020,4A1:0. lleck yeare the headquarterb, of Xingstan IfVefs_tern No t OVA to 53e; tiara, , . * The French , Chamber of Depitties". at vie- nut- for ste-yoot:k recently 51 to 51wc.. Barley -No. 2, 70 to 72e; on Thursday (Indorsed the Govern. it has eot the ratepayers 43;40 manitofm2 feed, 60 to jloyiA. Buck- eettitattitalle---with-regarel -to The to, nittirodwitio .children of "Wit, whes"0/4., to 700. Flour---Mani- postal strike. • liam Terry, who was remanded at ''"'"""*.;'.4144*"1.*" / the Lambeth Police Court recently. tob.a !pring wheat patents, firsts, "GINE. 8,31A8TIED B., Y, 1 "CIC:i o.ntruhe,e4ihaurorn'elifideseris ttilgothtillnu, 11;19/ 'ipsS:Grt:e:tngtst:skiaecrons4n'itSs't14,tiotv$58.8POr:ittut71SLaVtitt whest Accident .to Express on Iiippowa $12.5 to assist in the reatoration tiraneh of this' C. P. R. Si,. 'Peter's church, 907,,,,_.app.i.e„ near 1 Pertste,niits5 to$°-$105.1t:;$1930i6IsttrroalgithetriZ fn. flVIniCtorth- * • - tt, nest irli c urely am 15.1111.s . 14V1, - 'which Is 61144 ,t-L.t!.. b° - $1.34-13,2, . si thc to 1,2 00 - -I? e nitobit A-trannegs6d7yilson-t"cht Ktitip-7*-cewtlerrrtiran°enh e°11/11Yed. in 4, ' rwork teffirc 11, \ • to $23; Mall' ..#32tirtM241 ;Anther kali Through FitinieS- of A despatch from Sterling, Mani - is doane tale '--ate` . on ,the fann of. E; Eaton, ne r ughter, Who was riding with- . land roller was run over and 11-4- the-lkollaTiolkiwitirtlitr-- „ runaway of the team. The father , • was injured also, bt!t. not .seriously, The horses were frightened by the, , Whistle of asitearn plow.. lots, *4 to $5 perAead." Sheep sold at to near- Oc per:pound; lambs at 3.50 $0 each.• Good lot of fat hogs at about 234e per, have suffered- nee' operazi litEvira -101"-Or>rtittirtif '4414.1 berian having both met With Mis- Toronto, May lg.-There was an abundant supply of choice cattle in, bwrohitiblotchse.:,. 00)%nookirt audit abute.hrt it.40) pclasnostes, nine export steers realized $6.25, -sioaralleads ii013 oier Maio' hii-tertor7-Orittl firm at--$5:15-1-50,-an wo-itt45.--Stockers-and--f wore in strou .-demand. Milkers springers-Atrong,....exoe cowl:non stoek, :which are not want- ' Strong dernand; selects are einotee sat.7.3r$17.16.00,:bf.ed and watered, land FELL. -SIX TRO-USAND hree-Men-Rilled-in-Pe4ted-ilitek Ilicine Michigan. 47, - • i4vtilto*te".0414f4411"Mkt atte-whieh,'4,wea-swift,- sure, but none the less terrible, -ttre NA k c -et untie iere • on urs ay which tney were at work suddenly gave way, precipitating all thre,3 ,anUt4ee-a-ofYasiFtj.11ho"usfr°1-:"illand feet the sheisiatsot;- the earth, and through this opening bac unfortunate men Were shot as -though-impelled-by-a might cata- pult. The bodies ..Were crushed in- to an unrecognizable mass of blood and splintered bone. The men were all foreigners.. The ,shaft of the ed -jacket mine is famous' all_ over the world as the deepest Working mine in existence. • fire. Winding her apron over he head the mother_ Wail dashed thringh t e re an gay er four children, who were huddled in an inner room. lifre. Courtney's hair might 4re and he *MI badly burned about the head and ears. - 4 04 t 0 • Y. "*-"-----T al waY---131mli Wlit kir a It" tit& tlek- ostnirsgtitin, Dorset; "vey Lake Towle/kw:ding, and winds. "k" its vo,,,,on it farm cart covered with wurthrou*tlarbarinintlan"ieris. • narrow ledges far abovRiVer, and through many' huge Tradel. Review ,the rodudfion,,, of e the Ottawa' Acnd Coil cording to the Iron a roey euttin a. As the Pagsenger114 rt in the *Ciiitcd Kingdom last tolitaitithnroortitti;hh, laieapvitritatutladtletid;w4magg:i as),,ezerornaisamorottukttejvith06,002,r85,$310to.natonifti, ,i ous section, where the rondbelti 007 and 101149,33 tono in : 10901, .dingt to .t*mtitintrifrittio; with. tho , , river many feet below, A five4ton ' 1' .. . k--erlialleti-down,---41*----41selkit--vottstlrobEwit. r -. striking and innaishing, theleeoPle. : • ,--4-- . tivq, but fortunately' not :1'1(444 the tit Sight 0.f Otoineatry_ , in it cpt.r. train over the' precipiee into • this . a - , tst .;.----,4 4105 0440-#.-• ZiO.---ItaiStiertge” '.------------, . 1,4rtt_._rs,—..,:. - (les -from .11eirtit! Turkey., s: Tbo re(!.ekit rioting in the past* has laid waste • nitre dtiet. • Marx* itself • w*s*ipotesi, for only,* few lopv, thi)re. 'were. killed* but within „,miles to,,,the louthwest-* tat v been prad other batch 121 executionson',Weel. today morning when 24 mutineers of the Army *ntl itait4 were hangel in publie • Within this eity This makes a total of 38 exeelitions 'within the capital since tlitC tioit of April 14.. Four a the, tief tho su '7 -Were e aVO c men kilied. Tele. 'tie ed to, toff. the r4 tied ort 'Weil. the tot the 'guilty ' • re thiktitho,hung • en4r.riunitherli, *.nd IOW .• Ow hat ot been Intblie. the people, haie thought, it*, the cndemned frig or tlukt.ttie,etfteinent their.ot-exoeotion wat nothinginore,, 'Vita lie:. • /f umber 14,000. Int tat retlilired. The interior dis ar -atiltfar Iteursicttfe4 arlf ir_fetienkthe tPitt,e hOM't" e tit*, *04 *kw:4s are, roceived here., , \ --,'. , i& delittatek Iron( 'COOStatitra0p.e- . 40,14,4 eoortikatinriple wittiwtist att,.. „rttink'ori% of a, rising •of t' Vskatt. ihritt Costly lEvporlinent Made Neeta. sary by. Devreasing 'Coal Supply. • Sir William Itantres recent Oug- . peat4on that the mteri0rAtatt pf, the earth might; Tio tapped' by mean* - •,• , of bore bele, is not exactly new. Indeed,lexperinients have actually • ; .11-und-erts-le-e-ii-iiith that 'end In e,---of,,tlie---Anost•Aatportant-,w,,aa carried out some Years back by the . erman Government -at a; lap- • - w111127.4=rnof exched7---01-eourserthe-bore-tho-0 very_slender • dimensis , three feet- sieere4sx mete, r at the to • •., inehea.at..the depth of one mile, • which-it-rernains for the ret of the , distance., At -La •Chapelle is a bore of a ei,‘' riular-- kind; and ---nearly as • deepconstracted by tho Foneh •Govern- *. inent-for-experimental p!,ir.po and another similar one exists near In �acliciwe,wfts t}- or inaF-' .r lower, but the, expeam WAS found with the prespeetive results. That -r-tht --sront-of-srteir -work;----After - - a certain depth the cost increases' ' by leaps and bounds, and the time ufned-leagthens4IroportienatelY..... Thus,. the Hon. Charleo Parsons, special stud of the question, esti- mates that to drill a bolo ten rnilbs , deef through the earth's--ornst - - would cost $25,000,000, and take eig'hty Years. The job is a stupendous one. Yet it may be neoeseary for us to nn- - dertake it. Our coal supply will not last forever, and, when this is ' exhausted the greatest industrial •••••*••••m••r0*.jt$,••••*•••••,0**.•••••..• ,,,_ Comm:unit es will be those that have TBA. tho most-direet-raeans, of access to eUrodAirineat• of /the----eartiOst - . • NNW t 0 lb if A $ —41.0114 Mr*. BcnjamiIi a reifou-,-'irtikvintif of forty, was ground beneath the wheels of 0,,train in .tl-tb east yards oL tho C. P. R. on Wednesday night..' The atf,erac--prirlive best.. .thejranks frequently cross the yirds—Mrs. Patterson was crawl- ing under *rt. train on it siding whim aitmerttlytediti4,- atitlithOotdiroa v$,kx1158T.41.11.0vorri: Ittorraug; ren Axe left motherless, as well as husband -out of work. Zs eighteen- 44-1ild.;_da_. eueldonly two weeks *ago C. P. R. Meehaiiiii-iiid Company Reach an Agreement. A despatch from Winnipeg says: .. It is staW-on--relialite-anthe.ritr'-' that-the-difileulties between • ' .,R„- and their. mechanics . haver, been eatisfacterily 'settled. the %strikers 11,1,0 to he rein and the 'old wage eehedule rtoreJ eited to. 0/11, War) rep - ed '..the machinists, and H. 111116thilet:i.graenti4hanaist-rit;en't''V);e‘Ii'X'pOt.,117 is iindcrtood rettegs ottA he peisIoii- _ 13iitter--21.% to tic. . 'Eggs 10 to to '12lic„ and easterns at tit to 12%O. grain • 4133; mixed 10ge :per doten. ' A despatch from says t Manual Ifannali, resklent of the northern part of Hastings County, was, on Wednesday morning, before tlistitED STATES lifAiiXETS andios'• Perodund fogullyof Chicago, MAY $L4;$1.42; No. 31-7h7 VI- ar Northern, $1.243 to *1.30; Northern, $1.40 to *1.19; S $1.24 t� $1.28. Corn Farmer Near OttaWit Milted *kite • Aiding 'Neighbor. , " A degpateh from Ottawa Colter tforgari, firmer,' livin litabhii?g kttueier And inflict- riear Ifsgelderi, Was fatally injure mg, ,grlevon„Lhoctitt, , ' IV'exiiiptiday_eliening .10!, _pea- the .erection ot v .c.onviettxt. shed for a - of assaulting.* Man iiitudryt. was out/6114*d to two, the 'sharp end of rs_erowhar st,andin • 'ears" in the penitentiary, tenteneg upright in 'the grOunds He died .tOnenzielit fey/ hours afterwards; ' • _ were severely altsdon up by. eat horSt wit**, frihteed sudden stop. but not iidrietitly to ittiSith at Elizabeth, New 1$orseyi ed. So tightly was Inc engine tho Other day, by the 'eight of wedged b",? the immense roCk that big dromedary in & passing circus ilvnamite h a b to tt. U tir lZtd to clear par*de . The parade was goin the wreckage. • , • through First street, and the fiort#_ • ....,7,-;-,s,,,-+.0-- , 'whieh was, *attached to **livery . ,. ' A Of 1,14 %worm ' ;,iisigout was standing at Court and • ....,...A. . ' . , ,ritlt, StOLL.`el4A. . The driver, , *Ecii Instnit, Persons 'Wow Coutioa ,S010,1v Iv.44t6PP'et1111°43' t° '14 le. -,„ pes:aolu,Otirrainoittu.;Voillmen'41`gitei%lii 1 i4;i:il•iptilto,rItillit:st,:11.,,,, Llgoiuylro* al lity./.. .4v. i 0.15 41)f, i' n. , -.p. 1- - .-..., -, - -.--- -4..!.- , - Whart,TeRiTbdrOrriiidary JeaMO along The colony di lunatic* sit., ent teinie • fright „ , .. . immbetiig nine,:.. 4.: '..:- ..ediir , ,. * •strivitlf lli, 'to the pioreinextt. , After gi- of . , . , „ lolin . air )of 'i' ,townsiiiP ' 'oft i:g 0. le* tonvlotrot 'kielto ' Allarintlf; : r kiiiii0-ed, 'on thelnial stiffened *nit -iii*,* d' - .vprog itotitt itt elittiv of eenstible , 'The 4rontodmit . isetmta tt,' s'• 1.0s,c,erty Of. Shelburne's, haVing 1eil .about al., 1441.11y: Irightened *it the ' ttt '0_1 ,it-, „ilogeron luriortie ' thrirloe.,, nod' the root. Attending ' _ ' hi or' -efferits-roltetlitiiiii-- Triliriifirti*e:',06.-.kfirtritthet--'04--- ., ' , :trite . 0 : ' t N'illege„ :Varr_..is al. tiAt.„. „for, a tii"le . :Oa big came . forrirri-, ',',,iloont ,ttlittv,titv, sithil,',txids, :.3,10.4i 'a, '..ifoinitiotion, thst the c 1 'will -be rnealillY 0-Nattlittf14 10 riclOn' ,f.'t t.i)Vi 41: WitiOh 1111(41 'tlie. street *mil,' ' as posribte.' The *utliiiritieit *re 'ilo', r',.i4iii,,,;%tilter.i.i. 1)0 *fit ittend*Utilif , „ . . , j, , xMntlit to 0004' 161* iwilf.110111. P;;_.;,t1%y , ga thit: xnitrui.1 .4nittetl. 4441 .$4 *It' 14*41,04.e' to tlio teilitilliviitit,11:14, tv.4-.':iT4I'io 9,10vcil : '. 0. -Te # 4 ; No. 3, 75, 154e; o• a wh 75'11. to 76o; No, '3 yellow, 73%to 76o; No, 4, 14 to Tigcl. 044 ' 04.. $1 white, 151934'to 5Oc; , white, 65% " 50,140;- No. 4 'White.* l58*1 0.04- .00 5G to 5oWle4:‘ Intespolis,s; MayMay,IE40-441*-6o.r- '41;*;,•.*Tulit, *Lug: ••Nish, o., 1 1STort r o I No.9 0 1. ts` ti tl "-war e ateof 4amlieau, the 011sys,,,o141 , IlirI '0.4*.:*Waltenca 1).1' , gene her linsbroul. ,. On junlOing { , ri *nd-)0#4., togene-litribestut of b&d' lit,s4W *Ilirgegt:ty_ rld,':,• ter }greet, .,.0 , meg- :Isp frui the eteriaelv, the gouro.:.;. 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