HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times., 1909-04-15, Page 1-
• 'II
,,.,tr4.4444.—••:"bOaCI,OVINfor,,Orzte0v74,,,, 011:4 ,•-,,,eityA444.,,t,ptnuR714f,('
• •
"iIe votiig ot ho-bIato bOnoRailway o
tr410, .
*took platio. on Manila, in the
towatibips of Rittashard..ttoti !Job rne.
Inribortie the 1)-$.1aw woe carried by,
Vote 0.210 to -1,07* while ln
deltre-titedibY- 1 ."7714.
inicterstati4' the ity-fit; will
Atubrattted in Blanzhard *gain -at an.
early Att.tt 4 no arrangements von .bo
• made to have tt oubMittietii
'the Exeter Tate ,parers at the semeK-
. ..,,,.. ,..
t'141.1144'Ot:.11,tiat ,voifiti. :,,
4 '` .1.r.'tklieMetQllay i 'OM,, fa all ifeitiliiy«. .. - ..... . s ,. '.`, .0\' li.nat. I. iti4.,,,,)341111:03H,:b_iii.,t,:. .
Ito\ a ,girt _. - ,. ' -.- ' '. ' ,,' , ., .' \," ' '.. ' \'' .' • • '. -'' i -.1J0..56 iiitOrt '
\,' Vito ,ortortortikti are. bit\UY these: dais , . ,
eloeolttch,- ' .` • :•'If •' ' - ' * '
.4 —Whii(1"irr li:x.ig last week: ' r, 'Dan, '
0,4wvz„ sprainod 40)cie a14,1 is on. W. J. • is, now\ charge of Etkis Apt* tp, At 4
, able to werk, , _ ,
ed a Bell organ froto Mr. P. AlcIsaac,
0t Ditslmosak . '
Er..''8;+'-$Weit*ervitrY.prellftrintk.',--,-..- I*
, \ ,pa y• loin for Ms spring solving..
.0. Atr;r4rto.\13ouratrarten sprrdned his
wipe while jemping one day last
Stripes Checks in
all the leading colors.
There is no 'better place to
. buy your New Spring Dress
'than right bore.
Arcever Mud' in, e t
fact they are ead.,
We are fortunate hello
a spiendid-seitittion-treitli t
popular shades. Blue, pink,
-rXil-O-e-breVirilitrISTalid 25e,
yd. Plaiu-whtte-for 80, 85, 40
50c yard . •
• 27
- -
very swell. Every lady„
will be wearing them this
• year. Our \showing is, the
betin Illackk, White, Oream
and &lira with trimmings to
-match. " Prices -from 85e.- to
$1.15 per yd.
superb showing. of new
Whitewear. A.11 the New
and Dainty Novelties in
White 'Waldo« Skirt, Corset
Covers, Night •Gowns and
Drawers at -very- -moderate
I:- tri WituomiTifitgrtrair " -Met
--Oar-Mllibaera-are•-varr -itatAY 0.4.4 e.it-Peeb tc)**-Oew,la
through the season. Leave_yottit order early fa your
they-will„nom, !fluky+
iv. • it0 - .41
4. • 22 :
53 f pri
c0lultY-0 iturliainot.-teCaV ng 1113 .40,.41,ase_46 dale, _Welsh 415; Ella,
ory' education at e.Grammer school .d-cirfes 380; \EMU 359. 11.
ti,e'!"1.4,ealP himself --.or the J1.1),',;m4kaiz.chunildt 9,
-7Plattsville, where -
clot*. °
Ite-osrow T. .1kteCaute sznd 8. J.
-6.0EGolit.'40reitOr were in London on tusines$
ents on r Newcastle, Worth 394 'Clatten Gould 315.
in 1.804*-11e-otht:en e 'Toronto:Nor-4 r‘i4.14.-NArage.
— -Qa9,01010.41S4,0=-----, rtWielteolte, her -
, The .regular monthly meeting WAS a schoiai-Ot'inoutual ability, breadth Following is the report of the stand-
hehl in the Town 1iIl, April 5th, Abr. of mind and derith of reasoningand log of the pupils of 'S. 8. No. 4 Step.
scut, V- W. Gioduise and the \!obair-, from which he obtained both his non- bon for the month of Afttrelt. Names
.man. The fellowing..is the order of professional and: riprofessional firiit are in ..order merit. ilarrY
buly s
siness duh and apprev. CLOS, certificates. - Schwartz, Arva Brolrepshire, "tLerne
, Per I. E. Itusten-Anit T.ilf.--Car- Por four -years c -was-priocipal 4/orltiok, Alvin Cornish, • Willio
-Ling Tat S. Martin take the their.
m c
Committees, Bepairs, thoit the gpog
Ver e air that minutes of prevklu
eetin b g e onfi _rake4 Re port
s -Of
,..10.0 warle.progpssing SatIefactory;-
' 14,0bool'attendance 101« illters)10 di.Y
,Vhe Men.and-itays utillibeltioke4 after title Spring, We have •
made epeclal effort to supply their wants.
:NOW ;$Pripti SUltina$
&what ettlitioi4oirealowi sityir„blev
•vor e , rig AL.!.
tOrettintitLet _ Greene,.
'Brown also of:Etude
•I Just arrived tho Orr. tbrev6,
est neckwear. Vire keep:right
U1! with the One& Hams ou
wen the -new striPed?
. House Furnishings
This Is a very important factor with the him, housewife •
Wit now, Itouse4cleaning is the order of the day -and. you will
nd As headquarters for Carpets Rugs, Lace Curtains, Madras
.Zkihritry-noirnrt--to7,the-ntintnxunrrr AP.47
priuc.ipafly. in Greek 'forMer,
cation of 'an annual Prasbeetea aeSir•P
able. Per U. 'instep, and tr„ WOOd
that the principal be a committee to
keep UP the Continuation' class re.
qUiroments to .the ininiknuin _Atand..
utd, :Ver Carlin't 'nod Wood
-that IL_ flIttStort and fit. Martin tt,-.1 the.,
roatfrs tdekgatiott to, the iltaater 0
pliances natisfac0:
preferable in second arm; mart viable
the Blackwood* Public. Behoel, retiring Schwartz,. ilerbie *Kraft. Clinton
for two years on Account of Proven, Vlarence Aiiiher. Otto. Brown,
in TAtcon, Again Attauling the teach.. Gordon tornish_. Jr. • ITT. Emerson
lug profession at/ Fairfield. Two ItoesSlet, Illa Eilber. -Lavine Smith«
f omit:
1.)ublic SchOol, w h position be held Schwartz, Ertleraeo Wein.Jr.
for '14 years, amino' which tirtie.' he • 'Oarrie'llehreeder, Adelitte'Viroin, Olive
;drove t0:*bold'before
.fassiutonts-the,,,big*Idealswhichniake. .11=111' 'Preszcaffert Mary Wilds. Pt.
for true manhood and woroanhainr.
Ins constant aim was stric an co
514e4 tive"d-ditt-71-4
by deep and careful Judgment,'
In educational circles, he was pre-.
minent throughout Westertr Ontario
being' tottered with appointments on
Ilt.C.JCounty Board of 'Examiners for
Model 'Schools, and also on the Pro--
'vincial-Board of Examiners- for 2x1d.
ctoss teachers' -oerti'fkates at Toronte.
Ventitirt,„ttf,.•.the,--,Orttatio,*--'114ticationat- account•': of It altItt Yet' he
A !Moen:awn. 'Pot. -0 0 .
Deo, 1889, though. :AO rata.
'T. Carling'. and: ed whatever' tentiod towards
Samson - Brand' Port anici • Cetria
For Walla, Silos, -Floors and Nitalke. Prices are very low
°Twins Ideal. Feric‘ing, a11 0, 83c
.8 wires Ideal Fencing,,J1.11 No. 9 85c
Varnish Sta.! A„,
Ready_Mlied Paint-fteiiiwor
Wall keimiLbefion_covii_50c per
Varnish Stikine 15,
ott Wier tins'
Wyandotte Cleaner and Cleanser 2sc pkge.
Do not fait to call and !inquire foy*our itzge
, ,77,1 *,*
F. Woodthat the prinelpars report roi
read be accepted. Per V. Wood, and
11. Iittliton that -the groundsand sani-
tary eommittee be eutpowered to
enrry out sitch improvements to the
advancement In civic, municipal, pol-
itical and eauuttleSsl. , intecestt
Though td,Or rOnsenting° OCPUPY
public positions In the town to which
has live(' for 03 yea,ret\yet hy his
ginterest he was an influence ,
Following is the, result, of the Pro
Motion \Examinations -held in
'Nos Usberste-April'Utentl-ant14,thi
together with a test ..examinatlen
of 4th, class for March. Names in
order of me-rit with percentages,
Sr. 1V.John Strang 92, Laura llarvey
.,,4,A9eorge Illatchfortl 85, James
oti gall 83, VeeWlIewo. '81;"-GOrtoa-
Oke O. Tena .Dougall 77, aosena
Down 09, Archie nowcliffe 55.
Promotiont---frOm Sr. III. to Jr.
1V4. Earl Dell 038, Bey White 625. s
From Jr. to Sr. g_14,\ Willie St;o4114'
frontage of the school ,-grourttls as enet
1. 0 per square, with an absolute guarantee that
the are both wind and
ering slireiri va ue
Halters, Stable Browns and Shovels,
e s, Lanterns Etc.
032 Hazel Down 021, Elva Harvey 693 •
theY may deent best and turther.t for commercial progress, at the time cattilVlif14.4521=131421tivtat‘n*It
..they.....Protatat-o-repert--rtt--thr 0 litiratilltArDifitirrifill Ilarris 655 hilossie Nell IF
regular,,me.eting_ot_the improvementa neeted-with Exeter 10Annin Coin' .114,,tviay„xeil.,48(Lfleorga-Moir...A40,,
Alestrable-the-sehooi-rampus.' n—tranTro igek 440, Gladys lifoir 406.
44,1 1 ekt r:
411-ilirMe7it 542 - Ma-r'k tiiinfir-5ICE1ira
0 -eace-am '' . - or, --
ant-thingsktaltquatso?' n -Wei
cumiomer Ntrolve protultol you satittfactior
Our best ade are sas11e customer2, mo he r o
--While the SOW Nytts--lore-e-tratinot-to--tityattdott ,00tive .„.•
qf . JQh1yooLx1ta.pIiingo.
-4/iiii41;16 Tait -Bunday, he -fell to the
ter, was 'called and ,ge
The little chap will b coulpetted to
arri--14s- irrin iu n."S• time•t.
Nina .1/eiv 420, •Prein.
In polities he -was always a oral IC aly Iffittlorc sT
umknt,•2110371ralianAitiltriorri.li ,
tite.--locol--I4f- Asseetation. for n- --
number. of years. In religionhe_ wah;
•ft Isiethiklist; always holding respell._
churches. . .•. . ., ... n . ._en len, on 1 ifr
.s'the' Easter holidays visiting more * sterling worth, 'high Christian April 19th, to' Mr. and. Ur!. ancoh
, Messrs«Vharles and Wesley Jacques . , Never will Exeter possess a, man Of
' On Wednesday of last week this baying bet& the ..inApiration to so IIASItyNalr?Mtz".-a.44411elpka' . i'llt• 8aturda;,\ -
April 3rd, to Mr. and 103. Thos.
friends in Toronto. . •-- 'qualities -and upright character, 'be
vicinity was visited by a • terrific, Many noble men and women scatter.. 1)ainiim, a Son.„,,„. • „
..wiodeterni,__.doing ,eonSiderabre-danter. • ed-far--and-Lividt,-,---- ,,..--,-,--------:,,---..---.-- ,-11.EGAN4.-At-144.-Vormill.,-.,it. n,-,elelseaY ---
Mr. .T. Lawsofes -summer camp, tore widow.00d tbe tot 0 ,fatnily tit nine tyr„44,11,,,k,,, „rt4,4„,,aughte.„..r. ..,_,_”
reninins , the : April ritih, te Mr. and Mrs. C. no.. ..
age to windmilit, .ete. It biewHefter To mourn their4A'
it portion of the roof off William children, seven of, 1(p:helix -Were able to/ ".‘"tlur.i)504#. uttgawocult on April
- iiiitt'AFUtiretkirlrioiffifirine-lb-d'-flie- vottir-taitu-t- c,-- 'Liu, . oto --All, 4.,..ik.,,A,TtLitTn"tig-4021101—itt '
barns of Mr. alillit lied *damaged the takes plate tti-day at 2 p. met..the ' le"'"'' 3111**
.;‘,. lovitri:41.4v.Throtinlit wil44414'444"48 wreckerOriute 'Methodist ch.urel"4411. asstitt"t's‘14naeti:_h .flov,,,G: ,'''.\.10-AiOST..:44.11A-I14641.Tf,:ttEltIll15±-!4D-4:t, _iiii., rest". ,.:
Isecead, tnistortune,ot ' e • tn_2111Wil .; MB c 4,.. ' ...eatdu. 0 c urtitidiillis.Aen.th:-.:24ri„
';',,---- .- c -4 - ' tlio--04Viiik; - - - - - , - - --- A--- ---inirICTIAFV.OTtfitlelir;i:ZUrieli;-','on'
Mr. and %Its., ,I... T.-Datkinson, et The family, consist of Mrs. (Dr.) L. Thursday morning, -Atli inst.,- by
London, .were the guests of Wesley, its, -Mil, ,Glbsonburfr, Oliio ; Mrs. ,O. F. Atty. A..n. aisehieri imiil taers,
Vatkinson. . • •Oakes, Chicago; Mrs. W. 0« Miller, titartleib to Afro grub 14. \l'faltlgt*
. WoodStock W. Arthur and Z. Albert, -301IN3-11ALLAN'TYNist- At the
'• • • ; 0.4.0,ok zlethoeilAt Pareonagetjiliniville, on
. .414„, Frankfort, Ind.: G. Ernest, It. the evening .of Wedoetidity; April 1
- Aqua; -Stella.- at honle' end V% ttev,,Itor.,i21„. J. triup Mr. -11.1eltar
berLatittlAto .1,01,114V
both of trshorill.
PittpltatiOn .ot the heart. roar."181): :
-Vouldiess, tremidinge, nervous head., OnriGOTtr...ern Eieteris on Gotid-Pri, -
setae. told halide mutt pailfin- the d4it 9th, 1900, 1120inss Greg,0
buck end 641er-4-tines of weakness Oa, aged II, years.
13y My Metliod bi ?Testing
.4$ °lotting Ittto'1/4- the Eyrev
in toe exactly *hat wroti and date telt i, our
ra suited to the condition-. It is most barnifu
eye to vre3t glailies that do not titilt. Be' sure they are
Consultation free.
By new method eau test at night 48 well as day., ,
' ' ' -;r:.::'''''''''4',1?::•424 1,4Arottj,40744.4.-1.....Zio::::) ,.. ,,,'",- 14..t.fr"."'-10,---;\,\,-
. . I
. , , , .,....,.....f, :17,....„ ,,, '.. .7%. A -7-t-17717, .....-,7i-1,:,. ,..,..-,..%-, , •
eweler ikud, Op • t , ' , • . . , 4
'tt*th,ri..,. —
.. , .
„ •
WO -have started a great slaughier sale corn.
prising every artielo-of furniture in our largo. °
'itook at a, - eat railnetion41
Alto tillitmed by Carter's Iron Pills Me ATIO10-40 nitY0 Saturdats Anril
made specially for the ;bleed ruhruto
,. , ' Statl, ,:. 8 'tlats., . ' i- , „ , . •• ' 23141600.430, terittir titio2 Siff31X1: ........ oto‘,.....,..•.?,4,4 4140 littit-110416,nrni
. ST btrACI! lit$TAESS. ' : .141144"6041% reitottir Prio.o.10 1$0........... ..... . .4., ......,.ditteount 412 040 '
• ' • *.\ • • ' - '4. .1ile.qt fa -mill, I:16.re ought to *tell -.0 '
,-,. . ' . . Lk. A 0 -
. .' ' , . \ 'one' o . sou 'may have rta attack o "n;,. ' -
. . . ' ,' . '' . o: - . 41gestiott or StOmack troubit 'at nay' . JO the greatest,./3oirgain $4.16: 41‘.vey. how, ' in, Exeter.:
„: time, day ot tight. ,`. N
.. • Altit000) , . IVOtitibdt '000ii lii '41.:btitt tof t' .
- ' Titls hOrmlete prepatation ivili‘ ;11.
N the great bargairito we are effe,riii* arid What
„It it meant to Furniture buyers.
10th, ;8tella May, onlY daughter of nedtoomStlItotin Cot ottic flnialt with large, Bevel Plate Mirror
Mr.. and 'Wm, 30hil MeMntion....oged -
, Couches, toga ar price $850 .....,.....«.discount sale price -
'retry thing eise in proportion, . •
TO1/„. ratrzu. 'Ay:4Na ttng cuAmrro14,sutz tittoo Diapeoin istAlte inoteei, any A oati- eonvittee intendin urehasers that this
- ••
t§ or
170 0" tter-,
rainchatVo .
” it Lelia ng rniffi„e!satld "funeral l'ibr
Nit. Fitt** would. get' ft elenn sore.but missed his st*'ntentb ,iLndnww
tomtit birds. &glance at the *Ores ..ePpended will show haw. the
11 13 4. 1)17' i) 0.1%f ,,
Ittmo 'ot lend irk
yottr, otootorh,. or it yeti, have Ilearta.'
tr affectedthe obrioters. not one, gytting ittaight tweitty" burn.lbat it a Watt of Ituligattion.
Atter regular cents a turreltroilite oboot .irach fir Pliarmaelav kir ft 50eput
rule o apt, et t arta. 'tiikt *At
tottniting for .toritt; had. * a;verttro to ' the trittitgolA otter se tooloheo 9:12Zrz, bovvefloitettiogh too' 6. ii)elitotti,jtopoti fri our lin
es'oroai 4 "wilt bts no molar 'rising*. to klelAtot of • tit
o ear go Sesk atehewitu and . Al bort* 'n ril tit
v2106_43,14tIt _it it 15 „II., trot ,Itit - eettevtltootlo tutitistgartvnittlhtiottreAlt pa'uoifetifftlea ;Fill rola!'" ottleirin tillifro0174 .2rt 000114itir01041111t46104- *
, Xerrt, Ilteditott. 1„,....;412 9 15 15. 14 I3 .120 hpney feeling lo, the stiM, itch, N'auste, osh pertien
s, ,.f1t1, .29 .41il "fr
J. Trieltnpro,Patter,„,,.,.... ,,,,,„„4„,444.12' 12 16 - 15 12 *12 „ 120 to. , Debilitating liendaeheS. Dirrinets or
,t)r. gfenfari, Ansa Craig 10 10 It la 15, 126 Inleatitai griping. This Will ail go.
,rt * 13'
.„.1$ 1$ it 17' lit TO -It Ovor in stoirtaeli to rtfioo ,
n s • A
nikeit beef.des. noKom•
-.14 11, IL, It. 12 i$ -,120 truth wit11:4tantettaa toltoro4' rirt the Es' le Lake trettriet bohoilitc
tont fiatkettooNt to' ,
0 ,t* t 17' 201 15, lit 12 120 .0,0 1*.apv,44.5, 1Knott4.1,111 tt errtala
' 4,444.12 .10 It; • It 22 Id's,' 120 *4 " stoiiitoit -berettitit. 'it •
12 lt 1:1 AS 1 1
II 12 12 2 it0" ,N.f. it pl,..trf *owe at if yaitr *tout** „
itllake hold a 3,0itrotst and tilted
.1-4440 •12 12 14 12, 10 St * it
, rero. .
,4;4.444,4* 44,44r***44ill'n'. IS ft 11,. 32. 12/4 1 ttatt..10.'nutp4: Hof too all four
att,tuateit 14...,rourL3riattuatto4 -
11 -5 4 i4 12a' f' t on. '