HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times., 1909-04-29, Page 4.ttbe apPetirence, that Itbe ,who1.', , * i - ,nornicat war14,',1$ . _ '' int* ' rwor4 to. .Oring •bxu&tr itnd... ,.. , , • arch, J91tk the comet waY be , . rk,. Why-tfie ParTot, ,I ,,,,,,,,,,,.... P • ctedlo he owe Visible to tlie naked. ,,,, . „ "-/ --* 'I be 1n the -v , ,....t...1„.-41,1,,,,-----,',. ...J..., '' '4'42/1,'IL '' '''''' i',/i • ay 4:, , . ' '' 44 ..‘ ' rit it Ifi4.1 'I, . .. ' 4 ..h.,o,t,0*-4 Pbed in the • .4ex%eltiye,.,,iii Itrilt *V , . ^ - '.***44 •••••d UI A*I4 ' -• gas vapor an rIittI collo are Proposed in a.bl rodujcd last week ty,,the minleter Ice* it 'tont A Perm:0010=4 guilty ot, rng nn offenOve weapon, such„ At,* and ine Vietv, of the frequcnc atabbing ;;%ffrairs, PortiChla*..4% a. •orpressiont !14,hs irollatioribf n mut or Winter* ... , „ , • , his, einii% ' ro,, . fkbot it- ill n t,',. -''. $- roacb ,to the`tun.I% noo Of r 4/4.i btridcs in t1i 15 ychrs'at Y .' sed- since galley's cornet . last Roared, that there is cto41 reason to expect that we Shall *Orme coVatier* .ahle Irnomiletige 'from its .present re- 1cI tures, But the.. one grea fact t at the comet may Solve for ns. is the/v*40101ta at an unknown planet „ear- slate= heYoznI the confines confines ot „Neptone.- It the torapt fails to appear ,at the predicled, titne the delay may , ' itt,A,-,.. -,th ,attrnctiofl. . et Ther'are licatiOtka Or. Piotute#f Is Aimed it: .• , ' Apittse, ot the "bill, -tv " . elel's"1„..,_e7tiStOrt-- . _ totatfie iii -t -Wil - . 1 1 . 1'Mirllie In .._ - hat also to those Iv o , ., 1st in' tho eirealation ordist hastze, will inahe it worthy of - - ion^,:of Birch •publitationa or tie. ant' attention and interest,,and bring . A liq;•:tillar it.'vtli'ag , oniatar 14 43.v. aire_thexruirtAl-,------sus a step closer to a respect tt. re., ' 0:"1 eatin' 114."111t71} 1.5 ''1""."44.9' ,4111`31 • 3 * , , or: 4.-Turpose-0-414ottertz. Ator4 jor-,•,:thre-nrorolerfol-lawoln-whose,, -tio.%,,,14.ioth„,fatitiM ....., its Ilt'a 4 Is dravol ..... . . , -- - .-,r-,---T4--------,,-,;---------ivrcco*T,toe*e*fox,,or.„,**Assts,*,tsiaxsr.,..ft... any Vero rection of . • . ".•tOo ttokint the wo04Peekeris tongtle, *1$10P, .-" : , .,' COti i ntIP/IIK i, speech, it Is not: suvrising• to Nati% ' thet,the parrots tenone ret/W f:clo., ,Ittot 4)f in " more vloselY than ony other ;.71tr,votA)Citiosit41' - J.s. • .., _ -1V. . _. . itPlie intelligent than the ether L;!:. tint became Its toopo IS Vetter. suited ' for articulation than theirs, that 11 is ' , able to-aniure, us vitb its mimicry. ' Ito, .ratuntAllig .biril"s -totiti,ve is in ' ;gory •tweeta t nit! -.4t reinav.t.fh_te, or an4 Soothing syrups. aP ..„„N'attptier ettara it de 45ritrfrilit4 ucss. it. OUT* 1010,10e1,004 mull Vhul cthIng Trouble, natv$ 40004fpatiott ' int/WO the r004,9 regulates UM' 'els, gLilng /10altbir 404 natura edner,‘ • 4•*",441$14- of cr- should_ us eagerly ttwaiting,news of tts 'very, and euriott'S to it$'aftlmitrf tier or .ratotaation of -Tates evasr 1Ve are -tat briviaiwr-zir;xIa-ff- ' -o--wIttu-rivtitotrit,„:i4,4t,it:-i:Q4F4Tiklli kit.. Lor - e,„„bininitantore-,4,4nokiiramora - t., t L'irtguri-; rant-nnit-onliteclingi. . .1,4'3.,0-4,vigow,t,,%-nt,inx,...% lost h41,, •,' stores or literatnre IS alio ,"nititle.,:"-7- 7. ',•.:.:' 7.'h • -''-, ,f-',---, 7-7:15vetv-,marclowtv.141114,44,40,4Nal„,44.,414,.../qm _. , vutkisttave, • : - .. ..it special ice:a:Otto ,appointen to ' ,,,,.„3.i.dmil, -1644,4,11,„,: ,,,u41):, iri raven, -I ; The Panishment of persons convict..., ctinsislet Mr. Lewis.' daylight saving, •;.,1.1.-., „4".4:1,,,, vitiva • ..i of, procuring women 0, increasedt bill, met and agreed to report the 4 ..i„,- - „ i . two to five years by another 1 bill to the ilettse. , Ile oomodtres bad . ale tougue is tl.rust among t t -. • 'usa Of the bill, and. following out issued a circular to each municipal.. !lost; 0; outa 'With -great rankitty.. coos revisions at the statute of last • itY, board of trade and railway .e0r0,.. , 1'g took tatter% wth ithe tiny ,tusects, **non ptOltibiting the use of opium, PanY in Vanada with ' it request for, '1'9 obtain itr. Prey thn.. ant. eater broths . . . & is made an indictable offense to alt exPreasitto of opinion as to the. ' 1.,,,-.04_01,iura,410tas4._ . usefulness or otherwise .ot the- pro-. - ,i4tratolittona warra it, tbiroolieb., 'XJie, , aupg of gold or *aver..beiiii: 71:fose4 --016itiliffe* lUid-- 0, Itirgo -t„thrrt r . ... t R k . , ,,,,,, a 4r,, . ek ro• 't / i•' -' 11'6549° ' : . punishable - Of repliesjAvere received favorable. to ;bel.' . o 7c - toand :that '-'ivoiti `htk:no-pn% .,.' ' itticult to convict for that ot. ' cal difficulty in adjusting cloeks and ,.--sy Ch-aPisiattO'At.Y--nitel't-c- .wa ,7,41C,iffillial-100=0.1110._ _ oi,ea-the ;tut witen all the active • - last -week sh C000ettiOn With the suit, 066 - 6oloptiou Usborno and filbbort farmors Mutual flit Maur ttro,*iiitntroitimos 1...--A4repsaway_d.ws, Gode-OP- - a 4410,40,tioitozo, a 4 Tovituski.tk 7.44,0„00.virovvwrostitette,. • k,i-co!1.4/ of co, Farquhar Oat, relnolse 0,1,1•4 • • . 'tile' eves 111 V*V." Ay ,Pitliortt. t644.1., 014 • • 4.140, rrtsiont".:4,•r. . cnse _the Cobalt elSewhere. at tlock,, one _boar.,Abe_ firsf,,Be"Aday, • exri---Tiskiltrtl,::"‘liTotreeseT:'$1%;:at'; of7ktot 4;4v' .iLaimiJar.±&the.u5 an .4;atl. otptiL-i,rth et_....4._)Ltiv.„1,' and .P.,,,,utana roan 48.- them back one boar on e tras-.;.`ttn. es • .4 , t also 'made a criminal' ctfente,„ day in November would attain the ob. -• rodstce-o 4 • 11 wit.% very long 'hair,' torquing a torge • brush aw 01 *11 f tiatik is of t;rent size and. Vona -which tire the subject of copy. by substituting. first Sunday in April right, bat bate. !:Lot been Prilt ed. for the last day .of April' as time for tat making chttrtge and first Sunday in ssed for bmititug, °Pea ;lots* uud °Iratl • Another provision has regar to the ;length of tini6 4nring 'which cattle Xtivember for last day of October as ittmets' nest's,' ime to revert to , ordinary time tleactallY- speahlug,,, the not eater is %Vora local is also changed to stand- a harmless animmes al. bat sit tiwhet: VI the cOnfined in railway- ears with. ., Out removal in course of transit, and introduced on the ,representations zitt-AOttird-tror Vire law at present limits the period 20 hours anti it is proposed to ex -It ad it,to ,00-11Ourts---.Par1rtscient will 40 well to weigh this clause careful. as many .humanitarians 'say the • present period of detention is too long. 'The -withdrawal of all cases of hOtn- 1.14,e, Isom ttbe jurisdictionof courts of quarter sessions is contemplated by ,teresent 0-13ntnrio-istatt'i e -on ard tinie in bill. Eft,x,\ L3- 114 Kild Yol Hoe /bag trogid , ZA1I-13UK CURED 11E11 13/WV. hfothets will find the following statement. of more than passing' In. 'UM OS ng,-as-tr-7ocW.6. _lt wilt tight rith gr *t your • age.; -Sitting- up intrgittg. Its foe with its powerfularno, whortion Cs.presa. • • 'rho, rclumed Cloud. The dentl'ae,,a eleeAlt "was smeared with a paledustfie bent lt wfta s 7alln, MEI 41 perfumed etoini arose. -3laiwup,"' he Attar. laughing, "tbs. Detroit -last Mrs. nary &hater, of Itippers ritid on triindiv-att11.7C-a-allortiltOCS.S. TheAleceasatUady-wassell4 - town, being a sister of tbe • late t_tjits %Or go. The .0..• Mrs. fouls raft, oft Dashwood, was' a ,sister„, • and an- other sister,: bits.' Abed Waiver, i*. living in *Heflin. The remain* were interred in the Lutheran cemetery on Tuesday afternoon. The relatives _thhaeiver4athtnie ttinocere_s_y,:spo;t11.3r_o.f_a_11.2,,in The meeting for orgamzulg howling club for Was wall at- • tended. The members are very en- --thwilaskie- and. -a-goat season, -is. looked for., The lawn has been en- larged and a club house will be built on the grounds. The following officers were dected Pres., Dr. 13. Vioe.Preshlent-.*. ti.-PARPitilTO- DlitEartMi,-----,--- • Wst, Boom • WINolterunes, P. O. Campbell ;„ Vite- Pres.* Peter Lamont Sec-Treas., Andrew Bess Executive i liOBERT NOUltiS, Staffs. ACM JOUN smarm.. BOW* agent too Osbarao and Oiddetiph. - • OLIVER BARRIS. Munroiceat lor Fullerton ond Loitko• OSTili,A.-*/UNS7 FaratOlp.r. AM/ADMAN STAN.Htlitt -,t -''-orwrireffrerarrowsratimassori;tstlisortal;masorOgisarnmwsoriffssoio • 4 , of cach a,O112:31y Sar teitalyelEhlrenaCtilsrret_t_re:::.,176:° • .44- rniany, -P. 110111Via, Ita.1*A'NOtivoi*, .1tU**144 'SW mr4,..4.1444442.44ofthe 4.41 ai er maybe ovbtained at every Wilco , • .F.Z.7 Brands also at'Credittill.' tegT6141:A1.-70:11,ti Grsduate of Totist?::*Unerly'llentit; 4,4-74 ter Oirettont-Over Dickson •34. Oarling's Law Offices in Dr. Anderson's former I dented ps.rlor$ "-It.l'at A, XINSMAIST! L. V. S., J1,01X-EL, Honor grigluate of -Toronto' University. •-Dentat-Stirge011* Office vier ‘Gladmittt &-Sts.itbury _1040.410P4wwgeo GRAND TRUNK RsVsi.TIAaTTT ALL VIA OffICA.O0 'NAY 4th 4Vj!1. RAIL AND -BAJ 1 - Steamer' leaves 'Sarnia 330 xrls, • ' 4), ,34toopmi•gamegag44441,1g#00,04"402.434 .*#.0:74-44/4101*,' Winnipeg and return 432409' wirittia artirteturn *42.40 - 1 tiogotrzPr ester'oportitmate rates to other- bin HB. Bright, M. D. . an 0 S. Honor 'Graduate Toronto Un - Weevil*. Two years resident physician Royal Alexandra Hospital, etc. 'OMee ,and residence,. Dr. 'Amos' old stand Andrew Street, Exeter. , we boratativatimartivaio teratiret now ..b*poflb ttsrm Or Irlharipoportm Jove* t -roasothalaireas.-• RIOPO 1:taltl4NO . n -Cana 4 sr4-0:,rf -43 , • 1 for 00 days. .9 ........7-......rull-in ' * 1010E= Depot Agent. or. write J. a MODONALD. paha* Depot. Toronto. 'Ont. • - ' l• , , 4 u 41Y-1= and, 1.)raviticial legislation that this "Not long no my baby's face' • roke amendment to the cadets proposed. out in an, eruption. ,Thespots would •- The ' 'most important of a number crack and be very irritating and sore, , 411 „proposed ,amendwents in regard to At other times they itched fearfully, metbo4c--or'Proccdtire-4$-IvIgrcrisituf and -canstd--tltchikt-Pfo---,seratc.h;,arsl ' ti na muniei •silty rob thtt nankin the sores 'very in- eai* 'companyelearly liable- to •a pro- flamed • and palliTiir . " -int Z. 8A1111113 ertg tit otritirrentS 7.1114 Sallittri lees* tefore a 'pat C6 0 peaco. they somehow d not seem c 0, In the past, difficulty, has frequently remove, the trouble., Zotrn.11uk proved. "been ,experienced in bringing 4110 `very different, and tC. few 413/Aka. JbOdr e0tPotote before the court .itt tions gave the child relief. .Tie sores n.trric4x,,Ptoss-tooviste Are---now7fmaled---completely-f--- --- ssakin martietpartty or cern' ,' "Since that time say little daughter lAttY jittbic to the,curnmary.Ofrisdipt, lini had occasion to mkt Zattl-litik for done& their brows, •penclied4 their checks rouged, nod hi a few eases -the' e ttay network of Team 10 H*01731)101l t.ir teeth I moll up all that Makeup on my coat sleeve. (-smear ted -0 er •k -cheek*. tookout!' Aud„--,brOthing, t$ 1ttlagnini: leaped back to escape, the, sweet sniell; ing--clood 'alt=7 1. change. Uhl or tabiet form. r. p s - let on rheumatism pleynly and Inter- estingly tells just bow this is done.' Telt some *sufferer ot this book, or better ti11. write Dr Shoop Raine, *'W„is., for the -book and free test Sam - p e. Bend n�jnoney. Outtp join. 'with. Xt. -Shoop and give- Annie sufferer a. , . . , antaintr. hatsenit"linfalize subruss.1411°41rrestuas.lastholv-revaty:mettibutss bat*, alint" mapros stint. ttlitiv ioattat bistastfasitAst# 11"4:4116011:1111(VnuaglitrOl!seitom alihrarias lit fist 9 44474201.2,... OWL - Mob* totusa_it 40144.1V1 oak+ ',forehand it whortit - • pl- ustice Or tha•-joe ictsq___troutdo, she brake, olitit• Fioatik„ blotches on her hands and arms, and in hey...ease Also Zara -link effected, a 4efe.„,arepopnior_si°113cutjeltitrae*_c41.,stair*dulailli; faen;ii: IF • tbor as he teeic owo *rap To�k Able ilep o*t space, there. is, rushing .10 fitgt Odcore. towardithineredible-4-wiftn - "We now keep Zant-Buk handy am - - - -01ttlit!TAtii:-TA *, nit 1be mort113111911-411--1.- Tendi Witliont711 - 10rikott14- e to vex.... tani..tor *mu diseases, but for- tbsteturit.,,IWPr_edictt 10.1,r?"!‘„,,i1--th;• ,itts.,1.burzw-arittAlltioes.46,-it„'fint eut-fiVs'iett.lr3 btl:V df -,,..1a;#1 remedy. The other day burned , aitonished thz 'caul, 04- -/ tny band badly. An OPOliation of -the precision et astronomical , pia t Z0,01*/?Ok seemed to take the fire out 4ilettiont by ,arriving at Its of „0,0,4 it .100 ." nearest approach to the I I titygtLa)Ot it otit u kite 44 rr,....the course _tit ftfy: exT,!erienee f have, ' atoutid the son. it 'tiTtit'whitliOg: tried protty nearly theina- oft into followiet: its erpoo3r.t.ointfuertts obtained, but there is noh- tiff 7* Wilt*ngo it retdaed to rcexo acAr Z4M-114k." tke extrenm dt$ of tlo ajor -0,irs'IWrir--tminv•-n. -Itorilieib40S-1.07bitt and-taiff6L--once.;.94titat hcing`composed of , pure herbal • lore in its•ccrg/a-to ray its 0ri.0411.tal P8Sellie65. It is a sure ctireTfeir-pinip,' eelstr visitation. -Through till the les and eruptions. tekerria...ting.worra, ars. then. thiS tertowno,d heavenly ritt5lic bur.* bruises, Poisoned uto it .,41),34 titt6N. sores,. thralle. wound& .bactielt. pUei Nchi atttne,--torfAil and irreSistibte: festering Itetes. arid nil tkin low Nitaatt .gOverti Vike th&tiI1n 0 id di e1/rt-egg15tgr'*** "`eittatit' ling 6we .sl at Mc. 'a box.* or i And the otbits..91,our..vt attusetary sYtitenit, evert . fee6 everywhtisi-$Gf tort,'price-front-tdanr..tink'co4' lostitit rif sbm, tar 414. Toronto; 3 boxea $145. Yon art, , taut ,planot Yet to 1.s. ditseover,etl warned against 'cheap, autt btrintol lotta tiiw „obit or Nertt,rte,.. iraitations tOinetinfes represerited to uheclitat liko tonna to his ratister o "just as - , It II ItOW'arOdittg, to thz- fctit,of poWerfak• Son, EverY tho :in formula' ,ort- • the '1st, flea. now, thc!, itt(AVetis o riok 1"tain Tablets. ,Titezi ask yoi.r%" Doctor If tht?ie At bAter. on. , .4,11„itolt.loge soniewhere. !Shosaii*s, to to ox, ortet vteirome, !.ht --Now tt,S to. n: ia nortilere,,,,, 'Try Obi.* nntl -17qt nivarnoto tlf.1.1 rottot. It6e129 for 21e. $6141 bY W4, $4, '11sPea •=auto door. bat Unit&1eep In iti*Voiltiett othickkosealicktif*Av ha towed So leaves ot bis orayer bac: thoughtfully and wiped •hic !kb A .iliStraught-eir." • oot 0:41*.toota and - ' with eautlotos bai4 exthigubliked' We • .sd tei "ro** 1IiIJIsis ill -Me CflllilQllNOiHI Welt no.... Ana MATIONS. • Any person4who is the sole head of a fangt.r, or any male over IS ea 'Marta* ' ikh-agt410,14.04 •1 1. prosy may be had at the. ageriety..oa certajn oonditi-s. 1,i lather,,mothor •,. *014, citaghter7 brother, or .sieter of tendinir „booziest* •• • ••, - -1 Dutiea six thont)iii reeiden�e upo -et three years. ,A -homesteader Ma ELLIOT live Within nine miles of hie hoOlaf tairOiattcor . •Accosints Collecptd hiovitort iintortet,ittittitotaitiste. , *-Streetv-Stetior- ,. • , iolely owned, and occupied by hiin as , hie fej•ther,, mother,. .on, daughter , brother or *later. boi�atek!4i -. clinuttrroodter lateaoshtidottiogitio,030000,4torpt 111 thuiti _110111 e oors-treat.date-of-keicsestfati-entrit-;-----,:v stead.. trice .$0. per ore. MI104 , „ • Mut reside. six months inetch'of al* (Lnouding the tibia required to att* ite,the homestead Patent) and .SolitiVtate - a-- Ing.111111:71 laiy-01:1101r.- erica ,*i.„-4,;:oir•-•77., n . ready. ti *When 41741,1 ask them w-Yi. 'thiej we nivill,:ititottiQwk„tt,. tot,. "Well ask H. Woiksd on Floor. member al sit" • InAttillrat:411,04'gmr1 the. were to library,ouze of Cornmcma, Mr, 1 the e $04 table 111. n Ana remedy *11, Iroinan't oubIe,' and to1c11 has done of` *04 Eut Lotig St, A\llomesteader'iiho$4.$1" „. IAA horeestrad right - I are telest pre-emption may take tb akeu chased hotaesteo in acertain distriste . ;70.7, 1;rith ; rtIce .3., per sere. Outies.4.11/04 • reside sx Months in each of thrall; years, a tilitairritTriaiiid 'ereet „__,„ a bouse. istic,d.,,,tuit 410.1..000),f4, *ow so-ve‘ethee4ipt41 *- otrieTtoilbeFoliiiod that web • e reputation amain $ knowing bow to - we live APto out take 110 ohincit when tut t your kt us take ta o h Ott rely to 'may to 4 tan tbat irs-ktiovr oiir buamees trUd We *ilk too lokot to boy your ipting Suit Until you Onto and let what.44. eau 40 for $011,0, '''" 4- 40 4494040,10 .44* 'a, t, ."`" • „ * - pbtts, A the rtfitlkzes tfl *x*171. *1' enr,-,7„1,,n.!ql rjr41.:10,00, tito 114 V rcl 1.4f - cm• 'eallSyatattiblit"tetYeT3' low tbetialTfi...i411144:114tittacoultrialekr:FOltk-41144wantlatothr?ifotis: trpoiraar. ilivrittotta* ietnattlo let*. int ostitikaudoteloitititt. et* rt,,, DO* f t 1!or faither Inlof spiIy- to say Ora c&utfliG* 4,U144 Vie askr tot .Aervaa-toils* 400., Weak stis.^...4,414,, Ciatittr's sunk. 1"10 ,tiortogr