HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1880-10-14, Page 1Vol. VIII. Exeter, Qnt/rio, Thursday;j4 October •, 1880. o a t: >ti hatitt, the prisoner who .its Angast last, et- I TERRIBLEIt.AILWAY DISASTER. Nob FALL ASSIZES._ I>ROFlinTi• MIST, • tea EX.OELT.1EN1' { 1a a i r +un hundred aeras on th.' Loudon 1oe4,5:. .,u. 's :ion of Stephen, )leen the v°autg(. • >l']';c•' Ap•i,ly to A1ll.li,V. t4Lr 1OT. slut ci- te; 1:..a er, August 10 1t,7i). i,7J11 SAIi14; OR 110 EXC11ANGI•. fur other 11l'eltr>'tY tWO 11e111:.13e 1111,11 tem rote .i.1 the. town ..f al•••itAn.t. A.'_It)1y to 3, D. Ellie, 1 )j 1,n 4. urs Dai i!a Mensal', OITSE & iAOI' IN EXEIttell 1'()R S.ti•1 Ctt'.At' FO lt (IIANu. ruts value - 01,1 vr',pert; it nitro sal n 1 'N alai'. •,tl -n1. 'Ito te- tin stor! and a 1131f brio::: a n3 toiolu: st•v- 3111'u011>s, to closet stud a. 1a-ue t•. h,'.I. 13'03 hlll•tilelr r.art(culer., apply to &Lake,'Exeter. A '\ t.RY LmFIT CRI,11I:aAe CALENDER—TEE lUt>•'ULT IN our vARI('US CASES B0L1'O1U 7113 cOt7.1IT, UP TO THURSDAY NOON - 71;E R3)N. ma. JUSTICE -vomiter/ Pttj•'SID • INIGI. `w _ 1.101l, ti%.LE.---A. NEW leleA.1lb, 4>wain 1:wttlt 0130 -thin" ()fan sure of land dlltuat,'tl on 1'(•lson St.00t Exeter. `Ilio , .,>uao!n•<s tuo)lln •a its?,tlalr31 nat11 d Ill yin tai're.3 ell /3011 111,1,410d. '4.'11 i.l a t;:>31d 031.!1 of Ivut.r :Ilea ca 11 est•elass woodshed. en Ulu) pt1.-u:sus. :ap• .illy' at the 'Alias curse. UCI'T'LON SALE OF FARM ANL) a ST()('IC.-','bore will he offered/or sale, by 11a!>ila 3I.UItiril, on the promises, on Sat1:r11,Ly, °inns tr.l is' 1, a valublhle turns of 100 acres, tb • 1,rnpu tt el too late Philip Under, being lot 10, sinter 41.1>It1.11'j', (logien 111hc, May. Lbere etre 'SJ 'ewes Pit 03'011 111111 ill a r130Q State oY rulti.I1- •iou; targe good wells, good,lle(Illing hcuee, good bank bat n au,l geed oreintr.l. !are wll1 also bo 'EL ljl1:11lGLty SA hay sold by ties too x11.1 a largo lulu of seasoned lumoor and 13 101 Fi nine. Sale at le o'clock a, 311. All persons 0a3:0g 'curio's a3 140'( the ,,tate aro retpt041.11e1. to pros 31)0 3.110111 to tela tu,k•r iyne1 ou or before day of sale. 11.1,111.:31. 1;;CKA3:1)7: \ViLLi.(Ia_S, ElecuJtera. Ilay, Alh tu1.1.6, 1..•wa 1 1.4iYt)ItTA\'1. NOTICES,. Tr.e1ES UK] . COUNTY AUCTION.- ..1'Y UCTION•- ^T peer. Sales p •00)111.1;; attended te. Days of ales arranged at tuns 31.11310, 161 ONE\'TO WAIT 'ON REAL ES - tato for the Huron & Erie Loan Savings ;:ooietr•. Low rates el: iutOteei. Apply to Joon :opackoou.1, Exeter. .A UNEY TO LOAN AT 7 AND 7a per cent aceort•<:np to terms, Special ate vantages to t11G60 burrowing for 'lour years and. upwards. d.nply to 13. V.ELLIOT, October 10, '80, Solicitor, (Exeter, • , ONEY TO LOAN OWN FIRST- -L. Class Mortgages on Iroa1 Estate or for L u0 purposes, for the Dominion having,: & Inv(st:nent 0oaiety, of London, Oat, for auy rumour of years from ono to two uoy. Apply to 0111:3. SENIOR, Photographer, Exeter. XT J. CLARK, Agent for the Us- ...ea, s1.a, • borne and llibbert Mutual Fire Insurance ^ Conip.any, ,Residence C1aretiuox. Orders bt na rlromptly attended to. 1-1 S. ULUL0B:001./r,,'Pit 0VINO IA'A ,.anti Surveyer, dc., will •l:e at tete :.t yal Hotel, ttxoter,0u Yee•111st1`nesdaay bleach -month. Orders for work left with Air. eo111t "cpackvaauwillrecuiveprolnl>t attention rp w. 'rnxidern3?st and N3terlai3st. 'hearts ('alk Birds 'Stuffed and Preserved •13h Fes most approved style. In stock also a Merge variety of Pictures, •:ant, Pictures framed ill the .lost and cheapest stvle, ILLtain Strout, Exeter.. S m 3 13E EX.ETEt. GREENHOUSE. A.11 italds i•1 Window and Bedding Plants. •}ranging Baskets and Vilbee ailed to order. Cabbage. cauliflower. celery •1.3!31 Tomato Plants in season. Job- .bi.ng Gardening earetaiily attended to. (;anadban and. American fruit and 001.03 .lnnutal. Trees. Orders subsites •:aralsatisfaction nuaranteed. WIl-01'UlRDOCH. ,Monday, Oot. 4t11, 1880. The Assess for the oratory of Huron petted to -day, before His Lerdstlip, 113•. Jnstiuo Cauterou. On the civil docttoot there were eighteen oases en- tered for trial ; one of breech of pro- uder, three of sedootionettor of slander, five of ejectment, and the balance ou insurance policies, notes and accounts. (3n the criminal docket there were three crises ; one of rape, one of forgery and one (>t Ioreeti .. Tire Crown is repre- eented by :.11r. Colin McDougall, of St. Thomas. At tela opening of the Court the county Bar ware tn•esellt in full force, sand Mr. M. C. Cameron, Q. C , after a few fappl'Ottl'late remarks O11 their behalf, read an address to J.iie Lord- ship, illr. Jetttioe Carnerou, 'eornpli- taoutireg hinl ou his elevation to the Benoit, The following gentlemen were duly ew,rvl on the grand jury; John Tiaine, foreman, Nicholne Ano.' tie, David Bear, Thomas Bell, Btobard Gegen, (George Johnston, John Mar- quis, William Messer, Lancelot Neth ery, John Swallow, 5.'1'. >Vilkie, Pet- rick Wood, James' Acheson, -John 131n tcbford, Alexander Forrest, 'Charles. Harris, Alexar!rler Livingstone, Jhehn' Manson, Solomon .itz'nreing, Samuel: Smith, John Wyatt, Andrew Waddell,: Andrew Young, The following is the order -of the uses s — Dominion Loan and Investment So. MeV IT. Tree— Action of ejectment. Without jury. Consent the verdict for plff., which wits accordingly done. Mr. Ira Lewis for plff, ; and 11r. J. T, Gar - row for Ma Dominion, Loan said Investment So• ciety 4:S. Pie ree--Ejecttnen a Without jary. Consent 1. verjlot for plff. Mr. Tr,i Lewis for plff ,stir. F. \V. Johzls- • to_i for deft. Jackson tis. Scotts--Tljeetment. With - vet ;pry. Verdict for plff. by consent. Catneron, Hutt at Cameron for phi, • i)`IIa1^t arl1Son & Wade for deft. Cameron et at vs. McEwen—Actiou of bill of costo, Without jury. Ver- dict for plff. by conseut for $500. Cameron, Elolt & Cameron for plff; Mr. Adana R. Oreilmau for debt. Anglo-Oanadian Mortgage Co. vs. Pierce—.Action for Ejectment. With- out jury. Verdict for pill: by consent. Cameron, Holt & Cameron for plff. ; Iter, B. L. Doyle for deft. Tuesday, Oct, 5th. tempted to escape by jninping from the toil of the jail wall., but who was severely injured by the friar, and sub- sequently e1Lptured. Ho was senteueed to one year's iniprisonnlent iu the Central Prison, with hat'd labor. Mr. o In C ouge,or JCUwrl. F1pOner • 21 PERSONS 'KILLED AND MANY 0101111; I)TING —LIST 00' TAE DEAD, The frightful collision wlliollooelll•red iTEE SULTAN ASSUMES .A. DEFIANT ATTITUDE. Sandlty ]light at mid:tight, on the Pen- A dispaton to Reuter's, from Con - O 1' M D it f C P nsylvaii a Railroad, is the city coneisel, of Pittisburg, Penn., was more dis- of represented by Wednesday, Cat. Oth. estrous tbau •at first reported. Nine Queen ve.IZichatdJ3eunett.-- people were killed outright; twelve The Q more have since died, makiug in all, up Rape. in this case the principal wit- to 9 p. m,, twenty-oue deaths and eta uesses for the Crown did not appear, many meta hurt, who, the phy'e,iciana Vice -Admiral ;Seymour, previous to his interview with the Admirals of the fleets Monday, had received instruct tions from London, 1a 1 UIIN H. HYNDMAN, te:a ACCOUNTANT, CONVEYANCER, REAL ESTATE AND INSUitAN1^E AGENT. Tierney to loan on mortgages, notes and other securities. Rents and accounts collected on ma - tenable terms. Iusnronoe effected fu ilrst.oless Culnpe, ids at reasonable rates. 0.iice—at 1]r. Iiyudluuu'e. Mein Street I1;xeter A LUKE, AU JT10NEElt. FOR C$ . T3 1+1 COUNTY 01' HURON, A LARGE AMOUNT OF MONEY ..L:1_ just received for investment on mortgages ::it s> per cent. VeE tDS,WILLS, ETC., DRAWN zee reasonable terms, IT L. ABBOTT L. D.S.,M.1t.C.D.S t uraeurtte o fRoyalOollege of DENTAL SURGEONS. omoer O'Neilbank, and opposite Barnwell Pick; et. -r MOVED H K.INS11'IAN, DJ N- lllas renleyetl ,'t 3f'I to leausou's Block, threw doors north of curling's 3te(e. 011100 upstairs $207,QQ() TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE, ..At 7 Per Cent. Apply to ll W.R Lsta yr. RIGG IIOUS.fi, LONDON, ONT. s. (*WOO, Prtoiui 11TOR. (Lata of the ;American.) 'NEW II(1US111, NEW FURNITURE. 'GOOD SAAtilfielit',/OlYfS. Corner of )ork and 1110h113outl titleeto. Walper vs. Pollock.—This was an notion for seduotion brought by one \Valper, formerly of the Township of Ilay but now resitting in Michigan, against \Ven. 1'ollook, a fifbprman at Bayfield,for t.be seduction of his, daugh- ter Wale two years since. The defeud alit was not present in court, and the ease was referred to the j ury after hear. ing the testimony of Miss Walper. Verdict for 1100 for tag. Cameron, Holt & Cameron for plff. Carrow & Proudfoot for deft, Fisher va. Graham.—An action for breath of promise of marriage, brought by Rebecca Fisher,of Colborne, against William .1. Graham,'of the same town ship. It was alleged that defendant. had engaged plaintiff to work for hint and lead seduced her, and had also protnised to marry her. Previous pro- ceedings had been takou against de- fendant for seduction, Int the matter bad been settled by Graham paying llaintiff's father $200 The present suit was brought by plff. to recover damages from deft. for breach of prorn hie of marriage. Vet'(liot for plt.T. for $200. Mr, B. L. Doyle for ,plff.; Gar - row & Prnudfoot for deft; Holmes vs. Holmes:—Actio]] on note and mousy lent Verdict for $500, subject to award of Isaac Fancie Toms, Esq. Jt'Mr. C. Seager.. for pltf.; Malcom - son & Wade for deft. Smeltzer vs. Aetona--This was an action for trespass on land in the east- ern division of Ashfield, where both portio i resided, Non -suit. Mr. War - rem Rook and 0. Seeger for plff.; avi- so y Johnston.1 for deft. y U The Queen vs. Johnston.••-'-Forgery, FIRE INSUIiAXOE COMP!, OF LON7IO;J, Pasotler was Icharged with;the forging; aC the name of Hugh McBurnie, of Wa• wanoeb, to a note for $85.50. 'When arreipnwcl prisoner ,pleaded guilty to uttering the note knowing it to be forx- edl bat slot Qailty of forgery. This is and prisoner eritereu iuto his owu ]:e- say, oauant recover. Besides these, a coguizauou to appear at next assizes large number are slightly injured. The in the sum. of $2,000. first section of the accommodation Drew vs, Drew.— Action for slander.. going east left tl.l8Union Depot, having Verdict for plaintiff by consent for a large crowd of passeugers, wild had $200. Mr. B. V. Elliott for .plff,; 11Ir, been to the city to part•icivate in the Warren Rook, Q. G-, for deft. closing exercises of the Exposition and Baird vs. Howicic 1Iutual Insurance witness the Demure -tie demonat.retion. Ca.--Aotiou on iueurat:oe pulley. This Tooblack platfortn was so crowded that was brought agaiust the Co. by Wm. the hea(ilight on the sewed section fol - Baird, a farrier it' Turuber•ry, to re- lowing could not be seen. The first cover insurance on property destroyed section stopped at the regular station, by -fire. The defence couteuded that a Twenty-eiguth street, where it was de - fraudulent representation lead been layed by auother train on the next made its the application for insurance, block. The second section came along so far as-incutnbranoeo were concerned. at a high rate of speed, but owing to Verdiet for pad% for $612.02. Cam- the crowds on the back platform of the eron, Holt & Caatnerou for plff.; Ma'.- first section the signal lights were hid- eomsou & Wade for (loft. den from V1JW, and consequently the The Queen vs. Ellen Weston.—The engineer of the second se.+tion. did ,not prisoner was charged with larceny. see the train ahead until so near the The property allegeu3 to be stolen was rt train could not be checked in time to buffelo robe. It appears that the take avoid se collisiou. The engine went lug of the robe wee more of a practical crashing into the rear coach of the EST'A33Li5HED IN 1781. Agency est0blisil1(1 i11 (allada in1804. Unlimi- fext liability of all the Stockholders, and largo Reserve Feuds. -Moderato rates of premium, J9f1ti ir, HINDMAN, ,our W TYIj7L, 11Auaal(or. regent ab tXetor, j -dee than a theft. Geo. Petty and Geo, \Vestou are rival butchers in the village of Heneall. The prisoner is the wife of butcher Weston, and was subjected to auuuyaucc by ths boy of Petty, and wishing to see Mr. Petty, she took the robe ao that she could complain to hien of the wrong aetiou of the boy where that gentleman ca Ise for the robe. The jury returned a verdict of not guilty. Cameron. Holt a& Cameron for prisoner ; Mr. Colic 1ticDougall for Crown. THE EASTERN QUESTION. DULCIGNO SURRENLERFD.—TRIUIIPU OF GLADSTONI3'S FLIM PJLICY. A Constantinople dispatch allyl the Sultan has ceased to oousult his diiuis- ters on the further course of the Gov- ernment iu relation to the cession of Dnloiguo and' the action of the Powers. The reason fur this is supposed to be the differences of opiuiun prevailing i:] the Clabinet, %Odell render unity im- possible. It is bruited about, however, in Constantinople, that the Salton has concluded to surrender Duleigno, fear- ing the consequences of further delay. The official order was immediately telegraphed to Dulciguo, when the lkroutenegrius at once marched ie to taste possession. The news of the surrender is received in Loudon with great delight by the frieuds of the ad. Ministration, who regard It as a decid• ed triumph of 1413•. Gladetone's recent vigorous and oncornprcnlieing policy, The result will lead to the breaking up of the naval demonstration and the re- turn of the vessels of war us Soon as the necessary preliminaries are arrang- ed. first seottou packed with human beings. Alnoltg these the engine buried itself to the very car windows in summing, suffering mon, women and children, mangling all who were in its course. The boiler head of the colliding en- gine was burst off by the ebock and the scalding water and bteam poured over the occupants of the car as if bent on completing; the horrible work. It is impossible to describe the fearfal scone that followed. The moans of the dying and wounded and the shrieks of those who had lost friends wore frightful: Word was immediately telegraphed to late llinvor's offiee for assistance, and - twenty-five policeman with a full come of physicians and wagons were des- patched to the scene of the disaster, where they were soon busily einployed 1l;lleviatiug the suffering of the victims. The deaths are as follows :-=Edward Prenter, Plttsbnr1, aged 27, scalded, LETS ENGLAND OUT OF A BAD SCRAPE. The liberals are all the mare pleased at the T'orte's action from the fleet that the half-hearted way in which Ger matey and Frairee looked upon Eng• land's proposals to force Torkey to carry out the Berlin treaty left Eng - laud almost alone to accept the res- ponsibility for the positive war meas- ures taken in the east, Russia being the only power to whiot] Mr. Gtadstoue could look for endorsement. The Cunservaaivee pretend to believe that the surrender is In some way f A PIECED OF SUBTLE TRIU;fLBY ou the part of tree Porte, but this opinion is by no means a general Otte At all event; the danger of war ie staved off for the present, whaovtzr other complication may arise in els near future. stautinople, stye :--The Sultan has de- clared that he world rather abdicate than yield to the wishes of the powers. He has had a.protracted interview with Hobart Pasha. Dominion. The sorghum factory at Belle River 13 running night and day. Petrolia's rate of taxation this year will be 2a cents on the dollar. The total receipts at the Western Fair were over $12,000, Stewart's cheese factory at Etarrow- emith was burned down on last Sun. du Judge Wilson presides at the Simeoe Assizes. The dooket is unimportant. Iu Quebec, Thos. Greenier was brutally beaten by eight roughs and left fur dead. The eteam barge Saxon went ashore on Ship Island Shoal in a fog on Sat- nrday night. Mr. Homer, of the Dominion TeIe- graph Company, was slightly injured en the late Hoosao Tunnel accident. The School Trustees of section No. 6, South Colchester, will buil(, a school house, costing with the lot $1,700. Rev. Dr. Cleary, parish priest of Daegarvou County, Ireland, has been apt:oiuted by the holy See, Bishop of Kingston. Mrs. Daly who tried to kill herself at St. Catharines by cutting her throat, has twice torn the wound open, but is still alive. The Tamworth and 'Quebeo Railway is beiug surveyed. It has bonuses and stook to the extent of five thousand dollars per mile. A shock of earthquake was felt at Ottawa at an early hour on Saturday, Oa Moudav Iest ripeiraspberries were pulled on a farm iu South Fredericks- burg. - The match factory to be established iu Ogdensb#irg by E. B. Eddy will give employment to 8C0 hands. Seven buredred more cartridges have been found in the river at Quebec,near died Monday morning ; Homer Kipple,' the spot where the Atalaya was sachet - aged 20, East End, scalded; Mrs. Mar- garet Jambs, Pitt sburg, aged 50, crush- ed and 1 carded ; John J. Forley. Pitts- burg, aged 48, scalded and burned Nettie Forley, aged 16, soa'.ded ; Miss Jessie Simeox, West lfnd, aged 16, in. halation of steam ; Annie M. Shuster, East End, aged 22,inhalation of steam; Milton H. Edwards, aged 25, scalds land inhalation ; Miss Sarah Taylor. Pitt -slave, aged 22, inhalation ; James O'Neil, California, Pa., aged 80, soa!ds; Ohnrles Hotzel, East End, scalded; Edward Butler, haggagamaster, crush- ed and burned L K. Love,Ddgewood, Pa., aged 17 years, crushed ; m. H Love], broker of I. K. Love, ttge(1 19, ed. Steps are being taken for the forma- tion of a beet, -root sugar factory at Buckingham, about fourteen miles from Ottawa. A man named Wm. Inches was found drowned in the river on Friday morning near Algoma, Mich. His rel- atives are bnpposed to live near Har - wick, Ont. Mrs. John 141oLnrg,nearAilsa Craig, has taken two first prizes for butter at the Provincial exhibition at Hamilton. Same et Turouto. Mr. Brody, from near Brampton, lately deceased, has willed $1,000 to the Methodist 'Missionary cause, and emitted and frightfully mutilated; 1Jr.a. w$400 to the aged mission fund. Elizabeth Boyd, of Pittsburg, aged hs, The Strathroy cnrporation is suffer- iuhalation ; bliss Roealiud, aged 20, in- halation ; David Ballenger, a railroad employee, head out from the body ; Samuel W. Elliott, condnotor, aged 24, crushed ; James 1M1oMeehan, Dallas station, aged 60, scalded ; Wm. Lenn- barcit, East End,died from internal in- juriestand inhalation ; Miss Emma `r e e a thin t'ea spon first On Friday eventng, as the Rey'. iter, Barr and gra. 13 trr, were returihing to Brantford,;, driving over the t000den bridge cresing the canal at `IAttnt•t's mill, the barge stayed on the end of the boards,ttilting It up, npMettiug the buggy, suck throwing the c0eupanty over the incl o1 the bridge, almost iuto the Oa11a1 below. Mr Barr had a rib. brokeat tID(1 was blldly bruised, and Mrs. Barr received some b td braless Stu, it curooldleraille sleoek. 1 ing at law by t110 action for damages taken by parties injured by defective sidewalk. Oa the 21st, 22nd and 23rd inst., a grand go -as -you -please match for $150 will be given in the Guelph skating riok. The match is for 30 hortrs, 10 hours each day. ": Fergus Atuatenr Dramatic Olub oder Sir Walter Soott's celebrat- y of Rob Roy in the drill shed, s, on the evenings of Tuesday 7eclneaday, 19111 and 20th inst. Berlin, ton Friday afternoon, a of Mr. Henry Bairn, aged about ear and a half, fell into a tub of o;u(3 was drowned before being ered. Quebeo, the smuggling of a large 1 of velvet and silks from the steamship Riversdale on Saturday was discovered by the tide surveyor, who seized them. A pastoral was read in the Ottawa Roman Uethoiio Ohurohed on Satnday, forbidding parents to send their child- ren to the Model School, on pain of deprivation of the armaments. Three Guelph boys got a bottle of whiskey by Socha moans, and went to ar, grove to enjoy its coutente, but. Hobert Ilillyard, aged 12, drank himself to death. The two hundred sweet potatoes broulzht over Inst year by W. i3rtt1, of the Strathrey Age, and dist.ribnted among his friends, Have all done well,, proving that the detillione potatoe can. tae grower to advautage in Ontario. A Peel ega .• of the Atbauta: eat 8110 tit'eb, 'and ham succeeded at gaining them over to his side. The 14lazara Iiights are being Htrougly fortified. NEED P'EC,UNIARY SUPPORT. A. deep -loll from Caste; Nuovo, .Dal• tntatila, says 1 --There are three Turkish meu-of-war before Dnloigno. The Moutenegran.bliriister of Foreign af- fairs declared t edtniral Seygiear that the powers ate r; 1Ce)tdy informed that the Mouteuesfrrne regnire peonniary olloprlrt in order to keep their p1esout force under arms, INSptoUOTiONC OF TRU. ADMIRALS. Admiral 13sytnour summoned ell the Admirals on Monday. and iotet'vion'ed them, separately, and, it is be,ioved, gave theta instructions.