HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times., 1909-05-13, Page 5year lord time, d sad *Igoe, he :Reeve e 4 O ee . - eat' , eMr 1Inrry.)'iwic ter 0 eon t Orth for ti'vo wee Mr. Garfield '... MeTiteaditi-g in c. "esretu SPeeiOlYse1ee purity ,,!tud g nriina.tion. ',,v7 -77.-T171„ sA latoVrN, raiEDFroN. ICEEDITON CORNER- STORM 'AO Ai ^Da Toli1=1,1,111 This saing's shipment bat been the largestehipment.' Of Wsll .Paper- We or received. The range is ,cotroplete and the designs are new and very at - 101. 'glee material is best_for the Money and the colorings .are rieh and durable, Many stripee are Shown with scenery dorders.' liFee our set -at -10 leefOre you buy, - e florin ,g outlook In this carpet lineis very bright. See our range of eTat, -Unions, Stair CarPets and Jap Matting, also Rugs., Will procure iee oeyouin any size. Showing 'Union carpets from 25c to.Silc per yard. - e - - --ims and -Oillilitst ' .,..,,,. .. .,,„. ,., ,• _. ,,. „,,,.,,,, *Increasing $ einem Or our noisuros prov l' -e` -erYua ig itIrkno-W. n. liave thetr—ili-f2 yds and 4 ydir Wide. ' Have Floor Oilcloths 1, li and 2 yards wide. Prices right. '••••,'" lgue ef th1 cburcb 4 a. social cvcnini Monday,: whe Ia very -pleaittrit time was extent by the loom people,' • . Mee, Uicks very pleasantly ..entere tained the choir at the Parsonage On wre49esday 'evening% • t TOM! A; Lace awask Curtains, and Cretonnein big Variety. • Poes.• Window Shades, in different cti oil and pnces. - Give us a call for tithishings and Decoration's for yoiir hOnte • Retailers o a in. • ,ee s, • a oes; e c., • Ilighestjefarket Prices for Preduce. ‘11111's team one day Mr • tenel grst Pang, 101'040. -ta01113!! Spat 'Sunday at ' ve A. We understand that tlos. -see -has :received T. the -contract . for the cement abutment elit,* the Bauble rivet. Mr,. 'Albert WOlie* of Alt: Pleite' ant returned botne 'net week. tie isestifferineeetrotte--a-brolten-armiebut is doing as well as-eett be. expected, :The brick and tile yards have coinrnenced the setteoet's work_ -lee:de-date ' mr2itlityewity 'ries _parents. At 'Exeter. At the ritettinge'vfetlre-tluarterly Board of the .'IdetbodiSt ebureir en Wednesday eveningof last week, everything was Vinod to be in 'first eines, thape... -There Avas foUnd to be •an increase La the Memberehip and in %tiegivings, especially the nabs'. ionary fund, which increased - fifty Per 'cent, also the. editention.el. find. The past year has '..been • one of the best in the histo.ryof- thechorch. e leaner; of Exeter, will be at the Roy. al ilotel this week. All faded oot -olothingeoteladieseor gentiernen-made to look like new. Leave .orders at the Royal llotel. • o o tereeea' �i •24",•:_ • oo ' Ate rid 1 3; tivf.$04 "Tbai ze o1 t1u uflsU&�e5tU1 41,4, „:. 4 ae. reSpeotive tontractoraand tliat '.1i0 Reeve -is bereby authorized to sign the contracts oriebehalf of the Vol.- poration °tithe Towsteltip ,Of Stephen." Qurried. ' Anderson-- .uerth 'That the tetirt of °vision to liear appeals against . The following .orders we Edward Seveittier, repairs • cone 4 75. centee anadien onAor Macbine Qo., Rod d or *Abb. bridge, 4.80; Canadian Mech. ine co., Grader edge and boxing, 12. SO; M. Jackson, Iron bars' for Sauble 4400 -Exeter- Times rtg.-Voe Ad re. Tenders for Bridge. 2.40; Thos. A etott,Itemoval of J. 1Thiel to Ilousc 7of- IterugirOST-lid. Gill, Sr., rep. bridge and material, 4.05; *Tos. Guinan, salary as assessor, 80.00; 11, jos. Guinan, truant book, 10.004 Jas. ITt,Tithdfbr:th3.ub1 CIS • Wm. Beaman, repairs eat r omb. Plans etc. Stub e bridge, 27. eo t Albert Vora, rep. bridge Con. 4, 11.80; Wilson ,Aelderson, 'rep. Sauble bridge, 34,00;. Anderson .4% Neil, brick bats and teaming, 8.09; unue1 Drown, clothing for. ininat to liouse Chas: Wienzie and others, grading' aceourtf.• 107.5011 Al- bert- Keys.. tile. 3.50;(1. Prouty, ,rep. 'culvert, LSO; Ussery ,Se Cornish, rep. I _ I t Volna vert 1St, 5. ltd.. 3.00; 3`ohei Itocezler, rep. Sauble bridge. 2.00 John Iteneey, . rep. Elution's bridg 3.00- William leie3jtrairiThre17-Me Oe 5.00; John 'Turner. rep. bridge. 2.00; abos.,..ata.whinney zuntivir in tile. o 44. _twin corning. summer We '14 stand they havebeen/ e (1* piayel#,Exeter. .on, the e Wear. try At Ieast a few doses only of ',Dr. Shoop's .Itesterative. five or ten days enle, the result will warpriee you. A few cents will cover the cost. .Atid here is why help comes so quickly. ..Dr. Shoop doesn't drug. the titornach, Mir Stimulate the Ileart or Kidneys. Dr. Shoop's Restorative Ertg kierralefatittnee aseltvolvreeceete hese e nerrea al; tba depending-organti Tana 011 necesslitty falter.- This plain. 344 vital truth, clearly* tells why Dr• - a, v I 110 •linWg1730 COM •f gista.everywhere to give it univeraal preference. A test will surely tel Sold by Mr. S. ftlover, Mr. Philip Ilatteh, who has been quite ill is ab:e to be out again. Aliss EJmiraStogdill daughter of Mr. and Mr.W. Stog_dill of- the -t4er-8a--1-134eis_a_t weeks«----Sito was22,yearS.,-2:40011-thS-- and 17 days old, and was a general 'favorite with all who knew her. The funeral took place on Saturday at 1 o'eleck to Jiayfielil Cemetery.- ; Mr. .Jerry Vorriveau formerly of Zurich. but who has been living at Dasbwood for $ome time 'met' has been appointed (, postmaster at Drys- dale in place of Mr. Leo Gelinas. who resigned, as be intends- leaving for reeMrreorriveatteintendr-put ting in. 11 'stocsk of rneretantilse ,and has rented the building which .wa I After fan. tiloess extending over several' Months Mrs. Peter Render -died,pe cefa1ly.,-40--litonday— aft :Faun Pr$Iuc.e Tken in Euhatige WANTED -:-.A: car of Potatoes this 'wee Highest priceepaid tor.produce. 1 - Mr. Bert' Clark has lately added new 'bar fixtures to bis barwhich are, It great convenience owl also adds to 'the appearance. • ' Although there will b no celebrae year, the ba.se- ball boys are arranging. for gines hat promise to be so interesting that e r4- ran- borne to -1= tbem and a large natober from out- -sidevlaces will be. sure to Come. The games Ntill.1 be between Zurich and Crediton. "Ibe first game will be called at one p. an and the second at sir p. 01. Don't fail to see. the games. Miss Mabel Wenzel is visiting ree ltitives in Zurieh:\• Mrs. John Young, of, Grand Bend, week.. renewede acquaintances in town last - Mr. Watson, who waS\ rdielring Helix tt • ' 41 ve fr. jetties Wool has returned horneelnetiOuVonterefeledthegereee �tb e.latestztyleteand de4gna Any person intendingbuying will do err* omeseetawe ember is seeoierkg, Ito look, over our stock. be ore gpurehasittg. • ROI trotrubTO t ithoW-Pods, ftone tn tteteek of logriPreewe'lioPe Iclowfully-guaranteed.. call solicited. the will soon. recever. ,e We are glad to see Mr. tiarfie4a W4v-altalri-atettInvoting.tilent three years in 1JewberryeAtItet.-- , Garnet Maker', Of Loadore re TON, ore-mtirtx, riewed- acquaintance* in UT.ert The Epevoth League .of e h lachine epaarz haveWe just added" a new Lathe to Mir *hop and are now •rn position to do repairing ofall kinds, We can repair your Itavier. Binder. Drill, 10 fact anything.. If you base any machine re ring one us eiiiheitifbiilthilie7' whl&hoduheL tomult.otiiiiattlyerivo, tbe 0 la t ure gave a #50eat 4.1 onay irLtleeeeneegebere friends. MI report a ,good time.. Vred Young eeet4tet a day in Loudon `beet week. Mr* Miehttel Ilirtsel- is visiting re- latives in Detroit., Mi.. aim -Lawson had a emash *tip dnesda evertin but our good ix 'ctllnTre-Iilbe k..1,, ,e,w, -;',.,,,, N Novap:vt,,,* t4 "11 -4"..,,,, , ' tkk .. 1• 1• r a i in ne , telne.1) veil S ,0 Michael-neteverrewo on Creditor& bridge, 8.00; W. 84 Nein, rep. bridge E. fee R., 4.00; Joh n Dietrich. lumber. .9.56; Silas liroUelisifiree tile-. 16401 P. W. -Clark, relief officer re. McMurray. 7,00; John ltwo5s. n„. rel.ier, OFfieer re; .00. JC.1,a_r i „ Tbe council nalounred .tia mee ... , t, La , • a• Wednesday,. May 28th. at 30 a. ra. at e latch meeting., Gravel contracts wt be let. Ilettry Enter, Teer Clerk. 8 months and 14 days The deaased was we or • L'r many: exec en eeualities and Made a hot of ,triends during her residence in town. • She- leaVeteto ineurit her losS,ber husband one daughter Mtg. Iferte Axt, and one anehLoster Walter. besides a zumbe -stepchildren. Der - remains were RLIcI to rest in the Ittonson Line came- 'Weelneeday afternoon. - 74 - be-V-Ilosen4 and .1,Fadies Aid of the Evangelical church; • in whose eircles she will be ranch missed.- We havo just receive a lotof wire or you to do .$0,1 pring*nointrytitk-----We-liandle-the-celebratet Peerless.fencmg, Alad CoiI, Bart)*Wire and Hog ream s as reasonable asyou ean get elsewhere._ A big stook of iItuiin- Senour ready Mixed Paitits 00 per cent iinre uy your Hardware From ' us - .1•2-TIAMWAN, , i Vit IH i1Ii;ii!IL4L--I . We wish in announce to nur many friends and to gal 'those needing hmil44 rig inaterial that we are in abetter position, than ever to ,supp1ry0.3r wants itt _umblex, Shingles_:„ CetiLry_pAIL Laths, Fence Slats - cisterns, Water Troughs, etc. t. oulatendimild •oshousis..or,bomwoLwill 110.Pteake4 ass you- n...any way vre VAIL • •. Come in and get our prices; V gisktA Irt 10311-710i, CIOAA$tr, anieVa usehal&Anzumula, EtiWit-v41.-(11.4. rtes.- apy----I/u1011 Ara lot '-viertaing ' Then-ou__Itill.4raintAttraterti.ivralt-papers Which - featly reduced prices. • Ask to ace our patterns* we .an Arnie yol4 . house. We handle the Celebrated Shertrin.Willituas . rap - cognized asthe twat 'paint Made, in tans from 15o. to Oa, ' • tux look 111re new. 'C*lt * let ua taik this' ro 14 \you order. Syrup • hasIzo the. name 4:M1413R/tilt)** for th!I. imitne riminto that Ltlt 3ast-41.4 vitt —11 •I ff Se ood time Saturday -o-e-r-ttifrorpriette 3 Stillethe 'atrmon to tbe bundaYPirntinpfellIDElog. yle. of Exeter.' spent • 6.tuidayeke. toveen, of his horeee or a good figure to Mr. Thos. liondroteL of Exetr. We tipiteretan4 the town fathers hay' tuud.. byiplawprohbiting - the riding Of 'bieeteles on the sidewalk but it teems.' a le* of the young moo have not.iltekeit Lunch nottee of it I _Last Tbarsdat;,,etenillg_a_ .smfere,_ electriCiii 'Stott* passed orer etrkin the home., of Mr. . iflhLZfl as 0. Lizzie Wer.e htte retorted borne -or- *pending- ' ?eat Wiribelsea. rfilWnctS, -Clark 'arid- . trirrtlqi.„ a day in Exeter - Min Viark itud ;grate d, of Clita. 'Craig* *Pent Sunday in_towit ' Mx Veneto, of St. OosePtr. flfls 11* 0 he Other day 'Ori balirteSS., Ms*'110* Ifitrtietti VOA 'Sartittil, 'h In Dalkarnod. ° .14.1 Itumble. ofSurnia,.. etui -1 home after vieiting tor pn• horo ,toi nteel *coke. - • Slivierilotett. boort,t,d • n 0111 he teornacit z oltnce bat clThctivciy. It will crn ise and tete the 1*aacbc °Wu Brand that y011'11640, its fiavor .about ten 1ithe0 nInge gnat that, of any sitherinalte. • It coshiyou UnPorn n Parr syntp, and /et It h purer, bette4 'anal intro .*.bbiewattin eery way.. It it, tba greateat food for ng children, sin any Vititrititt "Crown, Band tOttud rep�rt of . S. 0. 3 ttsborne for the meet of April. Continuation Class, Max. ; Alberto. 1tiupe 227i. ;Bettie Doupe . Finttan lieithells. e No. 10 pfbornfor t in tht _e '4.. "Ims,ed in bight reroasottitt Easter Extoninition10. y flowari r.1%1'ax. ..1111111-- -Vag ottani., ELrl TreUr74 Verne Whitlock* Arthuri-Volet-irota:Gknn. 8r - 'Aerie Calirti, IlArtdaUaoDougalh - A gal; ittorri`e$ Alexanairo- -Jr. 1114 Whitlock, Johnny-flatton, Myrtle rnest Pyrn. r4, be -r eFL Ire tit -fli'ood to. on I , oncl1 0 pbe tied 11I*Th dton on 1�4 i*i All rti "That the etittieete. fe4 with " Well flee 1t. feepaK