HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times., 1909-04-15, Page 3Anetiser PIO Marks, anci he,P.00 elasitt „ DIA7E-1ACED.14fE88. Ar 4k. letter wal novrreola bnn 414t00 tot Is ei three months. y koktOrr the name time, before a drge isat 41 1 rt• toirlaielt;make *lueve. • . Ifl ortion th,e\ ar,1? of. our reok in the w - ,iitt, •.•_ . 'go . it '; 1:: 4: , , P* ,4;itt ; .1'. h ., ,, . *: ftfld 'Wtiikt . , y‘, 4;0**,13104.04 tlie„,. .40i414,. iI t.,'.,',.. ; ”' , ' . ....,‘;‘ , „.. • ' ,` " , ' ' ' ••• ' :, • -' 7 . fIONct,:tig44---',04-inPth.i041):4514,i .reelf, aro': , . They.Ar not ',44),kt.q.thet.\.ate,, )44. th4t, ege,orhoi4lina; ebs,thrmo f,:mbil; tireti:utertoimthe. . .; -.f.t Mn ez41riOt1.1, ., 4, 6, -,, git y go,t Istones. Paul .had rio c tliedral called by his name .sfrora hi'clt to preach his ggspel to the omen. world.- 7„Vit1eir; AuguStit:e d• his. :noble -Monica landed - At " - - - „ , . ., Ite Anfl !,11 t..tho English king Cantib11iy" , 'Bom - .....-, o.,, etyi r,. lir ‘,. .,-.*:: .A.f': ,oitit'ilfam*,-or Fact 'That-i$houla ntores - .011.-..,- ..- - 1.,„,,,„.,,,,„......_........: .±-,,.._,„„,„.•_,,..„,,,,,_,,L,..,,,,,„,,,,„„,.., ....„.„..._ ......_ .. •, or: cotton , fa xi na- Lana - shire ,'-• 'i,pitteraough_thread itt.sts..sec, ' . , to -go, round tie .world;:" :cave has , lately been discover- .. : ,. New Zealand which is larger, - -- _ - - . ,. ; , . ti.11.....1 1/4.- r . . and wealth 'than Men, d* • ' tt 1' 0 . We leave the Ivor machi litry,,wheit--Wo-ought-to-40;:it-o selves. All 'your machinery need8. intelligent people to work it. 1.0to we still go on discussi g "methods" tturc workor so "VII nderlyinicaisuraption„is. :is one particular specific, all lint infallible. "method" which, if we, could only discover it, would 4o the work , - - This is preposterous. There are just as many ractimxis as there are men and women. There are as many good methods as there' are an women and good men worthless people. , olonies-are •Ave----tiza -...., - - as herself, those of Prange eitiliteen times and Britain's' , , * • --nirelty.seven times. ' . • At, the Strozli -palace in ,Rorne *-,, 'there'itt it.:boalt- made of Marble, the eaves being of marvellous thin- , . . „ ,... - . ' • In rain there are no 'distiller-, . . . „ t-• -4,.-_,-;-,.--,,,• tri , 2, ,i..7,,.,,..,,, .. . . is.4, ..,1,4p . ,,,..$1.0. --,....,..ti , o win , 3.' 1 .*' • ca its beverage' . - ,,---,,, ‘,..,,,,.....,,,,.Thefros -"..terce--which-inerati-oner • *4:1441 441,01rlarrig,-. -wmiznyekiegpro o " tight -tons on A _railway or thirty -pro tons on, a canal. but )improved men and women are better, and -tho soul of improvc- ment i the- irnprovenient f. the son]. Are you a hetttr..inan t kinder to .those ,about you;fairer i1-,,v4rttr,4 t 14)' in btsin, ,more r the claims of good citizenship, moro t o out to your way, take troubles , ,. ow Ion 4fougiienten r ‘ , ,, it; when at last. pt . -ti 0 jet; there la ,. .then ari stilt meat* b . 'twice tv week3 04 4 1\.) Of 0114 .(Ptir OU oko on •ea h tin. The res4\of the i , ' 0„,.°Por* • •";-•,arrd• dayISa pin of , - THE ANV.41111,, IVIIEEldritOrl.SE/ he fate of the hard labor min: The".bouso"-' has- four*lieelet each wheel divided- into 'COrnpartraentSt BO that, no vonviot can talk to or zthnutes conduct,�d"and, or work".. pays.'in .„. .waqt "arelevor, 'llandy:. man,IIUIY et, the grtest oovote • . job :of cook o e1eer, or .even ,4f lard- ;btgest rise of risone'rs.• The puniehment which :0 -Yen 'the toughest convict dread:S. 'is a "bashing." •Thirty -ix lashes may be given, and few inen can:. keep-COnstiousniss,,;,beYond twenty -4., 'four. The puoi.sinnent over, the b • with - Bait atcr, anf 'iake ber 1inn, as well ots: ei ingot 'with '1* rawlegraw I esigned for her, 9000 FOOD,)3:EST 3.4 )4$,' The guestou1:7:rot • full' .blo-,...„ • 'effects'of •eonceit, good,fe wiftea m201(.4 $04444".•.. it. :-..„.pnffy..face, he caBt thc pale, frail perSestalit4,- of his littlo wife-tp.iito inbo the, back- grmzn1.,.10...,,betki tipt3;4100pkhad 1k 1 nionitlist*to, all 'vermin* *�ett.1 by' the Autos:A* Stages of 'throat and o*islkurs to tiks Io1c1 atonce .w • ItN Ze413tuf $4°11'°. '444 ;74' t 4$ not /or , but Ittrxttroctions-tributary to, tad that" .restitt in oat disease. It ,6m.,,bittei *II ills bag itselieg virtues of the Norway pine tilts with other absorboi,t, expectorant end "to ? ty4 44 0 V $ • e MOOPr. Niv vkiiiiinuedelLeocrit.1:_urstazi,7tt - fourth time. Try lhaeftnr.eitr psuatE.e0Anne: diTeliAt,TErtorfr' Csloosel gain r to bratbe t 0„YAL.EDITOBIAL OFV1,(1`,ES#44 4vue ; _ittet$1,4 )I • vporr-thrstrpine Oven goal* )0)1 lg. t:44. rr. breakfast in The niachinerY cannot he warked of bait 4 pound of et whole Ineal'breati if fie ils' noioy, he: is shut up in jo: ofitteost"Jrnthwelgthrohn,pin14,'s tsiltryniw4idokttdbe ,lila:1110jesti is a Creat Newsp4per ' — u(1--,worae ..pint ..tit' '' rueL There ,,noliw. ,,cd. . . ,_4401* Tilt ,, ,ii, ,.__!.._vo, loor 14::0,_ix ,.,v _,I, _,,. . i , Reaaer. , The ,.- ,-,..,,,,_,-. * - ...,_ 0r-11-0,0 proof --- - • IT'srlIgir'311--:'-.4 - Ti_,- - lta . , •, t imes -- - - -- ----- - 'ii barl',00-9'14,ST-±-.1-3L - 0 machinerytoo s an --instanCIT67-71iiiii -dark„,.. .;-----'-'••---7.!---- ----------;-•,---, ett.-Ailt.ititilaW, tir*talpin,-Intotit* : - ,,„st--,R-.,f,„b„1.-...are., _asrampt. is to prOduce wore laisaiiifa-loa volt- lotetrivmmiteraway.-404,,,,,,...,4Air.din the liat Ot. severe pitnish- , nice,yound, complaoent-body,Tlmt -ninitifidiainiCINifies'irxing -&-t:"•”' , s --ft women. All Preachingt all,praying* the next step serapes the -5)&4 from well'rg°11iiii4116 NVe4inft 01 irons.' fel '0- tifliii 1.15,, a 04i4.,t19.f."Aberec•iiratt. wank- but it.--As-,--not gencrill -,--• --‘,. 2,- 4 'worship eemes to this, Qhurettekt the $100, &non wonder that "two I:017844a evenrnan: ff tbathe,us t eat,pet, 'Li ea :Fe, f0 andr eit,,,v-etirooA.,n4tlityaownigtnh !thionlo,,theehaptil kin,°°ewauchtheaft ttlileereitisyti4rePeydtenineenet . ,•,: ' organizationt, theelogi,es are ever- year:is' bard*, ill n, sentence virtilellget a little 1214:00 de-141'in her and which approkiniates to the news-, - ', ' keep our fluidic clean awl our twhiethwrTrrietrairrd6364-4 "°!inctittl lb°. kti,,°4 m4ixen. inta°anrteb,4v7onndtnr(linlly3:rba!rseelyPnurlecu4cht: 4 litt1644$$ Patio:10 'that Man rt";'m of the daily paper. Rare lastingly valuable irtho, help us to hearts pure, if they assist us to 4 .4, it:tatter of tact almosb 'Amy sary. . Th dread f be degraded Might get what lie-A-eserveit. nOw$PaPer itemil, from 1,he„ great istbe, best weapon against tho con"- " *-- 'servitude to two of hardlabor. The Wli t' th ' t Why, journals of the worlda' ti them profor jive years porta irmn his class .to tbe One ". GOOD r7gIoirs vavg: - eu- f hies a ins, terre k ' • ienL acrvitudc is hardlyliixonous, but better than that label; ue,:chance losing " OVA tOWIII and he does not h f do justly Anil love mercy Vat nimbi before all that we can know by newspaper roeu, say, for, reports ef news dealing with the higher iphres foreigrudflars,„- ;,..:,othisett*Ottelkitike74-r-",4'1 n tiara of. interest to the Xing and his is the other, h4103;"the 1."9"trit:11114:1h. -11.0:1:13:,liltall-g4gef:78,1*1:1.-11::: 111.8;!labt°0(141; Me. sponsible advisers• " h I -is better cowir u itc„ bathed titodirivit 14 the wor14,--, Urea' - _ 1, ees• to_ spend INlien on a special journey, his new,. - • - - - d Seen-vominandeil his alregiane'e. '101-t"aci* 'But t trilCr,; "- .;,, same by law, yet thre is rent • It was promise Of ultimate vie- than' the, bard labor sr1b. .0.,0011"'. choice in 010 matter of prisons., amrs • ttg 40 40# t e as so • -Ihey hear fP0m, earth, being some- , .4.14 L/388014 'losing side. Anil Christ hi .of piolasses,;. fol510$ '01021 At an elevation of four es. . Arm 0 inill-owipArs to tasty naes. ,exe for future re orences. King • . , or there they say, a ma can -wife pretends the furnacei is bro. s saloon carriage for his ,peratal ' had promised him (Acts VII 1.6.-18), aThere is , meat on thice,, oays a live vithout Wag lunar. y But ken when she knows that it is sin- and the morning new finds no ParticularlY the former. The keen oep, a furnace Are and she and 40, anidn trheefeltreonlyels•waorrek-rcoaermeisidcirkyttoire. , . -* nets)) e Part •in the coxiqtiest Of the' week --beef tivicer ttori once-- fiVe "Portland and Priaetovin none like ' because 6116 affortl to more omnivorous reader. , • . spurs is world to Christianity*, that he, blind ounces' each time, and* is boiled AV' bi," WAS, $401114 4`epen men's, with' onions and vegetables. A ,-sea air gives the • convicts SA ap- children live in the kitchen to save ro:light,,,---it.wir a -terrible thiet,,, rovinoe, „ ,pe w en? food is never fuel all winter served ro speeial books, 411,4. d d A. bridal wreath in England is $ 2. Converted to Christian Testi. Y• that 48 done Y pacSerhe'wv: tat 7:tielicosink:i Tigdidlor hairma:',011)1ru.---(iffieslifeosbeetti ire*, •/;41tIring the gut kears* ' Text Aets 9: 4. usually 0ornpoied of orange Nos- I. What Paul Was Converted mini (vs. 10,15,-20). What f-l-iseiPlo being made of beef, •pearl barleY: 2zeivttsv,ie!A fr" "toms; Germany uses myrtle, from -Verses 1, 2. Why does the. was sent to help Saul ngtme and onions.yhere is'cOcoa for sup- from the hest tailor. in town -and aiser, at'Potsdarn, ,run them, very 4tagens. on2_orte,„**4 _another_ha Les on 111. The1.30. Go1dn COnirersion eyes, and turn them from darknesepound of potatecs-is the dinner al.." etc • ki ,th, • -• lo i days struggle. SOUP IS et*601) ally as the work there is per aps • t itaiy • vfluto roses, Spain red rose?, steeount of Saults persecuting be- Wit8 Ananias. 4 in g00(1. to. have per, of the very same quality as ;she exenses because his -,b 017.0eeto vine -leaves; and Bohemia gin with "but" ("and" in a:“ho,r. some one to redeem that name. that which ht, *erved thenivy, • , OP ND 'AT 1AST.. newt standing -demands A certain -ilow.a.clays, 'however, every ood appearance:, Be spends wore' Court has, AO intelligence depart - to 't. w rds (Acts 22 12) t Yrrb meal bread i* well ired versiori)1 To contrast it wt au sa ra e whole • topagating--wiTrk-.--of7Pitir t-he-w-atlit,devon , - • or-Lablei,a010-iumatzte' , usPlesqlba. And lvtirtt*Vitx--usecil---heid--1ELL-high---111 the -.7tea u.,tlint, men„,. re. Sontvit„„: . for fo. f 11W or erse. If and the chil• err,: nit---yrrter,7idle-workitcrf represent -A 171L goes back --tre--ti.T 01--PalnatOUlf 213 -11414-4( itaisnitt 74Srift:thii thelifiatrical OttitatiLATIfirittillitlitifAr r duties.. provide plenty of work for ortbnestmgerv-.azittAtluitAncin, hers of the confidential • • 4 1 br 1 Y she does 1 tasimatt,thraian_psofsIssion4,_ gorcavet fie was tiostb, • • he 01 -su c ot e t ierrn. es littiya-imr-ismp-hsyed :tune u04154ukei ITTSA goLandlti that_couaap al to C° n MI° iq waists are andy, . • , 71"c1°_1(,11°1/- --_-,--„----.----_,---17-_---:. 'fi-"AStlalfr - Altreta Inn latt,, le). ortowThrurt-tos _ untry1/4„--,_-__. , t, for, t_To_r_)!y, .1),, - ' - ja-- in "lia- --4,ny44yievti-_----Paul---16,*rersel ' ' •-_l_ZO/r.V.erittaffer4--#14 -,', ” - ' - - ' .' ii-cliti 13 $41.1i'the fall $0.100: o r nen r P -171--(4-:- :(21-et-s-n/i-tv1)----Paint-----2ca faw---1- -P-1‘.. i'k''' itt'it.125-'1. 29, 7 4PY: -7./..,V1111/-t*.e.r , or the -treadwlicil. lien ahie Ptit:‘ - -vd..eyfile-r- money. Who , mo cy irl;tawn"-Yt'ee,T'raainenatnYiai al, -garall'Aure. o'f this persecution, Nvhich strange rnotive_for following him - -tradesr-dailoring_ „and a oemaking content? , irtsist that; she put up some fruit IfighTSteppers,. 42-ot-eratilied-by-Fran-. CrAnolrtfre • , litory.•of .H-trit-jellmwrldtartr-- fort' them. ---They ' tio-business-of-_411.0114010, ,,,itaPairick„in-foartoeni.,dayst. ,roore...than„.Stephert,,and• i which fot- as to Suffer anY *no fort * 41, e 44, tO "mon A ' I iho' tir pal -Dartmoor vue Aar, orsiart-t-yaidi....—.....Wirr ca ,o-. op-ic.aris ton,. ,„ • Will be roar -ilea lowed the :fleeing RlisciPIes farbethe„.eake of Christ (V; 10). -Theie . _ , re serious rivile et: youtA .and Pr011igate tiatrAt parties and she does plan the, Asti largely in the manufacture of " nrcest ainac , • ( delt4 person, ,vorsos,"3.7; :abr. was peui journey- g jf his life, It is to A . *et on arriving is pl,aced ir ,a0(1„ f course, it is...a,11 done .under the "therj entirely cleiing the, ‘eyes ; ' and 4theY, if theY iPlease; ramY .Pnt .ingir Perhaps On 11Orgebnek, (tho $.,rotlyty daysit of v., 2.3) that we the-eprobationiir$-0-Vatia.. ' can I 434Ve fl(ittsix in$ put pretence that .sinet She dOes-thess the horse, and the glastes,nsed arin wbich the e death in the manic- manntr usually_reprpsented aintersi_gr t. grktitt—thte-vrtdt.,01.41,rfo- feehled-like.„-ariAtki;rutik,",s.,AtiLin,y.,,olut„else ex-- round seems to the liorte to b the retirement into earel eight inarks. A 4.10, if he has in -riotnn4 SY frame- In en- things to rauch better tlian any- deep concave And 'large, in kize. ' • tutik.4, 4ss, oe.Touhri accord: „is,, hosed„thrit_yeatt..... , le_gets into the! third ,ei*Le Mind 4:1.-serdered with reineree**44 ist unless' 'sherhilped ;Ail- out, Is mor or !Tenon WIts* Gn a camel,. accor irw 1anan Ara,bia 111611 Ione in . • ation from his family. isolation au eve4 n2QneY$ s In .%bys8inia it is tb law that ino. , the murderer be turned over to VI. Plow Paul was Converted.- from his friends the entire recast. good -behavior $04 h"d1115rk, •pund,,sent .for a famous Persian to the decoration and place cards. ping. They'are made of stiff naturalat asserts that if the, ing ,Felten. After a journey of th rtk birelss man conkl not, five or days, he was near title ttps--7,withiat=siglitirld he ,prays and poisons the beautiful etty. A.. . , 41.4.'ttilt:-. .to keep - 0 aboitt noon : ,. IV ' every , (6), artilJlii- .astern noon pt, A f ca se'ent a Intn 11*It it); ceedinglY" bright.; nevertheless, : •, mile away if the ,wind be /blowing ,, there fell about Saul a light from in tile animal's direction.- A monso , heaven that was brighter than the loar$t one full year and parts tweothers-.. - dwelling (vs. 1140), How ,did Ana - imply -eh the pride of he is' going 1.1Phil or lifts tsteP horror 'Cain you e‘p met • the pay .2s . thtil bas bia4t 14teirigt °n "The Persian. physieign• looking that courageous little mitt would over solve obstacle, This system 0."°11114.11.0144I'virite grively•sit the paht satrap:answer- Lrealc your heart • of spectiele generally adopted - 1. _., , .s.„. .. .. ing_is handsuntie' . . ling him lira sitirrir altn, o , his admission, into the Christian the end I the seCend Year 1)rotlierllOodo and, tellin him that, he has sueceeded in earning f.' i*Or the same Jesus that ,lia A Pear mark. he PaMels into th0 geom.' ed * ' Witi*-11(11- 444LI 47 44.4 47 "'at*Yhave but one)). ao rtr'r "1)°°11: r.811.4°1131'" efteet, <nia hie ste all41 aetiOn -flin the, Avalt-to -hint had -sent iinself, ,Aeltss,„ distinguished Nt_yellow_ t., smell cheese .60,feet 'away. A ='stit-i actii,..24; tor snd ,ia, the., inwst r may h0 *,,94111ifl'Itile°P and 4 -et of it he saw the, giOrified figure of that Saul might receive his sighttings,.• He may now send and get ,;_. 4 - ., '..- ,..f .,2„.._ t, ,.. ,., and be filled with the Holy Ghost,. .otte ;letter every four Months, and will catch-ttie 'Went ef a perst,tiv.jeAus (vs 11.27) '144*-teet'-ciff:-T±'2'--- ---f- ''- - - zivlearr•ratt, 1 --lritr-emlvettra. TWIX:gred,t7gitts.----1",;tlielitextett-fu'th0 - etivl! ree2risits' * litrtheleW , ,..r._ . .- ' ' ---offi.. 8,301: at least. five results physitta and the, spirituril'reitlins. 4 'ratilt4 ttillv &Sian are indieat4:111 IV. Save we • Experlin This thegt vertes, which may best be tireat Tritrisfotcination? That, is studied from, this point `of view. I. eoriverted te owliness (vs, 8 t „ How is, that shown 13y * tifidi14:46ilifivied-.--------Th-er, with aid, qiite 'et their - h --efeltoirA,..- er-- .,... ,t -, . . , , ; e "thii' 01$04-t0 exchatigo' shir k. 'But, some wen 'aitiret.' with you, and you Will straightwaY seem to mind Witch things, exactly. he th*Opg and haPPY again.' : ' They stre. too lazy and, careless to Akin* as iille-short is -now suggeste4.1 that the sight. of all horses should be tested, like • "The satrap set out upon his, 1ce1stputinisti over: a pirt. Isek9f that of children:, searc-s.. lie travellramany_monthilprinciple-Oit Mottar-in-1a4 in vain. But last he iteard of only one who 'won't* 'Pretend' for eleiliant works from the it scrolibler who W" mad to abto. them. She visits them once A year of twelvekto the age', of eighty.. titer eirtitente,d- *it he won't catr-hantAfifteeir-tonsi--lift-st--11 erTitraii Act last to- the I give her daughter inuett because she 'ton,, and tarry three tons, cobbler's door. The house was hat iwys encourages the husband to hovet„. and ,st hoard Iztefore it give even less to the home\ P the cobbler lay **lett). Awaking tow people mistuider. on , 44:Cotitr-SW'. • . .._,. 1. rnin, _..... CO [1, It , him, the satrap asked if it were 4 ttiod, They ' pity Win f o' having . 'thief eta -6 of lb, hist is the sots. , I the question for us as we closktIna lesson. .. , . ' 'N • ra,6, tnat, no:_wits, oats corittirtoch i A, 16,,ife, 16o. lc to. dull 810), doe$ttft tri 11014014.4.*140:11t tht itiateyal. , reps -140: ,,, • and the cobbler, Itith a laugh* .410*•.eitre tog° round -with hint arid Ila -V witionene: the uve, ime,004 dotood..., . --ittplie*Auntiti . , -: - DMtriEPIUJmethingielso. ela"r6itiv.elllina:-titiirge- $ftEriip, '01, have' iii the 'kitchen to save wor , it t*,podubj:1°, d4414 elq. 16.1s,tuttili**t ti4):Pliiiitnii,6 '' goc4 itqles 'and' Atli° air Ilvg t*'*14th4ned Sea is inAnttetted by tte Imo / . rote or nes I vrat* taus } been .e loud, an4 '44" len te opene,( t le 1. - 1 0111)105 f II wins oti. k . . . . tut 01. kid !*1 tliiit you Will exchange Shirts' Awl never .)-,,ntikes an effort, to, keep tositiorisstkow entn ' xi , tillqW tyeitt: • t a il O. 0 , *Or Wilitt'littratet. * 11,,qt4krt .. , . „ „ , ___, I ' 1'44 ila*kitrt4 111**1 :trd I e ' perceived to h • ho ''. ' 1 * * ' • 4 ' " • 0-tiogs, Mt tx** wooetirit *V ' ' ail' I , . .., /14 ...1.1,0,4 njestis <0'nd ce;operattert wtto other;•,:lutlitioliirtneotitedbot•. k „tho' ittek, ,, lot ,•,irtiattilt iraes.tslidorittrilatinsi 6V:us: sPtor*o*Itii, h\is love by .keeptrig, her geed, looks. so, "0110,110.,4 / 3/14,1,41:!.C1 t ' . g r "Th'ilk of it he is attuallv piti borno 140-3.0.% 4",..tr *wow*, woo 4,- ettstottawtsalttatttsousresttrit •. eliet• lie *WAS 1.11114{1 , "' ' """"--*""k".".""""":44-- li 4 4 - - (*) .1 ' ' . 1 IA - ''' *rtj" 444 t'th°d (v* ihtt'lla8e-tur;neil (11 Ittlut tzhe 43146 nuaI es".4 "i boon to atlk la your ‘handW.. to careless the irstirs'shabbrelot s *stool ovitipetion*trut er ex)* N.B, - iron #0,t110 hot tothtltor sokyo Iriftit***, NB 70. -before l'oe4-114*-1. oSso --h[4a i'd(to (inttileetnal and spitituni)to wh k " * * riRtiaus;r° row vto oppo-g *sr warnings c eatArt of the eioentels, ett. 1/411*-*rat*.thilelltk*'#411"4 t""ttilittit NVI1*t WAS tlto antward gga titiort,to the bpidest 6:14; sad di,Sposit'l ot 4101.•ote* *ttd\• eflutented -4/113**, • when 'the whole situation is r Gernlifikfrit soy t'ittet' "nut tho'Neohnlet 'shook Ins head. his., own sellisimess..$1 fit/ meritioetta kp. • , t:1,14:41*141.4m5free 00401theT°°11I,:i4A.00.drjv6 iAew, loWli1104-8 1114-t h.° 4;11 Tweriatetit; tegtimettY. for '.,"t111,1' • , , ..'4444114,0 rtMii0iiii:fif."?0,447i,ii **ill iiii-4-iii-.4-4-67.: Illt IOW fi'.7., two... ..tibtrfet. $11 wooritt . , illoorort attrt•:::44.1•;.. • 40416.1 or. otv* Ito$14*-. : ... • :' '' ,filf. bosot ' ! ' ,, bor, 4' ' - 0 4.:.' z A "4*.M. . .4*.41' ' ' ''*:;.114:1S%:'''1.1Ii: ' .„, , .., :„• . 111t0, - .411111,teilS. , ,iliat:a • , * -„, _. IA\ it<tt 5,),, ,o..,•'Ar tir4 III' vilit''' 1144:2:7#1I'L 2,-.2.-411.41,1.11c4t.L ' :- .•- non.7.7,a . 1:71 ' ' - .•- -- .4;-.7 ...,. _ -, , '1‘111Attiliiried.11 - . '" * -* )'',. tititi#Sg `4"4 werldly widen, to -the , . • .., ia Trios . How 'did Ito •spenitiAlt newt thr'to, failing guidance of 'the ,I101Y,i. ' , ..44,600, itriatli; Arif,114,,,,,$,, w i, til 1:i"."1:711).117..4:bi.i,,Atittilt,„„qt,qc:9t-tt,Abt"1,,,i,ivioit4(114,r,(41 vor.tr6rin,,,l'Itoth„'°,..,_ _itielln,14'14111:1111.b.°Istit''•,,,Xiitlast:t4i:Ify°4,,,P:414:040.d%Ittiulthh„;ritnnsksit' fit°44'-altroriis. it,motter, - Ek Zoiird t'ailit'Af tc-71,7iiiiiiti:': streigth to the Spitrit„ e t ,.* of); , II_ , "NSIat dki. hie rimv* situation ia-lt tuvrdijs _is made by everyt,true 'con, ,I1V4 ilik",:tit;‘,74.1aisjor.4,7;IIA ,ii. i -to sicid.ed to v,,:tkAt ile'li, ctrt. . - , __L, , , -,..:,,...,.. .,,,443 1st sort 4 ijoititioicti-„,. I .toit ,iitt.),Av Pleaily .1..00;.Y. , 14.•350. '00 tart.at „. , . ,-..„ , • .., ,..,...,_ 't !"'..... .... '„ ,,, : Ligotri-lrovic iii,4141 al imotic-vot..**11**44t- . ' , • limulal*V01464;tdoentt 1**,0%1140 41 wij ,. *tr3Itt,'.111.1111:1C3t4t*II:Pa,idlos:Isztlilis'Af '4(il'ilrolrrtiian.n. ' tor * few dot lets woeld iklitotretotit. 'ittitaee u tr.,.).1v44*,, tt-1.0 st4r,rqnstte,i' Lt ", . , , nil -t-tierr . t.,.. :,.. - : -: • tl. try Doss's Nidtbe ' ' a . sr/ • 0 • request* yout ; life n /sten- r"4.- a ' 11a4 T - °"14'''`"tt Vita' l'' , It k ettimat 'blet ttt Ifilik Xititt°', POThe tit tvar,,,Plig. At the r*,to iot 14 " ,pe),:sef,..,,itietta that he batil beein. I,„ t 114 6* fret per srootst, 1 , , %r t 1 , , \ t It e trap cried. 4Jwillpay, You, *Ay, UI that, cIL inay none. ' tz r ek nct, your gold, yonth.' ,ai-1 the eitIrtbret,f,- h- - --- • :'„',111hottit twrittitaht ft, hay* „ 44.444440440414040,4404,044,, On &to averatte, LA() liv''are 10'4 It(,t rlJbbCTB. Altis ntik 'parts:, the. people art ,. Afraid '6.";.$"titirktit ariftlit,,;117-torlittelt7-itt is certain that thieves wilt itio '.ter and rob the phitte.4' ,Ateording. tlY tome. or* others sleet) " The "folloWittor is *'•:"-ftitrer •.00 r11,00110014. by., Areseirt 'England" arid 'Walet „ UVItitt 0**0141111tt* Tr40:...1t.4100;Oglo!iirtitOt *Ph t • 4 1,;1110 UI4, trtoRIA rd* tel4'y3114, iri*** itSteteS * /Ili' .,„hi44.3* 611: 'itttoot-44tiiiito tor4'sfslefii it nal hhcoringr14�14Pt 4!j -.t S'Or Ow' Jsw his 1404,11 , 13‘4.beri* Ct. ' • -