HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times., 1909-04-29, Page 3tirei.•thi.ame.. Thos ,-e are,*ingle to thez �w nt, who. are 2nteIt upo Pttertiint ft/ I rca I1UOU$KSL RPM 1. Mt. CGR$T1PAT1011. 0* u�OW if they would E outine. • tits tad} day hLbit of the sou e4. CU iarteglec cdflei *4m „ eriea 0net.ga1htgli.drelit,vtitit'llviolit4DT:tojecie4hrotio'pty aAd ate t*600 be oil y ,v0,41inot 00 0 of Amodio action or 4reamg. t* ti tal day daily n into an he orruist objections vltis service of an :•i.- • a , Oittilletik if t.ir N g af "07, . eseaied-l; lease, any .8eaon- uartinct. Onean imagine the -ordereduks atter they had uggi tile evolutiona. tiwtook17- - Oanada. and'' ' dcscribed in utoori(Te ' wahliia. n .blecn Macfarlane -Lizars..- q4!' was a. scope for muchori- aity of tam in the 'drill of militia. . or the Cavalry' vin1n. steried. on the nd ometimes served as he infantry, son.ieold swoida. The great er -Ming sticks, and there bcst thin tha ever ho pene4 to Canada wa he your Uncle am—but sho 'did thin .11/16 I 0 gIV na 4 ,y is. unquestionably goin -7- _ 'els hr n e _ . , oreign countries, ile note.tF reit ' with France has, alrea W 11. $nes.�r 11 I)o your gwn wark faithfu but Bets it there is not PertunitY' to lend, a hclping tf another, to, ear a kind au „VI f bur b hone reotoli: .01 on rin groing.inOtlattla ties, 0* 6 'border. Canada -o- ers them e hide5and wool. ner, richesin 0,19x, enarina o irto thirty doI1ar i "3'11 '' * .ra ill be'worked vea 1 0 and the iliz 'or ' erA may ,np foreign,..t r • I a c -r, to practical work, position to be ' of ue- do Iow ±nen becomes your da hat* �zne tollIce'acrlryeelt r Africa. brief seussion of the al n paper qU5tTOfl, obscrving, in con nee.tion with the proposed removal of the- American duty on Woodruff', flCWS 4441liat the ,Canadiaus reason thus: - "If you Yankees talre.off the duty rt,.Ituilt.„ 'n4.1:01t All-Velt—Pt..1 an export ditty,On-loga and'Pulii. That till bring Some. of! your . Yankee Milla.into Canada. Lat year we cords I4TERNATI6TAX. MA2. ,4}40`,34%3444‘t Lesson Y. PaiiiN Firs 4Ournett.-..„041p.a. VC «1Vt1 s Text, 111---arli16 Wit umbrellas; snake °Finer.- e keavine -a 'tree - I • • 0 into mill a Printin .it would have ghv at- ofive4nillio en o,und right. • intiOttetion. Paul:1,1404h and fendierthe descendant of " lame mi ht, appIe-tree, with its 1 to the loft, .course, Icons Christ was the grest.Ignar ran - a y oo , r „tub other ei he*. est 'of foreign -missionaries, AB 'well, spread, meaciring,__!..• an.fted hatered, e3;'d if the, asthe .gres!test' horde mission- nursing 'until instead of.assuroirig, oer,turned hie back,; arias ; but if we except . him, then the shape of its parent it will grow cfflhe .,e,optaia,...wee itrot,,ttthe'worhrs ''greatest nuszionary Is' to At sonte space OA the side .of his; ortlfito. tvgreatataurodly Paul. ?Among. hic‘oielzs. house, riUgging the woil like a vine, tus in hi • .to(llez{,-7-„Cirey,„ Anti T,t:07-1.1404441:PIL. a,screen inn '0'n'Ag` .to aert litafft0,iiingatOne, Itorrison, In his kitchen porch, • oltall',1°11111-r°11g4 411e. ev°1'uti'silaaky'n, Patteson, Chat.. In the rich instres garden abroad of anual eler6*el' and -4°P°0_7'n merst Uliot, Whitman, Paton—and we. see, 41,1 Swett 9t-enetona forma Will e Patient shall be as short the stories of their deeds are full of to whicli, fruit ' trees have. teen za ossible.,,, and if Vabould. be going ifoorationl -,.,hnt histoyy; save trained. borne' are beautiful, Some, Ong, I. n°1)0 Youwill Ptro that of our. Lord is so inainrog AS 'Tait freakish, but all'ate wonderful., With your permission I will P. rs.- Wc.stand • in this lesson jin vases, lyre*, Shields, erofta,' read the yords.ofseomrnatid«. 'at the be of thatgh nis „ 4 npilielextital'ts• o .4, au we.s rotidens; the apple or pear tree and I. irt dewing -Of, roistionery Tv" - switclws and -1 a 11,„ conseeit;ien. Vs. 1-3. Upon COLlt1L1 through the firing,. ivision-rof-theortoo 'axe we enteriryti The second,or et! Th°16 whornissiona4 rea,;hei have&t any tanurter--.,needlgts-iraw-,;,.. at4ore Ine;:thif •snan,Enapire. The .first corteit-abOyt-Sikteriti-ert _att 'once. Mvanec Arm! ",lirerY., and- -4IencribesiAha ,__growth. of :Ll ---141-41114LOSItAnt04-Y4 ,11A-W44044044.1k144414.4t Wataeifilli $60Pediaby ifinC400.1:St thia this great work for OA Gen 11sinall . The Jiiiiiiiortaries:Going Forth. like the 4 5 hat ttriMo arc : riiortgagetrkeept.eTh1 vert', , to (R.Y. "went down • ntesikera. the -highlands to th� coast) lifileuei*, t seaport of Antioett, sixteen Miles away; and from,theinee they sailed gic of'eighty 111. The issioriarlea Favor ri-d Meet Opposition. --Vs, , 4.8. oW oughly did the missi *ries work? Mier went 'through, the ii}le V. "the wholeiisland, • to Paphos,- -now. '-llefto, tile only traveled the ifte.miles of the tetchtijetthisrinitallen'Trholi, utiltwoh:-tibbulloi‘*trIrlitmig...i.:**41:,found einarYwhere doings" for Paul Mere "timiThoie muerett first use at a word translated Wen:, wh're experts hz espa1ier,Work -ash hielrla been fiti „cane& grade. We have' hewn. wood long enough for 71/neje limn.$1 .4et'}} make . INSAV PECTIgt). "And to -day in C&13644." says Mr. Collins, "it looks very much as if this cents& woald. be followed." "If Canada does this," he gota "'t lee general\ towa'rds the 'Llniteo $tates. Alreaoy, through her Post -office, she ha* put a heavy handicap on the .cireulation of our, periedicals, and as we need her lumber and wheat and *the raw ma,teianblabials fi:om timetoto time* in the 6 can deftly adjust 64'italoN11111661ElL:411164.11thc1 gc:e g or biows,maYanket Otte h6e. himself -in listen tothe C ,nstter, and lo WV own oliele iloolt to feel sor tutfcring-country." torative ;value. In the old (lay* every estato in England' worth wkile speeamen box superior examof topiOry ne !a s 01, r o water -power electricity aboit sixteen dollars. There is an el�cLrieal-pr9duct plant. in On- tario that is said. to save one thou. ittEtntt dolle,rs'4,'day by- running a night, takinfc• its current , the 10'0,1104k. 0 It, ti p 0 on I pe ill tepee., he Tie ra:#4:1,,,strite_sj.,eh' a ..twelte -i. , I, jJ1jQr itil'''1:1?)3*0.'D'IL' titiae.. beikeitc:iti 'eT-Itii;.°1:7".114?177771i' 114. tari IS to take _the Mannfaetiltera, 'A such ditilingitt14;i3:'3,mtabilelerft 111;4;4d:44f for 'the '1.-h'Ile14.1::t7 Iv” „ . •atly ve ing boll -is * one-thirdtthFr pine , nutmeati *P.xed 1 • lt 0W:0j-it:O. Arrange n a }ed,of IOW An6YOXIXt ha--Buthwat e se with o ie rind'before serving. Take , slice of tw ham, place in--rather-shallow Uoverwltfl low ,limmer in. iiiin00 • . foundbe eramosreerv4i. 1010Tnitt irotro ham-andn frkd as tender as boiled OoId utlets.Cut. the,reinains of cold loin or neck of mutton, into cutlets, trim them, and take away ram} of the fat. .'Should there o tea, muc p 441 n umber of prominent British finnai itme, view' of the rt it yam- *kraf-tital slavery tiLI ailing in the Portaguese• Ian of -St. Thorne. and Principe, on the West Coast of Africa, agreed to:oliacentin commercial_ tiofls with se /aloud. sakt,t EInCn coxientrte. Only a. Litite 'fifer ThreeFeet In • Wight and Weighs 40 Pounds. , There are, as ivory had/ knows who has seen a French line roe ment, isomer extremely small aol- diers in tbo French arm Be- yond doubt, however, the most -}11- * Ca.,,,„•:Sf t‘t. (louring o , I o I ainlen& d 'ch. -with-40;1},sta_ one blade of Mace, one - or starch, one pinch of salt, and correspiudent. ca.ennc to simmer ,until VI tonittoes aieWrfirt through **sieve, boil a fees, along an arid- track, chained together, forhundreds and serve. . - , t death awaits them -from hunger, Meat Pudding. --'Chop two pound . . 't'synt arir as dvitsel:a4ritrskealnsot: °wiftehe°}}alst I thirst siiinadth.41t7roaseuglit .tehvcrl'iintnugvn* .peppor. Then' e-a-C-ln-triwrites4the.c°reC°° take one quart of ilouri t- dei-ic.4ttevn-itlbOife'in- d-- ftlPoiteril_uplottlittiltei...twonoe.htatiafetletrpn\rardofit.toudille**, o*tudsliavfer :10.tatreratubredefrretilah. and enou_sh water to form a"smoothf, some . lett to starve because. dough. Be careful not to get the thiongh fever or fatigue„ they !nod dough t40 soft. as it will break. henerteu. war:kill: keepup1/. octlittt:setv !toll out to thickneta e party on the march." 4,.. . With the dough rolledu oe finds iti iaeu. Nogardeae - to. * few. --,*--se ,ot, ' between k and Ilia ghbor'safenet, sill Las room to', lant a tree and trainit 41.fill$t II . znaximuzn returns from minimum sires it not a part of r national point q View; -Out- -,pontibility of thetraining of +rem, as 114-111. ten, very mueh overlool lo Germany you can hey it tree to measure to lilt • in any /1$400" On your garden wall ,or lionae, lust as we buy a veldt made suit of clothes. -- While- the. training of uitirees_liachecomelo War only Within ten years. the aurnsehnleni or es 'are- trained, Intianionaries " -Vir;'..} it' s. 9.1%. "There, s4o id to oeonsul th .4 W: tie c , i tom 9 0:_talisii6rLin int:iihillio:dr: t i , all Ovtr ,thre3 m * looter trea. tng shIsPes 4.141r? breozne stands as pyramids, cordon,, pa itrillhrrt°11\6;i16 Prake ies in merle* that have , *ropsgatun and stired fruit irces in a lots ries the let a hroa care of irgain. Let Mrn adion side of the from -Canada at that, ecourt- . Taking up between the 'Collin* !feet' stion troths ntries Mr; inley tariff Vi hile Ameriesus were considering 'other countries in tbe adjustment of that tariff, "Ca sk. the 'best foreign ,customer any nation has anywhere, vis4 cut off, not design. 1117 but -without -knowing she "It made her furtune. - For ten or twelve desperate' Yearir near- ly started. Her West Was little • known and.trast caught the 'first wheat crops in Manitoba then be. eause of the verir rielmess of hathtli_ fzzthionable, 'lo- wer} _ 0. - a. ed 6 height' of 3 feet 2 inches, sod weighs °exactly forty pounds. • ..On • griLlt. when atonic with bit fellow_ s he appeared'oefore-ilieT Council' of Revision or Eni ts ric iilien-Avai dad- in the short, stock - lugs. and bolted „ oneralls of an in- fant, Of which he presents the -physical aspect.. - Though the .military authorities re.to it is hardly •likely that Julien Tou- c ord shoulder riffe,;\ The youngest flinitr of-11yr julierr-d40,- veloped .normally until', he **cynic. einitted at the4ge of 1, later which his:* -nohihsirotherbi ready passed' his jeraod of se with the colors it# tho iOrd (entry. &sneer in agora ing and boil one a jotlettIng the wi reven store At -half tiouri, boil tori'h to burst. saves •es n 0 I are 'brought before a Porta. alSeiajt and asked' whether. - Minx to..laork._•00_,..the is - or five ears. Not the alight: nests of cri iiitinWhis_e:4w:hlitt412,111°. o°12, bgli The e they are aret ,Prench Dressing. An iruiry info rrezincidix telitiFt:ittivetrairijr*ly . 0 SIIIIK1 OiteC1 0.44.104 ves. (taro boiled 11 th 'rite PM! u etwoonfut of 'pepper, spoonfiile. Of vinegar, tablespoonfuls of olive o until well Wended. - Potato 14 -boiled, - potatoes .1 e here should' be two kldone-halfaI of - air i pea' off as, rers'This, its o se calt xe- es on the islands at "tie in Ave, every year. of five yezrs for whiclr n roSed„ survivors p' belore an ufficizl, and that they are contriieted Tramp --'Will yer thin!--•toitetw •mias wbe ufg41-11- , torie d tob • kfftt°,turtile estab conntness' ion }lows, ti}lott *rsm trots over eatnig ne food Leiwx 44:1sAi rthove the skins Add klAiisawhite im equ tit..y of English walnut inta. in .Mtrinite with and arrange on r* u Jolin all ant her uior and kpon rk ee'igIWO - 1. 021 cob 11_0401016 tlfl 144sLo,, I _ blend to „10,rs t.! iszt attt*tzons, t. late, for to h6y, hut' not 1,0 t ta.4mioris the ttt 14,. tiCanada i Annex Viregir. ' $titziror, 1 ivturr. Tom 8tJT --Tom*tqes.*tn. otkess. drliciqua* hunt sired t64016t` ., , t.t. israileit:i. Ithoolot 1.0; . . Xilet t44_,..to4 vtitts Tirtio rie,***teij , pee bta or,.