HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times., 1909-05-20, Page 5We ttre glad to
ot.0100 .,10 'Atter% e
IMe wtIi. tic
ains, Damask Otirtainsa.and`Cretonnei in big variety.'
oleo. Wirido*:$bades, in different talon andre-mes.
a•call for Furnishings and Decorations for your home:, 4.
etilleri of all lands of Seeds, Potatoes, .etc..
Wgbest Market, Prim tor V.
A large utfigiuueut of buggiea fro
0, mot; etyre,
ell to look over our iitockbefore purc
ebicles fully goaratitend.
a 0 1.0r the losaing. firms of Ontario
intending boYing-4,41-__,40
in • No trouble to .ehovt g0005.
- •
Wesley Finkben 3 ion A Rai 111
,.,hegave 0 rou5lng
mperanee. - - .•-•,.;i.;,,,,rrf.:,
. llarry , liber •- hos traded.
horses with Mr. .0. Steen'. of Oen. '
trail ..! BarrY hos boo of. .:the best
ora iirtiisrernolvc. _
of Rashwrd, spentt
0,47,;:tmev4i777" „fliTI•or
• ',4ge„,,4u4uievinTbas becom
pert '.0t -rutiatag liis automobile.
Mr. • Auututt UM pent a'tlaY io
London on , bushiest.
1.110 the Eilirea
11 a
church Sunday ..
aist, of Der..
• •The,topic of the .iiubi*y la to(;th
• Some lolks'fty ve do not need th
railroad the hip re comng.
Stinton haqq,urcbnaed fror
,The Gasette-ReView, of Park; Riv..
e , North Dakota, has the following 1-
n Exchang
Figbest prices. paid loll produce.
er ewo o an
on hosineas.., eeo his property and that of'
Lit.:,appears toot the Soosen,for 401r tivingstOneat
big and planting , ',he Very .ThS 'concert the Aberdeen hall on
• his Year; bill: iteOilit. 'infatXt Crr4+ 1110h0010, 1Vit Ulder AusprOlt Of
get the premise, that so-)ong th(i. •the . Women Institute. was A' good
earth „stands towing___Lrind__reaPingt, lineeess,:_Thealoging of Mrs.
frost And heoti, -sumracx. xl4d.„,„'kV-111, vr000-eapeCialy-;being worthy -Of cont
abut' not 1,07000 ,:s, pxreonse-..tasx=iiik 010040.000.-•:::Tbe4Mtettakillers PArronfolc
Wrd-goad-atr"ta- t- 0',14t4.100t701:- atalunchritOr*-0,000 .
txr. Fraser and ella. and Mildred. ter, the, contoto,
spentd 10 Dashw90 Ajt12_M±lonitsjsitori_1,*ao
OThe a• martilninexo;
Axing their 'grinder, to Make gond
eed-t •
May i a oirlirg7blirbli
imi10.,Mr. A lit
. ...
:de san, • this vicinity..
Mr. %tarry 'Silber ' X. 4, ;went to,
Torontii on Monday on: business. and MrRiA ticklin 'or dry cougit Vall tt
iteir. s. cks' spent a' day
' A . quickly .loosened with 'Dr. ••••ShooP's
_ _ .
fluough ltemeay, • ro0 omunfille chloror,
XT.' S. Brown is qufrcril* *tIta an form. mithing unsafe cir arsh, Sold
attack %of rheiunatism.' •
by , W. S. ilowey. .4, •
iigf••%410•• Roesler,- of..-EzeterE_Iii, „
rending o • few days in town., 1
• Mb* Lotelise Fahner ond,Xiss Ache- •••• .. Farquharon--.4-Exito,r$:_-44portt_sark Iv . Them if!, tp.heA. iiimpnle re'etted o
I Miss.. Uorgelh• .sPen. in the sebootgroutiffiS.S„ painted
ashwood,, in the notional codors, red, white and
. . - -
Y., J
It 0 141 thev have accepted posi-ever dansreitheateneto'avft1yTare
• welitore jot, aided anew auatLhe to our ihop an
er D I Van thin
on have"any roischin'e
• we wnr spikVit-
PAW' Mrs. 'Hardy. tar Denfloid. lititteottomesti Pxalttic iii -,16-511015;
• isiting,-Zirs.-4.---Eilhar -for-a-few, in Is nafetuvaettlallnyA* IKesigb„_ •Retrojt„,,is
I Mr. W. Kay purchased some prom. The BiJon livery is busy these dais,
itir. George Sedford lett for Sarnia Wing colts at the aide in Exeter the Tbe Bijou lovery is busy these days,
owner' *rt,
other dare S. J. Sweitze
o work. • • - • = •
iiltoatt-eind-11tr. W- e-fat-stock-hati...breiv-ite., Mr; M. . llrouTpur lurid UM. J. D.
ashwestdoa_tve our town a flying)kr9ted otoil farmers are- bormt---tree41:41goinon. of Grand Bend, spent one,
witb-Exrt -Brenn flax mill has Juat completed
il to, use„but. the winter **acute • ng.
..r country. Mr. and Mrs. S. Sweitser and Mr.
_Ainkia1Irs,..J1,,,•-Getiser_speot Sunday at
-,Wornen with - pigs co lodes* faces Lake Smith.
wittrieel weak and disc/KM MAN:
iouraged, Met N. gc9ah was in London one
receive both mental and bodily vigor 'day last week and was siecompanied
04risk.,04rtoess, -Irnu Pigs, width hoMAtobY her sister Miss Smr-Keogh.
attorma prolextodeonf.or th, ir,lifood! trrveit and cullriuSs4'13-001: Stlisteillgoruktlittvserpritased
The tender Wawa' •of a , barn:dela
raistutri sr_ciaTreas;dree_r 43lueertb.t:_ert jsuEndahser±titer. haTkiLptlotitt°tee4rbeneinsotna. °Xstettittthrivet*culjain‘otroreachh,trilli Ituantorg41. SeahlociPpg'smria"ungth-gd'inteGunise8dhltirti:Irogr:
4,4141.10P1k--,-2h.0 vejoin curntive - ropertiea 7ight
r d qiiic
t• -Eatireit-by-ribt,
y from alier rot,
. for noirder,
itt ° Iten
iindr alife
trouble, as be claims he should be
free • and is no longer amenable to
priL„trnison flis_evipu_suliner.eaVd_oranthawaterreWeeklelite
and in addition i ebained to hi* ee
door because he refuse's, to work. Iia
Asa IS, ot Itstatq' Wide- interest, as he
tet been thrice tried and sentenced
lAnil_..tivice.„ in thii'littpreme court, Th
last act in bi eage was n determin-
ntioi by the upper vourt tbat Barry
.0 0 -"tbe:--"yetitrant°rstlitn:
uknae be circuirt.
courts- 141 ztAntis
aliter. The murder was commit-
ted ten years ago, aod /lorry claims
that he should be free, but untll the
either Work or continue his dieC
atilt t..o. box of Dr; Sho,op's Pink Pain
Ask your Doctor or Drug-
• iiitS4C-this-lorMule-is-no-caraPtoto-
Pan means congestion, blood pres-
sure. Bead pains,.;--womatilY p1ins;\,1
et;104-012t,7-r-101--#P „
' ,erybodY • was looking forward! vonts
or the game, of ball with- Exeter.' fee Isna all wlntiI
We 14nrow. It. Would have been loote is there.*
i'ang--14-they-Aver1v-St1rW--- 'Pk
• The Lawn Tennis players met in the
office of the Manager • of the Bank
of Votanierce on Friday evening, to
elect officers Or the coming season
and transact other special business.
The following is the result of the elec..
tion z So. Pres. 11. Eilber, M. P. 14,
Pres. Ira 8. Brown.: lat. Vice-Rms.
_-_-.-1W. 11. James; 2nd; VieeoPrese P.xfoses
n ered ogr .rnidst andremoved one
our residotea- refetr
Airs. Uckhard lArilheliti, who Passed I 11"41144
• to the great beyond, on Saturday'', the „groats,
Atrthe. age of- ea - Years 10 O.
months --and--41----days,-.The%-deolts.ed
has been ill Lor about tour years but
alvc3p4 bora her lot with great patio
etiee. Of late she hat•heen quite heiP-
leps.0 Tbe Interment took •lace in
the Urediton cemetery, e
ftetta-Otritiitttd-74t-tIM-150fftetqit itt•4
• ter _which 8 funeral sermonwas
livered In the church. 'Berman* itt
Revs. Betio and iiaist. Mrs. NVilhelz
- was boro itt fj-eitnarirlinit
this ccuntr in ise*ettteerc year
• -
mottling there wirer:IL...years e .
11.1.11 tirsr
safe and good for tbildren,
Containing rio opoim, thiorotorin. �r
othieer harnifiX-drugs,'Minthera•-should
in safety- always demand Mr; Elbsop'a
if other reMedies are offered, tell
thern lo! He our ovto judgel Sold
tia.Ve ireive lot .of-volre you
Anci#06 tifliitridkalte....tpd az-
Peerless fencrng lse CoiI, *Barb Wire,andlipg Fencing.
a or r t r. ready Alija P:
in o1;1at:1_10,i,
- 100 per cent pure
ardwa-re--From-ts /
Prcduce taken in Exchange
. •
We vritib to announce to our many friends and to all those needing buildngmaterial that we&e in abetter position than ever/to toplOyoulwatitairs
• Lumber, Shingles, Cedar Posts, Laths, Fence Slats
1, If you intend building a house barn we will he leased' to -quote prim*
and suitifitTott fitful. ram., can• A,__ •
come -in et-ourliAces;
The Dashwood - Planing Mill Co, tiniitctl
Dashwood, Oat.
In act anything.'niede -tor seuuttifg tufa cleaning. •
'Phan -wantme-ofour vrall •papers7- whick we are elling jitt •
greatly- reduced prices.
Ask to See our patterna.' we aanplease y�u.-
'. PAINTS..--ou need paint for renewing little thinge around fhe
bense.. 111re handle the Velebrated SbwiWI1UnUts- Paint*. tea; -
eolnired-sarthe bestpaint-mader4ir:t0nit-fro1o,to45scritikr---
. nish stain At 25ea can ,is jnat the thing for making old, fun&
titre look like new. Vail and It tis talk this paint proposition
over with yon..
Farmprodn'ee Wanted for _which we will pay the highest prtoei
wedded htr norrowing" husbthd, They
lived on their faran west of the VIII.
age until 13 -years ao, when . they
I move tO r oa dir6
!Lided liqro. The deceased leaveS
ntavivinigtn. husband, one son, John
and four daughters,- Mrs. joba Boos. -
zier Mrs. Eira atato;, Mrs. Charles,
:Roessler and Isotifiqi 1,W03t all of Med.. -
Hon:, three sisters,' Mrs.. Orli'. of .
Iricksoo. Midi., Mrs. Albert
•Th nboc canna met-
ilessiro0nrit,1114aoyb trh.4 tti t lin mot to, labi pe rils!
ar • t
ent tile. under the .direction of
reeve.' The reeve was authorized to
bur n car of ettuout, for 470ittitshipt
we, The cleric was lottructed to
prepare a by-law, in. ' eeortialice
with Sees 18, -137, 15/ caul tIL,.:t• and.
that he lay the. tame :before * the
liteswere ordered following wis to
rep -
troll, part osts re
init."15.00: R. yule,
On °May of last 'Wee* Vf
Mug, into Goderieh, a moot .
which was Making laP a freight traln
'OK onto the MAIO line' Atilt thebar
bor Bill 'bridge, and An, effort WASI, •
Made Co flap: the in -toning
which slowed op somewhat as it Cato.
':rottlid'Atitigit 'Milli but 40t.ettOtilth.t...0! .
prevent.it egIliding With the -freight
. engine 747.10--ans.
the cowcatchers and plitfOrti oL eatou
trat hoots work wer reuIred to u'
' *rate •theisk.
The vote on th. by -low Wilt take ,
mare* andit hi nis to titer,
itt - or to get ant and see :that
carried. At • the -hot vottoir:the
iitictoo Iloll gme tt): int: of 02 Itt
aver of, the hy4oi . nd tbi time tit
her to should, get' lo altkoic,-
•It` itioSe who failed to .tettie tiot
tnrl mattoi it - 4 complete sweep.
itav tottiie up, their Minds that
will ''• tom Otius :Or( .os
v'nbiJit) 1..oftnkhig tlw,
ft ittEsllify, ifs* L.
tiia. 7400dott. lt,is ..)til.30, •knon
- - tefiiift:,lit--beitit--
),. ,11.-lalre. tip -
ritit riga
rantid 1»' ttirl!ti
II istruction of
, 'rtiatrila . dire* ,; .
, „
rt or KI
a few
h tsrathi'.
days only, the result- wilt
A, ft* setts will *alter
tr. is by ltelp,*01310
•IthooP .dorsa.t
stimulate titelliiirt
t- *tilt aud fslIlag
trollisg utryte4