Exeter Times., 1909-05-20, Page 3in o e Oitizeo ' • 4 • ,ST11;Lid0T4B OF POW 4,4 lar /Saes, *nt-medical-men. oion to The rim hat they, ,co • animais,. but holdz domrnioriu serv then -won 041t1 they. ern uniicxmg power, wJncli, be loonlawo„, of about him in abundance. From" hie be "flflifl he hos u power almost. inlini aehievementswith ridAshin I trAip .currents surpass. ho,ealtbt has an haizstiblc lenciewment of mat exbaubtles one. C''oppoe thein _. '14f0ttO*VIO' obey teamthe - usimi obey them: We ourehe into harinony -ighteonsnem. powcr from on high art of the good man. ¶thtn be A ..: . aSiUB againt the world. from- doubt. Heknows-not He clotwiLgtrength, Uitible fouutain of -strengt ie Domiion of Canada notable butiOn ;JUflPWC.itZC1flt 0 #n. bas�s of,ttreugth. For therc ill go , more and more quicldy, i an invigorating climate and on fertile 4011, . , a 4100 rig of rue hich ill eventuate n 4 type 43 ftile aid tiring el .ar&Ili pe 4411 0 in. marri 0 or takti:thdifferen peoples rt toreii 1,5410,, Urxded-thfzl .-01,4 fhe Empre vaster b soz hone and Dr, aven hee1ioot of safrie.0Vimeno. and PtflJrOUt lio_orLeithier side caue:pres. the:ann which may eyentual- about.P4r$4r344 ,u,do4iy.of the Medical Fac- iay 0.1,4 :n308t '00100ttabi0 43' *-'40titareti by habit.' I ieself to icep ,on ,the righ etiille cal itilitm-avoda .0hearb troubles. :iatflng eontrametlon eornes deuce, the previous debates the buzz of comnitnthaying. been .itSfilOisil hushed by ter'S. speech.' They , listen- o-Pait testimony,like the - skilful tactician„h' t he (and 'Barri*- *If .1-r.ft'the' ..itT7C*4-bwa opportunity to speak„ les Plea. VIII. Conflcil Jerusalem, COlden, Text loyaltytirst thing, the tal tir ecuretheir as M01iiport CVOlUtiOflj, Iwould Thc navy will be a nat sequence At pacing thcCanadiau". inilitia on an entirelyaabAsi,1411 basis, :son controlled altogether ffeiu 14-o. ours this thfference bctween.a militia atafl,wehadbett� iwo,7meanSiiiiniiiii!:-' o• • in n(1.0hand clothes istobe too hat , etone ' al of Iiignity. We must dret assist our new citizen* to ln(leratintl In th*„..'E P #sof dow . , reat *hers belong?.Would rem 1 creatures of the Marine.De. r would * little- ikAltnir- created for their dire do 1 FIJtST CONSJDERATION Ly triab ,me spread , financia npt to*realize the naval 1Mtnirtint.ir *Ationtie, And, ;Pacific at it must wear th th,Ofaiiiliff tianadianallaw the iingresttion-to - Yr4 ess of England which to would Jeopardize,themovement. and Starting -a,- naval -polity of our tj$s tiAttsir no 1,0 ot-aitobvitift, tho idea th41,110 have notion's Of 0 4 country 'whit lations aul does for s.sib1 Water until thoru the new droo is deired,, 'invert o bowi, tretch the *30 the_ 9 0- Yont bet, Tim/4*u lotwintor. Olor Straw Eats.—C hats with oil paint color rnix nrne •as painting, enouf • thin,. Dip. material in the, dye oral tiffies. Dry quickly - but "-Tbtostrot ng dyes leave a silk finhli and When: kling,i - tr, thy so* be sure and titUt49. of thee 1 nt eat oup bone; trainer, azd then st a roug eVeesteroth. Tli 11 -lke 4 -re r asWateTi in that iiing cut thotongue Holland or-Greece.Our will becrusbed ors are rapi4jy emerging frorn the To Iten.ow, et a flat pPoSition .that we are in state.!„C;i1 1111,0:t* have 'some one hold 'hi * of vasinUage to :England'. By 11104- jt on sontething with hr gloating' ;4 flan' of - our own, we,side up, asyou wifl eed both han4 EB111:1311141-eiro "RthILeimorliees; firs Cause it would be obvieiiit that r -wry could tni ert0 .4t0 e suctuhelnotoemr-pinkte0, el:cid:nice:4'0°0%opartswith 70 otVover the. ire o the stbant, ince7safttrwitu, CURTAI To BIeach • Cu ak tans e velvet in 4 bag, an s boil with a rtither,... freak tong. TO bieae put-th ith thOu. y au'e 00 k ruffle after they put h ,wrin , • Dr. Ouch always sleep on m leftside, and 1 think it is quite im mat?i*1 whether younie on :yoni. Sftor •iide The iea, how- , s. Therearc rnany m tire that of whom a chariteter halcespearessYS4' -*Thou u V0 WA a MAU MQV0 or a hair less IA his thou hast, Thou wilt quarrel wi man for cracking nuts). hain other reason lint litmus th uarrels as $11 egg is full of meat, ere- are miny others with sided views, which they. hold .pe/ti- Vir., a cris Preventive- in tattis Of the eat has suddenly n loan, and -the few families at.couutry-wh, fob- aro ',At/Viola pet,s are wtthe alert-to.seeure riaciouslY and pugnaciously. In am so many,, 50 varied; aind_so cer- tain, isob-rier -or ' to involve each of us, that a lesson onsAustr. rats sure to be useful. If w-e-cau 'learn how to settle disputes ...„:w*Otth„.wbi That 4 4lieme.-of-to u lora esiat I country w erusateta in some degree,' Ow of the He rews. rom bis upright and haly lifehe had gained he • surname, of "The J"ii therefor •with t 4,14- of, ,..proun clas t iiihesz to eas ight be argued that, or. 7 'Oa& *A no foreign have navy of its own. JR ssibilit interuatio theJerusalem church "ch"en t°14-7Tirietiiiiion'ubjet of oalitiltrob Admiralty) carry the deeisvon te'Antionla To and a 04/4, the imItrumerit of a 11, weight. ' 0 reciprocate the” bona ..4).'s /Tin -44 ellentitien‘re-wer.` Pre' y -itie-Antiock-ehrizoms to veuenal reirc allowed fm govern pail, • the jerussaern „ehtlith na. ties) this augurdeilt might have some in se tog eir leaders to Consult with tb 710,eipsht:brtttaftohre. ,.2plurePcier4eet.1.:Ite; alt cm" $r • tiOt merely sending st, letter. To 'colnIrstrt ereport of Pant And Bar- "1.11 have ended Ion a#0 Thi -eon original color* or -koking ready to act with tt, /or 04%04Moth:rile (o ntr3r, would be -a, ato.ndineolsrevi , all . effectual proof of the- and futility 'of supposing that the r / $ 11 on could e bre fn' tes t., Now 0 it' br:a.'"',o° '..4111,ti:Inicf.:4. up. the Wo . ., ,' use develop the na,voslis i it f-rtho flowers' . To azoertai4 am diriyi- - ..tamo..A.L.,u.t.tauctutgziww -take* • ieee youth within IA or • our shores, 0 0 3 ill at ic t *e. brus _.43,1,40i,t.t.Z9.1.5t*:4_ rather lookingforv0eachera 11 • „ on the Walt seas. For maritime acti- rk.deeller Pia is d. 1::slirr: Put' a little ikeity 'LIAM is a \ natural) hea.lthy ,olere. d3re in, the Adis 0 , . on Man clot LPlumes— foalimi°1"141-11asir as to suppose_that 'tad Avater -4 ir0014 ever dream of aifaii Ai discerning iii°taii:GiY:01441t Plietal:61licii;cf tv tooth bxushrub art) then. e t bers eIn elean Whatever, 'Canada did, 'would ter 'Then tii a string to ' an4 hang near stove; • merely an evidence of the strengtlii • 6 eolrth with small, end of 00 il&ceukaliztkinin an"Lik*Vvii64 'Wt7k %dim() ALL18-dup 0 A VISe t the bVtt ;means o authoritieshave taken the cats in severat of oti1fltio1earnITat t e rne families tent cafs tothenum- -80S0. In addition to these timated that there are 5.6 life*ess e nes, art ,.reroarkaide i-nuh, those sections' 'of: the ,it e plagtie were free from h ot, *InUnl!ker of the , animals wthout a home is rapidly diminishing, be. fts Ev'Olett Point in. tilspute. II, A joyfut-44et went . ,)3Ovt did the Antioch church eczethb' th u Antiodh stfter the first talgSiOnarY the lettile"rir olvraatj- (11111-7--- ft joitiney, what idiMoulty arose, Cer- • es �at Yrrise own from Itt arc The Bezan text sayii that these visitors were Pharisees, Members of this strictest Sett of Jews. Perhaps they cattle to .1• ves- Algste,' rumors of laxity in the htErtint.-Jaft7Antatetito the brethren-L(the_Lverh isinAke imperfect, implying continued ac- tion ---they kept fetching), and said, expansible ,he m rea- son Ivh,,Y -the 'Finance •Miniater of Canada should be a ereature of the lor-,434-4' do not tonIs that •esnada ion' is tho noun corresponding to ,Parae the Comforter of Tohit'''14 refers--priraitrityc.--to or advocate who 3t4U itje°001,1rt.it wirg--ifie -ease by testifying or pleading -for -him-. thought as the ea10,0 it$ the Lat n Whence "comfort" is derived `e r o ve. • re,. $11-110 ere - for; h unplt/is slug) inn THE Immix OF THE LES h r1 -so -flab -the tominosior gar4n variety is equally flIient s the tharoughbre n never ite .his i1!e ority:Until he-attempts:to-put ngAlsiby roto: e `evii on the Lord jesus Christ, and thou shalt be Sivee (Acts 101 :31 Of grated faith in ('btist, but they., 'added the repiireinent of confer- Jpity to lewipii4 rite* and Iti4ws. The' result was no Strialrdiiiiion'and' dittifititattott (V. ,g). AL. The Usitter Referred. NY-loru-, tifillglit,b23 bt01 and Barnabasr and if them (Inc uding nipaninn..* a Greek Itlark much who would tfrv speeimen of .tho °futile' fon. rtO),„ ithOubtl go up to Zfrutoalern (300 tulles owo) about this 'ttues0,,. Poul went Pby revelation" hit+ is, entitely.ok,,,, tent with the statement that the are -7. svi • e aci.c seaboard) irallie Great Lakes Ilitherto, our defensive . ttinets-AC01.41eAti- * Pie . 4 .view Auto creens.-Sc here.To pi soiled, tack wrudow towards the hc tter than ta curta ake the 'e, t r t show on r -the curt tc0 1oth end , may 0 'rya titehin eta ni*t1i-or e for as a rujcs the sun falls on th& lower part of thecurtan only It is quite a saving. Washing XadrasOtte. ins; :1444. AA curtains or others -toot are i00 14 or fine to Wash in the regular way inay be put into a pillowcase4 and whd without fear f -int"! eiilor look ike tubes an4 dime representation on the".. rnirty Board and in the karlia, hi,h reviews the eost and areAtii ixih olont he-iniPerta itrb,entire armories t atTEnTana1as. tit it is anomalous qthat, with Or oastr line in 1101t0i 804144 New Urtinswiek and far :Eastern Queboo„ our youngliAloVitioin Sea It-gt conie by. natt!re, should4be Acompell- size.After removIng the which. hats formed on, the gtavy, itt toepOr and,:salt, freely mine yellow pee/ from one leninn) and, cold -water sufacient to al in 10 itew• pan, interior five minutes. Garnish.in militia, 'with 'triangles \of toast mv.staka. • -vo,ttrj:-;-ve for ick ,stoinach - 'Chicken Oretli,--.-Chicken. broth , allowed simmer \until theregis. about .then cooled and taken-7— in ik1y le an tiek, drop 111t4) v just searing it 0 ;irepotato masher ru •s taug t istory are very practical; both for, the church at large and for in4ividuat 4',1hristian5.- L Christianity, with its stimulut to thought, and its insistence u fillertYk has Vastly 'promoted IA. fes esserttistbr ngthent, if possible, • on which relit issu tore now boon fought,. with only one eriding.that the people who provide the money shall absolutely control the itg of it When the' ifouse of Lords controls money bilho, 4041 Aariwiterts u naval -000114 genven if Our inan3r rivers and innumerable lakes did not swarm iflaufli urit cr aia aft tit -half- u in - split the , 01110h 30010 1t, ay meat out • at. nt t . and.. seasoning on, .1141,1 and aew You ask me what ore it with tord very tight. Put tell you who is such; I „saltwater,- salt -enough, tube*• an egg, with half teaspoon of sal -pMer, for two days. Then' boil , in fresh cold water ' 'one oncl- three, cannot ordo nut work aUnit, sgainst -the evil and to further 4ho the Itingdorn, their harmful, and they *re to Ld in some,sttelt way a n studying., I 3. Our lesson, a10 sboii till he disputes between twq re to be aettlefl; talk Ito fratiVroand ittorlO NW; 'n the ..gOOd°ide of each other brought about, 1' trwmithsji o Otis eaunt bo ItOTi 00 all 0, ut,alnjut. 4t-that4t, . two Months,to vould go off properly. steep brougli at least, this 1. hat b going the rounds • i (Olt till wii,,t4S-rni A, an of-pei - strain. li stratti;d oup. t it falls. toTtlie three iitory tied, iirto thr. uro- ottanior1/21tilixis grin obleken titsmot,fh audible thethielten in the,pan ernst of two fupS of fltjur,. nfitla of shorteni. •