HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times., 1909-05-13, Page 4rta prcmiiciot ane who is Ot their
o are two coarfte3 to Dorit
tt ioon as the animal is rvered od tb Mares 'PreMbeee he May
ire it to the pound And notify the
ode' of the atuniciPality, who will
tend to Its relenee or diepoeitiori1 or
Airftbfl ieepranaia*._ ai5
_tomping witb
tftfutory nts
tion which are theft Must
lb* Imblislt• a notice of the presence
cipch beast on his property; in
Witter:1-ln -bin locality,
, y
owner fails to claim thc nthm,
cutodian must kcep it fter-twa
onths, and if its value eteeed $20
it unlet be Sold by public auction
WIliels May be
ere Printed or written. 'MI* be
posted In at le -aa -tired pliblic:VaCea
1,1 tbe municipality and shall he cep,-
must spotty the time and place at
Which Mae 4inialat willebe-eolde After
leich must not exceed 4200 hay
• eetaus
banded -to the treasurer of the muni
ilaelitYe in case the lawfulowner
ef tne 'animal has not in the mean -
ben found. If the value ,.ot
the mfixoot is below $20, it bet:0131W
tbe Meaty of the person onto'
ose premiees it bas straYet4 after"
be has properly -advertised I pre -
e. When ap animal is claimed
emnses of pasture or feeding
'determined, the law snakTi" pro-
le on against exorbitant aerate,
pereon haeborinZelltitMale elehtak
.renot his own. and (Ines not adiete
ton, le en a bgavy find may be
mPoted by a Justice of the peace.
K I rkton
'We are glad to report that Mrs.
John Somerville -is steadily improv-
John Stone, of the 4th Line is
ftem blood poisoning -In his
but is now out of danger.
Moore's bay !driver en -
the lovely Neather and
Jiigh feeding, indulged' lean Irrespone
ssible gallop to its own delight, but
ito the detriment of the haroess and
Albert Settler has closed his corn
for a month and he sawing for Maxe
well's in St. Marys.
tiamuel Drawn has a full gang on
now at the barn of Geo. 13Narin, on
the 4th Line of Blanshard.
Theary oigofJhe tores in
our inity appears to be nsuccess.
e Itl
tighteatel" -steetwec-a-ma..wielte.ha a
et . toes* in we,
_ars lobules .1:1uplan, Ur. 11141tril
Handford arid "gr. Trethen, 00 have
beeneill with La (hippo are able to,
be out again. •
' Mr. Vantin,of $t. 'Jos
andergoing rolja
no Peogao Meeting on Tuesday ev
ing. There will be prayer meeti
as usual on Vriday evening. •
,Mr Thoinas ,Edwarela.,L
g is the order of
witted and a
minutes of pre -
IL Ruston and
Lbe detects in the
eel eo
Lftrmlcss, 5nbstItuto for . rt 4111/
....,... ,.‘ ,,...„.
. , ls ti, •
Dflta*ucither01 0
0 0
�bstance. It ago Its ItUaVell o. tdestroysorni
ii� s reVerislutesS. it curet; DirtrrhoM.aud 'Wind.
P Co' It relft)vos Tegt1400 Troubles, "tires.f0enettPritio.11
nd Flatulency. It OehanateS the Food, regulates the
toinach and Bowels, ghttug healthy nnL natural Sleep.
plan on Monday. •
Mr: W. E. Uni3Ott N‘!`h0
underwent an .operation at 154 Xt.
cluters, Ifospital, Toronto. returnie
to 1I1a flUiIly .interested frien4t last
Thursd.ay. Mr. Elliott has improve
the very best of health.
-1)arliunday.*houircoms,have been,
beautifully decorated, by, Mr. Irork;
ParkhiIl, .‘01.0-.01e, good salts'
hu,to Katie Elliott, of London. eras
u cermet alezooteover,--
o 'Welcome the father . hoene.
Miss Sarah Neil and Mr. %farad
DR -Awe *nog a very effectiveduet
last Sunday evening in the Bliethoilist
• Mrs. Wm: /licks and Mrs. Xewton.
t1ajrer were appointed -delegates
the,AV.....M. O., district Conventieei at
Ailsa Craig on Toesday•
Which -OW -a.' -
The Wieschelsea baseball elule wiil
give a concert . in the Wirtehelseee
,e,veningMay2Oth. Thi
If'regrarreeirill-econsist at -a
*Dot the Miner's Daughter" or One
glass of Wine" f Don't fail to it3
The council, met May 3rd pursuant
to ,Adjournment, the Reeve and all
the mdrabers being present. By-law
No. 1, ordering a Ivey of one mill to
the dollar and Ily.ela# No. impolite
ing a license fee on the bilberd and
Jollies were endorsed and legal -
seed by the couriiii. • e e w
instructed- to prepare a by-law, lim-
iting the number of taunt, Licenses
in, the Township of Didduiple to two.
The Court of Revision will b.1 opened
.on Saturday June .,5tb. The follow-
ing accounts were ordered pa/de--
Albert llodgins, rep. washout $2.25:
11. Langford; plank. $4.50; J.
Kennedy,' culvert AIM rep. roam. MFAIMV
3.00 /KR
gins rep. bout, :ZS:. Whelihan.
rararscbitax,.00;..v.A..D9bb3. work
--$033r-eeke-lieneer-were vices een&-e
• been inconvenient for more than one
rom a distance. •
eediffie -Still -continues to larrke
Some_faenters talk of SOALLTier
ner-theirleeed for fall whea-t,betteere_
till .think there iseeuit414e weather
en the :way.
We congratelat
the addition of t little boy to his,
-There- homes over Kirkton a cloud
by day, Isnd a pillar of fire by night
toe Iu ate 12ous2eleanitm.
Woolen with pale co lorless faces
who -feel weak and discouraged; will
restive both mcntal and bodily vigor
-by using Carter's Iran Pills, which
aro. made for the bloodnerves and
znu-tft was called for Afonday
night ie. rot eenge for a picnic, but
Wet to;0 1.6o t success, aS some of 00
• Wiser lo ke' thought -it would be to
.1tuels tumble. '-so. it -wtee decided to.
Wnit till fall and hive 'another Soc..
- - t
Mies Music 11111 i`eft Monday for
her hone! n'ear Crediton.
Mr. Wilbert liatten's-tiriver whicht
Weis hooked E01110 1iui ago by a eow,!
is in bad condition and it WAS neer 9,
ostary id call in the vet, the other,'
flic` anxiously wilting
for y weather to finish eeetlintp,
FARI. Oa neeount 'et Viet Dey
tise'. Trunk 'Railway ystein
will ieeire return tickets at Single,.
hetwQen telt stations in Venade
nmei tcrm. Per. T. IL. Carling
Martinerd confirm
enagemvnt 0 . Zlessgrove,
first assistaut in the Ii. Se
paxeneerst-and-etleat-the reasoner
eatierclee at, the rate of nine 'hundred
dollars rer annum. 1'r. le. -VirdIed;
and S. Martin that the Secretary fore
ward -toe -the -Dominione-Government,
(IL1.V.. Brock, Esq. -of the Geological
1Lpartxunt) an -expression the -
ion -V-: -gratithde
Cabin 4 of mioorsi% kineller donated
e -a-11W --'Exeter '-'131u-b '
.lere 41. Ruston and 8. Mai?.
it he thanks of the 'Board be
ed to Principal, W. XI, Weiden-
er the full report fnxniith-
the , of the Centinnatien
secziou at the late meeting of
e c *mat Association at To.
T. R. Carling tend -S. Mar-
tin tbat the *Continuation _class Ins
Ineeteelereport be Aceepte4.,-.00 ' re*
cesved. Per. S. 14' irtin and V. Wood
that the4tidgment of this- bo
forwarelideetoethe Minister of -
cationethat-W hxdog the grants to
of tbe.e.Tommereial sectetsne AbOtIldlee
added to the teener/it equipment of
sueb seluxds. Per. S. Martin and kl.
Wood that F. W. Gladman. Wf. Ifus-
-on to waitanthe County Council at
its June s,ession in support of the pre-
sent or increased grants to Continua-
tion Class schools in their juridice
tiota WT. II.' 'Ruston and . ti. Mar-
tin that the Principal be authorized
eecare such. supplies as may be
Per, S. Martin and T. U. rarling that
the. Secretary be. authorizedo .se-
cure suitable certificates f r the
Commercial------Ikpartneent Exarns.
Per. F. Wood and B. Martin that the
Teaciters Supply tom. take early titePo
to sesure desirable teachers for the
Primary claseies requiring' such for
the fekitipterabat term. Per. F. Wood
and T..11. Carling that the follow -in
Gong and etc... 12e45:It .
• :ellostoneeielee
p 117.937,--1er. 11.
- Lay -sten lin-a T. II. 1Carling :Met an in-
terim right to the use of the school
for ootball practice until the next
eee ar meeting of the board. Per.
Iiin and S. Martin .kke a eon=
to .oletline a general Educational
lieY_ for tin board for the,
no only to meet tha growing re.
regnent of the village but also of
e district of which Exeter is a
natestse centre.. 111) To alba:sit the
details nereseary for. the consummee
-Con of 4neh a Policy and farther.
1(P1 To mole arrangements to meet
the inereasing needs of the present
increasing school attendence. (D) To
Lpikzsent a full ,report of euch plane
!t -the' next regular or special meet.;
of tlre hoard.__
J, Grigg.
. mein -dm 2.00,0e I orrere"*.
washout, $1.00; Foster! con tile,
01.00e..eVern. attrOlea,
* le au, r culvert. set00; Wrn
Moodie, men and team_ on grader. ed
eALDoblas.,41a...t11.25...LE,J)MisiMe 41 -
on 11, 441,460.;, 51. Atkinson. WOr
on dram -141. 5:---ThUdieszelt-nel 1.
adetrkeneeteagain on SaturdeY the t
-Alai of June. 1901 at RI a. m. NV;v.
Parkisill has bug been noted for
the excellence of its celebrations
on Victoria Day.- May 24th; and this
year will '-‘13.1noexception to the "rule,
fla- fact the celebration this year will
be ,on a more extensive teale than
any heretofore held in that town.
addition .to games ports of
pu oft 1zr& ot notufr f thee
trotters in the p ovineee Tbe ¶fnrf
Association have also arranged for
the aPpestrance of the world's
egt race horse, the (Eel, time, 2o2
who will _go in an exhibition mi.
There will 0E1 fie ftil eittractkm in
the Toweellall larethe evening. if littt
are not going .fit‘hing go to Parkhill
on that day., SPecial rates on � -
Grand Trunk, *
A book on Illteutoatism, and a trial
treatment of Dr. Shoop's Rheumatic
Remedyzeliquid or Tablets -is being
sent freetosutferers- by Or.. Sh.014-
of Arlene. 'Wis. Yea that are well..
get thie 'beak. for eecitne di,cotltra
dishkartened-suffererl 1» i.
act of humanity/ Point out • tbi
wts.V to (snick And certain relief
pre sprat Ciffer0r$, by fir15t gtUng
from tra; tho Et:old:AA:4 th:? test.
will appreeiate- vpir aid. 3,V. .
. %we.. eeskete: ..
so to Detroit And Port Ifitron1-
Nitign.t1 FIlls and. ii:uflato. N.
Y. lood ao5ng 1.".lay 21, 23, 23,
retuzn "mit 514ty 26th. 1009.Fuli
nrd tieketS frons anv
Grand z Tieltct Ageset,
Oscar .,Gilbert, of
Lucan, snt Sunday here, the
Let sit Mrs.3. Stilbekl.`
Mr. and Mt's, Vred D:Oyidge, of
visited it the latter'S
homz here on Sunday. •
Mr *ad Mrs. Fred Daiis. of Sainte.
*ere guests at u" -r: Geo!
The members of tic! W. M. S. at-
oldedi the iniselonary convention at
V14 Craig on Tuesday.
11:0 hoard of Insinsganent• ot our
arch are to b?,, coup/Lb:late& on
'cnrTs-4-110? clivics of
of Nitrgsviae. to preach an-
tr.,,ro on iTtine *0.
it* ernit this year.
forl**. spent nilkadit.v at
z t$,03 is row Iruptoving
et *tenni ***in.-
0 -
,euryoung role took
y , and visited
oak of thing*
Ib atographer.
, 1
ant allitTOrh11.44" 4_04.
ether are perthlis at tt4treprrida&f. .
nO chsgars, and all h*tormson
,fiter Shot
*Ili H70471 7007. 7 00017 $fl
Neste week the Annual District FarMitros v"pint hisjiN
Aleeting of the Exeter District of the e'."- „rra 141°
Metbedifit-#03, an6g mount'
church at Woydhoin. The minister- •
session, at which about fifteen, Head Office,, Farquhar, Out.
ministers arc tale. present, wiIl 01)013' •
on etlLY Jeta. Preaident J• L. ItU8SELL
On 'Wednesday evening a' publii "Itioeuptrogoent vira pAssmang
ineibthrg will iiiTsweirsrlithich-thtre -
will -be a'aiscession of the stib-jett
"church union," Rev. A. 21. Going. WX.tereir „.0e. Sontittotat P, 0
Resident of the'v.",* e
Conference and ueyvveEtaP, 0.
side. The subject will be introduced
by .11evi J. Kennedy, of Ailsa Vraig,
who is to deal especially with the CC*
0130rIlie aftVetit$LtrifVUt V. W. Godwin
-of Parkhillwill, follow with an ad-
dress on the religious aspects. A.
few moments may be devoted to gen0
nished by the, choir. All are invited
to this service. The general session
of the District Meeting is to com-
mence at 10 a. m. on Thursday.
.14))3N EMERY. Exeter. agent f:$
ece of etectszhef7e. Trite e
reg*rdngthem .essy beeobtsdned et every o
Walso.ealit 'Iil'.i;d"."1.18°A34. Mana'l
Dentist. Meznber of
Graduate Of , Toronto U'olireralti;
Ofturtenz,,Over-Dickson ,Sc Oarthig's
Law Offices in Dr. 'Anderson's former
dental parlors
, KINSMAN, L. D. 'S.,
D. S., Honor graduateLo.f...Toronta•
Dentai Surgeon
,NIN,44, M. D..-111.
AK, t3Wiratelrfirolii7 n
r.ddenenoo. Dootintoo
Coroner Of fltarotii.
itight-W*771%-: An
Bonar Graduate Toronto The,
taity'.'VW.0 'tisk
EOyal Meson Oinitel, :etc. Office
and residence._ '''Amos' old tan
OLIVER, BARRIS. Munro. axont
for llibbert, Pulbutod and Logan.
Socy.Treas. Farquhar.
_ _
artilitx-TittlaMtvititub stIst?
lietwee\se all stations in Canada ale,*
to Detroit` and P tilurone: Mit
sagara''Villie an u.ffiito. k
Good .going, May 21, 22, es, .1444,.4
turn limit May 20th, 1000.
cry. • low excureion reeta
20th, 19006 .1
000PPOIttaott,, from
. J.' KNIGHT, Depot A
On to,
sou otorloo, tinny
tor nos
littt are Viteti
en, tog positive ptopf ths
does cure f�ma10
tiy Frt.
a .0e*.atsv.W.x.Ileue
evlsereetne Agnes
�yazlcer Aorotosto Colletted
,,vr _aro rat*.
Office, Mali Street. Exeter
Alst,i. Zlhasost
la eit.Tsny iis,C#Seltir.
is 1, D.
400-114 iv. LJ. Joit440
10 .ftstor.sloniAlutrstee2Xnat
MAT Doti. -•
niser Indoidirc, Win* Obstlab, /4",1).1to.
Baum" McLean's, W.: fl. r4, Int Laas-
We are reaping satisfied etts.
oNatural, isn't it;
. . I '
hen Y ertiallitnenA in,
tbe 0 stating the price* for
int,-Ooat Trou.en,---or,-whaterser
the ad. wig t iugge.t, wi Include, the
best of e-verythlng in that t. '
0-boat/loth. the bezt LinIDgs,th
be,t,Poiddingo„lhchost Masted etc.
. M Well so the brit of.our ability In Out.
ting,Fitting atO4 Making, -should:a
werespastrz.wsrd? .
Sylopsis NikCoothlioil N81
X10M1D3Trekn littOtriels10318.
_400writifarIVOaltt fiffarTalrestien:01"linactur"" 18-
• 0
at tbe minion Lnnd.i-
be onset forthedistrictatc
certain conditions, by fathere'mother
sondaughter, brother,oreeeistor, oZ
niontlin residence itigsa,
na....cultivation-of the-land-inTaaoh
of three years. A homesteader may
live-WLIIiIT eiltre--lailties- of .his hooto-i-T-
steed on It Orin of at /east 80 acre.
solely' owned and OtOoPitd by 0,14
his lather, mestlesre "2;4_ .dete. 44,
tirots4f or
1st Certain distriats , a lieraesteaUfe.
in good standing. moy,
9,1i/trot-motion Alongside his hot.*
stead., Prioi per eesee. ,Weirtlesets
Must residosi* moats intach of OW
ears tread: date of licasestead en
who has ,eothattiste
ight and cannot abt
ion they put-
esd in 'certain diattists
Prise $3. per sett.' 'Outlet...04M
Wide -six Merithif-In 'each of thee*
house worth ,$300.
Deittrof th. 1000#41,24.4 rtiSttOr,
• 'triAlearriiiiti pbUcUoi, of thirt
ot%vIlI..tbeb,.4trs J.G.
Thiyton, Ir. R. Spatth*
44.0tXre.a. x!.eteente
tk A'1,1.
eietree T. A.Thas
,1Mrs.Astaslss Li