HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times., 1909-04-29, Page 6110*
&fliogbt Oast Witeir j,
•'kur llg� Vete -$.01,41/1g#,
. Alexander: Popist whe,":itras-.
!literary of his thoe, thou.
1: best' wh011 1210: 'Wflonover ,
tame '
te” ".•
If*flu3 W(1 Q9
)UflW!1 8TflZ FOR lp
ra. Freentl"Why,
y:o ening aboutt"
W 3014u is fr*:40*0
ife4 on• bus •
## #1
write* thatb. gets out'
If it ev
9." • • "."
••:•:, • '-
reSect oiti.4"price •-•••be• auSt•ff,' "•
„ofmaiuftcttzre inthe ran..he wiiere'
#* *op n. voncentriit" *- Av•li , • ,
• • 2•prii•
- ,
et04194, h to
io the popuIr Jac 01 the yei'.
The gured.-s&kirVwith-plaitccl sides
and pan1 front '118 1.0001piCUOUS,
atiti ClOt!A i Oc trp3TZIIg sn tiOri
anions the handsome
lf,t001#1* ,
• Shepherdsi.Ploria suit* a:re. coLitit
popular for thog.:VOUUSPrfa-
,Iadf, radium,
litery effects
trim 'a good many au , „in
'wills* : i hair- ) - -4
-.:-.. ats and. no
,. eOnsidered ".
, •• •tre-ii-e‘-". co . en -
i - ' ado' matching -the. ild -
tilled' ivi14-.0herry. -
• Plain, . simple effects are Coming
j� he more a4mileCtlian tilis_L&?ld
* tor.c,:o.1.- -
461 .„ ..„.....„--,...-
i:este •- •„... ,are
. .
° toxic( <irop trimmings
• : all-tho modish colors*
aa ti jet and metallic 4.
4,41,1i; 441: nets aro liked especi-
...4 .est4 for gowns which are mud*
'AV sati.us rather than 'duller
, Ike.; -Li• ".
Ithe.lmyt valleer rOrette-1
r4•ta--414.tf-t • -
4.1 gs of the
The troubIesctn I1 be.
\)f. Wifliarrni' Pink'
Pilh.'K•VerY 400
• e•-
• • f
gan, atrengthens every. erve anc
rings a, feelinof new health an
qnergy .
men*nd woieu, Mra. F*ankMur-
I, if mptoly riiii
st OlIago k's /tar, . • 'ia
yet y ,
I . o
4ewo a 4 my vol. . beeame a hur,,
to me. I felt tired all the, time-,
and- could bar4fty- drag__ tr)yt.
fx-1-T2t.,7*a. - Dr,
in-the-besteot:bealtto-- 114
need to all who ,13fe, Vea
--"iling?"1- -
101,411 Meg:bolted ets•or by
ig "-a 13ox-O?g
f* *L60 froiii-TWDE7701:11rains
ieine Co.* IliOckvi114. QS,
,atting:that cnbo on th0 hes
idling his ours + 11
cl_whild re- 4„.1114"
t 1 0
;a, it
• 0
' ltP1) Nirriti„nfri, so turin
*Tg;iiie.*,rib Th
0 of1 the •MOW 5.1e0eirlite
discoverY,:. 6.1 the ',.hodY U
Young. Russian in * 'trunk' loft
garret Of the Via frattinny Bowe,
has 'created the deepest exotement.
The body lay itadiscovered from
1eh.-18--until this •*-eek,
it is considered eertain thab it is
1 * * 4
' b ssian
,revolutionaries ou fttrZUtOt ,
'ions "itevolutionary".! agen
RuSsiAtt secret police, is discredit.
Ihrif-bodyisthat of a
or icktol'Inuoymb,ea4Anoll'an
,quently tote 'rent midnisOlt till
n000 tak t draughts of • strong
when, dro'wslness -attaciccd
and thus . shorterung;
• " 'MY 100104: and .
to get any test a rgi
an wbe 1 did my, Idiot, los 'mitt..
• etrio‘, hhluntvlsilthOW04: Meteciti.,t:Karilvyatbt°011114;
a at 1145.t.' Of511440:1;
Migst ori inal in tbo position thcy
took while thnkin "1107 were
wont, BO Mr.•Tranliel se,* to etimb
„Veli-ett• 1
•open, their backs.Tn that!Way”
tights' *tete.' •- •
. • ,
the pains -
every cure by Is
OC PiJla tells of tryng ROmOthin*
ciao friL 'lf” You use
ney Pillw.first you will never n
try matiung_tpte,'"
ig diEQ11f if d;Lst th
cauod by-siok-%14.06;yso, _
4 41 widen
b. or pa
boz Gni 441grfirett....,fl b,iir *two:0onerL so
, , . •-1,4,40,40,F;A4-c
it is the, tire to *tart train.
or `that annual wtestle/witb
• the oleander,
yilthbeiiressIpn ande
--, ..... -i..--74.
Coin A..0 1.50
A -
ab b Mit.
- wret ne'a whom e*'visit.
• , ,,,„ ,
* The 'surest and ' vilest W41$' to
POMVIII" thatO **,5; with Parmeiee's
tgetable Pillsi, *hick will -etore
the llekt,itliful atotion of 'Cho ttoinke_h
Old, Txt.i2T0VESl
oontact with the •side' of the 'hot
Stove. She sustal•riell a serious
her cries and. screams.
Woro e 17$1.
the child louglied throughher ipari.
"I. total out to the druggiSt for
Ow best. ier-lind:10-.-usercx
'clAherecwal.ti nothing
to equal ,Zam. el; '-aridti!'ent
Apt e *." fit
b° , • p t
• and C*011 day applied Zatu; uk
•tineiitir un
whim e is snugly. settled i
•library, •
flinks-Olie. that's not, surprisin
UL s hoOlicase8 n folding-4nd.
f •
small boy intli his first:, wa h
has -alt.?, tirtio of his 1i'
r , ,
Itasca and wUk.ntiflue fo giver
1110 4-4.1.W. 41.12._'1'`0103)0; *to., 04**400.
. opt, prOti.;,-,34***y 0000041i; 0044 *Op
nipro4041;.:144f,0#41000144.440,4**..04* 4
,O4b*10•,000*• *O0*" Cia-ttrigIsTrots
nia reeoranie-
ections 'Of. throat
Satip CO,titSa o to ac c. g run
, for the guitirtier coats 'that. are un-
'ened_or.ttilit halm bright*, thiu silk
Many children's hats. ,,haVe em:
hroidered scaltoprorborders co -1-
;0 on white, or.of White oz ..color,
tahlished thethat the victim
was poisoned. by prussic „ . 'The
poisonhindered- the • composition
•of the.‘betly, which 'was found . to.
have no woundi of any Icind.
The land's* statedthat,onif eb.
a, rson_pf some e$ yclare.,of ago
ii1 thc
ss.RomanoL ,00 Feb -..24 be call• --
• .
flet- girdles of . wide, soft -mes
aro embroidered in ribou$*ie a
111g 1,71 1 *
e fashionable colors. •
4.'et, as the reddish touch, threat -
no to .eupersede in every kind of
• 'appar4 the gii4 ofgold that bet
•"bsod full earsysway. •• •
_ongeo:-riloh'on-about, $tix- inches
1.010114. is7.-Prut- _of tier' usetut
- ratans*. which is, almost .exelit.
sly* ifefttitilUd by Germans. On
the Morning of rett. 2 bt sent for
a trunk. • Towardi noon -on the
saint day lie was visited by two
-friends: ---On-the-evening-of-the
oham he*ntwine
her.; play,, and, we had ma trou
witleber ‹Itkrbig :the time"tlie burn
was being -healed;• t • feel very:
grateful fez' this, cure,. and.
teconunend all mothirs to keep
• Zani.nuk handy ,fur emergenoibt.
**'6f:. saved .scorg4-
1 e *le as man -dollers* to saY
nothing of saviu our*
1;1-tenc11 school eliiklren Ott taught
• fire maxims* 55 a primary preven-
• tative measure, .
....tiiedicines for
If You give"
tila -you t _no gre
ilnd it 25 ceniaweLt 'ine*ted,
04011 '
4111' V 11 ‘La -'104 !`"
• •
• rtsveatitt-,-“shoe)eeontristn offers
Sure say•epoonsand cote*, ,
Dia ;you over •see 17 man "who
wasnit willing to atalt,e, money with,.
earning. tit
ror $100
Naw Mpntbi Untle tt.o
'044,ely 411*44f**10** 4 fro..
,,yourA•O • 0.11110,111" COI Lgo
, Atilroctot,1*40,44,101 4Nos.a..1 lilt*.
ldb, rrYroat 404 tIVAltil.t4 04,0 WU .
•4 -4*
t444)44‘4";04"))01441544034.0. '
mr6 wain° ,rrovialtmeo-„,ir 0ut
ovot3i, ttut, too the Or it clItr-.
:selves *ken
if. Otagocould live on 1'00414
bought the baker • and ;Witcher
would -have to rete from hilliness,
•-IiugginsMid ny w'ife otis6es
herself with. Picking thos. gowns of
the other *Olen .to
• A Simple and Cheap
A siniple, cheap and.effeetiVe meth
' t• Atomethigx be desired.
There is no In(TC1i,03.n0 so e eo ive a
regulator a the digestive system es
•so simple, they .are'theip, the.y
(MA be •got./ anywhere, and- their
beneficiel lotion, will prove their
• cooMmendation. Tkey are.. the
locticinc of the or man and thdito
*hat t do with4satience if ,the
tad ,
• V.`
AMMO. 111044001 sostisny la tit
tog* ItoliPoetot .4141110, 0ml noly I •
titles Wit* boot 144m4•4 Ir$14.40.•
opTunile0-411PlitC • .
• *tic?
•Par4 in MATEO its:A=4Y c"4010
. cou•RA
rthisliminakuitii.4* • '
at litwo/Otimtot4• 4)**Iktu, .
•i.11.0*Uwo. voSti"S,
slytilart etilst .4trosl4r.
-• •:ngt4
4 '
„ 0**
. .
• tiwei 44tv-••
mgr.. ',iiiiii=riTarlik71441111511114. 64.6-
• ug e ro 'Clack lleinitioff Vent one StulrlYoetOrtit -afi-d, Oro -
1 IMMO CalieS 441 itt
'norm!' with another Young man. some -30 fend. /Genuine. •
• m"ng tb4 nukterisis "4°6: f4":1* a black .moustaehe.. Thclandle-dy-
espurt- baek ia its 014 decle,res she did not tiotiee 601 liri uernuuly, is one vita, sausages
l'ace$ but • "ught ire...°61°r* three arriVed"ancliiiirit*Olift.
rouglrlah i„,heittiky:ory,'„Attielo_s' dear to the,
• • ,itamof ageindark haired* And With _
ere,can "I„get some of Iloilo.
Cutia ot ni00r411 thisrented
frieo I. ,
, • „
Thi Oh* "Yes, sir* .ety.
three next birthdot, ands I on't
reco1_1eetteve04511int*-he curt• "
memory- to be very reliable at that
s)•• •
0 • Pitartu. • of his room* saying' that lie bilitti Of -11.-11T-*
toun1 B001'0410* win pro - going, to spend * prfr dipt with 411 dictet for .purehasing •unheardaa
biblt tiold--theh* Awu. sai thr°'95 friend Fiumicino. - • --quantities . tgt ittAlssges• made .o•f
springgl Thel-1110 be:m*46A s- ttotiaili-lind„sellinK-thera# after.
ar-linea--ar te4, .
Irin-liVerf-and COrd*,
*AA tri11111110$ tOr new
for *ng. A, marmot strip of
is .effeiv,• used as * Is
. thei3lsck Forest and !Airing's.
11`. SollIek thirty persons' arcunph
catedo both men and women,
h r, T,heirroteditre seems tO'be some •
Erbil nothe*-a*±Ia*th
1,1 tic -onto shall be
„vont* trt_thex oiarioua rdered 1114"”' " "i***111111"111
'szia "14149°
hter Oie •k sb�u
4.:******* milir 'VW& 41"V it 1 theni-arro' CNC- be value o hVarafilt o•f
•21/41,31"""‘" 1184"14•I'Q'4. *What 408e a Babel Own Tablete. thouaiviidi of Mar-kiL The "golds"
t ft
Is41140' xnllAtl---:r;-;vfrong place
str:k " -the -141
--Inseterlboillsok at*-
. - :!!-Iksp_iikL7-11.1***Isotylimpi*e 11_1011
cUt ***m,luKrift.inamatr4iC--SrTek.
roittit L# plasl. -Davit jLikticrtovii OG",
• -
• :The lets at. taks e ess e
.may belguspeeted, of. litiliinging to
'au Artaniaut
ton furnishes
et'll°4($' ef4.te'1•1*With .4*.t011
.for not earning a,
.• •, --• Thttit, Tablets eure ell stomach awl. ,were sorthee„,
thM sent
boewleelterouhblnegs fp• edaesytmliwro.rmT.s . Caonvd .Cbraurcltireurlineen.d -other Iroelmiaotitne t •tes,
: fitter.
have used lleby's Own ta. letti .tiowetrworks;: Ifere-ibilriiiiiiteoui
*here these trader* had *team
Atird ;DI et convic *hp* ell-,
, d *bout A imonth ego. from the
Street Prison, Glesgow, isat
recaptured there recently ---du whit
Was to have been his litedgring day.
• Toys!, slipped. out .0thiii when
the WwL'n's tattcd\elsewhere,' • - mooted
attention ***
the bats the end of the
, corridor, *ad dropped ..ta-ertty feet
- the ground. Then he divested
of ptiseti clothing; and
010 only in his underclothing, ,he
got out of the pritort by bill* along
.. 'the axle Of 'a lortY that had been
Aeliveting 59pplies,
,0000, he "got out be *tatted
those.. who taw him'
*It% 14*tativOn _runner
• ing.,.
Tose was to. he re** ”
'ort 'gob p
110 01
t ,Irariu'd tbs hi' was
It A 1400Uto an
eity send .*Hrio* T
0.4 t
tor ray little boy sine's be was thxre stuff [was doctored !IN_ pliced ana.
ntbt •ud thatiliree- flavored v_ikriolis-ts_sTn0o;i andput v‘
* splenclidly.°' Sol4 4t, on liorue encespeally o l°reign ,
h t gts market* am prime( German saits4ge , _ •
s did not conflict with our own
tme°1Hati3eian-6be*IxeflittrarsTohrelTr' .1"NiAlliastrae froin the illavir roresti ete. steilts„ tato,. yts,
'104010110 itt *Intol An% .
olifilt *44 tat** postouts
logir *14 -
The—oplaloaa -4- othei
'ad re-Ateresting-if th
eale* which,patitreillr'ereates
'considerable stir; will last- istel
• thrx-teiottcjilli probablibtli-
Ott' eif ` the
sent eater*,. both in Germany sod
RtsokritOittf ,AbrottA,'
' the Preach Army. • •tot/tort:bit*,
M'0000 the loontotions in the
:NO Army itt St Mai ottrit:04. by°
**Minister of War, it •tine f pe•
ouliar interest* * manwho ettter.
'rit army. as .* .gunner having-
-44,11igs•41-4 of-Gentria.,-•-•
end he
1.• 46,1%7 -at the age-etelgtterft;
'volt:later trgiment of :Arta-
• *.tergeanbriejor Ibtk
,t arms of tbe pt1kt
Iffirt re waitingtfor
Itt 11--asid that iferio; .riliw:pfErsW
a liberty to walkettibout 'antler-
• the tiok.,et 11-1 the. Polite drelsect
•Ss, ito***. *ad ortytag * baby.
.-G0tnliin Wit
krOS*1. into Belgium,
tbe ge front:
Worm Exterminator beeause they
know it is a. safe medicine for their
0 '4,
• "WoUttst% InGift$4
"adntdii$100 tietitve Wit.
,marea' ri$htel" asked ilia-10*Z
gentling itrthe ear.
•tlo,", she 'replied shortly.
ihe , went
antliut,,aii ignorant rnaili
.May iaskf yov.const •
- -these rithfs the_10 * "
'lege-, spreadtni youf read't
ooming *, over three seat* 19
f,..e'u»oji'Abe„.,1.004ensed" ersei
not eerne°",sprtesimsHecutlielt-.rtaiitlitilloplier
preeautions--are taken. .ounte.
• of prevent -1°0,i* 'forth a pound of
and to horse prevention at
hand, and allow at disease to work'
Eelettrie Oil not'only allays paints
----eoternallit, 'hut. wilt
• r t1ug troubles resulting
tom kolas ugh*:
o u part tU
d IlluStrated lists frau'
• •
" °fel
0.41.•••• In I
LI..ipuoiti.or,•••••••• • I,
•pvti when a ntan.prolres that he
a *onion** 4fittpenoi she idOelgm't
believe , •
%Men; wb74 't
s in 'trouble. Xrn'
medim•» "Atiiliat 44 31.
vy tor light iybork
• beskly itOrk."
deia1de Street, Toro or°
• to affect yoj