HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times., 1909-04-29, Page 1otor acting0» tliat )ft tbelicease Of. ,t ° sti oue at be lower end of th r. eY the Proprietor WAS giveri of July tO,diepOse ht. •tbe large qu4ntitieo.of cggi to Montrea e PrO3P0,4t$: are looking very hrigli good $044104.,' • 74A tiWilki ,A4rVi004 as Ot r0,041 to 1370rOn'' Otiswho w 1 estlen awingt se XV , 0411306; Oth •- F�flawjng,are thoso w,ho grant..„,,, • n licensesed T. 0.4 '4, , 1 ros. John Aforloy, Steil.. id% Zifrs. W. irritz..” Grand o realer, -- )ur p o not °tot vt.o are the head. 0 iue* Oilcloth's 1».;inoleume and Well PaPore,..., I , C*741 Elffott sudtb, 0. eiSor 413,0010401.3rr Ge�rge tr It4.4VrraVtgATb ;•" r tford' Item to apeop,,..WAtcr an ,- a ilitil-014410,44-41110-iitee _ bonds city guarantcelng or, the 'Stratford ancl St. jos eph andial • Itair0.74% Mr t CAACA/3 fetes that Ws project is now an' .8, 'the eemmexteemeta of cot atruction' fattt"-, wood,(a large , New York ciLy Aractor1,-.1ussAlandertalten? AC:eo . .00401arrAdr-btl ther Zxeter, or .,11on30.lt and wait or hi8 pay from the sale of bonds. chasi. %)1. Schwab. the great *tool nagn• re,' has also agreed to fill 'a arge order .for ' steel rails on the arue eon, Mr. Fickwab- visited St. roseplilast samMer as 30. 14/411V13 uest 4,0a looked Into the Prospects the clatter's enterprises.- -uttior .unielPelifies are ,aliso to l,e AtikeA to 14,4 8tir nteetulk, zitafly t 1.1*. ormerly,-when tho - •-ar1i ford.TtueIdaJ0Iiat o lix:Cter If the road gee* # or via Itesseldele, .Croat- rty, iselb at t op .$10#430 to $ 4PO$17 "$800 to.$1. ruta01 o elit yst-ar keep all, th f oar/Seb. without ewlip evves stuff froM the top of YPILAr 1" rtreent .of ON; amartut t togs In fitenfOlan«, cyr'1,t0Sta. Mahone*. cOlOrit TAIL; ciray etilen aad. Orpliecks _ Nifty Straw t *...4.11 the New Swell here. tilee White - with Green. 1,irown.and Bieck arst,3•Ies, in stock. - "tat 11 to see theta.. 0. put a 9 Won n Shape or SubiniSitori _to the t,lity leotencitand Board of Wrath,. actiortary Storm rer/04 is in progress as Afar 0011103 in. Pow' baroaleter,',cloudineS0 and rain 'will, Peas eastweirdlt:tiolver the country . from 1st to 34. reeking info ele'etri- cal istortwilb,,,,m, 72nd. The reaction to higher 4barti. meter, weSterly winds, and :fair. -PoOler,,,tatbev;s0itlelloWitiTegtilar -.441.orimatediately behind-thse storm • areas.' • . A Itegular Storm Period' is central On the Gth, covering...the .4th to. the :43f1s, the 5th, *western sections #.thwill,show 'decided rise in teMperature* tiTiit7eTtoonicitIL 'dica,17f rain vdt . • -rat" • • ;41; ems. t OS over,.tlia4suntry',41urhrk--th .e-fithVylth- and Stb 1The.. Mars period Will practi- cally fade out afterthis ,period, A t ,41mortititic „ , • up to-thit--40tft.'=, A decided -change to cooler, with probable frost at night, *ill aet in behind :the stm:roa, to the westward....abeuf_the 7th, end- during tle 0.04 Oth and 10th, this change °sir on the •wettera' *idea Of - itorta osirestS# reaching -in its eastward pro..1 es*, roost parts to the Atlantic • Geo duringihe first half of May, In tv‘Fxr. probability 'they will within tbree dsys of the &th,-oi during. the altoco'S anveep, , r.. -seltatial equa-Ur Onlibi 2nd., to great- , CA7----Ilecli4stien-aiinta on the-8W.— The'lollawing:iefers to a :former ersideittExeterriLyclia-11—a • Living:100M was born Nov. 4th* thein pnblic-Ohoo of Baftimoro of 53,067 pupils were offloially okatnin roults showed 50 ot the ehildien did no have normal iision while one out of ever/ five were f�und tobe in no condition to do sehool-- wcrk at I ,.. , •, . med..April. IfltII, At -f bek botn4 AtArr 4,) lier en#t Norib _Dakota. was a sufferer for Only a fie with a s pain in her ben Iowcd. by onyulsidns at times, using her unexpected death at the of tial years, iS. months -and 15 air. Dc l5tb 1801, she .Tobn This'un n w * • blessed with four. , sons and two e• livi oonerted e it 1borz of °I:4'1' 1r of the 1e -bur_ ns. father -4 rnsters prccidd her in death. It tan be truly xaid af 4 alto will lie" AL taite_nnd a/ .r-of-thri„splitere t I church *ethane* inalttta t 'did until her death. on ivi and complimentary interest -in 'clanrcli work. Site was •taithrollY .e pttaohlog _ and ptiyor ting to,' add ittood ,otivoiy 1 .0041. rrt Ittr , iiiIt naents s was fln:, Intent*, ttitteter 1with s patient 'reslg- eaytj husband,tWoso , "i4 e?sttliunday tnorning thqi e.tixg will b. held in the a 1,ss: u tn toji 4 r." Mr. 0.10,1Y toot was able to: ie?ting-,0 an in Forwari 15 roc:: Operation,an hospital Tiles Ur, Jack flarrett 1urton's on nd47. Mr ernest :Lyon visiting on Sunday. meeting. VAS held in the Ran - nook Township 0411 Monday evening to diseuss the adilsability of re -sub- mitting the by.law to the whole town. vote- was token- by those pre- nt resuitin 43 for and 38 4 ' few days. age. Vhile he Was UnIoac log dishes, it crate fell on his le tewporarily inczqacitating him- *tram rregular Welare sorry:7'7f° reff--porf the iartitthar W. CO 0 couple t week. - nnuni, oX Zondon the oweeks with ber ,..' and Mrs. af NesbittA , „ bitty who hes been. serimull'i .....,--....,..-_-_ it, Is visiting bor Geo. !or. -little girl,wbo was coverioir utooly ,,from a Very rious ° illness, is agela in -Vert arit!cal state, . .Miss E. Thompson left here' laist week to- take charge of the P0110 Drysdale, recently taught 11 :tort° cOnlin iwjiove nu we .nopc- on strects again. Mrs. 3. 0latchford oelt" from Toronto, been 'open -ding anum witb relatives and fs 0/101 recentlywent to t.otorood lOott tete he had er of weeks , thcBiind- safclyaiid their new -surreal:dings and will doubtless make good 'progress with their studies. • 4' i. very pleasant evening was pent *Monday ;evening by the EPWortb League - of " • Methodist olturat. A' sumptuous banquet was served in the league room where 'the Want:1.0f the inner Man Were iveli looked after. -Then- litirre'd-- to o oic le o r o enSall„ rfojng e chair ably fziIed I eek. the resident of teague,. ovels411 .ound Portlaiid aiftlot tettia. at thiszprk Tinsmithhig, Furnace Work Q not fail to pail and empire for our 28g uge lvalized safe lock shingle whtob we are selling .50 per square., with an absolute guarantee, tiiat they are,bottt wind an srornx poo - f John Somerville' isf the village, --,:rarmers have been loolung•fo 0 8 - Who ,bad atroke tundaY ortior for some. tinie and it must be She is progressing favorably._ ° • relief In their feelings to get sow - Ors. 11. A. Switzer, of Woodham. g the • diedon Sunday. April 25th in her Um Jatues IsfeVullough who bap "Mt year. Thezeranins•were interred „bsen .1 rectiv g. in the .nitiort own OA flU71't hu IL Ilfv ''OL.-4gaail.----„zeadx e-glithering 0 re. -the bicycle and' -rtibber tire have latilftlf., A Ma 4,-, 11A0A tcY141-- again made their appearance. Oor, yestrs.large- ovn niexchantz have 41004 tluile pathize itb t.ykloviii-topos .itt, Welt lierialeeMent. $6010 seeding has been done in the 'vicintiy, but very little. the ground being rather ton wet, hul there is time yet before, its as late as hist year, many seeding then in. the mid- dle of May. * 1Mt. - tspose 1o 12 ilk ...I •• WIN* Places of business at seven oclock littoral nights a week and now their * country cousins have decided to try the experiment, 'so when 05.1ay begins Monday and Thursday evenings the 111,4 This shauld be no hardshipas Ib -re "Moths Tke tad phone ttimpatiy-last-weAc etOut '4.11ecks to the attack bolderl.,, Whalen bet -front; --arteiii tie Oddfellowa. sermon..' t Millson. :Wended tbt funeral ofhis nephew Wilbur, ildes -son of Mr. , sraleb., Maisons of Whitt, . Took vont. 'Whigs to he just SOP Then we'd like-yoU for a. customer. Wein: pronilied you 'satisfaction p .iimolited:„ you thatotyle,fitnand price will please you.; -we'll keep Our pro:Woe. Or best ads, are satMe_4koleus ersaiontat iwoweirar7 1111114-V y-tleZ 411:k TV 0 OW rig Sundty sacrament will be adminis- tered in both the -churches. rbny Douglas got on fire last Sunday even- lo8,--and-oautted-a.--,great-emokt---hu ° • n with pale co orleis faces • reed MissMay..1.1tarshalli-et-ittrywasteni hn been ,visiting -Mrs. Wm. Morley ,srs moos .4iotinot the,-.Drist- week; - tisus Ilertha Suthaby". une--Tolfss Ethel Milton, both of ..Xionjon,,__httio vuu • re *flies - and friends- 1) rent& here daring the'pait :week. lart.ne, Mi1bon sporttr *bed while ,some oZ the older boy Are - At Ogden -;# Ana Mrs. Johnlife titterby v ed at their broth r. John ,Poster near Granton. Mr. aid lMrs. .3. M. A ow of :ROA* and formerly- of irkton * this week visiting with fr. Geo. lhvwiwi. , b 11 o ills, **filch, i'tU and olop etg sigures .show4 •e•--var iuniclpaizttcs 1» county of or the 'ear 10 8. taken from rty Sunday. . neat 13t. cn Ong IS; Bine liros. sisited to lifr, arta 0.4; 0,1 delight:tr. MA/tilt A it Toes ,Year areiW tittermoo.4• 44421,« 44444 virstriri• *Oro* ileko, q.t.* 110'0.4444 0 *.Att /10 2i706 01t52/ 1,544; 441,959 • 2,054 • ,00 3175 44444, • 47i 40•43-00- • 3,54 _ 4 I me g very article o furniture in our large • stook at e:groat reduction on reaji tngTockeriginitx....,. ned- 444 Waw IA 4Ut °tit $nWi;fthht 'egul*rpr3es$13OQ riett r.444, tu1te081316. 5.-614e.A. ers .diecou tli e #.* *to. *tit TaWris and Vills:ges 04.4 444444 4,4 .400. .0. Ilintote.... Rxeter..• . 1 ,„„