HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times., 1909-05-13, Page 11 *S. Iiinitinserted, the -fia+MC was ado ted on motion of 'Oarlitig46lms, and or dered to ,beread a seCOOS1 and third Iitile,-and being fLnally PASSea on nibtion of ILuker,Varling, The Reeve and clerk eigned the same an the seal of the. earporatiSa, 'WAS fiXe , jir tons for the tollowng, Oaf -•• Y • • - meats were read -and 'dealt...with. Thom the \owners of property' along 0* the west side of Andrew street, be- tween James and Victoria. From the , owners of property fronting the east between4AOISI and Wellington. From the owners_ or 'toperty.-trouting on north? sidel,;-•,of ictoria street :from Main td -1116-0; B. proPerty. From the owners of property front. mg, an •• the south- side of north -street,- • between Andrewand Main and -from Main street on Sanders to the -Offal -el' Of William and !?.long WLIliani- to Victoria. r ePer Iteaman-Johns-that a cement • walk--5-tegt wide- be constructed- o Rifirlo,street from a n to • property, Carried. • P toot, Cement walk be constructed on the west .side of Andrew street from mes---to- and on -the--_-caSt to W.etkpotaa. 'Canted. foot e-rr eIntniCa*ktitilnklye'qketr,nt3ttbtruaoted along ,•wee One sLcwing of Rua -this aea41.00-iturpateses anything we have ever had. In Wool. Peetrys--arussets..strid„-Yels..... ---lfstirvre.ftestssa.-flast.sel to choose from also a very swell lot of small Mat Rugs at lort-prices. or. FOULS, thigham. Swiss Thest-s-ttroAvery-- ,;•--L-i.st-sss.ss4.40to • We have all thepopts istrr-1 kinds • that, are eIILugthis Spring. Our -Union 'IrirobiTtip? ISS -atudBrustektaretherbest' oneiiirtW4.71:76Trf Wee to choose from. Let us Carpet . nice for ypur ease door and - Come -very cheap for the .„ _With that .nsoft, finish that looks so nice. all good large size and an arm - ndow DrAtiorles tOIancy Sereen in White ani70-1°- 'Batt oblides Plain were41.2.)-..to-3ee. per yd - icy Colored. Madras alleol- 'White4' n. or, Irvine muslin 15c. to r yd. Door flanolous ... i - Good-heavyUretorine in all colors for 15, .to„,„g5c.._per,yd. • - Nice --Roman Striped Tapes- t5GrdOOc pev&Bl» good- Figured-tapeetriee all colons for 500 per yd. ' We. • vrith the stylish Bats are rilways busy. If you want your Nrir Efat'for the 24th of May be sure wad leave your order' early. They wilt try and have you ready.. Ott o1 M�nday. Miss Case has returned froM visit - in./ her brother at. Dor,chester. Me. R. Follick received word Tues. day- of the, death ot his brother David at liensall. :'.-544itelt::`tibt7o„si'f‘n‘ovre';$Grart of thc week on Rev. Mr. 'Scott °coupled the pulpit .11t ofeV4tvdven.7!thurch last Sunday and afteg'iVe services zjiext unday also. Mr; -11. E. Broderick,s/Aoother of Mr; 3. W. Broderick, of Suter, died at St. Joseph's. hospital 'London o Broderick had been living retired in ,.thers.cqtif_otLeight years and was 77 7,04 about ten days ago ,and steadily be- came worse. Mr. Broderick came to ..7.irorm_11:anea1nshirei .Thsgland, settled in fit,Thomas, Aeelaersdr#X4.4-.ThS,:::4,44X, brothers. Messrs. J. W. Droderickpro Skitter, O. G. Broderick. of St aud on North street from Main to .Andrew -south aide. Carried. 14r. S. O. Dawden waited on the cituneil asking domation towards 2Ith, May celebration. No natio*, Messrs A. J. • Ford ,and Thos. Hazelwood asked regarding out let for watet-iyingr on their --prOperty, tellte1tbai.MO,A0/40#97seebt sioner was treitructect _ repair ;Avert across North street and oppo- site the compla!rtants' property. eliff 4 _, esper-4 .-43,- Devett ,complained, that they have been more or less troubled with water bac in u ' in •their cellars due the th nk to a detective a. • ong Carling street. The Iteeve apeointed a committee of councillorejleaman Johns and Carling to in -veldt te., 'Meters. Sanders, Taylor, ells and Mills -Complained, --of water la---thet ,cellars, stating that the drain Meng Alexander street and the out let for e same vas not large enotigh to carry- the water. Council to investi- gate by order of the Reeve. Mr. Devett asked regard an elect. a_light-attlie_corner _of_rsidley and Marlborough streets: also math re. gards the grading of Marlborough street. Messrs. S. Powell, htr. Ma - • ins and E. Williams were allowed tb cut down certain shade trees in front Per -Jere under lirdere_o • Rev. W. 'Collins asked the -cent' tre-4.-"rjoruncil to Wes' tigate. I Tioon: be order-. or the -day. W(? Itav tic!-berratifutiot- ot goods suitable forweddding g dint, i -rushed artOacv, he was Prepared to ftirnish the moat. -ciPality with all the stone needed. offering -to crush the same' and de- liver it to any part of the town •for ceitrey.ircr.zhutiaft-d-tecighteLirithe, town-.rwOuld-Provide-the-cruslier.liald. • ver-for---fottare tensideratiotr.---:- Street watering petitions .Were pre dented to, the. .council from, rOtclopt$ along'Main and Wellington ,streets. The Clerk was instructed to aver. time for tenders for watering Main ant raintui Gliiird We re lutvi" , Speeial s1e of this e making room for new pods. :Everything miaat big ttte the Lake or Thames Road, tenders to be handed to the Clerk on ot be. fore Saturday 7 p. tn. May . 15th. I., „councillor& Reairian Carling_and. the Clerk elm a committee. Carried. .. . and W. 1. Broderiek, St. Louis. Mo. 'Ile funeral was held Monday after- noon and was of a private nature. The services were conducted by Rev. A. T. *Vining, of Talbot Daptish -church. interment took plate at St. ° Court.-Judgenilolt held • islissiegsaitstifesesetesssTatesAaikt he lollowing cases were disposed. o Jon 05k. Clark, A. E. Pym and Treb -Wirs74 11. es-were-were-nntil--saext-cour Alex Ward, of Leamington. to be ad- ded as a defendant Meantime and d wi au mons to a. ear. J. G. anbury for plffs and garnishees. Fisher . vs. Es/so'ry adjourned till next court, L. 11. Dickson for Offs... Taste lor vs. Cornish on ac. and counter claim adjortftted till next entirts J. • nbtary for plffs, L. H. Dickson for deft. Gray "vs. Vanning Co., claim for, V1141 for pees. • Stanbury for defs., p111 in per- ', OP Leonard McTaggart vs. A. B. Deavitt claim for price of two loads of hay. Judgment for p111 for $11-43. J. G.---Staiabury-for---rtlf drla, • Ell nav 11 I . Last Thursday evening as a couple were passing Mr. Thos. Smale's re- stdonce .tbeyznel1cd. smialte--and-a itiststiga ,h n fire,. .„whichit fro .ricari1=Stralt. the time,, and only, Mrs. . Smale 'art out.tane ma:Waage- being done, al- though some things were rnined by ,water. Mr, Swale wishes to thank his neighborfor their timely aid, An without their assistance all of jets sislitiabIe-property.----woold--,haverts up in _s_gtoltet- We are. plea -sell to.. hear that 'Nits. Wilbur Tfunter. who has been con- fined -to her bed for Some time, is able to be npand around again. Everett Skinner has purehased er from WI. -Jahn Snell, of Exe- ter. one that can do a two mintite Miss Mabel Fair has returned home ,Lt;teilal icast.;afttr_cpen_d. ing •_w•e_e_kh _., wit Jhe farmers who took advantage of the .first day or ,two Isit week to and_ready , for seedin rionoagain- bee the stratither gain itAteic Per lleararen-Luker-that the com. molter -Mr snit open the drain Carling In front:The erns and Us: Beer's property. 'Carriedr-7 • Per Iteaman-Johneee-that the Reeve and Treasurer be' impowered to Nar- row one ebousand dollars to the credit of the .mualcipality (Or Current expenditure. Carried. -.Pet sitting of the, P,Ourt: of Revision for the Assessment Itoll of 1914 lie held in_.thetown..1)411, Friday.. May .28th. at 7.30 p. m. tarried. Charles ganders ask for the use, ;of' the triangle as used • by' the hand - Granted, provided Jas. ltritttnell be - cornea responsible for the stone. ' Per tierime,t-teiker-ettrit, the ram, street from Mr. Walker'a property Louth to_the eotner_ o street. .11rirrteda. Per Carling no seconder that the cortireistioner be 'granted a new suit of clothe. - The following 'accords were read and ordered, Exeter Electrie Light CaYi. 12 are lLht 23 nights 63.2; Series street lighting '33 lamps, 5123 t tOwn, halt ligliting A.3. Ford. meat for Mrs. llarkner'. s . JO tents': 1/avis Br are ke.r fire kill No. 1 10.00. to 2post*, Darkne tA J40 'Offiee, Aeeont tri; ''tt°11 , 7 -he .'eribtor Machine aid repairs to bell. 3O - 'Frowei. 'Seed* firit- .A. Penick. meals' (Or Zeitett, Ittr Goo. tbor, 1001 Vrtiot:Itinek. 14 ta1Thff. !1 Iicftry 1)I1 naive& illeatortr. Vre. Mr. Samuel Hunter has sold fifty eres' on the west side of the road to Mr. Zos, Irawkins. • I The masons are rushing up 'Will 'Toilets-, house and expect to have it -ail-up-in -a *cite. Tiff. 4134 Uri'. Wil1 Smard, Ilton, are visiting ' Mrs. Smales mother, who is Ivory ill at present _ _ stinuo :utnrots'r Everyone is:better for • taking sort g tole. The following is sple arid InexpensiVe tonic sar ' and btooa parifier that ePrinsc:WOrk rPlea ssfribirk 'Inane andralo got 1-2 -1.2-64.-TCbaniouile - Oentian floot 1 lo Dandelion • Boot t oi.. ascsr Dark 1 oz., -Sarsaparilla Boot 1 nz.. Steep the , roots An 1, 1.2 pints of.boftinR water for'12 hours. Strairt and add. water to make 1 142 pints of finiSle- ed tnne.. ellese, one: teaspoonful tiMetta day before Weals; Sugar res be ,ailded to 'suit taste. This reeil -*MG Aitmiutietelitex Exeter. for 23: cents. It Is worth yonr while .t ltoot _ Flowers, 1.2 0;!, ----------------------- , or you , gra -e fore yea- rointe: - ' Somrds 'AWL, Orb, 'tie like poetry!, but soniehosbr rontilt, (10. tie worryin. Who will it bet There Isrio rayson for any wan todo it Jack situps it does no good, but I Watatirta/A*OttOW, Bill Br 1combe 'do it4 ie "Dad luck to yea- sex," sex MP, whowet shtanding near wan iv tie moulding boxes what lank ,wus war- richt'at. ",Dad luck to Yez larrults, haven't 1 me OWa, worr in to do C naybors„__ an r atilt! up th' onions.. au se I'm to do tb" worrYins. for 01 Pc'NF-14;Wt.....11-,Shtar,esst vi int Arid KaNnyrtine Brits 10, 1Si 20 and 25.c. • 4104StIne, at this • at £ m 1 I'm woryin bekase I diddent hit hira. Don't fret about. me. I'll take card of me OWIEI worryins, but Ili not tate ,are' iv th" job of doinilt ter, ye lazy ".arrala Bill, what talk yes have? 811,11re We wuz only Spalcile,t1ZZa100, I . tering wid th' argymint." What do wise min say is th' rayson -1;;ITEThissr Say tis _a ettreless use it.etb' Nita -tiAltd.,---!q4efilketteweetanti.'t. non iv Yekir energy, yer throlley ez off, an' yotere fire. that t-be-usedoveiror-coal or dig. gin'potatoes. Dal make it plain to. yeas/ „ s'011, hal interrupted Bill" did you bear thira swear wurrds he .ez usin' Jackf "Quantation.-,is- it? -Did • yez iver bear the loikes iv that now? That_ tlittles..it.--well ,port youe.t the chief iv police an' he'll lock yez eassestsaissest vhat is to be given an me honor On 4Atimitzttilwrerr" z fl bave thrubbless to worry about s-scurrads-You-setto--nsize. -Dot whisper, byes. dont tell any - wan about th' banquet. Its supposed o be on tle niet au orn Jones hes put Me Wirt,an* fer fear there wont. be many there, *wild like Larry ,and 'leek to come •Otat .an enjoy yerselves and ,swell th' etowd. . -Acciprne 13ill'il,invitinaton Jackale me was early on th' scene, loaded ens,an" other bric.a.brack what goes to adorn th' table and satiefy•th' in- nards. Th' event& wuz Join°, hut th' road wuz muddy, speciallyeking tth'_ Bill tihuddent have. tinny thrubbles. There's no strai near menials to Ahrtabble him. Its a nitre tough hiking down th' mud read, but that Pdon't matther wid Wan. iv Mins ambitions: %hat otrzb tIght_laufd_ina,„v42,4 -cou.p e. fishes, more -We eat, th' more •busted wid th' overflow afhter we finished.' • - 'Tv be- in shtyle Arid- otherfiankette there svizz- music, setae, fellow from 1re4itonnth'4jd41t+4Zc_wuz irldfier7ini ane_trie'riv4rconvmee : ere is noiie1terth Bruce's Lawn Grass, iFlower and Fietd. Roots; Do von want things to be just soP Then we'dlike you for 41: - customer. Vire've promised you satisfaction-promieed on thatstyie, fit and price will please you -we'll keep our pranitse. Our best adsare satisfied ettatoniere. Come here for your next Suit or Overcoat. 111 hrgol, I NM I d_aneins that ie all but me en' Jack. We diddent know th' diffrenee at- wixt a two shtep an' th' tittle kept by tle horses in a cavalry parade. ea we at and lissened an4.applauded th' gram, fui movemints iv- Bill an' th' rest iv th' coripany. Twas a fine toinie' we bad, an' me_ an' Jack ez waitin* for another. tation to attend a banket, when '11- further- discos's. th"- dequantiv talon iv energy what Hill spi he's -t • Wish e tLI%gfht.tett.ld Mrs. 11. Williams d EA.C1tETT- In Bengal), Sunday Oth May to -Mr. and hits. Bob.t. Ea- ' "crett. a daughter. • JEBOIAISMT.14e-At , the Ettinbie Line,! 11614 on April 30th; to Mr. and Mrs. I Et. Jeretainette. a on. CALLF_AS--,At. Zurich._ on the tth, SC1111411E-At the 141h, Con. 11 ay. on the lith. inst., to Mr. and Mrs. Con- rad Sc,hi1b a daughter. DIED A- 1) in....Lcutdon,_,111.1aday,, Mayl • prising every artiule' of furniture in our I stook at a grestrednetion on regtilar prices. ....ospossilliiis • tS Sonia 'Athos oftio liargainii we are ofterfn ----------------1•t:theitliiitrUltUris buyere, - ' _... Bedroom 'Salto in otA,!7'tiarniiIirl'ititit Urge BeVet,late Ittritt *So. *;1,*;•s*****'‘Igkir***.VitilleOtttit tri Plitt $10,504****10 * *Jr* ver11471 owsire ouchete reg▪ ular price Mattreatz"vrftglIts:r pricev ns:•elsericiiin:toPt; robts rtlonl! 01411--- t 4 t Joeiplillitstard, formerly oft, the gratest t hene,--tig0 yottr.A. • ▪ Ekettn ZOgieh. nOodaY. Mrs. Peter Deader, aged 4/ in ertetcriptiorris printcd npon i-ieh 23e. box of Dr..Sh...Searick.Paiat ,Tabiefas. ASk s'oor Doetor or Drog-i lsts if this formula ts, not- 'rotnroloto41 J'ain means „coati:testi-anblood prea- sure Ifettel potrot. trotattnly • riitts, given that lon for' the Assestersit ilt f, slor *