HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times., 1909-05-20, Page 4try
4004, ovwzen
I lacillt 4
g tr AT -b -C -e c le .
momentbeconte the' province. 4 .. en.
QIiik rue .11 the '1i:1),ln 4' 0
4 - -67-0-41t-A*tttddtttoneL e'
itur thereJ o
cb P.' . g
, .
0 1 ich I might meotio an ,
Some of our friends. **ear. by • tho
government of thal_pre ince. Z_ re
vr to the 0. e
g04.14 possibly
°teethe tari t made
iikt be heed. If
,b omewbat 411.ftlCUIt Xor
to fiud anything Anird or xm,v to
r, think- it is An arm
d fact that nd -.Oa° DiailirduaTs.
. ,
ate exactly thename conclusions
,questionand 1 presume
SoMething„ that atit-noc.
„been naid. Beforereferring
y.,,,,ot..dthc"..P.M4mte,ntn pr ntatvi
n,s of our friends iipposi,
r on bu
tory budget activeranee
duce - tar*nem to e
re• ndr- Anders the 'greatest Ser. Manitoba O tree
vtc t could be rendered. The Pe* iti,saying'tha expenditure has
.partment'of 'Agriculture have issued good deal MOre than , donblett, ainOct
hciok, kraMente "railer --Nibiett., the pre.Seat government Paine to
the" various noxious weeds prevalent. 'power. . tbAt the 1040 cow,
!Canada are ffrallbicallY thewn te .00000 Wjth Other gO"terno
at the farmers coo ,41,stinguiSh at'a 'merits why ab,onitt, this government'
itar -"Wtuch iMed for on increase in the. ex-,
o injurY this land. Vhe''bOok:alsO It-theold not be forgotten
gives,*iostlruetions as to • 4110 best that the 010,,eaditare bas increased
itatat100-110,;;°11 WIAMODO ese
lotitag the ,,,ramitttout the provinces.'.of
lillher) is his pi c
he 4 br-the--foror'-0 air-bzere*s
Vhe statement hos,
a„ - mad and several time
f the .failing .revenue„. An One 0 ese, 0 nig 1000001011 y o
'rho POW Tr410000.,...0
r which to ca
100 20, 00
Great —Erlt
• ace
ey *re 110 at 01151***114tt ral
Tbo o • d'aitinfOrin
iew f -the,--linagiaLand_Atantarr-axids'Lof every_Aktmer rn thas COUi:..,j)pp,esite_that.Aht_taltattoo_of the.
calm:23415th has ,existed t riot "knoll .of no7 way *In people bas been desible0 possibl
o time, it was the iffiffett money Utild-lar-louit-naTan:- -tbatis" not last -Abe -17V -to- rat
ession in the country that the tageou5dy orherieficialli e*Pentlea but .they soy that the vole hay
.II -C litr'svou1*:7:13nveA0.4ko, ntalk4---041---$04nOr-a143.4 t1,rectuired.44-pay-,110uh1o.
very cosideroble dehcit. these litiess-and I am sure, there is *Ica under the presenf go
as ise'teared that he mighthace not a member on either side. Of this merit that' they did under .the I
ounce an Increase :in the- tax, ilouSe wim would not ' V011110glY 0011,0 ,A0V04144140141A 444 'nultoNWilUng to
i. itut we find that. Instes4 of a copy Of this v,alnable-iXtleAmoir---atitnit that caw Out*Sir. the
there is a very sabataut* to each, or his lamer eonstitnents. rate4 of taxation has been ,very cot
urplus, and that -there is no in- 1 ata aura irtY bon- friend far AiderAbfr lowered. if the people, b
"n--the-Aamatiolv Varalibela will exeu .1Triatin of their JoCreased Prosperity
oirt. the contrary* the governtoent toe if do not atterept to-1451,15:nr"ff-hint aro. enAble4
e wisely, X think), decided to deo in ,tue 4ericus watiderings 'the "of taxable goOds '‘trider the pre*
he ex_pentures auil to prat- *treed* which. lie 4011,tate4 bet.o on government that they were able to
e revenues- luny . sufficiesit 4 Ao..,,s0 it would.
reouireMents. it PS pro. would, not
u er_w
'tow 41e
esirablo and nee.: our several
ottnstituenclea. 1, bptwe also, to the Varliatuent of 't42$ 7ttilrevil before, 1. am enabled, owing to
04-0-61),6jore., ;any . a's., ------------it Canada of oars,- -Wos imoroisad-mmt#es
urn that, whether,understand the tleman 01*ke such o fierce p. r-' busibesth or in nif affairs. to per-
SOVernment credit' for; their. maid! kateliewrirr. have tio brief to* de; and .a dd., to my/other ,ond
o so Al 1`, could. ,But
ly no will nay tha it is a
0414 00.10P/Aint 1461ntst the
aunt, Nrs. Thos. or ey o or SundaySainuc:
T. r
4' D. S., of 00010 *la /lotto
r tmte of Toronto Untrorsit
it.q•Ver Dickson 'Ostriin
In pr. Anderson'. fomrn
-84-11Antergraduate- of Torori
t tonhur
ell r cat
e boa7. portWit, , ,dare tar, -has been
It GI,
e* t 011
roi an. or , 0
iagnra 110 'a ttf14100
ad gOing' XaY0
• goo" owing to increased ,proSperif7 )1iny
pPolistett in this. respect, ..but„..Aarik.tremely Corry to hear that hon.
circulostances. 'they . give' the Attutek,-upon The premier of Say Chase two suits of Clothes in a year
intention. .1 am also. sure that the that. 1100. gentleman; liaVo comfortainille,..instead:4:)1
• 0,4011 . • cititrae taken et 'the leisure. Or his -actiaalatanOci a *car as 1 formeti did undertha,
'tfy .the government in reducing the
• &titre- with 4.'.vitsur.._to keeping.
t witbin .th- venue,
onittatulate.the Ministerrul-
steme-stn-liti_deterratnntion"to continue
to the inanufacturors ,beet -root
ugartbe oftantages„thst they have
last few years; ; Thrs
taut • industry which 'promises
*ery great 'importance anil
:value to the people 'ot thi* countrjf
and this is 4 Species of protection, it
I may use the e*presSion, Which ia
.advautag:cons to -both „consumer -an
— ;Wants
Fji 11..01
'rand. u rable3
Y ° an •e . -
04Vantage to the producer or the
farrier because it create0 xv X0401
° Market for 'a new ° and what Pro -
04104 to be a profitable form pro-
duct, for -it su
lan bit I do" knew that the* peolti,e
in the constituency where the hen.
Radioman, rived for a. ion:ober of
years elected him rts a.representative
to this parliament in preference to
a gentleman who Watfainl-Mony Yes -
poets one of the ablest' public men
in 'Canada. I also. 'know that the
Veotilo of the province of Saskti,tehe-
wan on two different occasions eon-
ferred .upon -the-treates
political-lmour -in---their---pOwter*
• the.. r
son for .thankfulness and have • no.
_ - - - ,
government. If .anything, I should
hove r0a0011 for complaint against
those .. who .Preceded , the preserit.
government and .who kept me In such
a position that i ris only able to
buy one snit of. clothes.
U4 t
- wilt
Mr Samuel Hicks, of 4the 2nd con -
sold an
ngs and,orte
lussj cOjip!Of moat
dra g ts,
himself. Onepsir w
one coining tlarbet, an
two. ,The buyer* wet* r.
(*edition; 'sod Mr. IN4listrd,,,4
North*, Mr. Fred ° Simpson.,
Barry Bows, Exeter, and 31
Bean. BrinsicY. The .price
$1015-. There Is mons:tin r
'right kind of col
Wt. Bail=
0 RT N,6130,18ENTsi altr-teiTh7atai:,14.irttliPP.4 '0
*11, Itaper
verstor. To y
Royal logo
and res (IOC%
err w ursiort rote .in Wet
• Mal!' °190% I
r ----.100114nfirm Ion -from --
a Iriontphysielen
eter.Offtee •3 3•
Dr Anioe old stand or /myths
• 00411:4 ZOSNS
oov.Treass, Fartiuha
draixImAtra-sit is tors
the At the Division :our hold bete last I
Week the' case of. 14aporte vs. Cardin,
Owl ‘g,, to • the_ Jihiess of Mrs. Mow
in of making tharges,„of this kind
against our leading public men should
not be. encouraged and should cer,..
tainly deprecated, -
the inereased expenditure in this
. • -
as 'Wen abnormally', inereased
that IL Lin' tapyearly doubted under
ought to retneMber this
oubled in that. tune. The
--da aa-cratirtir-dif-
•e c u- •e k, . . _.,... ,..
great Perfection andat a very o
olderable profit it ha1 been° cotabl.
• 1.1ihelrY$* exlierteoce .thus for that
. It_itit_tk profitable eroit.for. the farmer'
to grow. .ti•ot 'onlY'f1iaf-1111
ri--,011-itv41, Witft QIiCr CfOj.f,.-eltia
at, .
IVErk ,P.:Ita$.11111BleAL Of r
inclined. to tve inise:exce " where
44, 4 '''Titif'aii:44 004-7-1
j- #7-Tt11'211-0
*.tbv,4111...: u. .' ' ..r ,,,„ PlkSt4:W1hat '. 'HOS
tit'li,44" 1, , $ I: ' twtg'044 4.11herately, - 4 t
--:1..,,q.4.2_.:#01i114?-!.t..**, veer ilthil"..e.2,her
.,',:14=1:: -.2if;:,117 it ,i.tt.11t,35..... fr.worS;
, '..i.,k . wire or 4'.:,44, anthem or
Tr -Priv e, y • Ur"" -
yearti Culls; troubled with a serious‘
erniliou, ',the. iskin. *this was not
only. tztisig • 4 b •
fit'St -trielfariOu$ hous011010 r reds
Useldiso 1 took medical, tidiice. Not
...consttitedOlitt 34,'.4CA1 !Alfr ri _get
any rertflaneni relief. tioine tim
,bacir deterntined to 100' 7,1thlathlk
104 on ;1t iEkincOni or 'did yar
zen other work on. the, farm is cora.
**Cicely slack and 101onr, is mere
' t
root VaiAada frowtha •
iears ago. Art these days there ,were
thousands and thousands of Atrca
w re raetlealt a barren
ergi tjW ii tbisWar1r-th
Ottilit o t130 fttuzzr. and the Tanta
from the be*t cto is in fact,practi0
, „
eU 7 own molly • r
to /enrich him and to add to the
wealth of the Country.
•ISIr. Speaker. I shall not Atfat,
cueAte--brilaer question - if protec-
tion, ,hat it Me say,.that the
that tthe farming interests of ' the
country- are wtterited. by 4booAtIg
t..1C 0 .0 .4' 1104i ro_
*.S,b,,,:til1°_ have a iturplOs
- for 1ort, is. Ititnplt-' a Alma '`iiiid .
dIiisionause -we tat know .it is
\su ostab1isbedfact, and cf. do not
In tbe loeal markt1
nod these lands
e. co
ore. -toy.
ustriong Isettle;St
pOtiring out theft',
to orich tbi country of
our t only that., Vitin the, coon.
try to whc1i 1 have 'reffirred., hun-
dred4- and-tbotnattndS af resperous
and tropalons town and vii:ages have
sprung up within tile last thirteen
years, whit° thirtetlit yearsatla there
set tilos
Mr. L'1tQ1ii.
Jaoni tuber nee
before la
Wiltat wa higher ii
land "
optil• d h he eat lttilto
Ory which i it fed 50
44.13P--**in4 ao o4- by wr
or fouit"ii y-arI. robabI
boixonse seetio4 ef coi1itry.
lch; thi vially star -;"
hLi b.zm „brought in and w has been
irlott forth its mallets of dollars
in.theatotile or gold,:silver,
ud iki that ,country also
rialrok1 •or -prosperous tOWO and
httv°4! sprung up.- where
forq thr:;*tk* Was nothing* but reek. Ink
etad harrier. wilderness. T10 Otifeitd14
ve °milt k 0,1146*, .tvitit the,
and e ity nt t
and tidr m
ps Indian , terooN,
couclasiotr; because* while tit log
f tried .,failed• tibiolutely to relieve
my rain , to,tid rid ine of in troublei.
•64, re t • •
iL tottiplete .ctire.-• In ;my' opinion
this holm .shouldpe,:e ten *ore, wfdely
kaown than it 10," 4 ,
• IV/IC4 13r6gtort,
Itingts Vo, N.SW 14 apt ,c4t,ttl 04 a,
ontch Of .erzero a .on myunkle, whieli,
had, beert-there for over twenty ytars,,
•bierk out on my slititiiders. 1 h
7takesYtobitiott,tif tirsenie,,:had
vaircitirolntnzentN, and lrled t11
f' things* to obtain,* a cure, but 1
vain, .ZatiAluk. on :the t-ontrar
ured th'ni
U*LiIO'tt'JY.' comfort in help
,*ri and if the publi-
:onof my oiinion of tho boalitt
%vitt ;lead 4the
cis to try it, It should it* glad.,
It* relief 'of suff&rio bY
:les kin d eas ,it io Withou
444 * t :
lor cez.rna, an** iiic0r4t.plit,s
sing,,,varicome itieerst th,114
ringworm. LLt
kt ,';4ant.,titt
i:s:Eng, toward 0121nlf
tteitCh.,juitt after -ti
si-4e resolv .."41 totrn
- ° 'PM% Alin Art
Oar.. At
The ZiiI bziseball club „fs,rtio1P-
Ped ivith their banditoine„ge* not.
-rorda." .1rhey, will go to 'Crediton on
the ,-24th for. two--:-.7mou-s7
o! that vilIafc
at -jb'inominiatt7Uad$ Awnoy
Sub-agenoy for the district. Zittry
• .may -be had at -thosgeney,°-
_oondirtions.,431;father moths
daughter, - brother i nt sister
and Cultivation, of the jarttillO coli/t...
of Until) iettroh, A home feeder ,tnny
live within ° nine miles o'his boobs
cod oa 'acr.-
hit-lotherrinothori.un, duglfl.r
' brother or sister. /
In Certain. -districts a
atter, section
4*, Mr%!(*14
144 004 b;:4 pretpitim
:Iceots' butcediately preced Eng
theyack.,of eourae,
wb'n the $200000 drawlngs
Iblfl-, are .20.000 t
ti how I felt before
ot natal:ISM, artda trlal
tvaent of ShOop's,..111sel
edy-liaUId or Tablets -4 biing
srets, byDr, Sboop
Yja.Iron tit*
k for some discotir
safter.„trl ft:e.lot impt
oily Point out tbIi
44 certain relief
oits. by first
the trot.
and uzuaUTbefO
Iwuno abia
to OA
fioot 'tbe p41111 w
or ItiOtigtittif,„ lrnt
,the doctor* treat
tild*4 da, Mt toto,
ATI • 1,0,6up
all pek'oX .ever
hein NWT ...410titt •
isbirnd Vrt1ii6 COM*
. 11,0*
MA I a
fAtkonoto '
bomtead in eitatn distritto-
4L per zcre. Must.
nor";ar toluittrritte Tears, 41u1
the ad. might ad; we 'include tile a hcoae
hingitt that suit*
'best Padding% W. ,beat
t Trotwort Or
4 aney Vst
*ttyoii to our shop wbere
0 y fir Welts to