HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times., 1909-05-06, Page 2ft, io or from thsl eemdlike di o more., attentio , 1 : Watt* tho neat b o slit*); her in ie a10 ben to 44 little thin 'out th hcuse,and, thouwgkat t ' Are,'be terestion re ati m ii * 00 in PorLland, Eunle sihtLeein rA.,...,N4w..Lamgoiu , for Europe, about., ,... first"..' 0 to 0 :.nt.. ' nts.''' . .." "Ether , ilington. is a to New1. ' .4 live,". Mi 4;41her8,' v I: befdre tbs, but for bag h upoii bo hands. 4 eIy after her c e would find opi one to 1 after tia; but 5110 which w llLterl7 refusLxI to leave UlItil WC walnut or vierec'ablo or* d journey." ipttt n r ; .but he mentally and pbysIcl- nithixattent on around r Crawfor eonveration wit ioquireau--effor' )ue day, whilo EsU aim_ herpatient,faliet iiili r rige7,,,, etf- ' f . 0 c tseeing_ wo- pitched1 , _at upon over . ti , stimb1ingTerie up a muddy' hank ro ' r ng of long restrai lading the hero, w' 13 rescuod her f orn the wreckn borne har to her present refuge .in a state I unconsmousness, crap eafthily upstairs and looked in upon the sl t. through the half- is.,xocuL . 00 wan and re clear ;A 'b n _nopen o ; from that point al s- e-c‘include "Well, 't goes; 'thii mentiont you'vo neglected to the thump aiid tut tha 0:At OU 50 dear,” 'said •Itias • "I didn't even know how I . was burt, until 'the doctor, told me boat it this InOilling. He.4stids1. - was so much better Might. begin to taik if I wished. Were you do*, )flLiflUOU$I7. • • not only a de1eteriou *yen plant upon its' ow ut, in rtean csnee, avido Divordon Pn a Siaull and Lite is Dull* writer'e Atiauties, r e* with the general , theit ma nine halt of 0 ona -fr o ,a1 has perated sgainst her I Opinion. It 't5s1r°0pc:.)4P0* rk 0 , titter .known rive w e leared iovered Nvithand ee of t build thei P4ces- r 1400 the London„ At tt*xeptortsk Bridlington, -ace favorite g hunters, thef.,..e teet bolt° the question,. whieb eged disadvantae -'erioualy dividual re birdi hat havejust nto �rcvccrough nst in tbe a rn e n't:tstili:°0 Prot. .tir _ OoUege, has biell appoint4. path*. Iogist to I , _ltaIli Menoriat. • ,.haboratory }iopita1, ,rfIlC la pany haro41, v y've ton zd nice' our name, young maul' • and the rainan 'bent an eager rolling, he uzse h isap- , ,4:1' from w, and the, eat upon: althou his r, • thaVen arroUnd ,the spat,j a red ort the'scalp eoulcl plena .be elicate.si ay:outside treesplanted iar pot in wctrc!? also Pia theirshed t were nVer -&5 linden p e ether before failing a„taar Lhe paw 1 head-from-the :he . of rockdislodged u14ind iuwk; in 'which h T71'aitIr,,whivh ho is snpczided in midair. 0 buckles'a kind leather ote 5, 'war away, • oy,s, cries as swings himse-f over. tho,blink in an almost horizontal position an presses each * foot firmly agaius the chalk -surface. Three of the men seize the rope, 4134 foot by oot-tho-intrepide1 her is lower- - d till his cheery voice is 10 t,a tal ant, ungaiiily' creab.re she is anl 1 think I never savi anyone.40 thin!" That, 'is ,no wondor, when you eetisiaet -.---hirN,Athe- hn5bad to-wor "- said Xi$0\-Perfnita * fded„ with a little Un ye1Iow Th Iterit in association with potatoes and expiate tomatoes., were found to he next in every ev order of -1.0itarY, but the 'yellow occurra color of tk.),.e, foliage was not 04 mark. during ed-as-thth the grains. Trees grown witb rape were also *lightly ch hola‘ a in 0 wherewthese- growni Here nt otii , .on the face -of the earth eit entire lives;' o past and portents of been -lack* baye forged their c action. I have envied them! Xotning 1 • it aver came into the -life of oar 110 tend, to ma e be only redeeming. he -"NO.; 've. a • •eon zn a • • ing state of suspense. and mys.. but 10414_ ...velvety,.,..:.er y- throughout -your sielcness. thingsyl said 1,110 young man, with truly, poet. Esther:is a\perfeet f right ,r1r. Crawford 4t."114 hvott What Wee ,that D0,0014, Lalleaster gave 'vioitai 'start- 40 Selxie crockery; ware. went her =sou; I, Tine' and other tree . $toble a 'ores, 4 manure was thOreltkhiy. 10,C0rpetr with the soil and ,later artificial that is queer state oi .vreir'd and "Ilea" }P..- -7r n 'amuoect, gleam 1.,14 lna nyc. ffit, to lo4At,ibut Ihe bartheitiodesti t most faithful heart' is stranite that .1‘ pectins.r ring a line in a heavy hand of gold. .is mai mit sem .41,‘ tis Percival gave.& iolent'start, er own face grew slmoat as colorless as that of t1. aleeper. , , but -stole 'softly Into tee room 3d 1 , TfroeiiiibliNTIFelll , 71.371aritt ti3 no at • -4, Me • e ore . until .yesterday and. toot' not t allowed me. to to ' Do 44 Lancaster rdon`; did you, :speaki," 'No -'no Slight pain, caught )) 6 .1) 1* era a g o the door.' ok his room, which was ajar. . *Miss Percival sprapg to her feet --It-corddnit,---you-know-4--thete-has not been time. Things at home -had to bo looked after even if the. men. itriets and heroos e • 'tea liaailrn.r. d and fed; the food lied to bo pre - col!, , the dishes -washed, the -clothe sAle- ond-mended,..._ he but were so.on Chocked and, died spite of good care. ,DAIItY NVISI) 1very 'avit-41411i-eVcty\y•C rid 1011,,, • lave a full supply of water at least twice in twenty four , hours, prc- 'tt-i4,7e44sit Was fuid $1:,,v?;.14„ .i8ha ter:eelttteruativo of •30 days' 'imprisonment for hay. ins, :s014 -from o‘cart .milk defieieni- in 'natural fat. ' A' large congregation was attizt- ea to liathearn-,134,rish Olusteli ,re. ;rend? by' the novelty of * treble s, 0 si , - II/ °In 11;3b6atirustutjn o u oe veial descents and At the e the day s area the spot, w.tt assistanft,,, 7:who sell then4 for eating. purposes to the inhabitants of the neighboring vit. lakes., . Agee, owners 'of th roper An Etlinhur h headinalliter recent-. 13 receive • ,t 0 owing ex eu ory communicatfo• would ,you, b.e sow kind as to /et Agnes away , at 10.30 to .00 to the infirmary with brother's aritti" The .Plaegow Territartal authori,,, ntrel-:method of securing recruits. Oineers a tended the principal football matches and appealed to the *pia. It pays to provido water in every I stall. If this is not done, the troughs in the yards should he ater00 3Om le "Terriers The Vife Coal Conipany -eided to make an experiment in ie.prov heitaT er throat, elute ically at the collar of. cel".• tangos* ou you, • - /07--4-4* tato turally. "1 ortunatelyi..iny, father ailci Mo.* I both in el ant-ean:. 1.fromthe.m.- t sifreijond hen 1'is eyes u he ed„ up, „. ',%4,Ontle bending Over hini, "Who are ysU T litou called ilidef I tvut• 71 e 1164" t ruhited:434,130,61(1411: ea the woman, with a guilty fe°1ii3.0 :they return to the eitab:Ta.:- 14.*. ; 1, 1 trouhlesome-. ut-lt 1S-prOpar 1, , . .-.--.. -.- ..t ' * 1 'hive tn.. a ao 111)..t:„.1 440.4% ..7. Do_ _ , e , T ' lin . .,_mail:,,,,,Unvitttateerst _xtizi7s741,y-41; rne,- i 0::-. 6 ----tix hoi—r--004,01111Tratle=to_t:tahattl/bbAlt°:tt oner osiller-46, liwanha4,10,i___4tEUVitP:r11-.ornas t try to write „le cr. seal ed all . .„,„„, to 1 mul A.,.„,,. gig I. Mit Peti At.:31a dirtirit:to''' WOL 411417: 1$' $ 1LT *I. th're,81_!'er' 4-tli-Asnel.Ft - ---7---,viiiliangt-tlati fulterrnuoyo. - 44.Alititeitln* t n -s, . *light s fde 0 ..„ t i . . e , hi sharply 1 way 0 Ai.!,,t er, rat than to his mother, • tremulous- , ai-1:611-11;° 6r ' -old be co i 'Li n o' )14-.- 4, reiva wouki '144' .and a. faint sneer curled her thin eaU Ironald,' "- ed "PerhaPs dreamed it. Bu he salved again. _Ct.,--- i• . ' -Allow no paps or cagat-77F-t ouMirs. •atabli.,_ is not only ' dangerous, , ihttisti._' - siia sifles simikittg as 44 aliif.- _ - ,. ,, - at ; zic. a • • Iv $a:r'4 A it044,----- -„:, The rais par . 4. , ., Unto' were let by pub.:tc. auctton ezently.„ . !Moroi was A.,' Jorge . at. vialt,-*nd-r odante,„,_st •- ,-,wat vi, , . per cent - upon ormcr rat The removol of , the torpedo 1ac- ory--frmn WIwich 15 evid-ently wtto:', early ticela*.$5. he. 10 lunteer r by a cerlain 4atila has 4 i 1-111 -,- , \- 'IV la 111-1U1t InVia perSiSt* it ihomtrit 0 1 '6, "we've he n . 0 a a e a a . . . Opirsr 0:ugh,. I: may ,have. hero ;.ito stivoliivenIct wiit.,,,,to thati : nit Carriage, , ' who par! you1" ,poor little. - girl •'-‘townstairs must , in times of peril, in reois the I have hod o hard time o it, Pete, , ,,, I , ' ' ' *to ,t, medical nussions,have, proved be IL Itt/t-thc 4/4144‘;' -11" - 14)--411- inc uPW ---lia-szfest-placer,--tKoc.-0nlynfor-tur 0., , 411c„,..!,or ,,,,e0; thatalaVed to take ts4`,1of !!*** ..k.$111',. I point. but also lot. t rev 110*. i t ant-vateiveiY replied, - theirIt lithe now this and• . a bum moistened. her -iii -to,, 1a mon 0 i v the „ ,lips It ' fixedly at- thltAtql t so ything_el r *op , Shia r sit - should, like a, drink of ctrest zotha' tr°1410":';:04, iti g , own expel. her contnaniOres blind. ,been preparing wafer. i 401 '', leiri thit5t1*" 00 it. kia b; but, of course# she'exPectitiltoto lle1401steliltelte"."ttrY* 1111* '41° Pall ./Mtng Man anSWeredi,'hie Are ' , tilie he Weil paid for what she . has 4 !The bur e ,,,s,nd-tiie. tooentitlea ur . 00 i ,,,, ry om standing ea! ' — , r iiiv, church 0 , 1 1 ta bora a a# a pl obryed, withher itt,:trovellinig! oun keen will r ter ri 0 unsteady. eye* 4* ompatuo fate, tc See 0 would take 'this ref-,, nested in . and, , 0 . t , (akin tretice ' t '4i1ligations. . d ti'days doub1c stages. woreLati, ,. ly . left,- "11-m I she des act at , oin .0111,, iik lard ,tislicop, wh,le' this o , , canopy a • . s, ,, i ., " :-'1' .., 11 ° . 10. 145 the es,inaga formed her , if..., , "„ . . i, ilf , , .,_ ,..,, ,, Odd lobs ,for the n. telt And the wheel most ntliolg. t tit-11114WiH bo snt post ret