HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times., 1909-04-29, Page 7tbikenntry f the dseei ustody 44 a xnaterial ,hie iacethirnan o o ycars. t bon ued with effect, was found. PO the 0 &fel', feet from; ho body of tho ictim. hbory was apparcntly loO in gold oniinatioti„ *hich wan o the linen of h est. The ,roard airn trafonsern and 0 floeComrnision- el anatoxe ,out O'me, ur 'horsoif 11 term' • Thee • 05 era were ined !0 or 30 day r kr haiving • , i t ined at ln as to tho re 'between otherof the 1 , , ia orenoo was in. S1an1 on tho offtrtit 11! ft the fo°urth witn rning of 4:04 se ex' to' it,,,of Fe an 111 g ti on of tbo, c iferenco orb3ayng tho bonu.ledtothe bross 'strapped, as has been h $ death followed as a of tbo terrible iniurtei, caused nails eing driven through is hands and feet Jt AA believe tat his tragic affair among tlie tto it - e ,,,t --;,-' ett' of the 'Common birth is,a. eirepl to tbo u�- eiviIized..won1aih1L1flL sery _rare fatatuiproductiv� TU woman. Afier a day or 60 tha new znot1ieitflt0 takoiaphcrr pair ootomary ooctpations, and 0 0 ees east is never in nec4 of the retinae Of An 0 doctors, trained. l'i passed makii eialists that ' the civiIizd wonanforest rcscrv demand's. - -district a, ga The Savage worn:0 Is ually Perfect /1:shysical specimen f,eiiaing' -aba . 4....L. :„„Vacille rt 'despatch from 10.Pnipeg says: r. rlin, .General Manager :LILO Grand Trunk 'Pacific, re,- irned from the west, on TitesdaY ,i t and stzitc5F-that construction °hid begin during the next 'fog` „_ittooLorivthe bianch,lines north and, south from Melville, Sask. Tito ---contpant lose-po-thnein-bnild- lw A through line from the can boundary to liddion'sallaY, Providing the fanners with a short 13 11 also', announced tho con8tructionOf sov- eral .other branches froni the nuuii 01U, YlitatrOUS; Sask. Arthur. 0Ouriei he now mi s n e i. the ion acre Rainy River ne Or Ontario of 30 days'; ing sold from rn natural f con toHa thea cent', by the n 'wed4i/nogb,nv tliethri Mr tillio isoninent for hav- cart mulk dcftcieitb gegen was attact Parish Ohurch ro- of atreble aughtos of churchwar- she Pli mho, ()Zell , and otra mund._ ___ oi; ., 10,75 p ton Sas1-0 , :ures 're availble, :one of the 1estimates that 15,006 per- assacred in Asia n outlook continues. verY ,eon's' to be at wildcat heght. It is .reported id hay oichiptoi„ inatestio-- woman', baro feeta iftwt*--pfiliging .lTherate gait, .-.0*-tSIos111000 or flowing hair, a wreath 10Yr flowers failing over her xatira garments, has * tragic, grandeur of appearane0 which makes dinkintitive, fair-haired foreiper trotting along hesitatingly in bigh- hoeled shoes, look grotesque in cem-i risen. °roan o vf0rTO over. --h • ura_of woo-- •,:ahedances, Bho singn, she prays to the gods.; she its the goselpstrishe anoints era decorates herself. 80 ib S nob faro. ti2Adiance \a, 1 a ITt a. state .0_ 'sing 'h6rQ Ntuse ,rent is _unknown, ere 010tttx collector does not °salt ipes do not liurt—Tt-T,Notl aw -ikubtL-ug TilitairtsLrLear Ic° • weitian inhabitants ha -0 sent messenger, to Aleppo. 't•47ti---lie holp. ,-lieleports that the outkir of -the,village wereburning whc he 1044 The whole population tho Villago of Kariklian has be wiped '• - • en years enclment has b.een intro. in he United States Senate 6 &Aldrich tariff .1414 for a graduated income States will sell at ._;4100,0,00 ,to $100,000 orth of Wericit.go*ns andfincry zcd y code= aNew , -4UNBOAL sever far • qua o 0 ow An eruption al the Colima Y0108040 Wieirt4 Titesda eommuiticat4o. "'Please would Ilutter--Po rid tin ou bo so. kind as to 16to Agnes away tubs , and *410.00 to goto.the izfirmary'wiLh �riTor her brothers* ,atin1r o 'The Glasgow' Territorial; authort. Eg ties have hit. upon ',4...novel met s. towns and es nOw.ttt.04ten. Therefoie= mission at • • stated t 6 be in extreme- danger, altkough thus far : -they, httire not mission at Bkhitz is oring 3,000 fug -Tho. 1ctiiflU •out-lifttr u eon- ki1le'1 greatest ferocity, wore &en sharing the fate of the men. The British COOSUI at, Adana re- ports extreme mitiorY ow being no"food in the town. A 1args number of the-iiiivivois are *tits ing. The, Consul begs that help, his tended\ the principal football 141/0 per -P0 MaUlittrarithipposled-to--the- • -1.4‘ latorsth join e ranks of the "Terriers." • cided',U make on experiment in t oproirision of bathinr-aecommo- ion for thei-r-, wokknien. The scan ng $2(1`.13°1n4ifl.50sh (417ittrt; einjtss por 500 .4 i SU. number of .0 7.25 and • T to $7.50, fed and Watered, *act. - S r P iIPPWirn he °spate -IL froni Ottawa 4.14Y1.: the MIVAgel 1.-11-000tfc; 0p0tIntentlettb4). Turnigration, statedlo the Common's papers and dem plignittOO‘ -On aud-im. inigratien on lYedn'sday that be expected the immigration to Canada this year would total o Anuarcd_tht4t*ana, 4114....A,4*ov nt thousands would. coxnp from the Vtlit(d States. As a result o tied inspection system iflfordo ports of entry dung the past o '..fi*trixundre "igrants. been turata back A despatch from $t. lob Pt"; By a.'''rottr ot-i Prnvincial Legislature 011. - night tiAd a tOrtOltiti011 -durtion of It bill giving the p of tho provincial franchise ,to all itotoen entitled to is ott in civic .e1ectmh5. The lc 1 is expected to 011:MIT*1.113 Pecullnr'Irszeiltatollie- illt'Sllllittoeof 17$3. Europe and Asia were, covored brio durint-tho-sunurner-attlsar- ite 11_°_tter 100 he summer of the year 1783 **a or, bosides t Mettaisis-Ta4-treme $topna . the peculiar haze, or smoky tog, that pridrailed for many weeks in this island 4Engt y-axrk in elm and even beyond its limit.s, was a mont,AettrA0.411inalry" egiihriagnd- part of tho Isle of theilyIrere ;torn, arta m3411110(1 With earthquakes." also refers to tbis obenti. in speaking of "nature, tim and si4.Iy eye." _persons by Nurpovan ribezmen at Astiab tt'w ronch ientist, thinks it ,.useless gnat, to:Mars. Tho Martians avo up signalling -to eartb millions e010,4 At; NIGHT ON A TRAIN: ram Load Ot Passengers g _Esperiencei Ak dcspatch .frotti Montreal says 14w:oiling traina were seriously do- .1ayd on Th today,- owing -to the -severity-0f the---.-previousi-rughtts storm. The s orni bievr so fiercely lo••• ^ A1U- . Id !c Central *MOO bil441. t 4.afi011ity'in beingr of Driveu b1 tbo tcrafle south' winds, he **Via wer6 running ,fifteen NA high ,pounding a.gainst.•-.the klg* with treatOogs, force .amd pl&nging several .feet over. this. • At , 8.30 on Wednesday: nigbt two -Central. Vorinont,passest.4,. tr&ins.iitteutptedlertisiThilt , were *lit in the ceatre of tho ,bridge, the 'wind and waves pre- venting them from inovirig:"Iiiie forward,the. track- being washed' out on each side, re- main -ed 411 night, t splash- ingup,to4be.tarrisile, windows, riglitenett.-,pateetri ing togcther in fessr„the -whole ni till the. 1$torxxl .abated and dayl htrelief froth' their hatz stie auction ecefltly.'There t 10.0.4.- teadanm and the bidding was brisk,--and-rents-,:werevp nearly to re,rf)100enitt;tijorits'olotr*it, tr:Wirporfofac - ry from Woolwicb to Oteenock, is ev,klefitly not to take; Place g$ early ais was expect -ed, for the, riO- ticeinvitint.iia0 employes-04troltooilialtretittaerfor i bcoo WithdtacW44,_ „ Or DOWS RE lion* * 1,4 ri o. 3- - 40•3401V,.. 2 white, *1.40. Higher; No. 3 yellow,'773c; yellow* .76Xe; No. 3 COO, 774 K. 4 corn, •- No 8wI Weitern e No. 1 'feed, 5014 to: o. 1 f 50 to --141,40. Ontario Ove- Ontsrio No *trio . 4, Aft to bsttrY to 6/0'; feed, hutk Manitobs tipmag tt 10 to V,"•_ fas SU Was 'Posohing In. 44lfl er* At Scott Jalands. despatch froni ouyer, e fis1ii er —w.l-:::bisn, A,Edbtrs:dr,&irm .e.. a Scott am. Uaycc s:aist1c0:fveae z:oiwitst th Li w1,deoloco tvri some haisr as ti4oAltKestrel Lo Vancottv�r, srr4v sd morning. ury is--art----o ld vo1 wit1i. a croW ndinavianS Standard Elal ,& romarkab! u at foiii,faltilorti--614-) I t locI kLOIIXlCa tbat Ied to.-the-sirre of A brutalmurderer are given In **Natter and liaitur„"' ot„ Oerusany.. * - *Ifni* time &ge tor in the JrovznCas ould betide his bon - I:Kt-covered- ir der,'Ittui to the collar hered two tufts of bait, one dthe other reddish brown. hair d the 041* were linb to a truninel psychologist, ater:-inspection,_of following conchal,. urderer," he toad, * with long, reddish brown habit ef pIy- - 0, rade he is bap *44be_ .2. , to . t $22Cu 0 • p short', in nine, -*or . to I/Ito 914 IrOenaudsiti plug nia kies wliich the Internatioflal ss of r °mere is now' It s declared that re- dy tattled prove that *us h t rs tllnlg is in move,. tench astronomer, lien** that ultimate •k eiroatilit;00,t,o.vidt,kplvilegage of tho lorst *tit 01 the ,Coistititution of the uirvi4st lit - fiet .or as- an in urtrin 1104 10 Vf020$ (, 0 tie ROO at VI 0 Astaile07:6* b144rBuffalo,'iP Glit'e RP : A ays: the ran* OATIOAratis disappoteit under ttie'.water* be- low--- 8b was in. Luti brink of the Fills witb her sister, Mrs °nista. Tile latter turaed hr hezd for