HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times., 1909-04-15, Page 5SKI „ °coital ot tb T0WAS1ftP., hen?ouveged in tb Town Itoou htoaday, the Sth, day of ).)t at 1 p. to, All menib'r we preent. The.tainutes of th4° Prer 0 Beth:4p were rio$ and adopted, 'he plans and specifications of W. , 3farncornb Towntili p Angiwe re jtoi c ° boate 047 'Intl waik af Usborne for the min r.Aflwrt 1Iabiir s SI S.4 k wro tbe Iargeat dis a not fai goods Wo ;Pula ProOklm nspect our otecit and cOmpnr0 Dress 0 We have a complete line of all the latest fabrlcs and s 4.10nIt Over therno. Our prices are tigtit; We have Atonudettv,01Ingbams* Silks Etc; Donot*i WOO_ ; Coe wil is iess ho • AugaSt Kuhn, o merge Stratford, eater at hiehotzto!' , ess. our goneral good bast - Dank' o iipendin ,it' 5tktiI V. Sapde t . ,..- o , - vgl. ., 4, * 4 ttr4-, • ilbUer, V fix.:04r• f;41:iifj1 WOO!! Ile '44'004tTgl. 1,xert'lletok' Matteno, •E w..., 'Carroll:, " oz--Lnwon jr„---Vattuf-RIrtitbeint ette, olin 4,r1, Jtt. Jfl. a e IA oh Keys,',..Joh Villielm,.. Lewis Kraft , *is* CI enn1i OTOtiandil;”. O 'etc."' (Jarinel) 'Theo. Dietrich, C,br.; ';Piet lc Mex. kieeb, 'Pelix Wild, *St phon ITor. risen, 'Newton Viurk WI, v, sin , Alor. 'Wild., Iohn'„Itriteger, Jobn 11601;‘ inn; Pod Oehler,' SaM,' ..,'Siticitoer hipka). john Mottle'', DAVid mrotitti 16 ry,ltitode, JaflleH liadgenii.;Niebor Ing 1.:1:rit-'1tarvey ;flei'rd,4.1',, re ' Anima benee there..mt nday ,Apriut 18t11. T gramn)e In I Misses Amelia Koch, holidays iirith Mr. a bill, OA lIL the Vii • ,evening. 0: .,J4avina ancit of don spent the their rents., . aOhn .ridt, or Park. ItAtttkit* letattres And ,..ttlends o' ' .r. ' 4 bin Nirguii r t go, ,'Sflir43,Fancy Loaiey,• .11eadY, ode ftit�'oNet --and Vhlte ,ate. -all ot ;1-4149,0erni, • Vepellaa .1* -00,041 1$0*-- ' - ionary seiWie-iverebeld bed's'church. au $011(10$ ,b4114tA , ,Xita).014 attention preached two \ able sermons. Tho of • SPLENDID SIIOWING• TYms . NRW Col-A*5. have the largeot range we have eve carried. Byery popular cloth i .everle shades. tint, color and pattern*. Oror best, highest ' close Dzese seek, ot to swin the greatest tirade at k at gippen. of 1Jiborrie, visited Lbeir ,fat its..Clark. • son 'or. Mrs, MeMurray who has been .so seriously 111 is we :are pleased to report recovering. Miss Zwicker and i bliss Kate Sweitt or London. were the. --guests of and Mrs. Chtio". .ZiVieker during the -helidayS, , of Thitch- S'otts 4114,1,".PlOvor $ee t f di term mints in. ' zpr rig ' s # ere lo '0 .mi will find utt well iquipped in the different lineit,that .you wili •need 0 t to brighten the tbe b0Me, iit',Is a '0,-11 eel:Mau we -CAVry. -a. v 6-101lowin 14425.-OrWall.PaPelt*i 'ape , * s... Oil Vieth% titantentnli X400 nitaltio, etc: .t roluatlo.n c .... ._ , - , .. . , li :pass 00 per excel! in this line and only asou to. co. promising you* complete ge of anything that go 00 to,makingnp the pit:vet: mnie uttxre. Open forlargegUantities of PotatoestEleeds, Onions, aid oil kinds of- pro. ceftr which11184est Market -Olt -es are Paid* • ' "ioalAtexi,t,e, SesdtbY�dj, 4Uett1-etc. sit •e -t e reoult. ininati'ons, • required exit, Itonors 74* per. SASS t %Vela. Cher. ].ass il rry Mninus, • ran Drown, • Merson Bean, Plovient ,Sam ,Pinkbeiner, Itiout* to IV. ,flortans:. Ry liedden. .1,1erle • Clark, Othelln, Matz. Puss,- Elsa Kienole, Pearl. Palmer, Ougo Shenk; Plifford hill, Ezra Ewald, - ...tilervin• Winer, or. .• n Rail :Geiser. From Jr. III. to Sr. 111. Paso, Vera t,,Tots, Esther Jaiet,Edgar Treitgatiland- Matz, 4lenry Pink. beiner. 1?xom St. dr*. to Jr. III. Honore, -Mora i.Postreicher. Pass, llarrjngton Pinkbeiner, 'lathe -King. rene Wolf, Vernatalill. From Jr. 11. argeeCOUS 8 4hte1ateet-stry - well to look over °me:stock be ore pizrchaiing. 'Vehicles fully guaranteed. reve "fire have just added.* new Lathe to aur-shop.and are now In sittim to do repairing Ot 141.,..kini* -Wtre tiriftritbelhota:_ ow.r, IiiriderahAinlad--4111/14,44#4. , pairirig to be done, just bring. it 114rxt *-titiiiiikTit- new tor you, ' eitter, Prom Vt. 'It. to J Edwardusiell-Clarierzhicaa-itlofftn, .Finhbeinert :-,J0lara -Deist* • ' •Noti 0.-11 nbut to b fist --timerwill,:be.,,openel, Fred S. Statile:he End r A . ilurk • lf:VIEW11-118; Curdy,* ,AtO1,014411.4 040. 14410iTi-xxxoy$p Ell Iring, 0. it. Wilson, Geo, flown, and Austn 4111. .1letnarirCn-no n dWitit t 4tn Brenner, Vogl Preeter. titoploo it., WiJIinm Zimmer,' .AJbert Mosser and'AlhaC 41* Wilson, ' The following orders, were passe Municipal World, 'Itegister for,Births, Marriages and•Dettths,..83.,$0.t. Poxpreos Company, .0ipreis: on,' same. '350*. Young Dros., account...1ot nulls 3.50; Chester Prouty:, Grat.ulty*'828A)01.. # (11711111WItrirtitirtin-Nortirtioun -131fk Wilson's) ZOO annies .11000insi ilvort„ ; Jnmes Flynn, rep. 1Iu4 * 0 loSerdi Ha et wood..10.00i 410ilgins And CO, gas, 1464-Sain.-4irown*, -80Ortetto-.-2454. , Chas, .Cliti'4le..1took elm lumber, 7.05; William Lewis.... accelitut As 'Sanitary . 11.80 Dr. roWn's pplid large quail s ealth Oltieera, 13.50. The canna!, -adjourned to -meet again it the Town (xxidi, oteditort. on, Mon- day, May 3rd 1000 at 10 a. 111. , lIenryMbar, Clerk* , utturrarar , i-Trirairt--Nr6V-'45rOardrirldjeW gau, is visiting her brothers, sisters and other fried S in this locality yet present. • . • •# -The high' wind on Wednesday of Mgt WOW CIOStr9/44 the windmill on Mr. Thomas Loveio barn. enoltrot-11081tvin, s proving the-# roads here at present by' the township grader. - Out ngain -Itottri-t4b--440r.lte.eres„--111-elitriblcvtt be e 4 Ed, Nadi- a Exeter and • or the Sx07 *..,1 r er skei t: Good , o x 0114a . The uct -hi.-."--- the late Mr..hs ' on ; tt estate o d.it,yiwas well attended.Ever:ft in I li-rinanit ot •!Iiss Scidon,v ti of t.he . ,Junior ppurtments in -public. school' fiiitto--the-449480n the Mises Oarling-Ias , served tonnection &1JIC.Y wilt beonaAtraliror., ltht'umatic are qukkly." ,oure y vea o-kir-Orthe-blood-wi Pr. . Shoop's • Rheumatic lIeniedy,-liq- ' u ,. or tatut tem Dr; Shop's hook. ' , Iteo tos' et; rzthieuu:ALtiist:.:Irui i:iilySu tio'n:dnitiintebelr: , , : c n in Iltashwood. All t,110.; ia.tt.st... isa. tterns and 4, pi 10 eitingly ..telleiT',7just- how lhiS is done.. Yell some sufferer of OIS b011kik 1) just arrived. The finest and, largest asortripent of .rincy, vrio,,, for the book 04 free test .110,m.. ings'eveT uoow :pleok„,...0001.44...0,004,„ .Just, join. with C ill and see -them .before You pUrchase your :spring suit. 0 ilito_so,a, au ferer a . ., . 9:P , 1: , ,,, -rovettiirrIty, giiing-4uningzus- - Zttri • Ft. Patillit and two sons. Of 410;ler, ch, visited at, e ome u r.„ Itannle-last _sceeki, A. meeting was had in the' Town 1441 Tuesday , evening to ninke cur*, an me ts for the planting ot trees . • efgh rears wus, laid to .rest in e LAinieb *A.V11.14V11‘ cemetery ,on Sunday, April Ord* De- ceased hnd been a roident ofthis seetion.tbr many years. The smoke stack of tilt 'Zurich flax . 1 agents forldea vgo..wire- etiOing. Higkesi prices tor Farm Produc mill was blown, down during the ser- 'effVirifentoM"-• week. Mrs. Christina Gabel widow of the late John Koch formerly ot the Debi - Ion Line, gay, died- at the home of of her datighter Mins gate 1001, zur.: elh-eit---14ondar--131010bra April Alth. having reached the age of 81 ycflre, ,11 months and et; days.. The: old, lady was quite emart isp to it Short time iter Vho Chile/re We have illPti__reeeive al°t°f wire for YbQratiteEd Pagencto d° a Fencing. g fencing witw We Barb handle t -a heetenetednewoliesftb yc re )3-ellerPreis fencing., Ilso.eoil, nyaernoe anWireg„ 'Prices as reasonable as ' A number of Large Gates,ail sizes. tung' 'R'LL-' Be -sure -to - Ai living here. , ; • . /. Those ;who spent Ens Or in, the. III- litilidnys with hi S couilno of 'Urea/star. Inge- are A. , E. Xilliii, of Stratford* , -; - reeStntics-wthose Candy' -Cold Carel G et putco.„.0w .n.8ottntl,_E_qa,-Oes,# ithietookill,safeir-,an& quickly, check. , treichers Exeter,. lurefice Irtiltiinitn; all colds and the Grip.'Try • tbbmTh I of Exeter, Verey iJanes. .. once and see 1 8,8-2,1r, .8ohl br No'13 : : _.......Loi., -St -of-Berlin, ls- 411 we . ' ; '. A. t epending a few .W-C-6-kit-With-rfir no ,er, Mrs. Oiotreicher. ,..1;•• ' llev, E. 11. Dean, lil attending eon. retire At Ilamburg this week* . Mr.. 0. X. Drown ivas in Preston it fcw d s consulting an optician. ' iiiVii1C:otPiteStelra,"'ac44*';.: pftnid by is little grandson Ezra, .N a *reek in the village yiitiis tives, and on Sunday the., . farer d tlae pulpii&n tTe-KT- A gtelierti chUtth« ... .,.. _ Mi$,:it Atattlin, ostreteher, ot peo114- :4. f_timsitins„ neAuniffitanco" in .., .........---- -...."........t wod, „.-....., .. - - ----...i. - "it--Wiitid • Three mOtithe ofthls ,right dotty f If You are can you yott hope t keep isp the. Raiovit 4to Fern g C. n Prayed, rear bsvc one and yott are run 4,04 " atootto host or thc. tett' of the yoir? Itutd and reeeive the hope it Oitrt to Wo011tadr t.--pri,q.ott-Eftnciflg-Lb., ie. fOr.6:- r. °Oen has taken and ft bit m oflier•- Beltore she rtedtotake- Icouidscarccly work,Lier 411d, now she . do it thGu1 fethi tile least fatlgu y revc li.nCzLd. P s v. cAt viral; ilL ' t . A 1 e their sutferi k t Bstracks*, V* il lsoottatki ' otot ' ottftterliNF1,4v.li'filitAdfcldo; ▪ 4:060M/exp.'''. ct Toolox; and motor w flut notittt,bovelAt Qn4% palicapsg h . VC11.1SX.goes to L .seat.o ,the toilx1004 Any 4,10esstsi ptt4 df'the Pletil*10044. tto-cnL-i tbauMa4i1&,* by410,1+4 ' 164tost Sst Pif.itottitlx at It to De.,1*,..,A. WAWA ' ,112,1P1tAL. ° Ilfooduy Mr, nnrl Mrs. Iiieholus, of ',ending a WtOit With the,temttWat 4r. Dan 066troiChtlf* ' e-tuterthinwtonit _given ft,_Alle ethodist church Monday lust wits a Aria success. And highly appreciated Kerr, of Win- ebTsea, spt!rit the Itolidit» with their datives herr. Those who spent the holidays out ot town iWete Miss Olara Fahner,, and Iretiris* ; Mr. done*, Alton; ThI1, Berlin; Mr. Fowler, forth Mr. Webster, Mies 1.'"olly and LrJj op; Go - We cama to J3'arquhav k OM go thi purpose 1* to d� rlgbti and W Ile we will -doubtless make -si1ialtbio4-1AU'Utittnuld -not of thelleuct.:-.0--iy:- tit "Best Goods aischt ,Prices,” It bus he plum us to • by our netiOora it their atop/Aloft tow lee a on th3 prindple we seitOtyour patronage. ind atififyou wantSeeds for lasiden, Shot ,4*Stoek Foo4,Sulphur or or_ whatever s your �rderaflc we wilt stelett---- • rye you well, 'her on itt the iptirsonuiges 'lirown will oteupy, in the Evangelical ehurch nxt Bun' day' morning and in tho evettotr tb adult bbI claSses wilil take charge' , of Om thaeting, The proittem will tougg ttt ,rendirippi.anthems, titter!. tetios. &tett* and. So 8. male Chorus. /ley. Geo. IlroWn*"'ef ,Walkerton, int ti few' 4itys:;elth his brother, - Nr. Wut. Brown and dr -IX i *Pending * unc ' 'is ;le holiday Ir.g higbse I in or,nto. e on Mondny. NV ATl.$. POlt EtTf.Etti. . lit erfnIn,,o1nts ,in !nittchewn =iidIbsrtx roll Tuesda dsiring sili infoi. ntion_ •