HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times., 1909-05-06, Page 3COT, fl*eitMll by h.�gLj ontein diamond , &tum11ed upon 10 was hflowmg u Sufralo-' aecoznpl . thesou which only *gelteverfly guhsieulv:t" ethee oI bristia tileP11047 Pre ion. Or in, attainng our tef bitter defeat ot Io±ous. Much eeurtitdestiny. spiration is rnoren tioz of pots 1 (IUty. OF us end ak9 for behalf ofa world.A ,urn d aver 200 aratsr, ea the; neut gro prii • end While diggi faded fro * aint to,zii brushed .iere fa ed, at t•is to inak inal aer�.the 'end 016 tie 4, into tile --- ilthe *tape ' hat has , , .1..)intli g of_tbe 'a onholeloo shield and, ith arrow 0, r box OA ;Wilt 110 rn ,• iit. ato„ e , L' the.t..ttitt ,t; •-cahaillunig,u, Itvito0 the h aha wit ed twold iiii)waltwialtto7fatiiky,0 9,oattli . thu ,oatli shalt address th ,„ o "The. officer .adrin in ' a . swear by i."6t4tinthge'.'4'09.)r wet, ath prcscrihc and then in have to ask to kiss the Bo.ere hat;alternat46,4*,..vto• 'Mail:, ' TC Th the 0iz us ,ortrtitr„..e.ii:ehsetio140:740 r irncu1t laces, n v their obedience. 'eart tc; o Iry e ittothcJ Towards the 04$140k the manylochs thaV&t. ino--ol•trylthjreT9 kl to it, run a chin o of those n 'ficorsirtan) loy of otters, and oVe Eeeu° tTted o yo swimming -.to- .....,' ,--k,--,4,-0,,,,,,,,V,,,,z-,,,,,,.. leinember, too , .that ' n call for the _ -0 hti 11 11 EPOa1c8 the eatcd e ei-,.i',ir.,-T--to---re, wire trnctioins. ,-,a 40, . r ,by tauJing in thc way of aud purpose t of ,L'uwa .of a. true ,:inari; is u.sc all 0-cumu1ate1 knowl ----:—,--tre'ther=Tbo cubs -tried to get *Shore, but, the old otters got- be.. en them and the land Ancl kept iil. thm out till Seeing us they all go ed and disappeared. . Once SS we rowed up the loch VcrEa shepherd staading among the , roeks an one of the larger-islauds- - zood distaneefrom:_,' hi - 11trUVAls*IVVrn irg at, but a fcw days Afterwards. us be was watching three d corno ashore and w . - , --ii: slaw ,.. La ututun afr bis abeep 04 one of the is- lands *cut a do down amen tl QC omi-e- nos eep •g habit o barking when he 'found hole, an - ring him bark the farmer went down and • e • -----ha -"rounded - up --1*- in a 6111111of herb a e. would have been easy to kill 'it, but to got alive vras quite , Taking. his cap off; the farmer rolled his hand up in it and caught :the otter by, thane* but had hatd ity th ifl0nliiajekhi! $ owwa first .z! nally . 'Colesberg .. Eojo," and w that the Chriatfani"' tbe living when .it hlived well ANDREW IIAGEMA CointhC r..,q was to some '.a savor from Iife unto life,' but to *the s .4141/i4i from dcath,410tO Or , vas tbe ca native peon n sheep, when he Ohee Or -them refuscdgraze. _ o try and -4147 h :ttisaL 4 be u e.r t 0040 ad tft 1n rcl • .i4 't • 'ettir ihehon in i85, cotinuei m�nd ,_ ...., o , a C become fixed between the animal's two front teeth. Since.t oh more that - 850.000,000 worth of VMS ih. qmestion• have :- be,041, 1141041114Q4 i the locality.' • v''' o a, , r design)siz the AN..* ow docr, as the etsc‘may be. Tack 0 s. 1 qdge, to the top. of . win or* . e way, , wherever you chose, ,and out. the Toweredge off bout one -11W inch. ' Cut the warp that weaves the matting, and un- ravel,the 1igtb of Ibe., th 10 for pat otic ,inv ents O Shah was recorded ,V6-OeUV. o 'Jones; a th,44140410 re:" 101V0161440411 Of independ- t means, and his 20;.,year-old on rge, have endured. great hard. oP and deportation, because the itter is alleged by. the...11ot -iiiiiiiitreii,t-auttioriticato - omm,,t.Alsa900,%. httlier avele4-3,6.00 miles to ar t -he last time, hiS t aro • lousy)), When' h multitudes. of tessson VL Pant's Pipit ilftesion. aryJou*t. Golden In r ue io s re to .ntudy are an hydration 411 ac- tuante of the parable of the sow -the..goudground, the stony ad thorny ground. The' show what: is-c9nt y- occurring- 'Iv aridver Christ is urgod uPon mon, .tho aration of the hearers into accept-. eketers. What Paul met at Antioch Pisidia, he met every- where he went on hit missionary journeys, and . all Tistionaries, it-antl-aeratcheili-making. a"greatthave-met-the sarra.sk experience -ever nt *Otraneek 14118 OthOrS S g what the egad. not 404 easel '(g) 40040So they,... differed I'M an • Vae ing. an Ospecht y'll the c denined 444 Eeus;(3) because themelvei t' *condemned b warning those in vs. ) because hoe h the w ngakc Children Take NAM(' 0 0, Milonirth 1-u'ani:ng a; n Cey1n is quite a picturesqtw an ortant affair. A richly dracc �wers, ' is I in the centre of ri,. ode 'haying been c ;.-thc prOcessien enters •the onn.,, At the -' head are , two uddhist riests_ in i' * ntlitt itTtilltrW 0 0, 1451V1i1Viir Eelyte$ conformity to circuMOIS ion and other requirements, they okicct-ed• btrenuously to their an0eaSier terms,such all Paul proposed., • What is My Attitude, Toward who waq very . ge. The metisenger hopt,d,fo. have some 'quiet enjoyment whentlue..keepe , eeper -knew- • t,---otteraf--;and-a things to • that the otte - tself home. • • ruen$ 'alio leeks Wiz •ndsas.notbin nifable -to- at Se; ,oninitne . t tier (sec Acts X3: e tho. a 1),SY carrying and disporting themielves. These under 100:4o ce,Liopythe' mother walks, led in a rose-colored skirt, iAtii loose 'white robe over*heAtioulderShe ts 13 041)i_ppstnied b 9,1=4,10A' T t ebaby,-0 whit e, rforme V doughnuts, put a t a r c with 4 CUPtht of pod at -hold the sack shUt „ h and strike it on. the bo le with, theotlier ban a 0" e ook like • Grating c e seen to ex, , a$trou-0 uers, essrs„ the. English compu have recently revited their tale tions , of the period' of peribeliert* Passage, which the now fix at April 13, 1910..tri.occur .or two later. Some bewi1derrnent' has been eauscd by . 0 sr., is a 4 his reat wish w . o $ . littl ndchildien 'ore • heese, When grating ;44 -similar byli)--enig e grater flat downon a rteve of white paper the particles do not -11 . about as Winth it is uright. w '0 r h White St kti DE lien irntnii „ 0 •t o s ag ferenc more than 'Mont eon k!inputo./IId the tand_son ttr,,, tr. , Una. , March 7o liner Celtic. , ... : Trg.7):i:v,o:NinitguL 0 4 rot ' /0'n' °lacers '''''...4A li...ea4' 'Sea, wilo0 esti gea U3 heyde I m.st go to 1t1is1s1and i., that when an insalie or feebjelni alien arrive(I, Yale , UnZversity. „Elywortli, ens -dy pending- an ofteitd -docisd, is, to be..scientillcally explored 'f,)y tiand. ' Gomorrah anther person it4r,tottiz_ti mandatory up- inient* accompanied by its wfth .1/- aro:T-11e board of in-, ithen Act;theft remain, in under tthe story of Sodom and 4" il°11 s in the custody. of Unutington of. the geological eXPeditton-iancler-the-444/.4s 4 e therefor'', -•S) FF'sv7jfi it j 1Pauiand 13arnabas'1 411-'1120 vs., 43, 4 or 'Paul and his com-'10110reret it I aTt 4" d ir4 .1.60.4. V Vo, *it i M fLei Perhar41:4 II"- tr ability s a leader had been proved ipride, a self s n n • Pitigir-444---*Watto*tifailiii.txtiWTO•?-ili-0:1--vr'it"it o e ed questioned. ,. ' ' converts, acee tin the trut littuatiiiiiir *len- Tizarr la; 11.arb - u x ng -i , et forth on his second elpexlitiori abroad' • to Pern,Ahe ,governor; "Pediatias, ,..1,1-#kitt atkluift. the _itioat 4ifteolt - -., •- rw nailed Alt:negro-as his equal in mil/nand' t . • but events sPee<ILIY proved who was thLrYltt oqVLAP- vtte'ici4Rthi'et,:--,-'' IX, Pittil'S 1'041113011y: VS. 17-39 - a of Paul's 8 • line5 nea ,,,,,,, ..... ic t e inotlier 8t3,upon a stool, -the other two women sitting upon 0 shioiis It .i-Te-i-itire — NEAR The mother of si.. as ire .ocetued tittering from loss of *met* • • yt-c*lle4--in-- tionppose nt 1 the full address. • , have. is doubt:kiss a, a ' ii., . - ...-- I uetive Btu . L..„..,* What 4 0 T 41:( one:. to pay 0 we ere de you an Jittle champagne.tix lie ,lik hat was the subject of the ser- oyiters and c inoiir Jesus. Ts. the Proinized *, 'cd the mother.* ialt..The doctor shrii *hit WS, its_tOrt1_Nr.:10 'LAO '4 ' - -- I'%u,-7cii 41-"iiitS piiiiiiihri 'the c shire mzners earngood weitesi,_ Seritura1 ItOoti ot..the -._da .'iltid...often-iitien. iiiriount Of* ect in v. 45. Ile , also quoted of them. i $: / in v. 3,3; Is*, 56 r 4 in v.,1 "In aa extreme .case like this," .,. ab.1„; ti in Y. 41. It wit*" he auggested "itouhl not be' ' &riptural iliscourse, . • travsigance , at wai.tht _ColowoLite.,..ar &me- He.'began as the to* a ilCe ro upon t dd,hz - wi;hes the child heal lth and reP11130141 triisting.tha (or. will lotttrx.-toy--tileirkies- hlwe good .fortune, and be orb-, to her (or his) parents to eat " Tbe child".isthen wrk-a;:iM gsz(eaetn:moment's Thent S .notlo!$y have VI crisp, ` warm orttakert. AVII641box i3 7/1, e 1tv b riteUpX vkett_rsirav;;Ittleirackerg! w 11 .4. 411., daughter. "1 piedge you the city of ;Scranton, said th0 mayor, •" tdotilt-..teturrilittiv-:- , Eisda„ us ltFrlemarrie4 to cnnof th est,.men V-Irt le. tms. The exploration %aTd-to b3 extendI to etibir refcrericrttiAmistes 9 r paring with • e o&k for hal .. 4 *tiff hand brush •brus op* and you will be a *44eci at • to ' 1:1000 It:t11.1.0t-l'i the rile. 1'44 inkle a nnewsid al *pert, rid the er hr :he crtesujne Tir eat, and he e WhOle 0141144 seat thenitelveit 0 watch the perforMance et the, • tOrk.arrived, amonghom wa WW1 itson-in-1tw. Iut Cornmuioner of Imrnigration heri Ok his head, The son at aid ,the'ath0i. mlght -0 fe0',F3cran tt-be laziek in time 1-0- sail b the ocani0 that, day. Tbe.-yjjtor,1 that, they wont 1-avi, him bac wiND row he,attention o English faxmrs called by Mr. T. V. Yeats to the- avaiitages1,--4.power_froLlIm*In for ajami...• _variety-Or ,purposes here fuel:4M engines*, are now Wind costs nothing if r the . tor has once ',been -itet UP*and i breeiglh,,:eilS't1O1 ieVt11-tethhat111S0ttihr :411 It- 00-44Sts', -141441-140tOr4% * fie en ihtil heguli,Tin that t asteittliviun, srzs from thir RECIPES, hfle OPOn° Cathe-Pjc1 over h ups d s. Ofei night and 'n r antinie"boit aliirge soup be f beef until the meat itender, hen move .the yeest from the one and 'chop fine. Return the ehoppe(t.urest to the; soup ;in whicb sal and bali erae hot with pfor an otour. SerYO. ho and .t haif 'Well, *he repliedh eeivrng et Truth. titer, ifStae*- lOtis *Dist. 4‘.1 hat imprefolop.wao,ut r • 'Worse El repeated thet, 010e PauFs ea lie 4 "After the ter- . i surprise. "I thought she wo‘ild mum t1u 1,* At1es , * d "Well,. h like* er k that tIise Vac 4$ of the phrase, The usual aile Truth, a$ we' n' 41;4.4 turning to the deIgation. from t el" ieolt heart., 1 dreamed for eeting with my daughter children .but cannot. clo uncle tanditionit. ,Thi* m,thei nowt he necd5 ene 1!- ever; td Since his mother we :parted; we Mutt not be now, not. even for her out poor little So edelegiktiot niournfuliy ksjd ne1hat the 4$,Ughte for 1ghtTaig ciai v n rzodern wind, motor n to, work, g hours firms_t ich an 'Wait fo nd when it comet y flout, %even -While the, ri---tuins o WO "L.. comlng on itis 1ilandtbut on Tut'sday *nothdr rneaagearriveaisy. t tbc. mothertoe fit to the trip1'andled man. , 2 h t