HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times., 1909-04-15, Page 444Yenera were
Godericb, 0 M,l$/lio
Jitmes Wphiim
* tbp 0. Govenlock
1 Stephen .
401.0.0e 1 e nouse of X e
Clinton las
11 th
co '
kind-e'st1eConvfinit44aS..e, .v‘e)41 „
tteded many
e 1 Pption eeienp,
be organzed this yea*
f . %Ingham and Viluto.
of te,ri J3iyfie1d. an
tho township .of
as !wilt'likely
in the toUrna.
1,the villages
. and
.4Oro' 14. 0.
it 4 44. -* on. arid
tot,muce-o. tbe.4000tiOox'ot ;Me *Mu»,
iirOure, .10,atterv, the ,-blee4;.;
sihould 410Ohar menus - the
is • *' tbo
Lira t
.to t 0 ,.„ 10,10.00*,
Nem and 40tes, .rtuip appear, and.
the 0);im. 0414 00ftersi„ co*,
Met% the treatment:teust sbe of trite
Tbe'.6,utterer ltool...U.Oliz to ,,ite
.150.0:41r. of imvoritte* by
'tOkin4, no- tioba, itteOW*-0.0cr*-tO*44-
; teodat 7hnt; '-reeOlOvo ,.•thO
; pOOpx1,404.•ktbo,o14.1*;;;;44.404te
* .70)ficoorAtut: 001104.1,-
Andrew VamObeit, o he Towne
ip Of lishorne, WO bedn Oreat17
oyer4 by a mean - kind of a. sten-
has, been circulated about
41Uriu :the past tor „fruoitths,
id i tal4ng vigorous steps to •have
story radietA ,knd ,the
Obitoor$. +.1t, $04.event haS
'cast gloom over the rentire'neighbOr
'hoed oegerred the home of Xr,,,arid'
:r1- John 01.401ahert tiaturday,
Mith..j.ust. wit ir,Asnly-Idaug
"iixtra ','Ate flosier.:ot
t ot
tn-IlJbjrL derneIa
48, tbL
114 .44.14
sr. John J<411.4 Jazne 8.BJbn-
e ,homaeeellailasit hre.-Setle,
;vile, .and Fred G. Whitc. Writs
being Issued agninst these wbo
not signed retrations,
lkorne Township, 'Unroll 24, 1000.
gingee .,,,,ee'lle, _
derous statementsWhi6b—eVire
ninted:ttielit,:.on illittog the ,:rtjt_et.
winter, 1 Vata of
'letting the public know that they are
bsolutely untrue. Ilow such a story
mild ,have originated I cannot tell, And Christ Ilimself doth
of b
and .w
'Avh: cri
-of the Ingue,,-41t6taytrfull'ofi.life and
happiness. Elie was .-very'.7ifond-,-ot
music for which she had splendid ohne
Ity. and, at" school s.he Win belayed
like by the teacheirTan -so, o ars,
0441 meningitis,
Cond. - Dying' ilispoon on,
' .1tigitssteent by allr. 3he was tbe darling
tranee Exznjnntion,
echoel. .
"Where -she- no .longer needs
Peer protection, . • ,
no turkeys bad boon stolen from
•antl' X ilea at no time told anyone
int tkaY of my turkeys had been
iken. Nor is any other part of this
flhiCiUi invention- true- with ere.,
00 to my, finding a wallet ,and
n ,„.any manner you deem °Avis.
'lours truly, •
-711.10X4t8 HARMS,
bursda1 of last week the second
Uron coun y cenv.ene• irletiete
San church, :Mythwith ereeldent
*banal'. of Winghara,,in the ,chair.
• Delegates were ._present from, near.
,b# all the municipalities in the - conn -
,and were full of enthusiasm at
-the prospect of theettbolition of the
tar and the treating syetem.
lbe work done during the year was,
•, &nit With. The morning session was
' devoted to reports from the several
eY prieletalifiese most of which, Were
very encouraging and the prospects
right:fir an early adoptiem of the
al,Optionlaw which is now 80 poP-.
bout the world. Rev. S.
•co o1 geesa elTen
Addr614en Local Qjtion, quoting mot
ronrSirtilfirr6 l'Ariratirifferarelv -
li tbit total Option is a decided sue.
Ira rencaSiiiee; hotel aceiiiii."
_ She leaves behind an only brother,
who with iter parents have the sym-
pathy of the whole econunitnitY- An:
their Fad bereavement. The funeral
-took place on Monday afternoon to
the exeter cemetery.,
C•I( 411111.,. .P.,41.
Said the childrenup in freaVen,
"There's a dent little. girl .comietg
:home to -day;
'esatnos reit y „o y away.
From the -earth ewee-usedeto -live in,
Lets go and open the gates of pearl
Open them wide for the new little
girl ”
Said the children up in Ileaven.
"God, wanted her here, :where his lit-
tle ones meet;"
Said the children up. In I/et:amen,
"She. -wilt play with us in the (olden
street, •e
She has grown too fair; he has
ro •
She needs the sunshine, this dear lit.
tie girl.
That gilds this side of the gates
of pearl,"
Said the children tip in Heaven!,
'So the 13.111K called down from the
• angels' dome,"
Said the children up in Ilea:yen,
" ttla-clarling-anse-and-camese
Lo the placeeprepard, in thy eFath.
soap. Tbere is pone better tha
Tellet Soap; Z'Oramliok, balm
a es • filifetiflifS7OrtUr'ski.
the penetration 0 itsrefined
.4sencesi- and'
of' the
Or -Arthur. L•faratiO, p
ton Street, E. diamilion, sayot-rit!
was greatly troubled , with, pimple-
1041101;eltes-breaking out on n17
t. • •
ptitle •
910.4511assittotniSs.tbl-134ttgllavI° et,Ttivirce:40,04tectesee;:i1;141"4.fterer*424,'o':afIC4074:11:4t141ter8:eirloill.
Austr1, I3aIgIum„, Dcnnark
Malin Great Brltaln Hofland, Italy, Norway, Iwo
Sivitzeraml Ls statod on the face of each chequi; livigle 14 utile
y are ' --744urron
es and alt infortpation re
To ;peCiaIiy dietd, yet
IlviotobAtpt maine,(1.- ,-Aoting_on the
gelfilliti Or -t,, friaitril--begoirlii";1
tug Zamelluk, and was. much ,pleased
to find an improvement after •eeveral
applications. The itching •was alle‘
voted, and the intlanonotien seemed.
less. As I continued the, Zam-Duk
treatment, the pimpier llsua biotebosi
,became less sore, the' itebIng was
ented. although, the inflammation
banished In the course of a short
oft is We a. siixc cure
eitiete lat-erattone, burtuti immat
worm, . poisoned vounds, festering,
. • .
Ind-4liseases—it is ,cure ---tor
piles -Druggists And Stores every-
where sell' At Ono a bor,-tir 'post-free
from Zatte4Iteorito, On recel t
-or price '
- tr•
RoLEs GovgitiNo Kilt= 11
AGUTOOLTrAtm, SoctraT citOr
ttou'rETITIoN. •
` The Ontario Department of Agri.
• aveteeennoteneetletheendesen
regulations for the standing field oro
competition, 1900, and the • Kirktort
Agricultural Society have decided to
enter -the" competition in fall 'ii-lteat
for whielt $50 inprizes will be givir(91
14 be divided" as follows, $15, 1*, lte
8, '5. Send entriee at once to the
Secretary, A1003 Doupe, Kirktort.
To the. home my children. live in; •
e. the new little irl"
.0. P. H0171.8TOM L.
. F8°4-Mititiit'7'231ft
D. Se of Ontario and tremor
te of •Toronto__Arrdyersity,
• ver Dickson '4,110 Oarlirm's
0 cos , AutlerSojes -former
dental pariore •
./fonor graduate of T�ronto
AlrtlireralkYi. •
ownerietretitieli were awarded Prises
Sri the standing field 'competition%
tror this sheaf, exhibit the province
i,KIJKLLajllyisioljno„.Al. =1_14
a. it'...4ttipe 40'0
three diviiIone neentiOned below e• $0
the following kinds et. grain
- • "Wheat Oats, Bari
Ira rze"6 6'
Third prize 4 4 • •4 it
Voartb prize, 3 , 3 ef
JfJlth. _
*DIVISION 1. Include"Muilkoltai
'Parry Sound, naliburtort.- Nipissing•
rlat.itoulm, Algoma and other , die-
tricts, in Now -.Ontario. e •
0/VISION, 24 All coanties vast Of
York and Stencoe. •
DIVIS/ON 3.5rorkl Siraeoe and all
--countieseeiv.eateo' :ndestautherestenfett
Each sheaf tonst contain not les
than 1,000 8tem, and must be baked.
and shipped C. O. D. to thertuperin-
tendent of agrioultural .produets, Ex
hibitten Park, Toronto,- not later than
'August 20,'M1 entries for this eke
hibit must be exiled° to4. Lotekie
:vie tv the exeellent-results •
ating greater 'interest tbe pro.
o ow ng reguTretions: '
Cotatetitione _will be limited_ to one
which should be the one of most im-
portance to the farmers of the dis.
better than under !iconic, arid there
was not one fiftieth of the drinking
ere/armee. vonditioni.
and tor 11 of these etatements he
,c0 ferve proof/as to the r /accuracy.
%T. Elliott._ of:Greleritheeepolekene
• •
Conference on Local Option or -
ion, width iyas praottearand
• ut,
Two strong addresses 'were deliver.
the evening, the first by ltev.
treat from. A splendid. campaign in his
oheMe town, and Oa a former tesident
• Owen Sound, spoke, with authority'
0olicerning *4:00ditionA" there,
do more for Teinpera c and Local
:44511..1:11"tir-Utgr- tt
colintry is free from the legalited
trot traffic. •
Mr. Jos. Gibson, of IngereolL
• Mont of ,the 001440 liraneh of the
Dolneinion eloeted the Conven-
tion with no inviting eidelreett, Ile
Urged the delegates not to lose sight
of itheelaceethat thee,greatestAvotk
Cle't c re *colicientrittif
s fortes ',was the 'TOtopettttke6 wait
d thatthY 8111)(114 (414 k,ep before
theta the idea of tryirtg in every way
to Make the world better. •
wits adopted urging the
UoVerrutient to repeal threolifths
illtalse, and\ alsa one criticising the
attlwrnment for the manner in
bleb7the nraVoin-
mistiorters had . been appointed i
eettte ituton.
letter of thanks was ordered to
he :tont to Proudfoot, .
• 'Ventre Ituron, .forthe strong position
leek, on floor of the eittizie.
'Otte "togatd to\ the three-fifthe
olatise eased the Abolition ot tire bar.
them weepr
Said the children up Heaven,
• The ehadows fall and the night
ton, Parliament
before August
' .
itat. VX&(meAno,
• \APRIL goth
• e oowingieter r o -t • e
No.0. liaborne, Entrance Class; total
700, -Boy Fletcher Ea' It a itleyWoo
0 f
mark 305„ kinma nowt:sea '600 JohnOro* 430, IV. Wass mark 365.
ZeareiCattinbell Set: Earl Coward 55.3
Arnold. 'Clarke 490. Sr. third elute
I Inez Vreery 590:' Edirriva Kellett '568
Hey Goulding 454; Erie: toward 3.90.
rruit ;May Clarke 1438: •
Heywood 401. Sr. 2nd class, Gordon
Duntan; Lloyd Johns 438; e Gordon
aShburo, 496; David ereeri 6311
,.Thelittpib were all ilaccessful.in ob.
tattling the required num r of marks
&aide A. amlitOP, etcher.,
Edmonton and retn
0 ratee,to other con
-Canada. Titikets 400
a. „
teduate-Victoria--L'ete Western'
ittottSr. Oleo* att oildeneoco. • Borololoo Jar •40, days.
feabotasereelteteter. . ,
• / Mandate 'Cor net 1) Huron
R. Bright,M. and •
•S,, HortOr Graduate Toronto Uzi.
il(0047.4.., TWO, 6arso resident libidetan
Royal Ale*Sit
Hospital% eta., Mee
att. residents, Dr., *mos old 'stand r
write J. » (0tAzah
Depot. %"oronto. Oat,
I I.
O'er the earth we used to live in.
But well go and open the gates of
Ohl why do they weep for their dear
little gir10 .
-Illy with her quick e 0 angels dear,
Said the children up Heaven,
eSee,--she's coming' Look there I
Look there!
„zaasp..4,4.1*h_t_op_hogAi •
Where the veil clouds are riven;
Lor th! ,
King -at the- •ates-
of pearl,
le taking' her hand, dear tired lit.
• tle girl,
• Ha leading her into Heave/us'
- •
ttetid the pain formula On the poet
sit Pink rain Tabiets. Then ask your
Doctor-if-Aberft-is--a- better -one. Valet
IneanS k".334geStiOrit ,blood _pressure
somewhetee „Die Sheofe 'rink Pain
Tablets check bead pains, womanly
Mits. erein anywhere. Try • one, And
s6e t /or .23e. Seta by V.
ectisl AND MEXICO.:
lettery until '20th, •one -wit
eral.closs colonist tickets' will
sued by tit' trtabellrettak'ltililway
•'nteta to .the follo*rng •tioints lit:
r., jOIV rateseeeVantottvere 04:
th!,,-; $pokatie. 'Weiette Vote
Itnd, (tree Las Angeles, Ca1. San
anOseo,, eitr, et:c,
bor further, infontiation aid tickets'
4.kee .11440.74.4
censist ot not lesi, than flee acres,
. and when 'helms and potatoes are en.
,terett. the minimum ,plat must not be
less than one acre.
71irelqttans must Mode
0 whoittoatsi bariey, rye, corn
Peas! •elover, red .clover, pato-,
toes, beans or any other sample crop
,prodoc!ed for seed in Ontario. •
, be limited to ineinbers of an neerietilte
'oral eociety tend the fields entered
• t not be more- than mil
t 3
halt- b� Ammo" to uutkcentry in
only One 04octe and but one ean b
made by eiteleeetotiontiter,_ eee.
I 1. SOCIETY'S ENTUY-Stitleties tie.
tiring to enter thi e •Competitien must
notify he superintendent not later'
than the first day of nay, and Must
make not less tha ten :entries nor
, 'The societk will' charge tin,entry
' rev :outside being a Mother the
4,1INDIVIDVAL ENTitIttieeAll in-
, dividnai entries must be forwarded,
by the eeeeetaries of the emele.ties to
J. Lockle superintend* of
agricultural. , societies, Parliament
linildings, 'Toronto,. -hefore-thefirst
.4unc,: 1004. • .
able, charge competicers Aft entry fce
of not yore thaim' one dollar.
- An amelmt of tot le$J than IN511
JI1fl5t 1)0 otterkt Inizeg- ,otitb
society. be. dgvidot tt3, tonoW*t, 15
vitg. tO, N. and $5", OP the above
4001 tbe Ontario tlepttritnent
c4;dive3sticar Accounts C011oic
NiOnwr_ -
OUk*.Ma1w5trcet,reitr “"
Cerail CO.itiQfl5. fatere -nio
• • ,Ughter, /brother, or sl r
intending homesteader. .
• Atielekeetille-tateutbs, ,.-reetildetteleeteezioa,
ria oulthrittiou of the land in. twat
' three yearr. ',A- horeestetider, -mia
stead on 4 darm of at least '80 tor*
eicebriatroWelaredoistittl7cupled .toi •hiett ost
his father, mother, tion, 0.1%u/titter*
In -certain. .distrlots a,bowesteadt
itra,Cir-'rrrte setisAlotold. b
stead. Vrioa 8.
per , owe. Dutits-tt
Must reside elk mouths' tuettoh Of a
$earJ, from date of hameatead enti
ding retiii
liitity ateeVes; ePxattrertn.t)71:14 ' '1°' 41"
We know of no other medkine 'Which
cessfuI»- the suffering of - women, or sccured so
manygenuine testimonials, as has L 4ia E. rinkham'S
Vcgctable CoMpound.
almost every conirnunity you will find women who
Almost. every Woman you meet has
by it, or knows some orie who 1- t
thoratory at Lynn, Mass., are files con-
onehundrcd. usaud letters from
which. -'0i) state over
le Compound has saved
4tions. '
etable Compound
either.been benefitl
the Pinkbarn
intrig over one rP
.women sceking he
their own sign
Lydia• E. Pinkhtn's'
'any wornen from surgi
• elusiv'llry'froE. Ptitroots.,atict herbs,
I e 're4,500, why it is so sue
ellence of our Spring -"Atte
vesting., etc., fairly doom* w tb
410116$19Prolirlatenesst If you are
ood.pago or goods and the makeup
*nit of elothes. If 100 are net, rt judge
Of goods or tailoring
ill* let
g. Metdielnit M
writ to 4 3
in the£ifttnClflt stat
1XtT1UIL' AT 1
Lni,' wilt 'be o
1 t , , ti
ire .- th ti
444, flit' competition
fined to ' I 1
nee field rrop
f'nriie!1�r4 wiIi
tha following prove the e
tmtrtyir and
Whie cuuld do
hated 'hottiestond itt e'rtain dietricta„
Price433; per est* Dutiollitilk,
..tottity -sit- mouths, -in -ifeth:--t4 'Or*
rultisste tiftt sores and ereat,
0 Us*s. Herby alt Maan%
: \
fot the°yaks= -Hist-Irto- by.!
he ttit11
i ,oitelling the hoistriods
otr.hoW to maks tiletrto and
we lire up to our reputation. You
take no cbnce *hot •huyitig hoe.
,Juat £ebct ynur goode, let us take
you i*fely
entirelyt° mt. uivt_n
an I
that know our buenzrs. from A, to,
Z. We" k you not to boy your'
until you corue 1101.tt "itte
tlet, for yott,‘
0 see &if
t of these'ailments
'Ontr011itignrv s.