HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times., 1909-05-06, Page 1, 4,-, - in.. _ ,
.., if
For 50c per
iii:-ia a Bplended doth for Iii :oill the*gi�d
or Des d• la good 1318414 Blue, Brown orGreeu.,
. ,&beautifui eatln n
4 . iliitli.,-- Tbisahne
n or ream. sure teliteake.''''*
OnIy 50c. Only
r. Grigg wa n. man o
lo the-chlitheOt :toliPeOt' And.
by o'srory', 'Otio'ioto knewhim..
iy but ,,A4tbrotth.,ohoilinvig,ttvli,t4tyt,A,%glai,00010,w.t•
Tenjoyed Tair-
about .three.
on ,when bt was comPe11eto 4
ta guttering from: n..
severe VIA* tit 1.a.grippe,; whichi, jet
bi,n in such,a.vi'cril4cticil• condition,
tb woo '00 /441,0*1140tell*
"was .4 iv
11101t, 'With bis e
attribtcd 10
6 t
utricul tionionor yo.too
s E. nee'llt; V tcAvo
F. Walhor '. Stewart '00.
Matriculation.: • and . l'iortnal_. 0
trance ftiniOro., 1,5., Vollins,1)01 .a; 1'4
0, **44Iiii.:2:1'3.1'.11.:{eit erIt
Istoii,x.ttutari,tt::14121.81:Xt;O:1; itioeill.:: .6. 0 ;:..i,),),40w, 9..;13,4,,
i A. ,etokara 'Oa; A. 1
. ,., . . .
J. It, '
Or a1 Entrance I1onor,. 1. 11
der 136.
I 2Ravcrag attcndrinc
4 _,rWeitleribottirfri., Prin.
11..11.18:, tri, '
.,.IL Jones71; -W., Monteith 71;
107 - -molt* , $84.:;'..
en e: Treibger: 634 S. Petty
,62•;, 11,,,,Varl ritc 61; it..Polignit 60, -.No
.:on. roll' 23 average attendance 21. i
'.110Int 4.....!;.X.,.., ,
.,%.17•13.0: ,, Elston ru4:41:rr;t::5';'::.Ivira; W4i1,11.VaNtr;‘,,,:litielit.l.rn:1:0151.1.,.
..., L. .rayne ,4101 Z. :, -Stertor
t iprix 7
) dfOorter 49".; .
?,a. ,I,-
a.I. Thrntr .. ifeaver
"ft 'SV;I°
:,sr•11°441:t 4: - oyle 64d $.'
dford. Jr.
• 0 4.;014101,---77r011 17
ti. M. ijOhnsteri.
110014 117 , •
Sr.IV i •TiottomAluby Wood 84;. Ng.
. ,J3loott 'fl3A-101are0o %toy wood
adeleilw1414r1(.0 lit.A__,P*1;x..iiifor
0 794' 1400n -Treble,- ;.11.1„.,Pit
. tatortgittrif
Gordonr Ofir,,freue garOY.„
0Irne ' P a'. . 'Willie Ircidettiari
„s .- 1. 'If' r oT
SneH 60.Tamc
Ikcr 78. a 4ii,t11- 'I '---. ersan
' .:
We are faxnoua IMO' year for Our
-7.• • -
Black 1
roong our many 'different cloths. Our Black Voi
inento_The fiqc..4,15:clAnd Voiles are ver
0*be unLr, , ltttn h
hot'lus',. at'
0 4i Ieca,r -breaker,,
0 fwer tban twentyfive actions'aet
own. The:trial judge •waNs. illonOr•'
o ,
lo be ti 'you t era. 'ou arm v
or Spring /louse Cleaning and will be wanting,zOmethtng new4
net forgek,we. are the headquarters .for ROI talc.;
tn, 011elethlitrialtiOlellill$ and. Weit.Papers.',
4. dello with on
-11h uP f the_ to
innartegt: things in Gentairan
Veda, ,,AX the titeareoloti
n Figured, Strimi or Cheek!
41.111,12ti New 8*ell Hata are
Witkereen.Droisin 'and Black '.
trimmings. 'SidlotOr $*aft.
fail to see
an licriiiiiintain, :it va
,,, f ‘1,,,,,,,,i, '• ! +I 7•:';,''''...'; . ' • •Ii,l'U
Ayer . OWC' on worry
n fact he ntver recmcdto .have
any ro‘ e
of a brihzcheery di5position.
born j� lattatstont._,....ustril*
w011. England., and at on 'early age
earned the tailoring -trade, working
the ben0h, 43 Year* retiring r bout
rett,, year* Ago. *.-11
ers'.first settler, ' Inv: liero
nothing but A h ' I an4.
dhere‘ continuous!y elnee that
e !Times. from it first izsne and
never' failed to renew his subscrip.
tioh -the -flaY of expirationi.,
Grigg died on March lith two years
ago iIc levies to mourn his Dowling
• chlidran •
h• rcn 40dren r d
• Wrustlec lalute•, "A 000a
* 10044s,. were, ndloorou
:or w4•re, nettled • without,
he the,0001t400404PA-Nr
.opened on
onday atterno0A at. 1 0410
.Young v. the Exeter
•0114ing and::Irtaering
Wfls bY,o4nsen., oiirne ;next
jury-aitttp44 o ' tbe Court. • „4„fitto
9riJ1 gUbiVZ1bC(
tor iIock 1» e defendant ooinpan
Young claims that A. Q. BDbier
as iagent of the, company" appronche
044 40404 him, to. oubScribe fo
certain glirirea of ibtocir, notwith, a
'ViVirTO--tiuteliaaing the • oamebut
simply to enable the gold -1';
and others to bold Coit .o
to i n an n Weft 1
ant aid Kalsomirfe
r01 1.5, 20 and 2
Ditty Nettifl-
ShOYOS and Spadcs
Scrcen Vir Netti
Iis4 et
o OC o .oar vI e�f *25. whicb,'
however be says bp never purchased,
latatt...the_time..of.gigninznthe-la ,
crintioli,be wit' induced to give Mr.:-
lunis°01:mitirtiecalboorlry):yni:oiltrga.70.°0:4-tX,sti2p117. et 4 01r:
119i0t76,tri0i1414 !.pt,11°,(11":,.....rP:Po°074) 7 b fwIli
'oiliitiOrirrtbot-li-o tratloo7iir ever
given to the plaintiff ot loolittato6 of
ilis Allocation tor ghares And that no
• Os' is vAlVa's filed '.witt.tr-titeat-411t)rPro.,
r1nca1 Secretary Or furnigted"t0 the
plaintiff. - Ur. Young ecelts A return
at -his., money and a- cancellation of
otock-e- '
- - totroidett
E. n
0 htir
_ofendant .
yliiic ys; tisionie.....-TriAl of this'
wasruittpurim luialt-i--,uunufzu
fi-Jury gitting*.ot t °nil. Thp.
motif ' • Mar A ne
wm �;lrt itnsIi ItoxDin
iform Of. • jr. .110nors. Marjorie
Sildon 89; Mtujoru, Irostoxt,.$7; Flo
Weed -84 ; Alina-altack 83; - Edith Davis
Barry Potions 18; Onnie VtUtf.
70. ass, -Pearl. Jackson 24; Jos
rergusen foot*, %fast/logs 64, -
It St.,Iloruirtt•-7 Allen. A04
Gia4Man 891 LiIa zueo
utoit viueonk $7; Amy Johna
.. Gordon Vord 75 r.,Ilertita IXorneY,
75;ReraldirittO044; Dorothy Kuntz'
121 Dern •iffouldors 681_004 Weldon -
hammer W • to 67
euro e era e
UOOM. Vli.
• nsall, a niec of tbe. ate Thomas;
Sturgedni one of elc executori o
,whosc will is Ionia Th
the .dcfendant. The .46 ion is for
declaration that tbp priihate of tbe
'alleged will was granted without .*
stliction-aa Tax40401ent, 6,74-4 void.
,that the .will may be declared :void
defendant denies that tbere
ndueinfluence in inducing, th
JJ COUVIIICe yu tilftt there is nono btter
- The libell LsuLtq entere A'esrs.
Vanatter & Itobeitson. 'publLsiie
of The Signal. And W....0. MeCrostie.-
of West IWowttnoshe agninst the pub..
Ushers of The Goderich 'Star. which
' 4 -1 -the
11')Ii7.C5 were t,ettledout of rourt. .
.. Ur ; .., -0 EV
40,--et141-440,44n •
Itvorit:fitsvt.-II4 to ar. 11. AY*fr
Itendle, Untold Iloyle, Vera Ztarshill
011 Vron34,1411.4ti,-1.to Srq,r1.t
romClaviIV. toJr. Pt. JL (1adys
elver; Viola Jones, .Alildred:Liart.
-114-Fteharltif-FrOfdi--=-Melinda- 7610344:-..
ublic schools of :Baltimore the. eyes
he obildren did
ilo ene out of every
an-th I it A)
detet andalto.
positively itg1ass are need
visiting Iler Jiome herefox a.
e 4 It 1
illr:;;:'' -
DT b r and ehildren
esdd .y, o Mrs.
era •
License TusTector lohn Tort
was in town Tuesdaycleliverizij
to the hotelmen. .
Tueday night, alter apeiiding tlie
pnit few months with ,brother in
gin. Ile.
'aeveral nwt
embers vreto taken lnto' the churcb.
The committee,: in charge ' tbe
24th. of IA celebration have
.p1eLcd tbe• 1st. Of prizes to be alien
1011 4?0*4
tele. -
?red Parsons' met with th
I stomary neeldent *last Saturd*
.Witting wood. A piece- Ile
• king blur tir thyr.
Vatrieron will *ell .byr
• brio nuction at the Metropolitan
Exeter., on red4y; afar I4th
it n4-01-Ctele,--inglk-----Ows; *lite rat.;
f --Sic.-
It 3)ft fo....advertise_itt the
I.rt'tcelc Mr. IX Wood i
nd. forpasture to rent; to be rii
four time. Two i4Jays after be ad
rerticmeflt appeared he had all 112
eattfr ht, tout(' take tart of.
v trie,t but Matt,
ift'ttill(flnn;zoot iatt the to4ito
lauttaamutuomat trtl.17, olaa13wa114antria
t • , • •
Doan wsnt ituctioraittormiti_.to bejuet *o :tare_ilvVe;*ditoli:e(nitillottotuthwlora*
hatztYle. wl
Li° itP1
ring of ohotriating th
darciageh- :for ttltez' obstruction , eo
plainest of. 'Judgment rekerved„,
E.4 ‘..10;:tilkitor.....florflorLffotrtLI4p.vi
,ithru4tunetrgergoson;„,.--- ;
From Class 111. to Class IV. Mildred
rebind. Jessie llowey. 'Mildred
'Wood; lfarold Kuntz, Kelvin Itedden,.
ieJI .N
r611-54-4i-iirage iffeirdrCnce 3.
• .F4 W. 'rancher.
; AJie Tayhot, W"ololh 73:
Walker 61. 'Class, 11, Louie
nic 12; Willie DO•iiil /0; Mary Mor -
Jock $8; Irene gusterbrook•6.1. Class
0,4 Alvin Cornis,ti f4; Clarence MorleY
80;'Clifford Mallot 70'; Leon Iintoatr
et ;7;,:lretei,,E1Weet*Al;--ritiiiiiifilidtkiya 61.
Jr. Vt. It: Winnk tirniglit 86: "Wil-
hert Gillespie -724 Oornis
phin aviitTAL,1'4_8:oti %tit
M..44.1t rtin Teacher.• .
Ilr,jee -73;-Zolof Taylor '74.
/too Sweet 0)4 trio 'turtle*. 0;
-,11,-11$rirrOteiffe: I10-11,;e1r7,;:
gert ,611, Iltrinche ,Qittaneo
n rear 86: AtitriOtt 1310telio
vie 1.14$10' ILO
Itiyers 61: Lulu Itedden f.; Vvj1jt
1i.Tan.on 6; tabelleHrndforcj 61;
Ethel y 60. Tr 111. Ilonorsi,
ight 14; lletittlet Itodge
Marchand 1i7.; Annt Jiell 18; (td
•One ; oC tbe fincst celebrntions
flown -Waif' IiTst�ry o
take placertherz.tinXictorta.Pay,..May
zitb.. ..riitoto win be gamekan-d- 4011
of 11 kinds And-the4/itrIthill-Drivin
Tar* Association have arranged' a.
-sertea,-of---raeta, --Some---Of -the_ best
bones in Vitt:nada 'Ilia -the- Vidted
/States Arill go, there, The,tpt. the
world's fastest Thee horse. . Vitae
2.021.4. will•nlso to- on that date in
-planting until the next iltiy
[with the erdwd.
e-West"41114torr Teathers
tion will bold their' annual trintitit
Exeter, May,20tha and 21s1. They
have a good program and expect a"
ime_tessful meeting. Mr. T. *Wright.
of Toronto. is to be present, and give
three addrestelw,--TwO-
nriouneernent are 'being aent -to all
School printipals. 'one of thent-'for
trustee -board. wIto artCSPereiditY
e eirtdVdurittion-wilTbbeartlly
ilith pa1eco1orha*taoea
wb� fel-Weak-0nd It
both 'Men
r e
bloocln�rvea and,
tlutto .
rifl cofivnc ntndIetng purcliae
•-•,r,•• , • •;`,
l'Ant son *4,
LOC -4n-
Itf- 3111..-