HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times., 1909-05-06, Page 8- arr, e-- 400 ' ..ereFe Te - 1 0„. u • • 4re* Palftriu,u1 ‘.4-+ • c the.r011 or vete! neat . suitable for Bed ms andkitcheue. [Border ot i Wf16ra n or • ate,- eaetteraa suitable for 7/1411. Parlor wad Dining -room borders atie pre, Oa; al 0,4 . , • OSP1 the. roll for. a' sviett Lot of geld and glimmer pa. pew, all new patternsin florals° .scrolie and stripes., borders Salim papa, 15c." 6LtPC theroflfortbe lotof gold' aucl Burlap Patters that we have seerepat. • terns confined to otereelvea,i borders IMMO price.,' 20c. LI .„.. 4 ulcer VI I O. " 1 111 season advance., There II a, drstinctivenesc . e toot oue hate. They have that touch of Style so hard to get in ore •dinar y lasted teear. . Our tritnneees are artietese_ Mies fee. kne- , e Tr r Ark, ke Ar, 'Vt. 44 :.°••• Admired .by Many Our Room Ruga are the talk at the relief, mai7wondei orm they are certainly lovely. Seamless Rugs ley- perfectly flat on lhe 1100t-4hat'S the kind we sell, in Wool, Balneoral 13russele altenseand-Vetvetc-Thejr-vanreltr-FlogarT-Oritaixtal-and Me: thflion petfernsTn Kelt atitutnti tints of Brown,. Green, 'Pawn • and.Red $0.40 to $30.00 „ Werrocotteitecartct end emit Sleeted Briggs Seeedss. We kuow of no better. They have stood the teat of years. We don't know of a disappointed' cotton:ter.; Mangles, Sugar. htangels, Sugar Beets andVarnIps. You know it . pays to pay for quality, t cis e„e.,,ere in Oxfordsee_ Blocher* ell s atp uup and 'Bala., Slack, Tan . . illoweandifaxelliaceteallIKkettbaltleftfteelietitrelettitgio ' Under double guarantee, the maker's and our's. Your money. k,.....iblitlikrrhat talks, • We'have -a. dandy lot of Lames READY-TO-WEAR TAILOR Otuetrinid-Bbtalettroilkrlinad-trad-tri • with seltatitching and large buttons. $14.$0 and $15.50. n- - 111 10 •"0 Are you getting Redpathe Sugar. We eeiI none other, • best by test. - j.• • Str1:0177.4Aki. -1,44441444,,14 44.14++++++++ + 44+ PHONE 22 • .$*14 �Nt, hroz' cted lett to lilaty t$1.24 • to • r .enieeoey, o • Markee*. '•"." ,111L, ',fit Ye. •1' ra-Y • ol *4.44. 404* .1144.64,4 444-14444.elea+++4-faelet.tlealet+++ Tianoset Tell your Neihbore 4.44,474.4.t 41.4, . 44+ . OVENS p.m AND'Atat SUR - eon. will be at the Conernerolei 4 properly 'ear ientl.--,,nosta- . t Monday, • May lith. • ses-Tor, „Ntcxt vis u 'eleiRIT Forty one 'Toronto botoI bad.. their • nSes out off May 1St.. Mr; Rebert Mc:Falls moved Ills tLUi Deinsman attended -the Denttti convention at Toronto .last week. liolmy left 311)114-0.37 4,fo- London, to work at his trade, -that of e04801fi Varna, visited at J. R. prick -Weed's - • Mr. W. J. alea.raa,n attended ' the • ealers' Convention at London last Neeek. -Mr., Will Salter!, of Torontsi... viSited • hie parents Mr, and lars. 3oho Salter over Sundity.------ , Is •Aaulrew 'Campbell left Monday er 'Elbow, Sask., •where he will re. main untii\fall.. 0 1.44,4I4 ; Itav. Ire-.14776'torearsitue---Ite - ernattee-oafaVaiet..et,44- reebyt'erian ehurch 1st Sunda Mrs. (eo W ttarrison retur ed .41onday--evening--ofter-AtiSi liarents fax several • ktiti.:L n _ ev. °over, o • ly w s n °WA Friday, having come down to . act as f the deb a tin con- 0 Te .4, moo tb,e •I we a Itting. . borne citizen wit 0114, before *4_4104404as le, torilay . f,L__,With.„410411 , J0,1,. Iv . t iiI1044iidusl • 4 ; e te t „ft e -pr e Wo..bave -04--:oitia1iet ,a. samattete,o, 'stibectiber.s wh are a year and 'some more *bon 'year in ;wrote fax -their o uheeriPtien to The Times. In moor e ases it is but att, Oversight. To the individuaj. c.t.tbscriber the ameurat' is *mall, but when taken in the aggre. ate 'amett at to a considerabl auen• ,at .•.rnflneyk,i,#.44k4Wittitk., SA 04'4 0§ advantage at 'the' pree it We would, therefore.. ask •otlr •4$11bs sOrihertt to look at the label 'ontheir valuers, and if they are not ra rked up we would be pleased to have their remittance at the earliest poseible. nit/419AL ,- Oa: Sill.OfteSbia -.Your. atoll" top you.,Arilloorektli , odgl with a verY 81,„4nr 0 ilia- llodgine went out to fax a few minutes, Leaving two chi' ren, lane three yents and the other larteenentouties,-old--inetheeehotreorelte:43- 'thought:lite elder child was playing with -the fire and in sonic way Jol- t clothes if the bab, and_Aviten -the utOther lame to. the-liotise7tire . fi- ts, near Vairtield met Inful accident „Jest 1 -rtzaxy.. tiy ree d I NOTIG 10 titgt0011S, the 'In the eeleta 'Of *114114ot 4, latt of lila ToWinthiP4 o .1hOrnet in the Vottnty -Of IfOr00, rettearere detleatied tAir 9 , ; • #. *16 .1 • a criUo ie full "70 tt ;1v1o nitjteLTf ai ,14dJtt rather that Ott Iast Ocittlimed date the: alai EXitett 1 tor wifl ProCeed. distritut, the *elate of the deCealata aromea tbe i: r( entitled 'thereto. haviog re, gard i.11,0 claims a which they ellen Oro heves aotice and that the said *AO ator will not be liable ifOlt.I.h.444,014,:****fiak4W of to0Ity perttattel PitraOttif 'of -who *tams .4,045c shot slot have helm reeetto 4y then* et the little of suph dI1 libation. tri,141,1,KAN Solicitors for said executor. ., ASO at lizAtesl_thisa_1101Apar 1,1 .s 0251 s f 1 Eta 0 t. # ft„ hit•t We handle the Star Brand $nirt:whtch Is noted lta atede and fitttng quahties. Also a very 110e or duck: shuts with reverseablk collar, 'suitable for 'spring . summer wear. • .31 11 e re, 17" •tf We wili sell all our Wool Carpets one yard wide iangng fro= to C _ • , clothes were completely burned from its little ,body, Rua although lifewas a few minutes. The Tema -Ft -fit Wero terte,doLidiu..s.,Sterntion, • A Iteactionary Sterne Period' falls on the 11 th, 12th and. 13th;, and but for the fact that all central - Pt:arta ofour continent are ia tile focus 00 eolar energy, Storm producing cauSels are about -at the_ minimum at this oer:od.• As a rule there iis an ab- normal tendency to -daily 0016.at thunder storms for several days in .s.u.erm_st thia- enetnth -but the- indications are tbatdisturla -retrni Period. iThe barometer will -react higher, and change to decidedly coe s•iteett-t i146, 1141 ; IC.-111-ValwriaaeorapletttarkeedettaiLlfe Ibittltottattteltild-h-ternot-thittetttractr fe_stniectattniteyeu-whale ent-clmIteetexatelsi,-13,0 et-atitetr-esaine-of-that:e--- paper be i --ran-prove it, to -you,- - ; Oath- $ 00 0 . test. •MISS Laverne Quante, who has been In Ailsa Craig for Setae time. has been engaged as sttleslady• fax .3.A. Stew. art. - • " . W. 'Taman *wa's 10 •nis° rodin a couple of days last owinx t_o_ an attitAt of La Ilerbfixt, was called to Zur- last Thursday, owing to the ,:teus iffitess of leTir mother -M=71.'7- • Mr, :Case R0 Iloward returned Monday to St. 'Mornay, after spending three weeks' _holidays with his par- ents here. uncliktr_camitt Luker. is -able to -tliround•atter-beingh coats& t6.. itittAiittokArie„,PLISt eAtejaixteraral- rosts to occur .in most parts to the northward between the 10th'axad lath of Ma e but there arjdeczde4jjro- no ilit es of heavy.- frosts at. this time. •• , -The storm of last Thureclay night was the' worst that has visited this section, fa* some' time, and caused -considerable-datnage,--- Many tele. uhonand teiegiaph poleswere blown down, between. hWie and London, trip- -Etervitt-coiisidertblyt-At the north end tr telephone pole Was broken of andfell against one of 'I a other AV fell across a fence onto fl vacant lot. In front of the floss -Taylor Co. a pole was snapped off. The Electric Light 'Company wires were also dam - (tea and -power had to be shutoff at eleven o'clock. East of Winchelsea _ttAateetampt_tatteeroof Jatjahtte 8lted.„.%3:11.5....iiitAVAronto an...Pete to-tbeliakiar Kttrrittt!--;t4tch-have-05k 1*.Lt-fulloed. -so-that there wa very-iittle-44mage NOTICE TO •o8urottoP,4 In tbe ' matter cif the estate of oluteillorttett. late ot the Township of Uay. *reethe County of Retro% - farjner &tamed; . Notice is hereby given pursuant to S. Oa 1807. ehapter 449; that sal creditorsand ptberte having claim* ogoinirEtte'l'ectifito-miriii-"4,Sie7e2-esa- :RV John Corbett, who died on or - about thc.rvai.44,42:_e_,)„,,.of .4 ,11 191 • _for PrOduce, Butte'r 189, Eggs go trade, cash These prices subject to change o _ easrs. Madman & . 'FlriTlds-ot-Bots-an Stanbiery lath day of May, 1909e•L to send by post prepaid, or ''!'deliver to Shoes fOr yon -• Vellagree-ofeealaetereetlee ae----01ZOF ,itors for the Executor of the Beeta and sieees said deceafted,-.their,christlart-onAltur-, names, .addreSs and descriPtinns -1st Next-Bree.• 1101 • , $ 0 y the statement of them accounts and the nature ,of the securities, -if any 'held by them. And further take notice tluet after such last mentioned date the glad • Executor Will pro- ceed to- distribute theassets•tle. ceased among the parties entitled thereetteee-having regard e only. to, the clairns which he shall then have 'oeite-st-Tad'A4hteteethieltttlita•r4i. will not be liable for said assets any part thereof to Any person er.,so *Iteetaateat ILt .the time of -such distribution. • GLADMAN & STANDURY, solisiteralefear„._ atd .0teuto -Dated at Exeter this 10th day. of April 1909. - Noirt0E-. - 'TO tOltEDITORS In the matter . the - estate of Janies 11, Ts'Ortta*tt.-,Tig—tb0-VCriiii" Ohl StePhenr in -the County of 'Huron farmer deceased. ""-Nrila R. S. O., 189,7, chapter 120, that all creditors and others having Claims • gainet_the Oatatil of IC. Word, who died, on or about the 20th (lay . of March .190la are required 19.11 or before the 8th day of May, 1909 to. sena, by post* prepaid, of deliver to Messrs. • Waldman & fitanbury ilaitorsiox-th ece led,Ttbeir christian and- sure nrne, ntdressa escr1pt1oiil thi-fultertictirrtrs7:W=R1*--t ree a tit the atatententeaf their oounta and 3 ii it 1. SI 4 d to t e rule tr -- "we .write you -Yoteek. baking troubles If you will B13-Y-YOUR-PLOUR HERR- We know this because so many good Itousekeepera say °tee flour bakes -het - y thc brand they have tried. We shall be glad to have you order a sack and feel sure you will thank us for the sug- gestion after you have used the flour. 910,000 Wale's of wheat wanted. nito 4 .• • so to* Innott to 1 , • With tvrenty;_tw kteeettaittecredi • 3 . .'ecoglI1zt4 toe •- practicale 'training Western Ontario. • Three depar Re • TEMPO Our claases, our courses moet pra.ctical aud • our instructora exPorienoed, r-gritiblskteli aro ataeleted to posittone isoia eucceed as none • raCe.Rater now,et ou free pttalogus., eta. , 4 4 4 ceee Buys---a----Thomugh High • Grade 41, 4 — • — • euteof alanger. •e Mr. John Charlton left Monday for Lethbridgmealaskeetelrereeheewill look elveresome---Canadian--biorthern__pro. • , erory step In the tailoring of the gar. tat will Sated_ htspeetIon. t The pnrta of a coat ' like the interlininge etc wbieh you never 'sew are es car -dull lotted after it those In Plairt sight. That • • •, *ARES YOUR TA11.0ItING, puIt- AIILE. ' star we mein Ln Utz of the fabric. - h V4*f3r..lt,t_11W— oral will quailed bythelaeting sbfti • e pat into year ttpperel, good as long NA St* wear i will be long Indeed. t Tai 17, 4.4 4, R oRs- fit ilast1no°8 Old -Stand •',throughout and with • careful cOuStientiotta wtarantee -11fattibiftO bui • 7 • Cry, Otir Patrona e Is — • . ill tee conueyanc ud from the Ittatitm an ttullyaolktta buaine tha triwefl lic Otals at the ofll ne 4tIheettullyi atte re 0. • her roxtt Kincardine • last week and s now, occialyWe theemidenee he .1.1:4 - comfy purchased on allinelt istYeet. • The South :Introit Spring, Show as held at Brucefield last Viiday ' but ownietirtire-caltitverttilleathe the exhibition of stock was very' snattil. . A meeting of the Exeter 'Canning/ Company was heldin the town nail Thursday afternoo n , When ail the eta direetortewerte-re-eleafted *4 • '4,1_ '44*, •13 solution Tor th re tint -stormy Weather, -Claiming that, it matt be the ice 'which was bloexa up ht tbe Niag- ara, elver coming this way.. „ ,Dr. J. E. Merkili moldy. who has been practicing , w th Dr. ityndinan iftiring-therna ba.a.-fonoettai. partnership with the latter, the partitershIP, taking effect May ist: Ara tad athatr itto„he refinished and ade to match other turoftiiro by appIyUEg �n( 0.1._11:060411.0110114c-Irar- is fain, Anyone ettn use it and do geed work. W. S. itettman elells it. ItOok ton • Wednesday night April 8th, on • 111, a tre---11-atteee-hatetiae ea. Meek and tan boon icindb! ..retora to Ilr.ete Xienzleo, . " * I11 g the'. eleetrieal /Aorta •of last Way nigh(. the belie of Adolphus ert Lake Road. waS etraiek ,by • 'ix:di*, • ,nod 'idamaged, ,sparrow to the .horo -hod., .its feathees„ tattoo& • off, by the • fluid but was" otherwise uninjured. ,of our new Merehente Of for egn' birth eine eamniened bat*xt. etrotei trag- -and kIninlernon 1').0.) Mondayeen 'atieount Of haVlotft it *4,4141 the. bettor :of a'neighbor, I met e 15110 bick what they.btd roeeicd se was dientiesed... Le 11 J)iekso *cted' tot th ao-tapittiatiat eta 8tanb.stt,,t defendant.tt'.ti: 'tlw fory:In t;Irndu !t:lentontingclo rtrn o'b k iiItetith6y .1111 11 t -t l .(lorotO t t itt to tb pity.,, neither 'Is on esate. !The -{Lte eee • given in the 'Town 'Ilan 'Friday even mg between J. M. Southcott. A. ` Doswell- and Te- ptcsenting. the flmter Y. M. O. A. 11$ ertsen. 1-71:trUi9drahe1en. Dia V. 11. 1. .1,Vneyt.„---, • ,,,aapeteemei Ilietheetesociatten for the ne,gative, The subject for -di-War *1i:1" -qt -es -are that heredity i te greater- factor !covert. ofeillyth thou invirooment.," The judges svere -,aud F. W. Girtdman, of fixefer; Each' judge kepi: track or tht mints 111 their estimotion eunde by the sittAleere although the totals varied moetdc relay_ eaele, one, g.tleve •tellit,g(ir! outlive side a majority of one point. 11 I e • - seletter-esting-andi :441.-theeten-yethieepeakoreehastal teoreteeletweEesietsielar y as -public speakers. Mach credit la due the debaters as they.bad only pee week in which to study tbeir. subject. •A retero debate, • will be given a1/1113t11 sometime in the near futire• .4 „Valu Now o Wool , )le io� Acc Farm. Stephen to.wriship The undersigned 'havebeen iristruee -1letlieeetelotinietratrixeo_f the late Jamei K. Ford t fer for tale' at the ,Commerci OUT, tide. on Sato -Hate May '15t L'Oft at 2, oteloOk, in41 Lot •10; COO.. cession 2, Stephen Township. • On t1115 property is a good .hrtok house, hook bittil with stone and brick foundation. frame- -drive; abe and thicken hott$,ei. Theft Is a smail pito, .ot bush and a, ,neter falling eeeek and n. young orthOrt1 o about three ,.neas,0 Sone ;forty Woos, hare boon ,anti about six octet in' tali wheat. all, In .good- state of .0000441Po property is • ° freite Ext '017*U:dr" - • arm evtlIV'The • t ittfe ,i;tetttettsion or for on fall..a$ ronf„toilt th for ot -the introlititt halL be voidon tbe daysot the'„Onte tina tbe ba1anc irthirly tinyto if for pot. eatiiontit the ,fall iO,per-tentlthet be Aprert. And onett, Alpo*, pur. held by them. And farthet take notice that after such last mentioned date Our said „Adminie0atriX wihI proceed to distribute assets of the de. eased among The parties eiiiiifea LiTero---h-fitThirre-gard oar Tb-thme saSt-of-Avhich-she--shall then -1 notice and that said Adtainistratrix it nut heetiableeforesaid-atese or any Tart thereof to any person or Persona of whotie claim notice hall not have :been received by ,her me of au& distr utione GLAOMAN t,STANI1111117, Solicitors for :Adininistratrixe- -Rated at Exeter this IOth day o April 1000 , NOTIpE TO CREDITORS 1. _ • 9.4ttastelleelicherot ship-Ofillayeillethe Gounty • gentleman. 'deceased. NOtiee is hereby given pursuant to lie, S. O., lane ' 'Chap. 129 that all creditor§ and other* having claims againSt the eetate of the tete August th Schroeder, who died °a or about dOth !day 1909. - are requeated on or° about the,. 20th day ef May. 1009, • to I mend b liver to _ ladtaatt & Stanbury, ofe.the vitlage 1 --ot-rOto, --soltetters-tor xecut, tors of the said deeetteed 'their ehristinn and address and descriptions, the foil particulars of their chtime, the statement 54 160 0,1 I -lete-a price may • • eft an Mortg Hy At It 2per, rurth 'ttnd etaitlitiotes Will 'be ,mttete n on li*r 54 40ito or rot 11* ho4 ppHctfon to IIILLI too, *110111 _ •, Sr '0• • o ofFIN as well as the regular fancy cards n • a ,sp en ..1 -d -vane y o .wn vloWs-at-this....store, . s Von': are always welcome t� dOrUe and see our displAy ten ir-araCirot -lifiMORI CONS, re-ouriatest,--They-are-uniqu -no mistake about that °gager/ hanhisellinthediatat !a DI Machines elteatt for cash, THE puRirt, Pow*ell'iltemogir. 7 - • 44, curitie *Id by them. And further take at tice that atter siich last rnentioned date -the!: t'xccntors . will proceed to distribute aesets af 'tilitcvd4tchrre-Hilt"101,44trgningg trbeegarradrtol°051;:t 'be eirlinvi 'Or whieh they shall then air notice and that Fetid i!xetutors ball not be liable for the said apt- sete-or any part, thereofto any per - Son or person$ of, .whose Oahu* noti, leo shall not.'hrotp. 41ort reeeittal by them at tha time -of -each dietrib,ution - (MADMAN * 8TANntlitr; tiolifltoi% tor Exceutere. IlAtcd i 09. .11-,441 s 0 ee perter54 te 1.ri'l Hart.. • Atott , aid one-halffltoric. I h And 0t.. 1 'ix VOOrat, C '14144, , ..-T ' - -Sear ftruur baru haat: ZO . 4. hard and eetet arid nY0iL4 ra of. *bad fru;:es. The ii4o1.1-is, tt, good elay. . Thor ot limt toatktik tteeded. ant and is :welt Pitted Ittel eirrined: Apv to 44 Ittittar eteral 4 • T 11401047_14.110. i71.1.L.;51::.arru;ir fro ne- vous disorders, from eaughs.' or colda or debility of constitution cares ta • -4-Vaen-yotrhttvtr'"srirappet ambition is gone -.don't care. -whether you ihte or die. =ICI& U8T/114E10 • ----- would keep You -alive whether you tette' pi • ollarortrrif•ioree.....-•!... " • 0 build up your syttem and throw the ditorders that breed ifiettrable .4808.' It purifies the blood, Make* the thin' fatrthe weak IttrOtag, "r" . All Deuggieta..- ee• W-flOWC,:FJ1 tiheroist AN" Optic 13.111t • • violet uut Pow 43td 1. SO .„ te door tie'\Of the :Mott .n Just fcea ri hu,otroo4dkei.olitsstithsto"tottlo lcas urnire4 nn fcotn (19c to 715c.uptslmir hU .i 444,44. ,4,41.44.1,74r4.41444,-.44.14,4404. re. _ • -A o Yertre to 1!