HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times., 1909-04-08, Page 7*4 ' Pe' 4.• 41 $ '4 • - • , 1,4,..r..•••40,44;ropi*Ns'404#1e. - 44,44,-.•=-404-• ' wij • 1 ••,,r f+4;.•,• riot. .4. Or Z: geft • 7, ; , :.iry 10„-mosisengersi ,1 , ri.,_earriers„ box Collecr• ir. torttra and fourth- , . he increases average 1151) a „,. ;FPAr • ' • 're111411,ge,V4,. porters, letter, 4(1.44.':o.orotoit*--t . -tow , fie‘sit*rteittilk4. 10,14„ per day; grade B, 1112-24; grade D, ; gra4AS ''E; 42,75. •This. prsent. odules. are 00 cents less ii each The average- -number -0 . • 4. „. 444 • and -the annual increake of 100 ltt prelada,up to *OM of 1,700,,, Ili-the-casevistamirr3-1014- Sor er$ the. Minimum salary is raised • from 000 to"14)$00.1 Th action ostmast r- 0 the, letter -car- + lien and other outside einpleye;3s of the Postoffice Departmentthe 341110 measure of justice - aa has\ been accorded to. members of the insidt service, generally by__t _r \SP.4 we-- • .• . • V ' •,• , rea$et; of salary. • f/696/ -- -, .ikitorXTs-or-'t,r,tt-tuzz. r'Ireft1• gne1a , , • • A despatch from OttikWA't PaYs: -u1t of 1, rations of the Royt1 - Mint last year indicates that it is most profitable, investment for -country; --iiithough-rowing to the'financial depression, the - *meant of liew .comage required •wit. ” the -output of 'the:new- ccipts-haveihee • • VMS oonsequently restricted; 1-- -in .hus..dcercaniug the profits, there .Was gcoss profit in the silver and • copper coin minted during '1903 •. entoilliting to $101,431. The expai- .seS of .• maintenanco. and salaries tqtalled $71,939, leaving a 'net ,pre - „fit, exoltisiVe of interest on capital investment, of $82,432. The amount 4444:44444.4,4444.4.4 died -TlitinS*04 A despatch- from Ottawa aa„ •Customs reeeints, of the, Domini , • , . „in 81 #-Arthig „,..„ JuittIt4and- gyiiasiun , ,„,;.• $..11) . ntrlea., !'• , • •,' ttr /14 • ' • 1 .••• • TM o or , en. , amending the, !icons!), *et inrea5- -e tavern' licenses in Toronto -to • ',ess4r, a Winnipeg clerk Iia s been captur-, wbo abseora for tra. - conpay asking assistance at Port iltOpe, to.iestablish a daily steamship serxice between Picton and Toronto-. .Anlyot, has re00Tnmended that IS ringbank Park, Londor ty water 11 GS .oronto, ;0 ar , • T!. ; .P • • taoli of ,th ir nitinl)er#ig po,„, from Sout , Africa; Ifais artiv. e r - Orde-r • forbiddini, „the; •opertings, .theatres,. :mete halls.' and opera lionises art ',00;n410..y,,‘ \•Strking. movement Is 'foot in England to conipel *rents to keep b sel10: *int theY., are' 1017 en. ' « 4i1 Y. • thydepressioui fit,.:seviral mills wasfi - -toir,..receof , ••, '1 lit • _ • • 1 Northert, $L.21, , orthern,„_$14101 90.9;17. gian Bay ports. No.1ortliernt, 1,2110 ; t 0 . 011, track, Toronto; O. 2 Western Canada. oats, ;1*4`e„ Collingw0A and NO. .410c; By ports; No. 2 Western Canada all rail, 51Me. Peas -95c outside. Corn -No. Aniciltan, ',pow - and -for-0014- *itt 004ifirr.40111riY4iSttletr' , iiquor' un- male heron was found to have « known to Pie proprreIreK- h Tt's Attests paid the fine, .4 Pare)]* only A few hotirs'dea at* or t ,mont relp ,„ , „ _oreiret4rN c ; - • , month of tilt" f1.8011,1 year, o was fon between _010 Attie an. With 61{0tiOlii alifl'bratie esoU - that tho turn of the which the roof of Philip Cook's apartment a dark blue sealevittern, grourA Stlr-hr"'Iritlttbfr4.44%gi*.finir it uat, -C*6-11--ter of Qneen1.3 avenue was...odd iiCtop4on for $1 - year in respect. to custema revenue,- AM. Colberne,strects, LOridon, Thomas Baines, aged 15, has just [net is now increasingly aPParent." For Bank clearings in Toronto during died at Tantworth-VorkhOueet ef- „ trol'Pv.rort-Vt4-07-frt-4214T'ana elseiirran-inniate4or-43-.yearst,- an. in. ing7 - rat thlee Month* tho ratopayers-13;300. -- ar s -tornPixre.4` ar ;230,70-7--the--large, outivIfit-m-pshire,Ainntrex'aite with March of last Year: -T • • 7-tiartir.C$170'il,V,11.441tei4*Ine...; p9r -coinage was $23,200i:the ; . • • Pkiladelphia despatch says: George Wojc.cchowski was operat- on at the, Episcopal Hospital - on Tuesday, and three spoons a-fdrk were removed. feom, his srom'fich. Sitttt O. -G. Davi - cperated on the same patient last Thursday, and, 'found a kitchen fork, wrapped with a ball of twine, • lodged in his throat, the man has been hailed as "the human os- trich." Ile complained of pain ill 'iswallowin his food. The opera- s throat . followed. Ills * id aaid e believed -1.10 ha- swat. nerst. tttlta furniture . tie confessed' n. extra- fork.' 4 •,* • • 411 44 4, t war -caused on a. recent nIght the first big increase in about a of the ,Torouto clearing house. -by the appearance of a_ meteor, year and a half. For the twelve -- - ' . said to be Alt big to the eya as a months of the fiscal year the ens- GREAT -ERITAIN.. • fOotba,11. • . A toms revenue has totalled $47,370,.- _ Mr. Augustine Birrell reintrew Sir Edward Payson Willis has a°°' a deertate 44 $11)148032, at (Need the Irish land purchase -bill even the ItiilleP otRtiet-01 4 elte(14e compared with 1907-03., inthoBritish Commons on Two- for $76,000 to clear off the debt on •• „day. • ' /t4, t tho Bishop's. ,Palace, erected eight - --The --Naval tint, itiXt-Yeikt*„.,1, 0. Acro 0 4 1.` ,ft," csar a ,'"1•7411" " • '• a Navy of own/ was Now Unlawful to Import or Pr#: Ilavc coo streetIR Du ; Toronto. 4110.E410A-- 4" rharn prison tor t1ie tit attill;Wortian „named Mary o ,y, at-Wsr De. • ,despatch ".. Batish_g, 10_4 43`.'r--'714'er takes to".$00 -opium loins fro Al * • • 6 • preparing o smoking.opium both in Canada and the United States went into effect. The drug may be rocured for medicinal purposes. Over a hundred pounds of opium, seized by the' customs officials at Tacoma, was auctioned there on Tuesday,. One Vancouver firm ad: mitted to Mr. Mackenzie Xing !Ili/king an annual profit of $150,000. * A I Ai # • Jis majority was ,more than 3,000 over -114 two opponents. , The London Standard thhiks the creation of a Canadian fleet would be more useful to Britain than an alliance with a second -dais naval power. Eleven suffragettes, arrested in an attack on the British Bade -Of • Commons, on. Monday, have been 'The Victoria factories closed; sent to prison, for terms varying months ago. Three months was from one. to three months. gilt:9n for the disposal of the stock. TIRED OF SUFFRAGETTES. 114 • .14 jfiiIiays Th iiitant woman Suff_riL,..ts taut o—Wedn s a afternoon to gain_apsess to .of-loatliament,--tut 'WEST'S GREAT DEMAND# they wero easily. foiled by the 'Who Were eT*Pecting Wel d had taken precautions. The getting tired of dirse re , :UNITED STATES. It is probable that President Eliot of Harvard University will sador to Great: Britain. - .zyrere-- by the explosion of ounds ofslyamit 11 eight in ure 6 ; $ * ...!sneement Dealers Ull Unable to Fall Thelr Orders.. ' A •despatch from timpeg says; Western :implement dealers are 'bating grist ;difficultyin filling, -the.ir spring orders, which have artiMod iii.-V6finTie- all estiffiatel tt the trade. Manufacturers .can- - „not rusk orders, as their output - "" of eases is already, , • ing one in • & I e • the opening o • ,• =MAL. 4 :4. 3 17 it 7 .dian 'Cern., 71 2-ctrack, route. Brantlar Shorts, $2.1 to 423,50 in lc out- side. • • ; : , App1es-$t.50 to *5.50 for ehoico qiuilitic;$;- and $3.50 to .$4 ;for see - '4:4" • ..- • arv.s-Pritne, $1.00 to $Z, and hand- ic.45,03N11J.2.,.....fit,41.2.!! . _ Ai -4$: 2 to- .,f2"70 per clozen, and Ora 0 -16 -11C -per -Pound. timothy, , $10.40‘ to SIT per OA track here, and lower grades at $3 to $9 a ton. Straw -4710 $u on track. Potatoes -05 to 70e per bag Ott ;track, • Poultry. --Chickens, dressed,. 15 to • . • A,Sk, uctjarge_roft.'15 to 17c; in- land Yard "thingile t erior, 13 to. 1.40; creamery e in, is c a . a 1U-'141'0 n so 1, s,- • c. ia inrtehlee.,pound on the value of tho . Eggs,--Oase- 100'. -10e per Lord Lovat sailed far S'ou. 'da.Czehne,e. Large cheese, 13c 13a*per Aftlea.treeently on & visit Of in- pound, and twins, 14 to 143,10. speAtion to: the, Government agri- , • cultural 'sett:len-lents as well as to HOG zixtoovags. his 0WA property in those parts. defendant at English Court was -6r P°11114 6"c't3rms5-iwk, orderedpay 41.20a. mouth,,,Iso 20.50 to $21, ; ?Abort (a, $23 to $24. ,that -the instalments will bo spread Hams -Light to medium, 14 to over eighteen years. • 141Ac do.,:beavy, la to 1..3%c; rolls, Tho Tipton (Stiffs.) police report t°11/4.°4•811°u14"11, lOgie; back- P8 the death of Itichard Langford., 14% t° 17e; bteakiest .b1"ni 15, aged *no -year, Who, while playing 't° 4,°°. in the 'house, .'s*allovired a marble Lard1.-Tiorces, 13,c; , tubs, 133/0; 7 " Pail 1' • --To-wipe-out-ar debt -of- $270,_ „,„ aeon ---Long clear, 12 t� 1.2,140 4 The First Battalion King's :Latina - turned to England after itt, pszirs 4. -ease ‘sleeiiiinssg-sicknehas teen discovered in Paris. e-Franco-Csoudian-trcat- *titled in the rrench Senato Iir ArMament and the women whoxn the police drove back among the spectators received scant symp.athy. Eight Alt: of. mostperintent, of them , were arrested. At_11,.t.VVX 0' • 01 ---zroyuniortth 000. f te-neW _ • 4 4-, ontreal, April 0. Peis,--11o. .4446- P: Ontario , 50 to _Weitern o. 51, t�-51: otra Q. 1 feed, 50Y4 to .„5.1e; No. 1 ; rg:t tO 750Y,c4; lifo. tt 444, • • , ' 'r .1" ••• , sofrtuor. elie.r is now busy" get 7-b4OYS. to bo\1aid in tlie „.!rtt°6 attopeiin wet./ 4 .„ , " eri'• 14, ; :tt • ..„,• , . „. *Z.414.riaiR.74'.4N;44:104.44444'4'"'[./44,4' • ,,,....,,,. ...,• „ i,• , '''.•„, ;'. ; ;. , • ‘. . ,a,,,,,,,,,T.tn.,,....,.........„; ' '.• ,aa buoy iltood. • It is very -cv 11 • ' - AS the .wor ittert Wore isnot**, .• of the danger in handling, the . -e'ilirhoFilto; and there Was 'he -4 f0.00 f.o.b. an fed and watered: • 'Montreoh:April e.; --Tr in cat- tle was rather slow, wi'th, the, pric- es in.. shade lower; prime !Move), sold it tiWk to 5Y40 Per pound, but • , , 41; • 0n -s • Calves 'sold _ • romAkto $7 each. , to per pound. . .r.,,.ng I. a.infos.at fil.,.....=.._=_,. ..rom-$4 tO\ $_76 Ty o Sc. -rrirlarlrorn1014- ' VANUA' AS1HUIATI4D. .INsialty, ',of •Mr. ...Tiiiiie4.4: Illeteitu, , Leaden; Found :UnconsCious. , - „..„1,+• ..;:, „4',14*;,,4,e...„'-' ..„,,.. . . • ,, . 0140,0111,LEilNi§:tii rnivot. voottIttes ott..-tho 1.0*•.•01 Playlisig '44,11:11:,:11::4.`_14.../:14*P'tle,,e.i.itit.,r"-:--.._.,0:7:,,,, ,,.,,,.‘.:., _ ,,. t. let says o ' t .. it they cannot „,„.„.::' ,...„ ar,,;.,2,,,,,,,,,:,:.1;„,.,:::., • "It 'is a,- oonUnou cause 'of. corn. , ria1.-1...=”•''''.••••., **-ti lei i• le,siti_mdiiridtuya, 1441* ..._ I i= 4 *j r -ii;;;;,,” 1-',';•:t,'',';,;•:',it• ehil4ifih on occaSion, and fool. • . .-',...' • , 4 espatelimfrouz4,40Odear,OuV4 saysrArlrecteek on FridaY-evell- invidietruetglibers-brolcerinttrth house, of James McLean, on Mos- ley avenue, it was to find MeLean, his wife and three children in an unconscious condition from gas as- phyiciation. For eighteen hours twill phree-Ybabbadly bereencovtehart weitacYcipt4all yteii- ear-old giri, who is in:a serious condition. The family retired beutafildaPt. • 4At414 An hour later the mother was 0 room, to find the child vomiting, 4. Th nscious condition. e vsoma "s that she neverr conifileter5:" ost conselousnesa, 'but was physies,lly and tails year the restaurants I ). • • ‘1'0ii the Continent they consider the lest means to this end is !to don dominoes andfalse nosesand blow- - p-enny trumpets, dance in the open air, and so on. In England' we tygfi things re _told, more's. the 1 tnesperate„.effort& are ,11.0W made to correct this mistake on our part. London is now a, gay - city; we are \making the most of our restaurants, Ihe cafe is creep, ing into favor, we are no longer* so chary about; decorating our - houses and making a brave @agave when we get a chance of organiz. ing a procession. ,,. --.4!!Ther litttrtfMtnentinitvspitiVirevervover-*‘,, • us. - -The artists! fancy bill rbller iiktifftig to which none are admitted, who .are not in---fency--dres37-ha37fou • • • • , t 3 4 I 4`74",.• unable to arise or even Make a merry at Mardi Gras dinirers. -sound', When neighbors finally "By all nlean'!' let " make: incx. - - - d . , awoke her she thought it . was but of Shr°v° ThesdaY* It is a ay for across the Channel. Lek :a.f773:irraissiednegp,:miRireixtrure'dhusthbaatn4'he*tibitedn fursivi°rIlvi°11154re• We have sen ht)* * • the Christman parties organized by . • foreign managers of our big hot4tIst .. MS .CATTLE -11:018OXED, '•..aro enjoyed by the stoitd English, - - ,,, .. without doubt if we are shown .. • , 4 - - - how to.' keep Shrove Tuesday in trathroy Butcher Suffers a Serlotts Continental fashion We shall not ijnow be Slow to -enter into its spirit. ' le' A despatch fro:51.3trath' .roy' , 0' n. t., rigneoarggleathriznithatetPaktidamierhtiisiter. says:' safterntiewiunalkosiwtteringa h.e.,rdof, n..*a. non of sdressing up,i, we are au. 1 . , inent-liiitclier of went '!' "'mil:1g. ,to-4faiTaraliout,two..ini1es.ioutlx---,,,,,, • ' °I'm-be:rift?' ne-Illuillitillalals [Thad -itbern-plors. `one ,, *0- were ea -.—a--'-*-1. Is. --t tr • t-.71r,honutS-riospeet ik 7 .', I • • • • fY mals .1-„Cadbeen poisoned was ex, . _provided for expresses. between urloy, co to .041; _.....bneliw eat in a corner of the barn. Mr. Ontario blo. 4, 43 tot 453 -ie ; N. it package of It Paris. green was. found 1,!;1, c... the_fact that a small shire railway ..,:between-- Wilmslow toyiel, Ontario No; 3, 49„to.„4.9%oi. -plained by nd Leventilitilme, a 4 -quicker reuto:' London and Manchester. .barrey„ 504, too: toick,whest, 'Can-Altes is-- at a loss-t..ba ontranitteel the, out : e niter tit. hc'' 700; Ttlotii-L-Maiiite r. Wm; louts of Chicago, & fatigable to be 'winched in Oe.- spring. wheat .patents, firsts, um ed anthropologist, was murdered tobei, WAS at PevOrtPOrt re. to *6; Manitoba spring 'wheat pat - by Philippine hill men. eeotly., 'She will be tho largest •ents, setonds .45$43,0 to $5.50; Mani- -Vite-- sloop' Kearsarge went- own tritioeti'lliloatr4ter4.11 roureakerati 4330 to5.30 Winter wheat ?patents, $5.40 to 540; straight rollers,„ f5. to $$.10; • es • I thrashers Ple Stolen.27 VOWS Ago by Gstelph f - - SHIPS AT PETAtiWA. rinallfrin Aviators 11111 be Invited o 'Conduct• flxperiateufs. 'despatelfrrian 'Ottani -soli': -NATAL After 27 yesirs' remorse for the. theft of a, pie from the General Hospital, Guelph, . has overtaken Joseph Brown, of Selkirk Avenue, Winni- - hair-Written-to-tho-ratittorr-o the institution, here, crick/gag ten off the Nicaraguan coast withtwen- ty.one passengers and ,sailor. -2.-.1"ttrit-aerlfiglea---anct TAN to join -their contribu- tions and presetit Dreadnought to. feet. - • Sir James Detar„;_who_was pi -Oted ,_1?1.4tlie-Prince Wales wit 46--11Thott inidit-41-0e,:citniitt is known pre-eminently in • r•••=••-.. .0044;6041•4011.-- • eittetiO jitLotz*,-,politits----prrshir abet:, ; 12.45 t_extr*4 23 -in age );rsinitol:a bran, $2i1 to 54i % middling% . • A desPatelt..- Ont..; says: Word .was, rePaved iri the city on ,Friday morning that J. P. Bailey, mining prospector. 01 41 n Thursd . Th. decedned had been in the p 07 of the Elgin Cobalt Mining and Developing `,,CoMpany" for lour yeats,AbegionlogE0f.fthe Poter40,„ all being well • known St. Thomas; ' oPle, • : • " f-11, CILtRG OF MANSLttGUTER. -- • "Iii..',TrAtticS OILS SHUT err. - rder-troldbittng Export of *w tura" Gita.Nowirin yoree,,. despatit, 41'19 Wclland The ' t!itle"lja-Diutfei; it?nlpzny re - o -Ottawa i'ved olOtiti lo • P expiring III newett,,. And, on Wedrie„ y night t rai(inight tbo suPply going to Buffalo *Ss:shut oft One-third the 'lutist() supply came from,Can- ada. The company has not yet de- Avhat-marketritAwill seek •fer P *4 • 8 1 • ......•••••••• , A . 245G to giati rocor-dow ittia; - --- of evidence that the diSease.is inherit' 13c, -Fall made creantery; the late Alexander Sutherland, of In connection with..the death of 41- hi -"Wi) ter -Matte -It Wed Zorra, charge of. manslaiigh. Iter has been, _vreerred against; 3 000 cancer gases of which the 04,pitre grain mouille, saa to Bavaria, but was finally brought „ to tho ground; after eleven hours., Atickltese*, ActosPitalf 1,40ottorlow nos $35; mixed • mounts, f(;g5 to. VV. 3. notes 'ha** sliOwn that there no Chette- itoted at Igo' to WO 1)HILDREN BURNED - • - toll/ley-Iv Ds quo . - Government • V-12'4 .41-"ottt'- 4044. In iti+1011 •ooritti- "litother liait Juntii.Vrout Window - - . 25!-8- per ttozous- — - ounido ik Meeting WI)1 be bold ot whone. 'mime t 31' • - *nee 10 lifeistit,„*Curell and Bald- owe. Brown 27 years ittO was' witit-Boe itunrc.„.. G ,risimpJJI itoxt..,,, , • , .ittoort.. Buthettandr,w4islontut .on.the.trin, ing of Feb. 26th last. • k • spstch from Strattord'sio ted at'20 201/0 Eigs--21,. to the.' which 'has. been going-. to morals Guerin, at the back door- , lifeless• he hod of - 'win., the Canadian aeronauts, to ,psttientat the hospital wit typflOid • • enablik-th-eta to contiiiite=thloir ex. lover, , When ht....val. recovering, A.titip-itoh• iron% • Out-.# t , ED-ST41. mited 16 go to -PetAirawsi camp io into jilt' kitchen ,whe'n 'hurigryi, period on'tho farnt'tif Itobert Stir- Sightell est . firoutt, ,S.,0 tarlosou, *tort., . • • . trsvr T.0., IA conduev *itship arid, ;one _00)4 gettivg 4110,1u! totetlylt.ohrotuhr ofonthisItiNlillsat,gme,o, tantinsin 11.t,o,orde ptihooeys.taintgi, '.$1:281,21;:lx‘itoi.n*tea ,r,exhizirga,hett$7,:s. ;440,re44; Br'kt$111 ltetiTigt!s, 1;t4414. * there at the ,C.Wtigttl,,..Alt_ • of -.6100lati from the. "van neo- wtt "Vain P._9_11'41'..4+, 41/111 4" "1 7. 71,1.00-4 non • tziken when bis , res e provinces of „Canada. Xe.,. white, $1,261 110. ceat hie -41116,, • lianactit, „440 SitatiltOt#114 ' • rimente, They will_prohably he taws; iwttroxi ailowtd biircto eat,: A horrible oeurrenee hap. Sportawel e en. -fifeeSe- arts Ituffalo April C. -Wheat -Spring orricit or oa• t 41$,0041,000, in " r - Llittft Burned to 00*th e feetee Yt 44A.P44.444,,,/, 44.44444,1,4*, sat: .Arder 41)latli • 6 ' . ki•-•••/6.6,4 Pf•-'.."46-64; i604,- -,--.14 //,,,,-"Pt"P-"PP. , , , 1614 . liesSteti frii. nt Winuipeg tays: 1 numbers of car ,,•• ` i h _ . ' Bent .... ,---(11----t1w-lic.rder „ . nr.MAT . .,-- , . *re --10 , it n t„ unitcq- ,estlinakt of Al' , T , ortirife-, n , Aittlitaily lt• million pvi -iv-tz;fiii.-7ak'„lietween3;014 and fr/..6.06 home:. i success, * , , I , anil tWO. little -children, Calm, art The *n *bundariee 4f ttlaio -Cotu-itigketst t r the - from, 6a,,e, oott* 'oh)) '7 aifidueks and prairie Obieken in anis low *101'4' X0 4 ,„„Teliow. Gosie; The Drt revenue re ttrI15 r 04 tivel -hed - the .1 * --1" to the limits of the cities.. *. show a total revenue ipitrosiftiately llowit, while sitting in go-catt , 'Wednesday gtole--,:*_._34,N,S: itt 6 0 0 • 'WO*, ..Elosicatthooti, *mi. Alberta No, 4 torn, 430N to 7o0; NO„. corn fiscal Year y, perts in , ines. * z."tr mtliu'er " ;ne``' i*".1z4; atia shooting good 'eletr • p y • white t,,) u 40: • 0. itts,r- • - ki st No hitt 500,000 below the "estimates. I) 43104 hes 0 the . tablet Around burned more or less but Str • ati 0' -tort to' retell* hi* eli:i'ldten,„, A . h inne*P° 'Pr' '6.'4- el/I'. II • for t* t tett b "iiriffer Pulled the eltith And till!et irtstreimi daughter, It 8 kaamou +11 Ott At -war' tout • froM.--.t ,s1,101/ to,41,143i; jui$, 04) a t trittirm r p iintt,itetti:fu fold: kon',fthgteestiteorebteo; I/hug:iced It- /1 Thu better' than 'go,* vet:Jet:yd. which. its *nether was, busy getting $t.A!,-4,.. ei•04. xo, lizard, it i* known to hive .'tontiaeffilly ibe • - ret was terverely injured the'et, twa, wirt. ...00,"1111:4_01, 7,..„1. 1v2storth-ietti, tgeet.od L_he,. tstirpste, , The, most. wns' httrned f0 death btf9te' or joitibitt.40,044 totiogs ota,46,1 to.zfl ,,tetinr# - .tac ,tA •, •tit totild • tatinguisit , • •„- „„ ,t1 1,14•-` '00-• - * t t • 1114.14 r*4 „ 4 AMP, ,Se , *41. - "4" lank with her - ' • ' TO SUCCEED • 101111 - • lkte overnightstops 4fritetstYer .° st. t . r *d thogunners ie'' Bran lii OI • front Lotulon The it*M e 70; wood patent*" ,055 . . • , nd s 44,17111(701'4118+tl:thi(8 ;tattIO;4t4kinaeit 11 TH.P4Z04.41* 1.nd irty SCIa4way, Xhpiri 14* 'r tea. .4z)t, 140., 110,144.,, to, turc „• t trit T 'fa APrii 6.-'''IVAP°144.." 8t 't'd$1.9 night whet the *t er tvg, 14100 - , • t Oen. ' t EXIT • rtstrigl ttr. f'('•'"`r .0oys.4 tho 6,-tinixt#4 .01 thes,6steads, ,and the number may pot.. bate *.tt orhestra. .in this hituttrs-rill *alit until t or oron ,.,. . , , 1 sitkii are in ti eiith thei iinuni,..,•tibly reich. a hundred. theusatid.! eountry. whith will ,soon ho the pasting' and then shoot' into tho 'were in. ,fairly .aeliv, wristol and' It:Odors' ttrot . 41 ‘'' — • X•0 :tenet. , _ ., - ' '• sottit --inovit'ottnti'll'io...40114x,. is i•A,11. '-'s,ti/er$,..14,41.211 .4.ri..,*IrAttlowati' ,rtuali of a.nratieh. 'organisation.: in' , tloek_ ;front behind', _It •tuit %ten rieea firm, ',kir stell Anialitd tootle. 'picked up $4, bOttle 31. 1:1:,-..4 carb,olin ii Auto.A. , . . ,,, , aacepti,,nally larirt.,-- -Traits' iii-tiiiii liThriiilicrtti. Of, rniliiiiW.E;44-t SO' ,'•21,niiiriec'",--; -*Ai; .itiosir'unitiiiicsa 'Shown that- 'stet iiritibri- elfeetive 6.- -, ' et:4: 41-44-iii,c4,„ - 14r.Aeli t-afid•..firritlatake.,„and. Oratik.port__34.ff,,,..__ ,_, ,,,,.. „. :, .,,4„,„„ - -' '...„00,,„.„'„„„.,;„,,,,,_ , , .,; ... ,,,, _ •• _ .,„_,,,..t ,_ I1 11 are tlif',, rule of tne &I° 'great. ttefit, the, Clovertinkint b**,,prafte•iadue to Mr., 'Weisman, the this w* , than when the attack is , • . 8 ,Aikere wanted, and 'the, ' tto. rontr,,nt. D,Pg.„ faitd.,tw* lino innniait•int4 Xi.),(,e.o jaw, *till ' ArNOtigNI IV; 6016' largo fitroishisa Conduetor, an(1 to tilos. perfor rs :Th*Alto front 'the, front. ." ,, .• . ' ,) • , . ' it.kiN flott,144 1,4;1143.„ '.,, VC, ,I. filtelittisch :were called. autt.ii - 8.1i,c,,-,-"Nr..0anible *sad to Ise- . . . *11414 trai,IS Ate! tetregiAg 1'V. i' ' 'Pi 5* tn, 4 he vtsed,,tiOt itinlyi thenselyes, Slot forgettin sit,' Thi' win'tlitt the .44 *ha bittor,, . tikri:',,IdtetS •woo* 44111,,i wiell.- * Ktomott Pump.. 111'0 ho,Of,°•ratluk,r .10114. • Do; ,yon., think It&I" ti,,,,,,Aiirvit an& niis; threat *tut mouth *Ore hiully„inak* join* . - fitn..biinitto He ' arltioltrit Air ,Atritti(A, *))* frillet t?„ -,.0 L'.t ' trik4Ileti Iti'Ml 4 the' lrnited ',who IS*00., shouldered fie gi lid lot :then tug' goeitosly tow. matt, , i t74*.ts uf the., rentrzl: ,re t.t. ' . , 1 ' iStati'As., lost Ails), hy thete from Itot,W ,ea*ponsibility widok mod*, tb ii �eitteihoi, tothouti,•tifirkg le**4han. (al', - .:-,44alet And iotir'ir,: -hurtio.d. but be is stow #4ing /*otitis;•-•-,•,"'.1atiell Ins it*, ii * • trit. ,:t.,t,„•.......,2:4•1 tett1:0144`. i4,.4 -,..1.1s.; stit4" ',on ototiii* and 1.,4airap.,„ i iiihoil ortkaira possiltilaii o r .1**,4 trot* t.4.,troolt40 ,. . - r oche** -•.' wen,. ' ‘ ,. ,iiintir ., . 1 . ilccx41'h cow 6.4 P , MP. I+ •1" 44,41; , 16, , , 4.44,66.664466616....µ... 4..4a #4, , 66,6