HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times., 1909-05-13, Page 8ortner re- bn io,ribij iled truce Ong' liOudou od ed at years, The-, root t, lizeter -- For four lest:flog lines of Wall Pallor. "Xl4Ple a* all de'eibl • loess pe e, er.dare strong Alla goodConte'Airett to tut from rOlif41,,,, 1- .rt • are one of •Again we. eeve yen aflt profit* they come to us dbect from 'the old huid. The new Pat- • • Ing s are eoft autumn tti a o • Browns, Blum Memel and ede. The new seamiess&ruga . e perfectly -flab oequiringno • tacire„.J.f, your *ors are not • ,good w.osup liF withburEri- 7711. to ea and ideal margin or border. _ .1 • '-four- yard. Wide, all thoroug I Reasoned dire qt from ,islairns, factory. Tho beat Induct an bu Wo.bave-none- of the they are dear at aly price. If you want quaity como to us. "You, know Lt paya to pay for quality." We are thowilig annia-naw briointal d tile patterno that are very prettfraYiiifir -Jiket thein. - .glittirofzidlifitierterfurd'zfitilstte Takes an expert to tell t en f m oilk,, all pure 'd es, Lovely tartan effects. Regular city price 25c. Otir epeeist I3rgatn offer the yard, 15c. .None -'Better. Steel Briggs field seeds.; we hese sold them for nearly 20 • year, and have never yet been disappointed of course we buy their very best strains irotrocie-itetutd-of-tikeap,--or • doubtful seed comes into our g Busy. , Yes our mMinery work Townie a vet7 busy spot, You would, wonder where all tbe hats go to-.. You can tell a' Stewart hat OU the street, fp life -c II your Neighbors ;tints. Y*bIh notlntbat sot *r ttru ••• • ivis by thnt tlie tittle -of ouch VE-NeViVrE AND, .01,31 BUR, 4t4- �omerc1aL lealee-,nroPerly fitted:4*d of -.0.-A,, ear -and treat t visit Monday, May 1/th. -ewe.-- • „IcooPstkw34-mrony: Ttth, and return When repaired. Won a eard and t will call. EDillEID11.. num, Btu. .11%qter. The Eipstant • ears'Iit%4I. IfteAtitt es -a , he. venstantittaw of Tiger • • littstioates-the*-tougheat hotel The constant...cooing lover ' al • htant adv - 8 be one"-Wg7Wtlitv-004,67"• -'- tn3c ltQughtnond, Was 1•Vectuesda,),. night . 4 to bellart ed on'Alon ay. 1 Dated at ixe April', MOO. • I a-, murder of• lArs, Mary Veake. flt wcnt to thc reake reSid.00,004-: about ttyri miles. and a half Mile* from, .Stratfrir4,..on Bent. 30 last* Where he was found' in the cellar 'beside the, '.4444-494.-44, I rl 1 'charged With both rape and :murder. The negro, who comes from bittle Carlisle, Qne., took his apitence with 'seer,nitig Indifference, retaining the same 00114 air which has charaeter. trett-hir-attituder-all-7-tirro trial ' , •• Art etpert.sciegtist who 1143 looked Into the -matter asserta-tiott-the ,dinary hen's egg:and the l'.,turilan body, Art x6roir. To CItEDITOIU3 the matter of the estate o John Corbett, late of the Township, in the County of Ilureer, farmer deceased. , Ne.tiee y Oren mirsuatt_to. _ , ereditors and others • evil* c aims againit the estate of • the said John Corbett,who died: on or aben the 3rd day April -:'1-00 are required on or before the .44th-day.tr•et-May,-71040.--;to•44en4-by -- noet prepaid, ordeliver. to rczsrs;• Glado--1-411------.414aab of the Village of .Zxotore So, rejteis" for the -fteeitior of : the 1.-- kinds of 00 Shoes for yon EO. MANSC.J3oota nfld Shoo* • x to CarUng Broa. • . act raining atern9titario.• • tifr, Qua. Volighlin, of 'Toronto, was in town Thos, Trial* of Clinton. is the .guest of Mrs. San:ay-ell; Mr. Elmer Pang, of St. Marys, has engaged With lames. Gould, sis cooper. Nr. 1.4.. Sheere has _gone 10-11;rma ' ford to work Or the. verity Plow Co. ;Biggest value in will paper ever of- :feta:0.04-N, itowes.- „ „... Mi A. 'Currie, of Ifillogreen, was .theiguestAit ,,040,14,A,mtiario -d-a rs. ShirleY *.tiesgt, 410044. The .Agricultural a -new grao fair grounds. Anotb,er nut Ilundred pair of Black and Tan Job Hosiery; o'-wconeorhig-boy,s-antl-g In bar.' gain price'Z pair* tor es "tarter* , adies and Mn's Rain.Coats ttriiroo" ToL$14-„0 llinwprictrfronria-Ocno*00;--- ejx$,A043:90-1_,Sui tt--#0,0etto-txtettooliti*--w.fretutn-;44 ii,41W2du,to At1.00. Also n ce flowers 'This la the best opportunity you willhave to get a Reineoetfoi irourseit 41,13ott tor our Eoy ora 114.10r r_ottrilitrls, Come in otod let a., banrain- While 007 ittet..__.41i41;good toads. oratanitionind we izbt o es to be found in 1209 bone eggs. The folloiring- is the composition of -•the. mares body, and. of -the. -number of reSses. an 6 111X*.i._ tbe-stMement orthezr ac tbe nature of .:.'he-zeeetiritieti,.-.W-'1.tar held % by thezn• •And further:: take notice that after *rick last mentioned date. the said, Executor will prof, ceed to :distribtite 'the asisetatif ;the de:- eggs .mentioned,, Sufficient • iron to tensed among . the parties entttled• rLt for fourteen pounds of candles* tetalteref 114112? lArtital°11e* (0 the 1 make ,seven large- /nails, sufficient horths-errouth-for--aorao1.tbsr:!'"' notirce :aid -01a the siiid7executer ds matehes, twenty teaspoonfuls will not be 'liable for said eiaets thousand crayon, and the final item at the time of. such distribution, . • se is4a.,41 ttriulato, fiftylumpspersonsat)tt 1'44 thereofo.01.1%14,0nI person er coo* carbon to Mese •.•a few•7-„ehau.,notimitt titon ,reeeleed, ;47, hint vjflJt n oReitors for sald executor . Moon's paSage over the celestial. So ict1r Is. having equator on the 15th, so near its Peri. gee '6111t14-antl-irew-wirthz1 will hasten storm conditions at this Livingstone, of Milverton.___Is time. Sudden change to very warm. -E'er parents and Mrs. •veill appear Westward on the 15th, at- L,:to tilawkshom. • tended -by falling baroineter and other - , The bachelors of Exeter, will give decided indication; of earning storms. ai infeermarasSembly in 'McDonnell's These conditions will widen, in* linil Friday evening. , • :* tent -and growmore:intense as they ;TAX 1111Eltralistat Mgt II eituation at ror and will •move there_ shortly. • . Xri 1,10,.,ol1tek and :Miss mable In town with their parents. Mr. W. S. Cole last week pur- hosed from:- Mi. IP.3 •Knight the tore building 'ha Zlitirt, street.. • The base -Will -boys:tiive eentriance r the_ lieastin and 14every evening gt, good stied croWd-turns-out for prim- rAf-Miliii 1;=i',fi:akiztt471E::Exe"-- -J•euts-dispesed• of „his....bnainess t tiler nerth. e, • The rime boWling allervis have been placed in petition. and-Ite-ls-exPeo they wiltboready to It:ay on Sabur. dity eveting. - • eavy rain, -wind and thunder storms from about the •Illth to 20th. There are no_ abnormal reasons.to_apirqbenl dangerous_ittennsAt: this time. and Ter tornadoe3-are-entire13-170ssible Those who observe with; any degree of care will readily foresee any sue _danger. neat, humidity and lo barometer always precede dangerous tome, and for many -boars in ad- vance all these conditions are' mord- est. Eyen,the birds and beasts she thatthe ,xperlenie bodibt-Afieomfor - vim:* -astio(r.s.. Old $tatid oq. )UgbOut and wth. but it - s - there just e same. bliplett in the interlining, Jti ot„,mitdrling, * AitZ ItOrit Svrtiva Sun pet- it to •*erear or - one. .11,411 not. It mill wear :yeit*II get tired ,ofit; even it retains its style, and .shapek, 1iues Ow s in town Saturday. eerving.su ioises in connection with the recent on the /91b. Change to higher baro. alIJetteLlin_1... ieleti.ler, ba rat u : re°4000.414too rsgrtraduclorlaets: are‘a.ted to • positions and euege none Others. -'.;Enter now 'Get our • titorr 1,ftiljOitritiienctilvaLtaitif n t e mat er t e estate • August D. Schroeder, of the town- ship of Vey, in the County of /futon. gentleman, deceased. Notice is hereby given pursuant to It. S. 04„ 1ed7. Chap. 129. that • all creditors and others having_ *claims against the estate of the late August you /du tart•end all your .bakIng troub1es If you "will „.B1T Xotrit itoint uloto We know this beeacese �o many good housekeepers say- our flour bakes bet - rand -than any- other rand4 --tave-tried he Mix day • of April, 1900. are requested on or about the 20th Alai of May. 4000r - -to Fendby Gra of Exeter, solicitors for the execu- tors of, the said deceased their christian- and surnames, addresses and descriptions, the -full particulars of -their claims, the statement- their accounts and the nature of :the „tecurities,„ if any, held by :them. And el to ave. yoU or er a sac an ee sure you Will thank us for tbelsuge izeeticto orter Y.04 brOre .used the flour,. • shoaianted. lin , These fajthful in- struments always give timely warn- ing" and no home or public building slioujif be unprovided. "them. 0-.4s5:abjibrearedirli64-641 out th-e. Ilth to the 2Ist, central Mr. - W. It: Elliott, or CcntraIn.' I frc-ift --abbar the -•-29th: to the--13rd; - hganufficiontly recovered from his re": the change of - coilrse. poising pro- tent,'Optatiam-that,te--o-lor-able • 41-1es54Ve1y from-m4st---to --east.-earry • mg with.lt forr and elearing weather. returr2. whonim!it.eintadtoitwie:(01t- iiii;ereioili- was ho Quarte•rw, imam weting of the guest of 'Mrs. Barnwell a. few days the' Janis Street 3iethodiatai-v during thelet week, rettiriting to tvvrtals'veliborreldite tuteildgllrslta,,wit °uantge.' , 4tthe ii • for . ber home onday .evening. • • The. lint of the .propose4 Stratford - in every department. About. the year was read rind showed, anin. iitita.r. „bal.* j3, toirod-Wrignitit--bzW4,4x u ,Fttietitok<btotix htrv htuffittil tj_t_Pecin • 1111111$ airiChowed-a --Sulsitairitti viriiiste,---r-Yrre-116itYrrir helot of lhe- congregation* 41)10004th* 'et zer* Vices of the pastor, %Ito bite worked faiihruils 4thd diligently durink th ivoil.--offttront--the-folt The israrA otaises to be liftereStlag.• !love runners Are now doing the distatee tightly ma as to be In condition, lloston owlet* irintifends trt flg. ascension text- BiPteMber 'for, the purPOse ot .getting, Into iom- -muoicaton with Mars, -by The:Exeter 'Gut Chili- have purehas- d several trophies VI be 'shot for b 'eMberaduringAtlit earning summer. Tb e . first prize it a hands toe writ- - _ lleyte the kidnappar. of Willie Whit. J. at%1Erhartiti; roet woo fauna g*ilty, terieittewera-to, life ArlIPTIsOaraott- whilt 'his Aelfe received al:sentence of tity4ive ' , la* Florence Treibriertwb .fillr underwent itn \operation. Penalcitil at Victoria . *Ion*, het' Written,. to her pare tlint .she is rapidly ,torivolestilott* serif floor ,,.at small Carib. 4. fr.gtilltia—esit, tit ratinibell,* 'Flop Finith n ill .ruakti your old, Floor too good' 44. new. This rinish 'routes in Tritit'stittreit., also` with stain roM b. bolt. -producing, beautiful tokit of rtitural Ifca. — titicd there o. haring -regard only to '6,/dirta-61- v1611-1.1ierebtili then have notice and that said, cxecutors shall not be liable for the said as - seta or any part :thereof to any Pe on nt,„„rtersons_of...whose-olaitis-tio ice shall not have been received by them at the time of such ,distribution GrADMAN & FrAlkilltrktY., 43,Azamm Datedlit-Elciter tbis 27th ..Alisy • o pril. 1900. went the purest. Flavoring.• tranttrtlifr.--beWl'initettlotimm; Hair PrePartionst Talcum Pow. e sweetest perfumes. writlng Pads end Brivrioper. --iie---tattigr • Cards was unan- Movd itnowi by Martin, seconded by #rd P. tarlitig, that we Pl4ca re- cord our appreetation of the labors !tori 1 our you're' .iaatoratc nmong. with, hmif tv, and in the re1ious and -*Wei war otir thereh'Ite. and 'symvathetic plator. We also w * is.pettic--61:-1(rit.-'140ilural-syjripatl - etle and energttie It all theebure arid al, they leave 116 for thlr *mi.* nerd oC labor. wetrilet that they enerestitni lit'all the! t-ork tiehere and that, the 'hletesing of Godmrty vet be with them and tht Vain b.lo 103 :•Acte. ritrm ToynOti:a... nograp $ an eit vaiiety ring yOur* Wends., .were att Way$ -Meet E PURITY J. WIIJ1$ Poweltlfaniger, 'If 3tou ho•ire a cold, If you hare cough' Or-. areale Or. hoarseness, message a 4 profit kys. . 4 TAKE' 4 CcfU LIVER OIL. o take, no' ..iott. and makes, you worth, mor ,rourself and ertrybOdy the.• Thare Cod Liver 01I iaiiith that are** taste rentovgd. The other 1 entS".net as a tonic. Ask y tor; he'll say. .unilers irrThWebeen tcdby th-e-adininistratrtit of the ateof the late Jaltreli K. Vard to offer for " afthe • Commercial IftJ,'Exetpr. on Saturday. May b -eclock. p. ocssion 2, Stephen Uwe* Qn this property is o, good brkk house bank barn With Stoneand brick foundostton, frame drive • shed And cbiekeehousfrYThere Is ft *Mall re k -and a oung0rchard of about In 1411 whe..ffa,,_ tar • te _ of tultication. 'Tilts property lis'' Med- .-oio -2 -14- tn1h' from -Exei and 'withhi out milt of achotil. - Tsltrthrs$ int farm will be tither for immediate posoeistiort ar' PossieSsion in the fall as, mar sot purthaser.. It for immediatepokfi slots 10 per cent of the purthase Mi be paid on theday of the eat *144, 'balance in thirty 44:0'.. /f for seseoa itt the fall 10 per torit•th secured and the balance upon ,r110,1104, ahlainirg*VasSe-,ItSiOn, sale price left en Mort scrurit$ at 6' per colt. Plat t'rni and coralitioni be, m known on day of sale or maybeben aiu1e*tinn lo - one door SienthOf the tan. .Inst Itgik at the rice's tn.° trade. .ana ifli*e er shin rom 'the ski avt0 AI, 'Olt AS $1, y s tri:d gifts I the dolightfix - odorofsprin r hootitea - pat Mtn, Old `lb. .„