HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times., 1909-05-06, Page 4eutiy was taken to Goderieb. VIP i4 i
a" , _ att., sal te' lOtie ' r.
' i And` Igrs. V den was
". ct.-
c eon:, adle
Ve0a a
1 " clock
t. debt 0
thr ee le a r$
erts, Ot *•ince ember 30 I
• a
IIJ ou W.-. .i444iii4X ' •
t Transcen inental. 10 reollori, cenu*
r. in$2,0,74,131 4 'tbia-4out5ide '140, ,dispose of 1311 3
X#41. reinents for , tile V.- T. . Alt .01; A, . Mysterio
- q net increase of the. *P..004red in the I4On
Ito\ 2010 14 pro $12. It was as, fOIlOW$ be undersigicd
, fils connection it might will .10110'_*300.00 to m0' Vetson
t.-.PerraPite-delat30,1.10 '11'„e.10,,,Lia„-,,,,,14103 -Vat glve any evidence'
nd to 1900 it is •oi1.3Y: '_,,L,'•u444,-IYALIWure 04e'carrvictionofth,
vay of looking , At .1"artY or parties' that ' Canierlbe,
Over a TeaT.
:burning ot his:hatel in the village .of
morning May tb.e -„4,- ti-11411..Six
jonths pd the orowfl
takingat the amountO!
on the public, debt
er beall.„11114:in
brI t:33developing the countr
buxden tssto.day
ban it was, when they ca
a ,
.,Vioters „ e, people.:a
Eden have 'gathered' here this eveitio •
for the. pOrpose.'of. expressing in •
Stight 4degree, uur ftgrot at • your..
'41goortso$ ftoro. our 041444- and at the
--sfoonr•litne-ouste4$44,t,,MiLantAPitor-you. -Btn4ng the reatbat-b'-VC,
trust :Toa., Nto Ottoo, 'been 'Willing:
t� take your part in any Om o work
intended to honetit these with wIltoto
4P471 been 0090404 . We
not forget th67V014014..40,1004civc ,-
•4''''41A migbbor8. in
the )ielping hand, nd our ;
church ether .
ways Jive in our Afft.
. sk.
you to accept tbosc gifts to, rcndnd
ya-tr",af, )o4,4 frtends-16-4104
:and ,aa, -a Asarco of (41.X. affection.
Artteo14tion--ot:-.--.your %void
etWtre • " 'WX17.'tir.:1'$34:tift4tu
. ,
fare and holviness ore :exteinie
'the ,faster rest 'upon you an .your
neW home and the. :twilight of .tlds
prove to be but the dawn of the bet-
ter life to come where there, will be,
no more partings,
BOWE -.0011011.
Sownshiolfail INULY
tub ers-were-pr,esent,
• and: rey..04.
ret!nT etrY7
o:giver improvement drainage
uCp Was Adopted._ a Oopy,, of he
ort Plans 'apecification2 .eta. - nr-
'01', to be _servedforth with on the
:ad at the 'Corporation of ,the TOWne,
1' at ILibbert, aid the coostr' ;taloa
the work In accordance with the*
10,00-sPecifications' eto«, 'decided
„ .
lo o ' the Sable Elver iMpreva.
ered to be printe
The high wind storm w s
otopanied by lightning, thunder 0,14
ta Karsideratilo dareage-in-osr-
booci. '
Mutts -0
o41 ere
milt for btr. Lampert,
some damage - "%mating owoY: bridge
and cilverbs.
• Vass S. Armstrong, is hired with
Mpg. V. Love for a time.
The high wind of. 'Thursday .last,
blew* the roof off Mr. T*- NVibb's
'Mr; 'WM; Beaman, of Ehipira; is
driving posts for different ;parties .in
Mr. C. 114,0kIriel I of Exeter, passed
11 nettessed- owners, , .
• n5--of-t arta «
jtailWay -Venus ,Py4tiw was
ly passed, signed 'by Iteeve
Vierk And the corporation seal
Ubligib,,4414 „tor .p.o.nfrrata-
toli in the Exeter Times neWspaper,
11 neces$ary.. • . •
yolaw No. a confirming the ap.
'00intMent of Pathmasters for .1909
waa finally passed signed and:sealed..
eouthill by authority of an
drainagereferee. paid John Eel& con-
; tractor •$1$5,00 in full Eettlement. of
alaitri for extras on Anderson' Drain
..olittfattratatolso $1640-Ic.,;tbe-,corez:
snittec * for . expenses,
0cOrge, Dell's necrant for eu 014'4:
"tract on Stewart. `Drain was void by
authority et order, of A. Baird con-.
ounting,to .$45.85 were imid.
•The severe' thunders arra
passed Over-bere on Thursday evening
last,. did considerable danattge to the
tele h ne oles near the village...,
114 .1101gitimo Dennuor
Oak, Noma
1:41.0,11ye: "UT
AI() ini,m110, °Id
Dosis- ',""'CrNt
Through "the operatioi of )134.14
Tho roe, war troatittiirt'leeting of *tto etnut:o!rnOlitittkiItsainPtIOUreftillee,OP8. tr0411.cilaitd.".011;
_ etien of the co "' * • ' .
negk'r"11-44rootor'llejaroc,attl arday,itart I :entnissioners, op, Sat..
4114bert Piro Insuraet00 Co., wai":11-04 t-iiirelfid•"74' 200 bar 'In °A.
• . 4. x • , v.,:t 4 itnil at, fore • : i , . 4(1.4 ' (q! fin ve1#---1-00`
. force ,.. , o i " 0 With
tendance 0 ' mom e '
-.tine business tJwre was conIdrUMO'
g--on7the-liVeLquea ' •'''
' -01.4.040
Member Of
.0 of Ontstrio and Bonor
raduatc at-Toronto--,-Vnivereit
ver Ulckirnn &, Carllng'a
fficesin Dr. Anderaorea former
entaI parlors
A, E. KINSMAN. L. D. 8., D
• 8., Ronor graduate of Toronto
univerint t-
« ex e
Mr- of Brandon. is
visiting friends in tbe .neighborhood,
W.« John :INUDOrtald who Ilas. been
resident ,of 'Orem:arty, Mored bis
family to Statia• this -Wee
sent visiting at Mi. Donald' Park
the Ivillage. ;
Mr.matord, is' spending this's
la _Torontocombiuing businez with.
pleasure. '
Rises or ricu a ors a e
Mr. Wro. 'Ward, has began
ing the cellar for his new house.
their books and line* for ustioArlia
w ti„
The briseIgo obilh. n-40. organized to eater io a vstly increase' pop
some time ago but practice of the lotion. At that period Otto will bel
gable ritmains for the future. 03A. municipalities Ighere the sale of
, Old timers tett us that thirty four liquor is illegal, and 473 In which
at thirty five years ago,the weather ,censes are granted. It is the avowed
smTett-Inor4. A.,vraW4)1• ' _• e ortett ed a alust' the
May than ,19030, but harvest liquor infereits to nialre-,:a7raorle- x
was reartedso be of good ,courage for tensive campaign t"his ,year than ever
seed time and harvest sballinever fait, before. In Many parts of the court..
y-44campaignsThe---,question-• is Var, ca- -asked, trcampaigns brye 1,6r**, aireadr
wily two torepb6ne Wires run into till* started, and many iMportant.placett
village but (10 not unite'? Echo ans. such as Peter_boicti Brantford,
wers, Whywooduci
, Vort pe.,-Cobourg, dIctonii
• - -Wait till" the .projecte4 ‘plectrio Aurora and
Jewmarket .Vtil be in the
•ad is bui:t;lo:rt:Th:coaI
Some idea -of
tbe ecrease may' be gained 'omen one
consider it that •in 1875' there were
4.Z3: bars and 1A007 ; liquor -shops,
e •tirrTrf Iii-FitrbrInif
240 sho
tiontr4otir 1/2g 0
WM. BROCK 1717IttextrASEA. P.0-0;
ibratri Dtrator
6.0EnT Nonni% f
17000to 4141$1 piiaatilith.
otIVErt mutat.% Mauro, futa
lsi")gllr4Htvk°rjg::t,t,„Bf:Tetir-"T"-3iso:„, 14...0, ,r.,*and.
F 1"---dlifirairrlintitariF
aria Went layaloian
, etc. CO
ana 'ideate' Dr. Amos' Old stand.
tor Ulhbert, .rullartaa mod tiogar6,.A. xr.
. 1 .
, 310,0,pr TO. LOAN
A .40tINS.
, .
ari2Ittcttl we hays privoie-ton --ror-treresi
•MAN.* STANBultY. Fbiteito -aturnow-teelsk nr..-_,_,Ikiv_zropertaatiowat
, rs11001itititliet- • •
40N 1lt CARUSO,.
• orlotOts,
The *-8Ticiiiit. Huroni oommumaon
o or Navigation -
..2111or 'ern
Vt111-4.40F1,900)11. ,
IIZ.: D‘..1)0. tAgen.
' or write 3. 110//0114140. '
. obeli. wilt
citedto. eiamin'e • tile ate4 to be
rained and report...-.
re. A a
erte issued in p.rtYrneritr. I
to read d -consider,Tho-gislr 'One -
0010elit ixt eXfternoon to receive ILO .houjeoVegetab, 't Compound:
. n tenders for construction, of \ .
It 1 ornent.
-Bauble- Vier mprov
Revision Of nms$ment roll1104j 'ttnilwotn out f
and for general- business on SaturdaY that 1 coneludod
one thlr, at 10 o'relocir. .
' F. Morley, Clerk.
- Ifyour Stomach, Heart or Xidneys
-ht-Tht---iihohilf?Aqtvolto "rativic-2-401-
fiv' or,ten vlays'anly-,-the-;result - will
auxp-We', -yea.- -otrife,r
the'co$t. And here is Why help comes
Welds. Dr. Shoo doesnl drug
the4tornaeh, nor stimulate the Ile -Art
toes directly to "the weak and fniling1
-rnertges.- Each„orgotri hal '
trolling terve. When those ves-,
iiiiit.„-the depending ,*organs. tnust of
-nest $.41:143'---faitt4--111s, „ -
Aritai trot eitriv' 'tells why I)
. Shoot's Itestoraiive 1$ so Aint/ers“,
aueotreful.fte success is leading drug.
Ste everywhere togiveit universal
prefertne'. A test N.011 surely toil.
by 'W. 8. ,illowey.
Ithr and 'a trit
t o orip's Rhea:Mato -llnklab
Ovi or, Tablets -4$ being \ fro routs a
to Walls Dr. 81201 For SO year It h:
W• You' theLt. areovell, womettrom thworst
k for sow discourved44144,44natrati
ncd*Atte/W*1_ Da twonorm,
'ty I Aga out 'this
ktir and -
'rely blesa tho
Lhat tifulde up.
raind- t& --take
\rnetIIcbe for
teful toyonfor
--thwv-.1217 o zs
Acre -is-uttdergore .1)4th"0
w'hich:when finished- will additre
to the aPpearance of . the Sunday.
6011°61\ .1:040;* ' •
and- Mrs. -lobo Trethanr-ef-POn"
Alnekett. ,of London, who was for
• --drain xrport, ale?) on, •at 2in the Methodist hurch. • Iev. L.W.
• nier pastor of the 'circuit about forty
five years ato, assisted the . pastor,
Bc. Mr.!Butt called -"the roil, _which
is somewhat unusual. The members'
, present responad with a lgosof-CO of
scripture or testimony. -
Tho '-'Mecting-at-Aite,....Par*,-
seratite on Tuesday evening wait well.
attended and t4-6-7 ft/lances were found
in mina &hope, Mr. Jaha ESsery,ro.,
-,*-Thireontinunity--Avase-startle ,
urday Afternoart- at learning, of the
calamity thatbefell Ur. and Mrs.
Alf; 'when they .i.vere beth';
*tout -Al. tb haro-i-444-4-ThAginS--*
8tart1et1-whett she hood the crying'
_of _the eideSt..hoy _aud.,on rushing to
' the house, found the - room fail of
oke,,,_,Natttralit_the. thoOght Of her
by. enrn'-- to nnd founrt
chLrr'd trevfm.
o lloctor nni surnrnonetl.
IPA lo before," chid
had, 1145,Lleti ittto tli gtt '14ond.
: tiokling .dry cone' tan, be
uick1y-1ooseno1 vith.1 tilhOOp*0
xn nothin nflsic or harsh, .8014
Oiifiloyetroer ACCOtAts Collactod
1014)9Tell itet
!dela Strellf, nutter'
o hes
cic*snotto app
'excellence 01 onr 15 ring
here, la 00 other
that will cure ft
i,iul 50 litort
vrti, .1110, funerati was largely attended
k. r.londay "Afternoon by a nuMbett of
Olitene**• lout
g''' judgoo(goodand the nuikeup
we can Illy. _1004 you with a
enit of clothes, If you are not a judge
ef goodeor tailoring •
lin Coleore byall bus
• •eltir theLtettion_ithet.,
the onbriferliii 'Ala*
-haw to Mae them, and
we Uv� up to our atittion, You
take no .0111601 when haying here.
nst *sleet your goode, „ lot Ara take,
our measure nd you, may_safely
'to'the rest entirely to us. -else ut
1 Lo demonetrata`;to tea
hat. we know r business from - to
priog Sult untll you tvole and .ee
or you-.
enttoba, Bas atchewsn, 0
The *PiAloant mast ppear
at .,tba' Dominion do
on, daughLer, r, �r ,jiiteroj
intendiug t
Ott tite months resIdence was
and cultivation ofthe lend in eselS.
of three Yeariip, A botnestesder ma
141**Itlit0 „rano 'mites or *is bommi
on *-tfarm of t
solely owned 'end occupied by bErn dr
his, filbert lxiofthert: *00;
brother Or 'Sister,
In, Certain districts. * bomoateaid
quarter /section
rites& Price *3.
tifty•.&cres extra.-!
e dt'!r wlio be exlaauatea
bis bomeet&M:right anil. .oennot
tain,-*-pre.einptiort -mey-talre
oh.00d .homestead in Certain. d1aLrett
„krioa,:_*3..,,per. :Leek*. Paties.,..4
reiiida sit MOntks in -each • or'tbre
Yeersi IOWA*,'-..7stait
-.Deptayofthollialistoii'vtilkOtitoliot . .
11. usouthotliodirmlousotMe
ter co ilea the workmett.,..
se operations for while. 4,0*
r, Swallow ,c awe neer
serious acteld'ent " the 0
er day wbile repairing n, win
Mr 3, Peart 10-soute-ninnitet
are way *flowing 'tiro till to.
403 4 Itiht, of Edt
°I 14 Ing -1' to. veutritti& trOu
*1.1:44'114tir'.111447*44TA rnted them With sr,
*lag friends, who ,,,t.trtbe
t$1. mantle. cleek.. )10. rare ed*.th
11")*' suitable,I-xlrc 'sin