HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times., 1909-04-15, Page 8t in MSb • "re 4 4ttlfl*d Mond The. King reet4-W e iniddlo eye -g I ' ststyles. Pop. EieTivne till Jar tto ell your Neighbc ilk 41. You knOW, Dressy Venn enealk weir -Kin ye ear 'am -frost ext visit Setitrdey, 4 r1 bii barn 9- • aU .• 1 TJi."Lb the day tnode for the Planting of _ and other .rtOveer see ned future int eon ot wilt eztore the fini ary When ap Pro ri. Floor riy• la' Y-. led it f1oute.•0 . -shOWiflg .Lnart ea» ot tiuppbclVs 1 4441-or(11AUZ,11,00r- pbeille Stain four oral* , under- the re i. ...,= . -.,,, are in ioy e uge.of liteit's high Spring cote Theyare rnadeizom.owL__wool. ()hevlot, Jnvisible 41r_112 60'4 Fine Shoes you knew there fa ho better place in town for mons fine er. We show 011 the, latest: letsto • in the new American ' A nows, *AO,- 4'./00(tre derson epent Iater with e• .4. "tar,o-t-rx:, Witfl tts are,g0ing ottasb We control some . spi n lines....They are the slues root see« . the iv9 for neat papere or outs and. kitchens, er and go) Wilmot," e ut You can't afford tei peas um We shewthe prettiest sea- - lese Reom Pugs in the trade. They +come in 141oral and. ,Me. • •dallion patterns in rich nat '. al autumn tints"; Wool% eree,064, flora and stripe effectIn natural flower shad.. ur Inoletunsere Winners, , so ine world Jn . , their line. 2, 3` ad 4,yards dee-Buy--your- liinoleures di/no:from 'u and we will ,1*y them free of charge, and, do it well too.. ugor 13 be*t b *e11 none other. erne produce is tiet as good as cash, Men.. Ms Mac' . •tast week-* 'Ylron4407° lilltsdaY' 1* eve - mists Mnbj. waniir, of London, was W. home for the laillany. opc With Wood, Of tiiiido n ISAMIfirrin 4,* , ;OCIAIL.-A- upiquo sobtat will be en b ,oct,i44410o, AK of, the .Atttin- u ' ',.pritlay.':-evenitter,, :April. . ,.'Hwilt- consist pertly' e , . and.: Ma,,pte • syrup ,:tce rve. from Aft 40'1i. Weleelti.. at•.1 . . . teet:.:•• re raw will be aisier .• , dflC OUC nud t11-uktit en. i.d2siofl only ]5 re p1ensLd to. itati 1 0 t ht:ol" vtx s 0 t. $0001\14.1,971ilehaelet hopLtal le ANA SP021-- IN.Tr. Percy Hooper, of.London., 41)qht, tivotite .was nu -aboas And per the o day, with his mother* Mr. and urs, j, Willis Powell; spont he post few" day* in Voronto., • . Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Ilarten 'even Lb e Zaster holidays.14 London. Miss Tlanah Kinsmen spent Good .Priday with her bro.ther In Sarnia; IhrittlidltrfottlittKiicratl+ti "Uri Prank Dennis, of Toronto, Uurtitoek 01 walt. paper l complete itt "direr/ detail. It you have *room t be iWtt s not 101.41041---biwittot-theitattratqtiteit erLb1tlient.Vitlianatit f tbat owing. Alo look atJil2 linolennineand Atte_ ,11(4 -j dons la ino fewdays with her par -eUt ! itediriends in toivn' during .the days,. " , Mrs. Carling and . -daughter Graee• spent Good torhlay in Brants' ord.. '• •. Vr.3. Will 00odition -andion,Jackt narztirti,•are, the guests 'Pt "are. JD JLn • t„ • firted-to-ht heti with If'slig t attack of pneu- monia. Miss Lettie Rook. of Detroit,. visited - her mother, Mzi 0. ltook; duringthe holietern* . • 'Thee. hethelori or Suter gave dit ea:tenthly in McDonnell's hall Tuesday evening. • toretion• in the uppor portion o e The Itirkton AgriCultura- Society has decided to, take advantage of the government's offer ler ifield grain competion for next loll. And Secy. Amos .flouP% of Itirkton, will receive entties and furnish blanks upon anvil* „. and as the ited, thole tnpete t anOth bo found the conditions t route card8print* urrey visiting do1visiting-r spent- Easterritford Min 1110bbs. gf Birro 1$ the guest or her •sister Mrs. ,.(1-.tev.). 1$118. Kilos, of lloyfield, was the guest- of Mrs. John Pedlar- oniXon- 404`. litirold."niteett. "hoe, -returned home .from -Toronto and will remain 1Ow Dodda .1.14 pont Easter • with Mrs. 'Arthur Brun, sa/--at•---itarailtour • - Mrs. Oke; who spent the petit win4. ter with her SOX% 4t Kingsville, re* Iy&nvtitIn ;er home ?.!:relative0„„,11 0 Monday. r. and rs.. 1, •TIason, -0 UP" t00 are Visiting the la ter's parents Ur, and Mrs. 4; tieldeman. • • Misses Bdna ilissett and peniv Hawkins were in Centralia ZIonday; evening. -on' a pleasure trip. Bert ,I;tuston,; of the Canadian flotak of Commerce Montreal, staff, visited here ,over'' tbe Calve to 5k CJjWflt, where he To ...leckell,-of-V,abridgeeettre, visiting their mother tOodon•Poad north. • Aiiiiie of -nail amil)! pent the liaster holidayt hi „Itistowell.---- • • • ".-N•r-Vtaft1111/tirirtiVelf-Tfizirifas days with her brother Thos.. Oke. AI ij' he guest of the holitials« flank stoff«,_ in for some time 'w th an e large. ment or Some .foreign mil/stance in hi. throat,. causing him conaiderable ' convemenee and ,pain. Dr. MoGi1li- ciidcly operated on him and -removed ,fromontrg,..theoVands,of the -throe O. hard Ihnestono substance the shape, of e,dete p11. only...larger. 'Since the operation Wilt has, felt considerable lefralthough-;41s--throat-ht-eam ' whatyore owing. to •the neceetity of cutting into the gland to emove the obstruction. . •t • Special Easter services were held in the .7ranee Street Methodist church. ast Sunday. In .the, morning. no*. Going and Bev. Butt. of Centralia, ex. hanged pulpits., S•ermons were itenelititin keeping with the -'taster season,. e qt--4,11e-tho elrolltritt tution«..of-011407 parents hero •over ftlsois inston, spent Eater . , ard and Ildna •Vollick, • event ;Congratulations. •• .• Priderin -London Jos Ilrettner. s- having a new . • - gasoline- motor lastelled , this week 4,,„,/,v1;,* n,1515,,, of borntts, vis in his new shop. It is 4 , Toronto L'41v:-14-L'Am6 ai'"'-‘• 4°44'4414 machine. Ile fatovcr the holidays'. purnping %%Ater ti $ *well as other --Uititi-Alite-41fitaldfoii-trient Ibe hinges: • -4 ter holidays in London with her : "{lorry" llosseriberry iiitendi moving ter, Mrs. Thornton. • .,1,011,*.frslie_i‘drvohr,diiiroirir'' in aile!„...d_ayir' sc,... a e sou $ pr!- ejent ttai Nestor hQlidttys at ho eht. Ave hope to soft moo her around of . 'Thos. i7itat*ty„ th 2'1r5, Thoma Mollard i not "0 •no on will e youvent here returned' to Berlin on gonatty.. be •4411441vestry meeting of the Trivitt Metnorlal church was held an Monday evening and the chief busi- ness' "WAS the' report of • the elkoreli -W041.1ens; wytelt... shows that the tint Once* -of this congregation are. Ittex- trhot. Ilawr 'kills and 1. 3. Knight were re-elect- d-rectord-the„ iieoAtit ward re:speetively Auditors. N. D. Iturden and 0. 31. Sanders; delegates to the *run), Thos. Caste and C. IL Sanders, : NIPA*.rs ARI VWTM8 01?Sti1.10X,. tiTITiON AZ.40.10NOItAX011 Two considernitieos--ratist-he-li'elit ever in mind in diecussing the care. .of 4`nfunto,- On is the, lact-•that ,tilly. .. a ' Ithwide and narrow 4Ordera. to sell and silh 01114 aro regular 25o for "01.1.11: ..tStentritWO.7. years'•OZ, ,7 '40440lts4preditothi& coliege• tirZett4a34thT cal 1,F40410t, 3choo fl. Onftirlo. kat cl e dOing, geod als° c° ble-residen tella01440,..13,411014,4 °Avg D KLEOIUI?Ry cluiee e. the .larget pracUcal. a Btructora experlenOod.' gradnatea ist.* aaalsted to and Succeed as nen „Rnter now ttet our ." ‘kita,ving deckled to go into the Bus attdoDriiy Business in 'Et* eter, I bove_ploced'a'new ati4 uporattte rayon the road for the ihoniteyante of Passengers to and trot» the station and re- spectfully 001104 4 fair share of " the business of the travellin public, "Tit t e ce„ ?bone Oa, cheerfnily attend, e4 to. • temptation; IXe cme mbo 'riot &Without ,his' content and goes out agninst hiS will and the road I* ASP, - .teedingly,•rocty., • Tito -to L-leTiirCrOnone of the important feature* of the trip, ,When boisyer:y little the big kiu him and when be get* bigbo esithe Httle 01* and Some of the bl -•:oues too. : Ube raises4100 .tiii,toity he fe en. 'ilortioa by the Premier., but if he rated . *Mall 'ebeilizehe to &Witt • --Bdt.buyirnethe •, co :Taw --Itherjachnni b tog, lisses iread itthd, R. Chorea cii'..tt..nndaehortzs bv nude voices.- _ 1ST • tra-tttriltr. After- the -tea -iv pro- gramme was given in the body Of the hutch'. sololat Of -ntr-Lstrafige assisted in the pro - rid 'the new form Travtlers' chime now g so "'rbc'Canadian Think of .Commerce grett eorivenierive Or Obtaining iy *way from home prinforeign nntrit'. The), Can be 1)0°41 ja 0f[jc. et tiiii-nanklor lama- 13 0, *MO, 660_ or 1O0ns10013t tIU11 the It hos every appearance of oPring .1;6E41 Weirebnezele event thindgr,llrown4 Airtdetruhrtt' 1.1164rie 111t1Ple sugar Making icabout d47* with' her tiarents. • '' ', over for anothA.Er yeti'« tot' 'having'. titirt14. : - .., .,,‘ - 4----. * ' very stepn the ' of- l*ollooK too, 4 Woba• nee tiftit MrifrYttger left VIA week for Swl Of tire week;' la which h ot.over..„100.•cortl* asilcrep-s- het----'.,414.----- like lining*. .. 's .. •:".15-C;e14 4-."- , at !ring the _hummer, • . • kIeh oeed u '06811. tee AS tare:fully; • 0.00.,' tort axr . - ,... . A 'The weather of Inet week was * 1 -prepare todeliver ct anYltrP61trlIttlo* theL4g htutt.hvvolliatilltteen,610-41401dh.. vie. at I vite Thome 144112 l'Iga4' a t t °rite TAItOttilla ntat... tbe. -0 * promptly- iit.tt. laded fo - ' mvc., cootrisi Miss float li. . and w firiit elite* eta slabs All PfriT' 0 e a/ ..-. •.• Antig. .. orders "Ii.40,, e n Grain tkil$S Katie Co.litrts« spent ,the :elititer lit of the fa I' O. e mean litOrA than...the wear. ,- itAn201 Tot xenNii for pas" ture• 1,14, holidays With„ friends in Beaforth. , , - Mrs. kid, Irwin, of 11/4Torwith, ept been a very ilea year in these the holidays with Jr Parenta Mr.And, Mrs. Thew. jr. • • Ireb0.80t, 11001S Aft4t hanks eterY- ere in the civilized world will cash tbem.to titificatiott or the ttm,rrhniounf ofi.tumontote$ 16 the traveller may expeof to erititled to reeeiye and in Canada and :the lnited IRate$ they miss OMIT* -witereArtt par. A 'let of banks svhich will cosh them riceottipanie$ all obeititteieold. , regular meeting or tbo, iiflgh t Idterstry 0001et7 wait htId on y. April tnd, from to 4.45 p, followiog .progrens, was D11010 001***Zitildti't,..0r1Cte: "1te$011rtil that, It 115 better ve in Conado. then "the • tr. I1. 2iteitoy, W. Orals - nu le 'ratite 0« 131ssett«,•and 113. Doyle« Judges,deCIskmWat. *brew In ze tr f n an ug er. r . ft , ell L ' 011.1VO- ' r. Ore * h 0* , Lolt *14 , , Byron« Ort it« aro iii., r 10. o r iti Women. *is co loth** 'toes 1 w o fed wesk end, illsooutaged, will Mi55 ]lefla 1Iawkazireturned ,reeeloot both nientl end. 'bodily,. vigor Vatham Bnsiue*s College. Trietid by nate': Carter's Irn Villa; whioh itfler spendlng the' 'holidays stitk. to nude for 'the 1ood, Stiittrett and ' e' . toplextort« 11.0tlit 10fl SALE.-flirectJy aouth on ' Street=elm Stmaiie, St •t lid . ;- mb ; it turn* t to Iteettation« Ada, 'W1 hot Piano sel Steil* Ovrett Utfltinse Iteettation, L. Fray*: Ittionty. 0 P1 Citerns, 'Sweet viotottr.”.,. citation', 'The old. and, the not, W. limit; Ileaditig, IttereY %motion r *ori sisri ;mar= -flaitr nirdri: tii‘ an istort.4, tilting- degreeamong women ", ether- -intelligent -4W - • " The ether isthe.fn.ct that:_the ignore. anee of the ;nether« evea when 00 •hab3e, passes childhood' In apparent • way •for Buffering later ert.-4he.0.6- lineator for May. . MAIL CONTRACT _,....._,........... .,.„,.;,..,_...., . 8.1.:Atdtb 1:ti*iit(11,4 addressed 4 the. Postmaster General. will be re. oe-f1.4t,--iottewo-io3til-ttieoni-of iloyt...tlie;44th--ot-No 13 Conveyneice-of--114-Maleiityls Maite on tt proosed Contract for four. years, six times per week toil way be ween 'Exeter and ' St. Marys; front the list of .Yoly next. Printed notice* deena. teining•turther takiirmation nit to, the ' ropie.ed contract' maybe seen and ' nie•forniii-of tender may I.-Ie.:obtain- ed ttt the Post. Offices 4441tor, the route 444441,4,41h-0., ,2-At01,1141449,t-----P0Str-,tstlife, inspector at Imtidon. ,, `0,0, ANDERSON. ' Superintendent. 1 Post Offiee Department. :WWI' Ser. vice litatieli, Ottawa, 27th March . -1000. :t sod. 0 --LY flit. We furnish' thetost• • . • 1.00.1111N0 l*AtiT1101:1L ANI/ tmi 1,1our that a mfled Try it 100 °bushels ofwIzat watt4 ompliShed- sys-; for the day, 4„ Of a few pounds of fleth is of z iniportance to opine peoPle then ein4f * fewhundred, dollars be to others-mbecause health Is 'i' than wcalth to „ 10110-1C7S COD tirVtg,lt 0 lottelett it tompOted cf Pore .iilter Oil without that, greasy este., Compound ,i3yru Jlypopbospliites. Liquid nxtrac Fluid Extract of Wild Ch Ic-and,-,that colupositi n- V1/4-00111t2.1Z0 Alt ,Dreggistla • , iushele 01 No. 21 borlet ept tor seed purpoee • harleY that bas prov4 * • remarkablecleat% °ening *11 atimer var- ve the highest Yield of of all the barleys test. he 0.A,C. It has beef) otr, the moot populnr the er o state of Itobert eflonald, of be Townshlt$ f tbotne In the CountY of iturcen. II A otc M lietoby given pursmanL to It. 0. 0.. too?, thio..129., that,. 4,411 stieditors • and others 1131414 eleme against the estate of the late Robert Neflontildi Who died on or about the , epst dn ot .1tIttrelt. %IOW. are required on or about tile lith doe of May. , sena b tvost 'prep...lid or d1iver to Mittman 44 ' iday to Mten nter mee eir."'Sroim d the pal hnrh tast *td text tiu lbcircla titt 1.1)tlak 14 3flmltI5rif , pum1i last bWllItO st« fall tn, 1a'". nit 11.10 •littl. .1 ors will prod to 0111.e.1.** of the 'Idteetteet. rettipit entitled thereto. At 004* o theeleiteet iibiilt then have notioe and tiat _elitist* shalt visa he liable "-eta -"aSnetter any pert itiser*.• ny IMO tersows of isrhtoos‘ shall not It*** 'been vo.' as st thethe*. et' stook .