HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times., 1909-04-08, Page 8_
We ere sole 4111ing eat* •
for Exeter for the cele at.
The Kirig list cornea- to
us direct. .W0 save You all
LS. give 7
pSiilcoats •
We are showing tt- Very fine range of Men's high-clees$pring
Overcoat. They are Made from pare wool Cheviot, inviBibIe•
twill. 'silk faced; satin lined, workmanship the hest, style down .
*Men's Fine Shoes- _
D you know -titer -els no better plate in town for .inen!re. fine.
fOotwear, We ebew all the Ta-U-St--laste Tri the isisv-Ittuerlitur--4.
--shapesTri-Tante Willowe,Ox Bloods and Blacks-. --Orir Bearsford
and Model shoes are the recognized leaders, $3.50, $4.00, $1.50. • e
, Yes! Walt Papers are going
out fastWecontrol sortie
splendid lines. They are the
- beet 1:altos-you% keee.:___
t•Se the roll for neat papers for
WA rotate; and kitchens,
10c tha roll for lovely glint.
Scotch Linoleutins
You can't afford to -pass us. •
We show the prettiest seam.
less Room It,ugain the trade.
• ey ere at131 MC
• deltion patterns in richnat
- al atitu n tints; Wools, Tee
pestry, Bruseels, Wilton*
410.50 to $30.
lifelrket 40iseetteeThe follervtinet ta" A careload. litl01000
00 1,F*. llissett* show roe**. t
$A4 buggies+ Pill and see.
roteert• ot XxOtser ru
xteted 1,1p44 Aprii lith. •
.11,0y$1-0-60; -to Attl-401. •••• Mitre $« retOrned'Veirie lest-
* remit 800:: VriditY utter a Ideasaot visit with
Wheat $140.„ •
44, *4.Gut DY a
friends in Toronto, and Nerltvicb.
• 44. 9' .1 • so .4 0
' mo,
• ..)4*.
*iirth -
autrful'aistila .• :, :will- heJ. Wflhis Powell Maa4
i5QtrAU"'"A `unI'e -13°1 1the Afttin.
given by the Ladies' 4104*.° 'r • *ie e' SittbUtoli •on VridaY„0v00...mtv u P- Oivert Exeter t and
4' owe tin .
Tbellt044.4111 4441,1* 424taiftr: joti, , T110 /041'1\ltit VAIL. gtalSia 1141444. boys are to be conyliment04 0r tbe
Tf°erli STOSengle1434411*.Pvt5::: °I)te bel:1,904eitalistrgicePlEn 4'4311(11d\t,°14`a$D'inte;78;)!Y#14414*P' Zia:E'l'Xtitt4"ltil%e4'r::'N''I;ailb°eOgi:ta4;iQ'43gfWtev'4lf4 413414
msti) tAzt son. rAltre,;040010Yone, all;00.0anctollip-7 isocceinti stotartaLlicy- trearot),0:
in -GL*fl�d.„140:$ at. the 0O.rem.e3rool-11, trcal• itatuiesion only. .„ ce as rear nld
otele IloUre 0.10. 44*. mums smo emk,
are showin You ate fitlest-alortraintme,- taxa 0*n-
'offered.. ,Wa con. g sentialt the POtt'ot sad *sweat rootterna and
ith. wide bOrderst Wadi !roc . 2tio ,r011. •
, •-; r
SPECIAL -400 r.00$1;it papet rappot trOm pc. • .
• •.” . . .
Don't forget that 'we. have.a.firsVcIas Millittler .CoU,-
tore. in h.. ,TS011 Of C
Mr. J. texton, merchant tailor son a ,Dx. Stanhury, of Toronto, and •
mr..,..aetatVeI ,,pepherseeetAtr, tantei
*mot„tbc .wvokorAvv'kvtt:lrptttwhtr.'e'ortno s.c„..x,..„,,„ i„.
weekly viiitor to•his home Ana ,,..e a.'
dad to . Aute tbe,,IMProvements le;x0- rattart;, not only Ititi Toronto. Ivh16bc
Luxton is de- ,sings • regularly n a church choir,
Ler is planning
lng ° 09°4 -"-"--- '- --*; li oz: for At -..-ientov-A-Lt ,010.0* emit
h i' sittlsilditaSS 114 has but by • outaide places. "„the I ttle
0 Out ;.I-trkei-let nV a L .
a .
some time, • - -------''''---- . ti a-Olvea-nweet-:-voltsr•vord--w-
The transfer committee of the To. tieulatien, that is se perfect st hat.
renttelentrtondotretatterenc#-of th -0 • • , -
Mohodiet elin_reh,. xvhich met in To. down for two riumber,s and so beautie
re/ ,_._;-4e; . -,etwoseeleod...'ruee„. Itilly..elliLlio-gieteehisefirstesok44
-Going(tre htermtdon-Voriferette_e_ he had to 'mond to on enehore,
fr andittirr trenterence-- and -:'llv,-. Me second number- Was ohibigor-to
Afro. Piipleetene is *letting: her 3011
S. A. Poplestone, of Blyth.
NVeo..,Daeley_jr.4,91 London is visit-
Ing friends at Exeter North.. • -
Mr. do. Mantle is in the London
?ospital undergoing treritment.
_ -
• Mr. 'Otto. iforiteith; of-• the
•••,1 t....1t,toritlay.tfor
01114; itrai.7-10:fis7itig.
fted'bit 'Patistit-Slierte-"en ?Ouridayeeee,--
Don't forgetthe :welling filatures
ni e
ev.) 'Collins -attended- -a
Matineeril. the Woman's Aux:diary at
ogg who has received a call from a duett in which he was aosisted by
al---treard--et--the IS4letic'- lils-racittiet,•-r-whotagt-witl---he-reeirittet
e ureter -from Toronto to the London_ Sang in ET„eter Ivhen 44Adhit
Conference. • , Stanbury is also possessed or a good
_wvemzeting..„45. yeltle And the duett was Ilighlypleas-
eitimeimersjor_r_South liuron. will lit utss4A.air 41-ins.-iiFhe s always
• Seawiright
Miss May anee visited her sis-
ter. Mrs. Nelson 'Clarke, of 1.1s13orne
oyer holiday,
iiev, E. ..A...Veas attended the Can-
Adtan_teationat congress held at To-
ronto last 'week.
joi-Kerelake returned. home
Meeriday after tspendirig
pre—ledstairt,t-ZT.ral43.rd...t-IWto comireforritt ..siirnisgssulg:eotodiorevs'or aLsi.iVe-waletietntai
cationsooas,e.3tirr 1,011 uloorall.lifoe.nspor the .eur...
gave two recitations and they were
rent year there were ' twenty five sO good, she had to - respond both
tavern and two shop licenses issucd times, Mr- !Christie made his
god. this year them are no new ap.debut before an audience and sang
ii Any - -petition- -against.-4!-•40a0-4-0-0”.rn great shape, Editteie
granting' a license to any applicant expect an enehorebut the. audience
••insisted and- he came back with
'Ott4feltongi---1 Va3
Edna Vol Wk. Pleased- everybody
44 Co War
or -prenuees-must be .lodged with. the
licenseinspector four days before -
Mr • e ilnesflange
of new wall papers you'll
see ,fhisr_seitatin.. _Loveiy
• floral and stripe effects ,in
Buy our
Altittiuer free of charge, and
_ Redpatlea Sugar isegestiby test. We sell none other.
: Faint produce is just as good, es cash. ,
kitide oilloorts- a (I-
I you
OEM -511AN13014
Roote*nd Shoele
• First class stand doing' good busis
tarsi also coinfortable real -date& - 111 -
health reason for selling. For -terms
intiportieulexaonply to A.. E. PYM,
Exeter, Ont. ••
,St .
• ; . t , .;- . i ...; ,1- „offs,
.ing, for Caigery.-* Ifleter bine, bitit,eitth Aerie-"Iiev e ra.s of the program , The missiia Edna
_7_7-74 -fi.:"..arttr...11filiF,75E`_""griiiit nbter
visited with Mr. and Sfrs. J. D. ..T:virli.utfliors.sdater...tytv4riecion ;1_ffint. rvt_ealenierteg, whenktice f,ollIttleowri.4i,ng.,....wh4irg,,,v7e1,. ci‘x,:.,v,;Itt,t_eeres.::;00....11;e0:-.107,..0.„......... ....:tt .4.14.4 ,midi,
•kinstiveover_Sreedn7 ( Taman; President, J. 1, White ; Yee. it . , • .
. . . f
Miss Rhoda Kerslake left Wednes. • Prose 1 , 04,34°1 ...,,,02-.. with' 413 , art t` The n .w .
day .merrung or a tiro wee s Tree_ „lira,,..,..nrali•crectii,14xee=v74:1-701174; tze orchettra also insisted in the
''• prograin, giving two numbers - and
in Toronto and Creswell. • -A,
named officers and S. Bawden, Ae- had to respond both Unica. The 'audt.
. Master Gordon Xlowe,„-of Toronto, five
is visiting his grandmother, Mrs. W. Itnedw4.41:41iiiieCurtg,b' ;in! - nturfthttnerrigiztclcnce was fairly good sized. and should
. .
jeele-.11, London Roadi North. ' , joining tbe lakeside league wa"the boys ittany future time put on
8” another eoncert they eith. be assured
'Miss T. i, Vithite „returndd i!e
last cussed, and it ft0 deckled net 't° ot a good • 'mine. Mr. T. 11. etle.
T:.arsday evening after an 4 etten. sot e , lief , t Collurn as •cluileman opened the pro -
Div e trip to California points. , I Dora forget. the moving - Pictures gram with a Short speech. ,
_ .1_11, ,r, 411enr...1 Smith, of . Exeter, won in ..he 1,00era-tiensey Monday evening. ] 4
.01r4t-of me-- -prizes a • e . intein There Was much interest inanifes-
sPr:ug fair- in 'the Nlg:!rthorit class,- ted here_ovcr the garatbon tats4 held
Mr. Albert Penorase leaves this i at New -XerkInst'liaturday afternoon,
week for the west. •having secured a.' in which Longboat and Shrubb, who
position with the Northern Itailvrayel were favorites were hOpelessly beat -
Miss Celia Ferguson. of l'elindensi en, by St.. Yves, the Praia), runner.
Neb., who has been illfor several St. -YS`es started ottt at snob a. pace
weeks, is not improving very rapidly, that itWas thought he, would tire,
., firoot foxat_;,theloothur pidoko and lybiltenithe ether. runners tried_to
in„ tbr ois m
cero-Ttieraing., the finisb. ranning_the dietance in
711tiVrifiiiiiiite--Tte-r-s.4--After -It•Plc ' 1-.4-0, 50 3;5 iiiiiiii7ireeklr fria-MItiii,t0f
:•ZiWiti;---*%44:6:331:7:411Tattl:,73ragrit .1-atti.$4,,,04,--viiiwiiiivitui,4 eoeiied'.':, ' - -- - '
returned- to -her home io Guelph . last finish; _le,s5es:, was/ third, and Malo.
riey•- fiirrith. ‘telio-iit----driipeiia-ThW
Messrs.- fin.-47kri ' and -blerialiiiiill Iii-j.thi.C1101 m re—ft.shfiiiib-tir. e
ave dissolvelr partnersliffi,71 • , • . , „ . --
ter continuing the business of deal- The many friend a • here of Mi. -W.
i 1-1-rientire----horses. ., it. Uniott, ut:Ventralin, wilt be:pain---
A inecting4 of the, bowling club rk , ed to learn, 'of .his ilierioue illness. arr.
1908 .11..n.1. held in tire Town.ltaltuta zlitott.ViCARAtikenill vort.r.'4_,N.g.kkozo
Thursday evening to wind lzp the with some Internal trouble end Since
affairs of last year. • •1 013eelstiffered-interi5e13'.,Asa
• PRONE 22 .
In order to reduce our stock
tvill give a discount of.
_.-• .., IltOx Ot
- . It-o,11stcli In the tailoring of , the gar.
......,_.....4 ...... ------- --- - - — .if• •.` et
tient .W#11 stand ininqtion. The_prirtto
, - • ,, Or ft, coat like t e viteriininge etc.,
which you never 'tee, are tie ettrefully
. looed after as "thote., in plain sight's
' trhot - . . . . .
• • ABLE.
. . .
A.t.-once..--t •
tailoring. Apply W., W. Taman.
Don't - forget the- moving pictures
In the Opera, Ilousee Merida)* evenin
. WOOD FOR 81‘,1410 -.We are now
prepered to deliver to any part of
t11.0.A9Wn- dial ctm 1114b$4 All
orders promptly attended to.
fIEDDEN.eln Creditor* East on Tues.
day.".5fareh 00th. to Mr. and 'Mrs.
- Thos, liedden, a daughter.
DOYLE,..In Stephen on TiteirdAY.
• March 30th, to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph
Doyle.- a son.
SfeKEEVEIt-In Stephen on Voir
. Joseph McKeever, a son.
'TrA-noxt---At the Sauble Lu fay,
MErkIM the Broxenon Line nay,
on Marelt-.-20tle- to-- Mr,.. --.and Mrs.
-,-Affreel-Melick, a 'daughter. .
_ MAMMA— „.
ItATpjUirr0-13101;.ENZIt - At Cel
niTs, oly-Thutsday„ " ATAATC
• -4ftr:-..340..nolow:onun
. o-qni-tme-nt;—tnntrtint4rthoze--
• perienced. Courses itiflacanker•
41t. eial, Shorthand and Telegr&pby
4127 departments are thoroUgns‘
* date end practical. Our grad's,'
• ate are in demandas oflIce
tdotints. And Businese•Oollege
ttLfot our free
• catalogue. Rater at any time.-
Bus and Dray Attaillft9 in Ex-
eter, I have placed it new and
up -to date rig,on the road for
the-conveyance_of passengers-
sPaci from the station and re-
. etiodtionytitainttn, fair share of
the business of the travelling
. publlc. %Os St the' dace.
Phone 41a, cheerful! 'attend-
.- • -ed..tifc- -
• ,
A 11413111it0 is full, of crosses aniI
tenapi;;;_nrots. comes.into,thl*
world without COI:Vent 004! goesi
Ott iittoinat lits will and, the toad leesceed,
The vete Oftlotiffitioal, one of •tte
imp!rtant teatures,orthe trip.
hen'he is very little the hi
kiss him and when be gets
-tithe little -00r and frofte---of:thirbler
-"ifeliti:M.1114.),8'.4 large family; be is ere*
,dorsad by the Premier., but if he reit-
it ontall.theque he re it thief.
But huyingtbe tight PianofrOM
tight Peoplo -at the tight Wee' MOOS
him neither a chUmp, a thiet'ior it bsd
'manager* And hie children will rise
Vre t
Rae* Piitnosaud
p11 AC e e- teo ..0 n . act e, orme y -
pair ebop in the building formerly
occupied by D. Illartleib. ,See •Iiie ad-
vertisement in another ;column.
IiIiNSIF301111,-, the tad...sear old ilaugh.
ter of MA. and Airs. -John McMahon.
tof Ilay, is quite ill with influenzae
Miss L..Mcgtteen, Of Landon, is nuts -
ins. ,
ertzt -sister -Min
Ada. of ZIonro,, And Miss Iteta Estery
4etess.A..erty.Thext -144gut at the Mics 4,06.74Hdy.,rot.t...etWricT.4,*4":"1-*. _
miles north- -of ,Exoter, 1,00t 11,-- 046, .1ke. tatikk
;liar acris Good- pasture and ' Exeter 111°4° r°1' '1V9I C;rtite- 'Ann ald4ter. ttgeti "
water, Apply 11. BOW. Byron, Ont Tatheltegislatitre has Passed a bill It le yeteet4 mont:be day5,,
rest ng lorielpalities seeure i;otiii1; Itelcedlai .
. •
wits held and it wits decided to have of Exeter. tot Mise Hate Menentle, • "°-
telly Toronto for operation.' .115100(lar • • DM) AN tITLIto
him removed to e St. Idichiter_e bospid • of Columbue. •
verettraitplatAesct.esill:,itaR11:_ittoIttla:rdAstaLion°sIroin.: D-IlviCee18-r•--'nult%"•711",r4e.i314tet• V108403'4 f of
tithte-1214es'er.rkoutt" effortsfordsaYY4*,'.
t brother z. ‘1111" AieFeliett4 sr., aged Ftoirebte iriseldiriaportAnce- cotues the Moutwhere le wfts -
v.li'llaslartteirf°otrcaltrYnetsgte*.r.dalyh6morprint:ritat 31_1010,1"Apnlitrir 3r1,11BiCtoiTZ/6ulititolgilet: _ _
agtd- 80.4terite, • begoria,-eirongle,toeptit. -int0-4he.--BreAde'
Ft ' was 'successful.. vire, 'cOltilETZ-441 Bay Township; On Cake and Pitetry for your family to
yesterdhy for Toronto, fillies num-ft** ' • ttukds_tiliajo . . _ .
-A11:E.,A,10,, RFC,
Mut that is milled.. Try: it.-
thlt,Orruils. bushels of of *heat wanted itt
' °:: %foto o tlie ate/Ayers before enter- teciete LUL 71IIThL la Western Ontario. The - e,tzt.) nAutot Fon .8ATA.
. . fourth Ann . 1 sh t will p rt e a bout ;SOO bushels of No. 21 hartey . i 'iit...4
mare rising, six _years oid, weighing tending over the' retainerVar. the club grounds on Good Friday and , grown and kept. for steel putpotte. .
-0h0ut•-.1.100- Peundet.- APP1r. one dont -The Wonderilend Moir*/ Cora anY. crack shootere have sent word 'that 'MO la 41. new berleY that haw prove
: .
110/ISE FOR 8,--itaige"-•6164414 drilling trig tivie tontrecte *Ina franchises ootakeI t
e n ion oust. eri MO closs ontertaln ent they wilt he here for the_ event. Ilee 04- to poorest reine,rkithie Clean
-11-114ACV-7'- -- 1 - renisteting ot moving Pleturea #„tad Wes the teophy, entiny excellent stiff itrew, este 'ell other Tar
"' ithistrotett Isogrin tht gxnter--Optrit tzer-are being-offerett-coosistin letieroxiso-gair-e-Vieltitglint-Yie/
, Warners with• pole colorless •fsees ifouse Monday evening April 12th, of inerthandise that cost consider, grain Der acre. of all the barleys -test-
who feel weak -snd discouxaged, will popular prices 10 And JO cents. able-, mono;. The aittarice tee for ed ilf(Etat-the-O. A. O. it has been .
the entire list has been reduced to without exception the most Poptilite
trie00 • instead of 420.00 , formerlyv variety with the eiperhnental,thliAM
thus ensuring -the deb of -iv large list throughout -Av., province, ever "tinee
of entries. As the 'Orbit under heavy the first dietribittion lit 1906 In two
rep -elver both . mental bodily. rigor rkautiful 4,MItations of. natural
by Using - Carter's 'iron Pills, which wood finisht41 with varnish may be
are mads for the blood. 'nerves and obbililed tePPInfitg, of
compiazion. euntobeit'st v a?
• y that we barite inot." 'thria the vreer. tarri0S it'll. .0.t. all.
Color rd
it*t sold t'loters And site •.eistite.,._. a •
ing,,fltut y, of the,„Labile. Aire otth:W*t9It -Lands- °ugh road • -
'that the long wear of the garmentsi we 114.04 Itnbe f applitations *
r o
"rill be equalted by the laiting _sham -
ler northweet lands in •rtuarter -andd
' . lirsess 'we put into your apparel, .1 t half settion lots. Any one having
' ill look good as long tie,yrin wear It ,ivestern 1 oils wiettu they wish to dis.,
. nd„that will be long indeed toee of, will do well to call at the
. Times ottted null get PetticulareTAMAN .
. ' ,
• In lieifiwood. Lot containing halt
-osa,. - .---.1- -r.-ztoflry,:z:
ring fetrif trees 'of allJcnds. On
.74 ..0015,. property le it good litt4b1610 by
.&30 and .good' valet, the ';'.Prottert*.a,
;, lite " Gaeta:
Sekrise er, •.. aftutOre. eee
ILtor trt,-itta74. ,IMMIANC11- FOR MVP, -.r:
ti, 4440 tot 141% eggs , ' ' • arlettronte trattie IreSideist; 10
e fretting* or Inetibetor lett et '4;414 11' ..g"4 row. with 4
.o... lot 1,.)ett. 'headed' by bird 'ill usgoltrkvittet,',3:gtiol stit bet Untietiittt,k
. .. J. .ilotortittf.POrt. Voter» ,,toiti,, Lena 6 ion piket,t4..4th: toot,
- - *eil_,,,'64 'h'-',.c..tt _10442......,.'bijwt.,24,roAld ornamental' trite*. Pleat/ of
. 0 ..'ir#MOSt. 4.-14"` ';}`„,,,,_,,,I'L '14";.'"dr'*'*'".**hitt'd and Soft Watekt.--kOrriline- eta
oavaent *SA* 0.11-41t.r. '4.0,"30$1.0"4` 1 illectrie lights. side 701klk fitc •It'
. -eyed ptoteOtlit ' lortht Winship ',faxes. Apply cot i 1
,., .
''' P. 1100Pitil. • ,ptIt ' - or '
jhor • s.; tri Ont, , ' tr rioloatifoikti 11,$,stottlit,
DA end Mre.• Stenhury and con
Douglas. of Toronto, were tht gOCStS
ltrt 404 MIS. J. 0. Stanistry dur-
ing the root. week. Metter Stenburs•
nesisted .0 the Y. M. 1. totieert on
Pride"' evening and Ong,in the
byterittri efiutelt SurelaY morning and
in the Trivitt.btemorlitl church in the,
4, COD'S
• . tevale
_athiled,reierreiotifk.__ecerty flint puille- the:es/100,h-re.is, '0.. ilk
heir to". it also oontairis grease or •
fat that hail caused, aversion to the
tonic known as Cod Liver Oil.
DU_ croCollrvASTonitolfet.:
Is ,guarantee4tio:_tconili4linortch;tiotati
itb.-nauseous greasy
a* J. „ -
_ ...... ,
expense,. * small itilinlisreirrile .3e`ill. potter_ Iota -from the. 0A. 0. . Tante ' 11h°1*°' 46°"°•4* " •
tilnes.fth. r..,,,iataturr.OgAte Comrt Of t!ie,,•diriet.
In the matter : of the estate of
William: Crawford. of the, Township.
of Ilibbert, in the County of Perth,
bo':admittol free and ttaeotairint*odP*ai'rioill °IlltAisar 1)11,0t1!11:411)1111414C0'1°40.112I, .4%y°. ' :-11-t--44:4'lltditC4ral Ii!dllts'itTlise':6-$'1i:".-slitttln:ittnrt414Flit'lli-Ittil
- `Phargtd .1#:the_ VOW..15
irfourie:ad:e.ating the fair oriel will b, PrO* ` '4"`"' '''''.'' .. ' Y.
. , ,
t,1 , • : d i 0 It 0 II
' 4ItgailiSt the #6t4tf) (A1130140 Willi**
: Or4WfOrd, who tiled on or *bout
A Iteguiartitortu Period, erisbracinit, tife, . 1:ith . day of January, 100%,
the *central dars of 'both the Mart and .; required er or *bout the lath
, r a Aprils liVeA -to send by
poit prepaid or deliver to, Itylesos.,
.0.0flirszdirix:tner,,,, otinictc!tistholr,rror at:et ittill:,,, il,ti11".klgiltv.,' .
the Metenry'periode. cevers the •Iltit.
.to thelfittl, being. central: with :7‘reorOs
lad quarter. tur,- the This
another,- retied when; ..the .0040tittlo:
'a -et 'tIt the-, Mars 'nfluenee. wilt be
On by a large few „tdVislWoviloa e iritluence* hate , not:; phenomenally.
''d,oninate,d etorin and ;weather. ;thee
,' ti 111 resitit at OAS tiMe., if boron .
-TIViesUrecti've ---iii- iii
I end general ,cold : have Pro
reit. The funeral was; held, • . 4,.., .,,,. . . .„
15teter±oeseetet --,------ ----, stootbly.hetity triew eieet end told.
eta. this period will tilting -wee
1 , '",,,Itrui It -Weal ebtattlertt----#1,ettit -i ,faTed . _ iti. lit ti-W'it6t,lisiir --
: ' 4114....,.-
saternoto* Tritomeilt---thie In ' ' eby
..fil, the tonlat meeting *t tbe • , .,et this time. many 4antterOtori tor* ‘30011144 '4.44 0 2- .' , 44,:rottile.littilitieln,
M. ,C. A. on %ender eiening it slibate nestle stortna will be natural -and in. ,,.„41. . 0 . -
. was given Pr-seVetal of the members. elitattlC. 'Our 41totirk thih tarotfott ,,,,,,,,-.1coll. tor. 4%.* ,..' ' 0, . StrOOS Wa-
' itite*OlY*4: Otot 4bool' to . snore , useful i * not aontnse or pq,Plest any in. Pimumn-114.1110. :i'ilmit 00 ' . • * ,
' ti** 110444:-*' ,Tlif littirillitilie%-,-.-- -*WI tii litti*Crtotaft.:44it ,eihriellett *Iiitte .
'weir ttlitritxtrot will ton nt an extrems nd
orate. and,the general chareeter of • I' -
what'll', tooling yiitt 'br! -tnatomot tong. .0001.Y
botortittinai., '., - \ , „ ,
Tie ;-' . s CiA.; lintiirtelitesent Istot
/Maar * WitColao ot that boot
, s
turdar Mornings, APril, Ude nit
ill. years. The deceased .had- 'been,
• oiling for Stone Untie; and, .:sleath
itn4 not nisexp'ected., ls...,sttrafted
irs 1t r St$04
' att0Ohtft sod the nature of
he rittes, on,r. he1d. by them.
NI "further take notite that otter
won, lotany, interesting IsSitits were
titottitlit•Ont b tkillowold6s. Ilse
otndt for nest Itortrat Verde% bier
bee* 1,00itstened till etbseishos ortn,
after whilds attroklisole Ito*
resat iss,*
st. ' • •
but *ntt at fbe ATecii-44-jit-whoitt
ih - *.1.00,.*Ittift44;,.;tlitOltOt 1.14,1002J,
-13,1-. only ity tbe et.litriti TwitiOlk
tbc-y *holt then, hose :bettiat and. that •,
d. esetatora shall rotbe
tot, ,:ot, ,00roit 46e, vet.s...** .
ten: ntsitt - ofir hive bees
eeeived, bY theta it h tiOe
14 II hones.
ttr.al,MAN sitivstittitt.
toltieltirt tor Iltstatto0:
tell a* Itteter this litted
• strength producer. ,
becanse. eoMpoired, Of ingredient,
waved by ooletioN to do tbose very
things - But: try-- iti-that 14.11-
• . _
All Prti •
To Farmers,
tr you btive arty *I
Rubbers* %